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2016 年7 月,广东粤北华南虎省级自然保护区饲养的一条雌性莽山烙铁头蛇(Protobothrops mangshanensis)产下26 枚蛇卵,随后将蛇卵移至室内,用干净沙土进行控温孵化,在室温25~28 ℃,湿 度60% 环境下,莽山烙铁头蛇的蛇卵孵化期为29~34 d。成功孵出16 条幼蛇,成活6 条,孵化率61.5%, 对幼蛇进行了开食和食物种类试验。因幼蛇不主动采食,采用PPC 管固定蛇身,采取人工灌喂乳鼠、牛 肉等食物和恒温越冬措施,形成用PPC 管控制蛇身、防止被蛇咬伤的定身防伤害人工育幼方法。  相似文献   

2001年9月15日下午,在四川省巴中市巴州区林业局公安科全体民警的精心组织和护送下,巴中市同心蛇类驯养繁殖场人工孵化的8000余条幼蛇和2000余条成蛇在平梁乡二村二社风骨山野外被放生.在举行了简单的放归仪式后,万余条幼蛇、成蛇带着人们对大自然和生态环境的美好愿望,回归了大山、林间.  相似文献   

为保持生态平衡,钟山县公安镇牛庙(平桂)野生动物养殖场,多年来坚持“抓一放三”的原则,9月4日,场长颜沛友把2500多条自孵的滑鼠蛇、三线广蛇、五稍蛇等幼蛇送交县林业部门放归大自然。  相似文献   

橙斑白条天牛是油桐树上的1种重要害虫。该虫在河南汝阳3 a发生1代,以幼虫或成虫在树干内越冬。成虫在5月下旬至6月下旬为产卵盛期。一般1头雌虫1代产卵3~7次,每次产卵2~5粒。9月上旬停食死亡。其寿命为300 d左右。幼虫卵经5~8 d孵化为幼虫,7月下旬至8月中旬为孵化盛期。该天牛成虫、幼虫同时危害油桐,以幼虫蛀干危害最严重。成虫啃食1~3 a生枝条的皮,甚至咬断枝条。用40%氧化乐果乳油1︰1倍液涂干防治效果最为理想,对1~2龄幼虫和成虫杀伤力达100%,对3龄以上幼虫杀伤力达96%左右。  相似文献   

最近,河池地区野生动物救护中心将一批眼镜蛇幼蛇等野生动物放归大自然。 今年,河池地区野生动物救护中心收容救护的眼镜蛇产下蛇蛋1000多枚,每个蛋重近30克。为了让这些蛇蛋孵出小蛇,救护中心采用人工孵化的办法,精心护理。一个多月后,面对黑亮的小眼镜蛇,工作人员十分高兴但又很为难。因为这种小蛇人工养殖十分困难,放生又不知对小蛇是福是祸。经过分析,觉得让它们回归大自然是上策。10月12日,在地区林业局副局长陈金平的带领下,救护中心将1300条眼镜蛇幼蛇、一条近10公斤重的蟒蛇以及旱獭、中国水蛇等价值1…  相似文献   

华南虎省级自然保护区莽山烙铁头蛇资源调查初报   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
2007年在粤北华南虎省级自然保护区与湖南莽山国家级自然保护区交界的沙坪片发现莽山烙铁头蛇活体实体1条。为了进一步了解莽山烙铁头蛇资源情况,2010—2012年,2个自然保护区与湖南莽山国家级自然保护区的科研人员对沙坪片区莽山烙铁头蛇进行野外调查,结果表明在华南虎省级自然保护区沙坪片有莽山烙铁头蛇分布,分布海拔800~1 200 m,种群数量估计有48~80条。  相似文献   

钟山县牛庙野生动物养殖场最近向县林政部门无偿提供2500尾幼蛇,投放到该县的几个主要林场内,促进林区的生态平衡。牛庙野生动物养殖场自1993年创办以来,巳成功繁殖多批幼蛇,除了留下少数蛇苗自养外,巳累计向自然界投放各类幼蛇8000多尾,有力地促进了当地的生态平衡,保护了自然环境钟山县向林区投放蛇苗@徐光全~~  相似文献   

以人工饲养20月龄以上的舟山眼镜蛇为采毒研究对象。采毒样本的蛇体重750~1 500 g,采毒期间饲喂脱毛小鸡,蛇自咬膜采毒法,每月取毒2次。结果表明:采毒对象样本N=4 500条(♂1 176条/♀3 324条),实际采毒次数N_1=34 809次,平均每条蛇每次采毒量冻干粉0. 101 9 g,死亡17例,进食无影响,产卵无异常。因采毒断牙、牙龈流血比例每年5%~10%,一年饲养期不采毒个体平均比采毒个体增重21. 23%(采毒样本N_2=30条,不采毒样本N_3=30条)。  相似文献   

本文就如何利用半地下塑料棚确保黑眉锦成蛇、幼蛇成功越冬进行了简介。通过这种方法,成蛇、幼蛇越冬成活率分别达90%、80%以上。  相似文献   

为了更好地保护和利用王锦蛇的自然资源,对王锦蛇的繁殖进行了研究,结果表明:每年的6月下旬至7月中旬为王锦蛇的产卵高峰期,每次产卵数量为8~18枚(平均为13枚);适宜的孵化温度为20~35℃,适宜的孵化环境的相对湿度为60%~80%;王锦蛇卵的孵化期为45~55天,人工孵化率为92.9%~100%.  相似文献   

广州市主城区绿地信息提取及其动态变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于广州市主城区2004年、2008年及2012年SP5影像数据,应用遥感分类技术中的监督分类、非监督分类以及先提取植被技术再非监督分类的方法提取广州市主城区的绿地信息,将提取的结果与森林资源二类调查档案更新资料进行比较,找出最优的分类提取方法;应用最优的绿地信息提取方法,提取广州市主城区2004年、2008年及2012年绿地信息并分析其动态变化过程。研究结果表明:1)通过先提取研究区影像植被指数然后作非监督分类的方法可以快速而准确地提取出城市绿地信息,这是一种可行的城市绿地监测手段。2)从2004—2012年,广州市主城区绿地面积明显减少,特别是在2004—2008年减幅较大,2008—2012年趋于平缓。  相似文献   

聂衍韬  黄聪 《绿色科技》2022,(2):130-133
为了探究镉(Cd)污染土壤原位修复中细菌物种多样性及其群落结构特征,采用Illumina Miseq高通量测序技术对不同土壤修复剂处理后土壤的细菌群落进行了分析。结果表明:土壤修复剂的处理会影响土壤细菌群落的多样性及其组成。土壤中主要优势菌门为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)(18.99%~35.79%)、放线菌门(Actinobacteriota)(13.29%~29.37%)和酸杆菌门(Acidobacteriota)(11.19%~21.69%)等,且不同处理之间在属水平组成差异明显。该结果有助于了解土壤中有效态镉与细菌群落的相关性,为后续寻找新的微生物修复方法提供理论参考。  相似文献   

European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) is threatened by Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus, the agent of ash dieback disease. Beside ordinary ash dieback symptoms, collar rots have been reported on declining ashes as an additional problem of increasing severity. Since 2009, ash dieback has been surveyed annually in a provenance trial on four different sites in southwest Germany (Metzler et al. in Ger J For Res 183:168–180, 2012). The trial was established in 2005. Data of tree growth, ash dieback symptoms and collar rot prevalence were collected by surveying the trial in summer 2012 and compared with previously published data of the trial. Evaluations revealed a continuous and considerable increase in dieback severity since 2009. The results suggest that the infection process has not come to a standstill yet. Up to 2012, 6 % of the trees remained symptomless, whereas mortality added up to 9 %. There were significant differences in ash dieback severity between the investigated provenances. Collar rot prevalence ranged from 19 to 59 % between study sites. Moreover, high spatial dependency of collar rot prevalence could be detected within sites. Collar rots were more abundant on trees of severe ash dieback intensity, but could also be detected on 15 % of otherwise healthy trees. Mycelium from collar rots could be identified by means of RFLP analyses and sequencing of the ITS region as most likely belonging to Armillaria gallica. The possible roles of Armillaria spp. and H. pseudoalbidus in collar rot formation are discussed.  相似文献   

阐述了桉树青枯病控制技术研究及应用所取得的进展。包括化学防治技术的研究应用情况;生物防治如拮抗细菌、菌根真菌、植物诱导抗病性以及抗病基因转导技术的研究进展;桉树抗病育种的研究与应用进展;控制桉树青枯病的营林技术措施。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the early silviculture of silver fir(Abies alba Mill.), a major softwood in Romania covering more than 294,000 ha. Three research plots(DRP1, DRP2 and DRP3) were established in a 25-year-old silver fir-dominated stand in May 2012. In DRP1 and DRP2, heavy cleaning-respacing were carried out while DRP3 was kept as a control. After the treatments in 2012,the plots had stocking between 1470 trees ha~(-1)(DRP2) and10,030 trees ha~(-1)(DRP3), basal areas between11.8 m~2 ha~(-1)(DRP2) and 31.6 m~2 ha~(-1)(DRP3). The average diameters were between 5.7 cm(DRP3) and 9.6 cm(DRP2). Measurements in September 2016 confirmed the rapid response of silver fir to cleaning-respacing.The best results in average diameter increments and basal area between 2012 and 2016 were in DRP2: 3.7 cm(36.4%) and 7.7 m~2 ha~(-1)(85.0%) respectively. The largest diameter trees in 2012 were the best growers, and a strong linear correlation between the initial diameter of the remaining trees and their increment was established. Natural dieback of trees occurred only in DRP3(8.6%). The selection of crop trees based on the vigour, quality, and spacing criteria during cleaning-respacing was possible as individuals stood out in terms of vigour and early diameter growth. An issue encountered in DRP1 and DRP2 was the occurrence of epicormic shoots, especially on less vigorous individuals with small crowns. However, four years after cleaning-respacing, these branches are small and do not significantly affect the wood quality.  相似文献   

三种细菌制剂对草坪草的抗旱和抗病效应研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以草坪草高羊茅为材料,将实验室分离的三种细菌(E、F、H)制成菌剂,并将三种细菌制剂应用于草坪草,测定其对草坪草抗旱性及抗病性的影响。结果显示,三种菌剂分别与复合肥混合使用效果最佳,可有效促进草坪草生长,减少电解质透出率和丙二醛含量,增加草坪草游离脯氨酸含量、硝酸还原酶含量和叶绿素含量,增强了草坪草的抗旱性。接种立枯丝核菌后,菌剂与复合肥混合使用可推迟草坪草的发病时间并减少病斑数量,过氧化物酶活性、多酚氧化酶活性及苯丙氨酸解氨酶活性均高于其它处理,草坪草对立枯丝核菌的抗性明显增强。  相似文献   

许树林  沈秀丽 《林业研究》1998,9(2):105-107
IntroductionManymicro-florascanbefoundonskin,organsandtissues,whichareopenedtotheoutSide.Thesemicro-florasandhostscoexistdependoneachotherandformaco-mplicatedmicro-ecologicalsystemiinwhichthenormalbaCterialflorasplayanimportantrole.ManyreportsshowedthatnormalbaCterialflorasplayanimportantroleinthedevelopmentofimmunesystem.TheycanresisttheinvadingandofalienbaCteriaandenhancetheabilitytoresiStinfection(KanBat1980,andLiMeitong1991).ThenormalbaCterialflorasaresignificantinmaintainingbalanceof…  相似文献   


The formation of the organic layer within Scandinavian forest soil started about 10000 yr ago, following the retreat of the continental ice sheet. Since then the land has been slowly rising in northern Europe and uplift still occurs on the coast of the Bothnian Bay at a rate of about 0.6-0.9 m per 100 yr. Four, 300 m long, successional gradients were studied from the shoreline to a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stand with a fully developed humus layer of a few centimetres' thickness. The plantless shoreline was followed by small foredunes and dunes, characterized by Agrostis stolonifera and Leymus arenarius, respectively, and the deflation basin characterized by lichens and sparse Festuca ovina and Deschampsia flexuosa. The study sites situated in Scots pine stands of about 25 and 40 yr age were characterized by sparse dwarf shrubs, lichens and bryophytes. The amount of organic matter in soil increased along the gradient. When the microbial biomass, estimated as indicative phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs), was calculated on the organic matter basis, the total microbial biomass as well the amount of bacterial PLFAs decreased from the earlier stages of succession towards the pine forest. The ratio of fungal to bacterial PLFAs increased along the succession. The bacterial community structure in the shore soil was different to that in the dune soil or in forested zones. On the plantless shore the microbial community was almost completely described by PLFAs indicative of Gram-negative bacteria. In addition to these bacterial PLFAs, dunes were characterized by PLFAs indicative of actinomycetes. Thus, the fungal part of the microbial community seemed to respond most to the accumulation of organic matter and increasing C/N ratio, while the bacterial biomass and bacterial community structure seemed also to reflect the composition of the vegetation and the varying quality of the organic matter.  相似文献   

中山陵景区异龄复层混交林群落抑菌功能测定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在南京中山陵景区对构建的9种异龄复层混交林群落抑菌功能测定表明,不同混交林群落都有明显的抑菌作用。上午10:00时,含有秃杉、香樟和阔瓣含笑的混交林抑菌率达到80%以上;9种不同混交林空气中细菌菌落数减少1 328~1 817个/m3,抑菌率为64.4%~88.3%。下午15:00时,含有阔瓣含笑、乳源木莲、香樟、深山含笑和秃杉的混交林抑菌率也达到80%以上;9种不同混交林空气菌落数减少1 398~1 975个/m3,抑菌率达65.5%~92.7%。  相似文献   

【目的】采集杉木人工林土壤,通过室内土壤培养实验,研究添加不同制备原料和制备温度的生物炭对土壤细菌群落结构及多样性的影响,为改善南方酸性红壤及合理应用生物炭提供科学依据。【方法】原土添加3%的300℃杉叶炭(BL300)、600℃杉叶炭(BL600)、300℃木屑炭(BW300)及600℃木屑炭(BW600),与对照土壤进行对比,进行培养实验80天,运用高通量测序技术对PCR所扩增16SrDNA序列的V3+V4区域进行测定。【结果】OTU韦恩图分析表明,添加BL300的土壤细菌较对照丰度提高,其他生物炭处理丰度减小;通过PCoA分析和Beta多样性分析及UPGMA聚类分析得出,添加杉叶炭后土壤细菌群落结构及多样性与对照土壤的差异显著,其中BL600与对照差异最大,添加木屑炭结果与对照较相似;添加生物炭对不同物种水平上的土壤细菌结构和功能产生一定影响,其中杉叶炭处理影响十分显著,使土壤优势菌丰度变化较大,木屑炭处理对优势菌的影响相对较小。【结论】添加BL300生物炭提高了土壤细菌的丰度,而添加其他生物炭降低了细菌丰度;不同制备原料和温度对生物炭存在影响,由于木屑炭可利用氮素不足,杉叶生物炭对土壤细菌结构和多样性的影响比木屑生物炭更显著,高温炭灰分含量较多,因此对细菌多样性的影响大于低温炭;不同的土壤细菌种群生活习性与功能不同,对生物炭组分利用程度也不同,添加生物炭能够改变土壤中优势种群的相对丰度和土壤细菌群落的整体功能。  相似文献   

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