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鹿角盘(coronet,burr)是雄性梅花鹿或马鹿茸角基部与角柄连接处的一圈粗糙的突起部分,一般在锯茸时留在角柄上,翌年春季脱落。鹿角盘又称鹿花盘、鹿脱盘、珍珠盘等,在8~9个月的生长期间,鹿角盘参与鹿全身营养的吸收与代谢。早在东汉  相似文献   

为比较大、小兴安岭驼鹿角型的差异,统计分析了二者自然脱落的干角1 0 0 0余只,结果表明,除2杈和3杈角型基本一致外,4杈以上形状变化较大。主要表现在:大兴安岭所产驼鹿角的分杈数比小兴安岭所产驼鹿角分杈数多。大兴安岭所产驼鹿角分杈数可达9杈,而小兴安岭驼鹿角分杈数最多为6杈;大兴安岭驼鹿角4杈以上为掌状,属“掌型”,而小兴安岭驼鹿角4杈以上绝大多数为“杈型”;大小兴安岭驼鹿角各种分杈所占比例不同。大兴安岭驼鹿的4杈角最多,而小兴安岭驼鹿的3杈角最多;对于分杈数相同的驼鹿角,大兴安岭产驼鹿角的掌状面积、最大角长和重量都大于小兴安岭驼鹿角;而大兴安岭驼鹿角的角基直径却小于小兴安岭驼鹿角  相似文献   

对梅花鹿鹿角脱盘的主要化学成分分别进行了含量测定。结果表明:鹿角脱盘中含有16种氨基酸,其中含有7种人体必需氨基酸;鹿角脱盘中粗蛋白含量为32.800%,水溶性蛋白质含量为12.800%;总糖、还原糖和可溶性糖含量分别为1.682%、0.575%和1.143%;而总粗脂肪、游离脂肪酸和磷脂含量分别为1.910%、0.067%和0.300%;鹿角脱盘中含有钙、钾、锌、锰、铁、镁、钠等矿质元素。  相似文献   

每年3月份左右,雄鹿头上会渐渐长出1对嫩角,眼观呈紫红色,在嫩角的外表皮肤上长有绒毛,而皮肤内血管丰富,血液循环旺盛,用手触摸时会有一种热烫的感觉。这对嫩角习惯上被我们称为鹿茸。鹿茸的生长速度很快,从开始生长到可以割取一般只需要2个月左右,如若不及时锯下它,鹿茸就会逐渐老化变硬,到发情配种时会变成鹿角。鹿茸和鹿角只不过是在时间上的划分不同。  相似文献   

不知各位听说过或亲眼见过母鹿长鹿角这一怪事没有?从理论上讲,母鹿是不长角的(驯鹿例外).不过,母鹿长角这一怪事在四川省都江堰市发生了。该养鹿场隶属于四川省医药公司,共养鹿一千多头,母鹿三百多头,且全是梅花鹿.其中有一头八岁龄母鹿在头部左侧长了一支四寸左右长鹿角,该角未分叉(见照片)。头部右侧未见有长角迹象。据调查,这头编号为21号的母鹿,从两岁时开始长鹿角,且年年如此,母鹿长茸对它的正常发情。配种和产仔无任何影响.至于是什么原因造成这种现象,还有待于进一步探讨一头母梅花鹿长出了鹿角@唐福全  相似文献   

微量元素在养猪生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在饲料添加剂中,矿物质微量元素属于营养性添加剂,其作用极为重要,各种元素在猪日粮中的多少,不仅会影响饲料利用率,同时还会由于各种元素的比例失调、颉颃导致猪各种营养性疾病的发生。在猪体内约有55种矿物元素,其中必需的矿物元素有15种。在必需  相似文献   

<正> 植物的生长发育,除必需碳、氢、氧、氮、磷、钾、硫、钙、镁九种大量元素外,还必需硼、铁、铜、钼、锌、锰、氯等七种元素。这后七种元素,对植物的生长发育各有其直接作用,且不能被其它元素所代替,缺乏时将引起特有的缺素症状,过多时植物会受到毒害,影响的植物的正常生长、发育和产量、品质。由于植物对它们的需要量很少,所以被称为必需微量元素。显然,同植  相似文献   

家禽体内约含有1%~5%的矿物质,而所必需的矿物质元素至少也有16种之多。所谓“必需的无机元素”,仅限于已证实该元素在畜禽生理机能中起一定作用,若缺乏时会出现特征性症状。这些元素通常是指常量元素钙、磷、钾、钠、氯、硫、镁,都以g为单位计量,在体内占万分之一以上。必需微量元素有铁、碘、铜、锰、锌、钴和硒等,多以mg或ppm为单位;  相似文献   

旨在利用Label-free技术对天山马鹿的鹿角与鹿骨蛋白组分进行比较分析。以脱盘后130d的马鹿鹿角和鹿骨为研究对象,利用Label-free蛋白质组学技术和生物信息学方法解析比较鹿角与鹿骨的蛋白质组分。结果共成功鉴定1 138种蛋白质,其中鹿骨蛋白934种、鹿角蛋白835种。通过对成功鉴定到的蛋白质进行功能注释发现,鹿骨蛋白特异富集到了低密度脂蛋白受体代谢、黑质体发育、血管再生、细胞凋亡信号通路调节等过程;而鹿角特有蛋白富集到了肽类激素加工过程、活化T细胞增殖调节等生物学过程,其中肽类激素加工过程主要蛋白有CPE、CPN1、ECE1,活化T细胞增殖调节蛋白主要有IGF2、PRKAR1A、PYCARD。利用SPSS软件筛选鹿角与鹿骨显著差异表达蛋白(差异倍数2,P0.05),共筛选出差异蛋白质335种,其中75种蛋白在鹿骨中表达上调,260种蛋白在鹿角中表达上调,其中cathelicidin 1与cathelicidin 5在鹿角中为高表达,而cathelicidin 6在鹿骨中高表达。该试验结果弥补了鹿角与鹿骨蛋白质组分研究的空白,为进一步研究鹿角与鹿骨的有效成分奠定基础。  相似文献   

在现代兽类中,偶蹄目(Artiodactyla)和奇蹄目(Perissodactyla)的某些种类具角。角是头部的表皮和真皮部分特化的产物。其形状各异,而结构与形成方式皆有不同。兽角具有较高的经济价值,如鹿角、鹿茸、犀角、羚羊角均是名贵的药材。本文就兽角做的论述,可为产业部门提供兽角的基础知识,以探讨新的货源途径,更好地为四  相似文献   

There is a resurgence of interest in the study of deer antlers. Recent research advocates their potential for use in bone xenografts. Using this working hypothesis, we can formulate many questions: do antlers really present unique or interesting mechanical properties, and if so, which factors affect these properties? Many other issues, including tissue compatibility, could be discussed; however, this article will focus on the biomechanical features of antlers. This paper reviews some answers found within current published material, and could help determine the optimal selection of some antlers for further experimental studies and clinical trials. Some general elements like anatomy and histology of deer antlers are briefly summarised. This paper will attempt to define the fundamental differences between skeletal bone and antler bone in terms of their organic and mechanical properties. We will then compare the previously published data, which details the mechanical properties of antlers from different species of Cervidae, by reviewing several aspects such as: sex; geographical situation; morphology; hydration state; and mineral composition. Some findings emerge: mechanical properties do not vary with gender or latitude, and the most important determining factor appears to be the species, alongside morphology and use of antlers. The state of hydration and mineral composition also has an influence on the mechanical properties of Cervidae antlers.  相似文献   

This study describes a method for discriminating Rangifer antlers from true Cervus antlers using agarose gel electrophoresis, capillary electrophoresis, quantitative real-time PCR, and allelic discrimination. Specific primers labeled with fluorescent tags were designed to amplify fragments from the mitochondrial D-loop genes for various Cervus subspecies and Rangifer tarandus differentially. A 466-bp fragment that was observed for both Cervus and Rangifer antlers served as a positive control, while a 270-bp fragment was specifically amplified only from Rangifer antlers. Allelic discrimination was used to differentiate between Cervus and Rangifer antlers, based on the amplification of specific alleles for both types of antlers. These PCR-based assays can be used for forensic and quantitative analyses of Cervus and Rangifer antlers in a single step, without having to obtain any sequence information. In addition, multiple PCR-based assays are more accurate and reproducible than a single assay for species-specific analysis and are especially useful in this study for the identification of original Cervus deer products from fraudulent Rangifer antlers.  相似文献   

先后分3批次,对176头梅花鹿进行了增茸试验。结果,添喂纤维素酶曲组比对照组,鹿茸产量分别提高17.38%、26.78%和31.81%,平均每头增产129g。试验组采食量比对照组低7.48%,饲料消化率随纤维素酶曲添加水平的提高而提高。粗蛋白、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)和中性洗涤纤维(NDF)的消化率在添喂纤维素酶曲70g/头组,分别提高9.48%(P<0.01.)、7.82%(P<0.05)和8.81%(P<0.01).试验组鹿茸氨基酸和无机元素含量都有增加的趋势。血清氨基酸除胱氨酸和组氨酸外,其它氨基酸试验组均有不同程度的提高,无机元素含量除锰外,其它元素试验组均高于对照组。  相似文献   

为达到更好的锯茸止血效果,对梅花鹿锯茸时出血特点及锯茸止血药物应用效果进行了观察:收取初角茸时呈渗出状出血;收取二杠茸时呈线状出血;收取三杈茸和畸型茸时呈喷射状出血,并且有节律地进行搏动。出血量随着鹿茸的产量和茸根围度的增加而增多,但是当收取茸根围度为(20.3±0.6)cm的畸型茸时却不存在这种明显的相关关系。同一茸型不同年龄的鹿,因茸重、茸根围度的不同出血亦有差别。根据鹿茸的组织结构、生长规律和梅花鹿生理特点,选用由中药组成的外用锯茸止血药方剂,通过锯茸止血试验,结果表明,该锯茸止血药无刺激性,止血快,抗感染能力强,创面愈合良好,对再生茸产量没有明显影响(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

梅花鹿的锯茸应激反应过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对梅花鹿锯茸后行为的观察及锯茸前后血液生理变化的分析,证明受锯茸鹿也存在和其它动物一样的应激反应过程,表现出应激反应的三个阶段。锯茸前的拨鹿、保定及锯茸是引发鹿应激反应的应激源,受应激刺激的鹿行为上表现为喜躲避于阴凉处,运动减少,精神萎靡,采食量减少或拒食,大量出血,约经一天后才能恢复正常状态;血液生理变化为RBC、嗜酸性细胞、血小板数量增多,血凝时间缩短,与未受锯茸刺激鹿比较差异均机显著(P<0.01),其它血液生理指数没有明显变化(P>0.05)。因鹿应激反应过程中出血较多,能量消耗较大,采食减少或拒食,故影响再生茸的尽快生长,所以鹿锯茸时应尽量减轻应激反应过程。  相似文献   

Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of various routes of administration and doses of local anaesthetic (LA) to provide analgesia of the velvet antler of adult stags.

Methods: In Experiment 1, antlers from 50 red deer stags, ≥2-years-old were allocated to 1 of 4 treatment groups (n = 25 antlers/group) to receive injections with 2% lignocaine hydrochloride as follows: High-dose (1 ml/cm pedicle circumference) or Low-dose ring-block (0.4 ml/cm pedicle circumference) or; High-site or Low-site regional nerve block (5 ml per site, both of which included the auriculopalpebral nerve). An electrical stimulus was applied before application of LA and then each min for up to 4 min after LA injection. If no response was observed, analgesia was tested with a saw cut. If no response occurred, the antler was cut at that time. If the animal responded, a further wait time was applied until 4 min had elapsed, at which time observations ceased. In Experiment 2, 10 primary and 50 re-growth antlers were given a High-dose ring-block and tested with a saw cut after 1 min (n = 30) or 2 min (n = 30). If no response occurred, the antler was removed. If a response occurred, further 1-min wait periods were applied.

Results: In the High-dose ring-block and High-site nerve-block groups, 24/25 and 21/25 antlers were removed without response by 2 min, compared with 20/25 and 15/25 antlers in the Low-dose ring-block and Low-site nerve-block groups, respectively. The High-dose ring-block provided more effective analgesia after 3 min than the Low-dose ringblock, as assessed by the number of stags that did not respond to the electrical stimulus (p = 0.008), or subsequent antler removal (p = 0.050). The numbers of antlers removed without response after 1 or 2 min were greater using the High-site nerve-block than the Low-site nerve-block (p = 0.002 and p = 0.037, respectively). In all but the High-dose ring-block group, at least 1 stag required further LA after 4 min, before antler could be humanely removed. In Experiment 2, stags reacted to a saw-cut test on 6/30 antlers, 1 min after a High-dose ring-block, compared with 1/30 antlers after 2 min (p = 0.051).

Conclusion: The High-dose ring-block produced the most effective and rapid analgesia.

Clinical relevance: A High-dose ring-block with a 2-min wait period should be the preferred method for achieving local analgesia for velvet antler removal.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of various routes of administration and doses of local anaesthetic (LA) to provide analgesia of the velvet antler of adult stags. METHODS: In Experiment 1, antlers from 50 red deer stags, >or=2-years-old were allocated to 1 of 4 treatment groups (n = 25 antlers/group) to receive injections with 2% lignocaine hydrochloride as follows: High-dose (1 ml/cm pedicle circumference) or Low-dose ring-block (0.4 ml/cm pedicle circumference) or; High-site or Low-site regional nerve block (5 ml per site, both of which included the auriculopalpebral nerve). An electrical stimulus was applied before application of LA and then each min for up to 4 min after LA injection. If no response was observed, analgesia was tested with a saw cut. If no response occurred, the antler was cut at that time. If the animal responded, a further wait time was applied until 4 min had elapsed, at which time observations ceased. In Experiment 2, 10 primary and 50 re-growth antlers were given a High-dose ring-block and tested with a saw cut after 1 min (n = 30) or 2 min (n = 30). If no response occurred, the antler was removed. If a response occurred, further 1-min wait periods were applied. RESULTS: In the High-dose ring-block and High-site nerve-block groups, 24/25 and 21/25 antlers were removed without response by 2 min, compared with 20/25 and 15/25 antlers in the Low-dose ring-block and Low-site nerve-block groups, respectively. The High-dose ring-block provided more effective analgesia after 3 min than the Low-dose ring-block, as assessed by the number of stags that did not respond to the electrical stimulus (p = 0.008), or subsequent antler removal (p = 0.050). The numbers of antlers removed without response after 1 or 2 min were greater using the High-site nerve-block than the Low-site nerve-block (p = 0.002 and p = 0.037, respectively). In all but the High-dose ring-block group, at least 1 stag required further LA after 4 min, before antler could be humanely removed. In Experiment 2, stags reacted to a saw-cut test on 6/30 antlers, 1 min after a High-dose ring-block, compared with 1/30 antlers after 2 min (p = 0.051). CONCLUSION: The High-dose ring-block produced the most effective and rapid analgesia. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A High-dose ring-block with a 2-min wait period should be the preferred method for achieving local analgesia for velvet antler removal.  相似文献   

This study aims at presenting histology of growing and mature antlers in red deer stag ( Cervus elaphus ). Growing antlers constitute a model organ for examining regeneration processes of tissues because they are the only mammalian appendages capable of regeneration. Histological study revealed that the tip of a growing antler consists of hairy skin, perichondrium, mesenchyme and chondroprogenitors area. By performing immunochistochemistry, we found that cell expressing Ki-67 and PCNA antigens were localized in basal layer of epidermis, skin glands and beneath their secretory sections, mesenchyme as well as within and in the vicinity of central blood vessels. Ultrastructurally, cells from chondroprogenitors zone have chondroblast-like morphology and take part in producing of collagen fibres followed by the process of cartilage mineralization. However, mature antlers also consist of lamellar osseous tissue.  相似文献   

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