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Spinosad is a novel mode-of-action insecticide produced from a family of natural products derived from fermentation of the actinomycete, Saccharopolyspora spinosa. Separate studies were undertaken to determine the minimum effective dose of spinosad given orally for the treatment of experimentally induced flea infestations (Ctenocephalides felis) on dogs, and to assess any potential impacts of feeding canned or dry food at the time of dosing. Both were randomized block (blocked by gender and pre-treatment flea counts), blinded parallel-arm studies, with dogs selected on health and ability to maintain pre-treatment flea populations. For dose selection, 48 dogs were allocated among six groups (8 dogs/group; 4 males, 4 females): placebo-treated negative control, spinosad in gelatin capsules at 15, 20, 30 and 40 mg/kg administered per os; and topical imidacloprid (10 mg/kg) as a positive control. Placebo and spinosad treatments were administered on Days 0, 30 and 60, imidacloprid only on Day 0. In a second study to assess the impact of food type at the time of dosing, three groups were formed: placebo-treated control (8 dogs; 4 males, 4 females), spinosad (30 mg/kg) administered with canned food (8 male dogs, 8 females); and spinosad (30 mg/kg) with dry food (8 males, 8 females). Treatments were administered on Days 0 and 30. To assess post-treatment persistent efficacy, flea infestations were repeated at regular post-treatment intervals, beginning on Day 5 through Day 89 in the dose selection study and Day 58 in the impact of food type and dosing study. Flea counts were performed 48 h post-infestation by study personnel who were blinded to treatments. In the dose selection study, compared to geometric mean live flea counts in the control group, each spinosad dose was highly effective (99.8–100%) at 7, 14 and 21 days after treatment. Only the 30 and 40 mg/kg doses maintained high efficacy (97.2–100%) until 30 days after treatment, with no difference between the two. Imidacloprid was highly effective at Day 30, with significant difference only from the 15 mg/kg spinosad group. Because there was no significant difference between the higher spinosad rates, 30 mg/kg was selected as the optimal minimum effective dose. In the second study, spinosad was highly effective at all post-treatment flea counts (98–100%). Taken together, these studies demonstrate that repeated monthly oral treatments with spinosad at 30 mg/kg provide sustained control of C. felis on dogs. There were no treatment-related adverse events in either study, indicating that spinosad has potential to be used monthly as a safe and effective flea adulticide, providing sustained activity that matches that of currently used topical products.  相似文献   

Monitoring of the performance of flea control products under conditions of natural challenge is valuable in assessing continued effectiveness and determining the ongoing relevance of laboratory studies. A multi-clinic, investigator-blinded study was undertaken in client-owned dogs to investigate and compare the flea control provided by 3 consecutive monthly treatments of oral spinosad (SPN) or fipronil/(S)-methoprene topical (FSM) spot-on. The first household dog meeting enrollment criteria and with at least 10 fleas (whole-body flea count) served as the index dog in a household against which primary objectives were set. Stratification was based on pruritus scores at the enrollment visit and on single or multiple pet household. Index pets were randomized to treatment with either SPN or FSM, dispensed on day 0 for at-home administration by owners. All other household dogs and cats, maximum 4 pets per household, were dispensed the same treatment as the index dog (spinetoram was dispensed for cats in SPN households). Subsequent treatments were dispensed when index dogs were returned for whole-body flea counts and pruritus-scoring at visits on days 30 and 60, with final assessments on day 90 (±5 days on each occasion). Primary endpoints were the number of flea-free index dogs in each group one month after the final treatment, the reduction in owner-reported pruritus, and the reduction from baseline mean flea counts. One hundred twenty eight index dogs were enrolled (65 in the SPN arm; 63 in the FSM arm) at 10 clinics in FL (6), NC (2), LA (1), and TX (1). On day 0, geometric mean flea counts were 57.7 (range: 10–1469) and 44.8 (10–717) for the SPN and FSM groups, respectively. On Day 90, 55 of 58 (95%) and 21 of 55 (38%) index dogs completing the study were flea-free in SPN and FSM groups, respectively; mean SPN pruritus scores declined to 0.92 (6.67 on day 0), and to 3.83 (6.33 on day 0) for FSM; geometric mean flea counts (% control) were 0.08 (99.9%) and 5.19 (88.4%), for SPN and FSM groups, respectively. Between-treatment differences were highly statistically significant (p < 0.0001). In conclusion, SPN provided reliable flea control in client-owned dogs, regardless of challenge level.  相似文献   

Fourteen of 23 dogs developing patent Trichuris vulpis infections by 120 days p.i. with 5000 embryonated eggs were allocated into three groups. One group was treated with flubendazole 220 mg chewable tablets (Flubenol) at the recommended dose regimen once daily for 3 days. The second group was given the recommended single treatment with a tablet containing 150 mg febantel, 144 mg pyrantel embonate and 50 mg praziquantel in combination (Drontal Plus). The third group remained untreated. All dogs were necropsied for worm counts 10 or 11 days after (first) treatment. No worms were recovered from the flubendazole treated dogs resulting in a significant worm count reduction of 100%. In contrast, 2 of 5 animals treated with the combination of febantel, pyrantel embonate and praziquantel remained infected; the geometric mean worm burden was reduced by 99.4% as compared to the control group but did not differ significantly from those of the controls.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine efficacy and safety of cyclosporine in the treatment of atopic dermatitis among dogs in North America. DESIGN: Randomized controlled (phase 1) and open-label (phase 2) trials. ANIMALS: 268 dogs with atopic dermatitis. PROCEDURE: In phase 1, dogs were randomly assigned to be treated with cyclosporine (5 mg/kg [2.3 mg/Ib], PO, q 24 h) or a placebo. In phase 2, all dogs were treated with cyclosporine for 16 weeks. Frequency of cyclosporine administration was decreased if dogs improved clinically. RESULTS: At the end of phase 1, canine atopic dermatitis extent and severity index (CADESI) scores for dogs treated with cyclosporine were significantly lower than scores for control dogs. Percentage of dogs with severe pruritus decreased from 67% to 16% for the cyclosporine group but from 66% to only 61% for the control group. During phase 2, cyclosporine dosage was decreased to every-other-day administration in 39% of the dogs after 4 weeks. After 12 weeks, 22% of the dogs were treated twice weekly and 36% were treated every other day. After 16 weeks, CADESI score had decreased > 50% in 68% of the dogs and 47% of dogs had no or mild pruritus. The most frequent adverse reactions were gastrointestinal tract signs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that cyclosporine is efficacious for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in dogs and that frequency of cyclosporine administration can be reduced following an initial induction period. The drug was well tolerated.  相似文献   

The efficacy and safety of a novel spot-on formulation of metaflumizone plus amitraz (ProMeris/ProMeris Duo for Dogs, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Overland Park, KS) was assessed in dogs naturally infested with ticks and/or fleas in a multiregional, clinical field study. Nineteen veterinary clinics in Germany and 11 clinics in France enrolled patients to the study. One hundred eighty one dogs with tick infestation and 170 dogs with flea infestation (plus three dogs harboring both ticks and fleas) qualified as primary patients and were randomly allocated to one of two treatments in a ratio of approximately 2:1 for metaflumizone plus amitraz (minimum dosage of 20 plus 20mg/kg) or fipronil (at the recommended label rate). Clinical examinations and baseline parasite counts were performed on Day 0 prior to treatment. Tick and/or flea counts and safety evaluations were repeated at intervals of about 2 weeks for 8 weeks. Both products resulted in consistent reductions in tick numbers (>81%) throughout the study, with metaflumizone plus amitraz giving consistently higher reductions in tick numbers. The efficacy against tick count compared with Day 0 was 97.6%, 93.5%, 89% and 94% at Day 14, 28, 42 and 56, respectively, for metaflumizone plus amitraz. The corresponding efficacies for fipronil were 86.3%, 81.1%, 84.8% and 86.1%. Within groups, the tick reduction was highly significant (P<0.0001) compared to baseline at all observation periods. Both treatments resulted in consistent (>89%) and highly significant (P<0.0001) reductions in flea numbers relative to the baseline counts throughout the study, although fipronil resulted in numerically higher reductions on each count day. The efficacy against fleas compared to baseline was 91.8%, 88.7%, 91.5% and 92.0% at Day 14, 28, 42 and 56, respectively, for metaflumizone plus amitraz. The corresponding efficacies for fipronil were 98.2%, 96.3%, 95.9% and 96.7%. Metaflumizone plus amitraz was highly effective in controlling existing infestations of fleas and ticks on dogs and was effective against reinfestation for at least 56 days. Metaflumizone plus amitraz showed a good tolerance profile in dogs.  相似文献   

Selamectin, a novel avermectin, was evaluated in two controlled studies (one in Beagles, one in domestic shorthaired cats) to determine an appropriate topical dose for efficacy against adult Ctenocephalides felis felis (C. felis) fleas on dogs and cats for 1 month. For each study, animals were allocated randomly to four treatments. One treatment consisted of the inert formulation ingredients (vehicle) administered as a negative control, and the other three treatments consisted of a single topical dosage of 3, 6, or 9mgkg(-1) of selamectin. In each study, selamectin was administered as a topical dose applied to the skin in a single spot at the base of the neck in front of the scapulae. Dogs and cats were infested with 100 viable unfed C. felis (50 males and 50 females) on days 4, 11, 18, and 27. Seventy-two hours (+/-2h) after each infestation, on days 7, 14, 21, and 30, a comb count to determine the number of viable fleas present on each animal was performed. Efficacy of selamectin on day 30 was used to select an appropriate dose. For dogs and cats, percentage reductions in geometric mean flea comb counts for the three selamectin treatments ranged from 94. 6 to 100% on days 7, 14, and 21, compared with the negative-control treatment. On day 30, reductions in flea comb counts were 81.5, 94.7, and 90.8% for dogs, and 79.8, 98.0, and 96.2% for cats treated with selamectin at 3, 6, or 9mgkg(-1), respectively. For day 30 flea comb counts for dogs and cats, analysis of variance showed that the three selamectin treatments resulted in significantly (P< or =0.05) lower counts than did the negative-control treatment. For dogs and cats, geometric mean flea counts for selamectin administered at a dosage of 3mgkg(-1) were significantly (P< or =0.05) higher than those for the 6 and 9mgkg(-1) treatment dosages combined. There were no significant differences in flea counts between the 6 and 9mgkg(-1) treatments. This analysis was confirmed by linear-plateau modeling. Thus, the optimal dose of selamectin for efficacy against adult fleas for both dogs and cats, as estimated by the turning point (plateau) in the dose response curve, was 6mgkg(-1).  相似文献   

The anticonvulsant activity and safety of imepitoin, a novel antiepileptic drug licensed in the European Union, were evaluated in a multicentre field efficacy study as well as in a safety study under laboratory conditions. Efficacy of imepitoin was compared with phenobarbital in 226 client‐owned dogs in a blinded parallel group design. The administration of imepitoin twice daily in incremental doses of 10, 20 or 30 mg/kg demonstrated comparable efficacy to phenobarbital in controlling seizures in dogs. The frequency of adverse events including somnolence/sedation, polydipsia and increased appetite was significantly higher in the phenobarbital group. In phenobarbital‐treated dogs, significantly increased levels of alkaline phosphatase, gamma‐glutamyl‐transferase and other liver enzymes occurred, while no such effect was observed in the imepitoin group. In a safety study under laboratory conditions, healthy beagle dogs were administered 0, 30, 90 or 150 mg/kg imepitoin twice daily for 26 weeks. A complete safety evaluation including histopathology was included in the study. A no‐observed‐adverse‐event level of 90 mg/kg twice daily was determined. These results indicate that imepitoin is a potent and safe antiepileptic drug for dogs.  相似文献   

One hundred four heartworm-free Beagles less than 1 year old were studied to determine the efficacy of ivermectin chewable tablets and of 2 other ivermectin tablet formulations against heartworm larvae. At 30 days after SC inoculation of dogs with infective Dirofilaria immitis larvae, all ivermectin formulations were given orally at dosage of 6 micrograms/kg of body weight. The ivermectin chewable tablets also were given orally at dosage of 2 and 6 micrograms/kg at 30 and 45 days, respectively, after injection of larvae. Replicates of 6 or 8 dogs in each study were formed on the basis of gender and body weight and, within replicates, were randomly allocated to treatment groups. At 30 days after injection of larvae, the additional dogs (in replicates of 8) were assigned to the control group and to the group given ivermectin chewable tablets at dosage of 6 micrograms/kg. All dogs were housed individually. Necropsy was performed approximately 5 or 6 months after larvae were administered. In both trials, all control dogs had heartworms at necropsy (University of Illinois--geometric mean, 35.0; Florida--geometric mean, 26.1). In both trials, the ivermectin chewable tablet (6 micrograms/kg) and both tablet formulations (6 micrograms/kg) given at 30 days after larval injection, and the chewable formulation (6 micrograms/kg) given at 45 days after larval injection were 100% effective (P less than 0.01) in preventing development of induced infection with D immitis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two controlled and masked multi-centre studies were conducted to examine the efficacy of a novel topical avermectin, selamectin, against natural flea infestations on 418 dogs and 345 cats. Veterinary patients with viable flea infestations were enrolled in the studies, which were conducted in United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy. Animals were allocated randomly in a 2:1 ratio to one of two treatments: either selamectin alone at a minimum dosage of 6mgkg(-1) or fenthion at recommended dose rates. Concurrent use of an environmental spray (containing methoprene and either pyrethrins or permethrin) was permitted only for fenthion-treated animals. In-contact cats and dogs (animals living in the same home) received the same treatment as the first animal enrolled from the household, if recommended by the veterinarian. Study day 0 was defined as the day of first treatment. Animals were treated on days 0, 30, and 60, and flea comb counts and clinical evaluations were conducted on days 0, 14, 30, 60, and 90. Analysis of variance of ln(flea count+1) showed that values were significantly lower for selamectin alone compared with fenthion (with or without the concurrent use of an environmental spray) in dogs on days 30, 60, and 90 (P<0.05) and in cats on days 14, 30, 60, and 90 (P<0.01). For selamectin, the reductions in geometric mean flea counts on days 14, 30, 60, and 90, compared with day 0, were 92.5, 90.7, 98.1, and 99.1%, respectively, for dogs and 92.8, 92.7, 97.7, and 98.4%, respectively, for cats. Selamectin was shown to be safe and highly effective in the control of naturally acquired flea infestations on dogs and cats presented as veterinary patients in Europe.  相似文献   

A novel spot-on formulation containing metaflumizone plus amitraz (ProMeris/ProMeris Duo for Dogs, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Overland Park, KS) was evaluated in four laboratory studies to confirm efficacy against fleas and ticks on dogs for 1 month. Three different strains of cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis felis) and four tick species were used. Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Dermacentor variabilis were evaluated concurrently in two studies and Ixodes scapularis and Amblyomma americanum in one study each. In all studies, dogs were randomly allocated to treatment groups and compared with nontreated dogs. One study also included a placebo treatment and a commercial product containing fipronil plus S-methoprene. All treatments were applied to the skin at a single spot between the scapulae on Day 0. Dogs were infested with fleas and/or ticks prior to treatment and then reinfested at weekly intervals for 6 weeks after treatment and evaluated for efficacy at 1 or 2 days after treatment and each reinfestation. These studies confirmed that treatment with ProMeris for Dogs at the proposed commercial dose rate rapidly controlled existing infestations of fleas and ticks on dogs. Treatment provided control of reinfesting fleas for up to 6 weeks and at least 4 weeks control of ticks. Efficacy was confirmed in a variety of dog breeds against three different flea strains and four common species of ticks found on dogs in the United States.  相似文献   

During 2007, a large-scale controlled, multicentre, blinded and randomised field study was conducted in Scotland, England and France to assess the efficacy and safety of monepantel, the first molecule to be developed from the recently discovered amino-acetonitrile derivatives class of anthelmintics, in sheep. Monepantel was administered orally, at a minimum dose of 2.5 mg/kg bodyweight, for the control of gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep maintained at pasture in a range of commercial production systems. Efficacy was measured by faecal egg count (FEC) reduction tests seven days after treatment and was demonstrated to be over 98 per cent against mixed-genus infections. The reduction in FEC of monepantel-treated sheep was statistically significantly greater than in untreated control sheep (P<0.0001). The efficacy of monepantel against mixed-genus natural field infections of the major gastrointestinal nematodes was in agreement with similar studies conducted in Australia and New Zealand. There were no treatment-related adverse events during the study, which included the use of a range of concomitant treatments.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare postoperative analgesia provided by a constant rate infusion (CRI) of dexmedetomidine (DMED) to that of a well-established positive control [morphine (MOR)] in critically ill dogs. The sedative, cardiorespiratory effects and clinical safety of a 24-hour DMED CRI were also evaluated.Study designProspective, randomised, blinded, positive-controlled parallel-group clinical study.AnimalsForty hospitalised, client-owned dogs requiring post-operative pain management after invasive surgery.MethodsAfter surgery, a loading dose of either DMED (25 μg m?2) or MOR (2500 μg m?2) followed by a 24-hour CRI of DMED (25 μg m?2 hour?1) or MOR (2500 μg m?2 hour?1) was administered. Pain was measured using the Short Form of the Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale, sedation and physiological variables were scored at regular intervals. Animals considered to be painful received rescue analgesia and were allocated to a post-rescue protocol; animals which were unresponsive to rescue analgesia were removed from the study. Data were analysed with anova, two-sample t-tests or Chi-square tests. Time to intervention was analysed with Kaplan–Meier methodology.ResultsForty dogs were enrolled. Twenty dogs (9 DMED and 11 MOR) did not require rescue analgesia. Eleven DMED and eight MOR dogs were allocated to the post-rescue protocol and seven of these removed from the study. Significant differences in pain scores between groups were not observed during the first 12 hours, however, DMED dogs were less (p = 0.009) painful during the last 12 hours. Sedation score over the entire 24-hour study was not significantly different between groups.Conclusion / Clinical RelevanceDexmedetomidine CRI was equally effective as MOR CRI at providing postoperative analgesia and no clinically significant adverse reactions were noted. This study shows the potential of DMED to contribute to a balanced postoperative analgesia regimen in dogs.  相似文献   

Milrinone has been studied in a variety of situations. In experimental dogs it has been documented to increase contractility to a similar degree as beta-receptor agonists and to produce mild arteriolar dilation in dogs. In canine patients with heart failure, milrinone produces demonstrable improvement in echocardiographic ventricular function and hemodynamic variables. In addition, it improves clinical signs in these patients, improving their quality of life. Milrinone is superior to digoxin as evidenced by the improvement in clinical signs noted in dogs that were unresponsive or no longer responding to digoxin administration. There is no doubt that milrinone improves short-term prognosis and in so doing prolongs life. Many of the patients that the author has observed would not have gone home without the benefits of milrinone. Milrinone's effects on long-term survival cannot be assessed, but its effects on survival time are certainly not dramatic enough to be evident without a comparison population. Therefore, milrinone administration should be considered palliative, as is administration of all other cardiovascular medications for heart failure. In addition to its beneficial effects, milrinone also appears to be relatively safe when compared with the alternative of digoxin administration. Fatal events attributable to milrinone administration are rare, and those directly attributable to enhanced ventricular arrhythmia can generally be avoided by monitoring an electrocardiogram after initial milrinone administration commences. Milrinone does not increase the incidence of sudden death in Doberman Pinschers. It is possible that a small number of dogs with mitral regurgitation may develop mitral chordal rupture. For this reason and possibly others, milrinone probably will not be indicated in early heart failure due to mitral regurgitation when heart failure is readily responsive to diuretic administration. The risk-to-benefit ratio turns markedly in the favor of milrinone administration in the dog with mitral regurgitation that is partially or completely refractory to other cardiovascular drugs. Milrinone appears to be a more effective and safer positive inotrope for long-term treatment of dogs with congestive heart failure than drugs currently available. The author and all the investigators involved in the milrinone clinical trials hope that it will soon be available for use by the veterinary community.  相似文献   

在江苏地区收集60只自然感染跳蚤的犬进行研究,观察吡虫啉滴剂对犬跳蚤的治疗效果。结果表明:吡虫啉滴剂对试验犬的血液指标无明显影响。用药后1 d、3 d、21 d和28 d,治愈率分别为85%、96.67%、100%和100%,且3 d、21 d和28d的减虫率和1d相比时,差异极显著(P<0.01)。故吡虫啉滴剂对犬安全可靠,治疗效果明显。  相似文献   

The novel ectoparasiticide spinosad is a naturally occurring mixture of spinosyns A and D formed during a fermentation process. The spinosyns are tetracyclic macrolides with a unique ring system. Their mode of action differs from that of other commercially available insecticides. Laboratory and field trials were conducted to evaluate the use of spinosad in a chewable tablet at a dose range of 45 to 70 mg/kg for the treatment and control of flea infestations on dogs in Europe. Laboratory studies with artificially infested dogs confirmed persistent activity against Ctenocephalides felis of higher than 99 per cent at three weeks post-treatment with values of 96.5 to 97.8 per cent at four weeks. Two multicentric field trials with naturally infected client-owned animals in five European countries used selamectin as comparator. Monthly doses were given during the summer when many homes were heavily infested. Households with spinosad-treated dogs showed cumulative benefits with flea burdens reduced by about 97 per cent at 14 and 30 days and by 99.6 per cent at 60 and 90 days. Corresponding figures for selamectin were significantly lower (P<0.05) at all time points: between 88.5 and 91 per cent at 14 and 30 days, then 97.8 and 98.2 per cent at 60 and 90 days. Thus, the performance of spinosad compared favourably with that of the established reference product.  相似文献   

A survey aimed at studying the presence and distribution of fleas on dogs was conducted in an area of southern Italy. Between February 2005 and 2006, dogs were examined for fleas at four private veterinary clinics, with a twice-weekly frequency. Fleas were detected on 246 (17.9%) out of the 1376 tested dogs. A total of 960 fleas were sampled and two species were identified, namely Ctenocephalides felis felis (16.3% of the tested dogs) and Ctenocephalides canis (1.5% of the tested dogs). The results of the logistic regression model showed a significant association between the flea positivity and the following independent variables: housed with other dogs or cats and utilization, i.e. increasing prevalence from pets to guard, hunting, and stray dogs. Clinical symptoms (pruritus, alopecia, and flea allergic dermatitis) were also observed in some of the flea positive dogs. Flea infestation was detected throughout the year, although the prevalence was higher during the period between June and October.  相似文献   

We performed a retrospective study of 56 dogs with Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) to evaluate the indications for and efficacy of transarterial PDA coil embolization. Transarterial PDA coil embolization was conducted in 37 cases (66.1%) and surgical ligation was conducted in 16 cases (28.6%). Three cases (5.4%) were diagnosed as pulmonary hypertension and were excluded from surgical intervention. Although coil dislodgement was observed in the pulmonary artery in one case, no death occurred during coil embolization or surgical ligation. Echocardiography showed that fractional shortening decreased from 35.4 +/- 6.8% to 30.2 +/- 5.9% (P<0.05) after transarterial PDA coil embolization. Although slight residual shunts were observed in 18 cases, transarterial PDA coil embolization was effective treatment of PDA.  相似文献   

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