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分别以Ta和(Ni0.81Fe0.19)1-yCry为种子层,研究了Co的含量x及Cr的含量y对Ni1-xCox薄膜各向异性磁电阻值(△ρ/ρ)的影响.结果表明,以Ta为种子层,x≈26%时Ni1-xCox薄膜的Δρ/ρ相对其它成份来说基本上是最大的;以(Ni0.81Fe0.19)1-yCry为种子层,y≈34%时Ni74Co26薄膜的Δρ/ρ基本上是最大的.(Ni0.81Fe0.19)66Cr34作为种子层在提高NiCo薄膜△ρ/ρ方面优于Ta.  相似文献   

The ability of morphine to alleviate pain is mediated through a heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein)-coupled heptahelical receptor (GPCR), the mu opioid receptor (muOR). The efficiency of GPCR signaling is tightly regulated and ultimately limited by the coordinated phosphorylation of the receptors by specific GPCR kinases and the subsequent interaction of the phosphorylated receptors with beta-arrestin 1 and beta-arrestin 2. Functional deletion of the beta-arrestin 2 gene in mice resulted in remarkable potentiation and prolongation of the analgesic effect of morphine, suggesting that muOR desensitization was impaired. These results provide evidence in vivo for the physiological importance of beta-arrestin 2 in regulating the function of a specific GPCR, the muOR. Moreover, they suggest that inhibition of beta-arrestin 2 function might lead to enhanced analgesic effectiveness of morphine and provide potential new avenues for the study and treatment of pain, narcotic tolerance, and dependence.  相似文献   

Electron tunneling paths in proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One of the crucial issues in biological electron transfer is the determination of the role of spatially intermediate amino acid residues in controlling or directing the electronic tunneling interaction between redox sites. A quantum path integral Monte Carlo method is developed for the analysis of electronic tunneling pathways in a highly structured environment. This path integral method is applied to intramolecular electron transfer in a ruthenium-modified myoglobin that contains a tryptophan in the "line-of-flight." A principal result is the identification of the relevant cylindrical zone swept out by the tunneling electron.  相似文献   

Hydrogen tunneling in enzyme reactions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Primary and secondary protium-to-tritium (H/T) and deuterium-to-tritium (D/T) kinetic isotope effects for the catalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde by yeast alcohol dehydrogenase (YADH) at 25 degrees Celsius have been determined. Previous studies showed that this reaction is nearly or fully rate limited by the hydrogen-transfer step. Semiclassical mass considerations that do not include tunneling effects would predict that kH/kT = (kD/kT)3.26, where kH, kD, and kT are the rate constants for the reaction of protium, deuterium, and tritium derivatives, respectively. Significant deviations from this relation have now been observed for both primary and especially secondary effects, such that experimental H/T ratios are much greater than those calculated from the above expression. These deviations also hold in the temperature range from 0 to 40 degrees Celsius. Such deviations were previously predicted to result from a reaction coordinate containing a significant contribution from hydrogen tunneling.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for performing fast time-resolved experiments with a scanning tunneling microscope. The method uses the intrinsic nonlinearity in the microscope's current versus voltage characteristics to resolve optically generated transient signals on picosecond time scales. The ability to combine the spatial resolution of tunneling microscopy with the time resolution of ultrafast optics yields a powerful tool for the investigation of dynamic phenomena on the atomic scale.  相似文献   

Self-assembled devices composed of periodic arrays of 10-nanometer-diameter cobalt nanocrystals display spin-dependent electron transport. Current-voltage characteristics are well described by single-electron tunneling in a uniform array. At temperatures below 20 kelvin, device magnetoresistance ratios are on the order of 10%, approaching the maximum predicted for ensembles of cobalt islands with randomly oriented preferred magnetic axes. Low-energy spin-flip scattering suppresses magnetoresistance with increasing temperature and bias-voltage.  相似文献   

Quasi-particles with fractional charge and statistics, as well as modified Coulomb interactions, exist in a two-dimensional electron system in the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) regime. Theoretical models of the FQH state at filling fraction v = 5/2 make the further prediction that the wave function can encode the interchange of two quasi-particles, making this state relevant for topological quantum computing. We show that bias-dependent tunneling across a narrow constriction at v = 5/2 exhibits temperature scaling and, from fits to the theoretical scaling form, extract values for the effective charge and the interaction parameter of the quasi-particles. Ranges of values obtained are consistent with those predicted by certain models of the 5/2 state.  相似文献   

Insertion of a thin nonmagnetic copper Cu(001) layer between the tunnel barrier and the ferromagnetic electrode of a magnetic tunnel junction is shown to result in the oscillation of the tunnel magnetoresistance as a function of the Cu layer thickness. The effect is interpreted in terms of the formation of spin-polarized resonant tunneling. The amplitude of the oscillation is so large that even the sign of the tunnel magnetoresistance alternates. The oscillation period depends on the applied bias voltage, reflecting the energy band structure of Cu. The results are encouraging for the development of spin-dependent resonant tunneling devices.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of a recent model of high-temperature superconductors based on an interlayer tunneling mechanism is presented. This model can account well for the observed magnitudes of the high transition temperatures in these materials and implies a gap that does not change sign, can be substantially anisotropic, and has the same symmetry as the crystal. The experimental consequences explored so far are consistent with the observations.  相似文献   

Reaction rates extracted from measurements of donor luminescence quenching by randomly dispersed electron acceptors reveal an exponential decay constant of 1.23 per angstrom for electron tunneling through a frozen toluene glass (with a barrier to tunneling of 1.4 electron volts). The decay constant is 1.62 per angstrom (the barrier, 2.6 electron volts) in a frozen 2-methyl-tetrahydrofuran glass. Comparison to decay constants for tunneling across covalently linked xylyl (0.76 per angstrom) and alkyl (1.0 per angstrom) bridges leads to the conclusion that tunneling between solvent molecules separated by approximately 2 angstroms (van der Waals contact) is 20 to 50 times slower than tunneling through a comparable length of a covalently bonded bridge. Our results provide experimental confirmation that covalently bonded pathways can facilitate electron flow through folded polypeptide structures.  相似文献   

Marcus theory has explained how thermal nuclear motions modulate the energy gap between donor and acceptor sites in protein electron transfer reactions. Thermal motions, however, may also modulate electron tunneling between these reactions. Here we identify a new mechanism of nuclear dynamics amplification that plays a central role when interference among the dominant tunneling pathway tubes is destructive. In these cases, tunneling takes place in protein conformations far from equilibrium that minimize destructive interference. As an example, we demonstrate how this dynamical amplification mechanism affects certain reaction rates in the photosynthetic reaction center and therefore may be critical for biological function.  相似文献   

Seasonal field observations show that the North Sea, a Northern European shelf sea, is highly efficient in pumping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to the North Atlantic Ocean. The bottom topography-controlled stratification separates production and respiration processes in the North Sea, causing a carbon dioxide increase in the subsurface layer that is ultimately exported to the North Atlantic Ocean. Globally extrapolated, the net uptake of carbon dioxide by coastal and marginal seas is about 20% of the world ocean's uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide, thus enhancing substantially the open ocean carbon dioxide storage.  相似文献   

针对小断面盾构隧道直径小、无法采用大型机械设备挖掘清理的实际情况,借鉴盾构机泥水加压平衡模式原理,以某小断面盾构隧道塌方清理为工程背景,探讨了小断面盾构隧道塌方清理技术,制定了用水搅拌淤砂后由泵抽吸至地面泥水分离设备,析出淤砂后的水再返回隧道循环使用的清理方案,包括竖井抽水、隧道排水、隧道上下行段排砂以及设置隧道口安全门等措施.该技术适用于固体颗粒分布不均匀,固相含量较高的清理物,以及环境湿度95%、温度-20~50℃的工况,人工与补水需求量低,对于类似空间受限环境下的清理作业,具有较强的适用性和借鉴性.  相似文献   

We observed coherent proton tunneling in the cyclic network of four hydrogen bonds in calix[4]arene. The tunneling frequency of 35 megahertz was revealed by a peak in the magnetic field dependence of the proton spin-lattice relaxation rate measured with field-cycling nuclear magnetic resonance in the solid state at temperatures below 80 kelvin. The amplitude of the coherent tunneling peak grows with temperature according to a Boltzmann law with energy D/kB = (125 +/- 10) kelvin (where kB is Boltzmann's constant). The tunneling peak can be interpreted in the context of level crossings in the region where the tunneling frequency matches the proton Larmor frequency. The tunneling spectrum reveals fine structure that we attribute to coupling between the hydrogen bonds in the network. The characteristics of the tunneling peak are interpreted in the context of the potential energy surface experienced by the hydrogen atoms in the network.  相似文献   

周翠  籍国东 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(15):7153-7155
利用超声波强化O3/H2O2(US/O3/H2O2)反应器降解含咔唑废水,考察了pH值、水温、反应时间、臭氧投加量、过氧化氢投加量和超声作用功率对咔唑降解率的影响。结果表明,单独的超声或臭氧作用对咔唑的降解率远低于两者的协同作用,pH值、温度、反应时间和臭氧投加量增加均能显著提高咔唑的降解率。通过正交试验,得出最佳工艺条件.pH值为1:2,温度为60气,超声功率为40w,反应时间为20min,臭氧投加量为2g/h,30%过氧化氢投加量为3.75ml/L。  相似文献   

We studied the nucleation of gold clusters on TiO2(110) surfaces in three different oxidation states by high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy. The three TiO2(110) supports chosen were (i) reduced (having bridging oxygen vacancies), (ii) hydrated (having bridging hydroxyl groups), and (iii) oxidized (having oxygen adatoms). At room temperature, gold nanoclusters nucleate homogeneously on the terraces of the reduced and oxidized supports, whereas on the hydrated TiO2(110) surface, clusters form preferentially at the step edges. From interplay with density functional theory calculations, we identified two different gold-TiO2(110) adhesion mechanisms for the reduced and oxidized supports. The adhesion of gold clusters is strongest on the oxidized support, and the implications of this finding for catalytic applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Covalent organic frameworks (COFs), in which molecular building blocks form robust microporous networks, are usually synthesized as insoluble and unprocessable powders. We have grown two-dimensional (2D) COF films on single-layer graphene (SLG) under operationally simple solvothermal conditions. The layered films stack normal to the SLG surface and show improved crystallinity compared with COF powders. We used SLG surfaces supported on copper, silicon carbide, and transparent fused silica (SiO(2)) substrates, enabling optical spectroscopy of COFs in transmission mode. Three chemically distinct COF films grown on SLG exhibit similar vertical alignment and long-range order, and two of these are of interest for organic electronic devices for which thin-film formation is a prerequisite for characterizing their optoelectronic properties.  相似文献   

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