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Soil salinity and hydrologic datasets were assembled to analyze the spatio-temporal variability of salinization in Fengqiu County, Henan Province, China, in the alluvial plain of the lower reaches of the Yellow River. The saline soil and groundwater depth data of the county in 1981 were obtained to serve as a historical reference. Electrical conductivity (EC) of 293 surface soil samples taken from 2 km × 2 km grids in 2007 and 40 soil profiles acquired in 2008 was analyzed and used for comparative mapping. Ordinary kriging was applied to predict EC at unobserved locations to derive the horizontal and vertical distribution patterns and variation of soil salinity. Groundwater table data from 22 observation wells in 2008 were collected and used as input for regression kriging to predict the maximum groundwater depth of the county in 2008. Changes in the groundwater level of Fengqiu County in 27 years from 1981 to 2008 was calculated. Two quantitative criteria, the mean error or bias (ME) and the mean squared error (MSE), were computed to assess the estimation accuracy of the kriging predictions. The results demonstrated that the soil salinity in the upper soil layers decreased dramatically and the taxonomically defined saline soils were present only in a few micro-landscapes after 27 years. Presently, the soils with relatively elevated salt content were mainly distributed in depressions along the Yellow River bed. The reduction in surface soil salinity corresponded to the locations with deepened maximum groundwater depth. It could be concluded that groundwater table recession allowed water to move deeper into the soil profile, transporting salts with it, and thus played an important role in reducing soil salinity in this region. Accumulation of salts in the soil profiles at various depths below the surface indicated that secondary soil salinization would occur when the groundwater was not controlled at a safe depth.  相似文献   

The integrated effect of irrigation and agricultural practices on soil salinity in the Jordan Valley (JV), where over 60% of Jordan’s agricultural produce is grown, was investigated in this study during 2009-2010. Due to the differences in agricultural operations, cropping patterns, irrigation management, and weather conditions, 206 top- and sub-soil samples were taken every 1 to 3 km from representative farms along a north-south (N-S) transect with 1 to 2 km lateral extents. Soil electrical conductivity of saturated extract (ECse), Ca, Mg, K, Na, Cl, and Na adsorption ratio (SAR) were determined in saturated paste extracts. Results indicated that about 63% of soils in the JV are indeed saline, out of which almost 46% are moderately to strongly saline. Along the N-S transect of the JV, ECse increased from 4.5 to 14.1 dS m-1 in top-soil samples. Similar increase was observed for the sub-soil samples. The major chemical components of soil salinity; i.e., Ca, Mg, and Cl, also showed a similar increase along the N-S transect of the valley. Moreover, compared to previous field sampling, results showed that changes in soil salinity in the JV were dramatic. In addition, it was found that Cl imposed an existing and potential threat to sensitive crops in 60% of the soils in the JV, where Cl concentrations were greater than 710 mg L-1. Under the prevalent arid Mediterranean conditions, improving the management of irrigation water, crops, and nutrient inputs and increasing water and fertilizer use efficiencies should be indispensable to conserve and sustain the already fragile agricultural soils in the JV.  相似文献   

Thermally modified organic materials commonly known as biochar have gained popularity of being used as a soil amendment.Little information, however, is available on the role of biochar in alleviating the negative impacts of saline water on soil productivity and plant growth. This study, therefore, was conducted to investigate the effects of Conocarpus biochar(BC) and organic farm residues(FR) at different application rates of 0.0%(control), 4.0% and 8.0%(weight/weight) on yield and quality of tomatoes grown on a sandy soil under drip irrigation with saline or non-saline water. The availability of P, K, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu to plants was also investigated. The results demonstrated clearly that addition of BC or FR increased the vegetative growth, yield and quality parameters in all irrigation treatments. It was found that salt stress adversely affected soil productivity, as indicated by the lower vegetative growth and yield components of tomato plants. However, this suppressing effect on the vegetative growth and yield tended to decline with application of FR or BC, especially at the high application rate and in the presence of biochar. Under saline irrigation system, for instance, the total tomato yield increased over the control by 14.0%–43.3% with BC and by 3.9%–35.6% with FR. These could be attributed to enhancement effects of FR or BC on soil properties, as indicated by increases in soil organic matter content and nutrient availability. Therefore, biochar may be effectively used as a soil amendment for enhancing the productivity of salt-affected sandy soils under arid conditions.  相似文献   

A. M. MAHDY 《土壤圈》2011,21(6):773-781
A greenhouse experiment was conducted to test and compare the suitability of saline compost and saline irrigation water for nutrient status amendment of a slightly productive sandy clay loam soil,to study the macronutrient utilization and dry matter production of wheat(Triticum aestivum c.v.Gemmiza 7) grown in a modified soil environment and to determine the effects of compost and saline irrigation water on soil productivity.The sandy clay loam soil was treated with compost of five rates(0,24,36,48,and 60 m 3 ha-1,equivalent to 0,3,4.5,and 6 g kg-1 soil,respectively) and irrigation water of four salinity levels(0.50(tap water),4.9,6.3,and 8.7 dS m-1).The results indicated that at harvest,the electrical conductivity(EC) of the soil was significantly(P < 0.05) changed by the compost application as compared to the control.In general,the soil salinity significantly increased with increasing application rates of compost.Soluble salts,K,Cl,HCO 3,Na,Ca,and Mg,were significantly increased by the compost treatment.Soil sodium adsorption ratio(SAR) was significantly affected by the salinity levels of the irrigation water,and showed a slight response to the compost application.The soil organic carbon content was also significantly(P < 0.05) affected by application of compost,with a maximum value of 31.03 g kg-1 recorded at the compost rate of 60 m 3 ha-1 and the irrigation water salinity level of 8.7 dS m-1 and a minimum value of 12.05 g kg 1 observed in the control.The compost application produced remarkable increases in wheat shoot dry matter production.The maximum dry matter production(75.11 g pot-1) occurred with 60 m 3 ha-1 compost and normal irrigation water,with a minimum of 19.83 g pot-1 with no addition of compost and irrigation water at a salinity level of 8.70 dS m-1.Significant increases in wheat shoot contents of K,N,P,Na,and Cl were observed with addition of compost.The relatively high shoot N values may be attributed to increases in N availability in the tested soil caused by the compost application.Similarly,significant increases in the shoot contents of Na and Cl may be ascribed to the increase in soil soluble K and Cl.The increases in shoot P,N,and K contributed to the growth stimulation since P supplied by the compost was probably responsible in saline and alkaline soils where P solubility was very low.  相似文献   

A laboratory salt-water dynamics experiment using unsaturated soils in packed silt loam and clay soil columns with different soil texture profiles and groundwater levels under crops were conducted to study the changes of salt-water dynamics induced by water uptake of crops and to propose the theoretical basis for the regulation and control of salt-water dynamics as well as to predict salinity levels. The HYDRUS 1D model was applied to simulate the one-dimensional movement of water and salt transport in the soil columns. The results showed that the salts mainly accumulated in the plow layer in the soil columns under crops. Soil water and salt both moved towards the plow layer due to soil water absorption by the crop root system. The salt contents in the column with lower groundwater were mostly greater than those with high groundwater. The water contents in the soil columns increased from top to the bottom due to plant root water uptake. The changes in groundwater level had little influence on water content of the root zone in the soil columns with crop planting. Comparison between the simulated and the determined values showed that model simulation results were ideal, so it is practicable to do numerical simulation of soil salt and water transport by the HYDRUS 1D model. Furthermore, if the actual movement of salt and water in fields is to be described in detail, much work needs to be done. The most important thing is to refine the parameters and select precise boundary conditions.  相似文献   

咸水灌溉条件下干旱区盐渍土壤盐分变化研究   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
罗廷彬  任崴  李彦  王宝军 《土壤》2006,38(2):166-170
新疆盐渍化土地面积大,在盐渍化土壤上种植耐盐小麦,利用盐化水灌溉具有重要意义。试验采用随机定位、分季节取土样、室内化学分析土壤盐分含量的方法,研究土壤盐分时空变化,其结果为:当土壤盐分含量为5~12g/kg时,盐化水多次灌溉可使土壤盐分减少,尤其在夏季晒垡灌溉后,耕作层土壤盐分可显著降低;土壤盐分降低显著与否,与本身盐分含量无关;土壤盐分变化可涉及100cm深度,但变化达显著水平的仍然是表层。  相似文献   

咸淡水交替灌溉下土壤盐分再分布规律的室内实验研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
咸水灌溉是解决目前淡水资源短缺的重要途径。为寻求合理的咸水农田灌溉方法,进行了不同矿化度和不同灌水模式的室内土柱咸淡水交替灌溉模拟试验,分析了咸淡水交替灌溉条件下土壤溶液电导率(EC)值和钠吸附比(SAR)的变化规律。结果表明:两种灌水模式下,灌水结束时土壤溶液EC值在22.5 cm处达到最高,且4 g/L>2 g/L,且与试验初期相比,土壤溶液EC值明显提高,土柱整体积盐明显。灌水模式对土壤溶液EC值的影响大于矿化度;两种灌水模式不同矿化度处理的SAR值变化规律基本一致。  相似文献   

地下水浅埋区重度盐碱地覆膜咸水滴灌水盐动态试验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过在高垄埋设水银负压计,研究土壤水势动态,并在枸杞不同生育期对潜水位以上各土层盐分进行取样分析,研究土壤盐分周年动态变化,为地下水浅埋区重度盐碱地改良利用提供理论依据。结果表明,在覆膜滴灌一个灌溉周期内,土壤水分运动始终为自滴头下方饱和区持续径向向外扩散;雨季降雨使水分从土壤剖面整体向下运动,随着潜水位的升高水分运动逐渐减弱,转为自垄中部向垄坡方向运动。盐分运动受水分运动影响明显,周年盐分动态可以分为春季强烈蒸发—积盐阶段、灌溉淋洗—稳定阶段、雨季淋溶—脱盐阶段、秋季蒸发—积盐阶段和冬季相对稳定阶段五个阶段。剖面土壤电导率(EC1∶5)均值从1.64 dS m-1增长至1.69 dS m-1,土壤未明显积盐,但盐分在剖面分布的周年变化表明滴灌灌溉调控了水分盐分在土壤中的分布,为作物根系生长提供了良好的土壤环境条件。因此,地下水浅埋区重度盐碱地可以通过高垄覆膜咸水滴灌技术加以利用。  相似文献   

窦超银  康跃虎 《土壤》2010,42(4):630-638
采用时空替代的研究方法,研究地下水浅埋区重度盐碱地不同滴灌种植年限(0、1、2、3年)对土壤盐分及不同盐分离子分布的影响,旨在为采用覆膜滴灌技术进行盐碱地改良提供理论依据。试验结果表明滴灌种植枸杞第1年,土壤盐分变化主要为自上而下被淋洗,种植2年和3年土壤年内盐分含量和分布变化相似,盐分主要分布在土壤表层,且在枸杞生育期结束时,剖面土壤含盐量都低于年初水平;土壤溶液电导率(EC1:5)与主要离子之间都具有极显著的相关关系,其中Cl-和Na+与EC1:5关系最为紧密;HCO3-与EC1:5负相关,相关性随着种植年限的增加而减小;Cl-、Mg2+、Ca2+、Na+在盐分组成中的荷载随种植年限增加而增大;回归分析表明Cl-和EC1:5之间具有线性关系,SO42-与EC1:5之间具有对数关系,EC1:5可以通过Cl-和SO42-表达;利用咸水覆膜滴灌并没有根本改变土壤类型,但在距滴头水平距离0~30cm范围内土壤含盐量从13.1g/kg降低到4~6g/kg,由盐土脱盐演化为重度盐化土。因此,采用覆膜滴灌技术明显降低了作物根区盐分含量,改善了作物根系生长的土壤环境条件。  相似文献   

微咸水灌溉下土壤水盐动态及对作物产量的影响   总被引:26,自引:10,他引:16  
华北平原农业灌溉用水非常紧缺,水资源日益缺乏与粮食需求日益增多之间的矛盾尖锐。充分利用微咸水资源是缓解这一矛盾的重要途径之一。该文以中国农业大学曲周试验站1997-2005年冬小麦和夏玉米微咸水灌溉田间长期定位试验为基础,研究了充分淡水、充分淡咸水、关键期淡水、关键期淡咸水和不灌溉等5个处理下土壤饱和电导率和含盐量的动态变化,探讨了微咸水灌溉对冬小麦和夏玉米产量的影响。结果表明:土壤水盐动态呈受灌溉和降雨影响的短期波动和受季节更替影响的长期波动;在正常降雨年份,使用微咸水进行灌溉是可行的,不会导致土壤的次生盐渍化;微咸水灌溉虽然导致冬小麦和夏玉米产量降低10%~15%,但节约淡水资源60%~75%。如果降雨量达到多年平均水平以及微咸水灌溉制度制订合理,微咸水用于冬小麦/玉米田间灌溉前景广阔。  相似文献   

劣质水灌溉对土壤盐碱化及作物产量的影响   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
长期的劣质水灌溉将导致土壤潜在的次生盐碱化。通过在以色列的大田试验,分析了劣质水灌溉对浅埋地下水位条件下土壤盐碱动态和作物产量的影响。试验在安装有暗管排水系统的试验田中进行。试验田土壤为粉砂粘土,种植有饲料玉米(Zea mays L.)。试验结果显示,高盐碱地下水的侧向运动和蒸发形成了试验田南半部和北半部土壤中盐碱度分布的巨大差异。在试验条件下,0~1.2 m土壤中的盐分在整个玉米生长期内平均增加了7.5%,碱度增大了19.6%。作物产量和植株高度与土壤含盐量成反比,籽粒产量受影响最为严重。利用冬季的降雨淋洗土壤盐分是维持本地区灌溉农业持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

为了探究不同地下水埋深条件下膜下滴灌农田的水盐运移规律,于2012—2016年在新疆库尔勒绿洲,对采用膜下滴灌结合冬春灌压盐的棉田开展定位观测,在不同位置处150 cm深土壤剖面进行水盐监测,探究不同生育阶段地下水埋深与土壤水盐含量的关系。结果表明,膜下滴灌农田土壤水分呈反"S"型分布,土壤盐分呈"酒杯"状表聚型分布;试验期内地下水埋深从2~3 m增加到5~6 m,相应地苗期和非生育期返盐程度显著降低,收获期盐分含量下降;5a来土壤含盐量从6.5 g/kg下降到1 g/kg,土壤累积含盐量与地下水埋深呈负的指数关系;深层水分交换量表明土壤水和地下水间的联系明显减弱。建议将类似地区的地下水埋深控制在3.5 m左右,膜下滴灌结合冬春灌淋洗可有效抑制土壤层盐分累积,并可保证自然植被的生态需水。  相似文献   

不同土水比土壤浸提液与饱和泥浆电导率的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭新送  宋付朋  鞠正山 《土壤》2015,47(4):812-818
针对饱和泥浆调制时饱和点的不确定性及其电导率测定的不稳定性等问题,为了统一和准确地表征暗管改碱的盐碱土盐渍化程度,采用室内化验与统计分析的方法,系统比较研究了饱和泥浆所需水量与饱和土壤溶液所需水量及其电导率和全盐与土水比1︰5、1︰2.5、1︰1、1︰0.5系列的相关和换算关系。研究结果表明:在黄河三角洲盐碱土(氯化物类型)区,可采用通过计算土壤孔隙度得到的饱和土壤溶液含水量来定量确定原来定性判定饱和点的饱和泥浆含水量,以饱和土壤溶液电导率可完全代替饱和泥浆电导率;饱和泥浆电导率数值和全盐含量均不是土水比1︰5、1︰2.5、1︰1、1︰0.5系列中的最高值,但均与其存在极显著的相关关系,饱和泥浆电导率与土水比1︰5土壤浸提液的电导率、饱和泥浆全盐含量与土水比1︰0.5全盐含量相关性最高,可分别用最佳拟合回归函数模型进行换算:一元线性函数模型Ece=2.042 8×EC1︰5+0.089 5、一元二次函数模型Tse=0.064 1×(TS1︰0.5)2?0.059×TS1︰0.5+0.397 9。  相似文献   

膜下滴灌系统不同应用年限棉田根区盐分变化及适耕性   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
盐碱地长期膜下滴灌作物根区土壤盐分是否累积及适宜耕作问题引起很多学者关注和思考,并成为制约干旱区农业生产、影响绿洲生态稳定和膜下滴灌可持续应用的重要因素。该文通过对新疆典型灌区5块不同膜下滴灌应用年限农田进行连续4a的定点监测,尝试揭示长期膜下滴灌农田根区土壤盐分演变趋势。结果表明,在现行灌溉制度条件下,新疆干旱区绿洲膜下滴灌棉田0~60 cm膜内根区盐分随滴灌年限呈降低趋势,在滴灌1~4年根区总盐变化幅度及降低幅度均较大,滴灌5~7a盐分继续小幅降低,根区平均含盐量均低于5 g/kg,棉花根系生境合适,基本满足耕种条件,棉苗存活率在60%以上,产量在5 250 kg/hm2以上;滴灌8~15 a盐分趋于稳定,根区平均含盐量均低于3 g/kg,且Cl-含量低于0.12 g/kg时,棉花成活率及产量较高且稳定,棉苗存活率在90%以上,产量在6000 kg/hm2以上,根区土壤盐分中Na+与Cl-随滴灌年限降低趋势明显。当地的灌溉制度是造成根区盐分降低的主要原因,坚持现行的灌水制度有利于膜下滴灌长期可持续应用,但应适当减少花铃后期及吐絮期的灌水定额以节约水资源。  相似文献   

滨海盐碱地是滨海地区重要的土地资源,随着滨海地区城镇化进程及生态文明建设的发展,迫切需要低成本、快速、可持续的滨海盐碱地原土植被构建技术。针对滨海盐碱地原土建植与咸水/微咸水资源的利用,该研究以月季(Rosa chinensis)为例,采用微咸水滴灌技术进行滨海盐碱地水盐调控植被构建。试验在渤海湾曹妃甸区吹沙造田形成的典型沙质滨海盐渍土上进行,设计了灌溉水电导率(ECiw)为0.8、3.1、4.7、6.3、7.8 dS/m的5个处理,研究滴灌水盐调控对土壤盐分淋洗及月季根系生长和分布特征的影响。结果表明:在渤海湾滨海地区气候条件下,先进行淡水滴灌盐分强化淋洗和缓苗灌溉,随后采用7.8 dS/m的微咸水滴灌,0~100 cm土层土壤盐分得到了有效的淋洗,尤其是根层0~40 cm土壤盐分经过一个月左右,由初始28.33 dS/m降低到均小于4 dS/m,一个低盐适生的土壤环境得到快速营造;随着ECiw的增加,0~40 cm土层土壤最终趋于稳定的盐分呈增加趋势,土壤脱盐过程可以被logistic方程描述,脱盐过程可划分为快速脱盐、缓慢脱盐和盐分趋于稳定3个阶段;94%以上的月季根系主要分布在0~20cm的表层土壤中,随着ECiw的增加,根系生物量显著降低,根系受盐分胁迫生理干旱影响向土壤深处生长以扩大水分空间。研究认为,采用短期淡水滴灌盐分强化淋洗和缓苗淡水滴灌、随后进行微咸水滴灌的方法,可以实现土壤盐分的快速淋洗并维持在较低水平,但受盐分对根系生长的影响会作用于植物地上部分生长及植物存活,因此需要结合植物耐盐性及生产目标(产量、景观)确定适宜灌溉水矿化度阈值。  相似文献   

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