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Decreasing habitat fragment area and increasing isolation may cause loss of plant population genetic diversity and increased genetic differentiation between populations. We studied the relation between the historical and the present landscape configuration (i.e., patch area and patch connectivity), and the present management of calcareous grassland fragments on the one hand, and the within and between population genetic structure of 18 Anthyllis vulneraria populations on the other hand. Despite the long-time fragmentation history and the mainly selfing breeding system of the species, we detected very low genetic differentiation (Φst = 0.056) among habitat fragments and no significant isolation-by-distance relation. Average within fragment genetic diversity measured as molecular variance and expected heterozygosity, were relatively high (16.46 and 0.28, respectively), and weakly positively correlated with the current fragment area, most likely because larger fragments contained larger populations. We found no effects of the historical landscape configuration on the genetic diversity of the populations. Our data suggest that the consequences of habitat fragmentation for genetic differentiation and genetic diversity of A. vulneraria are relatively minor which is very likely due to the historical high levels of seed exchange among fragments through grazing and roaming livestock. This study provides indirect evidence that nature management by grazing not only positively affects habitat quality but that it might also mitigate the genetic consequences of habitat fragmentation. From the conservation point of view, this study illustrates the importance of grazing and of the regular transport of livestock between fragments to prevent the long-term effects of fragmentation on the genetic diversity of the populations studied.  相似文献   

The Holocene landscape history and historical soil erosion were reconstructed at Albersdorf (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) from soils and colluvial layers. In contrast to many landscapes in central Europe, agricultural land use and soil erosion were more frequent during pre-historical times, whereas it has almost ceased after the advent of history. Pre-historical soil erosion rates from about 0.1 to 6.9 t ha− 1 a− 1 were reconstructed with no significant differences between the prehistoric cultural phases. The study of buried soils within the soil/soil-sediment-sequences provided evidence for an acceleration of soil formation processes probably as a consequence of excessive prehistoric woodland pasture on poor sandy soils.  相似文献   

Harvest records reveal that populations of bobcats (Lynx rufus) in New Hampshire have undergone substantial changes during the past 200 years. In the 1800s, a nearly continuous bounty program resulted in annual harvests that averaged ∼30 bobcats. Harvests increased in 1915, and fluctuated from 100 to 400 bobcats during the 1920s through the 1950s. In 1959, harvests peaked at 421 and then rapidly declined. By 1970, payment was made on only 10 bobcats, and legal status was changed from nuisance animal to game species in 1973. In 1989, trapping and hunting seasons were closed and bobcats were designated a protected species. After 15 years of protection, populations of bobcats seem to be remaining at modest levels. To understand what factors may have contributed to the remarkable rise and fall of bobcat populations, we compared the temporal distribution of harvests to comments by early naturalists, legislation to control bobcat abundance, and historical changes in land use. We then used two approaches with a geographic information system to identify the environmental features that may affect present-day populations. The empirical approach relied on a comparison of landscape characteristics associated with recent (1990-2004) observations of bobcats to characteristics found at a comparable set of random locations. We also examined the characteristics of townships that yielded the majority of historical bobcat harvests (1931-1965) and developed a process-oriented model to rank present-day habitat suitability. The irruption of bobcat populations coincided with the availability of early-successional habitats as abandoned agricultural lands reverted to second-growth forests during the first half of the 20th century. Likewise, bobcat populations rapidly declined as these forests matured and no longer supported abundant prey, especially New England cottontails (Sylvilagus transitionalis). Our efforts to identify habitat features associated with present-day populations had mixed results. The empirically derived model correctly classified only 52% of recent bobcat locations, whereas the process-oriented model indicated that nearly 88% of recent bobcat observations were associated with sites that were ranked at high suitability. The results of this study demonstrate the utility of information on historical harvests when addressing questions on the status of contemporary wildlife populations.  相似文献   

Grazing animals provide a livelihood for farmers, but they may also produce adverse environmental effects. We investigated whether grazing leads to deterioration of soil physical properties that subsequently increases topsoil erodibility. We sampled three sites (an ungrazed grassland, a continuously grazed grassland, and a track trampled by stock) on the northern Loess Plateau of China. The bulk density, water content, proportion of stable aggregates, infiltration rate, and resistance to scouring were determined for each soil sample. The results showed that the track had the highest soil bulk density and the lowest soil water content, proportion of stable aggregates, infiltration rate, and ability to resist scouring. The ungrazed plots had the best results for these parameters, in terms of reduced erosion. Soil bulk density and the proportion of stable aggregates differed significantly with depth beneath the track. However, the effect of depth on water content, infiltration rate, and the soil resistance to scouring was not significant at any sampling site. The ability of the soil to resist scouring was negatively correlated with the soil's bulk density and positively correlated with the soil's water content, infiltration rate, and proportion of stable aggregates. Thus, soil physical properties played an important role in determining soil erodibility. Grazing and trampling by livestock therefore appear to cause deterioration of soil physical properties and to increase soil erodibility.  相似文献   

Key catchments of the Roztocze loess area in south-east Poland have a great potential of revealing the history of long-term soil erosion and changes in land use. The knowledge of how and when soil erosion took place in the past helps one understand the impact of land use changes on the landscapes [Bork, H.-R., 1989. Soil erosion during the past Millennium in Central Europe and its significance within the geomorphodynamics of the Holocene. Catena 15, 121–131]. The Jedliczny Dol gully system near the town Zwierzyniec in south-east Poland was investigated by using detailed field stratigraphy and radiocarbon dating of charcoal and wood.In connection with new settlements which were established between the 14th and 16th centuries, arable land was cultivated and forests were used much more intensively. As a consequence, the loess soils were strongly eroded during heavy rainfalls. Up to 4 m of colluvial sediments were deposited in the gully system during the 15th and/or 16th centuries. The thickness of the colluvial sediments indicate severe erosion which might be related to excessive timber exploitation for the local glass and iron production. With the foundation of the so-called Ordinariat Zamoyski at the end of the 16th century, some parts of the area were presumably reforested. High pressure on the land at the beginning of the 19th century enabled a second main phase of gulling before 1900.Since 1890 at the latest, almost the whole catchment is used as a forest, however, concentrated runoff on compacted forest roads can still be high after heavy rainfalls.In loess areas soil erosion caused by intensive land use, triggered by heavy rainfalls, can change the landscape drastically. These changes will continue to influence how catchments react, even if land use gets less intensive again. This knowledge should be considered regarding future, sustainable land use and recent changes in land use in the south-eastern Polish loess regions.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean ecosystem of Mt. Carmel is subjected to increasing number of forest fires at various extents and severities due to increasing human activities. Accordingly, we tested whether in areas exposed to different fire histories vegetation regeneration is different in north versus south facing slopes, and the potential impact on erosion processes. Using remote sensing techniques we evaluated the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) to monitor vegetation recovery following a single fire and three successive fires, using a series of Landsat images taken between 1985–2002. Following a single fire, vegetation cover reached pre-disturbance values within less than 5 years. Repeated fires caused further reduction of EVI values, especially at south facing slopes (SFS). The effects of three successive fires within 10 years, followed by a three year recovery period, however, are negligible when considering vegetation cover values. This was deduced as north facing slope EVI values returned to pre-disturbance conditions at the end of the 3 years and SFS EVI values to 80% of the pre-disturbance conditions. Our results indicate that Mediterranean eco-geomorphic systems are quite resilient, showing quick response, at least in terms of return to pre-disturbance states of vegetation cover, and hence of soil erosion rates. This is true not only in response to a disturbance caused by a single fire, but also for repetitive fire incidents.  相似文献   

Two well‐known ancient sites in southern Anatolia were selected to investigate and quantify the impact of historical land degradation on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. These sites are the Luwian settlements of Kelenderis (modern Aydıncık) and nearby Nagidos (Bozyazı), both in Mersin Province and both occupied since around 4000 BP . Changes in local climatic conditions over this period have produced variations in the rates of fluvial transport of sediment/soil from the hinterland into the relevant deltaic regions, thus influencing rates of coastal progradation and aggradation. In addition, both eustatic and neotectonic movements have contributed to deltaic subsidence and/or hinterland uplift, with consequential impact on coastal evolution (positive or negative). The novel geoarchaeological methodology adopted in this study involves the creation of a graphical archive from detailed and standardised measurements taken from rectified mono‐ and stereoscopic aerial photographs. These archival data were then integrated with data from several types of historical map and field measurements in order to develop a geographical information system (GIS) database that could be interrogated, enabling graphical models of past coastal change to be constructed and calculations then made of the coastal configurations at successive historical periods. These calculations reveal that over the past 6000 years there has been only limited erosion/degradation in the karstic hinterland supplying the sediment to these two study sites (contrary to some previous statements concerning the high degradation risk of Mediterranean karst terrains). Furthermore, rates of progradation in each delta appear to have become diminished or even reversed in the past several decades as a result of both natural and anthropogenic factors. The precise contribution of neotectonic movements in this seismically active zone remains unquantified and is a topic requiring further interdisciplinary study. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This review of soil erosion (SE) studies in Russia focuses on two main tasks: (i) ensuring the completeness and reliability of SE data in Russia, a large country (17.1 million km2) with a variety of natural and socio-economic causes of land degradation, (ii) assessing the possibility of including a SE indicator among the indicators of land degradation neutrality (LDN). A wide range of statistical, remote sensing, mathematical modeling data, the results of scientific and field studies obtained at different levels were analyzed. It is asserted that in Russia the total area of eroded lands and those under erosion risk occupy more than 50% of all agricultural lands, whereas soil fertility of croplands decreased in Soviet time (from 1950s to 1980s) by 30–60% only due to water erosion. However, recent scientific studies indicate a decrease in erosion rate and in the area of eroded land during the last 30–40 years as a result of abandonment of arable land and subsequent overgrown with natural vegetation. The climate change resulting in decrease of the depth of soil freezing, flow of spring runoff also adds to the decrease of soil erosion. The SE indicator was suggested as an important complement to three global LDN indicators. At national and subnational level, it can be interpreted through such indices as “Rate of soil loss” (ton ha-1 yr-1) and “Total soil loss” (1000 tons, in certain area during selected time period). At local level the set of indices can be wider and site-specific, including those obtained through remote sensing data by using the classifier of thematic applications of remote sensing technologies; the example was tested at the local site.  相似文献   

This paper presents two new definitions of sediment and water flux connectivity (from source through slopes to channels/sinks) with examples of applications to sediment fluxes. The two indices of connectivity are operatively defined, one (IC) that can be calculated in a GIS environment and represents a connectivity assessment based on landscape's information, and another that can be evaluated in the field (FIC) through direct assessment. While IC represent a potential connectivity characteristic of the local landscape, since nothing is used to represent the characteristics of causative events, FIC depend on the intensities of the events that have occurred locally and that have left visible signs in the fields, slopes, etc.IC and FIC are based on recognized major components of hydrological connectivity, such as land use and topographic characteristics. The definitions are based on the fact that the material present at a certain location A reaches another location B with a probability that depends on two components: the amount of material present in A and the route from A to B. The distance to B is weighted by the local gradient and the type of land use that the flow encounters on its route to B, while the amount of material present in A depends on the catchment surface, slope gradient and type of land use of said catchment.Although IC and FIC are independent from each other, and are calculated using different equations and different inputs, they complement each other. In fact, their combined use improves IC's accuracy. Hence, connectivity classes can afterward be rated using IC alone.This procedure has been applied in a medium-size watershed in Tuscany (Italy) with the aim of evaluating connectivity, identifying connected sediment sources and verifying the effects of mitigation measures.The proposed indices can be used for monitoring changes in connectivity in areas with high geomorphological or human induced evolution rates.  相似文献   

Ninety per cent of the sediment load of the Yellow River, the world's muddiest river, comes from the loess plateau region in the middle course of the river. Control of this sediment supply is essential to avoid the danger of flooding in the lower reaches on the South China Plain. Since 1971, sediment loads entering the lower reaches have decreased, by 20 per cent as a result of lower precipitation, and by 27 per cent through soil conservation works and reservoir construction. Reductions in erosion can be obtained by restraining the formation of overland flow through promotion of an effective vegetation cover and elimination of the soil surface cover to encourage infiltration. Reservoir operation is a key to control of sediment movement through tributaries and along the main river. Water demands often conflict with sediment control, and, as a consequence, reservoir operation systems have changed several times in the past decade. The possibility of a further reduction in the sediment load of the Yellow River exists, but much depends on how rapidly control of grazing and deforestation leads to the establishment of plant cover on the loess plateau.  相似文献   

人类活动是诱发区域生态风险的重要因素,但生态风险与人类活动在不同尺度下的表征效果不一,响应程度不同,从多尺度科学地研究区域景观生态风险与人类活动强度的关联特征对于协调区域人地关系地域系统矛盾,推动地区可持续发展具有重要意义。该研究以长三角地区为研究对象,基于1990—2020年4期土地利用、夜间灯光、人口空间分布数据,建立市域、县域、格网三级尺度,构建景观生态风险及人类活动强度评估模型,刻画不同尺度下二者的时空响应特征,并基于Copula函数、双变量空间自相关及耦合协调度模型,揭示景观生态风险与人类活动强度的时空关联性。结果表明:1)1990—2020年间不同尺度下长三角地区景观生态风险均呈现北高南低的空间分布格局,且高风险地区持续减少,低风险区均呈增加趋势,其中市域尺度下高风险地区的减势最明显,而县域尺度下,低及中低风险区总体增势最为显著;2)1990—2020年间不同尺度下长三角地区人类活动强度均呈现东北高西南低的空间分布格局且高强度区域均呈现显著上升趋势,而低强度区域均明显下降,其中格网尺度下高强度区域增幅最大,达13.42个百分点,市域尺度下低强度区域的减幅最为明显,达9.76...  相似文献   

Land use is a critical determinant of land degradation. In this article, I examine how changes in land use from 1957 to 1997 in El Dorado County, located in the Central Sierra Nevada of California, have resulted in the degradation of hardwood rangelands. To do so, I analyze the environmental discourse of land use and land degradation, and examine changes in land use, property rights, and laws and regulations governing land use from 1957 to 1997. I argue that understanding the political ecology of land use is essential to understanding why hardwood rangelands have been degraded while upland coniferous forest has been largely protected. This has implications for conservation of the Sierra Nevada Ecosystem, which is currently the focus of increased scholarly as well as political attention. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Whereas many studies point out the economic benefits of controlling land degradation through sustainable land management (SLM) approaches, there is often a lack of local adoption of SLM techniques. Analysis of the local impacts and costs of land degradation is critical for understanding farmers' responses to land degradation. The objective of this paper is to analyse the local costs of land degradation in the Puentes catchment in southeast Spain. This catchment has been identified as particularly vulnerable to erosion, yet farmers show a general lack of interest in applying erosion control techniques. The paper subsequently analyses land degradation processes in the Puentes catchment, the income derived from agriculture and several other ecosystem services, and the local costs of land degradation. Erosion is widespread in the catchment, comprising sheet and rill erosion as well as gulley erosion. Relatively high erosion rates are encountered in cropland. The most important source of local income is irrigated agriculture, with revenues of up to €1350/ha y−1. Dryland agriculture, hunting and herding provide additional income. The costs of erosion on cropland, calculated with a replacement method, vary from around €5/ha y−1 on slopes between five per cent and ten per cent, to around €50/ha y−1 on slopes between 30 per cent and 50 per cent. Except on the steepest slopes, these costs are relatively low for the farmers, which explains the limited application of erosion control techniques in the catchment. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil respiration is an important component of terrestrial carbon cycling and can be influenced by many factors that vary spatially. This research aims to determine the extent and causes of spatial variation of soil respiration, and to quantify the importance of scale on measuring and modeling soil respiration within and among common forests of Northern Wisconsin. The potential sources of variation were examined at three scales: [1] variation among the litter, root, and bulk soil respiration components within individual 0.1 m measurement collars, [2] variation between individual soil respiration measurements within a site (<1 m to 10 m), and [3] variation on the landscape caused by topographic influence (100 m to 1000 m). Soil respiration was measured over a two-year period at 12 plots that included four forest types. Root exclusion collars were installed at a subset of the sites, and periodic removal of the litter layer allowed litter and bulk soil contributions to be estimated by subtraction. Soil respiration was also measured at fixed locations in six northern hardwood sites and two aspen sites to examine the stability of variation between individual measurements. These study sites were added to an existing data set where soil respiration was measured in a random, rotating, systematic clustering which allowed the examination of spatial variability from scales of <1 m to 100+ m. The combined data set for this area was also used to examine the influence of topography on soil respiration at scales of over 1000 m by using a temperature and moisture driven soil respiration model and a 4 km2 digital elevation model (DEM) to model soil moisture. Results indicate that, although variation of soil respiration and soil moisture is greatest at scales of 100 m or more, variation from locations 1 m or less can be large (standard deviation during summer period of 1.58 and 1.28 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1, respectively). At the smallest of scales, the individual contributions of the bulk soil, the roots, and the litter mat changed greatly throughout the season and between forest types, although the data were highly variable within any given site. For scales of 1-10 m, variation between individual measurements could be explained by positive relationships between forest floor mass, root mass, carbon and nitrogen pools, or root nitrogen concentration. Lastly, topography strongly influenced soil moisture and soil properties, and created spatial patterns of soil respiration which changed greatly during a drought event. Integrating soil fluxes over a 4 km2 region using an elevation dependent soil respiration model resulted in a drought induced reduction of peak summer flux rates by 37.5%, versus a 31.3% when only plot level data was used. The trends at these important scales may help explain some inter-annual and spatial variability of the net ecosystem exchange of carbon.  相似文献   

A large area in Wafra, south of Kuwait, was developed for crop production both in open fields and agriculture units. For more than a decade, farmers had been using groundwater and desalinated water for irrigating crops under both conditions. The study area occupied about 125 000 ha lying within the northwestern sandbelt. Land-use pattern, soil characteristics and vegetation attributes were studied to assess the extent of land degradation in the area. Land-use classes in the developed area showed a total area of about 9371 ha. About 35 per cent of this area was uncultivated due to sand encroachment and soil salinity build-up problems. Soil chemical and physical properties were described and determined at various depths in representative profiles. The soil belonged to the three categories: Typic Torripsamments, Typic Haplocalcids and Typic Aquisalids. The total vegetative cover was poor, covering about 18 per cent of the marginal areas and about 33 per cent of arable lands. Plant community type was altered from Rhanterium epapposum to Cyperus conglomeratus and Stipagrostis plumosa. Annual forbs dominated species composition. Results of the study indicated that land degradation occurred both in marginal and arable areas. To expand in the Wafra agricultural area and to increase productivity potential of the existing farms, implementation of irrigation and drainage systems as well as projects to combat sand encroachment are recommended. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The southeastern Tibetan Plateau, which profoundly affects East Asia by helping to maintain the stability of climate systems, biological diversity and clean water, is one of the regions most vulnerable to water erosion, wind erosion, tillage erosion, freeze–thaw erosion and overgrazing under global climate changes and intensive human activities. Spatial variations in soil erosion in terraced farmland (TL), sloping farmland (SL) and grassland (GL) were determined by the 137Cs tracing method and compared with spatial variations in soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (total N). The 137Cs concentration in the GL was higher in the 0–0.03 m soil layer than in the other soil layers due to weak migration and diffusion under low precipitation and temperature conditions, while the 137Cs concentration in the soil layer of the SL was generally uniform in the 0–0.18 m soil layer due to tillage-induced mixing. Low 137Cs inventories appeared at the summit and toe slope positions in the SL due to soil loss by tillage erosion and water erosion, respectively, while the highest 137Cs inventories appeared at the middle slope positions due to soil accumulation under relatively flat landform conditions. In the GL, the 137Cs data showed that higher soil erosion rates appeared at the summit due to freeze–thaw erosion and steep slope gradients and at the toe slope position due to wind erosion, gully erosion, freeze–thaw erosion and overgrazing. The 137Cs inventory generally increased from upper to lower slope positions within each terrace (except the lowest terrace). The 137Cs data along the terrace toposequence showed abrupt changes in soil erosion rates between the lower part of the upper terrace and the upper part of the immediate terrace over a short distance and net deposition on the lower and toe terraces. Hence, tillage erosion played an important role in the soil loss at the summit slope positions of each terrace, while water erosion dominantly transported soil from the upper terrace to the lower terrace and resulted in net soil deposition on the flat lower terrace. The SOC inventories showed similar spatial patterns to the 137Cs inventories in the SL, TL and GL, and significant correlations were found between the SOC and 137Cs inventories in these slope landscapes. The total N inventories showed similar spatial patterns to the inventories of 137Cs and SOC, and significant correlations were also found between the total N and 137Cs inventories in the SL, TL and GL. Therefore, 137Cs can successfully be used for tracing soil, SOC and total N dynamics within slope landscapes in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Primary production on semiarid floodplains supports a diverse local and regional fauna. Reduced flooding from water resource development (WRD) may affect floodplain production by decreasing water and nutrient supply.  相似文献   

Crops are the most important ground cover on slope farmland and have a significant impact on the soil erosion. But soil erosion on slope farmland is also affected by many other factors, such as topography and rainfall. In order to explore the effect of crop growth on soil erosion on different slope gradient of slope farmland, and analyze the interaction of crop growth and slope gradient on soil erosion, this study used artificial simulated rainfall to observe the runoff rates and soil loss amounts under different slope gradients for maize, soybeans, and winter wheat in different growth stages. Results showed that crops and slope gradient both significantly affected production and development of slope runoff. Compared with bare land, mean runoff rate on slopes was reduced by 24%, 32%, and 94% respectively, and sediment yield was decreased by 44%, 55%, and 99% respectively on maize, soybean, and winter wheat fields. Inhibitory effects of crops on slope runoff rate and sediment yield were enhanced with crop growth and decreased with increasing slope gradient. Crop growth and coverage could offset the impact of increasing slope gradient on runoff and sediment to some extent and reduced water and soil loss on slopes. Sediment yield was produced largely when the slope gradient was greater than 10 degrees on maize and soybean fields, but soil erosion was effectively inhibited when the slope gradient was less than 15 degrees on winter wheat fields. Crop planting can effectively reduce the impact of slope gradient on soil erosion, especially during the flourishing period of crop growth.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Pan‐European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment (pesera ) model was evaluated using existing soil erosion data collected under various types of climate, vegetation, landscape and soil conditions. The data used represent a variety of typical Mediterranean land uses such as winter wheat, vines, olives and bare, stony land prevailing in hilly areas. Using this data, the model was calibrated for sediment transport by overland flow and results compared to measured soil erosion values from runoff plots and a watershed on a monthly basis. The performance of the model was assessed statistically, showing that it can be satisfactorily used for predicting soil erosion rates under the conditions included in the study. The overall model estimate including all the available experimental data was 0.69 t ha?1 yr?1 with a maximum error of 1.49 t ha?1 yr?1. After validation, the model was applied to a small watershed (60 ha) of great ecological importance for the sea turtle Caretta caretta. For this purpose, soil and vegetation maps were compiled from all the necessary data for applying the model. The model was run for three years using daily data from an existing nearby meteorological station. The predicted and measured soil erosion rates for a 7‐month period were 0.31 t and 0.18 t, respectively. Application of the model to each mapping unit showed the over‐riding importance of land use for sediment generation under the given climatic conditions. Bare land, occupying 5.5% of the watershed area, generated up to 69% of the total sediments estimated for the watershed. It is concluded that the pesera model can be used as a regional diagnostic tool under a range of soil, topographic and climatic conditions for identifying the best land use type and vegetation cover to protect hilly areas from soil erosion. The calculated overall root mean square error for the model is 0.06 t ha?1 yr?1, compared to a soil erosion rate of 0.04 t ha?1 yr?1, which can be tolerated for protecting the area for the sea turtle.  相似文献   

Throughout Rwanda, terracing was reintroduced in 1973 as the major conservation practice to minimize soil loss on its steep agricultural lands.1 Terracing has been partially successful in reducing soil losses resulting from nonchannelized runoff, the goal of this practice. However, because of the widespread fragile environmental conditions in the highlands, soil fertility has decreased and soil acidity increased in numerous fields as a direct result of the terracing. To maintain sufficient agricultural yields, within the constraints of a low resource agricultural system, farmers have responded to the acidity and soil fertility problems by systematically removing a portion of the terrace berm during field preparation. This practice, in response to the changing environmental situation due to terracing, results in significant amounts of soil displaced downslope year after year. This human-induced soil erosion process seriously counters many of the intended benefits of terrace construction and is contributing to the land degradation problem. The results of this study emphasize the need for both conservation strategies and the measurement of soil loss to be sensitive to human-induced as well as natural erosional processes. By not considering the human response to terrace construction, the benefits of this conservation practice have been seriously offset.  相似文献   

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