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Abstract— An aged dog with a chronic, bilateral, bacterial otitis externa developed bilateral squamous cell carcinomas of the pinna. The tumours were located where the pinna would cover the external auditory meatus and probably were induced by the chronic infection.
Résumé— Un chien agé souftrant d'otite externe bactérienne chronique bilatérale présenta un épithelioma spinocellulaire bilatéral des pavilions auriculaires. Les tumeurs étaient situées là où les pavilions auraient recourvert le méat auriculaire et furent sans doute provoqués par l'infection chronique.
Zusammenfassung— Ein alter Hund mit einer chronischen, bilateralen, bakteriell bedingten Otitis externa entwickelte Plattenepithelkarzinome en beiden Ohrmuscheln. Diese Tumore traten an der Pinna exakt an der Mündung des äußeren Gehörgangs auf, und sind möglicherweise durch die chronische Infektion induziert worden.
Resumen  Un perro de edad avanzada que presentaba una otitis externa bilateral bacteriana crónica desarrolló unos carcinomas de células escamosas bilaterales del pabellón auditivo. Los tumores estaban localizados en la entrada del meato auditivo y probablemente fueron inducidos por la infección crónica.  相似文献   

Abstract— The author reviews the literature on otitis media in the dog. Based on a study of 100 normal dogs, the structural variations and appearance of the tympanic membrane are described and compared with the changes that were observed in 100 otitic ears, fifty of which were recent cases and fifty longstanding cases which were treated surgically. The incidence of otitis media is given in the two otitic groups studied. The equipment and techniques used in examination, the criteria for diagnosis, the pathology and the treatment are described and discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— —A report of the findings of microbiological examination and antibiotic tests performed on otitis externa exudates from 15 Portuguese dogs. Résumé— —L'examen microbiologique de 15 exsudats d'otites externes de chiens portugais a permis isoler 11 fois des levures appartemant à l'espèce Pityrosporum canis, 6 fois en culture pure et 4 fois associées avec bactéries. Dans les autres 4 exsudats, on n'a trouvé que des bactéries des genres Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Corynebacterium and Pseudomonas, la plus importante et la seule isolée en culture pure (2 fois) étant Staphylococcus aureus. Les levures et une grande partie des bactéries isolées étant résistantes aux antibiotiques usuels, les praticiens doivent se contenter d'un traitement antisseptique local avant de connaître les résultats de l'examen microbiologique et de l'antibiogramme. Zusammenfassung— —Ein Bericht über die Befunde der mikrobiologischen Untersuchungen und Antibiotica-Tests, die an Otitis-externa-Exsudaten von 15 portugiesischen Hunden vorgenommen wurden.  相似文献   

The role of Corynebacterium spp. in the pathogenesis of canine and feline otitis externa/media and their appropriate antimicrobial therapy are unclear. The objectives of this study were to (1) better establish the pathogenicity of Corynebacterium spp. in otitis utilizing reported criteria and by assessing clinical response to antibiotic therapy and (2) to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Corynebacterium spp. associated with otitis. The study was retrospective, targeting cultures positive for Corynebacterium spp. Corynebacterium spp. were part of mixed microbial populations in 79/81 cultures. Corynebacterium spp. pathogenicity was highly questionable because of their almost invariable presence with other microbes and the observation that Corynebacterium spp. usually disappear from the ear with resolution of other infections, even when the Corynebacterium spp. are resistant to the prescribed antibiotic(s). However, 2/81 cultures came from two canine ears wherein Corynebacterium spp. may have been pathogenic. Antimicrobial sensitivities for Corynebacterium spp. were available for 54 isolates. Most isolates were susceptible to chloramphenicol (53/54), amikacin (50/54), tetracycline (50/54), gentamicin (46/54), and enrofloxacin (32/54). Among those antibiotics available in otic products, gentamicin and enrofloxacin would be rational choices for the empirical, topical therapy of Corynebacterium spp.  相似文献   

犬的交配过程:对公犬来说,一般经过勃起、交配、射精、锁结、交配结束等过程。  相似文献   

一、搜尸犬的选择 一头合格的搜尸训练犬应具有 (一)强壮的体魄: (二)强烈的占有欲: (三)持久的搜索耐力; (四)旺盛的食欲。  相似文献   

“一犬事多主”是指经过专门训练的一头工作犬,能够忠诚、勇敢地为一人乃至多人服务。这一训练方法,虽然与传统观念上的“义犬不事二主”相矛盾,但是客观上已经证实其有可行性。对于“义犬不事二主”的观念,笔者认为:虽然突出了犬的忠义品质,但是容易误导人们,将那些能为多个主  相似文献   

<正>美国第44任总统的奥巴马在当选演讲中曾向两个年幼的女儿许诺,她们入住白宫后将拥有自己的新宠物犬。事实上,奥巴马对女儿承诺的不仅仅是一个慈爱的姿态,同时也是在遵循一个流行多年的白宫老传统——饲养一  相似文献   

检疫犬应用技术作为一种特殊的检验检疫手段,目前已被30多个国家或地区应用于检验检疫领域。许多国家或地区已建有自己的国家级工作犬训练基地。近年来,由于出入境业务量的迅速增长,我国对检疫犬数量的需求逐年攀升,明确要建成2个国家级检疫犬繁殖训养中心。检疫犬基地作为培养检疫犬的重要场所,其基地面积、位置规划、人力资源、种犬储备、幼犬来源等的科学合理规划,对保证其可持续发展具有重要意义。检疫犬基地的可持续发展,需要准确定位功能需求,搞好种犬繁育,统筹储备人力资源,建设生态环保基地,挖掘和利用社会资源,以及拓展其它功能建设,从而做到行业引领。  相似文献   

Arachnia propionica was isolated from an abscess resembling actinomycosis in a four-year-old crossbred cow. The properties of the organism were described in comparison with closely related organisms.  相似文献   

为了充分发挥警犬在刑侦、搜毒、搜爆等方面的特殊作用,调动训犬员的积极性和创造性,规范警犬训练、使用的程序,促进警犬工作的健康稳定发展,基层警犬基地在工作中必须建立一系列的规章制度,使警犬训练出成效、使用出成绩。  相似文献   

动物卫生监督机构是养犬管理的职能部门之一。本文对上海养犬管理中存在的犬只销售备案制度,违法行为定性与法律适用,以及非狂犬病强制免疫点的监督执法等问题进行了法理分析,提示有关部门应明确备案条件,统一备案口径;发现未经工商登记、未经备案以及销售无检疫证明犬只等违法行为时应正确定性,准确适用法律;对未经认定为狂犬病强制免疫点的动物诊疗机构可依法给予行政处罚。  相似文献   

An eruptive condition seen on certain mucous membranes of dogs occurs frequently but often asymptomatically. Lesions have been found to be present in over 60 percent of male dogs. The infection is probably due to a canine herpes virus and has been termed conveniently but inaccurately "dog pox". In many cases lesions are present without observable clinical signs but severe irritation, especially related to lesions in the lower bowel, can give rise to marked symptoms which may be confused with abnormality of the para-anal sacs, or to chronic diarrhoea of a type suggestive of colitis. The incidence, sites of infection and possible syndromes which may be ascribed to the condition are briefly discussed on a clinical basis only.  相似文献   

Abstract— —In 11 of 21 cases of gastric torsion in the dog there was a spontaneous reposition following a vigorous emptying of the stomach by means of the special set of instruments described. In those cases in which there was no spontaneous reposition after emptying, reposition was effected by means of a stout gastric tube fitted with a rubber balloon or cuff which, after it had been passed into the stomach, was inflated with air and then rotated in the opposite direction to the rotation of the stomach.  相似文献   

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