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The effects of blending rice flour with wheat flour on bread texture and staling were investigated with three rice varieties with different amylose contents. For the texture analysis of bread crumb, the compression test, puncture test, and tensile test were performed. A flour blend containing rice flour suppressed the recovery of the crumb after compression. For the puncture test, blends with rice flour increased the distance to penetrate the crumb. The rupture strain measured with the puncture test decreased with staling of the bread crumb for all samples tested. The fresh bread crumb sample containing waxy rice flour had much greater extensibility in the tensile test than the other samples tested, but it was dramatically decreased after one day of storage. Endothermic enthalpies corresponding to retrograded amylopectin, which is part of the staling process, were also measured. The enthalpy of bread crumb from the blended flour was lower than that of wheat flour bread up to three days but was higher on day 4. A blend of rice flour thus reduced amylopectin retrogradation during early storage, but it was accelerated later. Bread blended with waxy rice flour showed the lowest enthalpy during storage.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of frozen storage on the rheological and microstructural properties of gluten, two model systems were investigated: System A, gluten and water; System B, gluten, water, and NaCl. The storage time was varied from 1 to 16 weeks and the storage temperature was varied from ‐5 to ‐30°C. After thawing, uniaxial and biaxial deformations, and stress relaxation measurements were performed on gluten. In System A, the major effects were noticed when the gluten was stored at ‐5°C. Frozen storage induced a decrease in stress and in strain at breaking, but an increase in modulus (stress/strain) under uniaxial deformation. In System B, only stress relaxation measurements showed differences between the fresh gluten and the gluten stored at ‐18°C. These results suggest that at ‐5°C, gluten strands form more entanglements. Microscopic analyses of frozen gluten showed that, during the freezing step, ice crystals compressed the gluten. A significant phase separation was observed between gluten and ice but no difference was observed between the storage time and storage temperature. However, after thawing, gluten microstructure exhibited a structure similar to the fresh gluten, and the structure looks like a sponge (a fine gluten structure with tiny water pockets).  相似文献   

Starches of waxy rices that showed varietal differences in hardness testing of cooked rice after amylopectin staling and high-amylose content (AC) rices differing in gel consistency (GC) and starch gelatinization temperature (GT) were studied to determine the factors related to varietal differences in amylopectin staling of cooked rice. Intermediate- and high-GT starches showed greater amylopectin staling of gelatinized rice by hardness testing values or differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) endotherm than did low-GT starches in both waxy and nonwaxy rices. Isoamylase-debranched amylopectins of waxy rices differed in the ratio of weight-average degree of polymerization (DPw) fractions, but these fraction ratios were not simply related to differences in amylopectin staling of cooked rice. Among high-AC rices, amylopectin from low-GT starch was confirmed to have higher iodine affinity (2.3–2.5%) than amylopectin from intermediate-GT starches (1.7–1.8%), regardless of GC. Within high-AC starch of the same GT type, soft-GC rice corresponded with more A + B1 DPw 16–18 and less B3 DPw 150–200 fractions of debranched amylopectin and low DPw of amylose. Amylopectin of amylose extender mutant of IR36 was confirmed to have a longer chain length than ordinary rice amylopectin: the debranched amylopectin has more B2 DPw 47–51 fraction, less A + B1 DPw fraction, but no B4 fraction with DPw > 200. Only high-AC amylopectin had debranched fraction with DPw >120.  相似文献   

为明确不同冷藏时间和不同低温处理对油菜薹营养品质的影响,以2个油蔬两用型油菜品种浙油51和浙油杂108为材料,以新鲜菜薹为对照,设置3个贮藏时间(4℃条件下贮藏1、2、3 d)和3种贮藏温度(-20、-40、-80℃贮藏10 d),分析贮藏期间油菜薹糖类、维生素、纤维素和木质素等含量的变化。结果表明,4℃条件下,随着贮藏时间的延长,两品种中的维生素C和维生素B1含量均呈现先上升后下降的趋势,维生素B6、果糖、蔗糖和纤维素含量则逐渐升高;维生素E含量在浙油杂108中呈上升趋势,而在浙油51中呈先上升后下降的趋势;淀粉含量在两品种中变化趋势相同,均为逐步降低。油菜薹石蜡切片结果显示,浙油51中纤维素面积和浙油杂108中木质化面积随贮藏时间的延长而增加。不同贮藏温度下,除纤维素外各营养成分含量均在新鲜状态下最高,纤维素含量则在-20℃下达到最大;两品种的果糖、蔗糖和纤维素含量在-80℃下可达新鲜水平,而浙油51中维生素B1和维生素E含量则在-40℃下保存更好。综上所述,油菜薹在4℃下贮藏,货架期以2 d为宜;低温下,-40和-...  相似文献   

为延缓三疣梭子蟹品质劣变,延长其货架期,本试验研究了冰温贮藏、冷藏、冰藏对蟹肉挥发性风味、腺苷三磷酸(ATP)关联物及游离氨基酸含量的影响,并对其呈味物滋味强度值(TAV)及味精当量(EUC)进行分析。结果表明,冰温组蟹肉挥发性风味在贮藏前6 d 无明显变化,而冷藏和冰藏组蟹肉挥发性风味分别在贮藏第2和第4 天开始出现明显变化。冰温组蟹肉肌苷酸(IMP)和腺苷酸(AMP)的滋味强度值、游离氨基酸总量、鲜味氨基酸、甜味氨基酸和甜苦味氨基酸占总游离氨基酸的百分比、EUC均高于同期冰藏、冷藏。组综上所述,冰温贮藏能有效保持蟹肉良好风味,缓解蟹肉风味劣变。本研究结果为冰温贮藏技术在梭子蟹保鲜中的应用提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

保存过程对土壤生化指标的影响及保存土样的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈雅涵  谢宗强 《土壤学报》2018,55(4):783-796
土壤样品的生化指标反映了样品采集时期的生态与环境信息,具有极为重要的科学研究价值。样品的生化指标在保存过程中是否发生变化,是保存样品应用中应关注的重点问题。本文总结了各类土壤生化指标在不同保存条件、保存时间下的变化,表明长期保存的土壤样品适用于全量元素含量测定、土壤微生物群落结构分析、DNA/RNA序列分析、土壤污染物分析和土壤酶活性的比较研究,而土壤速效成分以及呼吸、硝化等代谢过程相关指标则不宜采用保存土样。土样长期保存应采用风干、磨口玻璃瓶密封、常温保存的方式。保存土样应用过程中应注意避免取样、分析时的环境污染,采用合适的分析测试技术,并考虑不同类型土壤保存效应的差异。随着分析技术的发展,保存土样中更多的历史环境信息将得以发掘,发挥出更大的科研价值。  相似文献   

The effects of increasing levels of eight commercial enzymes representing four types of fungal hydrolytic enzymes (α‐amylases, proteases, xylanases, and cellulases) on Canadian short process (CSP) bread quality and processing characteristics were studied. Addition of all enzymes types at optimum levels resulted in increased loaf volume and bread score and softer crumb. All four types of enzymes appeared to be equally effective in improving bread properties compared with the controls. At high levels, greater tolerance to the addition of xylanases and cellulases compared with the addition of α‐amylases and proteases was apparent. Mixing requirements increased with increasing levels of α‐amylase but no change was apparent with the other enzymes. Addition of all enzymes reduced sheeting work requirements, indicating a dough softening effect. Optimum bread properties for all enzymes were attained within a relatively narrow range of dough sheeting work values, which presumably correspond to optimum dough handling properties. The similarity in response of bread and sheeting characteristics at optimum levels of addition for all four enzyme types suggests a common nonspecific mechanism for improver action that is probably related to water release and the resulting impact on physical dough properties.  相似文献   

The viscoelastic behavior of bread crumb was studied using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) in the compression mode with the frequency sweep. The dynamic storage modulus (E′), loss modulus (E″), and tanδ (E″/E′) were measured for bread crumb aged up to three days at ambient temperature. The viscoelastic properties of bread crumb showed a characteristic frequency dependence similar to that of a soft rubberlike solid. Typical behavior of bread crumb involved a transition from rubberlike to glasslike consistency with increasing frequency. At a low frequency region, the E′ and E″ values were relatively small and nearly constant, showing characteristics of the rubbery plateau. Then, they increased rapidly with increasing frequencies and approached a glasslike state. Tanδ was low and almost constant at low frequencies before the transition, then went through a prominent peak with increasing frequency. The frequency at which the tanδ of bread crumb started to rapidly increase was defined as the onset frequency (ƒo) of the transition. The ƒo values increased with the aging of bread crumb samples, which correlated highly to bread staling (r = 0.942). Both dynamic moduli E′ and E″ at ƒo also increased with the aging of bread, which correlated highly to firmness obtained using a texture analyzer in a static compression mode (r = 0.941 and 0.943, respectively). DMA measurements could be helpful in characterizing bread staling.  相似文献   

Effect of storage temperature before popping and kernel physical properties on popping characteristics were studied using popcorn (Zea mays L.) hybrids harvested in 1997. Popped volume (PV), unpopped kernel ratio (UPK), and popping times were measured from 250 g of moisture‐adjusted kernels stored at 30, 1, and −29°C for one month. Maximum popped volume (MPV) and minimum unpopped kernel ratio (MUPK) at the corresponding optimum moisture contents (OMC) were mathematically calculated from PV, UPK, and moisture content values. MPV was significantly affected by storage temperature before popping. Hybrid significantly affected MPV and MUPK. Moisture content, storage temperature, and hybrid significantly varied popping time of the popcorn hybrids, with moisture content being the most important. Correlation results showed that MPV was negatively correlated with unsound kernel ratio, UPK, and popping time. Moisture adjustment of intact kernels should be done at different storage conditions; high temperature storage required higher moisture than low temperature storage to give the best outcome.  相似文献   

贮藏温度对富硒栽培猕猴桃品质和硒组分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

为探明温度及成熟度对无花果贮藏期生理指标的影响,以新疆早黄无花果为试材,研究在常温和低温条件下,2种成熟度无花果的呼吸速率、乙烯释放、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化。结果表明,贮藏温度对无花果果实采后生理指标的影响有显著差异,低温可显著延长果实贮藏寿命和货架期,缓解有害代谢物MDA的累积,降低防御酶系的活性。不同成熟度的果实采后,过氧化酶活性及MDA含量无显著差异,但低成熟度果实呼吸及乙烯高峰出现时间与高成熟度果实相比推迟4~10h。因此,适当低温及低成熟度有利于新疆早黄无花果的采后保鲜贮藏。本研究为无花果的保藏运销提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The effects of environmental temperature on gelatinization properties and amylopectin structures of wheat endosperm starch were examined by isolating starches from four wheat cultivars matured in growth chambers at daytime temperatures of 15, 20, 25, or 30°C. Kernel weight and starch content per kernel were reduced by high maturation temperature. Amylose content showed no significant change at high maturation temperature in some cultivars; in other cultivars, there was a slight increase. Principal component analysis of data on relative peak areas of debranched amylopectin showed that amylopectin from wheat grown at a lower temperature had a greater proportion of shorter chains. Amylopectin branch chains were classified into three groups based on the correlation coefficients between the data of branch chain length distribution and principal component scores, degree of polymerization (DP) of 6–12, DP 13–34, and DP ≥ 35. The gelatinization temperature of starches increased markedly at a higher maturation temperature, with increases exceeding 10°C at high maturation temperatures. Gelatinization properties correlated significantly with amylopectin chain length distribution.  相似文献   

炭化温度对沙蒿生物炭形貌特征和化学性质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯建伟  索全义  梁桓  韩雪琦  刘长涛 《土壤》2014,46(5):814-818
沙蒿是半灌木典型沙生植物,作为制炭物料具有其特殊性,而炭化温度决定生物炭形貌特征和化学性质。通过无氧炭化法制备了不同温度(300~900℃)的沙蒿生物炭,研究了炭化温度对沙蒿生物炭形貌特征、表面官能团种类、产率变化和有机组分含量的影响。结果表明:生物炭孔径随着炭化温度的升高而增大,700℃以后生物炭结构有一定程度的破坏;生物质炭化后C–O–C、–COOH、–CH3、–CH2、–OH和C=O逐渐消失;生物炭产率随着炭化温度的升高而降低,尤其是从300℃升高至400℃产率降低最为明显,这与纤维素及半纤维素的分解有直接关系;生物炭中有机组分的C元素含量增加,由701.7 g/kg增加到899.3 g/kg,增加了197.6 g/kg;而H、O和N元素含量则逐渐降低,分别降低了21.4、171.8和6.6 g/kg;生物炭中有机组分的原子比H/C、O/C和(N+O)/C都逐渐减小。总之,生物质升温炭化过程中,炭化温度与生物炭孔径及有机组分的C元素含量呈正相关关系而与生物炭产率、生物炭中有机组分的H、O和N元素含量呈负相关关系,低温和中温炭化时生物炭保留原有的骨架结构,而高温时对其有一定程度的破坏作用,沙蒿生物质含有丰富的官能团,升温裂解过程中多数官能团消失,无机组分Si–O–Si得以保留,此外,生物质升温裂解是一个芳香性逐渐增强,亲水性和极性逐渐减弱的过程。  相似文献   

Starch, protein, and temperature effects on bread staling were investigated using visible and near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Bread staling was mainly due to amylopectin retrogradation. NIRS measured amylopectin retrogradation accurately in different batches. Three important wavelengths, 970 nm, 1,155 nm, and 1,395 nm, were associated with amylopectin retrogradation. NIRS followed moisture and starch structure changes when amylopectin retrograded. The amylose‐lipid complex changed little from one day after baking. The capability of NIRS to measure changes in the retrograded amylose‐lipid complex was limited. Two important wavelengths, 550 nm and 1,465 nm, were key for NIRS to successfully classify the starch‐starch (SS) and starch‐protein (SP) bread based on different colors and protein contents in SS and SP. Low temperature dramatically accelerated the amylopectin retrogradation process. Protein retarded bread staling, but not as much as temperature. The starch and protein interaction was less important than the starch retrogradation. Protein hindered the bread staling process mainly by diluting starch and retarding starch retrogradation.  相似文献   

Changes in gelatinization and retrogradation properties of two rice cultivars, Bengal and Kaybonnet, during rough rice storage were studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The storage variables included two storage moisture contents (12 and 14%), three storage temperatures (4, 21, and 38°C), and four storage durations (0, 3, 9, and 16 weeks). Rough rice cultivar, storage temperature, moisture content, and duration affected (P < 0.05) the enthalpies and temperatures of gelatinization and retrogradation of rice flour. Bengal had a higher gelatinization enthalpy (P < 0.005) but lower gelatinization temperatures (P < 0.0001) than the long-grain Kaybonnet. Rice stored at 38°C exhibited higher gelatinization enthalpy and temperatures (P < 0.05) than those stored at 4 or 21°C. Storage duration affected the gelatinization and retrogradation properties through a higher order, rather than a linear, relationship.  相似文献   

Rice quality can vary inexplicably from one lot to another and from year to year. One cause could be the variable temperatures experienced during the nighttime hours of rice kernel development. During the fall of 2004, a controlled temperature study was conducted using large growth chambers, testing nighttime temperatures of 18, 22, 26, and 30°C from 12 a.m. until 5 a.m. throughout kernel development, using rice cultivars Cypress, LaGrue, XP710, XL8, M204, and Bengal. As nighttime temperature increased, head rice yields (HRY) significantly decreased for all cultivars except Cypress and Bengal, for which HRY did not vary among nighttime temperature treatments. Kernel mass did not vary among temperature treatments for any cultivar. Grain dimensions generally decreased as nighttime temperature increased. The number of chalky kernels increased with an increase in nighttime temperature for all cultivars but Cypress. The amylose content of Cypress and LaGrue was significantly lower at the nighttime temperature of 30°C, while total brown rice lipid and protein contents did not vary among temperature treatments for all cultivars.  相似文献   

Glucose, maltose, maltotriose, maltotetraose, α- and γ-cyclodextrins, and maltodextrins from potato starch (average degree of polymerization [DP] of 17) and maize starch (average DP of 20) were added to wheat flour-water doughs at levels of 1.0 and 3.0% (based on dry flour weight). Additions of 3.0% (w/w) α- and γ-cyclodextrins increased the 500 farinograph unit (FU) consistency by 174 and 193 FU, respectively, while the same levels of potato and maize starch dextrins increased the consistency by 32 and 21 FU, respectively. Expressed in an alternative way, the water absorption corresponding to 500 FU consistency was increased by 4.2 and 4.6% after addition of 3.0% (w/w) α- and γ-cyclodextrins, respectively. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to evaluate the direct effects of addition of low molecular weight carbohydrates on amylopectin recrystallization in baked flour-water doughs. A significant reduction in amylopectin recrystallization was found after the addition of 3.0% (w/w) γ-cyclodextrin after seven days of storage of the baked wheat flour-water dough.  相似文献   

The effects of increasing levels of eight commercial fungal enzymes enriched in four types of activity (α‐amylase, protease, xylanase, or cellulase) on Japanese‐style sponge and dough bread quality and processing characteristics have been studied using a Canadian red spring wheat straight‐grade flour. At optimum levels, the enriched α‐amylases, xylanases, and cellulases increased loaf volume and bread score and reduced crumb firmness, while the proteases only reduced crumb firmness. For α‐amylases, xylanases, and cellulases, optimum levels for crumb firmness were obtained at higher levels of addition than for loaf volume and bread score. At high levels of addition, all four enriched enzyme types reduced loaf volume and bread score and increased crumb firmness relative to optimum levels, with the proteases showing the most dramatic effects. α‐Amylases and cellulases had little impact on dough mixing requirements, while xylanases increased and proteases greatly reduced mixing requirements. All enzymes at optimum levels reduced sheeting work requirements, resulting in softer more pliable dough. Optimum bread properties for α‐amylases, xylanases, and cellulases were attained within a relatively narrow range of dough sheeting work values. This similarity in response suggests a dominant common nonspecific mechanism for their improver action, which is most likely related to water release and the resulting impact on physical dough properties.  相似文献   

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