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Oatrim (oat β‐glucan amylodextrins) was evaluated as a fat substitute in a cake system. The physical and rheological properties of cakes containing shortening replaced with 20, 40, and 60% by weight of Oatrim were characterized. The increase in the specific gravity of the cakes and the decrease in the viscosity as more shortening was replaced with Oatrim were correlated with the change in the cake volume. The number of air bubbles present in the cake batters varied significantly; however, the size of the observed bubbles did not change. The cakes containing more Oatrim displayed a higher starch gelatinization temperature due to the amylodextrins in the Oatrim. The dynamic rheological properties of the cakes were investigated during baking and correlated with the differential scanning calorimetry results. The oscillatory shear storage moduli decreased upon initial heating, then increased due to starch gelatinization, and finally reached a plateau value that varied based on the sample composition. Moreover, increased replacement of shortening with Oatrim resulted in higher observed oscillatory shear storage moduli. The cakes prepared with up to 20% by weight of Oatrim did not evidence significant changes in softness (P < 0.01) and generally exhibited similar physical properties to the control cake.  相似文献   

Three yellow dent corn hybrids (FR1064×LH59, FR600×FR1087, and FR618×LH123HT) from the 1994 crop, one hybrid (FR1064×LH59) from the 1995 crop, and two hybrids (FR1064×LH59 and FR618×LH123HT) from the 1996 crop were used to study the effect of storage time and storage temperature on starch yields. Samples of all of the corn hybrids were stored under one of two conditions: in a 4°C cold room or under a shed exposed to ambient conditions. The hybrids from the 1994, 1995, and 1996 crops were stored for up to 24, 12, and 3 months, respectively. No significant differences were found between starch yields of the hybrids with respect to storage time. However, there was a significant difference in hybrids from the 1994 samples. Starch yields of two of the three corn hybrids (from the 1994 crop) stored in the 4°C cold room were higher when compared to the starch yields of the same hybrids stored at ambient conditions.  相似文献   


Yellow foxtail [Setaria pumila syn. Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv.] competitive influence on corn (Zea mays L.) growth and yield was investigated at Brookings, South Dakota, and Morris, Minnesota, in 1995 and 1996. Yellow foxtail was seeded at different densities, and at Morris, two levels of nitrogen (N) were applied. Corn biomass measured at V‐6 or V‐8, silking, and harvest and grain yield were correlated negatively to foxtail biomass and density, but the loss differed between years and sites. Nitrogen increased corn growth and decreased yield loss. Defining a single foxtail density or biomass that resulted in a maximum yield loss of 10% was not possible. The most conservative estimate was 3 yellow foxtail plants m?2 or 24 g m?2 of yellow foxtail biomass, but ranged up to 55 plants m?2 and 256 g m?2 when weather conditions and N were optimal.  相似文献   

A high‐speed dual‐wavelength sorter was tested for removing corn contaminated in the field with aflatoxin and fumonisin. To achieve accurate sorting, single kernel reflectance spectra (500–1,700 nm) were analyzed to select the optimal pair of optical filters to detect mycotoxin‐contaminated corn during high‐speed sorting. A routine, based on discriminant analysis, was developed to select the two absorbance bands in the spectra that would give the greatest classification accuracy. In a laboratory setting, and with the kernels stationary, absorbances at 750 and 1,200 nm could correctly identify >99% of the kernels as aflatoxin‐contaminated (>100 ppb) or uncontaminated. A high‐speed sorter was tested using the selected filter pair for corn samples inoculated with Aspergillus flavus; naturally infested corn grown in central Illinois; and naturally infested, commercially grown and harvested corn from eastern Kansas (2002 harvest). For the Kansas corn, the sorter was able to reduce aflatoxin levels by 81% from an initial average of 53 ppb, while fumonisin levels in the same grain samples were reduced an average of 85% from an initial level of 17 ppm. Similar reductions in mycotoxin levels were observed after high‐speed sorting of A. flavus inoculated and naturally mold‐infested corn grown in Illinois.  相似文献   

土层置换对土壤物理性质及养分有效性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以辽宁半干旱区旱田为研究对象,将0~20 cm土壤与20~40 cm土壤进行位置转换,探讨土层置换对土壤物理性质及土壤养分含量的影响。研究结果表明:土层置换后,10~30 cm土壤容重较常规耕作分别降低3.62%和5.11%;0~10cm与20~30 cm土壤含水量比常规耕作处理增大2.06%和6.82%;10~30 cm土壤导水率较常规耕作处理增加62.6%和219.2%;10~30 cm土壤碱解氮、速效钾、速效磷含量均高于常规耕作处理;玉米穗数、玉米出籽率、籽粒含水量以及玉米产量比常规耕作处理增加9.76%、4.67%、4.89%和8.56%。综上,应用土层置换技术,能够显著改善旱田土壤物理性状,提高养分有效性,为作物生长提供良好的土壤环境。  相似文献   

[目的]探索最优的林分更替改造模式,为黄河三角洲盐碱地退化林分的恢复提供理论依据和技术支撑。[方法]以黄河三角洲盐碱地衰退白榆林和八里庄杨树林为研究对象,采用野外调查与实验室分析测定相结合的方法,对两种衰退林分及各自不同更替改造模式的生长、土壤及植被效益进行分析与评价。[结果]①衰退白榆林和八里庄杨林更替改造的不同模式在郁闭度、林木保存率和生长状况方面差异较大,总体上混交林好于纯林,耐盐能力强的树种好于耐盐能力差的树种。②衰退白榆林和八里庄杨林的不同更替改造模式在土壤理化性能上皆得到提高,均能提升土壤涵蓄降水量和有效涵蓄量;不同更替改造模式均不同程度地降低了土壤的pH值和含盐量;两种衰退林分经更替改造为不同模式后的土壤有机质和养分状况得到较大改善,随着林分模式的不同,其提高程度差异较大。③不同林分模式的植被有所差异,但总体来说,更替改造模式的生境好于衰退林分,出现耐盐能力较低的植物,其植被种类增多,但随着林分郁闭度的增加,耐荫植物出现,耐干旱耐盐植物种类减少。[结论]综合分析两种衰退林分更替改造不同模式的林分生长、土壤及植被,在衰退白榆林分的更替改造中,以竹柳刺槐白榆混交林模式为最佳,白榆纯林次之,刺槐纯林亦可考虑,竹柳纯林模式则不宜选择;在衰退八里庄杨林分更替改造的两种模式中,白榆纯林为最好,盐柳纯林最差,不宜选用。  相似文献   

Coarse and fine fiber fractions obtained from the corn wet‐milling processes, with and without steeping chemicals (SO2 and lactic acid), were evaluated microscopically for structure and analytically for recovery of phytosterol compounds from the fiber oil. Microscopic results showed that wet milling, with and without chemicals during steeping, changed the line of fracture between pericarp and endosperm and therefore affected the recovery of the aleurone layer in coarse (pericarp) and fine (endosperm cellular structure) fiber. Analytical results showed that most of the phytosterols and mainly phytostanols in corn fiber are contributed by the aleurone layer. Hand‐dissection studies were performed to separate the two layers that comprise the wet‐milled coarse fiber, the aleurone, and pericarp layer. Analyses revealed that the aleurone contained 8× more phytosterols than the pericarp.  相似文献   

研究比较了甘肃引黄灌区主栽玉米品种沈单16号与引进的10个玉米品种对盐碱地适应性。结果表明,与沈单16比较,敦玉2号增产最为明显,KWS 2564、甘鑫吉祥1号的增产不明显,其他品种都有不同程度的减产。从籽粒变异系数分析,变异系数高的品种受盐分胁迫后的适应性较差。种植敦玉2号土层的离子含量较其他品种的低,种植KWS 2564、甘鑫吉祥1号的土层离子含量也较低。敦玉2号无论是在耐盐碱以及稳产方面均有优势,可作为耐盐碱玉米品种在当地种植推广。  相似文献   

EDTA-enhanced phytoremediation by corn (Zea mays L.) of soil supplemented with 500 mg L?1 lead (Pb) was examined. The chelate EDTA was used in order to increase Pb bioavailability at four levels: 0 (control), 0.5 (low), 1.0 (medium), and 2.5 mmol kg?1 (high). Plants were grown under controlled conditions in a growth-chamber with supplementary light. An EDTA concentration of 5.0 mmol kg?1 was lethal to plants. At high and medium EDTA levels plants grew significantly less than control ones. Lead concentrations in corn leaves increased with increased EDTA levels. Plants subjected to medium EDTA level had the greatest root to shoot Pb translocation. Plants subjected to high EDTA level showed high phosphorus (P) uptake and translocation within plants. Therefore, possibly it was not only Pb that caused toxic effect on plants, but also the high internal concentration of P that in turn could have complexed active Fe.  相似文献   

四川黄壤区玉米季坡耕地自然降雨及其侵蚀产沙特征分析   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
为明确玉米全生育期自然降雨特征以及坡耕地产流产沙规律,以研究区自然降雨为基础,采用野外径流小区和室内分析相结合的方法,分别对横坡垄作、平作和顺坡垄作坡面玉米全生育期(苗期、拔节期、抽雄期和成熟期)的自然降雨、径流及侵蚀产沙量进行了测定。结果表明:研究区2015年玉米全生育期内雨量为676.71mm,其中成熟期侵蚀性雨量达411.71mm,占累计侵蚀性雨量的69.85%。玉米全生育期内,产流受雨量、玉米生育期显著影响,横坡垄作产沙受雨量、雨强的影响显著,而平作和顺坡垄作则受雨量、株高的影响显著;产流产沙均随玉米生育期的推进逐渐增加,且产沙受产流影响显著,横坡垄作和平作含沙量先减小后增加再减小,而顺坡垄作则先减小后增加;抽雄期横坡垄作产流显著小于顺坡垄作而产沙显著小于平作和顺坡垄作,成熟期横坡垄作产流产沙显著小于平作和顺坡垄作。研究区自然降雨条件下,雨量是影响黄壤坡耕地产流产沙的最主要因子,产沙滞后于产流;玉米成熟期土壤侵蚀最为严重,横坡垄作是防治研究区水土流失的有效途径,研究成果为山地黄壤水土流失有效防控与农业的可持续发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The textural properties of cooked waxy rice cakes made from four waxy rice varieties including the unique varieties Kantomochi 172 (K172) and BC3 with the property of rapid hardening were analyzed by instrumental and sensory methods. For the instrumental analysis, a compression test, adhesiveness test, and tensile test were conducted. The waxy rice cakes made from K172 and BC3 showed significantly higher compressive force and resistance to break under tensile load. Significant difference in amylopectin chain‐length distribution was observed between each variety, and this difference strongly reflected the hardness of waxy rice cakes. The peak area ratio of amylopectin branch chains with 6–12 degrees of polymerization negatively correlated with the compressive force required for 50 and 80% strain. Sensory evaluation showed that the waxy rice cakes made from these varieties had a significantly harder, less stretchable, less smooth surface, whereas the scores for adhesiveness and ease to cut off (hagire) were preferable to those for other rice varieties.  相似文献   

Kjeldahl analysis is commonly used to measure zein proteins in corn maize (N × 5.7) with no attempt to eliminate contribution from other nitrogen sources. In this study, dry milled corn was extracted with 70% ethanol or 0.1N NaOH and the zein content of the extract measured using capillary electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The amount of zein protein in alcohol extracts, using this method, was in good agreement with that determined by Kjeldahl nitrogen analysis. However, less than half of the Kjeldahl nitrogen in the alkaline extracts could be attributed to corn zein. Reproducibility expressed as relative standard deviation for migration time and peak area was 0.10 and 1.05, respectively. The technique permits rapid analysis of a large number of samples without interference from other compounds present in the extracts.  相似文献   

Sequential extraction processing (SEP) is a new approach to fractionating dried, flaked corn using 95% ethanol. In the original process, corn oil was extracted at 76°C in a countercurrent mode while simultaneously dehydrating the ethanol. This resulted in 20% of the protein (predominantly zein) coextracting with the oil. The process was modified to reduce the amount of coextracted protein. One modification (mSEP1) was to use a blend of 30% hexane and 70% ethanol at 56°C. A second modification (mSEP2) used a longer extraction column (L/D ratio 15) to replace the column with L/D 2 used in the original SEP system. To determine the effect of the modifications on oil quality, the quality of the crude corn oils produced from the modified SEP processes were compared with the quality of oil from the original SEP. To evaluate the quality of the three crude oils produced by SEP with the process typically used in industry, they were compared with the quality of laboratory hexane‐extracted corn oil. The results of the three SEP oils exhibited larger concentrations of fatty acids, phospholipids, and carotenoids, smaller concentrations of triacylglycerols, and darker red color than the hexane‐extracted oil. The oils from the two modified SEP processes contained smaller concentrations of free fatty acids and phospholipids and larger concentrations of triacylglycerols and carotenoids than the original SEP oil. In spite of the improvements to the oil through process modifications, the mSEP1 and mSEP2 oils exhibit greater refining losses than hexane‐extracted oil.  相似文献   

Efficiently utilizing the nongrain portion of the corn plant as ruminant food and the grain for ethanol will allow the optimization of both food and fuel production. Corn and corn stover could be more effectively used if they were harvested earlier before dry down. Corn harvested at different moisture contents (MCs) may exhibit different processing characteristics for the ethanol industry, because of differences in physical and chemical properties. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the effect of corn harvest MC on dry‐grind fermentation characteristics and dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) composition. Pioneer hybrid 32D78 was harvested at seven different dates from August 21 to November 23, 2009, with harvest MCs ranging from 73 to 21% (wb). The corn samples with different harvest MCs were evaluated by a conventional dry‐grind process. Final ethanol concentration from the corn with harvest MC of 54% (kernel dent stage) was 17.9% (v/v), which was significantly higher (0.5–1.2 percentage points) than the mature corn with lower harvest MCs (P < 0.05). Ethanol conversion efficiencies for the corn with harvest MCs of 73 and 54% (wb) were 98.5 and 93.2%, respectively, whereas ethanol conversion efficiencies for the corn with lower harvest MCs were significantly lower (P < 0.05), ranging between 83.2 and 88.3%. For DDGS composition, with corn harvest MC decreasing from 73 to 21% (wb), the residual starch concentration increased from 7.7 to 15.2%, the crude protein concentration decreased from 29.4 to 24.9%, and the neutral detergent fiber concentration decreased from 26.6 to 20.6%.  相似文献   

Zinc ammonium acetate (ZAA) is applied to soil with anhydrous ammonia as a carrier to improve corn (Zea mays L.) productivity. To study the fate of ZAA in the soils, a laboratory leaching experiment was conducted with 14C-ZAA and 65Zn-ZAA using water or NH4OH as carrier. Results showed that ZAA degraded in the soil and released CO2. The released CO2 was from the acetate component of ZAA and accounted for less than 0.06% of the total applied 14C. Using H2O as carrier resulted in more CO2 release than using NH4OH, regardless of soil type. However, more 14C was detected in the leachate when using NH4OH as a carrier than when using H2O. A plant uptake experiment using 14C-ZAA and 65Zn-ZAA indicated that four-leaf-stage corn seedlings absorbed higher amounts of 14C in the stem and root than in the leaves. The 65Zn was detected in most tested plant parts. Our study showed that ZAA enhanced cytokinin levels in root and/or shoot tissues of corn seedlings, suggesting a secondary regulatory effect of ZAA in improving corn productivity.  相似文献   

Interactions between sulfur (S) and selenium (Se) uptake and accumulation in corn (Zea mays) plants were investigated in solution culture. Two concentrations (5 and 10 μ M) of Se (as selenate) and three concentrations of S (as sulfate) (0.5, 1.5, and 2.5 mM) were used. Results showed that shoot and root biomass were affected significantly by different S concentrations in solution, but not affected by Se application when S concentrations in solution were lower than 1.5 mM. Selenium concentrations as well as Se accumulation in shoots and roots on a dry weight basis increased dramatically with increasing Se concentrations in solution. At a constant Se level, increasing S in solution reduced Se concentrations. Selenium accumulation in plants was not affected by S application, except in nutrient solution with Se at a concentration of 10 μ M. Sulfur concentrations and S accumulation in shoots increased significantly with increasing Se concentrations in solution, while those in roots were unaffected by Se addition. Solution-to-shoot transfer factors and shoot-root distribution coefficients of Se and S were also discussed. These data suggest that it is necessary to manage carefully both S and Se levels in solution or in soils for supplementation of Se in plants. Results from this study indicate that human Se nutrition can be improved by supplementation of Se in crops.  相似文献   

Abstract. Four experiments studying ground preparation for the restoration of disturbed land to a woodland cover are described. They provide consistent evidence to suggest that methods of soil replacement which minimize compaction are preferable to conventional methods followed by deep ripping to relieve compaction induced in the placement operation. In addition, soil loosening using an excavator is more effective than that achieved by ripping. The research supports modern guidance which advocates 'loose tipping' as the best method of ground preparation for a woodland or forestry after-use on sites reclaimed after dereliction or mineral extraction.  相似文献   

4种草本植物对酸性黄壤中铅的吸收特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究4种草本植物(黑麦草、狗牙根、早熟禾、翦股颖)对重金属铅的吸收积累规律,为生态环境建设提供科学依据。采用盆栽试验,分别测定地上部与根部铅含量,计算地上部铅含量/根系铅含量(S/R),根系耐性指数,富集系数4个指标。4种植物地上部和根系中的铅含量与土壤中铅含量呈显著的正相关,相关系数都大于0.90;综合4个指标,对铅的抗性相对顺序为翦股颖〉黑麦草〉早熟禾〉狗牙根。在较高铅离子浓度处理下,4种植物外观没有表现出明显的胁迫现象,特别是黑麦草和翦股颖在重金属Pb含量高达3000 mg/kg的污染土壤上,能够忍耐并正常生长,更适合于Pb污染土壤的修复。  相似文献   

Oxidized corn starch prepared by a semi-dry process using hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant was studied. The optimum oxidation conditions of corn starch were mole ratio of H2O2 and anhydroglucose unit (0.219); mole ratio of NaOH and anhydroglucose unit (0.144); moisture content of the reaction mixture (27.2%); and reaction temperature (65°C). Compared with oxidized corn starch produced by reacting starch with sodium hypochlorite in alkaline slurry, oxidized corn starches produced by a semi-dry process apparently had different properties. Oxidation by a semi-dry process for corn starch resulted in significant changes in the degree of crystallinity of starch and the changes increased with the increase of carboxyl content of starch. Peak viscosities of oxidized starches produced by a semi-dry process were lower than those of commercial corn starch at similar carboxyl contents, while the final viscosities and setbacks of the former were much higher than the latter. There were apparent differences for texture properties among oxidized starches prepared by different processes. Onset temperature, peak temperature, and conclusion temperature of semi-dry oxidation starches were higher than those of commercial oxidized starch, while the enthalpy of gelatinization of the former were lower than the latter.  相似文献   

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