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籽粒苋蛋白质的提取研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为了探索籽粒苋蛋白质的提取工艺,研究了不同的介质pH值、提取时间、提取温度和加水比例对籽粒苋蛋白质的可溶出率的影响,分析了3种pH值下提取的蛋白质氨基酸组成。结果表明:pH值极大地影响籽粒苋蛋白质的溶出率,pH 2.0~4.6时,随pH值上升,溶出率下降,pH 4.6~12.0时,随pH值上升,可溶出率增大;pH值4.6时为最低点,此时可能为籽粒苋蛋白质的等电点;水与籽粒苋之比为20时,蛋白质的可溶出率较其它比例为高;其它因素对籽粒苋蛋白质的溶出率影响不大。因此,籽粒苋蛋白质最佳提取工艺条件采用料液比为1∶20,在pH 8~10的碱性环境下,室温浸提1 h。  相似文献   

The primary structure of Brassica napus procruciferin 2/3a was engineered to elucidate structure-function relationships and to improve the functionality of cruciferin. The following mutants were constructed: (1) C287T, (2) DeltaII, variable region II was deleted; (3) C287T/DeltaII, mutation involving (1) and (2); (4) DeltaIV + A1aIV; and (5) DeltaIV + A3IV, variable region IV was replaced with variable region IV containing many charged residues from soybean glycinin A1aB1b and A3B4 subunits. Differential scanning calorimetry analysis revealed that the A1aIV region has a more favorable interaction with the procruciferin molecule than does A3IV as well as the original regions. On the basis of heat-induced precipitation analysis, it was concluded that replacement of the free cysteine residue with threonine (C287T) and insertion of charged regions (DeltaIV + A1aIV and DeltaIV + A3IV) could lead procruciferin to form soluble aggregates after heating. Low solubility was observed in mutants DeltaIV + A3IV, DeltaII, and C287T/DeltaII, especially between pH 4 and 6 at mu = 0.08, but not in DeltaIV + A1aIV, indicating that the number of acidic amino acid residues and the high number of glutamine residues are important factors for solubility at mu = 0.08. None of the mutants showed any improvements in emulsifying ability, indicating that destabilization and addition of the hydrophilic region are not effective for emulsification. The insertion of the A1aIV region in procruciferin made the molecule more susceptible to alpha-chymotrypsin.  相似文献   

添加剂对高水分挤压组织化复合蛋白理化性质的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了改善高水分挤压组织化复合蛋白肉感不强,肉质纹理结构差的问题,该文以小麦蛋白为主要基料,采用双螺杆高水分挤压技术,研究了添加剂对高水分挤压组织化复合蛋白产品特性的改善效果,并探讨了高水分挤压组织化复合蛋白与市场上熟肉制品质构特性的差异。结果表明,不同种类添加剂对高水分挤压组织化复合蛋白产品特性的影响呈现差异性,其中,大豆磷脂、卡拉胶加入不利于高水分挤压组织化复合蛋白成型及网络状纤维结构的形成;氯化钠添加0.5%时,可改善其纤维结构,加大添加量,色泽差异较小,组织化度,硬度及咀嚼度呈下降趋势,不利于复合组织化蛋白网络状纤维结构的形成;碳酸氢钠添加0.2%~0.4%时,可改善其品质特性;L-半胱氨酸添加0.03%~0.09%时,其组织化度、硬度、咀嚼度均呈增加趋势,碳酸氢钠、L-半胱氨酸的添加均有利于复合组织化蛋白网络状纤维结构的形成。由各指标相关性评价可知,感官评分、L*值、组织化度、咀嚼度可作为其代表性评价指标。高水分复合蛋白的微观结构可直观地剖析添加剂对其组织化结构的影响效果。其中,大豆磷脂、卡拉胶加入时均未形成较多的网络状纤维结构。并与市场上熟肉制品的质构存在较大的差异性,其中硬度、弹性、聚结性、咀嚼度明显增加。适量添加氯化钠、碳酸氢钠、L-半胱氨酸,并结合市场上熟肉制品的质构特性,以感官评分、L*值、组织化度、咀嚼度为评价指标,将为创制肉感较强、具有肉质纹理的仿肉制品提供基础理论依据。  相似文献   

Rapeseeds contain cruciferin (11S globulin), napin (2S albumin), and oleosin (oil body protein) as major seed proteins. The effects of oil expression and drying conditions on the extraction of these proteins from rapeseed meal were examined. The conditions strongly affected the extraction of oleosin and only weakly affected the extraction of cruciferin and napin. The protein chemical and physicochemical properties of cruciferin, the major protein present, were compared with those of glycinin (soybean 11S globulin) under various conditions. In general, cruciferin exhibited higher surface hydrophobicity, lower thermal stability, and lower and higher solubility at mu= 0.5 and mu = 0.08, respectively, than did glycinin. At the pHs (6.0, 7.6, and 9.0) and ionic strengths (mu= 0.08 and 0.5) examined, the emulsifying ability of cruciferin was worse than that of glycinin, except at mu= 0.08 and pH 7.6. The emulsifying abilities of cruciferin and glycinin did not correlate with thermal stability and surface hydrophobicity. Higher protein concentration, higher heating temperature, higher pH, and lower ionic strength were observed to produce harder gels from cruciferin. Gel hardness partly correlated with the structural stability of cruciferin.  相似文献   

The amino acid composition and the physicochemical and functional properties of quinoa protein isolates were evaluated. Protein isolates were prepared from quinoa seed by alkaline solubilization (at pH 9, called Q9, and at pH 11, called Q11) followed by isoelectric precipitation and spray drying. Q9 and Q11 had high levels of essential amino acids, with high levels of lysine. Both isolates showed similar patterns in native/SDS-PAGE and SEM. The pH effect on fluorescence measurements showed decreasing fluorescence intensity and a shift in the maximum of emission of both isolates. Q9 showed an endotherm with a denaturation temperature of 98.1 degrees C and a denaturation enthalpy of 12.7 J/g, while Q11 showed no endotherm. The protein solubility of Q11 was lower than that of Q9 at pH above 5.0 but similar at the pH range 3.0-4.0. The water holding capacity (WHC) was similar in both isolates and was not affected by pH. The water imbibing capacity (WIC) was double for Q11 (3.5 mL of water/g isolate). Analysis of DSC, fluorescence, and solubility data suggests that there is apparently denaturation due to pH. Some differences were found that could be attributed to the extreme pH treatments in protein isolates and the nature of quinoa proteins. Q9 and Q11 can be used as a valuable source of nutrition for infants and children. Q9 may be used as an ingredient in nutritive beverages, and Q11 may be used as an ingredient in sauces, sausages, and soups.  相似文献   

To prepare composite films from biopolymers with anti-listerial activity and moisture barrier properties, the antimicrobial efficiency of chitosan-hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) films, chitosan-HPMC films associated with lipid, and chitosan-HPMC films chemically modified by cross-linking were evaluated. In addition, the physicochemical properties of composite films were evaluated to determine their potential for food applications. The incorporation of stearic acid into the composite chitosan-HPMC film formulation decreased water sensitivity such as initial solubility in water and water drop angle. Thus, cross-linking of composite chitosan-HPMC, using citric acid as the cross-linking agent, led to a 40% reduction in solubility in water. The water vapor transfer rate of HPMC film, approximately 270 g x m(-2) x day(-1) x atm(-1), was improved by incorporating chitosan and was further reduced 40% by the addition of stearic acid and/or cross-linking. Anti-listerial activity of films was determined on solid medium by a numeration technique. Chitosan-HPMC-based films, with and without stearic acid, inhibited the growth of Listeria monocytogenes completely. On the other hand, a loss of antimicrobial activity after chemical cross-linking modification was observed. FTIR and 13C NMR analyses were then conducted in order to study a potential chemical modification of biopolymers such as a chemical reaction with the amino group of chitosan. To complete the study, the mechanical properties of composite films were determined from tensile strength assays.  相似文献   

The processing stability of squalene in amaranth and the antioxidant capacity of the oil-rich fraction of amaranth were studied. The processes investigated were continuous puffing and roasting. Puffing was carried out using a single screw extruder, while roasting was carried out in a convection oven. High-performance liquid chromatography was used to quantify squalene content before and after processing. The L-ORAC method was used to study the antioxidant activity of pure squalene and lipophilic amaranth extract containing squalene. It was found that squalene was stable during all of the processing operations with a maximum loss of 12% during roasting (150 degrees C, 20 min) and no loss during puffing. The L-ORAC test showed pure squalene to be a weak antioxidant, whereas the lipophilic extract of amaranth showed higher antioxidant activity as compared to pure squalene at the same concentration, suggesting that tocotrienols and other minor ingredients also played a role as antioxidants.  相似文献   

为探索不同虫态米象侵害对小麦蛋白品质的影响,该研究以米象侵害后的小麦为研究对象,对米象不同虫态(卵期、幼虫期、蛹期、成虫期)侵害后的小麦粗蛋白、尿酸、蛋白组分、湿面筋、面筋吸水量、乳酸溶剂保持力(solvent retention capacity,SRC)、蔗糖SRC、巯基(-SH)、二硫键(-S-S-)、蛋白质二级结构、面筋蛋白显微结构以及制成全麦面条的色泽和质构特性等进行测定与分析。结果表明,米象的侵害会使小麦蛋白的理化特性和形态结构变差。随着米象的生长发育,小麦籽粒中粗蛋白的含量显著上升,湿面筋、面筋吸水量,乳酸SRC、蔗糖SRC,- SH和- SS -的含量下降,小麦蛋白组分和二级结构比例发生显著变化(P<0.05),小麦的食用品质和营养价值降低。面筋蛋白显微结构显示:随着米象在小麦籽粒内部生长发育,面筋表面粗糙程度加重,断裂面和毛刺增多,到达成虫期后,部分面筋结构已经严重断裂,无法识别。制成全麦面条后,面条的色泽加深,L*值、蒸煮损失率增大,a*值、b*值、硬度、黏附性、弹性、内聚性、咀嚼性和回复性降低。该试验结果进一步阐明了米象侵害后小麦品质的劣变机制,为小麦贮藏期间及虫蚀小麦的品质改良提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

豆浆的钙含量相对较低,且具有令人不愉快的豆腥味,限制了豆浆产品的消费需求。该研究以羟基磷灰石(hydroxyapatite, HA)为钙强化剂,研究了钙添加量和均质压力对豆浆粉理化性质、感官评价和挥发性风味物质组成的影响。结果表明:钙的添加会降低豆浆粉粉体的流动性,润湿和分散时间显著(P<0.05)增加;豆浆粉冲调后,剪切黏度增加,口腔摩擦系数明显提高,口感变得稠厚。在1.5%的钙添加量基础上,采用均质处理进一步改善豆浆粉的品质。低压均质(≤60 MPa)改善了豆浆粉的流动性、润湿和分散性。随着均质压力的升高,豆浆粉颗粒的表面变得光滑,坍塌减少,呈现接近球体的形态。当均质压力继续增大至80 MPa时,豆浆粉颗粒形貌略有破损。均质处理能使冲调后豆浆的黏度减小,口腔摩擦系数明显降低,口感变得顺滑。相比未加钙豆浆粉的风味物质种类(26种),钙强化豆浆粉的风味物质种类达35种。相比于未均质钙强化豆浆粉,20 MPa均质处理显著(P<0.05)降低关键性豆腥味物质(正己醛等)检测的含量,且关键性非豆腥味物质(正壬醛、反-2-辛烯醛、反-2-壬烯醛等)得到较好的保留,豆浆粉的色泽、风味、顺滑度和滋味显著(P<0.05)改善,感官评分最高。然而,过高的压力处理(80 MPa)使检测的正己醛含量略有上升,而正壬醛、反-2-壬烯醛的含量显著(P<0.05)下降,劣化了豆浆粉的感官品质,感官评分降低。该研究结果可为钙强化豆浆粉的加工及感官品质改善提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Vescalagin and castalagin are two diastereoisomers. The variability of their principal physicochemical properties, compared with their small structural differences, suggests important conformational variations. This study shows, experimentally, that vescalagin has a greater effect on polarity, oxidizability in solution, and thermodegradability than castalagin. Conformational analysis by molecular mechanics demonstrated that vescalagin was more hydrophilic and was more reactive to electrophilic reagents than castalagin. Experimental results were thus explained and demonstrated the distinct behaviors of vescalagin and castalagin. These results were attributed to the C1 position of the two compounds because vescalin and castalin have comparable characteristics. Experimental data were confirmed and interpreted by molecular mechanics. This work represents one of the first attempts to correlate conformation and the properties of phenolic compounds. This step constitutes a predictive method for the pharmacology or chemistry of new compounds.  相似文献   

Grain amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) is a widely adaptable C4 pseudo-cereal crop that has interesting nutritional characteristics including high protein and calcium concentrations and a lack of gluten. To date, no antinutrient has been found at problematic levels in grain amaranth; however, oxalate has not been thoroughly studied. Dietary oxalate is a potential risk factor for kidney stone development, and its presence in food lowers calcium and magnesium availability. Oxalate concentration and forms and calcium and magnesium concentrations were determined in 30 field-grown grain amaranth genotypes from the species A. cruentus, A. hybrid, and A. hypochondriacus. The effects of seeding date and fertilization with calcium ammonium nitrate were evaluated in field experiments conducted in multiple environments; the effects of cooking were also evaluated. Mean total oxalate concentration in the 30 genotypes analyzed was 229 mg/100 g, with values ranging between 178 and 278 mg/100 g, the greatest proportion being insoluble (average of 80%). Calcium concentration averaged 186 mg/100 g and ranged between 134 and 370 mg/100 g, whereas magnesium averaged 280 mg/100 g and ranged between 230 and 387 mg/100 g. Fertilization only marginally increased total oxalate concentration and had no effects on other variables. Seeding date had no effects on any of the variables studied. Boiling increased the proportion of soluble oxalate but did not affect total oxalate concentration. Grain amaranth can be considered a high oxalate source, however, as most is in insoluble form, and due to its high calcium and magnesium concentrations, oxalate absorbability could be low. This should be confirmed by bioavailability studies.  相似文献   

该研究旨在探究豆粕、棉粕、菜粕、酒糟蛋白(Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles,DDGS)、乙醇梭菌蛋白5种蛋白原料及其混合粉料的营养指标和理化性质的差异,确定影响颗粒饲料质量和制粒能耗的关键指标,对5种蛋白原料的制粒效果进行综合评价.以豆粕为对照组,仅改变蛋白原料,采用相同的加工...  相似文献   

Peanut protein isolate (PPI) was treated by high-pressure microfluidization (40, 80, 120, and 160 MPa) and/or transglutaminase (TGase) cross-linking. It was found that individual microfluidization at 120 MPa was more effective in improving the solubility, emulsifying properties, and surface hydrophobicity of PPI than at other pressures (e.g., 40, 80, or 160 MPa). Individual TGase cross-linking also effectively changed the physicochemical and functional properties of PPI. Microfluidization (120 MPa) or TGase cross-linking caused the unfolding of PPI structure, resulting in the decrease of α-helix and β-turns levels and the increase of β-sheet and random coil levels, as proved by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and circular dichroism (CD) spectra. Compared with individual treatments, microfluidization followed by TGase cross-linking significantly (p < 0.05) improved the emulsion stability during long-term storage (20 days). Moreover, the combined treatments led to looser structure of PPI and resulted in more obvious changes in physicochemical properties.  相似文献   

Structures and physicochemical properties of six wild rice starches   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Starches from six wild rice cultivars were studied for their chemical structures and physicochemical properties and compared with a long-grain rice starch. The six wild rice starches were similar in morphological appearance, X-ray diffraction patterns, swelling power, and water solubility index but different in amylose content, beta-amylolysis limit, branch chain length distribution, thermal properties, and pasting properties. The structure of the wild rice amylopectins was close to that of waxy rice amylopectin with more branching and a larger proportion of short branch chains of degree of polymerization 6-12 as compared with that of amylopectin from rice starch with a similar amylose content. The differences in branch chain length distribution of amylopectin and amylose content were assumed to contribute to the differences in physicochemical properties among the six wild rice starches as well as to the differences between the wild rice starches and the rice starch.  相似文献   

振动超微粉碎对毛竹笋干物化特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究毛竹笋粉碎后作为食品辅料的可行性,该研究以毛竹笋干为原料,通过高频振动超微粉碎处理,研究振动超微粉碎技术对毛竹笋干物理化学特性的影响,为竹笋超微粉的应用提供理论参考。结果表明:毛竹笋干粗粉经振动研磨30、60 min后可获得平均粒径约为18.67和10.35μm的超微粉,所得超微粉色泽更均匀,更白亮;2种超微粉的休止角和滑角均变大,松装密度由0.372 g/mL减小到0.273和0.255 g/mL,振实密度无显著变化,压缩度增大近1倍;2种超微粉的持水力、持油力有不同程度减小,溶胀度减小,但溶胀速度大幅增加,平均粒径10.35μm的超微粉粉在15 min时溶胀度可达3.63 mL/g,而平均粒径为298μm的竹笋粗粉仅0.97 mL/g。  相似文献   

Soybean proteins have shown great potential for applications as renewable and environmentally friendly adhesives. The objective of this work was to study physicochemical and adhesion properties of soy glycinin subunits. Soybean glycinin was extracted from soybean flour and then fractionated into acidic and basic subunits with an estimated purity of 90 and 85%, respectively. Amino acid composition of glycinin subunits was determined. The high hydrophobic amino acid content is a major contributor to the solubility behavior and water resistance of the basic subunits. Acidic subunits and glycinin had similar solubility profiles, showing more than 80% solubility at pH 2.0-4.0 or 6.5-12.0, whereas basic subunits had considerably lower solubility with the minimum at pH 4.5-8.0. Thermal analysis using a differential scanning calorimeter suggested that basic subunits form new oligomeric structures with higher thermal stability than glycinin but no highly ordered structures present in isolated acidic subunits. The wet strength of basic subunits was 160% more than that of acidic subunits prepared at their respective isoelectric points (pI) and cured at 130 degrees C. Both pH and the curing temperature significantly affected adhesive performance. High-adhesion water resistance was usually observed for adhesives from protein prepared at their pI values and cured at elevated temperatures. Basic subunits are responsible for the water resistance of glycinin and are a good starting material for the development of water-resistant adhesives.  相似文献   

超微粉碎对桑叶粉理化性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为拓展超微粉碎技术在食品添加剂和药品开发中应用,以桑叶为原料,分别对桑叶粗粉进行干法超微粉碎2 、4、6、8 h,得到4种不同粒径大小的桑叶超微粉,并对桑叶粗粉与4种超微粉的理化性质进行比较。研究结果表明,超微粉碎能明显减小桑叶粗粉的颗粒粒径(P<0.05),随着超微粉碎时间的增加,超微粉的粒径减小,粉体的粒径分布范围变窄,比表面积和体积密度显著增加(P<0.05),休止角、滑角和膨胀性显著降低(P<0.05),水溶性/持水力、持油力、蛋白质的水溶性和多糖的水溶解性均有不同程度的增加,但多酚含量变化不显著(P>0.05)。扫描电镜结果显示,粗粉经超微粉碎后,其颗粒呈零散的分布形态。说明超微粉碎可改善桑叶粉的部分理化性质,可将这些性质应用于食品添加剂和常规食品开发与加工中。所得研究结果将为超微粉碎技术在桑叶食品中工业化应用提供数据支持和理论依据。  相似文献   

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