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Soil texture and evaporative demand have been reported to be the main factors which influence the transpirational response to soil water deficits. However, experimental evidences are not enough. The objective of this study was to investigate the transpirational response to soil water availability in soils of different textures under different evaporative demand levels. The three main soils of the Loess Plateau of China (loamy clay, clay loam and sandy loam) were selected and six constant soil water treatments were applied for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in pots. In order to reduce the influence of environmental conditions and plant factors, a normalized daily transpiration rate was used to develop the relationships with volumetric soil water content and soil water suction. Results showed that, under various levels of evaporative demand, a linear-plateau function with a critical value could be used to describe the dynamic change of the normalized transpiration rate with soil drying. Soil texture significantly influenced both the critical and the slope values of the linear-plateau equations, however, evaporative demand significantly affected the critical values of volumetric soil water content and soil suction for the loamy clay and clay loam only. Therefore, for saving water, different strategies are needed for these three soils.  相似文献   

Food production and water use are closely linked processes and, as competition for water intensifies, water must be used more efficiently in food production worldwide. A field experiment with wither wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.), involving six irrigation treatments (from rain-fed to 5 irrigation applications), was maintained in the North China Plain (NCP) for 6 years. The results revealed that dry matter production, grain yield and water use efficiency (WUE) were each curvilinearly related to evapotranspiration (ET). Maximum dry matter at maturity was achieved by irrigating to 94% and maximum grain yield to 84% of seasonal full ET. A positive relationship was found between harvest index (HI) and dry matter mobilization efficiency (DMME) during grain filling. Moderate water deficit during grain filling increased mobilization of assimilate stored in vegetative tissues to grains, resulting in greater grain yield and WUE. Generally, high WUE corresponded with low ET, being highest at about half potential ET. At this location in NCP, highest WUE and grain yield was obtained at seasonal water consumption in the range 250–420 mm. For that, with average seasonal rainfall of 132 mm, irrigation requirements was in the range of 120–300 mm and due to the deep root system of winter wheat and high water-holding capacity of the soil profile, soil moisture depletion of 100–150 mm constituted the greater part of the ET under limited water supply. The results reveal that WUE was maximized when around 35% ET was obtained from soil moisture depletion. For that, seasonal irrigation was around 60–140 mm in an average season.  相似文献   

Sprinkler performance as affected by nozzle inner contraction angle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The discharge-pressure relationship for the orifice nozzle is essential for developing new sprinkler prototypes and designing sprinkler irrigation systems. In this work, the sprinkler nozzle inner contraction angle was varied from 20° to 90° to establish the relationship between discharge and pressure. The sprinkler nozzle discharge increases exponentially with increasing pressure. The discharge exponent is essentially independent of the nozzle contraction angle and can be taken as 0.5, while the discharge coefficient decreases significantly with increasing contraction angle. Sprinkler rotation speeds measured for different contraction angle nozzles decreased as the angle increased. Water distributions were tested indoors for various contraction angles. Sprinkler nozzles with contraction angles ranging from 20° to 60° produced approximately equal pattern radii and similar water application profiles, but the pattern radius was significantly reduced for contraction angles above 60°. The optimum inner contraction angle is about 30°. Received: 11 July 1997  相似文献   

该研究拟利用直径为20cm的标准蒸发皿,制定简单易行的喷灌冬小麦灌溉计划。试验于2005-2006年和2006-2007年冬小麦生长季节,在中国科学院通州农田水循环和节水灌溉试验基地进行。以布置在冠层上20 cm直径蒸发皿水面蒸发量(E)为基础,研究了不同水面蒸发量倍数(分别为0.25、0.50、0.75、1.00和1.25倍,以及不灌水对照处理)灌溉水量条件下,喷灌水量对土壤水分、冬小麦生长、产量、耗水量和水分利用效率的影响,分析了利用水面蒸发量制定喷灌灌溉计划的可行性。试验结果显示,喷灌条件下土壤水分主要在0~60 cm土层内变化。当灌溉水量小于0.25E时,冬小麦叶面积指数和生物量较小,而大于1.00E也会抑制冬小麦生长。喷灌条件下冬小麦单个生育期内的耗水量在 312~508 mm内变化,耗水量随着灌水量的增加而增加。喷灌0.50E~0.75E时,冬小麦产量和水分利用效率最高或者接近于最高;灌水量较小(≤0.25E)和较大(≥1.00E)时均会降低产量。建议在北京地区冬小麦返青后,喷灌水量可采用0.50~0.75倍的20 cm蒸发皿水面蒸发量,灌水间隔可采用5~7 d。  相似文献   

Summary Standard local practice in Northern India is to continue irrigation of winter wheat crop almost up to harvest, based on the farmer's belief that this treatment increases grain weight and yield. The effect of an early cut-off of irrigation on the water use was studied in a three-year experiment on a deep, sandy-loam soil.Wheat, sown during the second or third week of November, received its first irrigation four weeks later. Subsequently treatments included irrigations of 7.5 cm water depth applied after 10 cm of cumulative pan evaporation minus rainfall had elapsed since the previous irrigation up till mid-April; irrigations of 7.5 cm up till mid-February and thereafter irrigation equal to 75 and 100% soil-water deficit in the 0–180 cm profile around March 10 with no later irrigation; and a similar treatment with one additional irrigation after making up the water deficit.Least irrigation water was used from the treatment in which 75% water deficit was restored around March 10 and no further irrigation was applied. This treatment increased the average extraction of profile water by 4 cm compared to treatments in which irrigation was continued until mid-April. Profile water depletion was inversely related to the amount of irrigation. Grain weight and yields from the various treatments harvested in the last week of April were unaffected by the treatments.The authors are grateful to the ICAR for financing this research  相似文献   

Techniques for estimating seasonal water use from soil profile water depletion frequently do not account for flux below the root zone. A method using tensiometers for obtaining evapotranspiration losses from the root zone and water movement below it is discussed. Soil water flux below the root zone is approached by a sequence of pseudo steady state solutions of the flow equation. Upward soil water flux contributed 36 to 73% to the total water requirement of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) whereas soil water depletion accounted for 11 to 19% only. Water use efficiency with one irrigation during an early stage of plant development is greater than with no or three irrigations. This is the result of both decrease of resistance due to soil moistening and better root development. Tensiometer readings were also interpreted to estimate root zones, water table depths and soil moisture contents. Methods described in this paper can be used in determining seasonal water use by growing crops, replacing or supplementing lysimeter or meteorology approaches to this problem.  相似文献   

Irrigation water is a limited resource, and therefore irrigation practices must be rationalized for high water-use efficiency. Little is known about the influence of stored water in deep soils on the water needs and the post-sowing irrigation requirements of crops. A 3-year field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of combinations of light and heavy pre-sowing irrigations with two post-sowing irrigation regimes on yield, root growth, water use and water-use efficiency of wheat on a deep alluvial sandy loam soil. Post-sowing treatments consisted of (i) five 75-mm irrigations at five growth stages, and (ii) irrigations based on pan evaporation, i.e. at IW/PAN-E ratio of 0.75 (75 mm of irrigation water were provided as soon as the open-pan evaporation minus rainfall since previous irrigation was 100 mm).The latter regime required 175 mm less water than that with irrigation at growth stages. Profile water utilization was inversely related to post-sowing irrigation water. Where pre-sowing irrigation was light, post-sowing irrigations based on pan evaporation yielded significantly less than those based on growth stages. With heavy pre-sowing irrigation, irrigation based on the pan evaporation yielded as much as five irrigations at growth stages. The former decreased the mean water application by 153 mm and increased the water-use efficiency by 26%. Irrigation based on pan evaporation stimulated greater utilization of stored water by increasing the rooting density in deeper layers.It is indicated that for higher water-use efficiency and yield, wheat should be sown after a heavy pre-sowing irrigation, and post-sowing irrigation should be based on 0.75 pan evaporation.  相似文献   

Winter wheat field data from three different ecological regions were used to validate the performance of the SLEWW-WTGRO model. This model simulates total dry matter accumulation of a crop, assuming that soil water is the main growth-limiting variable. Field data used for the validation were all monitored on experimental sites with ample nutrient supply, and crop diseases and weed growth were kept under control. The present model differs from other modelling approaches in the sense that the model itself generates the leaf area extension without losing its simplicity or increasing the number of input variables considerably. Comparison of the simulation results with data of field experiments from Belgium, India and Iran permitted study of the model performance under a wide range of climatic and farming conditions.  相似文献   

开展冬小麦冠层SPAD值监测,建立“三边”参数与SPAD值之间的高光谱估算模型,以期为高光谱诊断冬小麦冠层SPAD值提供理论依据和技术支持.以冬小麦冠层反射率与冠层SPAD值的相关关系为基础,构建基于“三边”参数的冬小麦冠层SPAD值的一元线性回归模型和主成分回归模型.结果表明:拔节期、抽穗期、灌浆期和全生育期分别以红谷位置、(SDr-SDb)/(SDr+SDb)、红谷幅值、(SDr-SDy)/(SDr+SDy)的相关系数最高,且均具有统计学意义(P<0.01);采用主成分方法构建的光谱模型在拔节期、抽穗期、灌浆期和全生育期相较于同期一元线性回归模型,决定系数R2分别提高49.6%,54.3%,14.3%和8.6%,均方根误差RMSE与相对误差RE均分别减少9.0%,12.4%,13.5%和13.6%,因此采用综合光谱信息构建主成分回归模型,在各生育时段及全生育时段对冬小麦冠层SPAD值均有较高的估算精度,可为冬小麦SPAD值的监测与诊断提供依据.  相似文献   

Based on evaporation from a 20 cm diameter pan placed above the crop canopy, sprinkler irrigation scheduling of winter wheat was studied in the North China Plain (NCP) in the 2001–2004 winter wheat seasons. Results showed that pan evaporation (E pan,C) was closely related to actual evapotranspiration (ET) measured using weighing lysimeters. The combined pan–crop coefficient (K c,pan), the ratio of ET to E pan,C, was closely related to leaf area index (LAI ) and plant height. Data from the 2002–2003 season were used to establish the relationships between K c,pan and LAI (method A) or plant height (method B), and used to determine the crop coefficient (method C). ET computed by the three methods was compared with measured ET using lysimeters in the 2001–2002 and 2003–2004 seasons. Mean relative error of estimated daily ET by the three methods ranged from 20 to 30%, and the relative error in cumulative ET in the experimental periods ranged from 1 to 19%. Among the three methods, results from methods A and B were not significantly different from each other (P > 0.01), and were closer to the lysimeter data than results from method C (P < 0.001). Method B, being easier to measure, was recommended for ET estimation in NCP.  相似文献   

To ensure sustainable agricultural water use in water shortage regions, practices of deficit irrigation should be adopted. This study investigated the performance of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under limited water supply from 2005 to 2011, a six-season field test on the North China Plain. The test was comprised of four treatments: rain-fed, single irrigation applied at sowing to obtain a good level of soil moisture at the start of crop growth (I1s), single irrigation applied during recovery to jointing (I1r), and full irrigation supplied as three irrigations (control, I3). The results showed that grain yield was significantly correlated with rainfall before heading and with evapotranspiration (ET) after heading (P < 0.01) under rain-fed conditions. The average contribution of soil water stored before sowing to seasonal ET was 90, 103, and 145 mm for rain-fed, I1s, and I1r, respectively, during the six seasons. A smaller root length density (RLD), which restricted utilization of deep soil water by the crop, was one of the reasons for the lower yield with rain-fed and I1s treatments compared with the I1r treatment in dry seasons. The results also showed that the limited irrigation applied from recovery to jointing stage (Treatment I1r) significantly promoted vegetative growth and more efficient soil water use during the reproductive (post-heading) stage, resulting in a 21.6 % yield increase compared with that of the I1s treatment. And although the average yield of the I1r treatment was 14 % lower than that of the full irrigation treatment, seasonal irrigation was reduced by 120–140 mm. With smaller penalties in yield and a larger reduction in applied irrigation, I1r could be considered a feasible irrigation practice that could be used in the NCP for conservation of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

为了缓解华北平原淡水资源的不足,合理调配水资源,在中国科学院南皮生态农业试验站进行了淡水阶段性缺水灌溉试验研究,结果表明,当某生育阶段灌水被取消时,不但使作物在本生育阶段受水分胁迫,而且在后续生育阶段也受到一定程度的水分胁迫。相比阶段性缺水来说,旱作对叶面积指数和产量的影响程度最大。与充分灌溉的叶面积指数相比,缺水阶段的减小并不是最大的,缺水阶段之后的叶面积指数减少更大,从节水和对作物生长的影响2个方面综合考虑,缺灌浆水对叶面积指数和产量的影响程度最小。在淡水资源缺乏的区域采用阶段性缺水灌溉是节约水资源的重要途径。  相似文献   

为合理高效利用河北低平原区浅层地下咸水资源,采用田间试验的方法,系统研究了不同矿化度(1,2,4,6,8 g/L)灌溉水对土壤盐分分布与冬小麦产量的影响.结果表明,随灌溉水中矿化度的增加,0~20 cm厚度的土层土壤容重增加,同时土壤孔隙率逐渐降低.与淡水处理(1 g/L)相比,矿化度为2 g/L的灌溉水浇灌的麦田0~100 cm土层土壤平均盐分含量未出现明显增加;冬小麦拔节期、孕穗期和抽穗期的叶面积指数、株高以及单位面积穗数、穗粒数、千粒质量和籽粒产量未呈现明显差异.然而,当灌溉水矿化度增加到4 g/L以上时,0~100 cm土层土壤平均盐分含量大幅增加,植株生长受到明显抑制,籽粒产量出现显著下降,减产主要因素为咸水灌溉导致的冬小麦穗数减少.在该灌溉模式下,推荐冬小麦咸水灌溉的适宜矿化度低于2 g/L.  相似文献   

Canopy water use efficiency of winter wheat in the North China Plain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Canopy water use efficiency (W), the ratio of crop productivity to evapotranspiration (ET), is critical in determining the production and water use for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the North China Plain, where winter wheat is a major crop and rainfall is scarce and variable. With the eddy covariance (EC) technique, we estimated canopy W of winter wheat at gross primary productivity (WG) and net ecosystem productivity (WN) levels from revival to maturing in three seasons of 2002/2003, 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 at Yucheng Agro-ecosystem Station. Meanwhile we also measured the biomass-based water use efficiency (WB). Our results indicate that WG, WN and WB showed the similar seasonal variation. Before jointing (revival-jointing), WG, WN and WB were obviously lower with the values of 2.09-3.54 g C kg−1, −0.71 to 0.06 g C kg−1 and 1.37-4.03 g kg−1, respectively. After jointing (jointing-heading), the winter wheat began to grow vigorously, and WG, WN and WB significantly increased to 5.26-6.78 g C kg−1, 1.47-1.86 g C kg−1 and 6.41-7.03 g kg−1, respectively. The maximums of WG, WN and WB occurred around the stage of heading. Thereafter, WG, WN and WB began to decrease. During the observed periods, three levels of productivity: GPP, NEP and aboveground biomass (AGB) all had fairly linear relationships with ET. The slopes of GPP-ET, NEP-ET and AGB-ET were 4.67-6.12 g C kg−1, 1.50-2.08 g C kg−1 and 6.87-11.02 g kg−1, respectively. Generally, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and daytime vapor pressure deficit (D) had negative effects on WG, WN and WB except for on some cloudy days with low PAR and D. In many cases, WG, WN and WB showed the similar patterns. While there were still some obvious differences between them besides in magnitude, such as their significantly different responses to PAR and D on cloudy and moist days.  相似文献   

Summary The extent to which evapotranspiration (ET) of Valencia citrus trees is affected by differing soil water depletions (SWD) and soil salinity regimes was determined during five seasons during which soil salinity levels varied. Three weighing lysimeters, each with a 14 year old tree, were used to measure daily ET and to schedule irrigation to maintain SWD at maxima of 15, 75 and 150 mm respectively. Tensiometers and salinity sensors were used to indicate the in situ soil matric and soil solution osmotic potentials. Total soil water potential was calculated from tensiometer and salinity sensor readings weighted for root density with depth. The total of these for the summer months was found to be linearly related (Fig. 5) to the mean ET/Ep (Ep=A-pan evaporation). The slope and threshold of ET reductions with decreasing soil water potential for the low frequency irrigation treatment (150 mm SWD) show good agreement with the slope and threshold of yield decrease that is calculated from soil salinity in the lysimeter using previously reported salinity-yield relationships. The reduced water uptake due to increasing soil salinity has important implications for soil salinity control, since the lower uptake should in theory increase the leaching fraction. This implies a degree of self adjustment to the leaching fraction when irrigating with increasingly saline waters if water applications are scheduled as for non-saline conditions.  相似文献   

Irrigation of crops in arid regions with marginal water is expanding. Due to economic and environmental issues arising from use of low-quality water, irrigation should follow the actual crop water demands. However, direct measurements of transpiration are scant, and indirect methods are commonly applied; e.g., the Penman–Monteith (PM) equation that integrates physiological and meteorological parameters. In this study, the effects of environmental conditions on canopy resistance and water loss were experimentally characterized, and a model to calculate palm tree evapotranspiration ETc was developed. A novel addition was to integrate water salinity into the model, thus accounting for irrigation water quality as an additional factor. Palm tree ETc was affected by irrigation water salinity, and maximum values were reduced by 25 % in plants irrigated with 4 dS m?1 and by 50 % in the trees irrigated with 8 dS m?1. Results relating the responses of stomata to the environment exhibited an exponential relation between increased light intensities and stomatal conductance, a surprising positive response of stomata to high vapor pressure deficits and a decrease in conductance as water salinity increased. These findings were integrated into a modified ‘Jarvis–PM’ canopy conductance model using only meteorological and water quality inputs. The new approach produced weekly irrigation recommendations based on field water salinity (2.8 dS m?1) and climatic forecasts that led to a 20 % decrease in irrigation water use when compared with current irrigation recommendations.  相似文献   

A drip irrigation system has the advantage of maintaining high water content near the plant root. However, its performance depends on water quality as it may induce the emitter clogging. In the Tohaku National Irrigation Project, in western Japan, mist spray emitters are widely used for irrigation in the field and greenhouses for vegetable and orchard crops. Seven emitters of different types were evaluated for the variation in their discharge rate without filter. The statistical analysis of mean discharge ratio and the coefficient of variation of the performance of emitters along a lateral line in the field indicated that the mist spray emitters had the best performance for irrigation in Tohaku area, particularly the new emitters or 1-year old emitters. The results suggest that after using the emitter line for two irrigation seasons it should either be replaced in the third season or washed carefully if further used.  相似文献   

Deep percolation and nitrate leaching are important considerations in the design of sprinkler systems. Field experiments were therefore conducted to investigate the influence of nonuniformity of sprinkler irrigation on deep percolation and spatial distributions of nitrogen and crop yield during the growing season of winter wheat at an experiment station in Beijing, China. Three experimental plots of a sandy clay loam soil in the 0–40 cm depth interval and a loamy clay soil below 40 cm were irrigated with a sprinkler irrigation system that had a seasonal averaged Christiansen irrigation uniformity coefficient (CU) varying from 72 to 84%. Except for the fertilizer applied before planting, fertilizer was applied with the sprinkler irrigation system. The corresponding seasonal averaged CU for fertigation varied from 71 to 85%. Daily observation of matrix water potentials in the root zone showed that little deep percolation occurred. Consequently, the effect of sprinkler uniformity on deep percolation was minor during the irrigation season for the soil tested. Intensive gravimetric soil core samplings were conducted several times during the irrigation season in a grid of 5 m × 5 m for each plot to determine the spatial and temporal variation of NH4-N and NO3-N contents. Soil NH4-N and NO3-N exhibited high spatial variability in depth and time during the irrigation season with CU values ranging from 23 to 97% and the coefficient of variation ranging from 0.04 to 1.06. A higher uniformity of sprinkler fertigation produced a more uniform distribution of NH4-N, but the distribution of NO3-N was not related to fertigation. Rather it was related to the spatial variability of NO3-N before fertigation began. At harvest, the distribution of dry matter above ground, nitrogen uptake, and yield were measured and the results indicated that sprinkler fertigation uniformity had insignificant effects on the parameters mentioned above. Field experimental results obtained from this study suggest that sprinkler irrigation if properly managed can be used as an efficient and environment-friendly method of applying water and fertilizers.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the distributions of water and nitrate from a buried dripline discharging an ammonium nitrate solution in uniform and layered-textural soils. Two layered soils, a sandy-over-loam soil (SL) and a loam-sandy-loam soil (LSL), and two uniform soils of sandy (S) and loam (L) were tested. The experimental results demonstrated that dripline depth and layered-textural soil greatly affected water and nitrate distribution. Wetted depth increased with dripline depth and initial soil water content for both uniform and layered soils. The distribution pattern of water in the layered soils was controlled by the layering sequence and the dripline position relative to the interface between two soil layers. Water accumulation occurred in the fine-textural layer of soil for the layered soils. For the sandy-over-loam soil (SL), positioning the dripline below the interface led to much water (89%) moving to the sublayer of loam soil than positioning the dripline above the interface (73%). For the loam-sandy-loam soil (LSL), positioning the dripline in the top layer of loam soil resulted in 77% of water applied distributed in the top layer, while positioning the dripline in the bottom layer of loam soil resulted in 93% of water applied distributed in the bottom layer. Measurements of nitrate distribution showed that nitrate concentration in the proximity of the dripline and of the water accumulation zone approximated the input concentration while nitrate accumulated at the boundary of the wetted volume for both uniform and layered soils tested. The results from this study suggest that the dripline depth should be carefully selected in the design of subsurface drip irrigation systems for layered soils to obtain a target distribution of water and nitrate.  相似文献   

To improve grain yields of winter wheat and water-use efficiency in the water-shortage region of the North China Plain (NCP), field experiments involving three irrigation levels and two types of winter-wheat cultivars (Shijiazhuang 8 and Xifeng 20, with moderate and strongly drought tolerance, respectively) were conducted over three growing seasons with different levels of precipitation. The results showed that irrigation significantly improved the grain yield of both wheat cultivars. The response of grain yield was largest in the dry year, followed by the normal and wet years. Shijiazhuang 8 responded more strongly than Xifeng 20. Compared to aboveground biomass under no irrigation treatment, the aboveground biomass of Shijiazhuang 8 and Xifeng 20 improved by 87.0% and 57.8%, respectively, in a dry year, by 27.2% and 18.3%, respectively, in a normal year, and by 13.7% and 11.7%, respectively, in a humid year when irrigation were applied twice. The total water use (TWU) of the two cultivars also increased upon irrigation. The increase was more pronounced in the dry year than in the normal or humid years. However, there were no significant differences in the TWUs of the two cultivars. The water-use efficiency at grain-yield level (WUEy) of Shijiazhuang 8 increased significantly upon irrigation in the dry year, did not change in the normal year, and showed a clear decline in the humid year, while the WUEy of Xifeng 20 was reduced by irrigation in each of the three growing seasons. The harvest index (HI) was not altered by irrigation but it did vary by growing season. The HI of Shijiazhuang 8 was always higher than that of Xifeng 20. A positive correlation was found between both the WUEy and the water-use efficiency at the aboveground-biomass level (WUEbm) and the HI. This suggests that the changes in WUEy as a result of irrigation are mainly due to changes in the WUEbm and that the differences in WUEy between the two cultivars were due to differences in WUEbm and HI. These results suggest the following. (1) The TWUs in the two cultivars were roughly equal, although their levels of drought tolerance differed. (2) A wheat cultivar with moderate drought tolerance is expected to be more suitable for the semi-arid region of the NCP. The variety with strongly drought tolerance was able to keep its biomass high and to maintain grain yield under serious drought stress. (3) In order to both increase grain yield and WUEy, two irrigations in a dry year, one irrigation in a normal year, and no irrigation in a humid year will give optimal results in the studied region.  相似文献   

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