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为探讨多次重复超排的效果,自2002年10月至2004年10月对9头比利时蓝白花供体肉牛共进行8次重复超排。结果累计生产可用胚胎349枚,平均每头次5.5枚。每批获可用胚胎数依次为38、45、37、42、55、50、43、39枚,可用胚数并未随超排次数的增加而呈现逐渐下降趋势,说明比利时蓝白花肉牛以3个月的间隔连续8次重复超排是可行的。  相似文献   

The first part of our study (Müller et al., 2009) characterized angiogenesis in the equine cycling ovary through histomorphological and immunohistochemical examinations (vascular endothelial growth factors A and B [VEGF A, VEGF B], vascular endothelial growth factor receptors 1 and 2 [VEGF-R1, VEGF-R2], vascular angiopoietins 1 and 2 [Ang1, Ang2], angiopoietin receptor [Tie2], and von Willebrand Factor). Since angiogenesis plays an important role in development and growth of numerous tumours, the second part of our study involved a similar examination of 70 equine granulosa cell tumours (GCTt). The results of the second study were compared with those of the normal equine ovary. Certain similarities in the expression pattern could be detected between normal, cyclical ovaries (Müller et al., 2009) and GCTt. The immunoreactivity of granulosa cells and Leydig-like cells in GCTt resembles granulosa cells and luteinized thecal cells in periovulatory cycling ovaries. The neoplastic cells support circulation, supply and growth of GCTt by contributing to angiogenesis.  相似文献   

This report describes two cases of successful surgical management of granulosa cell tumours (GCT) in mares presenting with haemoperitoneum (HP). Controlled abdominal drainage was initially attempted in Case 1 but was not successful. A ventral midline exploratory laparotomy allowed removal of a haemorrhaging 13 kg GCT. The mare made a full recovery and returned to normal work as a driving pony 11 months post-operatively. In Case 2 controlled abdominal drainage was followed by standing left flank laparoscopic visualisation of the bleeding ovary and transection of the ovarian pedicle by electrocautery. The GCT was then removed via a ventral midline incision due to its large size. Haemoperitoneum can be associated with GCTs and in some cases is severe enough to prompt emergency treatment. Stabilisation of the patient and removal of the haemorrhaging GCT can lead to a successful outcome.  相似文献   

Some anatomical characteristics of 507 Belgian Blue (BB) cattle, withers height (WH), heart girth (HG), the distance between the two tubera coxae (TcTc) and the distance between the two tubera ischiadica (TiTi), were compared with the internal pelvic measurements of width, height and area. Mean values were 58.9 ± 6.2 cm for TcTc, 14.6 ± 2.3 cm for TiTi, 15.2 ± 2.1 cm for pelvic width (PW), 18.8 ± 1.9 cm for pelvic height (PH) and 288.5 ± 60.9 cm(2) for pelvic area (PA). Cows that calved per vaginam had larger WH (p < 0.05), TcTc (p < 0.05) and TiTi (p < 0.001) and internal pelvic measurements [PH and PA (p < 0.001)] compared with those whose parturition was managed by caesarean section (CS): Correlations between internal pelvic measurements and TcTc were higher (r = 0.58-0.63) than TiTi (r = 0.22-0.28). Correlations between other external body measures such as HG and WH with the internal pelvic measurements were even higher for HG (r = 0.69-0.74) and for WH (r = 0.67-0.74). HG and WH, together with internal pelvic measures, may be added to estimated breeding values (EBV's) that should assist breeders in selecting cows that can calve per vaginam, thereby reducing the breed's dependence on elective CS for maintaining its unique characteristics.  相似文献   

The enterotoxaemia syndrome in Belgian Blue calves is characterised by a high case fatality rate, sudden death, lesions of haemorrhagic enteritis of the small intestine and, quite often an absence of other clinical signs but its cause has not been yet identified. As a first step in this identification, the aerobic and anaerobic intestinal flora of a population of 78 calves, originating from farms located in southern Belgium and that died in circumstances defined as "calf enterotoxaemia" (study population) and of 64 calves that died in other circumstances (control population) were studied qualitatively and quantitatively. The colonies were identified after subcultures with appropriate API sugar sets. Anaerobically Clostridium perfringens was isolated in higher numbers (mean values of 10(7)-10(7.5) colony forming units (CFU) versus 10(4)-10(5) CFU per ml of intestinal content) and from more animals (79 versus 19%) in the study population than in the control population, although individual results from both populations could overlap. Other clostridial species, i.e. mainly urease-negative C. sordellii and C. bifermentans, were isolated in high numbers (>10(6) CFU per ml of intestinal content) from a few animals in the study population only. All but one of the 705 C. perfringens isolates from both populations belonged to the A toxin type and none of the urease-negative C. sordellii was toxigenic. Gram-negative anaerobes were not isolated in high numbers from any of the samples. Aerobically beta-haemolytic E. coli were significantly more frequent among the study population, but were isolated from only 25% of the animals. Salmonella Typhimurium was isolated from only two animals in the study population. Less than 1% of the E. coli isolated were verotoxigenic and one-third were necrotoxigenic. At this stage only non-enterotoxigenic type A C. perfringens are thus statistically associated with the enterotoxaemia syndrome in Belgian Blue calves and fulfil the first of the Koch's postulates.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the equine granulosa cell tumour (GCT) and describes the clinicopathological features, treatment and outcome in seven cases of GCT in mares. Mares were presented with unilateral ovarian enlargement during the 2007 to 2010 breeding seasons. The mean (sd) age of the mares was 11.7 (5.96) years. Three mares were multiparous barren, three were nulliparous and one was primigravida. Behaviour at presentation was 57 per cent anoestrus, 28 per cent with stallion-like behaviour and 14 per cent with persistent oestrus. All mares had unilateral ovarian enlargement. Six non-pregnant mares had a small and inactive contralateral ovary; the pregnant mare had a single small corpus luteum on the contralateral ovary and was at three-and-a-half months' gestation. Enlarged ovaries measured 7 cm to an estimated 30 cm in diameter. 28 per cent had a multicystic ultrasound appearance, 57 per cent were dense structures and 14 per cent were of mixed appearance. Mean concentrations of progesterone were <1 ng/ml, oestrone sulphate 3.06 (2.32) ng/ml and testosterone 0.58 (0.64) nmol/l in non-pregnant mares. Inhibin was elevated in all non-pregnant cases at 7.6 (12.45) ng/ml. The pregnant mare had concentrations of progesterone 2.5 ng/ml, oestrone sulphate 81.0 ng/ml, testosterone 1.9 nmol/l and inhibin 1.31 ng/ml. Mares demonstrating stallion-like behaviour had a significantly higher (P<0.001) testosterone concentration (1.85 [0.07] nmol/l) than those that did not (0.34 [0.26] nmol/l). Three mares underwent unilateral ovariectomy and resumed cyclic ovarian activity within nine months of surgery.  相似文献   

Granulosa cell tumour (GCT) is reported to be the most common ovarian neoplasm in the mare. A multicentre retrospective study evaluating the medical records of horses undergoing ovariectomy for treatment of a GCT was undertaken, documenting the presenting clinicopathological features, treatment and outcome. Follow‐up information was obtained by telephone questionnaire. Fifty‐two mares were included. Most presented with behavioural/reproductive abnormalities, including stallion‐like behaviour (50%), aggression (31%), prolonged oestrus or nymphomania (19%), and persistent anoestrus (8%). Most (93%) affected ovaries had a multilocular appearance when examined ultrasonographically. Only 60% of horses with histopathologically confirmed GCTs demonstrated elevations in serum inhibin concentrations. Twenty‐five percent of horses had histopathologically confirmed bilateral GCTs. Ninety‐four percent of horses that underwent ovariectomy were discharged from the hospital. Standing laparoscopic ovariectomies had a lower complication rate (34%) than other surgical methods. Long‐term complications were uncommon (11%). In conclusion, histopathologically confirmed GCTs can occur in the presence of normal serum inhibin concentrations. The high prevalence of bilateral GCTs indicates that thorough evaluation of the contralateral ovary is necessary. Surgical ovariectomy for treatment of GCTs has favourable short‐ and long‐term outcomes. Standing laparoscopic ovariectomy may be associated with a lower complication rate than other surgical methods.  相似文献   

This report describes a method for removal of large granulosa cell tumours through small paralumbar incisions using laparoscopic dissection of the mesovarium and subsequent removal of the ovary in a sterile retrieval bag via morcellation. Morcellation allows division of the granulosa cell tumour and subsequent reduction of incision size required for removal. The use of a specimen retrieval bag prevented contamination of the abdomen and incision with tumour cells during activation of the morcellator.  相似文献   

To study the differences in meat yield in hypertrophied cattle, a commercial dissection trial was carried out on 48 carcasses obtained from 24 Piemontese (P: 12 reared with a restricted feeding, P-R, and 12 fed ad libitum, P-L), and 24 Belgian Blue (B: 12 reared with a restricted feeding, BB-R, and 12 fed ad libitum, BB-L) young bulls. The animals were reared under the same environmental condition and slaughtered at the same age and fattening degree. During commercial dissection, the weights of the retail cuts were recorded. Three fore-quarter meat cuts were heavier in P than in BB, while nine meat cuts (two from fore-quarter and seven from hind-quarter), hind-quarter meat and prime quality meat were heavier in BB than in P. Fat weight was higher in BB than in P, whereas meat production as a percentage of carcass side weight was higher in P than in BB. Only one hind-quarter meat cut was heavier in the ad libitum (L) than in the restricted (R) group, whereas meat yield was higher in R than in L. In comparing the meat yield in carcass sides of P-R, P-L, BB-R and BB-L fed young bulls, four meat cuts (one from fore-quarter and three from hind-quarter), hind-quarter, prime quality and 3rd quality meat were heavier in BB-L (P ≤ 0.05), while one shoulder cut and fore-quarter were heavier in P-R group.  相似文献   

Six Holstein (light-muscled type) and six Belgian Blue bulls (double-muscled type) were fed a finishing diet. Average daily gain was 1.36 kg for the Holstein bulls vs 1.24 kg for the Belgian Blue bulls (P less than .05). Holstein bulls consumed more feed (2.3 vs 1.8 kg/100 kg body weight, P less than .001) than the Belgian Blue bulls. The dressing percentage (55.4 vs 65.8%, P less than .001) and the proportion of muscle (56.1 vs 71.3%, P less than .001) in the carcass were less, whereas the proportions of adipose tissue (28.3 vs 15.4%, P less than .001) and bone (15.7 vs 13.4%, P less than .05) were higher in the Holstein bulls. Plasma creatinine determined in samples obtained once a week was lower (11.0 vs 20.3 mg/liter, P less than .001) in the Holstein bulls. In contrast, Holstein bulls tended to produce more triiodothyronine (2.3 vs 1.8 nM, P less than .10), tetraiodothyronine (71.9 vs 54.7 nM, P less than .10) and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I; 340 vs 205 ng/ml, P less than .20) than the Belgian Blue bulls. Growth hormone, insulin, IGF-I and testosterone were measured at 20-min intervals during two 24-h periods. In wk 6, Holstein bulls tended to produce more growth hormone than the Belgian Blues, as indicated by higher total peak area (3,185 vs 2,431 ng), peak amplitude (34.1 vs 22.6 ng/ml, P less than .10) and baseline (4.6 vs 3.3 ng/ml, P less than .20). In wk 27, the trends were opposite.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Belgian Blue (BB) cattle are very sensitive to mange caused by Psoroptes ovis and, in contrast to the case in Holstein cattle, single treatments with ivermectin do not result in complete elimination of the parasite. The objective of the present study was to determine the concentration of ivermectin in plasma, skin and hair following subcutaneous administration to Holstein and BB calves and to assess the influence of breed on drug pharmacokinetics and availability. Two groups of six healthy female Holstein and BB calves were treated with ivermectin (SC formulation) at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg. Blood, skin and hair were collected before treatment and up to 21 days after treatment. Ivermectin was analyzed in plasma and tissue by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The peak concentrations (Cmax), time-peak concentrations (Tmax), the area under the plasma concentration-time curves (AUC) and the mean residence time (MRT) were determined. The patterns of plasma and tissue ivermectin concentrations were similar in the two breeds of animals, however, the AUC and Cmax levels for plasma and skin were significantly higher in the BB calves. In hair, ivermectin was detected later than in plasma and skin, with the Tmax ranging between 4 days (Holstein group) and 6 days (BB group). The possible reasons for the significantly higher levels in plasma and skin in BB calves compared to Holstein calves are discussed.  相似文献   

The accuracy of the Rice pelvimeter for measuring pelvic area of double muscled Belgian Blue (BB) cattle was investigated by comparing measurements in the live animal with these obtained from the same animal after slaughter. Pelvic measurements from 466 BB-cows aged 2–10 years old and of an excellent carcass qualification (S and E in the SEUROP classification) were measured with the pelvimeter approximately 12 h prior to, and by graded ruler within 2 h after, slaughter. The mean difference of measurements between living and dead cattle were − 0.2 cm for pelvic width (95% limits of agreement − 2.5–2.1 cm), and 1.2 cm for pelvic height (95% limits of agreement − 1.8–4.1 cm). The correlation coefficient between all pelvic measurements was between 0.46 and 0.59 (p < 0.001). The age of the animals influenced only pelvic height whilst carcass weight influenced all the components of the pelvic area. There was a significant correlation between the pelvimetric measurements of the birth canal in living cattle obtained using a Rice pelvimeter compared to actual measurements obtained from the carcass. The Rice pelvimeter is a suitable tool for assessing accurate pelvic skeletal conformation and to select animals in this breed with a larger birth canal and hence less dystocia problems.  相似文献   

O bjectives : To define the outcome of a cohort of canine patients with a histological diagnosis of spindle cell tumour of soft tissue managed solely by surgery in first opinion practice.
M ethods : Clinical details of 104 spindle cell sarcomas submitted to Finn Pathologists during the year 2000 were reviewed. Questionnaires were sent to the submitting veterinarians, requesting details about the tumour, surgery performed and ultimate outcome of the patient.
R esults : The method of surgical resection was described as marginal in 45 dogs (44·2 per cent). Excision margins of 3 cm or more were described in less than 10 per cent of cases. Tumours recurred locally in 29 dogs (27·9 per cent). Eighteen dogs (21·7 per cent) died of tumour-related causes. Most deaths were unrelated to sarcoma (50 dogs, 60·2 per cent) or unknown (15 dogs, 18 per cent). The median survival time was 1013 days. Tumour size, location or degree of surgical resection were not significantly related to survival or tumour recurrence. A palpable assessment of tumour invasion into underlying tissues was significantly associated with decreased disease-free interval (P<0·0001) and survival time (P = 0·0070).
C linical S ignificance : The results of this retrospective study indicate that many spindle cell tumours managed in first opinion practice exhibit a low-grade biological behaviour and may respond well to more conservative surgery than current recommendations advise.  相似文献   

Background: Heifers not used as breeding stock are often implanted with steroids to increase growth efficiency thereby altering hormone profiles and potentially changing the environment in which ovarian follicles develop. Because bovine granulosa cell culture is a commonly used technique and often bovine ovaries are collected from abattoirs with no record of implant status, the objective of this study was to determine if the presence of an implant during bovine granulosa cell development impacts follicle stimulating hormone-regulated steroidogenic enzyme expression. Paired ovaries were collected from 16 feedlot heifers subjected to 1 of 3 treatments: non-implanted (n = 5), Revalor 200 for 28 d (n = 5), or Revalor 200 for 84 d (n = 6). Small follicle (1 to 5 mm) granulosa cells were isolated from each pair and incubated with phosphate buffered saline (n = 16) or 100 ng/mL follicle stimulating hormone (n = 16) for 24 h. Results: Granulosa cells of implanted heifers treated with follicle stimulating hormone produced medium concentrations of progesterone similar (P = 0.22) to non-implanted heifers, while medium estradiol concentrations were increased (P 〈 0.10) at 28 and 84 d compared to non-implanted heifers indicating efficacy of treatment. Additionally, real-time PCR analysis in response to follicle stimulating hormone treatment demonstrated a decrease in steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (P = 0.05) mRNA expression in heifers implanted for 84 d and an increase in P450 side chain cleavage mRNA in granulosa cells of heifers implanted for 28 (P 〈 0.10) or 84 d (P 〈 0.05) compared to non-implanted females. However, no difference in expression of 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (P= 0.57) and aromatase (P = 0.23) were demonstrated in implanted or non-implanted heifers. Conclusions: These results indicate follicles which develop in the presence of high concentrations of androgenic and estrogenic steroids via an implant tend to demonstrate an alter  相似文献   

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