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The total and differential oocyst counts of the different Eimeria species in the faeces of Norwegian ewes and lambs were investigated at weekly intervals during the grazing period on permanent and new pastures. The total oocyst counts of lambs on permanent pastures were significantly higher than those on new pastures 3–6 weeks after the beginning of the grazing period. This demonstrates that the oocysts had survived the winter in the pasture.Species differentiation indicated that E. ahsata, E. arlongi, E. crandallis, E. ninakohlyakimovae, E. faurei and E. parva are able to survive the winter in the pasture. E. crandallis occurred in the greatest numbers, and this species might be an important contributor to the clinical symptoms which are frequently observed in Norwegian lambs about 2–3 weeks after the beginning of the grazing period. There were on the other hand, indications that E. pallida has little ability to survive the winter in the pasture. The results were generally similar for most of the species during 2 successive years.The total number of oocysts in the faeces of ewes was low on new as well as on permanent pastures, and the species differentiation showed negligible differences. Consequently, it was concluded that the ewes could not be the source of the high oocyst numbers in lambs on the permanent pastures.  相似文献   

Sixty-four spring-calved primiparous crossbred cows paired by calving date and body condition score (BCS) at calving were used to study the effect of a short-term increase in the nutritional plane before the mating period on cow and calf performance, changes in metabolic and endocrine parameters and hepatic gene expression. At 48 ± 10 days post-partum (onset of nutritional treatment = day 0), cows were assigned to two treatments during 23 days: control (grazing of native pastures; NP; n = 31) and increased nutritional plane (NP improved with Lotus subbiflorous cv Rincon; IP; n = 33). Cow body weight (BW), BCS and total protein and albumin concentrations increased while urea and non-esterified fatty acids levels decreased from the beginning of the nutritional treatment in both groups, indicating the animal positive energy balance as forage growth and availability of pastures increased during spring. In addition, cow BW and BCS, as well as calf average daily gain and BW, were greater in IP than in NP cows groups. Insulin concentrations were less in IP than in NP (1.37 vs. 2.25 ± 0.26 μU/ml) because insulin increased owing to nutritional treatment only in NP cows. Hepatic insulin receptor mRNA at day 23 tended to be 1.5-fold greater, while insulin growth factor binding protein-3 mRNA expression was 1.7-fold greater in NP than in IP cows. Reproductive responses were not affected by nutritional treatment, but days to initiation of ovarian ciclicity (108 ± 10 days) were positively correlated with insulin concentrations. Grazing of improved NP for 23 days before the mating period did not improve cow reproductive performance but modified metabolic, endocrine and gene expression parameters, in agreement with greater nutrient and energy partitioning towards milk production, reflected in better calf performance.  相似文献   

研究了不同放牧强度下(轻牧、适牧、重牧、过牧),黑麦草/白三叶混播草地的牧草现存量,种群牧草量构成及年产量变化。随放牧强度增大,草地牧草现存量呈下降,牧草利用率呈增加趋势。放牧强度对黑麦草茎、叶生长具明显影响,对白三叶影响则较小;黑麦草绿色茎叶比随放牧强度增大而降低,白三叶茎、叶植物量分配主要受季节影响。适牧的黑麦草和白三叶种群牧草量呈线形函数变化,而轻牧、重牧和过牧则呈幂函数变化,各放牧强度黑麦草现存量均随白三叶牧草量的增大而增多。黑麦草种群和群落产量均为:适牧>重牧>过牧>轻牧;白三叶种群产量为:适牧>过牧>重牧>轻牧。随放牧强度增大,黑麦草组分相近,白三叶组分呈增加,杂草和死物质组分呈降低趋势。因此,放牧能提高白三叶组分,抑制杂草植物生长,降低混播草地凋落、枯死损失,增强黑麦草和白三叶种群生长的正效应作用;适度放牧利于混播草地中黑麦草、白三叶组分比的稳定,维持混播草地高生产力。合理的草地利用率是保持高产、优质草地的关键。  相似文献   

The milking of Salers cows requires the presence of the calf. The removal of the calf would simplify the milking routine, but it could also modify the milk yield and the milk and cheese composition. Therefore, the aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of calf presence during milking during sampling period (winter or grazing periods), on dairy performance, milk fatty acid (FA) composition, lipolysis and cheese yield and composition. Nine and 8 Salers lactating cows were milked in the presence (CP) or absence (CA) of their calves respectively. During winter, the cows were fed a hay‐based diet and then they only grazed a grassland pasture. Calf presence during milking increased milk yield and milk 16:0 concentration and decreased milk fat content and milk total odd‐ and branched‐chain FA (OBCFA) concentrations. Calf presence only increased initial lipolysis in milk collected during the winter season. Milk from CP cows compared to CA cows resulted in a lower cheese yield and ripened cheeses with lower fat content. Milk from the grazing season had lower saturated medium‐chain FA and OBCFA concentrations and higher 18:0, cis‐9‐18:1, trans‐11‐18:1 and cis‐9, trans‐11‐CLA concentrations than that from the winter season. Initial milk lipolysis was higher in the winter than in the grazing season. These variations could be due to seasonal changes in the basal diet. Furthermore, the effect of calf presence during milking on milk fat composition was lower than that on dairy performance, cheese yield and composition. Removing the calf during the milking of Salers cows seems feasible without a decrease in milked milk, and with a positive effect on cheese yield and fat content, under the condition that we are able to select cows having the capacity to be milked easily without the calf.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the effect of body condition score (BCS) at 30 days before calving (−30 days) induced by a differential nutritional management, parity and week of lactation (WOL) on milk yield and composition, and milk casein and fatty acid composition. Primiparous and multiparous Holstein cows with high BCS (PH, n = 13; MH, n = 9) and low BCS (PL, n = 9; ML = 8) under grazing conditions were sampled at WOL 2 and 8 (before and after peak of lactation). Milk yield was greater in multiparous than in primiparous cows and tended to decrease from WOL 2 to 8 only in ML cows. Milk protein, fat and casein yields were greater in multiparous than in primiparous cows and decreased from WOL 2 to 8. Milk casein concentration in milk protein was greater in MH cows than in ML, PH and PL cows at WOL 2. Milk κ‐casein was greater, and β‐casein was less in multiparous than in primiparous cows. As lactation progressed, proportion of casein fractions were not altered. Only κ‐casein fraction was affected by BCS at −30 days as PL showed a higher concentration than PH. The de novo (4:0–15:1) and mixed‐origin fatty acids (16:0–16:1) in milk fat increased, whereas preformed fatty acids (≥17:0) decreased from WOL 2 to 8. Saturated (SAT) fatty acids tended to be greater and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) were less in multiparous than in primiparous cows. High‐BCS cows had greater concentrations of polyunsaturated (PUFA), conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) as well as n‐6 and n‐3 fatty acids in milk fat than low‐BCS cows. The results indicate that casein and fatty acid fractions in milk were affected by parity and may be modified by a differential nutritional management during the pre‐calving period (BCS at −30 days) in cows under grazing conditions.  相似文献   

通过4个放牧强度(轻牧、适牧、重牧和过牧,牧后草层高度分别为7.5、5.5、3.5和<2.0 cm)的轮牧试验,对黑麦草(Lolium perenne)、白三叶(Trifolium repens)混播草地土壤化学特性;黑麦草分蘖和白三叶匍匐茎、叶片数及其茎叶构成,牧草高度、生物量与植被构成进行系统研究。结果表明,土壤速效养分含量对放牧强度响应较大,稳定性较弱。随放牧强度的增加,黑麦草分蘖密度和叶片生物量显著增加,黑麦草分蘖质量和白三叶匍匐茎密度及牧草高度和生物量显著下降;黑麦草叶片数,白三叶叶片数、茎叶比和匍匐茎质量在放牧强度间无显著变化。放牧强度在降低黑麦草和白三叶生长特性整齐度的同时,增加其可塑性生长;黑麦草对放牧强度的响应比白三叶敏感,但白三叶的可塑性生长比黑麦草的高。鸭茅(Dactylis glomerata)和非播种植物种的生长特性在放牧强度内变异系数较大。综合分析认为,放牧对草地植被的作用体现于植物个体、种群和群落3个水平,播种的低组分禾草(鸭茅)和非播种禾草是混播草地植被构成变化的关键种。  相似文献   

在鸭茅(Dactylis glomerata)+白三叶(Triflium repens)草地型肉牛放牧系统内,实施全日制划区轮牧、载畜量季节性调控、维持肥施用、草地除杂、枯草期补饲等优化措施,对草地的土壤养分、牧草生长强度、现存量、组分、养分及肉牛体质量、日增体质量等指标进行了监测。结果表明,采用全日制放牧,在草地年平均载畜量1.4牛单位/hm2下,牧草的生长量超过8 077 kg/hm2,肉牛体况得到明显的改善,单位草地面积经济效益可达1 135元/hm2,草地实现可持续利用。同时,针对草地肉牛放牧系统中存在的问题,提出了有效改进的合理化建议。  相似文献   

The study was conducted to clarify how early high plane of nutrition related to metabolic imprinting affected growth, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of grass-fed Wagyu (Japanese Black cattle). Wagyu steers were allocated randomly into 2 dietary groups: (1) steers fed milk replacer (crude protein 26.0%, crude fat 25.5%; maximum intake 0.6 kg/d) until 3 mo of age and then fed roughage (orchard grass hay) ad libitum from 4 to 10 mo of age (roughage group, RG; n = 11); (2) steers fed milk replacer (maximum intake of 1.8 kg/d) until 3 mo of age and then fed a high-concentrate diet from 4 to 10 mo of age (early high nutrition, EHN; n = 12). After 11 mo of age, all steers were fed roughage ad libitum until 31 mo of age and then slaughtered. Growth performance, carcass traits, longissimus muscle (LM) meat quality and intramuscular fat (IMF) content, plasma insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) concentration, and bone mineral density were measured. Body weight was greater in EHN steers (571 kg) than RG steers (520 kg; P < 0.01). Plasma IGF-I levels were higher in EHN steers than in RG steers at 3, 10, and 14 mo of age (P < 0.01, P < 0.005, P < 0.001, respectively); however, plasma IGF-I levels were lower in EHN steers compared with RG steers at 30 mo of age (P < 0.01). The total weight of the muscles and bones of the left half of the carcass was not different between the 2 groups (P = 0.065). Five of the 19 muscles investigated (semimembranosus, P = 0.036; infraspinatus, P = 0.024; supraspinatus, P = 0.0019; serratus ventralis cervicis, P = 0.032; serratus ventralis thoracis, P = 0.027) were heavier in EHN steers. Total fat weight in the left half of the carcass was 30% greater (P = 0.025) in HNE carcasses. Subcutaneous and perirenal fat weights were 53% and 84% greater (P = 0.008, P = 0.002, respectively) in EHN carcasses. The LM IMF content was greater in EHN loins (13.2%) compared with RG loins (9.4%) at 31 mo of age (P = 0.038); however, no differences were found for shear force, tenderness, and cook loss. These results suggested early high-nutrition affected the growth and meat quality of livestock.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of grazing and supplemental protein sources during the grazing period on growth performance, ruminal characteristics and blood constituents in 15 growing Wagyu steer calves weaned at 3 months of age. Each animal was allotted one of three treatments: (1) GSBM, soybean meal (SBM) supplemented as a protein source during a grazing period; (2) GCGM, corn gluten meal (CGM) supplemented as a protein source during a grazing period; or (3) NG, no grazing, in which steers were fed hay and GSBM concentrate only. The estimated rumen undegradable protein (RUP) concentration of CGM was higher than that of SBM. High RUP supplementation during the grazing period did not influence feed intake or growth performance. Compared with the NG treatment, the average daily gain in GSBM and GCGM calves was significantly depressed (P < 0.05). Bodyweight/withers height ratio in the NG calves tended to be greater than in the GSBM and GCGM calves. Final paunch girth/heart girth ratio in the GSBM and GCGM calves was significantly greater (P < 0.05) than in the NG calves. Supplementation with CGM did not influence ruminal ammonia nitrogen and blood constituents. These results indicate that CGM supplementation during the grazing period did not enhance the growth of Wagyu calves because the CGM diet probably did not elevate the metabolizable protein supply to the grazing calves above that of the SBM diet in our conditions.  相似文献   

The current study was aimed to establish the impact of progesterone supplementation (norgestomet progestagen) between days 4 to 10 post-ovulation on subsequent luteal profile and conception rate in buffaloes. The 28 Murrah buffaloes of second to fourth parity, having normal reproductive organs, were estrus synchronized by double PGF protocol at 11 days apart. The buffaloes were inseminated during mid- to late estrus and thereafter repeated at 24 h interval. The buffaloes were randomly assigned into two groups: (1) control (no treatment, n?=?14) and (2) treatment group (CRESTAR ear implant, n?=?14). The CRESTAR ear implant (3 mg, norgestomet progestagen) was inserted subcutaneous between days 4 to 10 post-ovulation. The ovaries were scanned at estrus and thereafter on days 4, 10, 16, 21, and 40 post-ovulation to examine the preovulatory follicle (POF) and corpus luteum (CL) diameter. Each ultasonography was followed by blood sample collection for analysis of plasma progesterone concentrations following ovulation. The conception rate was similar (p?>?0.05) between treated and control buffaloes. The pregnant buffalo of the control group had larger (p?<?0.05) POF diameter than nonpregnant counterparts. The CL diameter was similar (p?>?0.05) in both treated and untreated control as well as in their pregnant and nonpregnant buffaloes of the respective groups. The plasma progesterone concentrations were higher (p?<?0.05) in the treatment group on the day 10 post-ovulation as compared to the control buffaloes. It is concluded that norgestomet supplementation had no impact on conception rate and CL diameter but enhances the plasma progesterone concentrations following treatment in buffaloes.  相似文献   

为研究优质牧草对犊牛体尺指标和瘤胃发育的影响,选取20头体重、日龄相近的健康荷斯坦奶犊牛,采用完全随机设计的方法,分为试验组和对照组,每组10头,其中公、母各半。对照组饲喂颗粒精料+鲜牛奶,试验组饲喂颗粒精料+优质苜蓿干草+鲜牛奶,于3月龄断奶时进行体尺指标和瘤胃发育指标的测量。结果表明:试验组和对照组各项体尺指标差异不显著(P>0.05);试验组显著提高了犊牛3月龄的瘤胃平均重量、瓣胃平均容积、瓣胃平均重量、皱胃平均容积(P<0.05),且瘤胃乳头绒毛长,颜色深,以瘤胃底部发育最好且分布较多乳头,顶部分布较少且稀疏,还可有效地防止了瘤胃内毛球的形成,明显降低犊牛异食癖和瘤胃臌气的发生,而对照组瘤胃乳头发育较差,颜色较浅,瘤胃壁薄,但瘤胃乳头分布均匀。  相似文献   

Microbial communities are affected by diet and play a role in the successful transition from milk to a solid diet. The response of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract of Holstein bull calves to the uptake of milk with solid feed (control treatment; CT), or milk without solid feed (milk‐only treatment; MT) during the first 3 weeks of life was investigated. Samples were collected from the rumen (fluid and tissue), abomasum (fluid), cecum (fluid and tissue) and feces at 7, 14 and 20 days of age. Calf weight was higher on days 14 and 20 in the MT than the CT. In the rumen at 14 days, the fibrolytic bacteria Fibrobacter succinogenes and Prevotella ruminicola increased in the CT and Ruminococcus flavefaciens increased in the MT. This suggests that R. flavefaciens is not strictly fibrolytic and that it might use milk as a substrate or other microbial species might supply a substrate. Diet affected methanogens, but this may have been due to an indirect effect via an association with Geobacter spp. or other syntrophic partners. The treatments also affected microorganisms in the abomasum, cecum and feces. Our results contribute to an understanding of diet, microbes in the gastrointestinal tract and weaning.  相似文献   

Low protein provision in utero and post‐partum may induce metabolic disorders in adulthood. Studies in mink have mainly focused on short‐term consequences of low protein provision in utero whereas the long‐term responses to low protein (LP) provision in metabolically programmed mink are unknown. We investigated whether low protein provision in utero affects the long‐term response to adequate (AP) or LP provision after weaning in male mink. Eighty‐six male mink were exposed to low (19% of ME from CP; crude protein) or adequate (31% of ME from CP) protein provision in utero, and to LP (~20% of ME from CP) or AP (30–42% of ME from CP) provision post‐weaning. Being metabolically programmed by low protein provision in utero did not affect the response to post‐weaning diets. Dietary protein content in the LP feed after weaning was below requirements; evidenced by lower nitrogen retention (p < 0.001) preventing LP mink from attaining their growth potential (p < 0.02). LP mink had a lower liver, pancreas and kidney weight (p < 0.05) as well as lower plasma IGF‐1 concentrations at 8 and 25 (p < 0.05) weeks, and a higher incidence of hepatic lipidosis at 25 weeks (p < 0.05). Furthermore, LP mink had a higher body fat (p < 0.05) and lower body CP content (p < 0.05) at 50 weeks of age. It is concluded that some effects of low protein provision in utero can be alleviated by an adequate nutrient supply post‐partum. However, long‐term exposure to low protein provision in mink reduces their growth potential and induces transient hepatic lipidosis and modified body composition.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were 1) to study potential effects of previous nutritional treatment on developmental competence of early fertilized oocytes in vitro; 2) to study responses to insulin treatment during the period of feed restriction in the late luteal phase which has deleterious effects on subsequent fertility; and 3) to establish the metabolic and endocrine status of gilts during treatment and the subsequent periestrous period. Nineteen trios of littermate gilts were subjected to feed restriction during the first (RH) or second (HR) week of the estrous cycle. A second group of HR gilts received injections of long-acting insulin during their period of feed restriction (HR+I). Intensive sampling was performed in a subgroup of 23 animals on d 15 and 16 of the cycle for analyses of endocrine (gonadotropins and steroid hormones) and metabolic (insulin, IGF-I, leptin, total triiodothyronine [T3], and free T3) variables. Gilts were checked for estrus every 6 h, and time of ovulation was monitored by transcutaneous ultrasonography. Surgeries were performed 12 to 20 h after ovulation, and the early-fertilized oocytes recovered were cultured in vitro under standardized conditions. There was no treatment effect on the developmental competence of fertilized oocytes in vitro; however, ovulation rate was increased in HR+I gilts. No effect of treatment was observed on plasma leptin and IGF-I concentrations on d 15 and 16. However, HR+I gilts had higher (P < 0.05) postprandial insulin and lower (P < 0.05) postprandial total and free T3 on d 15. Plasma concentrations of LH, FSH, and progesterone on d 15 and 16 and plasma estradiol concentrations on d 16 were not affected by previous nutritional or insulin treatment. In the periestrous period, plasma concentrations of LH, FSH, and estradiol were higher (P < 0.05) in RH and HR+I, and the rise in plasma progesterone after the LH surge was lower (P < 0.05), than in HR gilts. No effect of treatment was observed on plasma concentrations of metabolic hormones, except on plasma leptin concentrations, which were higher (P < 0.05) at the time of the LH surge in RH gilts. These results suggest that feed restriction during the late luteal phase may have deleterious effects on ovarian function in the periestrous period, which may be counteracted by insulin.  相似文献   

Collective action, on communal grazing land, has evolved in the highlands of northwestern Ethiopia to mitigate the problems of feed shortage and land degradation due to overgrazing. The exercise is liked by farmers for improving the availability of natural pasture during the long dry season when other feed sources get depleted. However, large portions of the communal grazing lands are still managed under free grazing throughout the year. This study was undertaken in Maynet village in the upper Blue Nile basin, northwestern Ethiopia, to assess the impacts of three different types of grazing land management (GLM) and two slope gradients (<10%; 15–25%) on aboveground herbaceous biomass yield, ground cover, species richness, runoff, soil loss and soil bulk density of grazing lands. The GLMs include (a) freely open communal GLM, (b) restricted communal GLM – collective management of communal grazing land locally named as ‘yebere sar’ and (c) private holding GLM. Stocking density was more than carrying capacity of grazing lands across all GLMs. However, the extent of overstocking problem was exceptionally severe in freely open communal GLM. The interaction between GLM and slope was significant (P<0.05) for runoff, soil loss and runoff coefficient. The average runoff coefficient was close to 50% in freely open communal GLM on steeper slopes (15–25%). Freely open communal GLM on steeper slopes resulted in consistently highest cumulative runoff and soil loss amounting to 491 mm and 32 t/ha per year, respectively. Polynomial regression analysis showed that quadratic relationship (r2=0.87) existed between soil loss and runoff. But, soil loss was close to nil when runoff did not exceed 2 mm per rainfall event. As expected, restricted communal GLM appeared to reduce surface runoff by more than 40% and curb the rate of soil erosion by more than 50% compared to freely open communal GLM. Its vegetation cover persisted above 70% throughout the year, meeting the threshold level recommended to keep surface runoff and soil loss to minimum. Reducing the problem of overstocking and pasture resting in August–November are important components to improve ground cover and aboveground herbaceous biomass yield, which in turn reduce land degradation on grazing lands.  相似文献   

Blood samples were taken at weekly intervals from 54 dairy cows (mainly Friesians and Jerseys) during the periods 8 weeks before and 8 weeks after calving. The cows were divided into two age groups; group 1 consisting of 26 cows aged 2 1/2 years and group 2 consisting of 28 cows aged 5–9 years. The changes in the erythrocyte sodium (ENa) and the erythrocyte potassium (EK) concentrations before and after calving were expressed as the slopes for each component regressed on weeks. In the older cows the concentration of ENa decreased (p<0.05) while that of EK increased (p<0.05) after calving. Both the ENa and EK concentrations varied significantly (p<0.01) between cows in the two age groups. The prepartum and postpartum ENa and the postpartum EK concentrations varied significantly (p<0.05) between weeks. EK type did not influence the changes in ENa or EK concentrations before or after calving.  相似文献   

Sufficient supply of pigs with calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) is essential for animal health and welfare during the growth period. However, the P content in animal manure is considered as a cause of massive environmental problems in soil and aquatic ecosystems. To complement previous findings, the objective of this study is the investigation of effects of a reduced and increased Ca and P supplementation on bone mineralization and bone structure compared with the current dietary recommendation. Another aim is to find possible serum markers that would allow the assessment of adequacy of P supply for bone health during growth. The result validated that the recommended Ca and P supply is sufficient, without the addition of microbial phytases. However, addition of P has no further beneficial effects on bone stability, while P supplementation below the recommended level affects bone development and growth performance. Reduced P levels have consequences for cancellous bone density and trabecular architecture. Further fine-tuning of the P supply in conjunction with an appropriate Ca supply will contribute to a reduction in P waste and associated environmental impact while maintaining animal health and welfare.  相似文献   

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