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Current nature conservation in semi-natural grasslands often includes grazing and hay cutting, as well as the abandonment of draining. Semi-natural grassland and in particular meadows constitute important habitat type for a large number of animal species in today's fragmented and intensively cultivated landscape of Europe. Here we focus on the population characteristics of Common shrews Sorex araneus in relation to livestock grazing intensity in two wet meadows in western Denmark.  相似文献   

Dry grasslands are endangered habitats across Europe, and their restoration requires increasing attention, including their re‐creation on arable land. We studied spontaneous colonization by eleven target species on thirty‐five dry grassland sites restored with regional seed mixtures 1–13 years ago in the eastern part of the Czech Republic, a region where species‐rich dry grasslands often occur in the vicinity of the restored grasslands. Occurrence of the target species (not sown in the restored grasslands) was quantified inside and outside each restored grassland up to distances of 100 and 500 m, and the distance to the nearest population outside was assessed. Data were processed using univariate (Spearman rank‐correlation coefficient, generalized linear models) and multivariate (redundancy analysis) statistics. The establishment of all target species was closely related to their occurrence in the surroundings. Occurrence of species at a distance of up to 500 m, minimum distance to the nearest population and time since start of restoration significantly influenced the occurrence of all the species in the restored grasslands, while distance up to 100 m influenced all except two species. The most successful were wind‐dispersed Cirsium canum and Inula salicina and, the least successful was the myrmecochorous Euphorbia virgata. Seeding regional seed mixtures may be considered an appropriate first step in the restoration of species‐rich grasslands on arable land. Following diversification of the vegetation in restored grassland, spontaneous establishment of additional species may occur if the species occur in the vicinity. Results are discussed in the context of grassland restoration and agri‐environmental objectives.  相似文献   

Upland hay meadows conforming to MG3 in the National Vegetation Classification of the UK are a rare habitat in Britain and are largely confined to upland valleys in northern England. Agricultural intensification, particularly ploughing and reseeding and a shift from hay‐making to silage production over the last 50 years, has resulted in large losses of species‐rich upland hay meadows. Remaining species‐rich meadows have been the focus of much nature conservation effort resulting in many of the species‐rich sites being protected by statutory designations or through voluntary agri‐environment scheme agreements. Research and monitoring has tended to confirm that species richness is maximized by management involving spring and autumn grazing, a mid‐July hay cut, no inorganic fertilizer and possibly low levels of farmyard manure. Deviations from this regime result in a loss of species richness. Restoration of semi‐improved grassland to swards resembling species‐rich MG3 also requires a similar regime but is also dependent on the introduction of seed of appropriate species. The role of Rhinanthus minor as a tool for manipulating meadow biodiversity during restoration management is discussed. Suggestions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

A shortage of available livestock for utilizing grassland biomass in Central Europe is challenging for the management of both semi‐natural grasslands and previously intensified (limed, fertilized and reseeded) upland grasslands. An alternative method of grassland management is mulching, in which aboveground biomass is cut, crushed and subsequently spread on the surface. This paper reports on an experiment to compare three different mulching frequencies (one, two and three times per year) with an unmanaged treatment and traditional management of two cuts per year (control) on a previously improved upland meadow. Plant species composition was monitored over 13 years. Traditional management of two cuts with biomass removal was the most suitable method for maintaining plant species richness and diversity, and both were reduced significantly in the once‐mulched and especially in the unmanaged treatment. Tall dicotyledonous weeds such as Urtica dioica, Cirsium arvense and Aegopodium podagraria were promoted by the unmanaged treatment and by mulching once a year. Higher frequency of defoliation had positive effects on the spread of short forbs such as Taraxacum spp., Plantago lanceolata and Trifolium repens. After eight years, there were changes in sward structure in the unmanaged and mulched‐once‐a‐year treatments, with increase in the tall/short species ratio. In conclusion, repeated mulching cannot substitute fully for traditional two‐cut management in improved upland meadows without decreasing plant species richness and diversity, and changing the sward structure. Although mulching once a year may prevent invasion by shrubs and trees, it also supports the spread of weedy species similar to no management.  相似文献   

In the UK, upland hay meadows (Anthoxanthum odoratum–Geranium sylvaticum grassland) with high plant biodiversity are rare and confined to submontane areas of northern England. We report results from a 5‐year experiment to test suggestions that recent biodiversity declines were attributable to increased sheep‐stocking density and a longer spring stocking period, thus delaying the shut up date for the growth of the hay crop. Longer stocking periods and higher stocking densities decreased the forage mass at 8 July, but they increased herbage N content and digestibility, reduced plant species diversity and reduced populations and seed production of Rhinanthus minor. Compared with unstocked swards, the similarity of the vegetation to Anthoxanthum odoratum–Geranium sylvaticum grassland was reduced by 16·9% when stocking with sheep continued until 27 May each year, and by 8·3% when sward heights were maintained at 3 cm compared with 5 cm. Increased mean sward height and height of R. minor were positively correlated with accumulated temperatures. Results support suggestions that recent reductions in the nature value of these grasslands might be a consequence of high stocking densities persisting until later in the spring, carried out during a 1‐year period with warmer temperatures.  相似文献   

Populations of migratory geese overwintering in Europe have risen rapidly during recent decades, leading to increased pressure on available forage resources and more grazing on agricultural lands. Farmers throughout Europe have complained of yield losses due to goose grazing. In spring, the Svalbard‐breeding population of pink‐footed goose (Anser brachyrhynchus) migrates through specific staging sites in Norway, where the geese graze on dairy grasslands and other types of agricultural lands in the early growing season. Despite this, little is known of the impacts of goose grazing on hay biomass and quality in Norway. An experiment using exclosures to prevent goose grazing, and plots that were open for grazing, was established in Central Norway to test the effects of variable grazing intensity on dairy grassland yields. A single spring‐grazing event had severe negative impact at the site with the highest grazing intensity, leading to a 25% reduction in forage yield (milk feed units per hectare) as compared to ungrazed areas. The impacts on the sites with lower grazing intensity were more subtle. The overall reduction (across all sites) of biomass yield was 26%. Forage quality, in terms of milk feed units per kg, was not much affected. Grazing increased the proportion and diversity of weeds, as evidenced by a 49% increase of the Shannon biodiversity index, and there was a 1·3% decrease in the proportion of herbage biomass of sown species. Hence, we have confirmed farmer reports on yield losses, gaining an increased understanding of the overall farmer costs associated with goose grazing in this northern latitude region.  相似文献   

A partitioning of the total variance in species composition of grasslands associated with increasing fertilizer inputs (unfertilized pastures, artificially fertilized hay meadows and intensively cultivated grassland) in western Norway was undertaken. The partitioning was carried out with (partial) constrained ordinations (canonical correspondence analysis) and associated Monte Carlo permutation tests. Explained variation was high (0·651), with soil chemistry, management and site explaining 0·271, 0·228 and 0·052 of the variation, respectively, and the interaction between soil and management explaining 0·100 of the variation. However, much of the measured soil chemistry was considered to be an effect of management. The soil chemistry variable explaining most variation was extractable P content, associated with high soil extractable P contents in the intensively cultivated grassland due to high fertilizer applications. However, soil extractable P content did not explain differences in species composition when grasslands with smaller differences in fertilizer inputs (meadows vs. pastures) were compared. Total soil C and N contents and C:N ratios explained significant variation between all grassland types. Lowest levels of these variables were measured in the grassland with the highest fertilizer inputs, suggesting that total soil N content cannot be used as a predictor of fertility. Significantly higher soil N contents were measured in grasslands of low productivity, probably due to a low decomposition rate of stress‐tolerant plants and the consequent low availability of soil N and accumulation of soil organic matter. Ellenberg N values reflected soil chemical differences in this study with high Ellenberg N values reflecting high Ca, Mg and P contents and pH values and low total C and N contents and C:N ratios.  相似文献   

Semi‐natural temperate grasslands in Europe make an important contribution to biodiversity, but their existence has been endangered by both agricultural intensification and abandonment. In the Czech Republic, Arrhenatherion meadows are a typical example, with their conservation made difficult by the scarcity of research on effective management practices. We examined effects of two potentially useful approaches, application of 56 kg N ha?1 and earlier first mowing (i.e. in the middle of May, about 2 weeks earlier than usual), on species composition of an Arrhenatherion grassland in central Bohemia over a 7‐year period (1998–2004). These treatments did not influence species richness, but resulted in small changes in canopy structure in terms of cover of individual species and particular plant functional groups. N application resulted in increases in nitrophilous species and tall graminoids, especially Alopecurus pratensis, Festuca pratensis, Heracleum sphondylium and Ranunculus acris, and in decreases in short graminoids. Earlier mowing decreased tall herbs, especially H. sphondylium, and might thus be useful in compensating for increases in some nitrophilous species owing to N application. However, earlier mowing had negative impacts on spring‐flowering species in terms of reduced cover.  相似文献   

Data on total, seasonal and between-year variability in the productivity and nutritional quality of cut forages obtained from a range of lowland semi-natural grasslands are reviewed. Dry-matter production, as hay, from unfertilized species-rich semi-natural grasslands ranged from less than 20% to about 80% of the production that might be expected from agriculturally improved and intensively managed grasslands. Unfertilized species-rich grasslands had lower growth rates, reflecting low nutrient availability in spring and early summer. Low soil phosphorus availability appears to be a key factor allowing high species-richness to be maintained. The in vitro digestibilities of herbage cut for hay from semi-natural grasslands were 20%, or more, below values for conserved forages from intensively managed grassland. When losses incurred during the hay-making process were taken into account, then the nitrogen content of hays from many semi-natural grasslands appear to be sub-optimal for productive livestock. Metabolizable energy values of herbage cut for hay were 10–40% below values for intensively managed conserved grass. Phosphorus content of forages from most species-rich grasslands was either below the metabolic requirement of livestock or inadequate to sustain high individual animal performance. Potential problems associated with supplementation of the diet with phosphorus, and with high calcium-to-phosphorus ratios, are discussed. Although potassium content of most of the herbage cut for hay was adequate for productive ruminant livestock, exceptions arise with hay cut after July. The magnesium content of cut herbage from some semi-natural grasslands was below an adequate level for productive livestock. Most cut herbage appeared to contain adequate amounts of sodium. Inadequacy of the mineral content of hays from semi-natural grasslands for ruminant livestock will be exacerbated by nutrient losses incurred during the hay-making process and particularly so when hay- making is prolonged by wet weather. Few feeding studies using hays from semi-natural grasslands of high nature conservation interest have been conducted. Lack of such data makes it difficult to plan any integrated use of these hays in ruminant feed budgets for livestock systems.  相似文献   

Throughout Europe, grasslands are managed primarily for agricultural production but also provide a range of ecosystem services, the magnitude of which is influenced by their area, management and the abiotic properties of the ecosystem. The grassland area in Europe has been affected by significant changes in recent decades, including abandonment and conversion to arable land. This study presents an assessment of changes in the permanent grassland area with reference to Slovakia and provides an assessment of the bioenergy potential of permanent grassland surplus to agricultural needs. In 2015, of the total permanent grassland area (868,000 ha) 42% had ceased to be used as feed for milk or meat production and had been abandoned. Results from field experiments show that low‐level improvement of permanent grasslands, e.g., by oversowing commonly sown agricultural grassland species and low‐dose fertilization (up to 30 kg N ha?1 year?1) could provide herbage biomass of 1.7 million tonnes of herbage dry matter per year. This would be sufficient to generate an energy output of approximately 31.3–31.9 PJ/year (4.5% of the current gross inland energy consumption of Slovakia). Low‐intensity use of the currently surplus permanent grassland is also considered to have potential beneficial outcomes in terms of delivery of ecosystem services. Results are also discussed in the context of countries beyond the case‐study area.  相似文献   

The control of Rumex obtusifolius, even with the use of herbicides, is difficult in permanent grasslands where R. obtusifolius reduces both productivity and nutritive value of herbage. It is important to find alternative approaches to managing R. obtusifolius. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted to compare the impact of different cutting frequencies, which simulated grazing (three cuts), silage making (two cuts) and hay making (one cut) on shoot and root measurements of the vigour of R. obtusifolius. In both experiments the same cutting frequencies were imposed but in Experiment 1 the treatments were imposed for 2 years and in Experiment 2 for 1 year. Compared to the silage‐making and hay‐making treatments, there was a reduction in the vigour of the aerial parts of R. obtusifolius on the grazing treatment, associated with a reduction in the number of leaves (Experiment 1), in the size of the largest leaf (Experiment 1) and in the herbage mass of dry matter (Experiments 1 and 2). Roots had higher concentrations of total soluble sugar and lower concentrations of starch in the grazing treatment than in the other treatments. These results showed that a reduction in the vigour of R. obtusifolius in permanent grasslands is possible only if the plants are submitted to a high frequency of defoliation under cutting or grazing.  相似文献   

The concept of sustainable intensification has recently been developed to raise productivity (as distinct from increasing volume of production) while reducing environmental impacts. This means increasing yields per unit of inputs (including nutrients, water, energy capital and land) as well as per unit of undesirable outputs (such as greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution or loss of biodiversity). It is thus helpful to understand ‘intensification’ as referring to ‘environmental factor productivity’ or ‘eco‐efficiency’. Worldwide, grassland is the most important agroecosystem delivering ecosystem services ranging from feed supply for ruminants and soil carbon storage to habitats of biodiversity. However, worldwide, grassland is under threat due to intensified land use and land‐use changes from grass to arable. In this article, we (i) highlight ecosystem services of selected grassland biomes abroad of Europe, (ii) show evidence of sustainable as well as non‐sustainable intensification options in these grassland biomes linked to European agriculture by exports of agricultural commodities (e.g. soy) and (iii) derive research strategies for north‐west European grassland research and management to match sustainable intensification strategies for the grassland‐based dairy industry.  相似文献   

In many areas of Europe there are policies to restore former arable land to grassland. In practice, this usually involves the use of commercial seed mixtures. The abundance of all vascular plants species in 35 ex‐arable fields, sown with a commercial seed mixture or spontaneously revegetated, was studied in one landscape area to compare two methods of grassland restoration. Species abundance was also evaluated in the close surroundings of the fields. Data were processed using multivariate (ordination) and univariate statistics. Period of time since abandonment, size of the field and type of grassland restoration (sown vs. spontaneously revegetated) had a significant influence on vegetation. However, for the target meadow species, the type of restoration did not exhibit any influence. After about 20 years the contribution of meadow species that had established spontaneously in the studied fields was similar to that of their surroundings. We concluded that artificial sowing on ex‐arable land is not necessary to develop semi‐natural grasslands if (i) there are sources of appropriate diaspores in the immediate surroundings, (ii) the site is not very rich in nutrients and (iii) farmers do not need grass production immediately. In these situations and over this timescale natural regeneration would allow substantial savings of money and labour.  相似文献   

The common forage grass Lolium perenne has evolved with the systemic fungal endophyte Epichloë festucae var. lolii. The endophyte provides herbivore resistance to the grass due to defensive alkaloids, some of which are toxic to grazing livestock. In this field study, we determine whether distribution of the endophyte‐grass association changes along a land‐use intensity gradient on 87 managed grasslands in three German regions. Endophyte infections were detected in 66% of the studied sites and infection rates within infected sites ranged from 1% to 95%. Alkaloid concentrations of lolitrem B (vertebrate toxin) exceeded the toxicity thresholds in 50 (14%) of 351 infected plants and of peramine (invertebrate deterrent/toxin) in 12 (3%) of 351 plants. Infection rates and alkaloid concentrations were not significantly affected by land‐use intensity and region, but alkaloid concentrations were higher in summer compared to spring. We conclude that risks for livestock intoxication are currently low, as (i) average alkaloid concentrations per grassland were always below toxicity thresholds and as (ii) none of the grasslands was dominated by L. perenne. We suggest avoidance of grass monocultures in Europe to keep intoxication risks for livestock low; we also recommend regular examination of seeds and grasslands, as seed producers might accidentally distribute infected seeds, and as climate warming might further enhance the distribution of Epichloë endophytes in European grasslands.  相似文献   

Vegetation indices are widely used as model inputs and for non‐destructive estimation of biomass and photosynthesis, but there have been few validation studies of the underlying relationships. To test their applicability on temperate fens and the impact of management intensity, we investigated the relationships between normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), leaf area index (LAI), brown and green above‐ground biomass and photosynthesis potential (PP). Only the linear relationship between NDVI and PP was management independent (R2 = 0·53). LAI to PP was described by a site‐specific and negative logarithmic function (R2 = 0·07–0·68). The hyperbolic relationship of LAI versus NDVI showed a high residual standard error (s.e.) of 1·71–1·84 and differed between extensive and intensive meadows. Biomass and LAI correlated poorly (R2 = 0·30), with high species‐specific variability. Intensive meadows had a higher ratio of LAI to biomass than extensive grasslands. The fraction of green to total biomass versus NDVI showed considerable noise (s.e. = 0·13). These relationships were relatively weak compared with results from other ecosystems. A likely explanation could be the high amount of standing litter, which was unevenly distributed within the vegetation canopy depending on the season and on the timing of cutting events. Our results show there is high uncertainty in the application of the relationships on temperate fen meadows. For reliable estimations, management intensity needs to be taken into account and several direct measurements throughout the year are required for site‐specific correction of the relationships, especially under extensive management. Using NDVI instead of LAI could reduce uncertainty in photosynthesis models.  相似文献   

The changes in dry matter (DM) yield, botanical composition and nutritive value of herbage to ruminants of two wet grasslands, Arrhenatherum elatius grassland (Experiment 1) and a Molinia caerulea fen meadow (Experiment 2), in which a range of cutting and fertilizer treatments were imposed in 1999, were assessed after 4–7 years of treatment imposition. Both experiments had a split‐plot design with four replicates. In Experiment 1 the three main‐plot cutting treatments were two cuts with a delayed first cut, three cuts and four cuts during the growing season of each year. In Experiment 2 the cutting treatments were two cuts with a traditional harvest time, two cuts with a delayed first cut and three cuts. The four sub‐plot fertilizer treatments were an unfertilized control, application of a phosphorus and potassium (PK) fertilizer, application of a nitrogen (N) and PK fertilizer to the first cut only (N1PK) and application of PK plus N applied to each of two, three or four cuts (Nc PK). Application of fertilizer influenced yield and botanical composition of herbage more than the cutting treatments while the opposite occurred for nutritive value of the herbage. Application of fertilizer increased the proportion of tall grasses in Experiment 1 and forbs in Experiment 2. The proportion of Equisetum palustre, present only in Experiment 1, was reduced from 0·33 to less than 0·01 by increased cutting frequency together with the NPK fertilizer treatments. In Experiment 1 diversity of vascular plants was negatively affected only by the four‐cuts treatment while on both wet grasslands other cutting and fertilizer application treatments had no effect. Changes in DM yield of herbage caused by the cutting and fertilizer application treatments were similar for both vegetation types with DM yield increased significantly by fertilizer application but only slightly or not reduced by increasing the cutting frequency. Nutritive value of herbage was positively correlated with cutting frequency and was most influenced at the first cut.  相似文献   

Production of grass and fodder crops in areas under intensive production systems in the Low Countries of north‐west Europe faces a number of threats related to increased regulations, scarcity of land and restricted freedom of use of the land, and from climate change. Grassland‐based farmers are pushed to do more with less, i.e., to improve eco‐efficiency, and this requires “more knowledge per ha.” This article argues that progress in variety breeding, the application of crop rotation instead of monocultures, a proper use of catch crops, ley‐arable farming and overall good management offer realistic opportunities to cope with current threats. A large capacity for mechanization also allows improvement of net yields per ha. This article highlights that progress in plant breeding has compensated for yield declines caused by nutrient‐input restrictions in forage maize (Zea mays L.). Both forage maize and grass–clover can take advantages of ley‐arable farming, and crop rotation provides an insurance against the effects of low‐yielding years and a buffer for reduced nutrient inputs.  相似文献   

Pulmonary diseases such as recurrent airway obstruction have become a major concern in the horse industry. Airborne dust, including aeroallergens from forages, is suspected to be the main factor in its aetiology. Hypothesizing that grassland flora could affect hay hygienic quality, and therefore have implications for the respiratory health of horses, we compared five single‐species hays (Trifolium repens, Lolium perenne, Alopecurus geniculatus, Poa trivialis and Holcus lanatus). Multi‐species hay from Normandy, and different commercial forages (single‐species haylage, multi‐species haylage, Crau hay and hay from Swiss mixing), chosen to represent current horse forages, were also investigated. Dust, moulds, pollens and endotoxins were different among forage types, while mycotoxins were not detected in any of the forage types. Holcus lanatus hay was the dustiest among the single‐species hays but also the least contaminated by moulds. A particular mould profile was associated with each plant species. The four commercial forages appeared to have a better hygienic quality than the multi‐species hay. Among commercial forages, the single‐species haylage was the least dusty but also the most contaminated by moulds. Overall the results suggest that the hygienic quality of equine forages could be improved by an appropriate choice of grassland species.  相似文献   

Species‐rich alpine grasslands with Nardus stricta are important communities for both animal production and environmental conservation in Europe. We selected two contrasting types of Nardus grasslands (mesic and wet) within a rangeland of northern Spain and measured annual above‐ground net primary productivity (ANPP), botanical components, forage utilization and their respective seasonal patterns, during a 5‐year period. We analysed their chemical properties and recorded soil moisture and temperature in order to construct models able to explain grassland productivity. Mean annual ANPP of mesic Nardus grassland was about half (216 g DM m?2 year?1; ±29·8 s.e.) that of the wet grassland (406 g DM m?2 year?1; ±54·3 s.e.), with significant intra‐ and interannual variability. Mesic grassland, with a more important contribution of forbs and legumes over graminoids in its botanical composition, was the preferred forage source of grazing livestock and showed better chemical properties in spring and early summer. In summer and autumn, wet grassland had a higher utilization owing to its ability to maintain high biomass production. This was partially explained by soil moisture, a limiting factor of mesic grassland productivity. Our results provide new and relevant information on key aspects of species‐rich alpine Nardus grasslands, potentially useful for the definition of management options for these habitats of priority conservation.  相似文献   

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