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The effect of six different zinc (Zn) application methods on grain yield and concentrations of Zn in whole shoots and grain was studied in wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum, L. cvs. Gerek‐79, Dagdas‐94 and Bezostaja‐1 and Triticum durum, Desf. cv. Kunduru‐1149) grown on severely Zn‐deficient calcareous soils (DTPA‐extractable Zn: 0.12 mg‐kg‐1 soil) of Central Anatolia which is the major wheat growing area of Turkey. Zinc application methods tested were: a) control (no Zn application), b) soil, c) seed, d) leaf, e) soil+leaf, and f) seed+leaf applications. Irrespective of the method, application of Zn significantly increased grain yield in all cultivars. Compared to the control, increases in grain yield were about 260% with soil, soil+leaf, and seed+leaf, 204% with seed and 124% with leaf application of Zn. In a similar manner, biomass production (dry weight of above‐ground parts) was increased by Zn treatments. The highest increase (109%) was obtained with the soil application and the lowest increase (40%) with the leaf application. Significant effects of Zn application methods were also found on the yield components, i.e., spike number.m‐2, grain number‐spike‐1, and thousand kernel weight. Spike number.m‐2 was affected most by Zn applications, particularly by soil and soil+leaf applications. Concentrations of Zn in whole shoots and grain were greatly affected by different Zn treatments. In plants without added Zn, concentrations of Zn were about 10 mg‐kg‐1 both in shoots and grain and increased to 18 mg‐kg‐1 dry weight (DW) by soil application of Zn, but not affected by seed application of Zn. Soil+leaf application of Zn had the highest increase in concentration of Zn in shoot (82 mg‐kg‐1 DW) and grain (38 mg‐kg‐1 DW). Soil application of Zn was economical and had long‐term effects for enhancing grain yield of wheat grown on Zn deficient soils. When high grain yield and high Zn concentration in grains are desired, soil+leaf application of Zn was most effective method of Zn application.  相似文献   


Iron (Fe) deficiency chlorosis (FeDC) results in extensive reduction in yield of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) grown on high pH calcareous soils. Three cultivars differing in response to FeDC were grown on a high pH (8.2) calcareous soil (25.4% calcium carbonate equivalent in surface 20 cm) in the field (Choueifat, coastal area of Lebanon) to determine the effects of FeDC on fruit yield of cultivars sprayed with FeEDDHA [ferric ethylene‐diiminobis (2‐hydroxyphenyl) acetate]. The unsprayed plots were used as a control. No significant interaction (P<0.05) between cultivars x FeEDDHA spray treatment, and no significant differences (P<0.05) between one and two FeEDDHA spray(s)/week treatment was noted for visual FeDC, fruit number, and fruit yield. Sprayed cultivars once a week produced higher yields than unsprayed ones; overall increases were 33% (13% for ‘Motto’, 30% for ‘Chandler’, and 56% for ‘Douglas'). Even though only slight FeDC was noted on the ‘Motto’ cultivar receiving no Fe EDDHA spray, fruit yields were increased when sprayed with FeEDDHA. However, significant increases in yield for ‘Chandler’ and ‘Douglas’ cultivars with severe FeDC ratings were rioted when sprayed with FeEDDHA.  相似文献   

Critical concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn) with respect to dry matter yield end antagonistic and synergistic relationships among these nutrients were studied in which tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) was grown in recirculating nutrient solution (NFT). Increments of nutrient elements in the nutrient solution increased the proportional rate of the corresponding nutrient elements. Increasing levels of N negatively correlated with plant P and positively correlated with Ca, Fe, and Zn. Iron and Mn contents of the plants were increased and N, K, Ca, and Mg were decreased as a function of P applied. Increases in K in the nutrient solution caused increases in the concentrations of K, N, P, and Zn, and decreases in the concentration of Ca and Fe. Applied Ca increased the concentrations of Ca and N, and decreased the concentrations of P, Mg, Fe, Zn, and Mn. Potassium, Ca, and Fe contents of the plants were decreased and Zn increased, while N, P, and Mn were not affected by the increasing levels of external Mg. Iron suppressed the plant Mg, Zn, and Mn contents. Synergism between Zn and Fe was seen, while P, K, Ca, Mg, and Mn contents were not affected by Zn levels. Potassium, Ca, Mg, and Fe were not responsive to applied Mn, however, N and P contents of the plants were decreased at the highest levels of Mn.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to evaluate the yield, fruit size, and vegetative growth of three strawberry cultivars inoculated with three vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) species at three phosphorus (P) fertility levels. Vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhiza inoculation and P fertility had no effect on inflorescence or flower number, total yield, fruit weight, or crown number. Higher levels of P did not increased total dry shoot weight, total fresh shoot, weight leaf area, total dry root weight, and leaf number in the present of VAM. However, the cultivars responded differently to VAM inoculation. Vesicular‐ arbuscular mycorrhiza inoculation in combination with P at all levels increased total dry and fresh shoot weight, leaf area, and leaf number compared to application of P alone. The results indicated that it may be possible to increase strawberry stolon production by inoculating the strawberry plants with VAM, a technique which might be useful in nurseries to produce certified strawberry plants.  相似文献   

Four tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) strains (203, 474, 546, and 576) that are equally efficient in potassium (K) absorption, but different in efficiency of K use were studied using a continuously flowing solution culture to determine the importance of K‐transport rate from root to shoot in relation to K‐use efficiency. Strains 203 and 546 are inefficient in K use, ratios of K in shoots to roots were found to be three times higher than those of the two K‐use efficient strains 474 and 576 when grown under low‐K stress (0.1 mM). In addition, both the K concentrations and rates of K flow in xylem exudates of decapitated strains 203 and 546 were significantly higher than those of strains 474 and 576. These results suggest that high rates of K transport from roots to shoots are unrelated to K‐use efficiency in the tomato strains grown under low‐K stress. Further studies of K distributions in leaves and stems found that K concentrations in matured leaves and stems of the two efficient strains 474 and 576 were markedly lower than those of the two inefficient strains 203 and 546, while K in young and expanding leaves of the efficient strains were significantly higher than those of the inefficient strains, indicating that the ability to mobilize K from matured leaves to young and expanding leaves is an important factor that contributes to K‐use efficiency in tomato plants grown under low‐K stress.  相似文献   

Effects of varied irrigation and zinc (Zn) fertilization (0, 7, 14, 21 kg Zn ha‐1 as ZnSO47.H2O) on grain yield and concentration and content of Zn were studied in two bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), two durum wheat (Triticum durum), two barley (Hordeum vulgare), two triticale (xTriticosecale Wittmark), one rye (Secale cereale), and one oat (Avena sativa) cultivars grown in a Zn‐deficient soil (DTPA‐extractable Zn: 0.09 mg kg‐1) under rainfed and irrigated field conditions. Only minor or no yield reduction occurred in rye as a result of Zn deficiency. The highest reduction in plant growth and grain yield due to Zn deficiency was observed in durum wheats, followed by oat, barley, bread wheat and triticale. These decreases in yield due to Zn deficiency became more pronounced under rainfed conditions. Although highly significant differences in grain yield were found between treatments with and without Zn, no significant difference was obtained between the Zn doses applied (7–21 kg ha‐1), indicating that 7 kg Zn ha‐1 would be sufficient to overcome Zn deficiency. Increasing doses of Zn application resulted in significant increases in concentration and content of Zn in shoot and grain. The sensitivity of various cereals to Zn deficiency was different and closely related to Zn content in the shoot but not to Zn amount per unit dry weight. Irrigation was effective in increasing both shoot Zn content and Zn efficiency of cultivars. The results demonstrate the existence of a large genotypic variation in Zn efficiency among and within cereals and suggest that plants become more sensitive to Zn deficiency under rainfed than irrigated conditions.  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out to study the effect of different seed‐zinc (Zn) content on grain yield and grain Zn concentration in a bread wheat cultivar Atay 85 grown in a severely Zn‐deficient soil under rainfed and irrigated conditions for two years. Three groups of seeds with Zn contents of 355, 800, and 1,465 ng Zn seed‐1 were obtained through different number of foliar applications of ZnSO4.7H2O in the previous crop year. Experiments were carried out with 23 kg Zn ha‐1 (as ZnSO4.7H2O) and without Zn fertilization to the soil. Grain yield from seeds with 800 and 1,465 ng Zn seed‐1 content was significantly higher than that from low seed‐Zn, especially under rainfed conditions. In the first year, under rainfed and Zn‐deficient conditions, yield of plants grown from the highest seed‐Zn content was 116% higher than the yield of plants grown from the low seed‐Zn content. However, in the first year soil‐Zn application combined with low‐Zn seed resulted in a yield increase of 466% compared to nill Zn treatment with low‐Zn seed, indicating that higher seed‐Zn contents could not compensate for the effects of soil Zn application. Soil Zn application significantly increased Zn concentrations in shoot and grain. However, the effect of different seed Zn contents on Zn concentrations of plants was not significant, probably due to the dilution of Zn in tissues resulting from enhanced dry matter production. The results presented show that wheat plants grown from seed with high Zn content can achieve higher grain yields than those grown from the low‐Zn seed when Zn was not applied to the soil. Therefore, sowing seeds with higher Zn contents can be considered a practical solution to alleviate Zn deficiency problem, especially under rainfed conditions in spite of it being insufficient to completely overcome the problem.  相似文献   

Information on glutamine synthetase (GS) activity of roots and leaves in response to nitrogen (N) application at different growth stages is limited for field‐grown rice. Root and leaf GS activity was measured on field‐grown rice plants to compare the effects of fertilizer‐N application at midtillering, panicle initiation, and flowering. Leaf GS activity was greater than root GS activity, regardless of N application. Root and leaf GS activity generally declined as plant aged, and the decline was greater in roots than leaves. Leaf and root GS activity were significantly increased by urea‐N applied at different growth stages. Root GS activity was maximum three days after N application, while leaf GS activity peaked one day after N application. Root GS activity showed greater response to N application at midtillering and panicle initiation than leaf GS activity, but the opposite was found at flowering. The stimulation of GS activity by N was greatest at midtillering and reduced with plant age.  相似文献   


A greenhouse experiment was carried out to study severity of the zinc (Zn) deficiency symptoms on leaves, shoot dry weight and shoot content and concentration of Zn in 164 winter type bread wheat genotypes (Triticunt aestivum L.) grown in a Zn‐deficient calcareous soil with (+Zn=10 mg Zn kg?1 soil) and without (‐Zn) Zn supply for 45 days. Tolerance of the genotypes to Zn deficiency was ranked based on the relative shoot growth (Zn efficiency ratio), calculated as the ratio of the shoot dry weight produced under Zn deficiency to that produced under adequate Zn supply. There was a substantial difference in genotypic tolerance to Zn deficiency. Among the 164 genotypes, 108 genotypes had severe visible symptoms of Zn deficiency (whitish‐brown necrotic patches) on leaves, while in 25 genotypes Zn deficiency symptoms were slight or absent, and the remaining genotypes (e.g., 31 genotypes) showed mild deficiency symptoms. Generally, the genotypes with higher tolerance to Zn deficiency originated from Balkan countries and Turkey, while genotypes originating from the breeding programs in the Great Plains of the United States were mostly sensitive to Zn deficiency. Among the 164 wheat genotypes, Zn efficiency ratio varied from 0.33 to 0.77. The differences in tolerance to Zn deficiency were totally independent of shoot Zn concentrations, but showed a close relationship to the total amount (content) of Zn per shoot. The absolute shoot growth of the genotypes under Zn deficiency corresponded very well with the differences in tolerance to Zn deficiency. Under adequate Zn supply, the 10 most Zn‐ inefficient genotypes and the 10 most Zn‐efficient genotypes were very similar in their shoot dry weight. However, under Zn deficiency, shoot dry weight of the Zn‐efficient genotypes was, on average, 1.6‐fold higher compared to the Zn‐inefficient genotypes. The results of this study show large, exploitable genotypic variation for tolerance to Zn deficiency in bread wheat. Based on this data, total amount of Zn per shoot, absolute shoot growth under Zn deficiency, and relative shoot growth can be used as reliable plant parameters for assessing genotypic variation in tolerance to Zn deficiency in bread wheat.  相似文献   


The variability in corn yield responses to applications of Zn fertilizer appears to be associated with several complex soil and climatic factors that affect the availability of endogenous soil Zn to the crop under specific conditions. Among the soil chemical properties that influence availability of endogenous Zn are soil pH, organic matter content, and extractable P. Over a period of several years, soil and plant analysis data were collected from 54 field experiments, field trials, and diagnostic visits to producer's fields. These data were subjected to multiple regression analysis, resulting in an equation: Znleaf = 37.14 + 1.513 Znst ‐4.04 pHst ‐ 1.791 ln(Pst/100) where Znst, pHst, and Pst were 0.1N HC1 extractable soil Zn (kg/ha), 1:1 soil‐water pH, and Bray's 1 extractable soil P (kg/ha), respectively. These factors accounted for 67% of variation in leaf Zn, which was a large portion of the variability in Znleaf considering that climatic conditions, management levels, and varietal differences were uncontrolled in most instances. Using the previously published critical level in the leaf opposite and below the ear as 17 μg Zn/g, these data can be used to set required soil test levels of Zn at different levels of extractable P and soil pH. Inadequate levels of extractable Zn would range from 2.5 (at pH 6.0, P = 70 kg/ha) to, 9.5 kg/ha (at pH 7.5, P = 420 kg/ha).  相似文献   

Efficient use of potassium (K) by turf depends on the ability of roots to absorb a high proportion of the fertilizer K applied to the soil. Among turfgrass genotypes, variation in K absorption kinetics of roots and its inheritance is important in the development of genotypes that are more efficient in K absorption from the soil. Therefore, K uptake kinetics of six cultivars each of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) were compared under greenhouse conditions. In 1990 and 1991, field studies of the same cultivars were conducted comparing clipping production rate, leaf blade K concentration, K recovery rate in clippings, K efficiency ratio and visual quality under a moderate K fertilization of 59 kg K/ha/year. Significant differences among species and cultivars were obtained for both absorption kinetics and field recovery of K. Significant correlations between some K uptake parameters and field performance were identified. These results show that genetic differences exist among turfgrasses for K utilization at both the interspecific and intraspecific levels and suggest that a screening program could be developed to identify turfgrass genotypes possessing superior K utilization.  相似文献   

The effect of prolonged sulfur (S) deficiency on photosynthesis and S‐containing compounds in leaves of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) plants, grown in nutrient solution, was studied under greenhouse conditions. The rate of photosynthetic activity and stomatal conductance of water and CO2 in treated plants decreased significantly after 3 months of treatment. The total chlorophyll content decreased after one month of S deprivation, after which it remained constant. The total S. content and both the water‐soluble and non‐protein soluble S fractions in the leaves showed a marked decrease. Whereas, the total protein soluble S remained unaffected during the period of observation. In the treated plants, the content of two major S compounds, e.g., cysteine and glutathione, were as a result of deprivation, although in the control it showed a trend to increase. Sulfur deficiency also decreased appreciably the activity of ATP sulfurylase. After the three‐month period of S deprivation, this enzymatic activity was about four times lower than that in the control plants. The data reported in this paper suggested that plants grown under S deficiency were capable of adjusting their S metabolism to maintain a sufficient protein and glutathione synthesis by lowering their photosynthetic activity.  相似文献   

In short‐term (24 h) nutrient solution experiments, the influence of different proton (pH 6.0 and pH 4.3) and aluminium (Al) (0, 20, and 50 μM) concentrations on root and coleoptile elongation, dry weight, and the uptake of selected mineral nutrients was studied in maize (Zea mays L.) varieties that differ in acid soil tolerance under field conditions. The acid‐soil‐tolerant maize varieties, Adour 250 and C525M, proved to be hydrogen (H+) ion sensitive, but Al tolerant, while the acid soil tolerant variety BR201F was H+ tolerant but Al sensitive. The acid soil sensitive variety HS 7777 was affected by both H+ and Al toxicity. The proton‐induced inhibition of root elongation was closely related to the proton‐induced decrease of the specific absorption rates (SAR) of boron (B), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P). In contrast, only the specific absorption rate of B (SARB) was significantly correlated to the Al‐induced inhibition of root elongation. It is concluded, that alterations of nutrient uptake may play an important role in H+ toxicity, while at least after short‐term exposure to Al, alterations of Ca, Fe, Mg, or P uptake do not seem to be responsible for Al‐induced inhibition of root elongation. Further attention deserves the Al‐B interaction, moreover taking into account that a highly significant correlation between Al‐induced increase of callose concentration in root tips and Al‐induced decrease of SARB could be established.  相似文献   

In a ten‐year study of potassium (K) and lime application to a Kalmia sandy loam (fine‐loamy, siliceous, thermic Typic Hapludult), a soil high in nonexchangeable K, corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Herr.] have not responded to applied K. The objectives of this study were to determine if a high K‐requiring crop such as tomato (Lycocersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Redpak) would respond to KCl fertilizer rate or lime type (dolomitic, calcitic, and mixed) and rate on such a soil. Potassium was applied at 0, 56, and 112 kg K/ha every year for ten years. Lime was applied at 0, 2, and 9 Mg/ha in calcitic, mixed, and dolomitic forms twice in ten years (1970 and 1973). In 1980, the tenth year of the study, tomato fruit was harvested by hand once‐over to simulate machine harvest and divided into four maturity groups by color. Soil pH was higher with dolomitic than calcitic lime. Soil K saturation was not influenced by lime rate or type. Fruit yield and leaf phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) concentrations increased with increasing lime rates. Leaf K, manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), boron (B), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), barium (Ba), strontium (Sr), and aluminum (Al) concentrations decreased with increasing lime rate. Leaf Mn, Ba, and Sr concentrations were lower with dolomitic than with calcitic lime. Lime type had no effect on tomato yield. Wide ranges in basic cation saturation ratios had little effect on yield. Soil K saturation and leaf K, Zn, and Ba concentrations increased with increasing K rate. Soil Ca and leaf Ca, Mg, and Al concentrations decreased with increasing K rate. Applied K had no effect on total yield but onceover marketable yield increased linearly with increasing K rate. Marketable yield increased 14% with an increase in K rate from 0 to 56 kg/ha. Thus, fruit maturity was apparently hastened by K fertilization.  相似文献   


Equilibrium adsorption experiments on zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), and lead (Pb) were conducted in three horizons of two Ultisols and one Oxisol with and without liming, from Viçosa‐MG (Brazil). Equilibrium solutions were applied as a “cocktail”; containing 700 mg L‐1 of Zn, 20 mg L#lb1 of Cd, 200 mg L‐1of Cu, and 300 mg L‐1 of Pb and its dilutions of 1:5 and 1:20. After shaking, the mixture was centrifuged, the supernatant collected and the pH and the concentrations of metals in the mixture were determined. Soil order, soil horizon, and liming had significant effects on the metal adsorption. Some important changes in the adsorption characteristics of the metals, especially in Zn and Cd, were observed due to competition between the different cations present in the solution. Also, desorption of Zn and Cd was observed with an increasing concentration of the solution. The adsorption data for Zn and Cd did not fit the linear, Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin isotherm equations for most situations, as these equations do not consider the possibility of a decrease in the amount of metal adsorbed with increasing metal competition for the adsorption sites. Due to the competition with other metals, the equations, which offered the best fit for Zn and Cd, were quadratic polynomial models. On the other hand, for Cu and Pb, the equations, which showed the best fit were linear, Langmuir, and Temkin, for different situations. The reasons for this behavior were related to the strong competitive forces for the adsorption sites presented by these two metals.  相似文献   

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculuntum Mill.) grown in open fields in dry land areas or in non‐controlled greenhouses are subjected to substantial daily changes in root temperature. In the field, root‐zone temperatures fluctuate both diurnally and during the growing season. The purpose of this study was to monitor root‐zone temperature effects on tomato initial growth, transpiration, sap flow rate, leaf and air temperatures differences, nitrate accumulation, total nitrogen, and soluble carbohydrates in the shoot and roots as well as levels of endogenous cytokinins and gibberellins in xylem exudate. Tomato seedlings were grown in three growth cabinets with variable control of root temperatures. Three day/night root temperature regimes (12/12, 16/8 and 20/20°C) were employed. Low day root temperatures of 12 and 16°C reduced shoot dry weight by 47 and 26%, root dry weight by 36 and 14%, shoot nitrate by 79 and 50%, root nitrate by 49 and 16%, levels of cytokinins in root xylem exudate by 27 and 13% and gibberellins by 65 and 23%, in relation to the respective values of 20°C day root temperature. Soluble carbohydrates in the shoot and roots were increased significantly (18 and 111%) by 12°C root temperature. The main effects of low root temperatures on shoot growth stem from slow upward transport of plant hormones and nitrate rather than reduction in their rate of biosynthesis or entry to the root, respectively.  相似文献   


The produced vinasse from molasses of sugar beets contains high amounts of nitrogen, potassium, and sodium (Na‐vinasse). In a pot experiment involving plant species of different tolerance to soil salts (cotton, corn, and beans), applications up to 10 t vinasse ha‐1 did not significantly affect the seed germination, and had a positive effect on plant growth of all species. Increasing the vinasse application to 20 t ha‐1 had no effect on seed germination of cotton and increased its growth. In contrast, a 20 t ha‐1 application delayed the time of germination and inhibited corn and bean growth up to one month. Subsequently, plant growth increased and plant height 52 days after sowing was similar to that with the 10 t ha‐1 treatment. For the bean plants, the negative effect of the 20 t ha‐1 application continued and resulted in a higher dry matter in leaves, but lower dry matter in stems and fruits compared to the untreated soil. A replacement of potassium by sodium in cotton and corn plants was also observed at this vinasse application. Very high application of vinasse (100 t ha‐1) resulted in a damage of cotton and bean seeds, while a higher portion of corn seeds germinated (64%). However, corn seeds that germinated collapsed after a few days. Among the three species studied, cotton plants absorbed the highest amount of sodium, corn plants the highest amount of potassium and those of bean the highest amount of nitrogen.  相似文献   

In vitro plantlets or microtubers (in vitro produced tubers) of ‘Spunta’ potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were planted in a 3 soil: 2 peat moss: 1 sand substrate (by volume) amended with municipal solid waste (MS W) compost at 0, 10, 20, or 30 g 4‐1 L pot. Three months later, plant growth and tuber yield were evaluated and concentrations of shoot and tuber tin (Sn), arsenic (As), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), cadmium (Cd), and iron (Fe) were determined. Amending with MSW resulted in significant increases in concentrations of all tested metals in the substrate. Number of proliferated shoots of plants started from rooted plantlets was greatest at 10 g pot‐1 MSW, whereas shoot weight of plants started from microtubers was greatest at 10 and 20 g pot‐1 MSW. Tuber yield of plants started from rooted plantlets or microtubers was greatest at 10 or 30 g pot‐1 MSW, respectively. In all instances, amending with MSW at 30 g pot‐1 resulted in significant increases in concentrations of all tested metals in shoots and tubers. Concentrations of shoot Ni and tuber Zn and Fe for plants started from rooted plantlets and concentrations of shoot Fe and tuber As, Cu and Pb for plants started from microtubers increased consistently with increasing MSW percentage of the substrate. Plants started from rooted plantlets produced shoots with sufficient Zn, Mn, and Ni concentrations regardless of the substrate but with toxic Cu content at 30 g pot‐1 MSW. Plants started from microtubers produced shoots with sufficient Mn and Ni concentrations regardless of the substrate but with low Zn and deficient Cu in unamended substrates. All plants had shoot Fe content higher than the sufficiency range. Although there were significant differences in concentrations of some nutrients among MSW treatments, no symptoms of nutrient toxicity or deficiency were observed. In all instances, tested elements did not accumulate in tubers to levels hazardous to human health. Concentrations of Cd, the most hazardous element, in potato tubers was not high enough to pose a threat to human. Our results indicate that there is a potential use of MSW in satisfying the needs of potato growth with negligible increases in heavy metal concentrations in tubers.  相似文献   


Soil is a heterogenous mixture of solids, and therefore, has significant amount of horizontal variability in DTPA‐extractable iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn). Such variability, if too high and random, may cause difficulties in interpreting the experimental data at a research station. But the level of variability of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn, and whether it is random or spatially correlated, has not been determined. Therefore, to determine the coefficient of variation and whether it is random or spatially correlated, fields at the MEY Research Station were divided into small plots and a composite sample was collected from each plot and analyzed for DTPA‐extractable Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn. The weighted mean of the coefficient of variation for the whole station for Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn was 47, 60, 38, and 47%, respectively. In addition, the variation in Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn levels in each field, as small as 0.3 ha, was random and not spatially correlated. To reduce the effect of this random variability on treatments of an experiment at a research station, a fertilizer recommendation scheme which includes coefficient of variation as a factor is recommended.  相似文献   

Application of plant growth‐promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) or the plant to bacteria signal molecule genistein has been shown to increase nodulation and nitrogen (N) fixation by soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] over a range of root zone temperatures (RZTs) and, specifically, off‐sets at least some of the ill‐effects of low RZTs. Two sets of controlled‐environment experiments, one on a growth bench and the other in a greenhouse, were conducted to examine the combined ability of both PGPR and genistein to reduce the negative effects of low RZT on soybean nodulation and N fixation. Each of two the PGPR strains, Serratia proteamaculans 1–102 and Serratia liquefaciens 2–68 were co‐inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 110 preincubated with 17.5 (somewhat inhibitory), and 15°C (very inhibitory). At RZTs of 25 and 17.5°C PGPR strains and genistein in combination increased the number of nodules and the amount of Nn fixed. The most stimulatory effect was observed at 17.5°C for the combination: S. proteamaculans 1–102 plus B. japonicum USDA 110 pre‐incubated in 15 μM genistein under greenhouse conditions. For most treatment combinations the stimulatory effects of PGPR and genistein were additive at RZTs of 17.5 and 25°C. Surprisingly, the combination of these two factors resulted in antagonism at the very inhibitory RZT of 15°C. The results suggest that the negative effects of certain low RZTs could be more effectively off‐set by combined treatments of PGPR plus geneistin pre‐incubation of rhizobial cultures than by their individual treatment.  相似文献   

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