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This study was conducted to determine the influence of 4 interstems (EM.27 EMLA, Mark, M.9 EMLA, and EM.26 EMLA) and 8 rootstocks (EM.27 EMLA, Mark, M.9 EMLA, EM.26 EMLA, M.7A, MM. 106 EMLA, MM. 111 EMLA, and seedling) with and without interstems on foliar element concentrations [nitrogen (N,) phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), boron (B)] of the Golden Delicious ‘Smoothee’ (Malus domestica, Borkh). The trees were planted in 1990 and the experiment was conducted until 1996. Soil pH was low (pH=5.9) before planting but liming raised the pH to 6.5 by the 4th year after planting. Soil P was adequate, K and Mg were high, and Ca was low based on local recommendations for apples. The year by year variation in foliar element concentrations was much higher than rootstock and interstem effects. Differences among interstems and rootstocks were important as foliar element concentrations approached those of deficiency or toxicity. In this study, K decreased to deficiency concentrations by the end of the experiment except for seedling rootstocks, which slightly increased. Foliar Ca was deficient for all interstems and rootstocks at the start of the experiment, but increased extensively for M.9 EMLA and EM.26 EMLA rootstocks across years. Foliar Mn increased to nearly toxic concentrations (300 μg g‐1) in EM.27 EMLA and Mark rootstocks, whereas the other rootstocks did not. No deficiency or toxicity symptoms were noted for any elements during this study. These results indicate that a single range of foliar nutrient concentrations can be used as an aid for determining fertilization rates for the apple rootstocks and interstems used in this study. However, individual rootstocks vary in the rate at which they approach toxicity and deficiency concentrations, which needs to be known to prevent mineral nutritional related problems in commercial apple orchards.  相似文献   

During a six‐year period (1980, 1985–1989), 20 different calcium (Ca) materials were sprayed at an early (3X; June to July), late (3X; July to August), and an early plus late (5X; June to August) timing on 25‐year‐old ‘Anjou’ pear (Pyrus communis L.) trees. Calcium chloride (CaCl2) sprays increased fruit Ca in the cortex by an average of 10.5% greater than in unsprayed controls and cork spot was reduced by an average of six‐fold. Yield from trees sprayed with Ca materials averaged greater than 13% more crop load than the unsprayed control trees. Leaf and fruit injury from CaCl2 sprays in 1980 were near borderline acceptability, but injury was reduced slightly by halving the spray concentration rate to 681 g CaCl2 per 379 liters of water in 1985 to 1989. Due to temperatures above 26°C, leaf and fruit injury from Ca sprays, particularly calcium nitrate [Ca(NO3)2], were more severe for the late or early plus late sprays than for the early sprays. Fruit size was slightly larger on trees sprayed only three times (early or late sprays) versus trees sprayed five times during the season (early plus late sprays). Best control of cork spot occurred with early plus late sprays. Best control of alfalfa greening and black end occurred with late or early plus late sprays. The importance of fruit Ca for controlling cork spot is illustrated when triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) was sprayed on trees which resulted in reduced fruit Ca and increased incidence of fruit disorders, alfalfa greening, black end, and cork spot. Sprays containing nitrates or sulfates were frequently associated with a higher incidence of fruit disorders. Although fruit quality was not significantly influenced by Ca treatments or spray time, it was related to Ca in fruit peel or cortex due to annual variations in Ca concentrations.  相似文献   

Calcium chloride (CaCl2), increased Ca concentrations in fruit cortex and peel of ‘Anjou’ pears (Pyrus communis L.). Calcium sprays reduced the fruit disorders: brown core, cork spot and superficial scald. Fruit size (weight) increased while fruit Ca concentrations decreased with fruit at the later harvest dates. The earliest harvest date was associated with a lower incidence of fruit disorders. Superficial scald increased in fruit held longer in cold storage and in ripened fruit. Shelf‐life and fruit quality of Ca‐sprayed fruit was improved due to higher Ca concentrations in fruit peel and cortex resulting in overall enhancement of fruit appearance, and in improvement in the control of the incidences of cork spot, scald, brown core, and external and internal rots, and in amelioration of fruit juiciness and fruit color.  相似文献   

Whole fruit mineral element analysis is used commercially in Great Britain to predict postharvest apple fruit quality and storage life. Similar commercial programs are under development in Washington State; however, mineral element concentration guidelines are not available for important Washington‐grown cultivars. The current study used fruit respiration rate as a criterion for evaluating optimal whole fruit mineral element concentration. ‘Wellspur Delicious’ apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh.) were treated with four biweekly sprays of D, 4.1 and 13.5 kg CaCl2/ha. Fruit of uniform diameter (7.65 to 8.05 cm) were harvested. Four intact single‐fruit samples per treatment were placed into individual respiration chambers maintained at 20°C. Humidified CO2‐free air was continuously pumped into the chambers. Evolved C02 was trapped in NaOH and analyzed by titration. Evolution of C02 was measured for 38 days after which the fruits were analyzed for whole fruit Ca, N, Mg, P and K concentrations. The C02 evolution data was analyzed by linear regression to generate average respiration rates. The preharvest CaCl2 spray treatments did not influence whole fruit Ca concentrations or respiration rates. The respiration rates were not influenced by mineral element concentration or selected ratios of concentrations. The Ca concentrations in the fruit (> 300 mg/kg dry mass) appear to have been sufficiently high to produce uniform low respiration rates and to mask possible influences of the other elements. The results suggest that whole fruit mineral element analysis may not be a sensitive indicator of average respiration rates of ‘Delicious’ apples during ripening.  相似文献   

Low and moderate rates of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) fertilizer were applied in late winter or late summer to mature ‘d'Anjou’ pear (Pyrus communis, L.) trees (planted 1963, 1965) from 1976 to 1994. Data on cold tolerance, nutrition, yield and fruit quality in relation to nitrogen (N) fertilization were collected between 1980 and 1988. Early autumn cold tolerance was higher for trees receiving low N rates versus moderate N rates in either late winter or late summer. In late autumn and early winter, cold tolerance increased for all trees, and little difference in winter hardiness existed for any N treatment. By mid‐winter, cold tolerance was higher for trees receiving the moderate rate of N in late winter versus low N in late summer. Cold tolerance was relatively high throughout autumn and winter freeze‐test periods for trees fertilized with low N in late winter. Tree vigor, fruit size, leaf N, and fruit N were highest for trees receiving the late winter, moderate rate of N. Yield was lowest, but fruit firmness, fruit quality and fruit calcium (Ca) concentrations were highest for trees treated with the late winter, low rate of N. The incidence of cork spot was lower from trees with the late winter, low N treatment than for the late summer, moderate N‐treated trees.  相似文献   


Influence of two rootstocks and five levels of hand thinning (fruit spacing) on yield, fruit quality at harvest and after storage, and leaf and fruit elemental composition of ‘Redspur Delicious’ apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) were studied. Trees on M.7 rootstock had a higher yield with heavier and firmer fruit at harvest than those on M.26. Trees on M.7 had significantly lower leaf and fruit N which resulted in a darker fruit color than those on M.26 rootstock. Fruit from trees on M.26 had a higher soluble solids concentration (SSC) at harvest than those on M.7. Leaf and fruit potassium (K) increased but fruit calcium (Ca) decreased with an increase in fruit spacing. Thinning fruit to 10 cm or 18 cm spacing, depending on market demand for fruit size, is recommended for improvement of fruit quality. Fruit weight and quality was improved with 18 cm fruit spacing without a significant decrease in yield, while thinning fruit further than 18 cm apart reduced yield without a significant change in the fruit weight or quality.  相似文献   

Three field experiments were conducted to evaluate a new commercial recommendation to add small amounts of a Cu(OH)2‐based fungicide, Kocide 101, to prebioom zinc (Zn) nutrient sprays in order to enhance ‘Delicious’ apple tree copper (Cu) status and improve fruit typiness. Treatments were (1) single prebioom spray of basic Zn sulfate in combination with varying rates of added Cu as Kocide; (2) single spray of Kocide alone at pink timing; and (3) single silver‐tip spray of Zn sulfate in combination with varying rates of Kocide or a more soluble Cu sulfate‐based product. The Cu sprays applied at silver‐tip had little or no effect on flower cluster Cu concentration at full bloom. Kocide applied at green‐tip and later increased flower cluster Cu. None of the Cu sprays influenced midsummer leaf Cu concentration. The Cu sprays had no beneficial effect on fruit mass or on any of five fruit typiness indices. The experimental results indicate that there are no detectable nutritional or fruit typiness benefits resulting from adding Kocide to Zn sprays at any prebioom timing, or from adding Cu sulfate to Zn sprays applied at silver‐tip bud stage.  相似文献   


In many northern regions frost hardiness of new cultivars of woody plants and perennials is fundamental for nursery production and the greenery industry. This study was conducted to determine the effect of calcium fertilization on frost resistance of Forsythia sp. cultivars. Plants were sprayed five times at four week intervals with calcium nitrate 1?g of (Ca(NO3)2). 100?ml H2O?1 per shrub. Shoots were frozen at three temperatures: –20, –25, and –30?°C. In all cases the chlorophyll content index in the leaves, and the calcium (Ca2+) content in leaves and stems of forsythia cultivars were significantly higher when calcium nitrate supplementation was provided. The Ca2+content in the roots was not affected. The freezing temperature had a great effect on the stem frost damage of tested forsythia cultivars. The greatest damage was observed after freezing at –30?°C. However, tissue damage of plants that were sprayed with calcium nitrate was considerably less evident, and cross sections of stems looked significantly better. At the lowest temperatures (–25 and –30?°C) a positive effect of calcium fertilization on lower electrolyte leakage was observed in all tested cultivars. Fertilization with finely ground calcium nitrate increased stem freezing tolerance of forsythia tested cultivars, especially new ones which have stems that are more susceptible to frost damage.  相似文献   

Boron (B) is required for optimal yield and quality of apple fruit (Malus domestica Borkh.) but may impair fruit quality if present in excessive amounts. A field experiment was conducted to examine the effects of a single mid‐July foliar B spray (0, 11.3, 22.6 g B/tree) on the B content and postharvest quality indices of 220‐gram ‘Starking Delicious’ apples. Fruit B concentration was positively related to B application rate and ranged from 9 to 55 mg/kg dry mass (1.3 to 7.7 mg/kg fresh mass). The relative B increases were greater in the core and inner cortex than in the outer cortex and skin, suggesting that some of the applied B entered the fruit through the tree vascular system. Increasing fruit B concentrations caused minor changes in fruit external color indices L and b and internal color index b but had no effect on firmness, soluble solids concentration, titratable acidity, starch index, external color index a, or internal color indices L and a. None of the effects were of horticultural significance. Most fruit quality indices were influenced by postharvest sampling time and reflected typical postharvest ripening patterns. The results suggest that ‘Delicious’ apple quality is relatively insensitive to high fruit B concentrations.  相似文献   

Tree growth, photosynthesis, and the mineral nutrient content were investigated in ‘Redchief Delicious’ scions double worked on seedling rootstock with a variety of interstocks. The interstocks used were ‘Redchief Delicious’, M9, and a range of F. generation hybrids with internodes designated short, medium and long. The long internode graft union consistently produced more growth and dry weight per tree than the other interstocks. The ‘Redchief Delicious’ interstock had an unexplained negative effect on leaf, shoot and new root dry weight. There was no effect of interstock on photosynthesis initially (56 days) however photosynthesis increased with shorter nodal interstocks after 111 days. There were significant differences in scion and interstock bark elemental composition due to interstock combination. However, leaf composition varied slightly among the different interstock combinations. Manganese levels, independent of tissue type, did not vary between interstocks.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out on Kinnow mandarin trees (Citrus reticulata Blanco) to study the effect of urea, zinc (Zn) and boron (B) foliar sprays either alone or in combinations on fruit yield and quality. Trees were grown in alkaline sandy loam soil at Dirab, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. All trees were sprayed twice: before full bloom (February) and after fruit set (April) during two growing seasons. The obtained results showed a significant increase in tree yield and enhancement in fruit physical characteristics (fruit weight, pulp, juice, volume, length and diameter), as well as fruit chemical characteristics [soluble solids content, acidity, pH, total sugars and ascorbic acid] by all foliar treatments in comparison with the control (water only) in both seasons. Spraying urea in combinations with B and Zn resulted in higher fruit yield and better physico-chemical characteristics as compared with urea only, urea + B or urea + Zn.  相似文献   

Some poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch) cultivars are susceptible to bract calcium (Ca) deficiency in developing bracts. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of foliar uptake of Ca from milk-based products plus calcium chloride (CaCl2) as a potential Ca source. Weekly foliar applications of 237 mL L?1 whole milk, 80 mL L?1 powdered milk, 30 mL L?1 condensed milk, 0.94 g L?1 CaCl2, or distilled water (used as a control) were applied to runoff of ‘Prestige Red’ for four weeks. The four largest bracts with petioles on three different inflorescences and three leaves with petioles below the transitional leaf per inflorescence were collected per pot. None of the treatments affected bract or leaf Ca concentration. Powdered milk treatments resulted in a higher concentration of zinc (Zn) in bracts and aluminum (Al) in bracts and leaves. White residue remained on the bracts and leaves after treatment with powdered milk, which would reduce marketability.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of fertilizer and irrigation application methods on plant quality of Dianthus ‘Telstar? White’ and ‘Telstar? Red’ grown in the greenhouse. Fertilizer treatments of 0, 10, and 20 g of 16 nitrogen (N)-3.9 phosphorus (P)-10 potassium (K) controlled release fertilizer were topdressed or incorporated. Pots were drip irrigated or hand watered. Irrigation interacted with treatment (P = 0.037) and irrigation interacted with cultivar (P = 0.013) for plant survival. Plant survival was greater for both irrigation treatments using 10 g of fertilizer incorporated. Fewer ‘Telstar? Red’ plants survived with hand irrigation than drip irrigation. ‘Telstar? White’ plants averaged 53% survival regardless of irrigation method. For all treatments drip irrigated plants had greater height, width, and number of flowers than hand watered plants. For fall greenhouse production of dianthus, irrigation and fertilizer application method, cultivar, as well as leaching fraction should be considered.  相似文献   

High quality fruit production is the cornerstone of marketability. Optimum plant performance depends on the balanced and timely availability of mineral nutrients. In addition to element concentrations, the ratio of nutrient elements in solution plays a determinative role in growth, productivity, quality, and nutrients uptake. In this experiment, the effects of different Potassium:Calcium (K:Ca) ratios (1.6, 1.4, 1.2, 1, 0.85, and 0.6) in nutrient solution were studied on quality attributes of strawberry ‘Selva’. The highest and lowest leaf number and leaf area were observed in K:Ca 1.4 and 1, respectively. The highest fruit pH, electrical conductivity, total soluble solids/titratable acidity ratio, vitamin C content, ellagic acid, and color were resulted in K:Ca (1.4) ratio. K:Ca (1.6) ratio produced the highest content of protein. Moreover, K:Ca (0.85) ratio was the most effective treatment on fruit firmness. The increased quality attributes were observed in high K:Ca ratios, hence low K:Ca ratio resulted in increased fruit firmness. In conclusion, nutrient solution containing K:Ca ratios between 1 and 1.6 were suitable for producing strawberry ‘Selva’. Taken together, K:Ca (1.4) was an appropriate ratio for producing strawberry ‘Selva’ in soilless culture with coconut fiber: perlite medium.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine how phosphorus (P) concentration affects growth, concentration and distribution of nutrients in Leucospermum cordifolium ‘Flame Spike’ (Proteaceae). The trials were performed at the School of Agriculture (ETSIA) of the University of La Laguna (28° 28′ 43′′ N, 16° 19′ 7′′ W) with 64 plants (1-year-old) grown for 12 months in silica sand, fed with nutrient solutions containing different levels of Pi (5, 10, 15 and 20 mg L?1). At 6, 9, and 12 months, whole plants were taken from each experimental unit and divided into root, stem (main, first, second, and third growth) and leaves (adult, first, second, and third growth), which were measured, weighed, and analyzed. The data enabled a nutritional diagnosis, including the limiting P concentrations and nutrient interactions. P concentrations above 5 mg L?1 caused a reduction in growth, which in the third samples was significant (P < 0.05). Plants treated with 15 and 20 mg L?1 P attained similar dry weights (P > 0.05). Some young leaves showed a certain degree of chlorosis, probably due to iron (Fe) deficiency. Fully developed young leaves (YFEL) were suitable for nutritional diagnosis of P, and the P concentration of the nutrient solution affected the foliar manganese (Mn) concentration. This latter factor was related to the zinc (Zn) concentration in the roots.  相似文献   

Growth of Chrysanthemum morifolium ‘Bright Golden Anne’ was assessed after application of irrigation water containing five alkalinity levels (0, 100, 250, 500, 1000 mg/liter bicarbonate) in a greenhouse study. Irrigation water having alkalinity levels exceeding 500 (week 12)or 1000 (week 6) mg/liter bicarbonate affected plant height and fresh and dry weights. High levels of irrigation water alkalinity altered nutrient availability in the growing medium and plant tissue nutrient content. This was attributed to a rise in growing medium pH. Between 6 and 12 weeks, the critical level of alkalinity in water that altered growing medium nutrient availability and plant growth decreased from 1000 to 500 mg/liter bicarbonate. Acid additions improved plant growth for the water treatment containing 500 mg/liter bicarbonate. Sulfuric acid was the most effective acid treatment.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in 2011 and 2012 to study the effect of fertigation on yield, fruit quality and nutrient uptake of ‘Nabbut-Ahmar’ date palm cultivar grown in sandy loam soil. Three fertigation treatments were compared with traditional application. In traditional treatment (CT), the recommended dose [2300 g nitrogen (N), 1200 g phosphorus (P) and 1400 g/tree] was applied as a soil broadcast in three equal doses. The fertigation treatments, (T2), (T3) and (T4), represent all nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) amounts of CT, 2/3 CT and 1/3 CT, respectively that were injected in twelve equal doses. The results showed that compared to CT, the fertigation treatments increased yield/palm by 41%, 31% and 18% for T3, T2 and T4, respectively. Beside the increase in yield, 33% and 66% of the applied fertilizers were saved by T3 and T4, respectively, compared with CT. Feritgation treatments had no negative impact on the overall fruit quality characteristics and even increased total soluble solids (TSS), soluble tannins and total phenols concentrations compared to the conventional fertilization. Availability of NPK increased by fertigation but without further increase in leaves and fruit. In conclusion applying 2/3 of the recommended dose of NPK fertilizers under dry land condition through fertigation maximize yield, quality and fertilizer use efficiency.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of calcium and nitrogen on quality and quantity of Rosa hybrida in hydroponic culture, using factorial complete randomized design with different levels of ammonium-N (0, 2.5, and 5 mM) and calcium (1.6 and 4.8 mM). The results indicated that ammonium-N concentration of 2 mM increased the number of flowers, length of pedicles, and fresh weight of flower stem per plant. 5 mM of ammonium-N caused a significant decrease in most of the measured characteristics. Increase in calcium concentration enhanced nitrogen, calcium, manganese, and boron; while, potassium, zinc, and copper decreased in the leaf. Flower diameter and fresh weight of flower stems per plant increased significantly. With application of ammonium in the nutrient solution, calcium and potassium concentration in the leaf decreased, whereas phosphorus, zinc, manganese, iron, and boron significantly increased. Therefore, application of 2.5 mM ammonium-N and 4.8 mM calcium are recommended.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine effect of preharvest sprays of calcium (Ca) in the form of Ca-chloride (CaCl2), Ca-nitrate [Ca(NO3)2], or a mixture of Ca-formate, Ca-acetate, CaCl2, and Ca(NO3)2 on cracking and quality of ‘Schattenmorelle’ sour cherry fruit harvested mechanically. The experiment was conducted in 2008–2009 at a commercial orchard in central Poland. Mature trees grew on a coarse-textured soil poor in organic matter, at a spacing of 4.0 × 1.5 m. The spray treatments of Ca were performed at 7-day intervals, starting 28 days before harvest, at the rates of 5.0–5.6 kg Ca ha?1 per season. The trees sprayed with water were treated as the control. Fruit were harvested mechanically when peduncle-fruit detachment force dropped below 3 N. The results showed that preharvest Ca sprays caused no leaf damage. This measure did not affect yield, mean fruit weight, soluble solids concentration and titratable acidity of fruit, and weight loss of fruit during 24 h after harvest. Fruit sprayed with Ca had improved status of this nutrient, and were less liable to juicy leakage from the stem scar, rain-induced cracking, and preharvest decay caused by Glomerella cingulata. The above effects of Ca sprays did not depend on the tested material. It was concluded that preharvest sprays of Ca as CaCl2 and/or Ca(NO3)2 should be recommended in ‘Schattenmorelle’ sour cherry orchards to reduce fruit losses resulting from rain-induced cracking, leakage of juice, and the incidence of cherry bitter rot.  相似文献   

Maturity is one of the most important factors associated with the quality evaluation of fruit and vegetables. This work aims to investigate the effect of the maturation process of the olive fruit on the phenolic fraction and fatty acid of irrigated Chétoui cultivar. The phenolic composition was studied by using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography followed by LC-MS and GC-MS analyses and fatty acids by GC. Oleuropein was the major phenolic compound at all stages of ripeness. Unexpectedly, both phenolic compounds hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein exhibited the same trends during maturation. Indeed, the oleuropein levels decreased during the ripening process and were not inversely correlated with the concentrations of hydroxytyrosol. The antioxidant capacity of olive extracts was evaluated by measuring the radical scavenging effect on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl and the beta-carotene linoleate model system. The IC 50 and AAC values of the olive extracts decreased from 3.68 to 1.61 microg/mL and from 645 to 431, respectively. There was a correlation between the antioxidant activity and the oleuropein concentration. The fatty acid composition was quantified in olive fruit during maturation and showed that fatty acids were characterized by the highest level of oleic acid, which reached 65.2%.  相似文献   

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