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阐述了植物对矿质养分的吸收;植物相对生长率与奢侈吸收;养分的分配与利用效率;养分的储藏与损失方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was designed in order to evaluate growth, water relations, and nutrient concentrations of grafted and ungrafted tomato plants grown under varying levels of salinity (0, 30, or 60 mM NaCl). Two cultivars, ‘Fanny’ and ‘Goldmar’, were grafted onto AR‐9704, using the cleft‐grafting method. Growth of grafted ‘Fanny’ plants was higher than that of ungrafted plants. Growth of ‘Goldmar’ plants was not affected by salinity treatments or grafting, but it was slower than for ‘Fanny’. Leaf turgor showed no significant differences between grafted and ungrafted plants or between salinity levels. The stomatal conductance (Gs) was higher for grafted than for ungrafted plants, and salinity decreased it significantly and progressively in both grafted and ungrafted plants and in both varieties. The concentrations of Na+ and Cl were significantly higher in ungrafted than in grafted ‘Fanny’ plants. ‘Fanny’ was more tolerant when grafted, probably due to reduced accumulation of Na+ and/or Cl in the shoot.  相似文献   

Cadmium(Cd)is a toxic heavy metal occurring in the environment naturally and is also generated through various anthropogenic sources and acts as a pollutant.Human health is affected by Cd pollution in farmland soils because food is the main source of Cd intake in the non-smoking population.For crops,Cd toxicity may result from a disturbance in uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients and disturbance in plant metabolism,inhibiting plant growth and development.However,plants have Cd tolerance mechanisms,including restricted Cd uptake,decreased Cd root-to-shoot translocation,enhanced antioxidant enzyme activities,and increased production of phytochelatins.Furthermore,optimal supply of mineral nutrients is one of the strategies to alleviate the damaging effects of Cd on plants and to avoid its entry into the food chain.The emerging molecular knowledge contributes to understanding Cd uptake,translocation,and remobilization in plants.In this review,Cd toxicity and tolerance mechanisms,agricultural practices to minimize Cd accumulation,Cd competition with essential elements(calcium,copper,iron,zinc,and manganese),and genes associated with Cd uptake are discussed in detail,especially regarding how these mineral nutrients and genes play a role in decreasing Cd uptake and accumulation in crop plants.  相似文献   


Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var. hybrid 6C‐204) plants were grown for 95 days after germination until each one bore 6 ripe clusters in a greenhouse using nutrient solutions with nine added sulfate levels ranging from 0 to 105 me/1.

Sulfur‐deficiency symptoms and characteristics of plants growing under hign SO4‐S levels were observed and described. Fruit yields were negatively affected by both S‐deficiency and high SO4‐S concentrations. Top growth was affected more than root growth by changes in the amount of SO4‐S supplied. The critical SO4‐S concentration in the growth media ranged from 2 a 22.5 me/1.

Leaf sulfate‐S increased gradually in leaves and roots as SO4‐S supply in the nutrient solution increased while organic‐S remained relatively constant. Leaf sulfate‐S critical value was growth stage dependent. Maximum yields at flowering were associated with leaf concentrations of 0.48–1.2% SO4‐S and 0.25–0.35% organic‐S.  相似文献   

基质栽培番茄营养液中氮、钾最佳浓度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】合理的氮、钾养分供给是提高番茄生长及果实品质的重要措施,本文研究了滴灌营养液中不同的氮、钾养分供给水平对基质栽培番茄生长及果实品质的影响,为优化基质栽培番茄的营养液配方,确定最佳的氮、钾养分浓度,实现养分供给的精量化管理提供科学依据。【方法】以沙∶珍珠岩比例为1∶2配置栽培基质,用于温室中番茄栽培,以番茄‘A20’为试材,进行了水培试验。采用2因素 (氮、钾) 5水平响应面中心复合设计,滴灌营养液中氮浓度的基础值为244 mg/L,试验设计步长为120 mg/L;钾浓度的基础值为313 mg/L,试验设计步长为150 mg/L。调查了番茄叶片叶绿素含量、净光合速率、单株产量、果实可溶性糖含量、可滴定酸含量、糖酸比、维生素C含量和番茄红素含量。【结果】随着滴管液中氮浓度从74 mg/L增加到414 mg/L,番茄产量、叶片叶绿素含量、叶片净光合速率、果实可溶性糖含量、糖酸比、番茄红素含量和果实维生素C含量均呈先增后减的趋势。随着营养液中钾浓度从101 mg/L增加到525 mg/L,果实可溶性糖含量、糖酸比和维生素C含量持续增加,番茄产量、叶绿素含量、净光合速率、番茄红素含量均先增后减。此外,通过建立各指标与氮钾二因子的二次回归方程发现,氮素是叶绿素含量、净光合速率和单株产量的主要影响因子,钾素是果实可溶性糖、可滴定酸、糖酸比、维生素C和番茄红素含量的主要影响因子。氮、钾互作显著影响番茄产量和叶片叶绿素含量;充足的钾营养供给可以促进植株对氮素的吸收与同化,提高叶片叶绿素含量,利于产量提高;适量的氮素供应有利于钾素的吸收与利用,促进产量的进一步提高。采用主成分分析方法对8种配施方案下番茄产量和品质的综合性能进行评价,结果显示营养液中氮、钾浓度分别为N 378 mg/L、K 391 mg/L时为最优配方方案,且番茄叶片净光合速率达到最大值。【结论】在沙子和珍珠岩1∶2 (v∶v) 为基质的番茄无土栽培条件下,滴灌营养液中氮、钾浓度分别为N 378 mg/L和K 391 mg/L时,番茄产量和品质的综合性能达到最优,该方案可在生产实践中为基质栽培番茄营养液精确管理提供一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

植物的养分吸收能力受到局部信号和冠-根长距离反馈信号的共同调节。近年局部调节系统的研究进展较快,长距离反馈调节的研究则相对薄弱。本文从养分吸收反馈调节现象的普遍性、 反馈信号的作用模式(促进/抑制)、 反馈信号的鉴定、 反馈信号的作用靶标等方面对该领域研究现状进行了综述,并提出了有待进一步深入研究的问题。  相似文献   



In mine soils, especially from arid or semiarid areas, the use of low-quality water for irrigation is a usual practice. Therefore to fill this gap, different experiments have been carried out to evaluate the effect of compost, pesticide and wastewater on the growth of tomato plants in a mine soil located at an iron extraction area.

Materials and methods

Soils proceeded from Alquife mine wastes whose most outstanding characteristics are alkaline conditions, low organic matter and electrical conductivity and high As concentration. The compost of sewage sludge (CSL) used to amend this soil had a slightly acid pH (6.8), EC 3.0?±?0.07 dS m-1 (1/10 ratio, m/V) and 10 % organic carbon (OC) content. Irrigation was performed with distilled water (DW) or wastewater (WW) and two pesticides, the insecticide thiacloprid and the fungicide fenarimol, were applied to the soil. Tomato was grown directly from seeds on each pot. Four treatments with addition of pesticides were considered. For comparison purposes, two additional treatments without pesticides were also included.

Results and discussion

Addition of compost of sewage sludge led to a significant and sustained increase of soil OC content and dehydrogenase activity, while irrigation with wastewater had a slight or negligible effect on both properties. The plant species responded negatively to wastewater irrigation when this practice was undertaken with the application of both pesticides. No detectable amounts of thiacloprid, a relatively unstable and polar insecticide, were found in soil. The concentration of fenarimol in soil was higher after amendment with compost, but was not modified by irrigation with wastewater. In tomato shoots, the amounts of both pesticides were inversely correlated with final soil organic carbon, indicating that this soil property is relevant for their plant uptake. Besides, fenarimol concentrations in the soil and the tomato shoots were inversely related (r?=??0.836).


Tomato was not able to grow healthy in Alquife mine soil without compost addition. The irrigation with wastewater only reduced plant growth when used in combination with pesticides. Uptake of both pesticides by tomato plants was negligible according to the low bioaccumulation factor values, but was almost doubled for wastewater irrigation. Caution should be taken with the use of treated wastewater, because it may reduce plant growth in tomato that is a species sensitive to salinity.

开发矿棉为人工培养土的综合报告   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
周加顺 《土壤》2002,34(6):289-292
本文综合大量研究资料论述了VAM对植物吸收P、N、S、B、K、Ca、Mg、Na、Zn、Cu、Mn、Fe、Al、Si等矿质元素的影响,并对VAM在减轻或避免重金属毒害等方面的作用进行探讨。  相似文献   

硅对植物体中某些营养物质穿细胞及质外体吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The positive effects of silicon(Si) on growth of plants have been well documented;however,the impact of Si on plant nutrient uptake remains unclear.The growth,nutrient content and uptake of wheat(Triticum aestivum L.),canola(Brassica napus L.) and cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants were evaluated with or without application of 1.5 mmol L-1 Si.Application of Si increased dry weights by 8%,30%and 30%and relative growth rate(RGR) by 10%,13%and 17%in the cotton,canola and wheat plants,respectively.The plant relative water content(RWC) was also increased,but the plant transpiration was decreased by Si application.The uptake and content of Ca2+ were 19%and 21%lower in the cotton and wheat plants with Si than those without Si,respectively;however,Si application increased both K+ and Fe uptake and contents in all plant species.Silicon application reduced B uptake and content only in cotton and increased P and Zn2+ contents in all three plant species.The decrease in Ca2+ uptake by Si application was sustained even in the presence of metabolic inhibitors 2,4-dinitrophenol and sodium cyanide.Uptake of Ca2+ by Si application was enhanced or did not change when plant shoots were saturated with water vapor or their roots were exposed to low temperature.Thus,Si application increased the uptake of transcellularly transported elements like K+,P,Zn2+ and Fe.In contrast,Ca2+ uptake which occurred via both apoplastic and transcellular pathways was decreased by Si application,possibly through reduction of apoplastic uptake.More efficient nutrient uptake might be another promoting effect of Si on plant growth.  相似文献   

Two experiments are described in which tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum L. var Ailsa Craig) were grown in water culture supplied with 10–300 μM Mn. Toxicity symptoms associated with a yield reduction were observed only in treatments in excess of 50 μM Mn indicating that this species is relatively tolerant of high Mn supply. Dark brown/black spots appeared first in the cotyledons. Similar symptoms were observed in the leaves, progressively from the oldest leaf. Manganese concentration in the shoot tissues ranged from 286 to 4240 μg. g‐1 dry weight. The high Mn concentration values found in the shoot tissues of the toxic plants indicate that Mn was highly mobile in the xylem as confirmed by xylem sap analysis.

The concentrations of both Ca and Mg were lower in the smaller Mn toxic plants. Not only was uptake of Ca and Mg retarded but so also was the distribution of Ca and Mg to the younger tissues as illustrated by measurements of Ca and Mg concentrations along a leaf age sequence. This is in accord with the cation‐anion balance of the xylem exudates collected from decapitated plants.

Higher cation exchange capacity (CEC) was found in the leaf tissues of toxic plants particularly in the older leaves but similar values of C.E.C were recorded for the younger leaf tissues of both control and toxic plants.  相似文献   

Many factors affect the composition of mineral elements in plants. The effects of many of these factors, such as element concentration, temperature, pH, plant part, plant age, metabolic inhibitors, element interactions, fertilizer, and type of soil, have been studied extensively by many scientists who are concerned with plant mineral nutrition. However, relatively few studies have focused on the effects of light and water stress. The objective of this review was to consider some of the effects that light and water stress have on the mineral element composition of plants.  相似文献   

分蘖洋葱伴生对番茄矿质养分吸收及灰霉病发生的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
【目的】连作栽培已严重影响国内保护地番茄的产量和品质。番茄-分蘖洋葱伴生栽培能缓解番茄连作障碍,保持土壤健康,有效减少番茄生理性卷叶,显著控制土传病害的发生,提高产量5%10%。探索伴生对分蘖洋葱和番茄生长、矿质养分吸收及番茄灰霉病发生的影响有重要意义。【方法】本研究于2012年在温室内采用盆栽的方法,以分蘖洋葱与番茄伴生的栽培模式为研究对象,试验设番茄单作、分蘖洋葱单作、分蘖洋葱与番茄伴生等3个处理,在伴生30 d后测定生长指标(株高,地上干重和地下干重)和根系活力,同时对所有番茄植株进行发病率和病情指数调查。植株称干重并测定N、P、K和Mn含量。用抖根法取番茄和分蘖洋葱根际土,测定其理化性质和土壤脲酶、酸性磷酸酶、脱氢酶和多酚氧化酶活性。【结果】1)与单作相比,伴生条件下番茄株高、地上部干重、地下部干重、根系活力显著升高(P0.05),而伴生条件下分蘖洋葱地上部干重、地下部干重、根系活力显著降低(P0.05);番茄根际土壤脱氢酶与多酚氧化酶活性显著升高(P0.05),而分蘖洋葱根际土壤脱氢酶和多酚氧化酶活性显著降低(P0.05),伴生番茄和分蘖洋葱根际土壤间脲酶和酸性磷酸酶活性差异不显著。2)与单作相比,伴生条件下番茄根际土壤中碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、有效锰和分蘖洋葱根际的有效磷、有效锰含量显著降低(P0.05),番茄根际土壤中p H、有机质以及分蘖洋葱根际碱解氮、速效钾、p H、有机质无显著变化。3)与单作相比,伴生条件下番茄植株全磷、全锰和分蘖洋葱植株内全氮、全锰均显著升高(P0.05),但番茄植株全氮、全钾含量和分蘖洋葱植株内全磷和全钾含量均无显著变化。4)伴生番茄灰霉病病情指数显著低于单作(P0.05)。番茄灰霉病病情指数与番茄植株全锰含量显著负相关(P0.05),与植株内氮/钾比和氮/锰比极显著正相关(P0.01)。【结论】分蘖洋葱-番茄伴生栽培促进番茄生长但抑制分蘖洋葱生长。与单作相比,伴生的番茄植株内的全磷和全锰含量显著增加(P0.05),且伴生番茄植株内氮/钾和氮/锰比显著降低(P0.01)。分蘖洋葱伴生后显著降低番茄灰霉病的病情指数(P0.05)。综上,分蘖洋葱伴生促进了番茄对磷和锰矿质养分的吸收,提高了番茄抗灰霉病水平并促进了番茄植株的生长。  相似文献   

沼肥对无土栽培生菜产量和品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过盆栽试验研究沼肥对无土栽培生菜产量和品质的影响。试验以1∶1的泥炭和珍珠岩混合物为栽培基质,设施沼肥组、施化肥组和不施肥组(对照组)。施肥组设置3个施肥水平,相同施肥水平的沼肥组和化肥组栽培基质含等量的氮、磷、钾。结果表明,与施用化肥相比,在2 L栽培基质中施用100、200、300 g沼肥,可使生菜产量分别提高58.55%、108.08%和99.12%,还原糖分别提高11.59%、9.87%和74.48%,总糖分别提高4.31%、65.22%和72.56%,Vc分别提高106.67%、95.24%和47.62%,硝酸盐分别降低85.37%、82.63%和87.61%。沼肥用于无土栽培不仅可以提高作物产量,还可显著改善其品质,对发展无公害绿色农业具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The response of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill, cultivar Marmande) plants to different levels of arsenic (As) in nutrient solution was investigated—the processes of uptake, distribution and accumulation of As, and the effect of arsenite on yield and plant growth (plant height, diameter of stem, stem and root length, fresh and dry weight of root, stems, leaves, and fruit). The experiment was performed at three levels of As: 2, 5 and 10 mg/L [added as sodium arsenite (NaAsO2)] in a nutrient solution, together with the corresponding control plants. Arsenic uptake depended on the As concentration in solution and As content in the roots increased as the time of treatment increased. The most important finding was the high toxicity of arsenite to roots. The concentration in stems, leaves, and fruit was correlated with the As level in the nutrient solution. Although the As level of 10 mg/L damaged the root membranes, resulting in a significant decrease in the upward transport of As. Arsenic exposure resulted in a drastic decrease in plant growth parameters (e.g., maximum decrease of 76.8% in leaf fresh weight) and in tomato fruit yield (maximum reduction of 79.6%). However, it is important to note that the As concentration in the fruits was not toxic or harmful for human consumption.  相似文献   

A sand culture experiment was conducted to study the effect of saline water on the growth and fruit quality of processing tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Seedlings of five tomato cultivars were transplanted in quartz‐sand pots in a greenhouse at the Agricultural Experiment Station of Sultan Qaboos University. There were four saline nutrient solutions and a control consisting of half‐strength Hoagland solution. Salinity treatments were: 50 raM NaCl + 3 mM K2SO4 (EC 6.75), 50 mM NaCl + 1.5 mM orthophosphoric acid (EC = 7.18), 50 mM NaCl + 1.5 mM orthophosphoric acid + 3 mM R2SO4 (EC 7.29), and 50 mM NaCL (EC = 5.6). Treatments were applied daily commencing two weeks after transplanting. Data were collected on growth, and fruit yield and quality. Partitioning of mineral elements was determined in the vegetative tissue. The results obtained clearly show that concentrations of total soluble solids were increased in fruits treated with saline nutrients. Dry matter content of fruits exposed to salinity were higher than those from the control plants. Fruit acidity was increased with salinity, possibly due to a lower water content and increased organic acid accumulation. In the saline treatments, sodium (Na) content was decreased when potassium (K) was applied with NaCl but Na was higher in stems followed by root and leaf tissues. The partitioning of K followed a trend opposite to that for Na but with higher content in leaves. A similar situation was observed for calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). Accumulation of phosphorus (P) was the lowest among all the ions. These results indicated that survival under saline conditions was accompanied by high ion accumulation. The study confirmed that saline nutrients are important for improving fruit quality of processing tomatoes.  相似文献   

菊科花卉常见缺素症及植株养分含量变化探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过溶液培养的方法,研究了3种主要菊科花卉(金盏菊、孔雀草、万寿菊)在缺N、P、K、Ca 、Mg、S条件下的缺素症状及其生物量与营养元素变化情况。结果表明,金盏菊、万寿菊缺N,孔雀草缺K时症状最为明显;缺N对金盏菊、孔雀草、万寿菊的植株生物量影响最大;与全素(CK)相比,金盏菊和万寿菊缺K处理植株N浓度增加,3种花卉缺N、缺K处理均增加植株的P含量,但缺P处理降低植株K浓度,缺K处理增加含Ca量,缺Ca处理增加含K量和含Mg量,金盏菊缺Mg处理的含K量增加,3种花卉缺S处理植株S含量降幅不大,孔雀草和万寿菊缺N、P、K、Ca处理均可导致植株S含量增加。  相似文献   

In solution culture experiments with spring wheat the effect of nitrogen sources, single nutrient deficiency and oxygen supply of the nutrient solution on denitrification was studied by means of the acetylene inhibition method. No denitrification was observed with ammonium nutrition, while denitrification was almost equally high with nitrate and a mixture of nitrate and ammonium nutrition. Discontinuing potassium for 7 and 14 days increased denitrification. Discontinuation of P for 14 days also increased total denitrification, whereas no difference from the complete nutrient solution was observed in Fe deficiency. Denitrification remained at a very low level, when Mg supply was discontinued. Denitrification potential of excised roots was high in K deficiency. It was also high at the beginning of Fe deficiency, whereas P and Mg deficiency had no effect on denitrification potential as compared to roots in complete nutrient solution. The differences in total denitrification are due to the effects of individual nutrient deficiency on root growth, root respiration and denitrification potential.  相似文献   


In our experiments, application of carbonated water (CW) modified the nutritional status of a field‐grown tomato crop. Fruit concentrations of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and manganese (Mn) were initially increased by CW, after which they were similar to the controls (Zn and Mn) or lower (Cu and Fe). Leaf concentrations of the same group of elements were also increased in the later growth stages. Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in the earlier stages showed diminished concentrations in all plant parts in response to CW treatment; later on, a slightly higher Ca content was found in the fruit and lower in the leaves, while the fruit Mg content was decreased. Higher cation contents were found in the plant in response to the higher irrigation frequency and interaction with CW effect was detected in most of the cases. In the first period, leaf and fruit contents of all elements, except for Mg in the fruit were increased by daily irrigation. In the second one, leaf content of all nutrients was also increased; the fruit content of Mg, Ca and Zn was increased, while that of Cu, Fe, and Mn was decreased.  相似文献   

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