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To assess the genetic variability of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in tolerance to iron (Fe) deficiency, spectral and photosynthetic parameters of 12 peanut cultivars were determined. The results showed that peanut exhibit significant variations in spectral and photosynthetic parameters within cultivars in response to Fe deficiency. The 12 peanut cultivars were separated into three groups, which include (i) a Fe-deficient tolerant cultivar (‘Zhenghong 3’), (ii) a Fe-deficient sensitive cultivar (‘Huayu 22’), and (iii) ten intermediate cultivars. Iron deficiency caused an increase in root biomass, root/shoot ratio, structure independent pigment index and intercellular carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, but resulted in a decrease in net photosynthetic rate (Pn), quantum yield of PS II photochemistry (Fv/Fm), effective quantum yield of PS II (ΦPS II), photochemical reflectance index, red edge point, and chlorophyll normalized difference index. Iron deficiency-induced decline in net photosynthetic rate may be resulted from the reduction of photosynthetic pigment contents and inhibition of PSII photochemistry.  相似文献   


Hydroponic culture solutions containing bicarbonate (HCO3 ?) may be used to screen crops such as soybeans (Glycine max) for resistance to iron (Fe) deficiency or chlorosis. Some successful methods use sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) in combination with elevated partial pressures of carbon dioxide (CO2) to buffer pH and elevate bicarbonate. Replacing NaHCO3 with magnesium bicarbonate [Mg(HCO3)2] as the form of bicarbonate alkalinity has the potential to produce culture solutions that simulate soil solutions more closely and eliminate any potential for specific sodium (Na) toxicities in sensitive plants. A modified screening solution based on Mg(HCO3)2-CO2 was tested against the successful NaHCO3-CO2 method, using three soybean varieties of known resistance to Fe-deficiency chlorosis. Alkalinity was 10 mM [added as NaHCO3 or Mg(HCO3)2], solutions were aerated with 3% CO2, and Fe was provided as FeDTPA (diethylenetriamine-pentaacetic acid) at 15 μM (low Fe) or 60 μM (adequate Fe). Leaf chlorophyll, visual chlorosis index, and leaf Fe concentration were closely related. Solutions based on NaHCO3 or Mg(HCO3)2 provided identical chlorosis-susceptibility rankings for the three cultivars.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(10-11):2267-2276

Iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC) causes soybean yield loss to growers when certain varieties are planted on calcareous soils. Planting IDC‐resistant varieties is the best management practice, although they may still exhibit chlorosis under certain environmental conditions. Environmental variation for chlorosis expression impedes progress in improving IDC resistance. Breeders could use molecular marker‐assisted selection (MAS), an environment‐independent tool, to improve soybeans' resistance to IDC. Our objective was to determine the efficiency of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in selecting for IDC resistance in soybean. A breeding population was developed using parents differing in IDC resistance and yield potential. The population was advanced to the F2 and F2:4 generations. Foliar chlorosis data were recorded for parents and F2:4 lines in replicated field tests planted on calcareous soils at two Iowa locations in 2000 and 2001. Chlorosis scores between parents and F2:4 lines varied according to location and year. Genotypic data were obtained on individual F2 plants, and association between chlorosis scores and allele segregation was tested by single‐factor analysis of variance using 2001 data. Three SSR markers were associated (P ≤ 0.1) with chlorosis scores at each location; however, the identity of the markers associated with chlorosis scores was different at each location. In addition, two SSR markers associated with IDC resistance were examined for their efficacy in improving breeding efficiency. Preliminary data presented herein demonstrate the importance of environment on expression of this soil‐stress factor and the potential of using SSR markers as an environment‐independent selection tool for breeding IDC resistance in soybean.  相似文献   

花生缺铁黄化的敏感时期及耐低铁品种的筛选指标   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用盆栽试验,系统研究了石灰性土壤上16个花生品种在各个生育时期新叶的黄化度、叶绿素值、活性铁含量的差异及其动态变化。结果表明,缺铁胁迫下花生耐低铁和铁敏感品种间叶片的黄化程度存在着显著差异,大多数铁敏感品种在出苗后50~65 d时黄化度最高。供试16个品种顶部新展开叶片的叶绿素值(SPAD值)和活性铁含量在整个生育期的变幅分别为4.5~34.6和8.0~36.3 mg/kg, FW,随生长时间的延长两者均呈高―低―高的动态变化趋势。在生长前期,耐低铁品种新叶的叶绿素值和活性铁含量均显著高于铁敏感品种;开花期是花生对缺铁胁迫最为敏感的时期,此阶段黄化现象最严重、各品种新叶的叶绿素值和活性铁含量最低。相关分析表明,在生长前期叶绿素值与黄化度、活性铁及荚果产量之间均呈极显著的相关关系。新叶叶绿素值可作为花生耐低铁品种筛选的一可靠指标。  相似文献   

In order to get experimental data on apple rootstock with iron-efficient genotypes capable of improving scion resistance to iron deficiency, this experiment was conducted on the physiological and molecular characteristics of Fuji/ Chistock 1 (F/C) under different iron conditions and compared it to Fuji/ M. Baccata (F/B). F/C was less sensitive to iron deficiency than F/B. F/B showed chlorosis after 25 days under iron-deficient conditions, but F/C showed no phenotypic changes, even after 40 days. The shoot and leaf area growth of F/C were respectively 5cm and 1000 mm2 higher than those of F/B, regardless of the iron-deficient or iron-efficient conditions. The young leaf chlorophyll and active iron of F/C were 5 SPAD and 5 mg kg?1 higher than those of F/B, either in iron-deficient or iron-efficient conditions. The expression of YSL5 and CS1 showed the same pattern. The enhancement expression of iron transport genes may be one explanation for these findings.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(10-11):1943-1954

A great number of studies have shown that the stability of iron chelates as a function of pH is not the unique parameter that must be considered in order to evaluate the potential effectiveness of Fe‐chelates to correct iron chlorosis in plants cultivated in alkaline and calcareous soils. In fact, other factors, such as soil sorption on soil components or the competition among Fe and other metallic cations for the chelating agent in soil solution, have a considerable influence on the capacity of iron chelates to maintain iron in soil solution available to plants. In this context, the aim of this work is to study the variation in concentration of the main iron chelates employed by farmers under field conditions—Fe‐EDDHA (HA), Fe‐EDDHMA (MA), Fe‐EDDHSA (SA), Fe‐EDDCHA (CA), Fe‐EDTA (EDTA), and Fe‐DTPA (DTPA)—in the soil solution of a calcareous soil over time. To this end, soil incubations were carried out using a soil:Fe solution ratio corresponding to soil field capacity, at a temperature of 23°C. The soil used in the experiments was a calcareous soil with a very low organic matter content. The variation in concentration of Fe and Fe‐chelates in soil solution over time were obtained by measuring the evolution in soil solution of both the concentration of total Fe (measured by AAS), and the concentration of the ortho‐ortho isomers for Fe‐EDDHA and analogs or chelated Fe for Fe‐EDTA and Fe‐DTPA (measured by HPLC). The following chelate samples were used: a HA standard prepared in the laboratory and samples of HA, MA, SA, CA, Fe‐EDTA, and Fe‐DTPA obtained from commercial formulations present in the market. The percentage of iron chelated as ortho‐ortho isomers for HAs was: HA standard (100%); HA (51.78%); MA (60.06%); SA (22.50%); and CA (27.28%). In the case of Fe‐EDTA and Fe‐DTPA the percentages of chelated iron were 96.09 and 99.12, respectively. Results show that it is possible to classify the potential effectiveness of the different types of iron chelates used in our experiments as a function of two practical approaches: (i) considering the variation of total iron in soil solution over time, MA is the best performing product, followed by HA, CA, SA, DTPA, EDTA, and ferrous sulfate in the order listed and (ii) considering the capacity of the different iron chelates to maintain the fraction of chelated iron (ortho‐ortho isomers for HA, MA, SA, and CA and total chelated iron for EDTA and DTPA) in soil solution, the order is: SA > CA > HA > MA > EDTA ≈ DTPA. This result, that is related to the nature of the chelate and does not depend on the degree of chelated Fe in the products, indicates that SA and CA might be very efficient products to correct iron chlorosis. Finally, our results also indicate the suitability of this soil incubation methodology to evaluate the potential efficiency of iron compounds to correct iron chlorosis.  相似文献   


Iron (Fe) deficiency is one of the major abiotic stresses affecting fruit tree crops growing in calcareous soils in the Mediterranean region. A better understanding of changes in the growth and physiological characteristics of grapevine plants during the development of Fe deficiency will help to improve Fe fertilizer management recommendations. An experiment was conducted in field conditions to determine the effects of Fe deficiency during vegetative growth on leaf photosynthesis, dry matter accumulation, pigments, and other physiological parameters. Iron deficiency considerably decreased leaf net photosynthetic rate, leaf area, and dry matter accumulation. Depressed photosynthesis and plant growth resulted in increased fruit abscission and changes in dry matter among plant tissues. The results help explain the effects of Fe deficiency on suppression of grapevine growth and yield and provide information for improving the diagnosis of Fe deficiency in grapevine production.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) chlorosis reduces the concentration of photosynthetic pigments, photosynthates, and crop yield. The effect of Fe chlorosis on leaf composition and cell structure was evaluated in Mexican lime (Citrus aurantifolia) with different degrees of Fe chlorosis. Iron chlorosis significantly reduced concentrations of chlorophylls a, b, and a + b, and caused thickening of leaves, due to the increase in palisade and spongy parenchyma cells. The chloroplasts of the chlorotic and albino leaves showed a disorganized ultrastructure; they had an elongated shape with disarrayed thylakoids, underdeveloped grana, scarce starch granules, and hole-like folds in the thylakoid membranes. The accumulation of calcium oxalate crystals in the upper and lower sides of the epidermis, crystal length, and total crystal content increased with Fe chlorosis severity. The green leaves, in contrast, had chloroplasts with typical ultrastructure. The degree of Fe chlorosis in the leaves significantly affected the concentrations of potassium (K); Fe, manganese (Mn), Fe2+, and the phosphorus (P)/Fe and K/calcium (Ca) ratios.  相似文献   

The short-term effectiveness of three application rates of vivianite [(Fe3(PO4)2·8H2O)] in preventing lime-induced iron (Fe) chlorosis in Eureka lemon (Citrus lemon L.) cuttings grafted on sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) was investigated and compared with the commonly applied iron ethylenediaminedi(o-hydroxyphenylacetic) acid (FeEDDHA). Treatments were suspension of vivianite injected into the soil at three rates (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 g kg?1 soil), 417 mg FeEDDHA per plant, and untreated plants. Chlorophyll concentration index (CCI) of the youngest fully expanded leaves was estimated. Growth vigor and leaf Fe concentration were also measured. Vivianite, particularly at the greatest two rates, resulted in significantly greater growth vigor and leaf Fe concentration and exhibited greater CCI values compared to untreated plants similar to FeEDDHA. However, if excessive growth vigor is not favorable, the 0.5 g vivianite kg?1 soil is recommended for farmers. Vivianite is a potential environmentally safe alternative to the expensive FeEDDHA to prevent Fe chlorosis in lemon.  相似文献   

Micronutrient deficiency in cultivable soil, particularly that of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn), is a major productivity constraint in the world. Low Fe availability due to the low solubility of the oxidized ferric forms is a challenge. An experiment was, thus, executed to assess the performance of eight genetically diverse rice genotypes on Fe-sufficient (100 µM) and Fe-deficient (1 µM) nutrient solution, and their ability to recover from Fe deficiency was measured. Fe efficiency under Fe deficiency in terms of biomass production showed a significant positive correlation with the root release of phytosiderophore (PS) (R2 = 0.62*). This study shows that the Fe deficiency tolerance of Pusa 33 was related to both a high release of PS by the root and an efficient translocation of Fe from the root to the shoot as the Fe–PS complex, which could be useful for improving the Fe nutrition of rice particularly under aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(10-11):2295-2305

Five dry bean cultivars (Coco blanc, Striker, ARA14, SVM29‐21, and BAT477) were evaluated for their resistance to iron deficiency on the basis of chlorosis symptoms, plant growth, capacity to acidify the external medium and the root‐associated Fe3+‐reduction activity. Plants were grown in nutrient solution supplied or not with iron, 45 µM Fe(III)EDTA. For all cultivars, plants subjected to iron starvation exhibited Fe‐chlorosis. These symptoms were more severe and more precocious in BAT477 and Coco blanc than in the others cultivars. An important acidification of the culture medium was observed between the 4th and the 8th days of iron starvation in Striker, SVM29‐21 and, particularly, ARA14 plants. However, all Fe‐sufficient plants increased the nutrient solution pH. This capacity of acidification appeared more clearly when protons extrusion was measured in 10 mM KCl + 1 mM CaCl2. The above genotypic differences were maintained: ARA14 showed the higher acidification followed by Coco blanc and BAT477. Iron deficiency led also to an increase of the root‐associated Fe(III)‐reductase activity in all lines. However, genotypic differences were observed: Striker shows the highest capacity of iron reduction under Fe deficiency condition.  相似文献   


Biochemical responses to direct or bicarbonate-induced iron (Fe) deficiency were compared in two Tunisian native grapevine varieties, Khamri (tolerant) and Balta4 (sensitive), and a tolerant rootstock, 140Ru. Woody cuttings of each genotype were irrigated with a nutrient solution containing one of the following: 20 μM Fe (control), 1 μM Fe (direct Fe-deficiency), or 20 μM Fe + 10 mM HCO3 ? (indirect bicarbonate-induced Fe-deficiency). Under direct Fe-deficient conditions, lower leaf chlorosis score and higher chlorophyll and leaf Fe contents were found in Khamri and 140Ru compared with Balta4. Moreover, indirect Fe deficiency caused similar effects on these parameters, which were more pronounced in Balta4. Both tolerant genotypes, Khamri and 140Ru, showed higher roots-acidification capacity and phenol release under the direct Fe deficiency compared with the bicarbonate-induced condition. In the sensitive variety, Balta4, no significant changes were found between the control and Fe-deficient plants. Root Fe(III)-reductase activity was strongly stimulated by both types of Fe deficiency in Khamri and 140Ru, and displayed no significant changes in Balta4. In the three genotypes, root and leaf activities of two Fe-containing enzymes, catalase and guaiacol peroxidase, were significantly affected under Fe deficiency (either direct or induced), though to a greater extent in the sensitive variety, Balta4. The latter also displayed higher leaf malonyldialdehyde (MDA) content, traducing an important membrane lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

树干高压注射铁肥矫正苹果失绿症及其机理   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
利用N-Fe、邻二氮杂菲铁和.59Fe作为铁源,以3-8年生富士/八棱海棠为试材进行主干强力高压注射试验。结果表明,铁肥树干强力高压注射,主要以二价铁(Fe2+)沿中央木质部的导管运输,大部分向下运输,使铁在根中大量贮存;向上运输较少,运输速度为每小时数百厘米,矫正缺铁失绿症的速度比根系输液慢,但由于根中贮存大量的铁,持效期较长。主干强力高压注射产生肥害的机理是先使吸收根中毒,然后导致叶片枯萎,提高注射部位,提高注射液浓度和减少注射的用药量,可以防止或减轻肥害的产生。  相似文献   

王飞  王建国  李林  刘登望  万书波  张昊 《核农学报》2019,33(11):2261-2270
为探究施钙与覆膜栽培对花生植株Mg、Fe、Zn营养改善状况,以大籽品种湘花2008和南方典型第四纪红土发育的缺钙酸性红壤为试验材料,设置3个基施钙肥梯度[不施钙(Ca0)、施钙375 kg·hm-2(Ca375)、施钙750 kg·hm-2(Ca750)]和2种栽培方式[露地(OF)、覆膜栽培(PF)],采用土柱栽培,研究施钙与覆膜栽培对植株Mg、Fe、Zn含量,积累及籽仁分配系数的影响。结果表明,增施钙肥明显提高了花生茎秆、根系、果针、籽仁中Mg和Fe含量,其中,Ca750-OF处理较Ca0-OF分别提高19.2%、10.4%、38.6%、3.1%和21.5%、30.9%、27.5%、20.0%,但显著降低了叶、茎秆、果壳及籽仁中Zn含量。覆膜栽培提高了茎秆、果针、籽仁Mg含量及果壳、籽仁Zn含量,较露地栽培分别提高10.8%、12.2%,但降低了花生叶、茎秆、根系Fe和Zn含量。施钙与覆膜栽培增加了花生植株、生殖体(针壳、籽仁)Mg积累量、籽仁Mg分配系数。施钙实现花生整个植株体Fe积累量的富集,其籽仁Fe分配系数显著提高68.8%,而覆膜栽培籽仁Fe和Zn积累量显著高于露地栽培。增施钙肥降低了花生营养体Zn积累量,显著提高了籽仁Zn积累量及籽仁Zn分配系数,提高效果表现为Ca750>Ca375。年份、施钙处理、栽培措施三者间对籽仁积累量及分配系数存在正交互作用。植株Ca积累量与Mg、Fe积累量呈极显著正相关,存在协同吸收关系。综上,施钙与覆膜栽培促进了土壤活化,有利于花生植株中Mg、Fe的吸收,加快Mg、Fe、Zn向籽仁的富集,进一步扩大“库容”。本研究结果为南方酸性缺钙红壤旱地改良及花生高产高效栽培提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

为了阐明免耕和常规翻耕20 cm下花生不同器官铁累积利用差异,在鲁东花生主产区3个典型棕壤试验点(望城、夏甸和齐山)系统研究了免耕和常规翻耕下花生铁营养特性变化。结果表明,相比免耕处理,常规翻耕20 cm增加了花生籽仁铁的累积,在望城点、夏甸点和齐山点分别增加了38.4%、20.2%和51.2%,且籽仁铁的累积与籽仁氮的累积及花生产量呈极显著正相关(P0.01)。免耕处理促进了花生茎、叶、果针和果壳等器官中铁的奢侈累积,在望城点、夏甸点和齐山点,这4个器官铁的累积量比常规翻耕处理分别提高了6.0%、32.1%和14.7%,同时花生累积带走的总铁量高于常规翻耕处理,从而造成土壤有效铁含量及土壤铁活化系数均比常规翻耕处理下降了15.1%~32.9%。综上,土壤翻耕措施能够有效增加花生籽仁铁的累积分配,降低茎、叶、果针和果壳等器官中铁的无效累积,从而提高花生铁的利用效率,该研究结果为花生田铁营养合理管理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The effect of interspecific complementary and competitive root interactions and rhizosphere effects on primarily phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe) but also nitrogen (N), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn) nutrition between mixed cropped peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). In order to provide more physiological evidence on the mechanisms of interspecific facilitation, phosphatase activities in plant and rhizosphere, root ferric reducing capacity (FR), Fe-solubilizing activity (Fe-SA), and rhizosphere pH were determined. The results of the experiment revealed that biomass yield of peanut and barley was decreased by associated plant species as compared to their monoculture. Rhizosphere chemistry was strongly and differentially modified by the roots of peanut and barley and their mixed culture. In the mixed cropping of peanut/barley, intracellular alkaline and acid phosphatases (AlPase and APase), root secreted acid phosphatases (S-APase), acid phosphatases activity in rhizosphere (RS-APase), and bulk soil (BS-APase) were higher than that of monocultured barley. Regardless of plant species and cropping system, the rhizosphere pH was acidified and concomitantly to this available P and Fe concentrations in the rhizosphere were also increased. The secretion Fe-solubilizing activity (Fe-SA) and ferric reducing (FR) capacity of the roots were generally higher in mixed culture relative to that in monoculture treatments which may improve Fe and Zn nutrition of peanut. Furthermore, mixed cropping improved N and K nutrition of peanut plants, while Ca nutrition was negatively affected by mixed cropping.  相似文献   

Metal resistance genes are valuable resources for genetic engineering of bioremediation tools. In this study, novel genetic determinants involved in cadmium (Cd) resistance were identified using a small-insert metagenomic DNA library constructed from an arable soil microbiome. A total of 16 recombinant plasmids harboring 49 putative open reading frames (ORFs) were found to be associated with enhanced Cd tolerance. In addition to several ORFs for ion transport/chelation and stress response, most ORFs were assumed to be associated with non-direct metal resistance mechanisms such as energy metabolism, protein/amino acid metabolism, carbohydrate/fatty acid metabolism, and signal transduction. Furthermore, 13 ORFs from five clones selected at random were cloned and subject to Cd resistance assay. Eight of these ORFs were positive for Cd resistance when expressed in Escherichia coli, among which four ORFs significantly reduced Cd accumulation and one increased Cd enrichment of the host cells. Notably, C1-ORF1, potentially encoding a histidine kinase-like adenosine triphosphatase, was the most effective Cd resistance determinant and reduced host Cd accumulation by 33.9%. These findings highlight the vast capacity of soil microbiome as a source of gene pool for bioengineering. The novel genetic determinants for Cd resistance identified in this study merit further systematic explorations into their molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   

The development of iron deficiency symptoms (growth depression and yellowing of the youngest leaves) and the distribution of iron between roots and leaves were investigated in different vine cultivars (Silvaner, Riparia 1G and SO4) grown in calcareous soils. As a control treatment all cultivars were also grown in an acidic soil. Only the cultivars Silvaner and Riparia 1G showed yellowing of the youngest leaves under calcareous soil conditions at the end of the cultivation period. All cultivars including SO4 showed severe shoot growth depression, by 50 % and higher, before yellowing started or without leaf yellowing in the cultivar SO4. Depression of shoot growth occurred independently from that of root growth. In a further treatment the effect of Fe‐EDDHA spraying onto the shoot growth of the cultivar Silvaner after cultivation in calcareous soil was investigated. Prior to Fe application plants were non‐chlorotic, but showed pronounced shoot growth depression. Spraying led to a significant increase in shoot length, though leaf growth was not increased. Accordingly, depression of shoot growth of non‐chlorotic plants under calcareous soil conditions and with ample supply of nutrients and water has been evidenced to be at least partly an iron deficiency symptom. We suggest that plant growth only partially recovered because of dramatic apoplastic leaf Fe inactivation and/ or a high apoplastic pH which may directly impair growth. Since growth was impaired before the youngest leaves showed chlorosis we assume that meristematic growth is more sensitively affected by Fe deficiency than is chlorophyll synthesis and chloroplast development. In spite of high Fe concentrations in roots and leaves of the vines grown in calcareous soils plants suffered from Fe deficiency. The finding of high Fe concentrations also in young, but growth retarded green leaves is a further indication that iron deficiency chlorosis in calcareous soils is caused by primary leaf Fe inactivation. However, in future, only a rigorous study of the dynamic changes of iron and chlorophyll concentration, leaf growth and apoplastic pH at the cellular level during leaf development and yellowing will provide causal insights between leaf iron inactivation, growth depression, and leaf chlorosis.<?show $6#>  相似文献   

The factors that control the use of iron (Fe) provided by iron chelates in strategy I plants are not well known. In this paper, the effectiveness of low concentrations of a series of pure Fe chelates to supply Fe to cucumber plants in hydroponics was studied. The Fe Chelate Reductase (FCR) of the roots was measured using Fe- ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) as substrate. Despite the differences found in SPAD and biometric indexes among the treatments, FCR and Fe in xylem sap were only significantly larger for the Fe- Ethylene diamine di-(o-hydroxy-p-methylphenyl) acetic acid (EDDHMA) treatment. The trend in nutritional indexes was the opposite to the trend in the stability of the chelates, except for Fe-EDTA that gave the poorest results. A mechanism describing the uptake process, considering the re-oxidation of the Fe (II) reduced by the FCR and the formation of the Fe (II) complex is proposed.  相似文献   

A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted with peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L., Fabceae) to evaluate iron compound fertilizers for improving within-plant iron content and correcting chlorosis caused by iron deficiency. Peanuts were planted in containers with calcareous soil fertilized with three different granular iron nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) fertilizers (ferrous sulphate (FeSO4)–NPK, Fe–ethylendiamine di (o-hydroxyphenylacetic) (EDDHA)–NPK and Fe–citrate–NPK). Iron nutrition, plant biomass, seed yield and quality of peanuts were significantly affected by the application of Fe–citrate–NPK and Fe–EDDHA–NPK to the soil. Iron concentrations in tissues were significantly greater for plants grown with Fe–citrate–NPK and Fe–EDDHA–NPK. The active iron concentration in the youngest leaves of peanuts was linearly related to the leaf chlorophyll (via soil and plant analyzer development measurements) recorded 50 and 80 days after planting. However, no significant differences between Fe–citrate–NPK and Fe–EDDHA–NPK were observed. Despite the large amount of total iron bound and dry matter, FeSO4–NPK was less effective than Fe–citrate–NPK and Fe–EDDHA–NPK to improve iron uptake. The results showed that application of Fe–citrate–NPK was as effective as application of Fe–EDDHA–NPK in remediating leaf iron chlorosis in peanut pot-grown in calcareous soil. The study suggested that Fe–citrate–NPK should be considered as a potential tool for correcting peanut iron deficiency in calcareous soil.  相似文献   

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