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Nutrient uptake over a 72 h culture period by clonal micropropagules of Phalaenopsis Tanigawa × Yukimai Dream ‘KS 370’ and ‘KS 352’ were surveyed by Ichihashi's (1997) Ichihashi, S. 1997. “Orchid production and research in Japan”. In Orchid Biology, Reviews and Prospectives, Edited by: Arditti, J. and Pridgeon, A. M. 171212. Dordrecht, , The Netherlands: Kluwer.  [Google Scholar] nutrient solution at the original ion strength and its half and quarter. Uptake of major anions [nitrate (NO3 ?), phosphate (H2PO4 ?), and sulfate (SO4 2?)] and cations [ammonium (NH4 +), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), and magnesium (Mg2+)] measured with an ion chromatograph increased as the ionic strength of the solution increased in both cultivars. The final uptake rates of nutrients were 0.8, 2.0, 2.1, 1.2, 3.0, 2.0, and 1.6 me L?1, respectively in the order of ions mentioned above. The ratios of the uptake rates between cations (mono or bivalent) were almost in proportion to the ratio of their initial ion strength. Therefore, no antagonistical absorption of cations was found in that ion strength. Leaf content of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and copper (Cu) increased as the ionic strength of the solution increased, but concentrations of iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) were not affected significantly. Nitrogen (N) content of leaves in ‘KS 370’ after 72 h culture increased significantly by increasing the ionic strength of the solution. Root concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg, and Fe increased as the ionic strength of the solution increased in both cultivars. The N concentrations of roots in either ‘KS 370’ or ‘KS 352’ had positive correlations with an increasing ionic strength of the solution, although they were constantly greater in ‘KS 370’ than in ‘KS 352’. The greatest fresh weight was obtained when the plants were cultured in a half strength solution. Whereas dry weight decreased in all treatments as the ionic strength of the solution decreased. These findings show that increased ion absorption affected plant dry weight. The obtained findings provide fundamental information for the closed hydroponic system of phalaenopsis cultivation.  相似文献   

In soil, adsorption of selenium (Se) onto mineral surfaces is accompanied by poorly known retention via organic matter. The effects of these components on the availability of Se were examined in two pot experiments. Spring wheat was grown with increasing amounts of selenate (SeO4 2–) in one sand and three peat soils, and ryegrass with selenate and selenite (SeO3 2–) in sphagnum peat manipulated by iron (Fe) hydroxide. Selenate persisted in soluble form, whereas selenite was fixed in the soil. In wheat, 5–50% of the selenate addition was recovered in the plant, the proportion increasing with increasing Se. In ryegrass, 30–40% of the added selenate but less than 2% of the selenite was found within the leaves. The Fe hydroxide enrichment enhanced the selenite uptake. Phosphate buffer desorbed a minor proportion of the added selenite, except in peat amply enriched with Fe hydroxide. The results suggest that the retention mechanism of selenite was changed due to the hydroxide amendment.  相似文献   

通过田间小区试验研究了硫肥不同品种和用量对玉米的生长、产量构成因素和对土壤有效硫的影响。结果表明 :硫对玉米的生长发育有促进作用 ,提高玉米产量。增产效果较好的是硫磺和石膏 ,硫磺增产 6.5 %~ 9.6% ,石膏增产 5 .6%~ 8.0 %。随着硫肥施用量的增加 ,玉米的产量增加。施含硫肥料能缓解土壤硫素的消耗 ,对保持土壤中硫的平衡有很大作用。  相似文献   

阐述了植物对不同形态硒的吸收、转运和形态转化机制。植物主要吸收水溶性硒,包括部分有机硒、硒酸盐和亚硒酸盐。多数研究表明植物对硒酸盐的主动吸收是通过高亲和力的硫酸盐转运子完成,最近的研究表明磷酸盐可以调节亚硒酸盐的吸收,磷酸盐转运子在亚硒酸盐的主动吸收过程中有重要作用;植物吸收的硒酸盐很快从根部转移到地上部,在叶片中被还原成亚硒酸盐,进而转化为有机硒化物进入其他组织;而亚硒酸盐及其代谢产物主要积累在根部,极少转移到地上部。进入植物体中的硒转化为含硒氨基酸和硒蛋白参与植物的代谢。  相似文献   

采用土培盆栽试验方法,研究了不同浓度磷酸盐与硒酸盐相互作用对小白菜生长、磷和硒吸收的影响,旨在为安全有效地进行补硒和硒污染土壤的植物修复提供理论依据。结果表明,在试验的硒浓度范围内(1.0~5.0mg·kg-1),硒酸盐对小白菜产生毒害作用,表现为单施硒酸盐处理较对照小白菜的根长、株高、地上部和地下部干重均下降,且高硒处理(5.0mg·kg-1)小白菜SPAD值显著下降。施用磷酸盐能显著增加小白菜生物量,明显缓解硒酸盐的毒害作用,且由于生物稀释效应导致小白菜地上、地下部硒浓度下降,但小白菜的硒吸收量增加。施磷小白菜地上部硒平均利用率提高至42%,且同等硒浓度低磷处理小白菜硒利用率高于高磷处理,表明适量施磷可提高硒的利用率。施磷时施硒对小白菜地上部磷浓度无显著影响,但由于硒的毒害作用导致磷吸收量下降。  相似文献   

In order to reduce nutrient wastes to the environment the supply should be in accordance to the demand for these. Two experiments were conducted to study and quantify the effect of temperature, irradiance, and plant age on the uptake of nitrate (NO3?), ammonium (NH4+), dihydrogen phosphate ion (H2PO4?), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), and sulfate (SO42). In the first experiment, various levels of temperature and irradiance were applied to plants in a growth chamber, while in the second experiment the uptake was studied along the crop season under greenhouse conditions. The uptake rates were calculated at 2-hour intervals through sampling the nutrient solution and analyzing it by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Increasing light and temperature enhance the uptake rates, while the rates decrease with plant age. Nitrogen absorption was similar during the day as during the night. No differences were found in the absorption of H2PO4?, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and SO42? between day and night. Nitrate absorption was found to have a positive correlation with the absorption of all the ions except for NH4+.  相似文献   

The relationship between selenium (Se) and sulfur (S) uptake and their interaction on the pungency and quercetin contents of onion was investigated in a sand culture trial under polyhouse conditions. The results indicated that application of Se with increasing rates produced an antagonistic effect on S assimilation. An amount of 20 kg Se ha–1 drastically reduced the S content in onion bulbs. Further, the pungency and quercetin concentration also declined. Foliar application of Se at 1.0 ppm resulted in production of bulbs with lower levels of pungency and quercetin. Though Se is essential from a health point, its application up to 10 kg ha–1 was sufficient for enriching onions without much effect on the other essential bulb quality parameters.  相似文献   

The result of intensive agriculture in cities is the decline in crop yields and depletion of the resource base. The aims of this study were to assess effects of nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) fertilization on bioavailable aluminum (Al) and their contribution on Al and nutrient uptake in Hibiscus sabdariffa. A pot experiment was led to supply a tropical soil with N and P fertilizers. P amendment decreased Al in soil solution, not N amendment. Fertilizers had effects on Al and nutrient uptake in roots and leaves of Hibiscus sabdariffa. The results also showed that the uptake of Al and nutrients depends on Al in soil solution or N supply or P supply. Only P uptake in roots and leaves was explained by combined effects of a nutrient supply × exchangeable Al. Furthermore, P supply does not limit the translocation of Al in shoots of plants in acid soils.  相似文献   


Wheat grown on cadmium (Cd)‐uncontaminated soils can still potentially translocate unacceptable levels of Cd to grain. The effect of zinc (Zn) and Cd levels on Cd uptake and translocation in “Grandin” hard red spring wheat (HRS‐wheat) (Triticum aestivum L.) was investigated using a double chelator‐buffered nutrient solution [EGTA used to buffer Cd, Zn, copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and nickel (Ni); and Ferrozine (FZ) used to buffer Fe2+]. In the Zn level series of treatments, Cd2+ activity was held constant at 10?10.7 M, and the Zn2+ activity was varied from 10?7.6 to 10?5.2 M. As Zn2+ activity increased, the translocation of Cd to the shoots decreased. The shoot : root Cd concentration ratio decreased from 0.20 to 0.03 as pZn2+ went from 7.6 to 5.2, indicating that adequate to high levels of Zn are effective in reducing Cd translocation to the shoots of “Grandin” HRS‐wheat. In the Cd series, the Zn activity was at 10?6.6 M, while Cd activity was increased from 10?10.7 to 10?9.2 M. High levels of Cd did not significantly affect the uptake and translocation of Zn in the roots and shoots. While at pCd2+ of 9.2, the root and shoot Cd concentrations significantly increased, there was not a significant increase in the shoot : root Cd ratio. This would indicate that even at high Cd2+ activities, Zn is effective in regulating Cd uptake and translocation in “Grandin” HRS‐wheat.  相似文献   

Surfactants in herbicide formulations eventually enter soil and may disrupt various processes. Research examined effects on nutrient uptake in corn caused by surfactants, herbicides, and surfactant-herbicide combinations applied to silt loam and silty clay loam soils in the greenhouse. Surfactants evaluated were Activator 90, Agri-Dex, and Thrust; herbicides were glyphosate, atrazine, and bentazon. Corn was planted in fertilized soils with moisture content maintained for optimum growth. Foliage (V8 growth stage) was collected for elemental analyses. Nutrient uptake differed with soil texture. Nutrient uptake from silty clay loam was more affected by surfactants and/or herbicides than in silt loam. Potassium uptake was significantly (P = 0.05) decreased in silt loam only by Thrust but uptake of phosphorus (P), potassium (K) calcium (Ca), sulfur (S), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) decreased by ≤30% in silty clay loam treated with surfactants. Surfactants and/or herbicides may interact with soil texture to affect nutrient uptake. Long-term field studies to validate changes in nutrient uptake and grain yields after annual applications of surfactants plus herbicides are needed.  相似文献   

以淮稻6号为试验材料,采用水培的方法,研究了不同硫(S)浓度下(9、720mg·L-1)硒(Se)(5mg·L-1)和镉(Cd)(1、10mg·L-1)交互胁迫对水稻幼苗一些生理特性的影响,主要研究指标包括生物量、巯基物质含量和硒、镉含量。结果表明:(1)Cd对水稻幼苗各部分生长状况抑制能力大小不同,其对根长的抑制作用明显大于对茎长的抑制;(2)在无Se条件下,随着Cd浓度的增加,Cd对水稻幼苗生长的毒性不断增大,在加入一定浓度的Se后,Cd的毒性作用得到缓解;(3)在不同浓度S处理和Se、Cd交互胁迫下,随着S浓度增大,Cd对水稻幼苗毒性作用减轻;但高浓度的S处理反而对Cd与Se交互实验中Cd的毒性产生协同作用;(4)高浓度的S处理可以抑制水稻幼苗对Se的吸收;(5)巯基物质含量随着胁迫时间的增加呈先上升后下降的趋势。在Se、Cd交互实验中,低浓度S处理可以提高水稻幼苗中GSH和PCs的含量,从而促进植株体内重金属和PC的络合作用,缓减Cd对水稻幼苗的毒害。  相似文献   

黑麦草对硒的吸收、分配与累积   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
用营养液培养方法研究了黑麦草(Lolium.multiflorum,Lamaubada)对硒的吸收、分配和累积特征以及硒对黑麦草生物量的影响,以探讨黑麦草对硒的吸收和利用规律。结果表明,不同SeO32--Se浓度处理的黑麦草在不同生育期的硒含量大小顺序均表现为分蘗期拔节期抽穗期苗期,且其差异在低硒浓度([Se4+]0.05.mg/L)时表现不明显,在非中毒范围内,黑麦草体内含硒量随供硒水平的提高而增加。在不同硒浓度处理中,黑麦草不同器官的硒含量大小顺序均为根叶茎,黑麦草吸收的SeO32--Se大部分在根部累积,少部分转移到茎与叶中,SeR/SeL3,SeR/Ses4。当营养液中加入低浓度硒([Se4+]=0-0.1.mg/L)时促进了黑麦草的生长,其生物量随外源硒浓度的增大而增加;高浓度硒([Se4+]1.0.mg/L)时抑制黑麦草的生长甚至引起中毒死亡。抽穗期黑麦草对硒的阶段累积率最大,达40.42%。  相似文献   

富硒和非富硒水稻品种苗期硒吸收和转运差异   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张联合  郁飞燕  施卫明 《土壤》2007,39(3):381-386
利用水培试验研究了富Se和非富Se水稻品种苗期Se吸收和转运差异。结果表明:不同供Se水平,富Se水稻品种根系Se吸收速率和茎叶Se含量明显高于非富Se品种,而两类品种间根部Se含量无明显差异。低Se水平下(20μg/L),富Se品种茎叶/根Se总量比明显高于非富Se品种。可见Se吸收转运差异可能是引起两类水稻品种稻米Se含量差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

The uptake of micronutrient cations in relation to varying activities of Mn2+ was studied for barley (Hordeum vulgare L. var. Thule) and oat (Avena sativa L. var. Biri) grown in chelator buffered nutrient solution. Free activities of Mn2+ were calculated by using the chemical speciation programme GEOCHEM-PC. Manganese deficient conditions induced elevated concentrations of Zn and Fe in shoots of both species. The corresponding antagonistic relationship between Mn and Cu could only be seen in barley. The observed antagonistic relationships were only valid as long as the plant growth was limited by Mn deficiency. The Mn concentration in both plant species increased significantly with increasing Mn2+ activity in the nutrient solution. The concentration of Mn in the shoots of oat was higher than for barley except under severe Mn deficiency where it was found equal for both species. Manganese was accumulated in the roots of barley at high Mn2+ activity. The different shoot concentrations of Mn between barley and oat are therefore attributed to the extent of Mn translocation from roots to shoots. Manganese deficiency induced a significant increase in the shoot to root ratio in both species.  相似文献   

为了明确叶面喷施亚硒酸钠对黑豆硒吸收转运特征及籽粒硒形态的影响,采用小区试验在黑豆结荚兴盛期进行一次性叶面喷施亚硒酸钠(施硒量分别为0、6、12、18和24 mg·m-2)处理,分析比较不同浓度亚硒酸钠处理下黑豆产量、各器官硒含量、籽粒有机硒转化率和品质性状的差异。结果表明,各施硒水平对黑豆各器官总硒含量均有提升作用,在24 mg·m-2硒处理时各器官总硒含量最大,根、茎、荚和籽粒硒含量分别较对照提高了8.74、8.37、9.85和65.21倍,硒处理后各器官总硒含量呈现籽粒>根≈荚>茎的特点。籽粒中硒以有机硒形态存在,且有机硒转化率随着亚硒酸钠浓度的增加呈下降趋势,在0、6、12、18和24 mg·m-2施硒处理时,有机硒含量分别为0.071 4、1.101 8、1.510 6、1.811 1和2.093 5 mg·kg-1,有机硒转化率分别为94.52%、84.81%、70.30%、60.11%和52.43%。叶面喷施亚硒酸钠显著提高了黑豆籽粒蛋白质含量和分离蛋白硒含量,但对脂肪含量的影响较小,在24 mg·m-2硒处理时蛋白质含量和分离蛋白硒含量分别较对照增加了2.4个百分点和117.35倍,分离蛋白硒含量占有机硒和总硒含量的比例分别为90.29%和47.39%。适宜浓度亚硒酸钠叶面喷施对黑豆产量具有促进作用,但浓度过高导致增产效果减弱。综上,叶面喷施亚硒酸钠可提高黑豆各器官总硒含量,但黑豆籽粒有机硒转化率随喷施浓度的增加呈下降趋势,且黑豆籽粒有机硒主要以蛋白质形式存在。本研究结果为应用外源硒强化技术生产富硒黑豆提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Wheat plants were cultivated in pots with the objective of evaluating the effect of two sulfur (S) rates (+S and ?S) on (i) shoot growth, S and nitrogen (N) uptake and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and (ii) root growth and architecture and its relations with S and N uptake. Plant samplings were at Z39, Z51 and Z92 stages. Shoot mass and NUE were greater in +S treatment at the three stages. ?S treatment increased root growth at Z39 (14% more length and 16% more tips) in comparison with +S, but the opposite occurred at Z51 (31% less area and 42% less mass). S uptake per unit root mass, area and length were greater in +S treatment at Z39 and Z51. A similar pattern was determined for nitrogen uptake (Nu) at Z39, but the opposite occurred at Z51. This indicates that Nu is mainly controlled by shoot growth and not by root growth.  相似文献   


The influence of silicon (Si) (2.5 mM), sodium chloride (NaCl) (100 mM), and Si (2.5 mM) + NaCl (97.5 mM) supply on chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence, the concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA), H2O2 level, and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD; E.C., ascorbate peroxidase (APx; E.C., catalase (CAT; E.C., guaiacol peroxidase (G-POD; E.C. enzymes, and protein content were studied in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill c.v.) leaves over 10-day and 27-day periods. The results indicated that silicon partially offset the negative impacts of NaCl stress with increased the tolerance of tomato plants to NaCl salinity by raising SOD and CAT activities, chlorophyll content, and photochemical efficiency of PSII. Salt stress decreased SOD and CAT activities and soluble protein content in the leaves. However, addition of silicon to the nutrient solution enhanced SOD and CAT activities and protein content in tomato leaves under salt stress. In contrast, salt stress slightly promoted APx activity and considerably increased H2O2 level and MDA concentration and Si addition slightly decreased APx activity and significantly reduced H2O2 level and MDA concentration in the leaves of salt-treated plants. G-POD activity was slightly decreased by addition of salt and Si. Enhanced activities of SOD and CAT by Si addition may protect the plant tissues from oxidative damage induced by salt, thus mitigating salt toxicity and improving the growth of tomato plants. These results confirm that the scavenging system forms the primary defense line in protecting oxidative damage under stress in crop plants.  相似文献   

中国大陆无土栽培发展概况   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
近15年来,中国无土栽培的发展异常迅猛,1985年全国无土栽培的面积只有0.1hm2,1995年发展到50hm2。目前中国无土栽培的总面积约为315hm2,与5年前相比增长了3倍多,其中绝大部分都用于蔬菜生产,只有很小一部分用于花卉生产。目前中国生产上使用的无土栽培系统主要为有机生态型无土栽培系统、浮板毛管法、NFT、DFH和鲁-SC系统。存在的主要问题是如何降低无土栽培系统的投资、提高产量、改善品质、并不污染环境。有机生态型无土栽培能生产绿色食品蔬菜。该文主要介绍了中国无土栽培的历史、采用的主要无土栽培系统型式、无土栽培研究和推广工作进展以及无土栽培在中国的发展前景。  相似文献   


Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) provides livestock feed and captures nutrients from fields receiving manure application. The objective of this study was to determine relationships among maturity and yield, mineral uptake, and mineral concentration. Primary spring growth of ‘Marshall’ ryegrass was harvested every 7 d to 56 d maturity and was fertilized with swine effluent containing 254 and 161 kg nitrogen (N) and 42 and 26 kg phosphorus (P) ha?1 for two years. Yield increased linearly to a maximum of 13.6 mg ha?1 after 49 d in 2001 and 8.0 mg ha?1 after 56 d in 2002. Mineral uptake was highly correlated (r > 0.95) with yield and attained a maximum single harvest of 192 kg N ha?1 and 32 kg P ha?1 (mean of two years). Concentration of all minerals except calcium (Ca) declined as ryegrass matured. Low magnesium (Mg) concentration (< 2 g kg?1 dry matter) increases the risk of hypomagnesemic grass tetany.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(7):1261-1280

The article presents a number of empirical models for predicting the macronutrient uptake of melon plants grown in nutrient film technique under environmental conditions of plastic greenhouse in the Mediterranean region. Models were developed according to two statistical procedures: stepwise multiple regression (MR) and canonical correlation (CC). Independent variables considered by the modeling were global radiation and air temperature in the greenhouse, crop age (expressed as number of weeks from planting, growing degree days and photo-thermal units), and the uptake of water as well as of a guide-ion that could be routinely measured manually by means of easy-to-use test-kits or automatically with chemo-sensors. The best models, as selected on the basis of determination coefficient and the correlation coefficient for the relationship between residuals and observations, explained only 36–72% of the variance in the mineral uptake, depending on the considered nutrient. Moreover, the models were conservative, as predicted values tended to be less extreme with respect to the observed values and the residuals were positively correlated to the observations. The results of MR and CC were similar, although the validation of the models derived from CC produced better results compared to MR. The models provided evidence for the close relationship between ion and water uptake and indicated the possibility to predict the crop mineral requirements on the basis of the consumption of a guide-ion (i.e., nitrogen).  相似文献   

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