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为了弄清硒矿粉中硒的生物有效性,设置了土壤施硒矿粉0、3、5、10、20、25、50 g/kg共7个处理,进行了为期2个月的萝卜苗盆栽试验,测定了萝卜苗硒含量、生物量和维生素C(Vc)、可溶性糖、丙二醛(MDA)、光合色素含量以及过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性。结果表明,土壤硒矿粉的施用量与萝卜苗硒含量呈极显著正相关,但硒矿粉处理下萝卜苗生物量均显著低于对照;施用10 g/kg的硒矿粉使萝卜苗的Vc和可溶性糖含量较对照分别增加了70%和50%,但最高施用量50 g/kg显著降低了Vc和可溶性糖含量;除对照外,萝卜苗CAT活性与硒矿粉施入量呈极显著正相关;施用硒矿粉10和25 g/kg显著降低了萝卜苗的MDA含量;适量施入硒矿粉能增加萝卜苗叶片光合色素含量,以10 g/kg处理最高,最高施硒处理50 g/kg显著降低了光合色素含量;除25 g/kg处理外,其余处理均显著降低了叶绿素a与叶绿素b的比值;在土壤施用硒矿粉条件下,萝卜苗叶片的光合色素含量与其可溶性糖含量呈极显著的线性相关。综上,土壤施硒矿粉能增加萝卜苗的硒含量和CAT活性,适量的施用有利于萝卜苗Vc、可溶性糖、光合色素含量的提升和MDA含量的降低,说明硒矿粉能够通过影响萝卜苗的生理生化代谢过程而影响萝卜苗的生长发育,证明硒矿粉中的硒具有生物有效性,但硒矿粉对萝卜苗生物量的影响还有待于进一步研究。研究结果为硒矿粉资源的农业利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

探讨叶面喷施和土施外源硒对芒果叶片和果实硒含量、果实矿质元素含量及营养品质的影响,以期为富硒芒果的安全生产提供理论依据和技术支持。以“桂热 82号”芒果为试材,叶面喷施以亚硒酸钠为硒源,设置0.0、25.0、50.0、100.0、150.0和 200.0 mg/L 6个浓度水平,于生理落果结束后,每 15 d喷施一次,连喷 2次。土施设置亚硒酸钠处理和硒酸钠处理,施肥量为 10 g/株,于花期沟施。结果表明,芒果叶片和果实中的硒含量随着叶面喷硒浓度的增加而递增。叶面喷施 50 mg/L亚硒酸钠可显著提高果实 Vc含量,200 mg/L亚硒酸钠可显著提高果实K、可滴定酸含量,100~ 200 mg/L亚硒酸钠可显著降低果实Zn、Ca含量。土施相同量的亚硒酸钠和硒酸钠均可显著提高芒果叶片和果实硒含量。土施硒酸钠叶片和果实硒含量显著高于亚硒酸钠。土施 10 g/株亚硒酸钠显著降低果实 Ca、Mg含量,土施 10 g/株硒酸钠显著提高果实 K、Vc含量,降低果实 Ca含量。叶面喷硒和土壤施硒均可显著提高芒果叶片和果实硒含量,其中叶面喷硒提高幅度远大于土壤施硒提高幅度。土施硒酸钠比亚硒酸钠更容易被芒果吸收。富硒芒果生产上推荐叶面喷施 25.0~ 50.0 mg/L亚硒酸钠,或者土施 10 g/株硒酸钠。  相似文献   

以喀什灰枣为对象,于枣树开花期、坐果期叶面喷施硒肥,研究不同时期、不同硒肥及不同浓度处理下, 叶面喷施硒肥对枣果中硒含量的影响,分析硒含量在枣果发育期的变化过程,筛选出硒肥喷施的适宜浓度和时期, 明确富硒灰枣生产的适宜施肥管理措施。结果表明,叶面喷施硒肥可显著提高灰枣果实硒含量,达到富硒效果, 且随着施硒量的增加呈一直增加的趋势;果实硒含量在果实膨大期达到最大值,之后在完熟期有所降低;在枣果 完熟后期,坐果期施用无机硒肥处理果实硒含量均高于开花期,从果实对硒的吸收来看,说明灰枣无论喷施无机 硒肥还是有机硒肥,施用硒肥的关键时期均为坐果期。在枣果完熟后期,坐果期喷施无机硒肥 40 mg/L 处理下对 果实硒含量增加效果显著,硒含量达到 0.2698 mg/kg;坐果期喷施有机硒肥 32 mg/L 处理下对果实硒含量增加效果 显著,硒含量达到 0.2226 mg/L,两种硒肥处理下果实硒含量均达到了富硒农产品国家标准。综上所述,坐果期喷 施 40 mg/L 无机硒肥或 32 mg/L 有机硒肥最符合当地生产需求。  相似文献   

硒对胡萝卜含硒量、产量及品质的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
采用不同浓度Na2SeO3进行胡萝卜叶面喷施的田间试验,研究胡萝卜对硒的吸收、转化特点和硒对胡萝卜产量、品质等的影响。结果表明,叶面施硒可明显提高胡萝卜中各形态硒含量,随施硒量的增加,有机硒转化率上升;其总硒、有机硒含量在最大处理浓度(500.mg/kg)呈最高,分别是CK的15.9和26.6倍。施硒胡萝卜产量较对照降低,但未达显著水平。营养品质中除Vc下降,P变化不一外,总糖、胡萝卜素、粗纤维、Ca、Mg、Fe、K在一定浓度下有不同程度提高。综合分析硒对胡萝卜含硒量、产量、各品质因素以及对人、畜食用的安全性,施硒量以不超过1.0mg/kg为宜。  相似文献   

硒对大蒜生理特性、含硒量及品质的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
以金蒜3号为试材,采用盆栽试验,通过叶面喷施不同浓度、不同次数的亚硒酸钠研究了硒对大蒜生理特性、含硒量和品质的影响。结果表明:在生长期4月5日、15日和25日累计喷施1次、2次、3次3个浓度(5、10、15 mg/L)的亚硒酸钠溶液,均不同程度影响大蒜生理特性、含硒量和品质。与对照相比,叶面喷施2次10 mg/L的亚硒酸钠溶液,可显著提高叶片中光合色素含量和光合性能;能显著改善蒜薹和鳞茎品质,单薹鲜质量和单头鲜质量分别提高68.25%和29.00%,可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、维生素C含量分别提高73.05%、104.66%、18.95%和82.01%、51.27%、69.82%;并可有效提高鳞茎中游离氨基酸含量(38.91%),降低蒜薹中游离氨基酸含量(36.95%);同时可降低蒜薹和鳞茎中大蒜素含量,但差异不显著。蒜薹和鳞茎硒含量随硒浓度和喷施次数的增加而显著提高,最高可达19.81和23.96 mg/kg,为对照的3.85和4.41倍。综合各因素指标,大蒜以叶面喷施2次10 mg/L的亚硒酸钠为宜。  相似文献   

为研究叶面喷施氨基酸螯合硒对水稻籽粒硒含量及形态的影响,以水稻品种百香 139 为材料,通过大田试验,在水稻破口期叶面喷施不同用量的氨基酸螯合硒,并在水稻拔节孕穗期、始穗期、扬花授粉期、灌浆期、蜡熟期 5个不同生育期叶面喷施 13.5 g/hm2(以硒计)的氨基酸螯合硒,在水稻成熟期测定、分析各处理组水稻地上部不同组织器官硒含量和籽粒硒形态。结果表明,喷施外源氨基酸螯合硒可提高水稻各器官硒含量,在适量范围内水稻植株各器官硒含量随着喷硒浓度的增加而提高;水稻籽粒中硒主要以硒代蛋氨酸存在,水稻籽粒中硒代蛋氨酸含量与总硒含量的变化规律相一致。喷施氨基酸螯合硒用量为 6.75、13.5、27.0 g/hm2 时水稻籽粒中硒含量分别为 0.168、0.431、0.439 mg/kg,均达到《富硒农产品硒含量分类要求》(DB45/T 1061-2014)的要求。拔节孕穗期至灌浆期喷硒处理水稻籽粒硒含量呈现增高趋势,灌浆期喷硒处理的水稻籽粒总硒含量最高,达到 0.320 mg/kg;水稻籽粒中硒代蛋氨酸含量占总硒含量的比例为 43% ~ 91%,硒代蛋氨酸含量占总硒含量的比例由大到小依次为:拔节孕穗期 >始穗期>扬花授粉期=灌浆期>蜡熟期,硒代蛋氨酸比例随着施硒时期越靠近水稻成熟期越低,表明水稻叶片中硒的转化时间对稻米中硒形态有显著影响,提早喷施硒有利于有机态硒的形成,提高稻米中有机态硒的比例。在硒的生物强化生产富硒水稻中,水稻破口期叶面喷施氨基酸螯合硒的最佳用量为 13.5 g/hm2,在 5 个不同生育期喷施 13.5 g/hm2 的氨基酸螯合硒均能生产出富硒大米,且最佳喷施外源硒的时期为灌浆期。  相似文献   

为探究富硒微生物在堆肥过程中对有机肥养分、硒含量及形态的影响,为农业废弃物资源化利用、生产富硒农产品实践提供理论依据。将菌渣、菜粕和秸秆混合进行堆肥试验,设置对照组(CK)、EM菌(有效微生物群)组(T1)、富硒枯草芽孢杆菌组(T2)、富硒圆褐固氮菌+富硒枯草芽孢杆菌组(T3)研究不同富硒微生物的堆肥效果,分析有机肥的养分变化及硒含量并在菠菜种植上验证富硒肥的应用效果。结果表明:堆制38 d后,堆肥试验均满足《有机肥料》(NY/T 525—2021)农业标准,其中T3处理的总养分含量相较于CK增加了13.70%,总氮含量增加了26.06%,有机质的分解能力提高了4.88%,总硒(以纯Se计)提高了1.93倍,并改变了有机肥中硒的赋存形态。盆栽试验表明:F1(施T1有机肥)、F2(施T2有机肥)、F3(施T3有机肥)的菠菜株高、根长、叶宽、鲜重、叶绿素含量显著高于OF(施CK有机肥),F3处理中菠菜总硒含量以126.72μg·kg-1达到试验的最高含量,比OF提高3.27倍。综合来看,T3处理中富硒复合微生物组合的堆肥效果最好,是废弃物堆肥工程化应用中发展富硒功能农...  相似文献   

施氮量对白萝卜硝酸盐含量和土壤硝态氮淋溶的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在保护地栽培条件下,通过6个施氮水平的田间小区试验,结合土层原位渗滤装置,研究了施用氮肥对白萝卜(Raphanus sativus L.)产量和硝酸盐含量及土壤硝态氮淋溶的影响。结果表明,施氮处理白萝卜产量比不施氮处理仅增加6.04%~10.92%,当尿素氮施用量大于N 100 kg/hm2时,增产幅度开始下降。不同施氮处理白萝卜产量没有显著差异,说明在土壤基础肥力较高的情况下,增施氮肥不能明显提高白萝卜的产量;单施有机肥白萝卜体内硝酸盐含量为 196.86 mg/kg,比不施氮处理降低 5.08%。在此基础上加施尿素后,硝酸盐含量随氮肥施用量的增加显著升高(p0.05);0—100cm土壤剖面硝态氮累积量随氮肥施用量的增加而增加,且与氮肥施用量显著正相关(r=0.993, r0.01=0.917);白萝卜生长期间收集到的土壤淋溶液中硝态氮浓度较高,平均为32.88 mg/L,硝态氮的淋失量为 4.42~6.14 kg/hm2,不同施氮量处理之间没有显著差异。  相似文献   

硒对苦荞硒、总黄酮和芦丁含量、分布与累积的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用盆栽试验探讨土壤施硒对苦荞硒、总黄酮和芦丁含量、分布与累积的影响。结果看出,在土壤施硒0.5~2.0 mg/kg范围,苦荞根在苗期(40 d)大量吸收并累积硒,全生育期各器官硒含量极显著提高;在生长中后期(60~80 d) 硒的累积最快,累积量最多。硒在苦荞各器官中的分布为:在40 d时,根>叶>茎;60 d时Se0.0处理为叶>根>花>茎,施硒各处理则为花>根>叶>茎;80 d时Se0.0处理以花>根>叶>茎>子粒,Se0.5处理以花>叶>子粒>茎>根,施硒≥1.0 mg/kg的处理则为花>叶>茎>根>子粒。土壤施硒≤1.0 mg/kg促进苦荞生长,提高地上部各器官干重和植株总干重以及各器官总黄酮和芦丁含量与累积量,不改变总黄酮和芦丁的器官分布,增加苦荞中后期对总黄酮的累积;以Se0.5处理效应最佳,各差异达显著水平。过量的硒(Se1.5~2.0 mg/kg)显著抑制苦荞生长,降低各器官干重、总黄酮和芦丁含量与累积,不利于硒在子粒中富集和总黄酮在子粒中分布。表明在低硒土壤上栽培苦荞,土壤施硒以不超过1.0 mg/kg为宜,既能最大限度的提高苦荞各器官硒、总黄酮和芦丁含量和累积量,又可降低施用硒肥的成本和减少硒肥对环境的影响。  相似文献   

The principal goal of this paper was to generate flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) plants with increased antioxidant properties. To accomplish this a vector containing a multigene construct was prepared, and transgenic plants overexpressing essential flavonoid biosynthesis pathway enzymes were generated and analyzed. The simultaneous expression of genes encoding chalcone synthase (CHS), chalcone isomerase (CHI), and dihydroflavonol reductase (DFR) resulted in a significant increase of flax antioxidant capacity. To investigate the determinants of higher antioxidant properties of transgenic plants, the phenolic acids and lignans compound contents were measured. In both green part and seed extracts from transgenic plants, the phenolic acids level was increased when compared to the control. The calculated correlation coefficient between phenolic acids content and antioxidant capacity (0.82 and 0.70 for green part and flaxseed, respectively) perfectly reflects their strong relationship. The increase in yield of transgenic plants and their higher resistance to Fusarium culmorum and Fusarium oxysporum when compared to the control plants was a characteristic feature. It was assessed a very high correlation (correlation coefficient = 0.9) between phenolic acids level in flaxseed extract and resistance to F. culmorum. The flowering date of transgenic plants was approximately 3 weeks earlier than that of the control plants. Interestingly, a significant increase in monounsaturated fatty acids and a slight increase in lignans content accompanied the increase in antioxidant properties of flaxseeds.  相似文献   

无机硒肥对土壤有效氮含量及菠菜品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究不同浓度亚硒酸钠(Na_2SeO_3)对土壤脲酶活性、铵态氮(NH_4^+-N)和硝态氮(NO_3~–-N)含量及菠菜品质的影响,综合分析Na_2SeO_3在土壤-根部-作物之间被吸收、转运、转化的可能路径,为生物强化生产富硒农产品及调控硒的安全水平提供参考。【方法】进行连续42天盆栽试验,共设置4个处理,每千克土施Na_2SeO_3 0 (对照)、1、10、30 mg,分别于定植后的14、28、42天测定菠菜叶可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、维生素C、硝酸盐含量,并测定土壤铵态氮、硝态氮含量及土壤脲酶活性等指标。【结果】在菠菜生长期间,≤10mg/kg Na_2SeO_3处理可使土壤脲酶活性表现为先被激活后减弱至对照水平,土壤硝态氮含量也表现出相同的变化趋势,但铵态氮变化趋势正好相反;30 mg/kg Na_2SeO_3处理对土壤脲酶活性没有明显的影响,在整个培养时期与对照水平相当,土壤NH_4^+-N含量后期明显减少,转化成的NO_3~–-N含量明显增加,有利于菠菜吸收利用。同等Na_2SeO_3添加量条件下,Na_2SeO_3对三个取样时间菠菜叶的硝酸盐、维生素C (Vc)、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖含量影响各异。1 mg/kg Na_2SeO_3处理组可使菠菜叶的硝酸盐含量明显增加,Vc含量先增后减,可溶性蛋白含量减少,可溶性糖含量没有变化;10 mg/kg处理组可使菠菜叶中的硝酸盐、可溶性糖含量表现为先增后减,Vc含量、可溶性蛋白含量均有不同程度增加;30 mg/kg处理组可使菠菜叶的硝酸盐含量先增后减,可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖含量减少,Vc含量没有变化。【结论】不同浓度亚硒酸钠对土壤有效氮及菠菜品质有不同程度的影响。富硒作物生产中无机硒肥施用量要综合考虑硒在作物体内的转化率及硒对作物品质影响的各项因素而确定。  相似文献   

叶面喷硒对不同作物籽粒硒含量及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
分析了黑龙江省主栽作物(水稻、大豆、玉米和小麦)叶面喷硒的效果。结果表明:原始籽粒含硒量以大豆最高,玉米最低,顺序为大豆小麦水稻玉米;而施入等量的硒后,4种作物籽粒硒含量都有明显的提升,提升幅度与喷硒量呈正相关,其中以小麦和水稻增加最高,大豆次之,玉米最少,且硒含量均在安全补硒值的范围之内。叶面喷硒后作物增产效果不明显。确定了叶面喷硒的浓度范围为11.25~22.50 g·hm~(-2),即可使水稻、大豆、玉米和小麦籽粒中硒含量满足低硒区居民补硒的需要;施硒时期综合比较,水稻的最佳喷硒时期是在扬花后期,玉米的最佳喷硒时期是在抽雄期,大豆是在初花期,小麦是在孕穗期。腐植酸硒降低了高浓度硒对作物的毒害作用,在生产实际中更具有安全性。  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted with two Prunus genotypes (GF 677 and Mr.S.2/5, commercial rootstocks for peach), which are widely used in Italy and other European countries. Selenium (Se) was added as sodium selenate to 3‐month‐old micropropagated plants at a rate of 0 (control), 1.0, 2.5, and 5.0 mg Se (kg soil)–1. Plant growth, gas exchange, and Se accumulation were studied. Selenium added at a rate of 2.5 and 5.0 mg Se kg–1 appeared to be highly toxic for the two young peach rootstocks. Thirty‐three days after the treatment, the plants showed a high mortality rate. The fast growing rootstock, GF 677, appeared to be more sensitive to Se toxicity, the mortality rate reaching 52%. The higher the Se concentration in the soil, the higher it also was in the plant. In general, both genotypes were able to take up Se and to translocate high amounts from root to leaf. After selenate addition to the soil, both GF 677 and Mr.S.2/5 plants showed reduced plant growth with the highest Se treatments. Furthermore, Se induced a partial stomatal closure, as evidenced by the values of stomatal conductance, resulting in a reduction in net assimilation, and thus a decrease in dry‐matter production. Selenate applied at a low rate (1 mg Se kg–1) stimulated plant growth in GF 677. One year after the Se treatment, a remobilization of Se from the storage organs to the young shoots was detected. This study demonstrates genotypic variation in Se uptake and accumulation in peach rootstocks.  相似文献   

The critical Na levels in soil which restricted seed germination and growth of radish, and effect of the amending materials on reducing the salinity hazard were determined by performing petri dish and pot experiments. The plants were grown in amended salinized soil in a phytotron for 21 days. Excess accumulation of Na in cells suppressed seed germination and plant growth. The critical Na level in control soil which restricted germination and growth was 12.5mg Na/g soil. At the same salinity level, amending materials promoted seed germination and plant growth mainly by inhibiting the excess flow of Na into the cell through ion holding mechanism. Among the materials used, the commercial manure of 4 months old held greater amount of Na(3.7mg/g) and thus more efficiently reduced the ion damage. Plants grown under such treatment had the highest dry matter yield (28.Gmg/plant), water content was normal(84%), and the ratio for Na in root to Na in plant's shoot was 2.4. As for the case of plant grown in control soil the respective data were 8. 5mg, 54%, and 4.8.  相似文献   

The speciation of selenium compounds from high selenium broccoli (876 microg/g) depends on the extraction conditions. Twenty-seven extraction conditions were explored involving nine different buffering systems between pH 1 and pH 9. In nonbuffered extractions of broccoli, more than 40% of the spiked Se-methylselenocysteine was not recovered in the filtered solution. However, in buffered extractions, losses for Se-methylselenocysteine ranged from 10 to 20%. Mass balance indicated that approximately 30% of naturally occurring selenium in broccoli samples was volatilized and lost to the atmosphere when buffered extractions were made. Solid phase extractions indicated that the polarity of selenium compounds in solution was also dependent on the extracting solution. High-pressure liquid chromatography coupled to an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer was used to show that selenium compounds extracted from broccoli reacted with the extracting solution. Compound identities were assigned by matching retention times to standards of selenite, selenate, methylseleninic acid, Se-methylselenocysteine, selenomethionine, and the selenonic acids of Se-methylselenocysteine and selenomethionine. Changes in speciation were analyte-, pH-, and buffer-dependent, but generally, a higher pH resulted in more highly oxidized selenium compounds. For valid conclusions to be drawn from the analytical data, the extraction conditions should match the conditions present in the matrix or be specified for a particular application such as a simulated gastrointestinal digestion.  相似文献   


The efficient use of N for crop production is important because N is normally the most expensive fertilizer input. Past research has suggested that Ca++ can be used to stimulate NH4+ absorption by plants. The importance of plant growth stage in relation to this phenomenon has not been examined previously. The objectives of this study were to examine Ca++ ‐ stimulated NH4 + absorption and to examine the effect of Ca++ concentration on N content and growth in plant tops, bulbs and roots at different growth stages. Ammonium absorption experiments were conducted in the greenhouse in 4‐L pots containing 3.5 kg of calcareous Gila sandy loam (Typic Torrifluvents) (CEC <1 cMol kg?1). Plants (Radish, Raphanus sativas L., and onion, Allium cepa L.) were grown with a uniform nutrient solution (1/2 strength nutrient solution, all N as NO3) to the desired growth stage at which time the soil was leached with deionized water. Afterwards, the soils were fertilized with 1/2 strength nutrient solutions (5 mol m?3 NH4) with Ca++: NH4 + molar ratios of 0, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, and 2.00 for a period of 30 h. As Ca++ concentration increased, NH4 + absorption and plant growth increases were greatest with young seedlings. In the intermediate and mature growth stages, Ca++ stimulated 15NH4 + absorption was less rapid than in the earlier growth stages but frequently exhibited a different response (i.e., altered metabolite translocation) to the added Ca++ ‐ concentration. However, at the intermediate and mature growth stages significantly increased N contents and plant growth also were noted in most cases. The Ca++ ‐ increased N content in leaves and bulbs of the older plants had much less 15N suggesting that the newly absorbed 15NH4 + was being deposited in the roots replacing older N forms that were then translocated to the bulbs or leaves. Thus, increasing Ca++ appeared to have anadditional function of increasing the mobility of metabolites (dry matter) from the roots. Since more above‐ground plant products were produced with the same amount of N, plant N use efficiency was increased.  相似文献   

Wheat flour from plants deficient in sulfur has been shown to contain substantially higher levels of free amino acids, particularly asparagine and glutamine, than flour from wheat grown where sulfur nutrition was sufficient. Elevated levels of asparagine resulted in acrylamide levels up to 6 times higher in sulfur-deprived wheat flour, compared with sulfur-sufficient wheat flour, for three varieties of winter wheat. The volatile compounds from flour, heated at 180 degrees C for 20 min, have been compared for these three varieties of wheat grown with and without sulfur fertilizer. Approximately 50 compounds were quantified in the headspace extracts of the heated flour; over 30 compounds were affected by sulfur fertilization, and 15 compounds were affected by variety. Unsaturated aldehydes formed from aldol condensations, Strecker aldehydes, alkylpyrazines, and low molecular weight alkylfurans were found at higher concentrations in the sulfur-deficient flour, whereas low molecular weight pyrroles and thiophenes and sugar breakdown products were found at higher concentrations in the sulfur-sufficient flour. The reasons for these differences and the relationship between acrylamide formation and aroma volatile formation are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed in greenhouse sand culture to determine the effect of pH and Se oxidation state on the tissue composition and yield of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Alfalfa was planted and irrigated with nutrient solution containing 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 or 3.0 mg Se L‐1 as Na2SeO3 or Na2SeOl4. The solution pH was maintained at 7.0 ± 0.2 or 4.5±0.2. Three harvests were made and the shoots and roots weighed and analyzed for total Se. At the levels tested, additions of Se to the treatment solutions increased the tissue Se concentrations and depressed alfalfa shoot growth regardless of Se oxidation state or pH. Root growth was reduced in the presence of Se(VI) but was unaffected by Se(IV). Selenium was accumulated to higher concentrations in the shoot when supplied as Se(VI) compared to Se(IV) and accumulated to higher concentrations in the root when added as Se(IV) compared to Se(VI). Relative shoot yields were depressed more by Se(IV) then Se(VI) at pH 7, but there was no difference between Se(IV) and Se(VI) at pH 4.5. Relative root yields were depressed by Se(VI) but not by Se(IV).  相似文献   

施硒对茄子吸收转化硒和品质的影响   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
盆栽试验结果表明,土壤施硒(0.15、0.60、3.00mg/kg)条件下,茄子的含硒量随施硒量的增加而显著增加。当施硒量为0.60和3.00mg/kg时,茄子无机硒转化成有机硒的比率下降,显著提高了茄子粗蛋白、粗脂肪和还原糖含量,增加了茄子的必需氨基酸总量,改善了茄子的品质。土壤施硒显著增加了茄子蛋氨酸、胱氨酸和丝氨酸的含量,但谷氨酸和脯氨酸的含量显著降低。  相似文献   

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