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The effects of varying the proportion of three noodle dough components (water, gum, and starch) on the texture (maximum load and strain at break), amount of fat absorbed, and percent rehydration of instant fried noodles were studied. The Instron Universal testing machine was used to measure noodle texture, whereas quality attributes were determined using fat absorption and rehydration parameters. The results showed that changes in maximum load, strain at break point, fat absorption, and rehydration% of instant noodles depended on interactions between the ingredients. Increasing the gum content, starch content (for amounts >4% kg/kg of flour) and moisture content (35–40% kg/kg of flour) enhanced the elasticity and extensibility of cooked instant fried noodles. Addition of starch decreased fat absorption but showed mixed effect on rehydration%. The effect of gum addition at 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% on fat absorption was significant but reduced considerably or showed a reverse effect at higher starch addition levels. Increasing moisture, and gum contents increased rehydration% of cooked instant noodles. Appropriate combinations of gum, starch and moisture contents could be used to optimize textural and quality characteristics of fried instant noodles.  相似文献   

The effects of whole grain wheat (WGW) flour on the quality attributes of instant fried noodles were characterized in terms of mixing and oil‐resisting properties as well as in vitro starch digestibility. Higher water absorption and shorter kneading time were required to obtain the optimally mixed dough from WGW flour, and the presence of nonstarch components in the WGW flour lowered the thermal conductivity of the noodles. The use of WGW flour produced instant fried noodles with oil uptake reduced by 30%, which could be correlated with the less porous structure confirmed by the surface and cross‐sectional scanning electron microscope images. When the instant fried noodles were subjected to in vitro starch digestion, the use of WGW flour was effective in suppressing the hydrolysis of starch in the noodles, and the predicted glycemic index of the WGW noodles (80.6) was significantly lower than that of the white wheat noodles (83.3).  相似文献   

王龑  王琦  刘阳 《核农学报》2020,34(4):714-720
DNA序列同源比对分析预测出镰刀菌氧胁迫调控因子Fgap1在DON合成基因簇的Tri5和Tri10基因上有结合位点。为阐明Fgap1转录因子在禾谷镰刀菌的Tri基因表达和DON产生中的作用,本研究以野生型PH-1和突变株⊿Fgap1为试验材料,通过菌落形态观察、菌丝生长速率、菌丝结构观察分析氧压敏感性,通过实时荧光定量PCR技术分析Tri基因在不用氧化压力下的表达量,并采用HPLC法测定DON毒素含量。结果表明,过氧化氢、甲耐醌、过氧化叔丁醇、重铬酸钾4种氧化剂均可抑制镰刀菌生长;通过同源重组构建的Fgap1基因缺失突变株对氧化压力更加敏感,明显抑制了镰刀菌的菌丝生长。在氧化胁迫下野生型PH-1菌株中DON毒素含量大量增加,Fgap1基因缺失突变株的DON毒素含量没有明显增加;在氧化胁迫下野生型PH-1菌株的Fgap1基因和Tri基因的表达量大幅上调,而基因缺失突变株⊿Fgap1中未检测到Fgap1基因表达,Tri基因的表达没有明显上调。本研究明确禾谷镰刀菌中Fgap1转录因子能够感受并传递氧化压力信号,为调控Tri基因的表达和DON毒素的合成提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Studies on samples of 20 hard-grained wheat cultivars and a commercial flour that varied in starch and protein quality showed that both characteristics influenced the texture of Japanese alkaline noodles (ramen). Flour swelling volume (FSV) and flour pasting characteristics (peak viscosity and breakdown) determined with a Rapid-Visco Analyser (RVA) assessed independently of α-amylase effects, were negatively correlated with total texture score. Protein quality, as indicated by farinograph stability, was positively correlated with total texture score. RVA pasting characteristics were substantially affected by small levels of α-amylase, and inactivation by means of 1 mM AgNO3 was a critical requirement in characterizing the quality of the starch component of flour.  相似文献   

长期施用化肥对粮食生产和土壤质量性状的影响   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
结合世界各地长期试验的资料,从土壤质量的角度综述了施用化肥对小麦,玉米,水稻产量影响,并对长期施用化肥条件下土壤有机碳积累,剖面硝态氮累积和土壤理化性状的演变进行了分析。  相似文献   

Monoglycerides are widely used in the baking industry because of their antistaling effects, mainly suppressing crumb firming. Commercial monoglycerides are normally prepared from hydrogenated fats, with stearate being the most common fatty acid. In a previous study, monoglycerides such as monopalmitate (C16) and monostearate (C18) had positive effects on Canadian short process bread but no improvements on sponge‐and‐dough process (SDP) bread. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of saturated monoglycerides of varying fatty acid chain length (C14–C22) on SDP breadmaking quality by using volume judgment, crumb image analysis, and texture measurements. Higher levels (1.00–1.50%) of all monoglycerides (C14, C16, and C18) significantly (P < 0.05) increased loaf volume and cell diameter. The larger cell diameter with increasing levels of these monoglycerides may have resulted from softer, more extensible dough handling properties and greater gas cell stability during baking. Addition of C16 and C18 caused the largest increase in crumb softness with increasing monoglyceride levels but showed relatively low resilience, which might be related to larger loaf volume (i.e., lower density of bread). However, addition of blended monoglycerides C14+C16 increased crumb softness and loaf volume while partially retaining resilience. Each monoglyceride had a different function in breadmaking quality and somewhat positive effects on SDP.  相似文献   

Up to 15% modified potato starch (MPS) is often added into Korean instant noodle formulas to improve the cooking and eating quality. However, the addition of MPS leads to higher raw material costs. The effect of phosphate salts (PS) on Korean instant‐fried noodle pasting properties was investigated in this research. When 33% of total MPS in the regular Korean instant noodle formula was substituted by a small amount of PS (≤0.3%), the results clearly indicated that all the PS improved the pasting properties of noodle dough and ground instant‐fried noodle powder, especially the peak viscosity of the Rapid ViscoAnalyser (RVA) curves. However, the pasting temperature was affected little by PS except that tripotassium phosphate increased it significantly. The RVA results showed that the pasting properties of ground instant noodle powder were significantly improved when 33% of MPS was substituted by 0.300% dipotassium phosphate. Meanwhile, the pasting properties were close to those of the regular formula ground instant noodle powder when 33% of MPS was substituted by 0.030% monosodium phosphate or 0.300% disodium phosphate. Therefore, we suggest that MPS used in Korea instant‐fried noodle could be partially substituted by the blends of selected PS.  相似文献   

A phosphorylated cross‐linked type 4 resistant wheat starch (RS4) containing 85.5% total dietary fiber (TDF) replaced 5–20% of the whole corn flour in an extruded ring‐shaped ready‐to‐eat breakfast cereal formulation. TDF content of the dry ingredient blend increased by roughly 3.6% for every 5% of added RS4. TDF loss during extrusion processing increased as RS4 level increased; however, a high percentage (78–89%) of the TDF content was retained in the final product. Product density increased as level of RS4 increased, but no effect on the specific mechanical energy was observed. X‐ray microtomography showed that RS4 addition did not affect internal air‐cell wall thickness, air‐cell size, or porosity. Moreover, addition of 5 or 10% RS4 did not affect expansion, physical appearance, initial crispness, or bowl life of the cereal rings. High levels of RS4 (15 and 20%) decreased cereal ring diameter but increased initial (dry) product crispness and extended bowl life. In general, RS4 addition level did not affect moisture content or moisture uptake of cereal rings during soaking in milk. Furthermore, moisture content and moisture uptake did not appear to influence the crispness of milk‐soaked cereal rings.  相似文献   

Ongoing global warming may result in colder soil and thawing cycles and will increase the frequency of soil freezing‐and‐thawing‐treated cycles (FTCs) during winter in the cool‐temperate and high‐latitude regions. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of repeated freeze–thaw cycles on the solubility and adsorption of P in lab and field experiments on Pellustert, Argiustoll, Haplustept, Fluvaquent, and Calciorthid soils, the major soil groups in E Turkey. The results demonstrated that, depending on the soil type, the freeze–thaw cycle could increase the adsorption and desorption of P within a certain temperature range. Repeated freezing and thawing decreased equilibrium P concentration (EPC) and increased P adsorption. EPC and P adsorption were strongly correlated with the number of FTCs. The highest P adsorption and the lowest P desorption was found in Pellustert followed by Argiustoll, Calciorthid, Haplustept, Fluvaquent when refrozen at –10°C for 15 d, then thawed at +2.5°C for 18 h, and 9 times FTC. However, in the field study, the adsorption value was lower than the value obtained from the laboratory condition. It appears that increasing the frequency of freeze–thaw processes depending on increase in temperature that leads to decreased plant‐available soil P pools, thus requires more P fertilizer in soil solution to supply adequate P during the plant‐growth period.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) symptoms, single‐kernel deoxynivalenol (DON) levels, and distribution of DON levels among kernels in response to artificial FHB inoculation were investigated in three selected wheat cultivars that had different reported levels of FHB resistance. DON levels were estimated with near‐infrared spectroscopy. The percentages of DON‐containing spikelets per spike of 15.2, 49.7, and 89.1% were significantly different among point‐inoculated spikes of Everest, Karl 92, and Overley, respectively. The percentage of visually Fusarium‐damaged kernels in point‐inoculated Karl 92 and Overley spikes was significantly higher than for Everest. However, the DON‐containing spikelets per spike and visually Fusarium‐damaged kernels values for spray‐inoculated spikes were not significantly different among the three cultivars. In spray‐inoculated spikes, DON levels in kernels ranged from 0 to 291.3 ppm, whereas the variation of DON levels in spikelet positions was random. In contrast, DON levels in spikelets below the inoculated spikelet in point‐inoculated spikes showed marked differences among the three cultivars. Overley had the highest DON accumulation in kernels. This near‐infrared spectroscopy method may be used as a novel way to evaluate wheat cultivars for FHB resistance to toxin accumulation. Other resistance components such as resistance to pathogen infection and resistance to pathogen spread may also be evaluated.  相似文献   

The consumer acceptance of white salted Asian noodles depends on starch characteristics, and the purpose of this study has been to investigate the potential of exogenous α‐amylases to enhance textural characteristics of this product. Noodles were prepared from commercial flours with low α‐amylase activity, and the endogenous enzyme remained relatively stable during various processing and storage treatments. α‐Amylase preparations of bacterial origin and from barley malt were incorporated, and the products were assessed by texture analysis and electron microscopy, as well as for color characteristics. On addition of the amylase preparations, noodles were softer when texture was assessed using either a flat cylinder probe or an axial blade. Some discoloration occurred in treated noodle sheets, although this was minimal in final products that had been cooked immediately after preparation or following drying. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed that the α‐amylase of bacterial origin had greater impact upon starch than that from barley malt. The results have implications for understanding of the adverse impact of preharvest sprouting on product characteristics. The results show that softer noodles have been obtained at these levels of enzyme additions. This was true for both enzyme preparations used. Differences in hardness (as measured using the flat cylinder probe) were greater than those for firmness (as measured using the axial blade).  相似文献   

Previous investigations have suggested waxy (amylose‐free) wheats (Triticum aestivum L.) possess weak gluten properties and may not be suitable for commercial gluten extraction. This limitation could prevent the use of waxy wheat as a source of unique starch, because gluten is a by‐product of the wheat starch purification process. Fifty waxy wheat lines were used to determine the extent to which gluten protein and other grain quality related traits might vary and, consequently, allow the development of waxy wheat with acceptable gluten properties. Among the waxy lines, significant variation was observed for all measured quality traits with the exception of flour protein concentration. No waxy entries statistically equaled the highest ranking nonwaxy entry for grain volume weight, falling number, flour yield, or mixograph mix time. No waxy lines numerically exceeded or equaled the mean of the nonwaxy controls for falling number, flour yield, or mixograph mix time. For grain and flour protein related variables, however, many waxy lines were identified well within the range of acceptability, relative to the nonwaxy controls used in this study. Approximately 50% of the waxy lines did not differ from the highest ranking nonwaxy cultivar for grain and flour protein concentrations. Forty‐three (86%) of the tested waxy lines were not sig‐nificantly different from the nonwaxy line with the highest mixograph mixing tolerance, 22/50 (44%) of the waxy wheat lines did not differ from the highest ranking nonwaxy line in gluten index scores, and 17/50 (34%) did not differ from the highest ranking nonwaxy line in extracted wet gluten. All waxy experimental lines produced gluten via Glutomatic washing. The quality of the gluten, as measured both by mixograph and gluten index, varied widely among the waxy lines tested. These observations suggest that weak gluten is not a natural consequence of the waxy trait, and waxy cultivars with acceptable gluten properties can be developed.  相似文献   

The effect of instant cooked rice made from giant embryo mutant or ordinary normal rice on the glucose metabolism and antioxidative defense system in mice under a high‐fat (HF) diet condition was investigated. The animals were randomly divided and given experimental diets for seven weeks: normal control diet, HF diet, and HF diet supplemented with instant normal white, normal brown, giant embryonic white, or giant embryonic brown rice. At the end of the experimental period, the HF mice showed a marked increase in the blood glucose level, insulin concentration, and plasma and erythrocyte lipid peroxidation and a significant decrease in the glycogen level relative to the control group. However, diet supplementation with instant cooked giant embryonic and normal brown rice counteracted this high‐fat‐induced hyperglycemia and oxidative stress through regulation of the glucose‐regulating and antioxidant enzyme activities. The giant embryonic brown rice was the most effective in improving the glucose metabolism and antioxidant defense status in mice under the HF diet condition. The results demonstrate that the giant embryo rice mutant may be useful in the development of instant cooked rice with strong hypoglycemic and antioxidative properties.  相似文献   

Long‐grain nonparboiled, long‐grain parboiled, and American basmati‐type brown rice were bombarded with parboiled rice flour particles to create microperforations on the water‐resistant outer layer of the kernels. These microperforations in the treated rice significantly increased the rate of hydration. Optimum conditions to produce microperforations without removal of the bran included air pressure maintained at 413 kPa and a parboiled rice flour average particle size of 124 μm. The optimum blasting time was 40–60 sec, depending on the type of rice. The relative hardness of the fully cooked flour‐blasted rice was the same at half the cooking time of the untreated brown rice but % water absorption of the untreated flour‐blasted brown rice was higher because it required longer time to cook. Overall, untreated brown rice was ≈4.7% higher in % water absorption due to longer cooking time in comparison with the treated counterpart. The blasting treatment resulted in shorter cooking time and firmer and less gummy cooked rice as compared to freshly cooked untreated brown rice.  相似文献   

Resistant starch (RS) ingredients are an attractive option to increase dietary fiber in baked products. This study determined the effect of two forms of cross‐linked and pregelatinized cross‐linked RS, Fibersym‐RW (Fsym) or FiberRite‐RW (FRite), respectively, from wheat on dough and tortilla quality and acceptability. Refined wheat tortillas with 0% (control) to 15% RS (flour basis) were made using a standard baking process. Tortillas with 100% whole white wheat were also made. Physical and rheological properties of dough and tortillas, and sensory profile of tortillas were evaluated. Dough with whole wheat and 15% FRite were significantly harder and less extensible than the control dough; this was related to high water absorption of these doughs. Tortillas with whole wheat and 10–15% FRite were less puffed and denser than the control; however these levels of FRite significantly increased tortilla weight (by up to 6.2%). Dough and tortillas with Fsym were comparable to the control. Dietary fiber (g/100 g, db) increased from 2.8 ± 0.3 in control to 14.3 ± 0.5 and 13.6 ± 0.5 in 15% Fsym and 15% FRite tortillas, respectively. Tortillas with whole wheat were less acceptable than the control in appearance, flavor, and texture, while tortillas with 15% Fsym had higher overall acceptability than the control. Incorporation of 15% cross‐linked wheat RS to increase tortilla dietary fiber is feasible without negatively affecting dough handling and tortilla quality.  相似文献   

余日宽  李怡彬  陈寿辉  宁芊  邓伟 《核农学报》2022,36(8):1618-1628
银耳蒂头是银耳加工的副产物。为探讨银耳蒂头粉对面条品质与风味成分的影响,本研究以小麦面粉为基体,辅助添加不同比例(0%、5%、8%、11%、14%、17%)的银耳蒂头粉,制作银耳小麦复合面条,测定分析复合面条的蒸煮特性、质构、色泽、感官、营养成分及风味化合物。研究发现,随着银耳蒂头粉的质量分数从0%增加到17%,面条的熟断条率从0%上升到8.33%,烹调损失率从2.02%上升到5.52%,白度指数从80.127下降到76.213,咀嚼硬度从543.835 g下降到322.576 g;银耳蒂头粉添加量为11%时,复合面条的感官品质最佳;与普通面条相比,银耳复合面条的氨基酸总量(12.27 g·100 g-1)无显著变化,膳食纤维含量从3.3 g·100 g-1上升到10.0 g·100 g-1,镁、锌、钙和铁矿物质总量从540.637 mg·kg-1上升到603.02 mg·kg-1;银耳蒂头粉对面条的挥发性成分含量影响不明显,但增加了庚醛、己酸、7-甲基十七烷等10种挥发性风味化合物。本研究结果为银耳蒂头的利用和营养功能性面条的开发提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Fresh and dried white salted noodles (WSN) were prepared by incorporating up to 40% flour from hull‐less barley (HB) genotypes with normal amylose, waxy, zero amylose waxy (ZAW), and high amylose (HA) starch into a 60% extraction Canada Prairie Spring White (cv. AC Vista) wheat flour. The HB flours, depending on genotype, contained four to six times the concentration of β‐glucan of the wheat flour, offering potential health benefits. The HB‐enriched noodles were made with conventional equipment without difficulty. Noodles containing 40% HB flour required less work input during sheeting, probably due to higher optimum water absorption and weakening of the dough due to dilution of wheat gluten. The addition of HB flour had a negative impact on WSN color and appearance, as evident from decreased brightness, increased redness, and more visible specking. The impact of HB flour on cooked WSN texture varied by starch type. Enrichment with HA or normal starch HB flour produced WSN with bite and chewiness values equivalent to or superior to the wheat flour control. Addition of waxy and ZAW HB flour resulted in WSN with lower values for bite and chewiness. The diversity of HB starch types allows tailoring of WSN texture to satisfy specific markets. HB flour also has potential as an ingredient in novel noodle products targeting health‐conscious consumers who associate darker colored cereal‐based foods with superior nutritional composition.  相似文献   

Wheat cultivars possessing quality attributes needed to produce optimum quality tortillas have not been identified. This study investigated the effect of variations in high‐molecular‐weight glutenin subunits encoded at the Glu‐1 loci (Glu‐A1, Glu‐B1, and Glu‐D1) on dough properties and tortilla quality. Flour protein profiles, dough texture, and tortilla physical quality attributes were evaluated. Deletion at Glu‐D1 resulted in reduced insoluble polymeric protein content of flour, reduced dough compression force, and large dough extensibility. These properties produced very large tortillas (181 mm diameter) compared with a control made with commercial tortilla wheat flour (161 mm). Presence of a 7 + 9 allelic pair at Glu‐B1 increased dough strength (largest compression force, reduced extensibility, and small‐diameter tortillas). Deletion at Glu‐A1 produced large tortillas (173 mm) but with unacceptable flexibility during storage (score <3.0 at day 16). In general, presence of 2* at Glu‐A1, in combination with 5 + 10 at Glu‐D1, produced small‐diameter tortillas that required large force to rupture (tough texture). Presence of 2 + 12 alleles instead of 5 + 10 at Glu‐D1 produced tortillas with a good compromise between diameter (>165 mm) and flexibility during storage (>3.0 at day 16). These allele combinations, along with deletion at Glu‐D1, show promise for tortilla wheat development.  相似文献   

A Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) in June 2009 concluded that a common mode of action existed for pyrethroids, with two subgroups. The purpose of this SAP was to advise the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on the validity of regulation of pyrethroids as a single class under the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996. Two types of pyrethroid action were first described for clinical signs in the rat and clinical signs/nerve effects in the cockroach. In insects, Type I clinical signs correlate with repetitive firing in nerve axons, especially fine sensory axons. The Na(+) inward current is via a TTX-sensitive voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC). Type II (α-CN) effects on VGSCs do not include repetitive firing following stimulation in these axons. Instead, Type II effects on VGSCs include prolonged Na(+) tail currents along with depolarization of nerve membrane. Other Type II effects have been measured on VG Ca(2+) and K(+) channels and VG and GABA-activated Cl(-) channels. In conclusion, in vivo pyrethroid effects in mammals should be linked with specific channel effects, allowing the use of specific clinical signs or ion channel effects for pyrethroid risk assessment.  相似文献   

As a cover crop, buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) may increase soil‐P availability. Buckwheat was grown in low‐P and P‐fertilized field plots, and organic anions were measured in rhizosphere soil. Soil‐P availability was not affected by buckwheat, but the concentration of rhizosphere tartrate2– was significantly higher (p < 0.005) in low‐P vs. P‐fertilized plots. This suggests that organic‐anion root exudation may have a role in buckwheat‐rhizosphere P dynamics.  相似文献   

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