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Congenital deformities of the lower limb were observed in 2 calves from different properties. One was a newborn Holstein-Friesian bull calf with polydactyly and polypodia of the right fore-limb.The other was an 8-month-old Friesian/Jersey crossbred heifer calf, which had a mirror image duplication of the plantar/palmar half of the distal portion of the digits. The abnormalities in the second calf have not previously been described in cattle. This paper presents details of the clinical, radiological and necropsy findings in these 2 calves.  相似文献   

An outbreak of congenital hydranencephaly and cerebellar hypoplasia occurred between November 1985 and May 1986 in Miyazaki, South Kyushu, Japan. Seventy-three calves had nervous signs of varying severity such as inability to stand, locomotor difficulties, defective vision and difficulty in sucking. At necropsy, 62 calves had macroscopic lesions in the central nervous system: hydranencephaly accompanied by cerebellar hypoplasia in 47; hydranencephaly alone in eight; and dilatation of the lateral ventricle in seven; none had arthrogryposis. Microscopically, all 62 cases involved various degrees of hypoplasia of neural components, such as total or partial thinning of the cerebral or cerebellar laminae. Heterotopia, such as abnormal islands of granule cells or Purkinje cells was also observed. Fourteen of these animals had other lesions such as non-purulent encephalitis, focal gliosis, neuronal degeneration, calcification or pseudocalcification, and cholesterol deposits, activation of vascular endothelial cells and haemorrhage. From the findings, these cases were considered to represent mainly hypoplasia of nerve tissue due to infection with a virus different from Akabane virus.  相似文献   

2013年7月中旬至9月初,厦门市同安区莲花镇某养殖场茶园放养鸡群10%(8/80)的鸡只出现畏寒、发抖、厌食、翅膀紧缩、尾下垂、腹泻等症状,为了解病因及发病风险因素,采用现场勘察、问卷调查和采样检测方法,判定病原可能为大肠杆菌,致病因素可能是家禽饮用水遭到猪粪水污染,据此,向养殖场主提出为家禽提供清洁饮用水和改造猪粪水池的建议。  相似文献   

Dynamics of viral spread in bluetongue virus infected calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The kinetics of viremia and sites of viral replication in bluetongue virus (BTV) infected calves were characterized by virus isolation, serology and immunofluorescence staining procedures. In addition, the role of the regional lymph node and lymphatics draining inoculated skin in the pathogenesis of BTV infection was determined by analyzing efferent lymph collected from indwelling cannulas. Viremia persisted for 35 to 42 days after inoculation (DAI) and virus co-circulated with neutralizing antibodies for 23 to 26 days. Virus was first isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear (PBM) cells at 3 DAI, after stimulation of PBM cells with interleukin 2 and mitogen. BTV was frequently isolated from erythrocytes, platelets and stimulated PBM cells but never from granulocytes and rarely from plasma during viremia. Virus was consistently isolated from erythrocytes late in the course of veremia. Interruption of efferent lymph flow by cannulation delayed the onset of viremia to 7 DAI. BTV was infrequently isolated from lymph cells, and few fluorescence positive cells were observed after lymph and PBM cells were labelled with a BTV-specific monoclonal antibody. Virus was isolated from spleen by 4 DAI and most tissues by 6 DAI, whereas virus was isolated from bone marrow only at 10 DAI. Virus was not isolated from any tissue after termination of viremia. It is concluded that primary viral replication occurred in the local lymph node and BTV then was transported in low titer to secondary sites of replication via infected lymph and PBM cells. We speculate that virus replication in spleen resulted in release of virus into the circulation and non-selective infection of blood cells which disseminated BTV to other tissues. Virus association with erythrocytes likely was responsible for prolonged viremia, although infected erythrocytes eventually were cleared from the circulation and persistent BTV infection of calves did not occur.  相似文献   

An outbreak of lameness of dietary origin in growing calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Doxycycline hyclate (DOX-h) can be regarded as a time-dependant antibacterial. Hence, a parenteral long-acting formulation may be regarded as more pharmacologically sound. A poloxamer-based matrix was used to produce a long-acting injectable preparation (DOX-h-LA) and its serum concentrations vs. time profile investigated after its s.c. injection to calves. Serum concentrations profiles for such a prepartion were compared to the corresponding profiles obtained with an aqueous formulation of DOX-h injected either i.m. or i.v. in 10 calves in a crossover study at dose of 10mg/kg, with washout periods. DOX-h-LA showed the greatest values for bioavailability (602%); maximum serum concentration (C(max)) value was 1.99microg/mL with a time to reach C(max) (T(max)) of 25h and an elimination half-life of 40.81h. Considering minimum effective serum concentration of 0.5microg/mL a dose-interval of 80h can be achieved for DOX-h-LA, and only 9.7h and 17h after the i.v. or i.m. administration of DOX-h, respectively.  相似文献   

Recent epidemiological features of the zoonotic dermatophyte Trichophyton verrucosum were investigated in 294 calves from 20 farms located in Central Italy. By the combination of microscopic examinations and fungal cultures, the total prevalence rate of T. verrucosum infection was found to be high, with 87.7% of samples yielding positive results and 100% of farms being infected. Farm to farm prevalence of infection varied from 25% to 100% of the examined calves. Prevalence rates were higher in females than males (91.6% versus 84%), in >3-< or =6 than >6-< or =9 month old calves (89.8% versus 85.7%), in purebred than in crossbred (88.5% versus 81.8%), and in symptomatic than asymptomatic ones (95.7% versus 80.4%). T. verrucosum was as prevalent in semi-intensive as in intensive breeding system (88.2% versus 87.6%) but more prevalent in calves raised for meat rather than milk production (91.1% versus 84.9%), and reared under conventional than organic production management system (89.3% versus 82.6%). Prevalence rates were also higher when the cattle present in the farm were of mixed origin, rather than when the whole stock was purchased or was born in the farm (92% versus 88.2% and 85.7%), when other cattle in the farm were showing skin signs (90% versus 84.2%), and at least one case of human ringworm was recorded in the farm (90.9% versus 86.1%). No statistically significant association was found. Therefore, T. verrucosum infection may be more widespread in calves from Central Italy than it was previously thought to be. Calves of any sex, breed, age, and of any of the farm condition considered, are highly exposed to the risk of infection. As calves may play a considerable role as reservoirs of the infection, our results highlight the need to determine the incidence and the importance of T. verrucosum ringworm in personnel involved with cattle care in Italy and elsewhere.  相似文献   

An outbreak of acute severe pneumonia which affected six to 14-week-old single-suckled calves, resulted in 45/77 requiring treatment. The examination of paired sera from all affected calves revealed that neither an adenovirus, non infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus nor parainfluenza 3 virus was involved. The acute exudative interstitial pneumonia found at post mortem was typical of pneumonic pasteurellosis.  相似文献   

: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether epidural administration of a xylazine-lidocaine combination accompanied by xylazine sedation would provide satisfactory analgesia for some surgical procedures on 10 calves admitted to the Department of Veterinary Surgery, University of Kafkas with perineal urolithiasis (n:2), rectovaginal fistula (n:1), atresia ani (n:2), omphalophlebitis (n:2), omphaloarteritis (n:1) and umbilical hernia (n:2).Following intramuscular injection of xylazine at a dose of 0.05 mg/kg for sedation, xylazine-lidocaine combination (0.2 mg/kg lidocaine + 0.02 mg/kg xylazine + 5 ml 0.9% NaCl) was administrated into the lumbosacral (L6-S1), sacrococcygeal (S5-Co1) or intercoccygeal (Co1-Co2) space. Heart rate, respiratory rate and rectal temperature were recorded prior to and during analgesia at 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes. Furthermore, depth and duration of analgesia were evaluated during surgical intervention.The study revealed that the combination of epidural xylazine-lidocaine with xylazine sedation was highly satisfactory for surgery of the lower urinary tract and the perineal region, but it was less so for surgery of the umbilical area.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is a gut peptide which participates in growth regulation through its somatotropic, lipogenic and orexigenic effects. Synergism of ghrelin and growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) on growth hormone (GH) secretion has been reported in humans and rats, but not in domestic animals in vivo. In this study, effects of a combination of ghrelin and GHRH on plasma GH and other metabolic parameters, and changes in plasma active and total ghrelin levels were studied in Holstein bull calves before and after weaning. Six calves were intravenously injected with vehicle (0.1% BSA-saline), ghrelin (1 microg/kg BW), GHRH (0.25 microg/kg BW) or a combination of ghrelin plus GHRH at the age of 5 weeks and 10 weeks (weaning at 6 weeks of age). Ghrelin stimulated GH release with similar potency as GHRH and their combined administration synergistically stimulated GH release in preweaning calves. After weaning, GH responses to ghrelin and GHRH became greater compared with the values of preweaning calves, but a synergistic effect of ghrelin and GHRH was not observed. The GH areas under the concentration curves for 2h post-injection were greater in weaned than in preweaning calves (P<0.05) if ghrelin or GHRH were injected alone, but were similar if ghrelin and GHRH were injected together. Basal plasma active and total ghrelin levels did not change around weaning, but transiently increased after ghrelin injection. Basal plasma insulin, glucose and non-esterified fatty acid levels were reduced after weaning, but no changes by treatments were observed. In conclusion, ghrelin and GHRH synergistically stimulated GH release in preweaning calves, but this effect was lost after weaning.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effects of natural zeolite clinoptilolite on absorption of immunoglobulins from colostrum and incidence of enteric diseases were evaluated. In a completely randomised design, thirty Holstein calves were fed pooled colostrum and then milk containing zero (control), 0.5 (T1), 1.0 (T2), 1.5 (T3) and 2.0 (T4) g clinoptilolite per kg body weight per day through day 45. Blood was collected after birth and at 24 h of age and plasma IgG and IgM concentrations were determined. Fecal consistency score and severity of diarrhea were recorded for each calf twice daily. Calves receiving T3 and T4 had lower (P < 0.05) plasma IgG concentration than control and other treatments. Calves on T2 had higher (P < 0.05) plasma IgG concentration than T3 and T4, but not T1 and control. Inclusion of clinoptilolite to colostrum did not affect (P > 0.05) IgM absorption from the intestine of newborn calves. Fecal consistency scores were lower (P < 0.05) for calves on T1 and T2 and higher for calves on T3 and T4 than calves on control. Percent calf days with diarrhea followed the same trend. In overall, seven calves died, those being one each on control and T1, two on T3 and three on T4. Based upon these results, addition of 1.0 g clinoptilolite per kg body weight per day to colostrum and milk could reduce diarrhea, but its effect on passive immunity was negligible. Over 1.0 g/kg body weight per day, clinoptilolite had adverse effect on passive immunity and diarrhea.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine the prevalences of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in dairy calves less than 6 months of age in Norway. Faecal samples were collected from a total of 1386 calves, between 3 and 183 days of age, in 136 dairy farms from three different areas of Norway. Faecal samples were examined for Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts after concentration and immunofluorescent staining.

Giardia was found in 93% (127 out of 136) of the farms and in 49% (679 out of 1386) of the calves. Cryptosporidium was found in 53% (72 out of 136) of the farms and in 12% (167 out of 1386) of the calves. The level of Giardia and/or Cryptosporidium was low in the majority of the infected calves.

Infection peaked in the age group 2–3 months for both Cryptosporidium and Giardia. The prevalences of both parasites were higher in samples taken during winter than in samples taken during summer, and statistically significant differences were found when prevalences in different age groups of calves were compared between the three areas. A significantly lower prevalence of Cryptosporidium was found in calves housed in shared pens that were thoroughly washed more than three times a year than in calves from pens washed less often. For Giardia there was a trend for decreasing intensity of infection with increasing age in the sampled calves. For Cryptosporidium there was a trend for increasing herd prevalence with increasing number of calves in the herd, but this trend was not statistically significant. Other parameters which were investigated such as housing, feeding or management routines were not associated with prevalence or intensity of infection with either parasite.  相似文献   

Correlations between the degree of acidosis and clinical signs (changes in posture, behaviour, intensity of suckling reflex) in neonatal diarrhoeic calves have been described in various studies. However, base excess values varied widely in calves exhibiting similar clinical symptoms. The objective of this study was to elucidate whether the clinical picture of acidotic calves with neonatal diarrhoea is influenced more by D-lactate concentration than by degree of acidosis. Eighty calves up to three weeks old that were admitted to the II Medical Animal Clinic with acute diarrhoea and base excess values between -10 and -25 mmol/L were included in the prospective study. Posture, behaviour, suckling and palpebral reflexes, and position of the eyeballs were scored during the initial examination. Base excess and serum D-lactate and urea concentrations were determined in venous blood. In order to quantify the influences of base excess and d-lactate on the clinical parameters, groups of different clinical categories were compared. The results show that variations in behaviour, and in posture can be better explained by elevations of serum D-lactate concentrations than by decreases in base excess. Disturbances of the palpebral reflex appear to be almost completely caused by high levels of D-lactate.  相似文献   

As part of a series on neurological disorders in ruminant livestock in Australia, this review focuses on the congenital neurogenic disorders of cattle. The genetic pressures that contribute to the emergence of congenital neurogenic disorders, as well as the methods of diagnosis, are discussed. Disorders reviewed are ordered by breed and include arthrogryposis multiplex, fawn calf syndrome, inherited congenital myoclonus and maple syrup urine disease.  相似文献   

Our previous study has revealed that providing dry feeds increased the plasma concentration of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) in suckling calves, leading to altered water balance. To examine whether ketone bodies formed from ruminal fermentation-derived butyrate induced ADH secretion in suckling calves, the effects of intraruminal administration of butyrate on plasma concentration of ADH and ketone bodies, plasma and urine osmolality, and urine volume were examined. Six male Holstein calves aged 4 wk were used. Three levels of butyrate (0 g, 22 g and 44 g) were intraruminally administrated in a 3 × 3 Latin square design, and blood plasma and urine were analyzed. Plasma concentration of ketone bodies was increased by intraruminal administration of butyrate within 15 min in a dose-dependent manner, and the elevation of plasma levels continued until 4 h. Plasma concentration of ADH was also increased by the butyrate treatment, and it was higher in the 44 g butyrate group than in the 22 g butyrate group from 15 min to 2 h. The duration of the elevated plasma concentration of ADH was shorter than that of plasma concentration of ketone bodies. The relationship between plasma concentrations of ADH and those of ketone bodies was statistically significant, although the relationship was weaker. In accordance with the elevation of plasma ADH levels, the butyrate treatment resulted in the decreases in urine volume and increases in urine osmolality. Plasma osmolality was not different among the groups. The present results suggest that ruminal butyrate-derived ketone bodies are at least partly responsible for ADH secretion in suckling calves fed with dry feeds, and that the secreted ADH decreases urine volume through the increase in urine osmolality.  相似文献   

African swine fever (ASF) is one of the most complex infectious swine diseases and the greatest concern to the pig industry owing to its high mortality and no effective vaccines available to prevent the disease. Since the first outbreak of ASF in pig farms, ASF has been identified in 14 pig farms in four cities/counties in South Korea. The outbreak was resolved in a short period because of the immediate control measures and cooperative efforts. This paper reviews the ASF outbreak and the experience of successfully stopping ASF in pig farms in South Korea through active responses to prevent the spread of ASF. In addition, suitable changes to build a sustainable pig production system and collaborative efforts to overcome the dangerous animal disease, such as ASF, are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Extract For several months of the summer-autumn of 1994 there were many reports of blindness, particularly in Western Grey Kangaroos on properties extending from north western Victoria throughout western New South Wales. On some properties, up to 20% of macropods were affected. Many animals probably died, mainly from starvation.  相似文献   

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