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隐孢子虫病诊断研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对隐孢子虫病中几种常见的诊断方法进行了分类、总结;对其操作过程及应用情况做了简要的叙述;并对方法间优缺点进行了初步分析.  相似文献   

应用PCR诊断隐孢子虫病   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
应用聚合酶链反应( P C R)建立了一种诊断人及牛等哺乳动物隐孢子虫病的方法。试验采用甘油漂浮 G3 耐酸漏斗过滤法纯化隐孢子虫卵囊,以液氮冻融法制备模板 D N A,根据隐孢子虫 18 Sr R N A 序列设计 P C R 引物建立其诊断方法。该方法特异性强,可检出鼠隐孢子虫( Cryptosp oridium m uris)和小球隐孢子虫( C.parvum )卵囊;敏感性高,每克粪便可检出 400 个卵囊。初步应用结果表明,所建立的 P C R 方法适合于人、牛等哺乳动物隐孢子虫病的临床诊断和流行病学调查。  相似文献   

隐孢子虫病免疫学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隐孢子虫病(Cryptosporidiosis)是一种全球性的人畜共患病。其病原体为一种寄生性原虫,即隐孢子虫。隐孢子虫属于真球虫目、隐孢科、隐孢属,目前认为其有效种有6个,即感染鱼类的鼻隐抱子虫(C.nasorum)、感染爬行类的响尾蛇隐池子虫(C.crotati)、感染鸟类的火鸡隐抱子虫(C.meleagridis)和贝氏隐抱子虫(C.baileyi)、感染哺乳动物的鼠隐抱子虫(C.muris)和小隐子虫(C.parvum)。现已发现隐抱子虫可寄生于多种脊椎动物,下面就其引起的局部病理变化、免疫器官的反应、免疫反应和免疫诊断等方面述之。1寄生部位与所引起…  相似文献   

隐孢子虫病(Cryptosxporidiosis)是一种全球性的人畜共患病。现已发现隐抱子虫可寄生于多种脊椎动物,其中包括哺乳动物、乌类、爬行类和鱼类。隐强子虫属于真球虫目、隐抱科、隐抱属,目前认为其有效种有6个,即感染鱼类的鼻隐抱子虫(C.nasorum)、感染爬行类的响尾蛇隐抱子虫(C.crotatN、感染鸟类的火鸡隐抱子虫(C。meleagrZdZs)和贝氏隐梅子虫(C.baileyi)、感染哺乳动物的鼠隐抱子虫(C。。urZs)和小隐掴寸一虫(C.parvu。)。下面就其引起的局部病理变化、兔疫器官的反应。免疫反应和免疫诊断等方面综述之。】.寄生…  相似文献   

隐孢子虫病(Cryptosporidiosis)是由隐孢子虫属的寄生虫引起的一种全世界性的人畜共患病。临床上以严重腹泻为主(尤其是反刍动物和人);幼龄动物易感该虫病,且死亡率很高,表现为生长缓慢,呼吸加快,最明显症状为水样腹泻;禽类主要表现为呼吸困难和腹泻。虽然,本病在生产实际中已普遍存在,但是很少引起养殖户和基层兽医工作的重视。  相似文献   

禽隐孢子虫病的诊断与防制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
禽隐孢子虫病的诊断与防制窦新红成本翠(江苏省家禽科学研究所225003)隐孢子虫病(Cryptosporidiosis)是由隐孢子虫属寄生在脊椎动物的呼吸道、消化道、泌尿道和法氏囊等粘膜上皮细胞而引起的一种人兽共患的寄生虫病。1病原与分类隐孢子虫病的...  相似文献   

隐孢子虫病的诊断研究:隐孢子虫卵囊染色标本光镜检查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用5种不同染色方法对病牛粪便涂片染色,藉助卵囊和标本背景染成不同的颜色进行形态观察与鉴别诊断。试验结果,抗酸和Giemsa染色方法较好,负染法可作为大量粪样检查时初筛标本使用。  相似文献   

A method is presented for the rapid cytologic detection of cryptosporidial oocysts in Diff-Quik and modified Kinyoun acid-fast-stained tracheal imprints. On Diff-Quik-stained preparations, cryptosporidial oocysts were observed attached to the apical ends of respiratory epithelial cells or scattered throughout the imprint. These oocysts were round to oval, measured approximately 6 to 7 micron in diameter, and appeared faintly blue with fine pink granules. In modified Kinyoun acid-fast-stained tracheal imprints, the oocysts usually were pink to bright red against a blue background. Cytologic examination of tracheal imprints following Diff-Quik and modified Kinyoun acid-fast staining provides a rapid, reliable, and economical method for diagnosis of respiratory cryptosporidiosis in poultry.  相似文献   

作者以高免血清和隐孢子虫卵囊裂解物等10种药物,对113例人工感染鸡病例分4批次共12组进行了治疗试验,以临床症状、剖检变化、排出卵囊的数量及增重额度等指标判定疗效,其结果表明,高免血清及卵囊裂解物对本病具有良好的治疗效果,尤其高免血清的疗效更佳,为本病的治疗创出了新路。  相似文献   

隐孢子虫病是由不同虫种的隐孢子虫引起的,在世界范围内能够广泛导致人和动物腹泻的疾病。学者们对隐孢子虫的流行情况、预防和治疗展开了广泛的调查研究,一些药物及疫苗等在体内外实验中具有积极的效果。本文就当前隐孢子虫病的流行状况、药物及技术在动物隐孢子虫病防控的应用现状作了介绍。  相似文献   

采用病理组织学方法对某养殖户发病死亡鸡进行观察,在肝、肾观察到大量红细胞和组织细胞病变;提取发病鸡DNA样本,以单管巢式PCR方法检测外源性禽白血病病毒长末端重复序列(LTR),扩增出一条预期长度带,证实该次疫病为外源性禽白血病病毒引发的血管瘤型禽白血病。  相似文献   

A型禽流感病毒核蛋白研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A型禽流感是禽类的重要疾病之一。近年来,随着分子生物学的研究深入,对A型禽流感病毒核蛋白的研究也取得了显著的进展,本文概要综述了A型禽流感病毒核蛋白在诊断A型禽流感方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

采取临床疑似患绵羊痘病绵羊的皮肤、肺脏等组织病料,提取DNA,用建立的多重PCR方法进行检测,两对引物均从病料中扩增出了与预期片段大小一致的两条带。PCR检测快速,便捷,可在基层兽医实验室推广应用。  相似文献   

无乳链球菌检测及其奶牛乳腺炎防治的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文就近年来国内外在无乳链球菌的鉴定、检测方法、防御等方面的研究进展进行了系统性的综述,为控制该病原微生物的传播、蔓延和由无乳链球菌引起的奶牛乳腺炎的防治提供参考。无乳链球菌(Streptococcus agalactiae)属于B群链球菌,是影响人畜健康的重要病原微生物之一。它可以引起新生儿脑膜炎、肺炎、败血病等,又是奶牛乳腺炎的主要病原体之一,给奶牛业造成了巨大的损失。  相似文献   

A Bayesian approach was used to evaluate four immunological assays for the clinical diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis in calves: an immunofluorescence assay (IFA), two ELISA tests and an immunochromatographic (dipstick) assay. Faecal samples from 287 calves aged less than 6 weeks with clinical signs of gastrointestinal disease were examined for the presence of Cryptosporidium spp. The high prevalence (63%) of Cryptosporidium spp. indicated the relevance of this agent in the aetiology of diarrhoea in calves. All diagnostic assays were found to be relatively specific (IFA: 94.8%; Tetra ELISA: 95.9%; Techlab ELISA: 92.7%; dipstick assay: 91.5%) and sensitive (IFA: 97.4%; Tetra ELISA: 93.6%; Techlab ELISA: 95.4%; dipstick: 87.8%). Despite a lower sensitivity, the dipstick assay provided a practical alternative to laboratory diagnosis of clinical cryptosporidiosis in calves.  相似文献   

Fecal samples from eleven calves experimentally infected with cryptosporidia were examined by two methods to evaluate their sensitivity and ease of use as diagnostic techniques. Comparison of a dichromate solution floatation and fecal smear techniques indicated that the former method was more sensitive. Oocysts were detected in feces earlier and for a longer period following exposure, and were easier to visualize using the dichromate solution floatation procedure. In addition, the dichromate solution floatation technique eliminated Candida albicans which can sometimes be confused with cryptosporidial oocysts in fecal smears. Another advantage was that oocysts could readily be detected in fecal samples stored as long as 120 days in dichromate solution. Using the dichromate solution floatation technique, it was shown that shedding of cryptosporidial oocysts in feces occurred from two to 20 days after oral challenge but was not always accompanied by diarrhea. Infection with cryptosporidia was confirmed in two calves at necropsy. Calves which were not sacrificed for portmortem examination recovered without treatment. The dichromate solution floatation technique is simple, rapid, inexpensive and should facilitate detection of cryptosporidia by diagnostic laboratories and some veterinary practitioners.  相似文献   

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