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暴发性水牛巴氏杆菌病的发生与控制 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
峡江县于2002年9~11月,先后在巴邱、仁和、戈坪等8个乡镇发生暴发性水牛巴氏杆菌病疫情,病牛以呼吸困难、死亡率高为特征,2个多月共发生病牛486头,死亡102头,死亡率21%,发病率和死亡率分别占全县存栏牛的1.3%和0.3%。根据发病情况、临床症状、病理变化和实验室检验结果,诊断为牛巴氏杆菌病。 相似文献
水牛巴氏杆菌病的防治 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3
1 发病情况 我县升金湖畔的白笏乡4个村于1999年5月9~16日内,有72头水牛(多为1岁左右)突然发病,其中,19头暴死湖中、湖边牧场或夜间死于牛舍内.笔者于5月19日赶赴疫点进行调查、会诊,初诊为水牛巴氏杆菌病.其特征为:高热、呼吸困难、内脏器官广泛性出血和喉颈部炎性水肿. 相似文献
水牛巴氏杆菌病的诊治熊天福江道和李晓东(安徽省宁国县畜牧兽医站242300)1994年8~10月间,我县陆续发生了多起水牛急性死亡病例。疫情涉及12个乡24个村37个组,患病牛79头,死亡64头。经过流行病学、临床症状、病理剖检及实验室检验等综合诊断... 相似文献
综合治疗水牛巴氏杆菌病叶长发,梁长均(长泰县牧医学会363900)1994年5月下旬至8月上旬,长泰县的武安、岩溪、枋洋3个镇有11个村的水牛相继发生水牛巴氏杆菌病,共发病53头、死亡25头,病死亡率为47.17%.青壮年牛32头,占60.38%,小... 相似文献
1995年9~10月间,我县洪湖区、梦溪区的12个乡镇及七里湖、嘉山2个县直农场暴发了一次畜禽巴氏杆菌病,疫情涉及到113个村,共发病牛22头,猪12600余头,鸡17680只,鸭2260只.死亡牛6头,猪6581头,鸡13200只,鸭1126只.1流行病学调查根据1990年编印的《道县畜禽疫病普查资料》和笔者在该县15年的畜禽疫病防治工作经历,我县畜禽巴氏杆菌病历年只有零星散发,未发生过流行性与暴发性的疫情.这次疫情从9月16日在洪湖区的官境开始,由东向西北方向蔓延,10月5日前后达到高峰,洪湖区、梦溪区的12个乡镇和2个县直农场均发生了疫情.疫情发… 相似文献
一起獭兔暴发巴氏杆菌病的诊治 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
一起獭兔暴发巴氏杆菌病的诊治冉多良,白莉,李建强,姚新奎(新疆八一农学院动医系,乌鲁木齐830052)-、流行情况新疆八一农学院三坪农场笼养獭兔1000余只,1994年1月中旬饲养员发现獭兔的死亡数由每天2~3只,增到35只左右,部分死亡獭兔临死前无... 相似文献
1 发病情况 2003年9月本县邻近的江西省某县有零星发生水牛急性死亡病例。10月8日地处两省交界交通要道的本县某村农户1头水牛在无任何临床症状的情况下放牧回舍途中突然死亡,当时村兽医判断可能是中毒死亡。第3天同村的2头水牛突然死亡,隔日相邻的另二个村各有1头水牛死亡。10月15日市动物疫病诊断中心化验室用细菌培养法确诊病原为多杀性巴氏杆菌,在采取药物治疗的同时, 相似文献
水牛肺炎型巴氏杆菌病的诊治 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1996年6月,安徽省贵池市城北养牛场的水牛发生了以体温升高、呼吸困难、下痢为特征的疾病,经诊断为巴氏杆菌病。现报告如下。1发病情况该牛场于1994年建成,发病前有牛132头(水牛105头、黄牛27头),多是从本地农户购进。6月11日,从本市江口乡购... 相似文献
牛附红细胞体病的诊疗报告 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2003年6月,广西荔浦县新坪镇江某饲养的本地水牛发生以贫血、黄疸、消瘦及死亡为特征的疾病。经综合临床症状、流行病学资料、剖检变化、实验室检验及药物治疗等,初步诊断为牛附红细胞体病。该县发生牛附红细胞体病尚属首次,现将该病的诊疗经过报告如下。 相似文献
SMITH HC 《Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association》1954,124(923):147-148
Following preliminary studies with detomidine hydrochloride in 10 young buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis), the effects of an intramuscular injection of 40 /ixg.kg-1 were studied in 6 healthy buffaloes of VA to 2 years of age, weighing between 85 and 140 kg. Arterial blood pressure, central venous pressure, heart rate, electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, respiratory rate, arterial pH, arterial and venous blood gases and rectal temperature were monitored before, and for an hour after, intramuscular injection of detomidine. Marked ataxia and sternal recumbency occurred within 10 minutes of injection, and an apparent complete recovery occurred in about 90 minutes. The electroencephalograms never demonstrated the high-voltage-low-frequency wave forms normally associated with sedation, but the animals appeared well sedated.
After injection there was marked decrease in heart rate which then tended to increase but it remained significantly (P < 0.05) below pre-injection values at 60 minutes. The mean arterial pressure increased initially, especially when electrocardiogram showed AV block, but after 15 minutes it had declined to below pre-injection values. These changes in the arterial blood pressure were, however, not statistically significant. Central venous pressure tended to increase during sedation but except at 30 minutes this increase was not statistically significant.
Rectal temperature, arterial pH, arterial carbon dioxide tension, standard bicarbonate and cranial vena caval oxygen tension did not show any significant variation. Respiratory rate and arterial oxygen tension decreased significantly. 相似文献
After injection there was marked decrease in heart rate which then tended to increase but it remained significantly (P < 0.05) below pre-injection values at 60 minutes. The mean arterial pressure increased initially, especially when electrocardiogram showed AV block, but after 15 minutes it had declined to below pre-injection values. These changes in the arterial blood pressure were, however, not statistically significant. Central venous pressure tended to increase during sedation but except at 30 minutes this increase was not statistically significant.
Rectal temperature, arterial pH, arterial carbon dioxide tension, standard bicarbonate and cranial vena caval oxygen tension did not show any significant variation. Respiratory rate and arterial oxygen tension decreased significantly. 相似文献
为了对比水牛奶与代乳粉对水牛生长发育及营养物质代谢的影响,试验选取初生犊牛16头,根据犊牛出生顺序依次分为对照组(8头)和试验组(8头),以克服出生时对各组产生的差异。对照组饲喂水牛奶,试验组饲喂能量水平实测值为20.35 MJ/kg的代乳粉。饲养试验从水牛犊牛7日龄之后计起,持续90 d,饲养试验期间水牛犊牛自由采食精料及饲草。饲养试验结束时,即从水牛犊牛的90日龄起从饲养试验的水牛犊牛中每组选出4头开始为期8天的消化代谢试验,消化代谢的前5天为适应期,后3天为粪尿样采集期。试验结果表明,在试验期间,两组犊牛的平均日增重分别为0.51 kg/d、0.34 kg/d,水牛奶组与代乳粉组间差异极显著(P0.01),水牛奶组的总能和总氮摄入也显著高于代乳粉组(P0.05);水牛奶组和代乳粉组犊牛对饲料能量的利用效率差异均不显著(P0.05);水牛奶组对氮的利用效率高于代乳粉组;水牛奶组的90日龄体重、胸围、腹围、胸宽和胸深显著高于代乳粉组(P0.05)。由此可知,提高饲粮的能量水平有利于水牛犊牛的能量代谢、氮代谢和生长发育。 相似文献
Pasteurellosis in sheep 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
N J Gilmour 《The Veterinary record》1978,102(5):100-102
Pasteurellosis is an important cause of economic loss to the sheep industry. There are two distinct syndromes. The pneumonic form of the disease caused by P haemolytica biotype A occurs as pneumonia in flocks and sporadically in individual sheep. The septicaemic form, caused by P haemolytica biotype T is associated with hyper-acute disease and occurs most commonly in the autumn coinciding with the folding of hoggs on rape, turnips and improved pastures. The factors which predispose sheep to the different forms of the disease are poorly understood but recently it has been possible to reproduce pasteurella pneumonia experimentally. 相似文献
KERNKAMP HC 《Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association》1953,123(918):208-209
Non-surgical embryo recovery in the water buffalo 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
M B Ocampo R S Uenishi C A Valdez J Pastor L Cruz H Kanagawa 《The Japanese journal of veterinary research》1988,36(3-4):257-263