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苹果苗木及幼树促分枝技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
具有较好分枝状况的苹果苗木在栽植后更易于形成理想的树形而使果园实现早产和丰产以获得更好的经济效益,因而成为多个国家苹果矮化密植栽培的必要条件.与世界苹果生产水平较先进国家对苹果苗木促分枝技术的研究和应用较为深入和成熟的现状相比较,尽管我国苹果产业发展对苗木的要求越来越高,苗木促分枝方面的研究和应用还较为缺乏.除此之外,...  相似文献   

以2年生苹果"烟富3号"乔化苗、中间砧苗、自根砧和1年生普通中间砧苗为研究对象,测定短截处理和普洛马林处理间分枝数目、分枝长度、分枝角度、分枝高度的差异,探讨短截和普洛马林处理对不同砧木类型的苹果苗木分枝与生长特性的影响,为生产多分枝大苗及缩短果树整形周期提供参考。结果表明:70cm短截的2年生乔化苗与常规方法繁育的中间砧苗经1 000mg·kg~(-1)普洛马林促分枝处理,有效分枝数目、长度、角度适中,分枝高度合理,达到了理想的促分枝效果,为其提早整形奠定基础。  相似文献   

总结了生产上关于提高苹果苗木栽植成活率的技术,包括苗木栽植时间、苗木保存、苗木浸泡处理、栽植坑的处理,苗木栽植浇水、施肥、保护等方面的成功经验,为提高苗木栽植成活率提供参考。  相似文献   

为指导苹果栽植,以1年生秦脆/M26苹果苗为试材,研究了栽植时期对新疆伊犁苹果幼树成活率和生长的影响。结果表明:4月15—27日栽植的幼树成活率达97%,5月6日栽植的幼树成活率为92%。4月15日栽植的苹果幼树高度、中心干延长头长度、主干直径、主枝数量、长枝数量和植株生长量均最大。随着栽植时期的延后,植株主干直径和中心干延长头长度呈现逐渐变小的趋势;5月6日栽植的苹果幼树中心干延长头长度和主干直径最小;4月27日栽植的苹果植株春梢长度和枝条长度均最小。4月15日栽植的植株春梢停长期、秋梢生长期和秋梢停长期早于其他栽植时期,5月6日栽植的植株物候期最晚。聚类分析时将5个栽植时期分了2类,4月15日和4月22日为一类,因此,4月15—22日是伊犁春季栽植苹果的适宜时期。  相似文献   

对陕西省铜川市新区、洛川县、合阳县、白水县、长武县等地苹果苗木栽植深度进行了一次系统调查。发现陕西省苹果苗木普遍存在栽植过深、嫁接品种主干生根的现象,结合陕西省富士苹果苗木生根的特点,提出了苹果苗木适宜栽植深度的建议。  相似文献   

河北省曲阳县春季干旱多风,造成苹果新栽幼树成活率低,新建果园整齐度差。为此,2012年春季我们建园栽植时开展了套塑料膜袋的试验,取得了明显效果。现将结果总结简报如下。 1 材料与方法 1.1试验材料试验苗木为3年生SH系矮化中间砧富士苹果苗;试验套袋为塑料薄膜袋,袋宽10cm左右,长度因苗木高度而定。试验地设在曲阳县寺南庄村,平原耕地、壤土,海拔67m。  相似文献   

以当年春季单芽腹接在SH40矮化中间砧红富士苹果苗为试材,于3个时期分别进行摘心、摘心+摘叶、涂抹苹果整形1号、喷施苹果整形2号处理。结果表明:3个时期的4种措施均能显著提高苹果苗的总分枝数及大于5 cm分枝数及分枝平均长度;多数处理的干径、主根粗及侧根数有所提高,涂抹苹果整形1号和喷施苹果整形2号2种措施的效果明显好于摘心和摘心+摘叶;涂抹苹果整形1号和喷施苹果整形2号对苗木生长影响的总体效果差异不明显。  相似文献   

淦露 《现代园艺》2014,(5):102-103
结合笔者参与的工程项目,从绿化苗木的选购、栽种、养护等一系列过程阐述了做好园林绿化苗木种养管理应采取的各项措施及控制方法,供大家参考。  相似文献   

李文清 《花卉》2021,(4):132-133
随着人们生活水平的不断提高,对园林绿化和生态环境的需求也逐渐增加.不断完善城市园林绿化工作,能够改善生态环境,减少空气中的污染并提高空气质量,帮助人们放松心情、缓解压力,因此园林绿化在城市建设中至关重要.基于此,本文深入探究园林绿化相关工作中存在的主要问题,并进一步探究苗木栽植和苗木养护的相关技术,希望能对当前园林绿化...  相似文献   

不同砧根的苹果苗木对各种土壤的适应能力有很大差异,例如在盐碱地果园栽植山定子砧根的苹果苗木,缺素症状会日益严重,造成树势衰弱甚至死树。砧木是果树的根系,根是果树生长发育的重要营养器官。根系对土壤是否适应,直接影响着树体的生长与结果。因此,购买苹果苗木除应认准品种、选好等级外,还应认准砧根。  相似文献   

试验以2个桃品种(南方早红和大久保)1 a生幼树为试材,研究了光合年变化和落叶期早晚与营养生长的关系。结果表明,2个品种桃6月份光合速率日变化呈双峰曲线,最高峰在11:00,次峰在14:00—15:00;8月份光合速率曲线呈单峰,最高峰在13:00。日光合总量的季节变化也呈双峰,分别在5月和8月。4—8月南方早红单位面积月光合总量占年总量的94.15%,大于大久保同时期的比值。南方早红落叶晚于大久保,且抽生新梢能力强于大久保。因而,南方早红9—10月光合面积的增大对单株年光合总量增加的贡献略高于大久保。实验认为,南方早红4—8月高的光合能力和9—10月落叶期晚对其旺盛的营养生长都具有重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

低接换头对苹果树体生长及叶片光合特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对果园郁闭、腐烂病严重的苹果树体进行低接换头是果园改造和品种更新的新技术。以1995年定植2006年低接换头的苹果树为试验对象,调查了树体生长和叶片光合特性。结果表明,矮砧苹果低接换头的红富士、嘎拉树,低接后前3 a生长速度较高接换头慢;4~5 a生长速度加快,赶上甚至超过高接换头苹果树。低接换头第5年,树高2.8~3...  相似文献   

成龄苹果树形改造对根系生长分布的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以成龄红富士苹果为试材,应用壕沟法研究小冠疏层形改造成高干开心形对根系分布状况的影响。结果表明:垂直分布上,改造树总根数增加,直径小于2mm的吸收根密集分布于20~40cm土层,而对照则分布于0~20cm;改造树和对照树水平分布最高峰分别出现在距树干100~120cm和60~80cm处。改造树根干重显著高于对照,提高了13.4%。可见,小冠疏层形改造为高干开心形后,根数目、干重增加;根系向下延伸,向外扩展。  相似文献   

通过对密植苹果园的土壤养分进行测定,根据测定结果,进行配方施肥。结果表明,施钾肥能够提高产量、改善果实外观及内在品质,其中以施用NP+K2SO。的配方肥料,对苹果产量的增加效果最好。  相似文献   

半根供铁对苹果砧木幼苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用分根技术在水培条件下研究了半根供铁对苹果砧木幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,一半根系供铁不仅未影响植株对铁营养的需求,甚至在处理初期植株的铁吸收总量和铁吸收速率还略有提高。一半根系供铁苹果砧木小金海堂和山定子叶片活性铁质量分数均未降低,而且与对照相比无叶片黄化的现象。因此,通过半根供铁的方式来改善苹果砧木幼苗的生长,为进一步研究砧木缺铁适应性反应的调控部位打下基础,也为今后缺铁的矫正和提高铁素利用效率提供了一条新的思路。  相似文献   

The effects of night interruption (NI) were examined on the vegetative growth and flowering of Cymbidium ‘Red Fire’ and ‘Yokihi’. Plants were grown under 9/15 h ambient light/dark (control), 9 h ambient light plus night interruption (22:00–02:00 h) with low light intensity at 3–7 μmol m−2 s−1 (LNI) and 9 h ambient light plus NI with high light intensity at 120 μmol m−2 s−1 (HNI) conditions. The number of leaves, leaf length, number of pseudobulbs and pseudobulb diameter increased in both LNI and HNI compared to controls for both cultivars. While none of the control plants flowered within 2 years, 100% of the ‘Yokihi’ and 80% of the ‘Red Fire’ plants grown under HNI condition flowered. In the LNI group, 60% of the plants flowered in both cultivars. Plants in the HNI group showed a decreased time to visible inflorescence and flowering than those in the LNI group. The number of inflorescences and florets were greater in the plants grown under HNI than those in the LNI group. The tallest plants at flowering were in the HNI group in both cultivars. NI with low light intensity can be used effectively to promote flower induction with increased growth rate during the juvenile stage in Cymbidium. To obtain high quality plants, however, NI with high light intensity strategies should be considered.  相似文献   

苹果汁色泽相关性状的遗传   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对3个苹果杂交组合后代及其亲本品种的原汁和浓缩汁的透光度(T625)和吸光度(A420)及贮藏6个月后的变化值(△T625和△A420)进行了评价。结果表明,3个组合杂交后代苹果原汁和浓缩汁(10%稀释液)的平均透光度非常近于或略低于亲本的亲中值,组合传递力很高(大于或近于100%),平均吸光度均大于亲中值,组合遗传力很高(大于100%)。杂交后代的透光度和吸光度均表现出连续性的分离,表现为数量性状的特点。3个组合后代中原汁透光度(T625)大于98%所占的比率在60.87%~69.23%,浓缩汁(10%稀释液)透光度大于98%的在6.67%~19.70%;原汁吸光度(A420)小于0.2的为28.57%~46.15%,而多数浓缩汁吸光度均小于0.3。通过杂交选育果汁色泽浅的新品种是可行的。  相似文献   

Tree planting has been favoured in many North American cities, including Montreal which aims to increase its canopy from 20% to 25% in 2025. However, the mortality rate of street trees is especially high in the first few years after planting. Studies have shown that variables that are intrinsic to the tree and those related to its location, the urban form and the socio-demographic characteristics of the surrounding environment are significantly associated either with trees’ survival rate or with vegetation cover. In this research we examine variables that have statistical associations with tree growth, which is the diameter at breast height divided by the number of years on the ground, for approximately 28,000 street trees in Montreal. Independent variables were nested into three spatial scales: the tree (species and physical variables), the street section (urban form variables), and the census tract (socio-demographic variables). Multilevel models reveal that 65.51% of the growth variance is potentially explained by the species and planting physical conditions such as the east and north sides (positive associations with the growth), signage as an obstruction (negative association). 28.54% of the grow variance is potentially explained by the urban form, in our case building age (convex relationship with the growth), mixed zoning (negatively) and residential zoning (positively). At the neighbourhood level, although none of our variables is significant, 6.95% of the growth variance is be potentially explained by other missing variables. New planting programs should hence consider the urban form in order to improve tree growth.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2007,111(4):371-377
The effects of rootstocks (M9 and MM 106), cultivars (Granny Smith and Stark Spur Golden) and growth promoting rhizobacteria (OSU-142, OSU-7, BA-8 and M-3) on the tree growth and yield at apple (Malus domestica Borkh) trees were studied in a clay loam soil in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey in 2002–2004. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) were capable of producing indole acetic acid (IAA) and cytokinin, but three of them (OSU-7, BA-8 and M-3) were also able to dissolve phosphate. Maximum shoot number of apple trees was found after inoculation with BA-8 followed by OSU-7 and M-3. All the inoculated PGPR strains contributed to the increase in fruit yield of apple when compared to control but it was strongly depended on rootstocks, cultivars and treatments. Plant growth responses were variable and dependent on bacterial strains, rootstock and cultivar and growth parameters evaluated of young apple trees. Newly planted apple trees inoculated with OSU-142, OSU-7, BA-8 and M-3 PGPR increased average shoot length by 59.2, 18.3, 7.0 and 14.3% relative to the control and fruit yield by 116.4, 88.2, 137.5 and 73.7%, respectively. Bacterial inoculation increased shoot diameter from 7.0 to 16.3% when compared to control. The production of plant growth hormones has been suggested as one of the mechanisms by which PGPRs stimulate young apple sapling growth. The growth-promoting effect appears to be direct, with possible involvement of the plant growth regulators indole-3-acetic acid and cytokinin. In view of environmental pollution due to excessive use of fertilizers and high costs of the production of fertilizers, PGPR strains tested in our study have potential to be used for the sustainable and environmentally benign horticultural production.  相似文献   

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