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Transmission of ovine herpesvirus-2 (OvHV-2) in sheep via natural contact and nasal secretions was examined. OvHV-2-free lambs were produced by separating newborn lambs from their mothers within 5 days of birth and raising them in an isolation facility. Transmission experiments via natural contact were conducted by keeping OvHV-2-free lambs with OvHV-2-infected sheep of different ages. Six of the infected ewes in this experiment were pregnant and gave birth during the experimental period. OvHV-2 was not transmitted from the adult sheep, though viral DNA was consistently detected in their peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL). On the other hand, OvHV-2 was transmitted from recently infected lambs to sheep at 10 or 12 weeks after the onset of contact. In addition, we attempted the experimental transmission of OvHV-2 via nasal secretions, by transferring nasal washings from infected sheep to the nostrils of uninfected sheep. Sheep receiving the nasal washings from infected adult sheep maintained their negative status for 15 months, whereas sheep receiving nasal washings from recently infected lambs acquired OvHV-2 by 8 months. The results of these experiments support that OvHV-2 is more easily transmitted to negative sheep by recently infected lambs than by adult sheep. Further, it is supposed that the nasal cavity is a portal for entry and shedding of infectious OvHV-2 in sheep.  相似文献   

Sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) due to infection with ovine herpesvirus 2 (OvHV-2) is common in commercial herds of American bison ( Bison bison). Inability to propagate OvHV-2 in vitro has been a constraint on experimental studies of the disease. We sought to establish whether nasal secretions from sheep that shed OvHV-2 might induce the disease in bison and to define a minimum challenge dose. Fourteen bison were nebulized with sheep nasal sections containing 10(3)-10(7) OvHV-2 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) copies. Most challenged bison (11/14, 78.6%) developed clinical signs at 29-52 days postnebulization (DPN). The mean incubation time was 42.18 (+/-7.33 SD) DPN. Using real-time polymerase chain reaction, we detected OvHV-2 DNA in peripheral blood leukocytes at 21-31 DPN. All bison that developed MCF had antibodies against the MCF group viruses. Gross and histologic lesions were typical of the acute disease. There was no morphologic evidence of a dose-related difference in the severity or distribution of lesions. This is the first successful reproduction of MCF in bison using a nasal route of exposure. Experimentally challenged bison are more susceptible to MCF, compared with experimentally challenged domestic cattle in a previous experiment. Bison are a pertinent ruminant species in which the pathogenesis of the disease can be investigated.  相似文献   

Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF), a frequently fatal herpesviral disease primarily of ruminant species, has been sporadically reported in pigs. All cases of naturally occurring porcine MCF reported to date have been linked to ovine herpesvirus 2 (OvHV-2), a gammaherpesvirus in the genus Macavirus carried by sheep. Experimental induction of MCF by aerosolization of the virus in nasal secretions collected from infected sheep has been successful in bison, cattle and rabbits. The goals of this study were to determine the susceptibility of pigs to MCF following experimental intranasal inoculation of OvHV-2, and to characterize the disease. Twelve pigs in four groups were nebulized with 10(5), 10(6), 10(7), or 10(8) DNA copies of OvHV-2 from sheep nasal secretions. Three control pigs were nebulized with nasal secretions from uninfected sheep. Three additional pigs were inoculated intravenously with 10(7) DNA copies of OvHV-2 to evaluate this route of infection with cell-free virus. Seven of twelve intranasally challenged pigs became infected with OvHV-2. Five of these seven, all in higher dose groups, developed MCF. Lesions resembled those reported in natural cases of porcine MCF. The most striking and consistent histological lesions were in trachea, lung, kidney and brain. These comprised mucopurulent tracheitis, interstitial pneumonia, necrotizing arteritis-periarteritis, and nonpurulent meningoencephalitis. No infection was established in the intravenously challenged or control groups. The study showed that MCF can be experimentally induced in pigs by aerosol challenge using sheep nasal secretions containing OvHV-2. Domestic pigs are a natural clinically susceptible host for sheep-associated MCF. They represent a useful, cost-effective model for MCF research.  相似文献   

Three bison herds in Colorado experienced high mortality from malignant catarrhal fever (MCF). In comparison with cattle, the bison had a more rapidly progressive disease, fewer clinical signs, and milder inflammatory histologic lesions. There was consistent association with ovine herpesvirus-2 (OHV-2). Contact with sheep was not consistent. Of 17 animals in herd A, 15 died of acute MCF; 1 was slaughtered while healthy; and 1 developed clinical signs of MCF, was treated with corticosteroids and antibiotics, and died of fungal abomasitis and rhinitis after 5 months. In herds B and C, approximately 300 of 900 and 18 of 20 died of MCF following brief clinical disease. The nearest sheep were 1 mile away from herd A, but direct contact with sheep could be documented in herds B and C. Complete gross and histologic examinations were conducted on 34 animals, including all animals in herd A, and MCF was diagnosed in 31. In addition, field necropsies were performed on all dead animals in herd B and most in herd C and MCF was diagnosed on the basis of the gross lesions in most animals. Clinical signs of each animal in herd A were recorded. Illness was brief, usually 8-48 hours. Clinical signs were subtle; separation from the herd was often observed. In all 3 herds, hemorrhagic cystitis and multifocal ulceration of the alimentary tract were consistently found at necropsy. Mild lymphocytic vasculitis was present in multiple organs. Ovine herpesvirus-2 was found by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in 71 of 105 formalin-fixed tissue specimens from 29 of 31 animals with MCF. In herd A, blood samples from 13 animals were collected at 5 time points and tested by PCR for the presence of OHV-2 viral sequences in peripheral blood leukocytes. Nine bison with a positive PCR test and 4 with negative results prior to clinical illness died of MCF.  相似文献   

A private zoological facility experienced an outbreak of malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) in 3 bongo antelope (Tragelaphus eurycerus). All cases were periparturient bongos that presented acutely anorectic beginning ~6 weeks after being housed with a Nubian ibex. Disease quickly progressed to respiratory distress and death within 24-72 hours of onset of clinical signs. Consistent gross findings in affected bongos were pulmonary edema and small pale tan foci in the livers. Histological lesions included a nonsuppurative vasculitis in multiple tissues, which is well recognized in MCF, but additionally included necrotizing cholangiohepatitis and neutrophilic, necrotizing myocarditis. Ibex-associated viral DNA was detected by polymerase chain reaction and was identical in sequence whether derived from bongos or ibex. The sequence closely matched an MCF viral DNA fragment that had been amplified from an ibex and bongo in a previous case report.  相似文献   

Two case histories are presented to illustrate the clinical and pathological findings of a malignant catarrhal fever-like disease as seen in farmed red deer in New Zealand. Attention is drawn to the similarities with some exotic diseases and the suggestion is made that deer may act as a reservoir for the aetiological agent.  相似文献   

Two case histories are presented to illustrate the clinical and pathological findings of a malignant catarrhal fever-like disease as seen in farmed red deer in New Zealand. Attention is drawn to the similarities with some exotic diseases and the suggestion is made that deer may act as a reservoir for the aetiological agent.  相似文献   

About 90% of bovine malignant catarrhal fever (BMCF) PCR-positive cases in South Africa are caused by alcelaphine herpesvirus-1 (AlHV-1) and the other 10% by ovine herpesvirus-2 (OvHV-2). The prevalence of OvHV-2 in different sheep breeds in South Africa was determined in order to investigate whether the lower incidence of BMCF caused by OvHV-2 in comparison with AlHV-1 can be ascribed to a low incidence of the virus in sheep. A single-tube hemi-nested PCR was developed, evaluated and applied to detect OvHV-2 DNA. The prevalence of the virus in 4 sheep breeds from various regions in South Africa was shown to be 77%. No statistically significant difference was found amongst the sheep breeds tested.  相似文献   

Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) is a usually fatal infectious disease of cattle with global distribution. Based on the recent introduction of a diagnostic PCR assay and a competitive inhibition ELISA (ciELISA) epidemiological data were collected on field cases in Switzerland. Throughout a three-year period, an MCF incidence of 0.6@1000 was observed, with a gradient of cases from Eastern to Western Switzerland. While the cantons Wallis, Vaud and Geneva reported no and the remaining western cantons only reported a few cases, the highest incidence was observed in the cantons Appenzell Innerrhoden, Lucern, Glarus, Grison, St. Gallen, Schwyz, and Thurgau. MCF occurred seasonally and an age-related clustering was also observed. About 50% of all cases and all outbreaks with more than one animal in a single herd occurred between April and June. Animals between six months and two years were strongly over represented. Observations on four surviving cattle showed that the outcome of the disease is not invariably fatal and that these persistently infected cows can produce healthy negative calves. Investigations on the aetiology indicate that the main reservoir for OvHV-2 is in sheep and possibly goats, while cattle do not normally harbor the virus. An OvHV-2 negative sheep herd was raised from lambs, which were reared colostrum-free and in isolation from their mothers. The success rate clearly indicated that vertical intrauterine infection is not the main mode of transmission among sheep. Therefore, horizontal, seasonally occurring transmission of OvHV-2 among sheep has to be assumed.  相似文献   

Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) is a frequently fatal lymphoproliferative disease syndrome primarily of ruminant species, caused by gammaherpesviruses in the genus Macavirus. Ovine herpesvirus 2 (OvHV-2), carried by sheep, causes sheep-associated MCF worldwide, while Alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 (AlHV-1), carried by wildebeest, causes wildebeest-associated MCF, mainly in Africa. Diseases in rabbits can be induced by both viruses, which are clinically and pathologically similar; however, recent studies revealed different expression of viral genes associated with latency or lytic replication during clinical disease between the two viruses. In this study, we further characterized experimentally induced MCF in rabbits by nebulization with OvHV-2 from sheep nasal secretions to elucidate the course of viral replication, along with in vivo incorporation of 5-Bromo-2'-Deoxyuridine (BrdU), to evaluate lymphoproliferation. All six rabbits nebulized with OvHV-2 developed MCF between 24 and 29 days post infection. OvHV-2 DNA levels in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) remained undetectable during the incubation period and increased dramatically a few days before onset of clinical signs. During the clinical stage, we found that predominantly lytic gene expression was detected in PBL and tissues, and both T and B cells were proliferating. The data showed that the viral gene expression profile and lymphoproliferation in rabbits with OvHV-2 induced MCF were different from that in rabbits with AlHV-1 induced MCF, suggesting that OvHV-2 and AlHV-1 may play a different role in MCF pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) is a mostly fatal lymphoproliferative disease of cattle. In 1995 a PCR based method was introduced for the detection of the ovine herpesvirus 2 (OvHV-2), which is regarded as the causative agent of the sheep-associated form of the disease. This PCR can be regarded as a gold standard for the in vivo diagnosis of sheep-associated MCF in cattle (Müller-Doblies et al., 1998). This semi-nested PCR was now used as a reference test for the reassessment of diagnostic criteria in the clinical and post mortem diagnosis that could previously not be quantitated. Based on 83 suspected cases with a complete clinical record the clinical signs were weighted and grouped according to their sensitivity and specificity into lead signs indicative of MCF and frequently accompanying signs supportive for the diagnosis of MCF and general clinical signs that were less reliable for the diagnosis. Differential diagnoses are discussed, which are of particular significance due to their status as OIE list A diseases e.g. foot-and-mouth disease or rinderpest. 38 PCR confirmed cattle with MCF served for the quantitative analysis of organ lesions. For the post mortem diagnosis an essential set of organ samples is defined to permit a reliable histological diagnosis, as the gross pathology often did not give any indication for the diagnosis. These criteria should help to improve the diagnostic efficiency and to select the appropriate laboratory diagnostic procedures for MCF-suspected cattle.  相似文献   

Fifty-three American cattle were inoculated with malignant catarrhal fever virus isolated from a wildebeest in Kenya. Three animals showed the mild form of the disease and recovered, and 47 showed the severe form of the disease. The other three did not react. Of the 47 cattle, 28 died, 16 were killed for the collection of specimens and three recovered. The incubation period for the 47 cattle ranged from 16 to 29 days and the course of the fatal disease for 28 cattle averaged three to 23 days. Virus titration of specimens from nine infected steers yielded a mean titer of 10(4)/TCID50 per gm for lymph nodes, 10(3) TCID50 per mL for buffy coats and 10(2.3) TCID50 per gm for spleens. Smaller amounts of virus were found in the liver, kidneys, adrenals and thyroids. Malignant catarrhal fever virus was also found in nasal secretions and saliva of viremic cattle. Viral infectivity was shown in bovine buffy coat cells stored at 4 degrees C for two days but was immediately destroyed upon freezing even when glycerine or dimethylsulfoxide was added. Viral particles were not found in infected animal tissues by electron microscopy. The disease was successfully transmitted in steers by intratracheal intubation and by aerosol inhalation but not by contact.  相似文献   

Pseudorabies virus was inoculated intratracheally into sheep to investigate the pathogenesis of pseudorabies virus infection. Clinical signs of pyrexia, depression, frequent swallowing, facial fasciculations, chorea, excessive salivation, mild tympanites, labored breathing and focal pruritus were followed by death Macroscopic lesions were severe focal facial trauma, petechiae in cervicothoracic ganglia and dilated esophaguses. The medulla oblongata and the trigeminal, cranial cervical, cervicothoracic and parabronchial ganglia contained pseudorabies virus and pronounced nonsuppurative inflammatory changes. The neural distribution of lesions and virus suggests that the virus travelled from the respiratory mucosa to the central and sympathetic nervous system by two routes: 1) in the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves to the medulla oblongata and 2) in the postganglionic fibers to the sympathetic ganglia. The presence of virus in the nasal mucus indicated that horizontal transmission of pseudorabies virus may occur among sheep.  相似文献   

A subacute disease presenting primarily as alopecia and weight loss occurred in 2 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on farms in Minnesota and in Texas. A presumptive diagnosis of malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) was made on the basis of histological lesions. Antibody against an epitope conserved among the MCF group viruses was detected in the serum of both deer. DNA samples from the deer were subjected to a variety of PCR amplifications. Alignment of the amplified sequences from the diseased animals revealed that they were 100% identical to each other and to the same DNA fragment from the newly recognized member of the MCF virus group endemic in domestic goats (Capra hircus), provisionally named caprine herpesvirus 2 (CpHV-2). A seroprevalence survey from one of the deer farms showed a high rate of subclincal infection in the deer population. This study provides further confirmation that CpHV-2 is a pathogen, at least for deer, and emphasizes the risk of loss from MCF when mixing cervids with goats.  相似文献   

A visna-maedi-like disease was found in a Corriedale sheep from which a retrovirus sharing the group antigen of visna-progressive pneumonia virus was isolated from lung, brain, and spleen. Clinically, the sheep had acute neurologic signs and dyspnea. Pathologic examination showed lesions similar to both visna and maedi. In the lung, there was a patchy interstitial pneumonia with marked lymphoid hyperplasia. Changes in the central nervous system were necrotizing nonsuppurative encephalitis of the brain stem, poliomyelitis of the cervical cord, and ependymitis and subependymal gliosis of the ventricles. Histologically, the central nervous system lesions seemed to have arisen sequentially, perhaps in response to bursts of virus replication as the agent underwent possible antigenic mutation. The severe lesions in both the central nervous system and lungs suggested a virus strain with dual tropism.  相似文献   

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