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从两个方面初步探讨了有机酸对红壤磷素潜在环境风险的影响,一是有机酸对红壤固磷能力的影响,二是有机酸对红壤固定磷向液相释放的影响。研究结果表明不同类型有机酸在这两个方面的影响是不同的,以柠檬酸为代表的二羧酸可以显著减少红壤对磷的固定量,大大提高了土壤向水体释放磷的能力,增大了土磷的潜在环境风险;而以草酸为代表的三羧酸则可以不同程度上增加土壤的固磷能力,且可使已经存在于液相中的磷再次被吸附,进而减缓或消除土磷了的潜在环境风险。  相似文献   

不同施磷量下稻田土壤磷素平衡及其潜在环境风险评估   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
【目的】对南方赤红壤区不同施磷量下稻田土壤的磷素平衡及其潜在环境风险进行评估,为该地区合理施磷、 减轻农业面源污染提供依据。【方法】采用大田定位监测试验,3个不同年份(2011~2013年)早、 晚稻分别设置4个施磷水平(施磷范围为P2O5 0、 63~81、 126~162、 252~324 kg/hm2,分别用P0、 P1、P2、P3表示),连续3年测定早、 晚稻的稻谷和稻秆产量,分析其磷养分含量,以施磷水平与水稻地上部磷素累积量间的差值表示土壤磷素表观盈余量。同时,采集施基肥和穗肥后1、 2、 3、 5、 7和9 d的田面水,测定总磷含量,利用Split-line模型对2011~2012年每造水稻收获后小区耕层土壤Olsen-P含量和所有监测时间点的田面水总磷平均浓度进行分段回归,并对二者之间的相关关系进行分段回归拟合。【结果】 施磷量P2O5 63~81 kg/hm2的处理稻谷产量显著提高,但磷肥施用量增至2倍时,稻谷产量无明显增加,继续增至4倍时,前3造水稻稻谷的产量增加也不明显。施磷可不同程度地提高水稻地上部的磷素累积量、 土壤表观磷素盈余量和Olsen-P含量,且三者均随施磷量的增加而增加。在施肥后1~3 d内无磷处理田面水总磷浓度较高,是磷素流失的高危险期; 施磷量P2O5 63~81 kg/hm2的处理显著提高了施肥后2 d内田面水的总磷浓度,而P2O5 252~324 kg/hm2的处理在监测期间田面水总磷浓度均显著高于无磷处理。 Split-line模型模拟土壤Olsen-P与田面水总磷的关系,得出在本试验区土壤环境条件下,可能导致田面水中磷激增的土壤Olsen-P临界含量为19.0 mg/kg,对应的施磷量为P2O5 63 kg/hm2,与土壤磷素持平的施磷量一致。【结论】综合考虑水稻产量效应、 土壤磷素表观平衡和磷素环境风险,在本研究区域目前的土壤环境条件下,P2O5 63 kg/hm2为水稻产量较高、 环境风险较小的推荐施磷量。  相似文献   

长期施磷稻田土壤磷素累积及其潜在环境风险   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
应用常规化学分析法和数学统计方法,基于太湖地区13年的长期定位试验,研究长期不同施磷水平下[0(不施磷)、30 kg.hm 2.a 1(低磷)、60 kg.hm 2.a 1(适磷)、90 kg.hm 2.a 1(高磷)]稻麦轮作系统稻田土壤磷素累积规律及磷素流失引发的环境风险。在本试验区土壤环境条件下,可能发生稻田磷素淋溶及径流的土壤耕层(0~15 cm)Olsen-P临界值分别为26.0 mg.kg 1和24.8 mg.kg 1。连续13年适磷、高磷施肥,土壤耕层Olsen-P含量分别达到26.9 mg.kg 1和33.2 mg.kg 1,均高于临界值浓度,且已导致稻田田面水与30 cm渗漏水中总磷浓度显著升高,大大提高了稻田磷素淋溶及径流的风险。低磷施肥土壤Olsen-P长期稳定在(10.1±2.0)mg.kg 1水平,并且每年的稻麦产量与高磷、适磷处理相比并无显著差异,而长期低磷施肥土壤磷的流失风险也较小。因此,在太湖地区稻麦轮作体系下,磷肥不宜以常规适磷水平长期施用,建议以低磷水平(30 kg.hm 2.a 1)长期施用或以适磷水平(60 kg.hm 2.a 1)间歇式施用。  相似文献   

有机肥对土壤磷素吸附的影响   总被引:93,自引:7,他引:93       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究发现,有机肥可以显著活化土壤本身的磷,并能减少磷的吸附,前者是由于有机肥分解所产生的有机酸,后者是由于有机肥中碳水化合物对吸附位的掩蔽。去除土壤有机质的试验进一步证明了有机质对吸附位的掩蔽作用。有机肥的水提液可以降低土壤对磷的吸附。证明了磷和有机物之间有竞争吸附的存在。  相似文献   

不同农业施肥制度对红壤稻田土壤磷肥力的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用田间定位试验研究了几种不同农业施肥制度对红壤稻田土壤肥力的影响。结果表明:(1)在移耕农业,施化学N肥和NK施肥制下,农田系统磷素亏缺量大,7年间达140mg/hm^2以上,土壤有效磷降低;(2)有机农业和施化学P肥施肥制可促进农田系统磷素平衡,改善土壤供磷状况,提高稻株含磷量和磷累积量;  相似文献   

长期施用有机肥对稻田土壤重金属含量及其有效性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以湖南省7个稻田长期定位试验为基础,分析了无肥对照(CK)、化肥(NPK)、中量有机肥+化肥(MOM)和高量有机肥+化肥(HOM)4个处理下0~20cm土壤重金属Zn,Cu,Cd和Pb全量及其有效态含量的变化。结果表明:长期施用有机肥加大了稻田土壤受重金属污染的风险。仅施化肥对土壤Zn,Cu,Cd和Pb全量、有效态含量及活化率的影响均较小,而中、高量有机肥处理明显提高了土壤Zn,Cu,Cd的全量、有效态含量及活化率,只对土壤Pb的影响较小。且高量有机肥处理下其增幅最大,土壤Zn,Cu,CA全量分别比对照增加了6.1%,18.7%和8.3%,有效态含量分别比对照增加了87.3%,65.8%和41.4%,活化率分别比对照增加了77.5%,32.0%和29.8oA。有机肥的“激活”效应是导致土壤有效态重金属含量大幅提高的主要机制。各试验点土壤全Cd含量均大大超出了土壤环境质量二级标准(0.30mg/kg),表明各试验点稻田土壤都存在着不同程度的Cd污染问题。  相似文献   

有机肥对设施菜地土壤磷素状况的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以辽宁沈阳市郊某设施菜地土壤为研究对象,通过设置不同有机肥用量处理(0,20,60thm-2)的小区实验,系统研究不同有机肥处理对不同本底肥力设施菜地土壤全磷、速效磷含量变化的影响。研究结果表明,有机肥能够提高不同肥力设施菜地土壤0~20cm土层全磷含量,其中P1全磷含量与CK相比增加2.7~19.5%,P2增加7.6~33.6%。土壤0~20cm速效磷含量也随有机肥施用量的增加而明显增加,P2即有机肥施用量60thm-2时,不同肥力设施菜地土壤在黄瓜拉秧期速效磷含量与CK、P1之间均达显著差异(P<0.05)。本实验条件下,施用有机肥20thm-2,可保持施肥当季中肥力与高肥力设施菜地土壤磷素水平;当地常规有机肥施用量60thm-2可显著提高设施菜地土壤全磷与速效磷含量,从而加剧高肥力土壤磷素的累积,并对环境造成压力。  相似文献   

有机肥对石灰性土壤无机磷组分的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王永和  曹翠玉  史瑞和 《土壤》1996,28(4):180-182
研究了3种有机肥料对土壤无机磷组分的影响,其中猪粪能显著提高土壤中Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P和Fe-P的含量,紫云英及稻草的作用明显低于猪粪,3种有机肥料对Ca10-P的影响都很小。  相似文献   

有机肥对土壤磷吸附一解吸的直接影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用自行设计的一种扣除来自有机肥中磷的方法,对有机肥影响土壤磷吸附与解吸的直接作用进行了研究。结果表明,猪粪和牛粪均能明显降低两种水稻土对磷的吸附,增加磷解吸;而纤维素只有在土壤磷水平较高时才起作用。上述作用在红壤性水稻土中优于青紫泥;在同一土壤上,对磷水平高的土壤的作用明显大于磷水平低的土壤。在有机肥对土壤磷吸附—解吸的直接影响中,其中的可溶性有机机物起主要作用。  相似文献   

针对南方酸性稻作土壤专性吸附和固定磷素能力强的问题,采用微区试验,以正常施磷(75 kg/hm2)不施生物炭为对照,探讨不同磷肥水平(P2O5 75、60、45、30 kg/hm2)和生物炭配施(40、60、80 t/hm2)对土壤不同形态磷素含量的影响。结果表明:(1)减磷施肥配施生物炭后全磷、有效磷、树脂磷、碳酸氢钠无机磷及稀盐酸磷的含量显著增加,残留态磷的含量显著降低。(2)磷肥水平≥45 kg/hm2时,配施生物炭处理的全磷和有效磷含量较对照分别显著提高17.1%~46.7%和32.5%~76.3%。(3)磷肥水平≥45 kg/hm2时,配施生物炭处理的树脂磷和碳酸氢钠无机磷的含量较对照分别显著增加50.8%~160.3%和36.1%~118.3%。(4)减磷施肥导致氢氧化钠有机磷含量较对照下降38.4%~39.8%;处理间氢氧化钠无机磷的含量无显著差异。(5)配施生物炭后稀盐酸磷含量较对照显著提高57.9%~352.1%;减磷施肥处理的浓盐酸有机磷含量显著低于正常施磷...  相似文献   

Soil dissolved phosphorus (P) and colloidal P mobilization could be closely related to the degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS). Effects of a wide range of DPS on the distributions of dissolved P and colloidal P in a paddy soil profile were investigated in this study. Dissolved P and colloidal P in water-dispersible soil colloid suspension increased obviously with increasing DPS. The change point of DPS was at 0.12 by using a split-line model. Above the value, dissolved P (3.1 mg P kg-1 ) in soil profile would increase sharply and then transfer downward. Compared with dissolved P, colloidal P was the dominant fraction (78%-91%) of P in soil colloid suspension, and positively related to DPS without a significant change point. The high release of colloids in subsoils with low DPS was attributed to the low ionic strength and high pH value in subsoils. The DPS also had a significant and positive correlation with electrical conductivity (EC), but it showed a negative correlation with pH value. However, the concentration of colloidal P was not greatly correlated to the pH value, EC and optical density of the soil colloid suspension. The results indicated that DPS was an important factor that may affect the accumulation and mobilization of water-extractable colloidal P and dissolved P.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) fertilizers are usually supplied prior to or at planting of potato even though most P is taken up 40 to 80 d after emergence. This may lead to inefficient P use as a result of P leaching or fixation in the soil. This study evaluates the effects of split P application at multiple times during the growth period according to the plant's need for P. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Ditta) was grown in pots in climate chambers, and radioactive 32P isotope was used to distinguish between the fertilizer and soil‐derived P sources. Two soils were tested in combination with five application rates of P, and the plants were harvested at four dates. The results show that the recovery of P fertilizer can be significantly enhanced if the P supply is split. The result also showed that the proportion of soil‐derived P, accumulated in the plant, was significantly reduced both when more fertilizer P was applied to the soil and when P supply was split into several applications. The positive effects of multiple P applications on the P recovery were greatest in the soil with low P status and low buffer capacity.  相似文献   

李霞  田光明  朱军  张志剑 《土壤学报》2014,51(2):360-372
以水稻田田间定位试验为研究对象,利用三维荧光光谱技术(3D EEMs)和454测序技术,采集4个施磷水平(0、30、60、90 kg hm-2a-1)土壤,测定其有机碳矿化、溶解有机碳(DOC)组成和结构特征及细菌群落结构和丰度的变化。结果显示:水田施磷增加了土壤速效磷(Olsen-P),从而提高了土壤DOC含量,加速了有机碳的矿化速率和累积矿化量。3D EEMs结果表明,施磷分别显著增加了荧光指数和鲜度指数值1%~10%和3%~21%,而降低了腐殖化指数,且与土壤生化性质(Olsen-P、DOC和β-葡萄糖苷酶)具有显著相关性。说明施磷通过提高Olsen-P,促进了微生物源DOC的生成,同时降低了DOC的芳香化程度、分子量及腐殖化程度,从而提高了DOC生物可降解性。同时,施磷提高了细菌群落的丰度和多样性,特别是磷诱导了多种具有碳降解功能细菌的增加,从而加速了复杂有机碳的降解和甲烷氧化。此外,主成分分析表明稻田磷素施用量在30~60 kg hm-2a-1时对土壤有机碳矿化及细菌群落多样性的提高作用最为明显。因此,适度施磷能显著提高涉碳降解微生物的活性,从而提高DOC的生物可降解性,加速有机碳的矿化速率,促进稻田土壤有机碳循环。  相似文献   

施用有机肥对土壤有机磷转化的影响研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用室内淹水灭菌培养方法,研究施用有机肥后,水稻土有机磷含量动态变化特征,并分析有机肥对水稻土有机磷各组分转化的影响。结果表明,水稻土施用有机肥后有机磷含量呈上升趋势,平均增加43.65 mg.kg-1,且随着施肥量的增加而显著增加;有机肥施用对水稻土有机磷不同组分影响强度不同,依次为高稳态有机磷>活性有机磷>中稳态有机磷>中活性有机磷;有机肥施用量与活性有机磷增加量(r=0.486**)、高稳态有机磷增加量(r=0.713**)均呈极显著正相关关系,有机肥磷素可以直接转化为活性有机磷和高稳态有机磷;无机磷降低幅度与中稳态有机磷增幅(r=0.381*)、高稳态有机磷增幅(r=0.300*)均呈显著正相关关系,施用有机肥可间接促进土壤无机磷向中稳态有机磷和高稳态有机磷转化。  相似文献   

Meta分析有机肥施用对中国北方农田土壤CO2排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探明中国北方地区不同气候类型、施肥措施、有机肥类型和试验年限下,有机肥施用(单施有机肥、有机无机肥配施)对生育期农田土壤CO_2排放量的影响,该研究以不施肥、施用无机肥分别作为对照,根据已发表的相关田间试验数据,采用Meta分析方法,定量研究有机肥、有机肥配施无机肥对农田土壤CO_2排放量的影响。结果表明:与不施肥、施用无机肥相比,有机肥施用总体上显著提高了农田土壤CO_2排放量,分别提高了50.6%和36.3%;有机肥施用下,农田土壤CO_2排放量依次减少的顺序为:单施有机肥、有机无机配施、无机肥+有机肥+缓释肥;采用有机肥+无机肥+缓释肥配施,土壤CO_2排放量未显著增加;相比牛粪、猪粪和商品有机肥,鸡粪类有机肥对土壤CO_2排放正效应最大;有机肥施用下,灰漠土农田土壤CO_2排放量相对高;农田土壤CO_2排放量与年均气温正相关,与年均降水量负相关。从环境的角度考虑,建议在中国北方采用无机肥+有机肥+缓释肥配施技术,不建议鸡粪大量施用及在灰漠土农田大量施用有机肥。该研究成果可为有机肥替代部分化肥在中国北方地区的推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   

配施有机肥对潜育化水稻土的培肥效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为探索潜育化水稻土的培肥措施,通过田间试验研究了有机无机肥配施对潜育化低产水稻土产量和土壤养分有效性的影响。结果显示:连续2季施用有机肥后,潜育化水稻土产量显著提高,以早稻配施紫云英-晚稻配施猪粪处理的产量最高。添加有机肥降低了潜育化水稻土耕层土壤p H值。早稻配施紫云英,晚稻配施猪粪处理的有机质提高明显,比NPK处理提高了15.22%;早稻配施紫云英,晚稻配施猪粪处理的潜育化水稻土全氮含量比单施化肥处理提高4.19%;早稻配施紫云英,晚稻单施化肥处理的潜育化水稻土有效磷含量提高最多,比NPK处理提高了4.92%;相比于NPK处理,早稻配施紫云英,晚稻单施化肥处理的土壤速效钾含量比两季均单施化肥处理提高了13.2%。因此,潜育化水稻土适当配施有机肥可以提高土壤养分有效性,增加水稻产量,可以作为培肥改良潜育化水稻土的参考方法。  相似文献   


Little is known about the effects of long-term fertilization on pesticide persistence. A long-term field experiment was thus conducted to study the influence of fertilization on soil physicochemical properties, microbial biomass carbon, microbial quotient, enzyme activities, and cypermethrin dissipation. Five fertilization treatments were arranged: organic manure (OM), NPK fertilizer, PK fertilizer, NK fertilizer, and no fertilizer (control). Soil organic C, N, P contents and enzymatic activities were higher in soils with balanced fertilization as opposed to those with unbalanced fertilization, especially fertilization with organic manure. The longest half-life of cypermethrin was in the NK treatment (15.1 d), the least in the PK treatment (9.6 d). Pesticide dissipation in non-sterilized and sterilized soils showed that changes of cypermethrin persistence were caused by biodegradation. Soil N/P ratio (ratio of soil-available N to available P) and available N content positively correlated with half-life (p<0.05), and could limit cypermethrin dissipation greatly. These results indicate that in agricultural practice, oversupplying N should not be advocated. P application may be an efficient way to decrease N/P ratio and enhance cypermethrin dissipation in soil with high available N content. Based on a comprehensive consideration of soil fertility, crop yield, and environment, a mixed application of organic manure and inorganic fertilizers is recommended in the region, although balanced fertilization results in slower cypermethrin dissipation than does N-deficiency treatment.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effects of temperature and drying–rewetting on soil phosphorus (P) fractions and microbial community composition in regard to different fertilizer sources. Soil P dynamics and microbial community properties were evaluated in a soil not fertilized or fertilized with KH2PO4 or swine manure at two temperatures (10 and 25 °C) and two soil water regimes (continuously moist and drying–rewetting cycles) in laboratory microcosm assays. The P source was the dominant factor determining the sizes of labile P fractions and microbial community properties. Manure fertilization increased the content of labile P, microbial biomass, alkaline phosphomonoesterase activity, and fatty acid contents, whereas KH2PO4 fertilization increased the content of labile inorganic P and microbial P. Water regimes, second to fertilization in importance, affected more labile P pools, microbial biomass, alkaline phosphomonoesterase activity, and fatty acid contents than temperature. Drying–rewetting cycles increased labile P pools, decreased microbial biomass and alkaline phosphomonoesterase activity, and shaped the composition of microbial communities towards those with greater percentages of unsaturated fatty acids, particularly at 25 °C in manure-fertilized soils. Microbial C and P dynamics responded differentially to drying–rewetting cycles in manure-fertilized soils but not in KH2PO4-fertilized soils, suggesting their decoupling because of P sources and water regimes. Phosphorus sources, temperature, and water regimes interactively affected the labile organic P pool in the middle of incubation. Overall, P sources and water availability had greater effects on P dynamics and microbial community properties than temperature.  相似文献   

When humic acid (HA) and phosphorus (P) fertilizer are simultaneously applied to soil, HA may affect the movement of P. A laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to quantify the effects of a commercial HA product co-applied with monocalcium phosphate (MCP) on the distance of P movement and the concentration of P in various forms at different distances from the P fertilizer application site in a calcareous soil from northern China. Fertilizer MCP (at a rate equivalent to 26.6 kg P ha-1 ) was applied alone or in combination with HA (at 254.8 kg HA ha-1 ) to the surface of soil packed in cylinders (150 mm high and 50 mm internal diameter), and then incubated at 320 g kg-1 moisture content for 7 and 28 d periods. Extraction and analysis of each 2 mm soil layer in columns showed that the addition of HA to MCP increased the distance of P movement and the concentrations of water-extractable P, acid-extractable P and Olsen P in soil. The addition of HA to MCP could enhance P availability by increasing the distance of P movement and the concentration of extractable P in soil surrounding the P fertilizer.  相似文献   

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