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Prioritizing habitat for animal conservation in heterogeneous landscapes requires an understanding of where animal occurrence coincides with human influences on demographic performance. We related broad-scale patterns of occurrence with risk of mortality among female Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) in a human-modified landscape to develop a spatially-explicit framework for animal conservation at the landscape level. Variability in the spatial pattern of elk occurrence was driven by preference for specific habitat types as well as responses to human activity. In contrast, risk of mortality was a function of human modification of the landscape with little variation explained by habitat. Proximity to industrial development was associated with increased risk of mortality whereas proximity to residences and agricultural structures was associated with decreased risk. Individual-level results revealed added complexity, whereby risk of mortality was associated with a consistent pattern of occurrence relative to industrial development, yet the association between risk and occurrence relative to structures was highly variable and likely a function of disparate land-use priorities. Approaches to managing human-mediated risk at the landscape level are most effective when they decompose human activity into constituent parts influencing risk, and when individual variation relative to the population response is investigated. Conservation interventions need to target factors that have a consistent influence across the population rather than risk uncertainty that would arise from targeting factors that influence individuals in variable or situation-specific ways. The spatial tools developed herein provide guidance for sustainable landscape planning in the study area, while the concept of linking occurrence and demographic performance within a hierarchical modeling framework has general application for animal conservation in landscapes subject to change, human-caused or otherwise.  相似文献   

Pollen dispersal is a critical process defining connectivity among plant populations. In the context of genetically modified (GM) crops in conventional agricultural systems, strategies based on spatial separation are promoted to reduce functional connectivity between GM and non-GM crop fields. Field experiments as well as simulation studies have stressed the dependence of maize gene flow on distances between source and receptor fields and on their spatial configuration. However, the influence of whole landscape patterns is still poorly understood. Spatially explicit models, such as MAPOD-maize, are thus useful tools to address this question. In this paper we developed a methodological approach to investigate the sensitivity of cross-pollination rates among GM and non-GM maize in a landscape simulated with MAPOD-maize. The influence of landscape pattern on model output was studied at the landscape and field scales, including interactions with other model inputs such as cultivar characteristics and wind conditions. At the landscape scale, maize configuration (proportion of and spatial arrangement in a given field pattern) was shown to be an important factor influencing cross-pollination rate between GM and non-GM maize whereas the effect of the field pattern itself was lower. At the field scale, distance to the nearest GM maize field was confirmed as a predominant factor explaining cross-pollination rate. The metrics describing the pattern of GM maize in the area surrounding selected non-GM maize fields appeared as pertinent complementary variables. In contrast, field geometry and field pattern resulted in little additional information at this scale. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern of a northern conifer-hardwood landscape   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A geographic information system, fractal analyses, and statistical methods were used to examine the spatial distributions of old growth hemlock, northern hardwood, mixed hardwood/hemlock stands and wetlands with respect to each other and also soils and topography. Greater than 80% of the stands of any covertype were less than 20 ha in area. Nearly pure hemlock and northern hardwood stands were associated with soils having a fragipan, while mixed hardwood/hemlock stands were associated with sandier soils. Hemlock stands were distributed independently of hardwood and mixed hardwood/hemlock stands, but hardwood and mixed hardwood/hemlock stands were usually surrounded by hemlock. Bogs and lakes were usually surrounded by hemlock stands and are distributed independently of hardwood stands. The shapes of all stands vary from extremely simple to extremely complex, with a general tendency for hemlock stands to be more convoluted than hardwoods. The analyses suggest segregation across soil types and a disturbance regime favoring the establishment of hardwoods and mixed hardwood/hemlock stands in a hemlock matrix as reasons for the origin of the observed spatial patterns.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of landscapes on pest and non-pest species is necessary if regional landscape planning is to both control pests and conserve biodiversity. A first step is understanding of how both pests and non-pest species interact with the landscape configuration to determine the density of the two groups. While it is impossible to examine the occurrence and dispersal behavior of all species, different turnover rates in different species assemblages may offer general insights into responses of species assemblages. In this study I examine the distance decay of similarity of longhorned beetle assemblages in a large forest area in Indiana, USA, with minimal differences in habitat and few barriers to dispersal. Differences in beta diversity between groups are therefore likely due to dispersal distances. I found differences in turnover rates between species that decompose dead wood and those that attack living trees, and between species with different adult feeding habits. This suggests that management for simultaneous conservation and pest control is possible.  相似文献   

The challenge of incorporating the concept of ecosystem services in landscape planning has been widely acknowledged, yet values of ecosystem services are not well considered in current landscape planning and environmental governance. This is particularly the case when local stakeholders are strongly involved in decision making about adapting the landscape to future demands and challenges. Engagement of stakeholders introduces a variety of interests and motives that result in diverging value interpretations. Moreover, participative planning approaches are based on learning processes, implying that the perceptions of value evolve during the planning process. Current valuation approaches are not able to support such process. Therefore we argue that there is a need for a novel view on the mechanism of integrating valuation in the different stages of community-based landscape planning, as well as for tools based on this mechanism. By revisiting the original conception of ecosystem services and redefining the value of an ecosystem service as its comparative importance to human wellbeing, we develop a conceptual framework for incorporating ecosystem service valuation that captures the full spectrum of value and value changes. We acknowledge that in the social interactions during the planning process values are redefined, negotiated and reframed in the context of the local landscape. Therefore, we propose a valuation mechanism that evolves through the phases of the cyclic planning process. We illustrate the use of this mechanism by proposing a tool that supports stakeholder groups in building a value-based vision on landscape adaptation that contributes to all wellbeing dimensions.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Sustainable spatial development requires the establishment of a balance between rational land use and the protection of nature, ecosystems and biodiversity on various spatial...  相似文献   



Land use changes have modified the extent and structure of native vegetation, resulting in fragmentation of native species habitat. Connectivity is increasingly seen as a requirement for effective conservation in these landscapes, but the question remains: ‘connectivity for which species?’.


The aim of this study was to develop and then apply a rapid, expert-based, dispersal guild approach where species are grouped on similar fine-scale dispersal behaviour (such as between scattered trees) and habitat characteristics.


Dispersal guilds were identified using clustering techniques to compare dispersal and habitat parameters elicited from experts. We modelled least-cost paths and corridors between patches and individual movement probabilities within these corridors for each of the dispersal guilds using Circuitscape. We demonstrate our approach with a case study in the Tasmanian Northern Midlands, Australia.


The dispersal guild approach grouped the 12 species into five dispersal guilds. The connectivity modelling of those five guilds found that broadly dispersing species in this landscape, such as medium-sized carnivorous mammals, were unaffected by fragmentation while from the perspective of the three dispersal guilds made up of smaller mammals, the landscape appeared highly fragmented.


Our approach yields biologically defensible outputs that are broadly applicable, particularly for conservation planning where data and resources are limited. It is a useful first step in multi-species conservation planning which aims to identify those species most in need of conservation efforts.

Frazier  Amy E. 《Landscape Ecology》2019,34(9):2073-2082
Landscape Ecology - Landscape ecology is an interdisciplinary field, drawing on theories and methods from across the physical, natural, and social sciences. Spatial pattern analysis was built on...  相似文献   

Community food production in the form of home gardening, community gardening, school gardening, and urban farming continues to increase in popularity in many parts of the world. This interest has led to public and private investment in community food production and increased need for urban agricultural planning as a way to manage growth and prioritize resource allocation. Municipal planning and thoughtful institutional support for the practice will require program evaluation and greater attention to the spatial composition and configuration of this widely dispersed practice. This article explores the results of community-supported landscape socio-ecological research in Madison, WI (USA) to assess the spatial and social dynamics of community food production. Results indicate that community food production resources are unevenly distributed across the study area. Historic community garden placement does appear to be consistent with community prioritization which dictates placing resources in areas with low median household income. However, home garden presence and recent community garden placement both occur in areas of higher than average median household income. Specific focus is placed on how an understanding of landscape placement and pattern has helped inform attempts to meet municipal and regional objectives in addressing urban food insecurity.  相似文献   

Recent studies have related percolation theory and critical phenomena to the spatial pattern of landscapes. We generated simulated landscapes of forest and non-forest landcover to investigate the relationship between the proportion of forest (Pi) and indices of patch spatial pattern. One set of landscapes was generated by randomly assigning each pixel independently of other pixels, and a second set was generated by randomly assigning rectilinear clumps of pixels. Indices of spatial pattern were calculated and plotted against Pi. The random-clump landscapes were also compared with real agricultural landscapes. The results support the use of percolation models as neutral models in landscape ecology, and the performance of the indices studied with these neutral models can be used to help interpret those indices calculated for real landscapes.  相似文献   

Sampling to characterize landscape pattern   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Current reseach suggests that metrics of landscape pattern may reflect ecological processes operating at different scales and may provide an appropriate indicator for monitoring regional ecological changes. This paper examines the extent to which a 1/16 areal subset of the landscape using equally spaced 40-km2 hexagons can characterize the spatial extent of land cover types and landscape pattern (number of types of edges, patch shape complexity, dominance, and contagion). For 200-m resolution data the hexagon subset gives a reasonable estimate of overall landscape cover but may not be adequate for monitoring uncommon land cover types such as wetlands. For agriculture and forest, their proportion of the full landscape units is only outside the 95% confidence interval of the hexagon estimate 4–8% of the time, whereas the proportions for wetland and barren areas are outside the confidence interval 11–34% of the time. The hexagon subset also does not appear to be adequate as the sole basis for monitoring landscape pattern. The values for contagion, dominance, and shape complexity calculated on the full landscape units are outside the 95% confidence interval of the hexagon estimate 27–76% of the time. Other statistical analyses include regressions between full landscape and hexagon subsets, mean differences and standard errors along with tests on number of positive and negative values, and percent relative error of hexagon estimates.Although the research described in this article has been funded in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, under Interagency Agreement DW89934921-01-0 with the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., it has not been subjected to Agency review. Therefore, it does not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.Research supported by the Landscape Characterization Project, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, under Interagency Agreement DW89934921-01-0 with the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Environmental Sciences Division Publication No. 4090.  相似文献   

Bridging the gap between ecology and spatial planning in landscape ecology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Opdam  Paul  Foppen  Ruud  Vos  Claire 《Landscape Ecology》2001,16(8):767-779
Landscapes are studied by pattern (the geographical approach) and by process (the ecological approach within landscape ecology). The future of landscape ecology depends on whether the two approaches can be integrated. We present an approach to bridge the gap between the many detailed process studies on species, and applied activities such as landscape evaluation and design, which require integrated knowledge. The approach consists of four components: 1) Empirical case studies of different scales, organisms and processes. 2) Modeling studies to extrapolate empirical studies across space and time. 3) Modeling studies to produce guidelines and standards for landscape conditions. 4) Methods and tools for integration to the landscape level, which can be built into multidisciplinary tools for design and evaluation. We conclude that in the landscape ecological literature, the steps 1 and 2 are well represented, whereas the steps 3 and 4 are mostly neglected. We challenge landscape ecologists to push landscape ecology to a higher level of maturation and to further develop its profile as a problem-oriented science.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   



The study of ecosystem services has extended its influence into spatial planning and landscape ecology, the integration of which can offer an opportunity to enhance the saliency, credibility, and legitimacy of landscape ecology in spatial planning issues.


This paper presents a conceptual framework suitable for spatial planning in human dominated environments supported by landscape ecological thinking. It seeks to facilitate the integration of ecosystem services into current practice, including landscape metrics as suitable indicators.


A literature review supported the revision of existing open questions pertaining to ecosystem services as well as their integration into landscape ecology and spatial planning. A posterior reflection of the current state-of-the-art was then used as a basis for developing the spatial planning conceptual framework.

Results and conclusion

The framework is articulated around four phases (characterisation, assessment, design, and monitoring) and three concepts (character, service, and value). It advocates integration of public participation, consideration of “landscape services”, the inclusion of ecosystem disservices, and the use of landscape metrics for qualitative assessment of services. As a result, the framework looks to enhance spatial planning practice by providing: (i) a better consideration of landscape configuration in the supply of services (ii) the integration of anthropogenic services with ecosystem services; (iii) the consideration of costs derived from ecosystems (e.g. disservices); and (iv) an aid to the understanding of ecosystem services terminology for spatial planning professionals and decision makers.

Effects of changing spatial scale on the analysis of landscape pattern   总被引:68,自引:6,他引:62  
The purpose of this study was to observe the effects of changing the grain (the first level of spatial resolution possible with a given data set) and extent (the total area of the study) of landscape data on observed spatial patterns and to identify some general rules for comparing measures obtained at different scales. Simple random maps, maps with contagion (i.e., clusters of the same land cover type), and actual landscape data from USGS land use (LUDA) data maps were used in the analyses. Landscape patterns were compared using indices measuring diversity (H), dominance (D) and contagion (C). Rare land cover types were lost as grain became coarser. This loss could be predicted analytically for random maps with two land cover types, and it was observed in actual landscapes as grain was increased experimentally. However, the rate of loss was influenced by the spatial pattern. Land cover types that were clumped disappeared slowly or were retained with increasing grain, whereas cover types that were dispersed were lost rapidly. The diversity index decreased linearly with increasing grain size, but dominance and contagion did not show a linear relationship. The indices D and C increased with increasing extent, but H exhibited a variable response. The indices were sensitive to the number (m) of cover types observed in the data set and the fraction of the landscape occupied by each cover type (P k); both m and P kvaried with grain and extent. Qualitative and quantitative changes in measurements across spatial scales will differ depending on how scale is defined. Characterizing the relationships between ecological measurements and the grain or extent of the data may make it possible to predict or correct for the loss of information with changes in spatial scale.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - The effect of landscape complexity on biodiversity is an important topic in landscape ecology, and spatial scale is key to understand true species-landscape relationships. We...  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between pattern and scale is a central issue in landscape ecology. Pattern analysis is necessarily a critical step to achieve this understanding. Pattern and scale are inseparable in theory and in reality. Pattern occurs on different scales, and scale affects pattern to be observed. The objective of our study is to investigate how changing scale might affect the results of landscape pattern analysis using three commonly adopted spatial autocorrelation indices,i.e., Moran Coefficient, Geary Ratio, and Cliff-Ord statistic. The data sets used in this study are spatially referenced digital data sets of topography and biomass in 1972 of Peninsular Malaysia. Our results show that all three autocorrelation indices were scale-dependent. In other words, the degree of spatial autocorrelation measured by these indices vary with the spatial scale on which analysis was performed. While all the data sets show a positive spatial autocorrelation across a range of scales, Moran coefficient and Cliff-Ord statistic decrease and Geary Ratio increases with increasing grain size, indicating an overall decline in the degree of spatial autocorrelation with scale. The effect of changing scale varies in their magnitude and rate of change when different types of landscape data are used. We have also explored why this could happen by examining the formulation of the Moran coefficient. The pattern of change in spatial autocorrelation with scale exhibits threshold behavior,i.e., scale effects fade away after certain spatial scales are reached (for elevation). We recommend that multiple methods be used for pattern analysis whenever feasible, and that scale effects must be taken into account in all spatial analysis.  相似文献   



Interactions between landscape-scale processes and fine-grained habitat heterogeneity are usually invoked to explain species occupancy in fragmented landscapes. In variegated landscapes, however, organisms face continuous variation in micro-habitat features, which makes necessary to consider ecologically meaningful estimates of habitat quality at different spatial scales.


We evaluated the spatial scales at which forest cover and tree quality make the greatest contribution to the occupancy of the long-horned beetle Microplophorus magellanicus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in a variegated forest landscape.


We used averaged data of tree quality (as derived from remote sensing estimates of the decay stage of single trees) and spatially independent pheromone-baited traps to model the occurrence probability as a function of multiple cross-scale combinations between forest cover and tree quality (with scales ranging between 50 and 400 m).


Model support and performance increased monotonically with the increasing scale at which tree quality was measured. Forest cover was not significant, and did not exhibit scale-specific effects on the occurrence probability of M. magellanicus. The interactive effect between tree quality and forest cover was stronger than the independent (additive) effects of tree quality and particularly forest cover. Significant interactions included tree quality measured at spatial scales ≥200 m, but cross-scale interactions occurred only in four of the seven best-supported models.


M. magellanicus respond to the high-quality trees available in the landscape rather than to the amount of forest per se. Conservation of viable metapopulations of M. magellanicus should consider the quality of trees at spatial scales >200 m.

Landscape Ecology - Landscape and local factors govern tree regeneration across heterogeneous post-fire forest environments. But their relative influence is unclear—limiting the degree that...  相似文献   

Urbanization transforms landscape structure and profoundly affects biodiversity and ecological processes. To understand and solve these ecological problems, at least three aspects of spatiotemporal patterns of urbanization need to be quantified: the speed, urban growth modes, and resultant changes in landscape pattern. In this study, we quantified these spatiotemporal patterns of urbanization in the central Yangtze River Delta region, China from 1979 to 2008, based on a hierarchical patch dynamics framework that guided the research design and the analysis with landscape metrics. Our results show that the urbanized area in the study region increased exponentially during the 30 years at the county, prefectural, and regional levels, with increasing speed down the urban hierarchy. Three growth modes—infilling, edge-expanding, and leapfrogging—operated concurrently and their relative dominance shifted over time. As urbanization progressed, patch density and edge density generally increased, and the connectivity of urban patches in terms of the average nearest neighbor distance also increased. While landscape-level structural complexity also tended to increase, the shape of individual patches became increasingly regular. Our results suggest that whether urban landscapes are becoming more homogenous or heterogeneous may be dependent on scale in time and space as well as landscape metrics used. The speed, growth modes, and landscape pattern are related to each other in complicated fashions. This complex relationship can be better understood by conceptualizing urbanization not simply as a dichotomous diffusion-coalescence switching process, but as a spiraling process of shifting dominance among multiple growth modes: the wax and wane of infilling, edge-expansion, and leapfrog across the landscape.  相似文献   



Wind erosion is a widespread environmental problem in the world’s arid landscapes, which threatens the sustainability of ecosystem services in these regions.


We investigated how wind erosion and key ecosystem services changed concurrently and what major biophysical and socioeconomic factors were responsible for these changes in a dryland area of China.


Based on remote sensing data, field measurements, and modeling, we quantified the spatiotemporal patterns of both wind erosion and four key ecosystem services (soil conservation, crop production, meat production, and carbon storage) in the Mu Us Sandy Land in northern China during 2000–2013. Linear regression was used to explore possible relationships between wind erosion and ecosystem services.


From 2000 to 2013, wind erosion decreased by as much as 60% and the four ecosystem services all increased substantially. These trends were attributable to vegetation recovery due mainly to government-aided ecological restoration projects and, to a lesser degree, slightly increasing precipitation and decreasing wind speed during the second half of the study period. The maximum soil loss dropped an order of magnitude when vegetation cover increased from 10% to 30%, halved again when vegetation increased from 30 to 40%, and showed little change when vegetation increased beyond 60%.


Our study indicates that vegetation cover has nonlinear and threshold effects on wind erosion through constraining the maximum soil loss, which further affects dryland ecosystem services. These findings have important implications for ecological restoration and ecosystem management in dryland landscapes in China and beyond.

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