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Abstract –  Downstream movement of a wild population of brown trout was examined in a small Danish stream in relation to morphological and physiological smolt status from March to May. Downstream movement was monitored in a Wolf-type trap covering all possible passage routes in the stream. Trout caught in the trap were classified as parr, pre-smolt or smolt based on morphological criteria and compared with trout randomly caught by electrofishing upstream of the trap. Representative gill samples from trap-caught and electrofished trout were analysed for gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity and used as a measure of physiological smolt status. Only a few parr occurred in the trap. Few pre-smolts occurred in the trap evenly in March and early April. In late April, pre-smolt movement peaked. By comparison, the main downstream movement of smolts occurred in distinct peaks through late March and April. The majority of fish caught in the trap were judged as pre-smolts or smolts based on morphological criteria's and they were characterised by relatively high gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity compared with trout judged as parr. Trout caught by electrofishing upstream the trap, were classified as parr, pre-smolts and smolts early in the season (March). During and after the main smolt-run in April the distribution of the remaining trout in the brook became skewed in favour of pre-smolt and parr. The study suggests that smolting trout initiate downstream movement once having reached a certain physiological smolt condition (judged by increased gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity).  相似文献   

Spinal deformities in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., have been described as a disease of multifactorial origin for which vaccines and time of vaccination have been suggested as risk factors. A vaccine efficacy trial where spinal deformity became evident was continued by the observational study reported here. In the preharvest part of the study 17 months post-sea transfer, there was a prevalence of 11.3% spinal deformity, with deformities present only in one vaccine group indicating a strong vaccine involvement. At slaughter, the prevalence of spinal deformities was 11.7%, and deformed fish had only 62% of normal slaughter weight. Visual analogue scales (VAS) were used for continuous recordings of vaccine-induced abdominal lesions and deformity. A logistic regression model associating presence of spinal deformity with markers of abdominal lesions was developed. The odds ratio for spinal deformity was 5.7 (95% CI: 3.4–9.4) for each unit increase in adhesion score (0–6) and 4.9 (2.9–3.4) for each unit increase in melanin on abdominal organs (0–3). Lesions in the dorsal caudal part of the abdomen gave an odds ratio for spinal deformity of 2.2.  相似文献   

A clinical and radiographic study was carried out on 2016 randomly selected Atlantic salmon parr from six farms, which weighed between 55 and 100 g. In addition, 86 fish from six marine farms were similarly studied. Radiographically detectable vertebral lesions were found in 3.8-8.8% of the parr. The changes ranged from a single vertebra showing features, such as demineralization, increased density and slight loss of structure, to fish with multiple vertebrae affected by collapse, fusion and change in intervertebral space that could give rise to lordosis or kyphosis or abnormal vertebrae at several locations. The predominant location was the vertebral region V21-27, and rarely V44 caudad. The radiographic changes in seawater salmon mirrored those found in parr, but vertebrae V35 caudad were more frequently involved. Very few parr were found to have abnormal vertebrae in the peduncle area which suggests that the development of lesions at this location occurs de novo in the seawater phase, given that 'stumpy' fish are most frequent reported deformity at slaughter. It was concluded that minor vertebral change could be detected radiographically in many parr with no observable effect on external morphology. Whether such minor radiographic alteration would proceed to observable morphological change at slaughter weight is open to question.  相似文献   

After entering saline water coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch parr often cease to grow (stunt) and many stunts eventually die. Stunted coho parr occurred in an experimental wastewater-seawater smolt production system constructed in 1971 on the northern arm of Humboldt Bay, Arcata, California, USA. In 1991 many stunted parr (1990 brood) were noted during transfer of juveniles from a 0.02-ha shaded pond used for summer rearing (July-December) to a 0.15-ha unshaded pond used in winter-spring rearing (January-May). The cohort suffered a 42% mortality during summer rearing in low salinity water (7 ppt) but deaths due to stunting could not be estimated. When the summer parr were transferred for winter rearing to 15 ppt salinity water, a total mortality of 15% was nearly all related to stunting. A small sample of stunted, but otherwise normal-appearing, parr found in smolt out-migrant traps was retained for an additional year of rearing (February 1992—January 1993). There was a 29% survival in these stunts, with survivors attaining an average fork length of 16 cm (range 12–21 cm). The survivors exhibited parr, pre-smolt, and "smolt-like" external appearances. Five groups of 1990-brood smolts were released into Humboldt Bay. They had rates of return to their point-of-release (South Pond) similar to other brood years released from the Arcata ponds and other northern California hatcheries. This suggested that whatever produced stunting in the 1990 brood acted independently of endocrinological or physiological factors that produce mortalities in smolts after entering saline water.  相似文献   

Skeletal deformities constitute a major problem for aquaculture industry by decreasing the final value of the fish. An analysis of skeletal malformations in 11,640 fish was performed considering families and triplicates per family. Thirtynine different skeletal abnormalities were detected, such as lordosis, vertebral fusion, absence of one or both operculum, bent-jaw, etc. Moreover, a new unusual complex spinal column deformity consisting of a consecutive repetition of lordosis, scoliosis and kyphosis (LSK) from the head to the caudal fin was described. This syndrome was statistically associated with the family structure (Z2H–family,LSK=3.49; p<0.05). The incidence of this deformity was 0.2% in the whole population, and 6.5% within the affected family (2H). The environmental and genetic causes are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., parr (0+) ranging in length from 74 to 95 mm were sampled in a stream with no hatchery in its drainage area. No fish had previously been released in this stream. The parr, therefore, had migrated during a period when the salinity of the fjord was between 20 and 30·5%0, a minimum distance of 2.7km through the fjord, which was the distance to the nearest hatchery. This is the first observation of pre-smolt migration between streams via a fjord. Earlier, the salmon in the river had been infected by the monogean Gyrodactylus salaris. Probably, this infection had been spread by parr migrating from a neighbouring stream through the fjord. Parasite dispersion coincided with a period of low fjordwater salinity (12—14.5%0) and sea temperatures ranging from 8.2 to 16.5°C, which is within the suggested tolerance level of G. salaris survival on salmon parr.  相似文献   

An evaluation of different thermal regimes during incubation of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus L. egg was conducted with regard to embryo survival and development. The study consisted of two major parts: In experiment A, a range of commonly used thermal regimes, constant and variable ranging from 2.7°C to 7°C, were tested for differences in embryo survival and developmental status of newly hatched alevins. Experiment B assessed the timing of a shift from autumn (6°C) to winter temperature (2.5°C) and its effect on embryo survival and the occurrence of spinal deformities in newly hatched alevins. In general, incubations that were initiated at temperatures below 3°C resulted in significantly higher mortality rates and spinal deformity frequencies than other treatments. Hence, Arctic charr eggs require an initial warmer period for unimpaired embryonic development. A general negative correlation was found between the duration of this warmer period (6°C) and both mortality rates and frequency of spinal deformities. The total absence of the 6°C period had the most detrimental effect, with deformity frequencies at least four times higher than all treatments with an initial warmer period. The upper incubation temperature threshold was not reached in the study. The highest temperature tested (7°C) did not result in excess mortality or increased deformity frequency. Higher incubation temperature resulted in less developed alevins at hatching, i.e. alevins were smaller with more yolk remaining. However, measurements on alevins from incubations at variable temperatures revealed different temperature effects on growth and yolk consumption during different parts of embryonic development.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate the possibility that high egg vitamin A (VA) status in combination with elevated egg incubation temperatures may cause deformities in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Egg batches selected for their total VA concentration were exposed to low (normal, 8 degrees C) or elevated (14 degrees C) egg incubation temperatures. Temperature was the main factor causing bone deformities such as warped gill opercula, fin and jaw deformities, but not for the development of spinal deformities where all groups displayed a 'baseline' occurrence of mild deformity (decreased vertebral size in the cephalic region) and no systematic variation in the occurrence of serious spinal deformities (fused vertebrae). A possible effect of egg incubation temperature fluctuation was found for the groups reared at low temperatures. An indication of a negative effect of elevated egg VA status for the development of organ deformities such as missing septum transversum and situs inversus was found in addition to temperature effects, however, no firm conclusions could be drawn from the present data. The phenotypes for temperature-induced deformities resembled the phenotype of VA-induced deformities, but no clear conclusions on the causality of the deformities found in the present study could be drawn. Egg incubation temperatures, both absolute temperature and temperature variations, should therefore be strictly controlled.  相似文献   

We investigated if simplified routines based on blastomere morphology and fertilization success can be used as predictors of egg and embryo viability in Atlantic cod, and abnormal blastomere morphology is related to juvenile deformities. Egg morphology data from 312 families that were produced by hand stripping of gametes were used. Fertilized eggs from all families were separately incubated in 25 L incubators. Blastomere morphology and fertilization success were assessed at 16–32 cell stage. Embryo mortality was measured until hatch. Fertilization success showed a significant positive correlation with the proportion of normal blastomere and 74% of the variation in the incidence of blastomere abnormality was explained by fertilization success. Juvenile deformities were positively correlated with blastomere abnormality and 8% of the variation in juvenile deformities was explained by incidences of blastomere abnormality. To our knowledge, this is the first direct evidence showing that incidences of blastomere abnormalities may be related to cod juvenile deformities. Our results suggest that fertilization success and the occurrence of blastomere abnormalities could be easily adopted by commercial cod hatcheries for the early determination of egg quality.  相似文献   

The occurrence of morphological deformities under different rearing water temperatures (18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, and 30 C) was examined in Japanese eel larvae. The rates of hatching and survival until yolk resorption at 22–26 C were higher than those at other water temperatures. Fertilized eggs never hatched at 18 and 30 C. The rates of occurrence of abnormal larvae reared at the water temperatures 24–28 C were lower than those at 20 or 22 C. Pericardial edema and lower jaw deformities occurred most frequently at lower temperatures (20 and 22 C). In contrast, the incubation temperature did not significantly affect the relative frequency of some neurocranial deformities and of spinal curvature. These results imply that the optimal temperatures for rearing Japanese eel eggs and embryos are 24–26 C from the viewpoints of survival and deformity.  相似文献   

Flavobacterium psychrophilum and oxytetracycline have both been associated with spinal deformities in salmonids. Experiments were carried out to investigate whether infection with F. psychrophilum or medication with oxytetracycline (OTC) at the fry stage would result in an increased occurrence of vertebral column deformities in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Fish were on‐grown for 9 months and examined by radiology at the end of the experiments. There was a relationship between infection by F. psychrophilum and deformities of the spinal column, if fish with more than 10 affected vertebrae were classified as deformed. The deformities found among infected fish were often visible externally and were more severe than those seen among control fish (most deformities foun among controls were only seen on X‐ray photographs). Deformities were evenly spread along the vertebral column of infected fish. OTC treatments of up to 200 mg of OTC (kg fish)?1 day?1 for 10 days and repeated three times did not result in increased spinal deformities relative to untreated control groups; therefore, medication of rainbow trout with oxytetracycline did not cause deformities of the spinal column under our treatment conditions.  相似文献   

Vegetable oils (Vo) are an alternative to fish oil (Fo) in aquaculture feeds. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of dietary soybean oil (Vo diet), rich in linoleic acid, and of dietary fish oil (Fo diet) on the development of spinal deformities under bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS)‐induced chronic inflammation conditions in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Fish [25 g body weight (BW)] were fed the experimental diets for 99 days. On day 47 of feeding (40 g BW), fish were subjected to four experimental regimes: (i) intramuscular injections with LPS, (ii) sham‐injected phosphate‐buffered saline (PBS), (iii) intraperitoneally injected commercial oil adjuvant vaccine, or (iv) no treatment. The fish continued under a common feeding regime in sea water for 165 more days. Body weight was temporarily higher in the Vo group than in the Fo group prior to immunization and was also affected by the type of immunization. At the end of the trial, no differences were seen between the dietary groups. The overall prevalence of spinal deformities was approximately 14% at the end of the experiment. The Vo diet affected vertebral shape but did not induce spinal deformities. In groups injected with LPS and PBS, spinal deformities ranged between 21% and 38%, diet independent. Deformed vertebrae were located at or in proximity to the injection point. Assessment of inflammatory markers revealed high levels of plasma prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in the Vo‐fed and LPS‐injected groups, suggesting an inflammatory response to LPS. Cyclooxigenase 2 (COX‐2) mRNA expression in bone was higher in fish fed Fo compared to Vo‐fed fish. Gene expression of immunoglobulin M (IgM) was up‐regulated in bone of all LPS‐injected groups irrespective of dietary oil. In conclusion, the study suggests that Vo is not a risk factor for the development of inflammation‐related spinal deformities. At the same time, we found evidence that localized injection‐related processes could trigger the development of vertebral body malformations.  相似文献   

This study investigated the development of skeletal deformities in individually tagged Atlantic salmon (n = 805) from the parr stage (Sept 2001, 70 g mean ± 34 g S.D.) until 10 month after transfer to seawater (Feb 2003, 3040 g mean ± 1097 g S.D.). A subgroup of the total population (n = 129) was radiographed as parr (Feb 2002) and again 10 months after transfer to seawater (Feb 2003). Eight percent of the males matured sexually during their first autumn in sea (jack), and were excluded from further analysis. Based on an external examination of each fish (n = 773), 1.8% (n = 14) developed skeletal deformities (0.1% operculum deformities (n = 1), 0.4% jaw deformities (n = 3), 1.3% vertebral deformities (n = 10)) during the experiment. Based on evaluation of radiographs (n = 129), the prevalence of vertebral deformities was 7.0% (n = 9) at the parr stage, and 12.4% (n = 16) 10 months after transfer to seawater. From radiographs, longitudinally compressed vertebral bodies without intervertebral spaces were classified as ankylosis and compression, longitudinally compressed vertebral bodies with intervertebral spaces were classified as compressions, and dislocated vertebral bodies with a normal morphology and without intervertebral spaces were classified as ankylosis and dislocation. Of the fish that developed deformities during the experiment, 8 had ankylosis and compressions, 7 had compressions and 1 had ankylosis and dislocation. Ankylosis and compression developed in the region between vertebrae number 1 and 16, whereas compressions developed in the region between vertebrae number 13 and 49. Most of the individuals with compression 10 months after transfer to seawater had normal vertebral columns as parr, whereas all individuals with compression and ankylosis 10 months after transfer to seawater had deformed vertebral columns as parr.  相似文献   

From mid-2004 to mid-2005, several grass carp, Ctenophayngodon idella (Valenciennes), showing evidence of spinal deformity were presented to the Aquatic Animal Health Program, Cornell University. The carp were from three separate locations in New York State. The first case involved several fish from a natural body of water in the Catskill Mountain region of south-eastern New York State. The second was a single affected individual from a private pond in the Fingerlakes region of Central New York State. The third was a single individual from the Cold Springs Harbor Fish Hatchery, Cold Springs Harbor, Long Island. All fish were at least 7 years of age. Radiographs and computed tomography (CT) scans revealed the deformities to be of bony origin. The spinal deformities were characterized by variable amounts of kyphosis, scoliosis and rotation. While it is not possible to determine the specific cause(s) of the lesions, we consider a genetic component as a likely contributor to the observed pathology.  相似文献   

Vertebral column malformations in Atlantic salmon occur under farming conditions and in wild specimens and are commonly diagnosed by X-ray. The literature uses varied terms to describe malformations, and often, different terms refer to similar phenomena or similar terms describe unrelated pathologies. A coherent classification of spine defects is lacking. This shortcoming complicates the comparison of studies, makes it difficult to link particular malformations to particular causes and hampers the assessment of the prevalence of spinal deformities.Expanding available systems to categorise skeletal malformations in different teleost species, we propose 20 types of salmon vertebral column malformations that are repetitively observed under farming conditions. As vertebral column deformities are usually diagnosed by X-ray, the classification of deformity types is based on radiological observations that have been obtained over the past 10 years from more than 5000 specimens. The proposed deformity types should be identifiable independent from the type (analogue, digital) and the quality of radiographs. We propose nine types of compression and fusion-related deformities, four types of abnormal radiotranslucent or radiopaque vertebral bodies, three types of spine curvatures, three types of symmetry deviations and displacement of vertebral bodies and one type of severe multiple malformations. Based on the suggested categories we discuss the relationships between types of vertebral body malformations. Several types of malformations involve the development of heterotopic cartilage, a pathology that is possibly linked to mechanical overload and accelerated growth. Refined categories for vertebral body malformations should help link particular types of malformations to particular causes. It should also help find out which deformities represent final stages and which deformities represent transitory stages.  相似文献   

Abstract – The size of 2-month old trout Salmo trutta parr differed between sites and between years along the River Esva catchment (Asturias, northwestern Spain). Such variation was in a direction opposite to the variation observed in parental size. Parr were smaller in sites where parents grew faster, whereas larger parr occurred in sites where parents grew less. Parr size of six cohorts (1990–1996, except 1995) at 14 sites along the River Esva was inversely related to the growth rate and length of parents and positively related to canopy, egg size, and water temperature. The latter acted similarly on all parr independently of egg size and the site where the egg originated. Covariation patterns among parr size, parental traits, and canopy suggest that a canopy-regulated, growth-determined trade-off between egg size and number, previously described for the Esva trout, also extends to alevin size. In forested, shaded sites, adult trout grew less and spawned fewer larger eggs that resulted in larger alevins, whereas in fully insolated, production-rich sites, trout grew faster and spawned higher numbers of smaller eggs that produced smaller parr. I hypothesize that the phenotypic plasticity illustrated by the environmentally induced trade-off between egg size and number further extended to alevin size may be evolutionarily advantageous because it relates the size of trout alevins to food availability, as predicted by the growth previously experienced by parents. NOTE  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to estimate the heritability for four measures of deformity and their genetic associations with growth (body weight and length), carcass (fillet weight and yield) and flesh‐quality (fillet fat content) traits in yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi. The observed major deformities included lower jaw, nasal erosion, deformed operculum and skinny fish on 480 individuals from 22 families at Clean Seas Tuna Ltd. They were typically recorded as binary traits (presence or absence) and were analysed separately by both threshold generalized models and standard animal mixed models. Consistency of the models was evaluated by calculating simple Pearson correlation of breeding values of full‐sib families for jaw deformity. Genetic and phenotypic correlations among traits were estimated using a multitrait linear mixed model in ASReml. Both threshold and linear mixed model analysis showed that there is additive genetic variation in the four measures of deformity, with the estimates of heritability obtained from the former (threshold) models on liability scale ranging from 0.14 to 0.66 (SE 0.32–0.56) and from the latter (linear animal and sire) models on original (observed) scale, 0.01–0.23 (SE 0.03–0.16). When the estimates on the underlying liability were transformed to the observed scale (0, 1), they were generally consistent between threshold and linear mixed models. Phenotypic correlations among deformity traits were weak (close to zero). The genetic correlations among deformity traits were not significantly different from zero. Body weight and fillet carcass showed significant positive genetic correlations with jaw deformity (0.75 and 0.95, respectively). Genetic correlation between body weight and operculum was negative (?0.51, P < 0.05). The genetic correlations' estimates of body and carcass traits with other deformity were not significant due to their relatively high standard errors. Our results showed that there are prospects for genetic selection to improve deformity in yellowtail kingfish and that measures of deformity should be included in the recording scheme, breeding objectives and selection index in practical selective breeding programmes due to the antagonistic genetic correlations of deformed jaws with body and carcass performance.  相似文献   

Risk factors for spinal deformities or short tails in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were examined in a cohort study in Hordaland County of Norway, in which 177 slaughter groups consisting of 5000 salmon were followed from sea water introduction in April 1994 until slaughter in February 1996. If the smolt weight increased from 0.05 to 0.1 kg, the risk of spinal deformities decreased (relative risk, RR = 0.2). An increased period from smolt vaccination to seawater introduction of from 2 to 5 months was associated with an increased risk (RR = 1.6). Salmon reared in fjord sites were at higher risk for spinal deformities (RR = 1.9) than those reared in oceanic sites, possibly due to the larger variation in salinity and temperatures in the fjord sites. Rapidly growing salmon were at lower risk of spinal deformities at slaughter (RR = 0.2), and they were likely to be slaughtered earlier, which could explain the observed lower risk for salmon slaughtered in June (RR = 0.4). Moreover, the findings concerning egg suppliers could indicate a possible role of genetic factors in the aetiology of spinal deformities.  相似文献   

A large-scale trial of the effect of different commercial diets on the incidence of preclinical spinal deformation, as assessed by radiography, and the influence of two contrasting rearing systems was carried out. Two sets of three populations of Atlantic salmon, each of 20 000 first feeding fry of identical hatchery origin, created from equal numbers of eggs from 15 different families, were reared under commercial conditions on two different farms. Three commercial (closed formula) extruded fish meal-based diets were used in this study (diets A, B & C). Each diet was fed to one population of 20 000 fish at each site. Fish were fed a percentage of their body weight per day, with feeding rates set at commercial levels, based on water temperature, day length and fish biomass. Additional hand feeding was used to ensure satiation in all tanks. Fish in each tank were bulk-weighed and counted at the beginning and at 2-week intervals throughout the study. The fish were grown for 30 weeks. In addition, phosphorus (P) digestibility was evaluated by in-feed absorption testing in rainbow trout. The morphology of the radiographic lesions conformed to those described previously. Statistical analysis using multivariate regression analysis showed that date of sampling, site and diet were all statistically significant (P < 0.001) on univariable analysis. Farm A had significantly more affected fish than farm B (P < 0.001), which may have been attributable to variation in dissolved oxygen levels. The available dietary P levels were low in each diet. The number of fish affected in the group of fish being fed diet B was significantly lower than in the groups being fed diets A or C (P < 0.001). It appears most likely that the occurrence of preclinical radiographically apparent defects in parr which are believed to lead to the condition known as 'spinal deformity' is predominantly caused by a deficiency of available dietary P in first-feeding fry. The availability of dietary P may also vary considerably between diets formulated using different ingredients. Phytate-P associated with plant ingredients may affect the availability of P as well as other essential dietary nutrients. Additionally, diets for the production of salmonids in fresh water are currently formulated to keep P effluent to a minimum compatible with healthy spinal development. These various factors combine to make it crucial that small Atlantic salmon, especially first-feeding fry, are provided with carefully formulated diets fortified to an adequate level with a high quality source of available P.  相似文献   

Abstract –  This study revealed that progeny of sympatric Salangen Arctic char, omitted from any kind of imprinting to home water, returned with high precision to the home river and parental locality upon releases in their native marine environments. Fish did not select river randomly, and the homing precision was the same for progeny whether fertilized in home stream or in foreign water. The progeny studied originate from the lake Øvervatnet and the Salangen River population and were hatched and reared at a hatchery at Voss in southern Norway. Experimental material comprised freshwater resident and smolt released from parr directly. The freshwater resident is partly anadromous exhibiting about 74% smolt when released directly into the sea. Char at all stages (resident, transformed resident, and smolt released from parr directly) returned in significant numbers to the home river system and the site of the specific parental population.  相似文献   

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