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Acute phase proteins in serum and milk from dairy cows with clinical mastitis   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The serum concentrations of haptoglobin, serum amyloid A and alpha1 acid glycoprotein were determined in serum collected from healthy dairy cows and cows with clinical mastitis, graded as mild (clots in milk) or moderate (clots in milk and visible signs of inflammation in the mammary gland/s) to assess their relative diagnostic value in detecting the disease. The concentrations of haptoglobin and serum amyloid A were also measured in milk collected from infected and uninfected quarters. The concentrations of haptoglobin and serum amyloid A were higher in the serum and milk from the cows with mild or moderate mastitis. The diagnostic value of haptoglobin in differentiating between healthy animals and those with mastitis gave sensitivities and specificities of 82 per cent and 94 per cent respectively with serum and 86 per cent and 100 per cent with milk. The diagnostic value of serum amyloid A in differentiating between healthy animals and those with mastitis gave sensitivities and specificities of 83 per cent and 90 per cent with serum and 93 per cent and 100 per cent with milk. The diagnostic value of serum alpha1 acid glycoprotein in differentiating between healthy animals and those with mastitis gave sensitivities and specificities of 62 per cent and 91 per cent.  相似文献   

To study the roles of conglutinin (Kg), mannan-binding protein (MBP), and serum amyloid P component (SAP) in the protection of cattle against infections, the concentrations of these proteins in the sera from cows with mastitis were determined by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. The Kg and MBP concentrations in the sera from cows with mastitis were much lower than those from uninfected (or clinically healthy) ones, and increased after recovery. No significant difference in the SAP concentrations was found between healthy and infected cows. With the sera from cows experimentally infected with bovine leukemia virus, the Kg concentrations were also lower than those from uninfected ones, whereas the MBP concentrations were not. From these findings, the Kg concentration is suggested to be serologically a possible indicator for clinical diagnosis of treatment for mastitis although both Kg and MBP concentrations were found to decrease in cows with mastitis and to increase after recovery.  相似文献   

New tools are needed to detect chronic sub-clinical mastitis, especially in automatic milking systems. Haptoglobin and serum amyloid A (SAA) are the two most sensitive bovine acute phase proteins, and their concentrations increase in milk from cows with clinical mastitis and in milk from cows with experimentally induced chronic sub-clinical Staphylococcus aureus mastitis. The aim of this study was to further evaluate the potential for haptoglobin and SAA in milk as indicators of chronic sub-clinical mastitis. Quarter milk samples were collected from 41 cows with a mean composite milk somatic cell count (CSCC) above 300,000 cells/mL during at least two months prior to sampling. Quarter milk samples were also taken from eleven cows with a mean CSCC below 80,000 cells/mL during at least two previous months. These samples were analysed for haptoglobin, SAA, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) activity and bacterial growth. The samples were grouped according to their ATP, haptoglobin and SAA status. ATP+ samples had ATP > 2 x 10(-10) mol/mL, Hp+ and SAA+ samples had detectable levels of haptoglobin (> or = 0.3 mg/L) and SAA (> or = 0.9 mg/L), respectively. In udder quarter samples from healthy cows, 42 out of 44 samples belonged to the ATP-Hp-SAA- group. Among cows with chronic sub-clinical mastitis, the ATP+Hp+SAA+ group contained 66 out of 164 samples while 44 samples belonged to the ATP+Hp-SAA- group. Detectable levels of haptoglobin and SAA were found in 92 and 80 samples, respectively. Growth of udder pathogens was detected in 28 samples and Staphylococcus aureus was the most common bacteria. In conclusion, haptoglobin and SAA concentrations below the detection limit were considered as good indicators of healthy udder quarters. A substantial variation in haptoglobin and SAA concentrations in milk was observed in udder quarters with chronic sub-clinical mastitis.  相似文献   

Zinc concentrations were determined in skimmed milk and whole milk samples from healthy and mastitic cows. During spontaneous and induced mastitis, a marked decrease of Zn concentration in skimmed milk from the mastitic quarters was observed. Seemingly, there are 2 mechanisms involved in the lowering of Zn concentration in skimmed milk from mastitic quarters: a decline in Zn probably as a consequence of decreases in plasma Zn concentrations and an abrupt redistribution of Zn in the inflamed quarters.  相似文献   

Serum amyloid A proteins (SAA) are very sensitive acute phase proteins, displaying multiple isoforms in plasma and different body fluids. They are currently under investigation as biomarkers of diseases. The aim of the present study was to compare the concentration and isoform expression of SAA in serum and milk of cows with bacteriologically negative milk (control group) and naturally occurring Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) subclinical mastitis (subclinical mastitis group). Somatic cell count (SCC) and bacteriological analyses were performed to establish the control and subclinical mastitis group. SAA concentration was evaluated using a commercial ELISA kit, while expression of different isoforms (serum A-SAA and milk M-SAA3 isoforms) was visualized by denaturing isoelectrical focusing and immunoblotting. The SAA concentrations in sera and milk of cows in the subclinical mastitis group were three and 100 times higher than in those from the control group of cows, respectively. Cows in the subclinical mastitis group had more acidic SAA isoforms in serum with the most prominent one at pI 5.5. This isoform was not detected in sera from the control group. Milk samples in the subclinical mastitis group contained abundant highly alkaline M-SAA3 isoforms and most of the serum isoforms, except for that at pI 5.5. In the subclinical mastitis group SAA isoforms with equivalent pI as serum isoforms accounted for 20% of the total SAA concentration in milk. There were significant differences in the concentrations and isoform patterns of SAA in serum and milk between the control and subclinical mastitis groups of cows. Also, we demonstrated that serum SAA isoforms were not transferred to milk proportion to their plasma content.  相似文献   

Background: Acute phase proteins (APPs) are promising markers of inflammation in dogs, because they are more sensitive than WBC counts in detecting clinical and subclinical inflammation. Endogenous corticosteroids can mask an acute phase response and make it more difficult to identify underlying inflammatory disease. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the acute phase protein response in dogs with spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) with and without concurrent inflammatory conditions. Methods: Serum concentrations of C‐reactive protein (CRP), haptoglobin (Hp), fibrinogen, and albumin were measured in 44 healthy adult dogs and 39 dogs with HAC; the HAC group was further divided into dogs with and without concurrent infection/inflammation. A fourth group of dogs with severe sepsis and without HAC was compared with the dogs with HAC and severe sepsis. Results: Dogs with uncomplicated HAC had significantly higher Hp and fibrinogen concentrations compared with healthy control dogs (P<.001). Dogs with HAC and severe inflammatory disease also had significantly higher CRP and lower albumin concentrations than control dogs and dogs with HAC without concurrent inflammation. Dogs with sepsis but without HAC had significantly higher CRP concentrations than dogs with HAC and sepsis. Conclusions: Dogs with HAC had increases in the moderate APPs (Hp and fibrinogen), and no significant changes in CRP and albumin compared with healthy dogs. Although concurrent HAC appeared to blunt the CRP response in dogs with sepsis, increased serum CRP concentration in dogs with HAC is likely indicative of severe concurrent inflammation.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine changes in innate immune factors in the milk of mastitic dairy cows treated with antibiotics. Cows in the antibiotics group (n = 13) were infused into the mammary gland with cefazolin on the sixth day after mastitis was diagnosed (the day of the mastitis diagnosis = day ?6). The control group (n = 12) was not treated. Milk samples were collected once every 2 days from days ?6 to 12 and somatic cell count (SCC), lingual antimicrobial peptide (LAP), and lactoferrin (LF) concentrations and lactoperoxidase (LPO) activity were measured. SCC and LF concentrations in the antibiotics group markedly decreased after the antibiotic treatment. When cows in the antibiotics group were divided according to SCC on day 0, LAP concentrations and LPO activity in cows with a lower SCC on day 0 (<5 × 106 cell/mL) were significantly higher and lower than those in cows with a higher SCC, respectively. These results suggest that LF concentration decreased with decrease in SCC after treatment and that LAP concentration and LPO activity differed depending on the severity of mastitis. This is the first report to reveal the dynamics of innate immune factor in milk of cows treated for clinical mastitis.  相似文献   

Relationships between clinical mastitis and milk yield and composition in dairy cows were reviewed. Requirements for inclusion were: data had to be collected after 1975; dependent variables for milk yield and milk composition had to be defined at the cow level; mastitis cases had to be defined by clinical signs, and at least 250 lactations had to be considered. Twenty studies dealing with milk-yield loss and, for four of them, also with related composition changes were selected. Study populations, design of data collection, and analysis methods differed widely between studies. As expected from these differences – but also due to structural-variation factors such as type of pathogen, animal and production level – estimates for milk-yield losses differed in average magnitude and pattern. Literature data regarding changes in milk-fat % and total-protein % changes were contradictory. Critiques of materials and methods allowed us to propose some final recommendations for values to be used as basic inputs in economic calculations of losses caused by mastitis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for milk yield, stayability, and the occurrence of clinical mastitis in Holstein cows, as well as studying the genetic relationship between them, in order to provide subsidies for the genetic evaluation of these traits. Records from 5,090 Holstein cows with calving varying from 1991 to 2010, were used in the analysis. Two standard multivariate analyses were carried out, one containing the trait of accumulated 305-day milk yields in the first lactation (MY1), stayability (STAY) until the third lactation, and clinical mastitis (CM), as well as the other traits, considering accumulated 305-day milk yields (Y305), STAY, and CM, including the first three lactations as repeated measures for Y305 and CM. The covariance components were obtained by a Bayesian approach. The heritability estimates obtained by multivariate analysis with MY1 were 0.19, 0.28, and 0.13 for MY1, STAY, and CM, respectively, whereas using the multivariate analysis with the Y305, the estimates were 0.19, 0.31, and 0.14, respectively. The genetic correlations between MY1 and STAY, MY1 and CM, and STAY and CM, respectively, were 0.38, 0.12, and ?0.49. The genetic correlations between Y305 and STAY, Y305 and CM, and STAY and CM, respectively, were 0.66, ?0.25, and ?0.52.  相似文献   

Six Finnish Ayrshire cows were challenged intramammarily with 1500 CFU of Escherichia coli (E. coli) into single udder quarters, and the challenge was repeated into contralateral quarters 3 weeks later. All cows received flunixine meglumine once, and 3 of them were also treated with enrofloxacin. At the 2nd challenge, treatments were changed vice versa. The development of mastitis was followed by monitoring of systemic and local clinical signs, and with serial milk and serum samples. Intramammary challenge with E. coli produced clinical mastitis in all cows, the severity of the disease varying greatly between the animals. No significant changes between the 2 treatment regimens or sequent challenges were found for any of the clinical parameters. The response of each cow followed the same pattern after both challenges; three of the cows became mildly and the other 3 either moderately or severely affected. Two severely affected cows had to be euthanized because of severe mastitis. Serum haptoglobin and amyloid-A concentrations peaked 2-3 days after bacterial challenge. Serum haptoglobin did not correlate with the severity of the disease. Serum amyloid-A rose gradually in the severely affected cows, and significant differences were found between severely versus moderately or mildly affected cows at day 4. Serum tumor necrosis factor alpha concentrations increased only in the severely affected cows. Serum cortisol response was prolonged in the severely diseased animals, and was significantly lower after the second challenge. Serum nitrite/nitrate concentration increased in the severely affected cows. This indicated excess nitric oxide production during acute E. coli mastitis. Strongly decreased milk production, and high bacterial growth in the infected quarters were best predictors for the outcome from acute E. coli mastitis.  相似文献   

Milk fever occurring during the peripartum period has been suggested to be caused by fatty liver developed during the nonlactating stage because diseased cows have increased serum concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and show hepatic lipidosis. In cows with fatty liver and related diseases such as ketosis, serum concentrations of apolipoprotein (apo) B-100 and apoA-I are decreased. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether apoB-100 and apoA-I concentrations are similarly decreased in cows with milk fever. Apolipoprotein concentrations were also measured in cows with downer syndrome, which has been suggested to be related, at least in part, to milk fever. Compared with healthy cows during early lactation, apoB-100 and apoA-I concentrations were decreased in cows with milk fever and also in downer cows. In cows with milk fever, the decreases in apoB-100 and apoA-I concentrations were associated with increased NEFA and decreased cholesterol and phospholipid concentrations. However, in downer cows, serum lipid concentration changes were not as distinct as in cows with milk fever. These results, coupled with previous findings on the decreases in apoB-100 and apoA-I concentrations of cows with fatty liver-related diseases, suggest that fatty liver is involved in the development of milk fever and partly in that of downer cow syndrome.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the concentration of serum amyloid A (SAA) and the activity of ceruloplasmin (Cp) in milk from cows with subclinical mastitis caused by different pathogens. Eighty-four milk samples from cows with subclinical mastitis and fourteen milk samples from healthy cows were examined. SAA concentration was determined using the commercial ELISA kit (Tridelta Development Ltd., Greystones, Wicklow, Ireland). Cp activity was assessed spectrophotometrically, using the Rice method. The results reveal that the concentration of SAA (with exception of CNS) and activity of Cp in cow milk can be regarded as markers of subclinical mastitis, irrespective of the microorganism inducing the disease. In conclusion, measurement of SAA and Cp in milk samples could be a useful method in diagnosing subclinical mastitis in cows, but the method should be adapted for field use.  相似文献   

The concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP), serum amyloid A, haptoglobin (Hp) and α(1)-acid glycoprotein were measured in dogs with clinical signs of nasal disease and compared with those of healthy dogs in order to determine the expression of these proteins in cases of canine nasal disease. A significant difference (P<0.001) between the symptomatic group and the control group was found for both CRP and Hp. Among the animals with nasal disease, a significant intergroup difference (P<0.05) was found in the expression of Hp between dogs with aspergillosis and those with chronic rhinitis.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to determine the influence of clinical mastitis and time of first mastitis occurrence on reproductive and milk performance of Holstein cows. Data were collected in a dairy farm from 2008 to 2012 on 1725 cows, among which 464 cows with mastitis. To determine the influence of clinical mastitis on reproductive and milk performance, models included fixed effects of parity, calving season, calving year, and group (cows with and with no mastitis). To determine the effect of time of 1st mastitis occurrence on reproductive performance, the mastitic cows group was further reclassified into three groups: prior to 60 days, between 60 and 90 days and greater than 90 days postpartum. For milk performance, the mastitic cows group was divided into two groups: before and after peak milk yield. Clinical mastitis had significant effects on calving to first AI interval, milk yield, and fat yield, but a non-significant effect on days open, number of inseminations per conception, and milk fat percentage. Mastitic cows had a calving to first AI interval 6.1 days longer and 549.6 kg milk and 20.4 kg fat per 305 days of lactation lower than those with no mastitis. Time of 1st mastitis occurrence did not have any significant effect on reproductive performance. Further, milk and fat yields of cows diseased before peak milk yield were 506 kg and 23.9 kg, respectively, lower than those of cows affected after peak milk yield. Extra attention needs to be paid to mastitis during the early postpartum period.


The objective of this research is to determine whether intramammary antibiotics with complementary acupuncture can reduce bovine mammary inflammation due to subclinical mastitis. Lactating cows were selected based on milk with a somatic cell count (SCC) greater than 500,000 cells/ml. Pre- and post-treatment milk samples were collected to determine SCC, aerobic bacterial content, milk ion conductivity, total protein, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAGase) concentrations. Milk serum was prepared from milk samples by double centrifugation. Concentrations of LDH and NAGase were determined using commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Cows being treated with intramammary antibiotics were separated by random assignment to the acupuncture group (n = 10) and a no-acupuncture (control) group (n = 9). Both the acupuncture and control group were restrained for 30 min in a head catch 12 hr apart for a total of four times. For front quarters affected by subclinical mastitis, the acupuncture points used were spleen (SP) 12, SP 17, SP 18, SP 21, stomach (ST) 18 and conception vessel (CV) 12. For rear quarters affected by subclinical mastitis, the acupuncture points used were bladder (BL) 30, BL 30-1, BL 49, kidney (KI) 10, conception vessel (CV) 2 and CV 3. All parameters were compared using a Student t test. Significance was defined as p < .05. Compared to control cows, complementary acupuncture treatment reduced NAGase enzymatic activity in quarters of cows with subclinical mastitis. The reduction in NAGase suggests that complementary acupuncture treatment may be associated with healing of the damaged mammary epithelial cells, which are the primary source of NAGase activity in milk serum.  相似文献   

1症状 多发于半个或整个乳房,或局限几个乳叶,常为急性经过,患病乳区红、肿、热、痛,局部增温,病部明显肿胀,榨乳躲避,有剧痛感,有的乳房水肿特别严重,似乎要拖地,乳房皮肤红色甚至紫红色斑点,淋巴结肿大,乳汁稀薄如水,呈淡红色或血色,曾见1例4个乳头全出鲜血,含凝乳及凝血絮状物。病牛精神萎顿,食欲减少或废绝;若继发细  相似文献   

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