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Serum samples of five goats inoculated with Toxoplasma gondii were analyzed using the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), indirect hemagglutination (IHA) and western blotting (WB). Antibodies detected by ELISA peaked between 19 and 62 days after inoculation and persisted throughout the experiment with no association to parasitaemia. Using WB, the main antigens detected had molecular weights of approximately 68, 62, 50, 48, 42, 34, 28, 26, 22 and 19 kDa. Antibody titers of between 1:256 and 1:32000 were observed using IHA, with a significant drop in activity after treatment with 2-mercapto-ethanol between days 12 and 48. This coincided with the parasitaemic period that occurs between 5 and 64 days after inoculation.  相似文献   

A small but significant reduction in the number of Mycoplasma dispar colonising the respiratory tract after intratracheal challenge was observed in gnotobiotic-calves previously inoculated subcutaneously three times with formalin-killed organisms and oil adjuvant. Injection of M. dispar by the intramuscular route, with oil adjuvant, and 2 weeks later by the intratracheal route, without adjuvant, failed to induce immunity to subsequent intratracheal challenge.Following the subcutaneous injection of killed M. dispar, the amount of antibody detected by single radial haemolysis (SRH) increased markedly with increasing age in groups of calves with average ages of 16 to 155 days when first injected. Most calves aged less than 40 days failed to produce an antibody response to a singel injection of M. dispar. With M. bovis a smaller difference was observed between antibody levels generated in calves of different ages; also, calves less than 40 days old produced a detectable SRH antibody response following a single injection of killed M. bovis.IgG1 and IgG2 antibody to M. dispar and M. bovis were measured by ELISA. IgG1 appeared before IgG2 antibody and this was particularly pronounced in younger calves. Also, for both mycoplasmas IgG2 antibody levels were lower in younger than older calves. The IgG1 response to M. dispar was compared in three groups of calves with average ages of 16, 55 and 155 days and was greatest in the oldest and least in the youngest animals. In contrast, the IgG1 response to M. bovis varied little in calves of different ages. It therefore appears that the immune response of young calves to M. dispar is impaired or defective.  相似文献   

Two groups of sheep were experimentally infected by intratracheal route with two small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) isolates belonging to different genotypes (It-561 genotype A3 and It-Pi1 genotype B2). Seroconversion was evaluated using recombinant homologous and heterologous matrix protein/capsid antigen fusion protein. Results clearly indicate that seroconversion against homologous antigen was detected well in advance as regards heterologous antigen in both groups, although the advantage of using homologous antigen was less evident in detecting seroconversion against the caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV)-like strain, compared with the maedi-visna virus (MVV)-like infection. Commercially available ELISAs detect CAEV-like seroconversion earlier than MVV-like infection suggesting a closer relationship between CAEV-like isolate and the antigen used in the latter ELISA tests. Seven recombinant subunits developed from matrix protein and capsid antigen of strain K1514 (prototype A1) were used to better define the antibody response in sheep infected with It-561 isolate. Two animals clearly reacted against type specific epitopes in the early stage of infection. This study highlights the relative insensitivity of gag encoded cross-reacting epitopes during the early stage of infection and suggests the development of novel diagnostic tests based on both genotype specific antigens.  相似文献   

Intrauterine inoculation of pony mares with the bacterium that is the causative agent of contagious equine metritis (CEM) resulted in clinical disease. A humoral immune response could be detected by agglutination and complement fixation (CF), and in some cases precipitating antibody was found by immunodiffusion tests. Agglutinating antibody was the most reliable serological indicator of overt infection and was detected in 8 of 28 mares after initial intrauterine inoculation of 3–4 × 105 bacteria. Seventy percent of mares given a second inoculation and all mares given a third inoculation of 3–4 × 105 bacteria produced detectable agglutinating antibody. Only two of five mares given the third inoculation developed detectable complement-fixing antibody. Only one mare showed evidence of reinfection after a second or third intrauterine inoculation. All of the mares given a single intrauterine inoculum of ≥ 8 × 108 bacteria produced agglutinating antibody 10 to 30 days postinoculation (DPI) and 86% gave a positive CF test 10 to 20 DPI. Only mares with an agglutination titer of 320 or more produced precipitating antibody. Sera were considered positive in agglutination tests if they were reactive at a dilution of greater than 4 and positive in CF tests if they were reactive at a dilution of 4 or greater.Pony serum frozen at ?70°C was anticomplementary (AC). Treatment at 56°C abolished AC activity and revealed enhancing or procomplementary activity with guinea pig complement. Procomplementary activity could be abolished by treatment of heated pony serum with formaldehyde, which increased CF titers ≥ threefold in weakly reactive sera.  相似文献   

Two different age groups of Holstein Friesian cattle were experimentally infected with Babesiabigemina. Calves of group A (6 months old) did not show noticeable symptoms of babesiosis and had relatively low (0.6%) numbers of parasites in their red blood cells (RBCs). Group B calves (1 year old) had typical signs of the disease; parasites were found in 6.6% of their RBCs. Blood from both groups inoculated into splenectomized calves at 3, 6, 12 and 18 months following initial inoculation demonstrated the presence of B. bigemina, while after 22 months no parasites could be demonstrated.The indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test detected babesial antibodies at 4–5 days post inoculation (PI) and reached a maximum titre of 1 : 640 at 2 weeks PI. Following challenge at 2–3 months after initial inoculation, the antibody titre rose sharply to 1 : 2560, then decreased gradually but was still detectable 22 months PI. No correlation was found between antibody titre and the presence of the parasite hin the peripheral blood.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Domestic pigs are the main representatives of the domestic cycle of Trichinella spiralis that play a role in transmission to humans. In Europe, backyard pigs of small household farms are the most important risks for humans to obtain trichinellosis. Rats might play a role in the transmission of Trichinella spiralis from domestic to sylvatic animals and vice versa. In order to be able to investigate the role of wild rats in the epidemiology of T. spiralis in The Netherlands, we studied the dynamics of antibody response after T. spiralis infections in experimental rats, using infection doses ranging from very low (10 muscle larvae, ML, per rat) to very high (16 000 ML per rat). To evaluate the feasibility of rats surviving high infection doses with T. spiralis, clinical and pathological parameters were quantified. Serological tools for detecting T. spiralis in rats were developed to quantitatively study the correlation between parasite load and immunological response. The results show that an infection dose-dependent antibody response was developed in rats after infection with as low as 10 ML up to a level of 10 000 ML. A positive correlation was found between the number of recovered ML and serum antibody levels, although specific measured antibody levels correspond to a wide range of LPG values. Serum antibodies of rats that were infected even with 10 or 25 ML could readily be detected by use of the T. spiralis western blot 2 weeks post infection. We conclude that based on these low infection doses, serologic tests are a useful tool to survey T. spiralis in wild rats.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effects of a synbiotic composed of Bifidobacterium animalis and fructooligosaccharides on female rats infected with Toxoplasma gondii. Female Wistar rats, treated or not with dexamethasone, were daily supplemented with synbiotics for 21 days. After 15 days of supplementation, the rats were orally infected with 104T. gondii bradyzoites. Blood samples were collected to measure the levels of IFN-γ, IL-10 and T. gondii antibodies. All synbiotic-supplemented rats survived until the end of the experiment; however, non-supplemented dexamethasone-treated rats died between the fifth and the eighth days after T. gondii infection. Dexamethasone-treated rats supplemented with synbiotics (P < 0.05) were capable of synthesizing IFN-γ, and this immunological response was essential to ensure their survival. In addition, brain cysts were found in one rat not supplemented with synbiotics. Results suggest that the synbiotic composed of B. animalis and fructooligosaccharides may be beneficial to toxoplasmosis control.  相似文献   

A tube latex agglutination test (LAT) for diagnosis of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae swine pneumonia was developed. In pigs inoculated with M. hyopneumoniae, LAT antibodies were generally detected 2–3 weeks post-inoculation, which was 1 week or more before complement-fixing antibodies were first detected in the corresponding pigs. Correlation of LAT results and gross and microscopic lung lesions of corresponding pigs revealed that LAT titers persisted after the pneumonic lesions had resolved.Latex agglutination titers in pigs exposed by contact with M. hyopneumoniae inoculated pigs were demonstrated 4–12 weeks post-contact.Latex agglutination antibodies were detected up to 48 weeks post-inoculation in pigs inoculated with M. hyopneumoniae and this was similar to the duration of detectable indirect hemagglutination titers. Complement-fixation titers, however, were demonstrated no longer than 28 weeks post-inoculation in corresponding pigs.Evaluation of repeatability of LAT results revealed some variation of LAT titers of sera titered on four different occasions.Sera from pigs inoculated with other swine mycoplasmas, including M. hyosynoviae and M. hyorhinis, did not react in the M. hyopneumoniae LAT. In addition, no detectable titers were demonstrated in the M. hyopneumoniae LAT using sera from pigs infected with Metastrongylus spp., Ascaris suum, or in sera from pigs vaccinated with any of four commonly used swine vaccines.  相似文献   

The effects of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Ochrobactrum intermedium in sheep with fasciolosis was reported previously, resulting in lower fecal egg counts and fluke burden. In the current study, we analyzed its immunological effects in two groups of sheep, treated (T) and controls (C). Fasciolosis induces a T helper (Th) type-2 response, characterized by IL-4 and IL-10 production; however, at the beginning of the infection, the IFN-γ production predominates (Th type-1 response). Although we did not find differences in IL-4 production or in the expression level of this gene in the hepatic lymph nodes, the expression level of IL-10 was higher (P <0.05) in the T group at 4 wpi. The IFN-γ production was higher (P <0.01) at 12 wpi as well as its level of expression at 4 wpi (P <0.05) in the T group. We found a higher expression level of TGF-β at 4 wpi in the T group (P <0.05), associated with the previous report of thicker fibrous tracks in a treated group. Immunoglobulin G1, related with a Th type-2 response, was higher (P <0.01) in the T group at 4 and 12 wpi. In conclusion, the effects of LPS from O. intermedium could have resulted from a predominant Th type-2 immune response.  相似文献   

The preferential sites of infection of Cysticercus bovis were evaluated in the skeletal muscle and entrails of 25 cattle that were experimentally infected with Taenia saginata (2 × 104 eggs). Two other animals were not inoculated (control). Ninety days after inoculation, all the cattle were euthanized. The carcasses were deboned and dissected into 26 anatomical sections (masseter muscles, brain, tongue, esophagus, heart, diaphragm, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, top sirloin butt, bottom sirloin butt, outside round, top (inside) round, transversus abdominus, top sirloin cap, strip loin, full tenderloin, eye of round, knuckle, shoulder clod, foreshank, shank, chuck, back ribs, and tail muscles). The dissected tissues were sliced into 5 mm sections. From the 25 cattle, 9258 C. bovis (cysticerci) were recovered; 75.02% (6946) of these were recovered from skeletal muscles and 24.98% (2312) from the entrails. A high parasitism level was found in the shoulder clod (12.55%), heart (11.02%), liver (9.48%), masseter muscles (8.51%), chuck (8.25%), strip loin and full tenderloin (7.26%), knuckle (6.63%), and back ribs (5.53%), totaling 69.23% (5738) of all of the detected cysticerci. On the other hand, there was a low C. bovis parasitism level in the brain, spleen, tail muscles, kidneys, esophagus, and diaphragm, representing just 3.9% of the total number of cysticerci. Given these results, we conclude that specific skeletal musculature regions, such as the shoulder blade, chuck, strip loin and full tenderloin, knuckle, back ribs and top round, which are not officially examined in many countries, are effective sites to efficiently screen C. bovis infection. To date, these regions have not been considered as preferential sites of C. bovis infection. Based on our work, however, these regions deserve greater attention from health inspectors because they contained a greater number of Cysticercus than the other regions of carcasses that are parasitized by T. saginata larvae.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of Getah virus for swine was examined. All 8 pigs (4 adults and 4 piglets) inoculated with Strains MIP-99 and MI-110 developed pyrexia ranging from 39.4 to 40.7 degrees C and anorexia. Mild depression and diarrhea were observed in 2 of the 4 piglets. These clinical signs were transient. Viremia occurred 1-2 days post-inoculation (p.i.) and the maximum titer was 10(3.0) TCID50 0.1 ml-1. The virus was recovered from a piglet autopsied on Day 3 p.i. from spleen and various lymph nodes. The maximum titer of virus (10(3.75) TCID50 0.1 g-1) was detected in the inguinal lymph node. Seroconversion was demonstrated in all the pigs on Day 6 p.i. These results suggest that Getah virus is mildly pathogenic for swine, which may play a role as an amplifying host in nature.  相似文献   

Infection of normal adult cattle and sporadic serological Brucella abortus reactors, which no longer had diagnostic titers to B. abortus, with a culture of Escherichia coli isolated from a cow (or its environment) resulted in the production of a primary IgM serum antibody response to both B. abortus and E. coli. Cattle injected with heat killed E. coli and guinea pigs or young calves lacking natural agglutinins to B. abortus injected with live E. coli, produced serum antibody only to E. coli. The subsequent reinjections of live E. coli into the former two groups of cattle resulted in all but one animal in each group producing IgM ‘secondary’ responses to B. abortus of decreasing magnitude, while the anti-E. coli responses increased and eventually switched to synthesis of IgG class antibody. The remaining two animals produced a series of ‘secondary’ responses of IgM antibody to B. abortus similar in amplitude and duration to the primary immune response. The anti-E. coli agglutinins of these two animals increased in titer and IgG class antibody to E. coli was evident after several injections of E. coli. These results indicate that infection of cattle by E. coli can cause a problem in the serological fiagnosis of B. abortus infection. Speculations on the cause of this cross-reaction and ways of minimizing misdiagnosis are discussed.  相似文献   

It is well known that the immune response in sheep against Brucella melitensis is subject to individual variation, depending on diverse factors. It bears asking whether these factors (e.g. clinical disease, active infection, state of previous immunity), when affecting a group, can cause variation in the performance of different diagnostic tests. To clarify some of the circumstances in which this immune response can vary, we examine the immune-response profile of sheep protected against the clinical disease by prior vaccination with strain Rev. 1 in comparison with the profile of unprotected females showing the classical brucellosis symptoms. An experimental infection was provoked at midpregnancy under controlled conditions of both non-vaccinated (n=7) and previously Rev.1-vaccinated ewes (n=5). Their immune response was monitored from 7 to 9 weeks before abortion or normal birth to 30 weeks afterwards. Antibody response was assessed by classical tests (Rose Bengal test, complement fixation test (CFT)) in comparison with other diagnostic tests (indirect ELISA (iELISA), competitive ELISA (cELISA), fluorescence polarization assay (FPA), immunocapture test (ICT)). In addition, the cell-mediated immune response was indirectly evaluated by the in vitro antigen-specific release of gamma-interferon. The antibody levels and antigen-specific gamma-IFN profile of the non-vaccinated ewes having the disease and excreting the pathogen was notably high and differed significantly (P<0.05 or P<0.01) from those of vaccinated ewes that neither contracted brucellosis nor excreted the pathogen. In general, all the tests detect the infection in the non-vaccinated ewes with substantial effectiveness. It can be concluded that the high levels of circulating antibodies and of antigen-specific gamma-IFN are related to active Brucella infection. Similarly, the state of protection against the disease, but not necessarily against infection, due to a previous immunization with the Rev. 1 vaccination, appears to be responsible for a low level of detectable immune response. Nevertheless, the design of the study limits conclusions to pregnant ewes and cannot be extrapolated to non-pregnant ewes or rams. Likewise, the study provides no information on animals which are carriers of B. melitensis.  相似文献   

The acute-phase protein (APP) response to an infection caused by Haemophilus parasuis, the etiological agent of Glässer's disease in pigs, was characterized measuring serum concentrations of pig major acute-phase protein (pig MAP), haptoglobin (HPT), C-reactive protein (CRP) and apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) in colostrum-deprived pigs. They were divided into six experimental groups: non-immunized control group (I); immunized with a non-commercial bacterin (II); with an OMP-vaccine (III); with a sublethal dose (IV); and with two commercial bacterins (V and VI). All groups were challenged intratracheally with 5 × 109 CFU of H. parasuis 37 days after immunisation. The highest levels of the positive APPs (pig MAP, HPT and CRP) and the lowest levels of the negative APPs (ApoA-I) were observed in the animals that died as a consequence of the infection, both those in the non-inmunized and in the immunized groups. However, the surviving animals (all of them in groups II, V and VI, two pigs in group III, and three in group IV) showed a minor variation in APP response, mainly on day 1 post-challenge (p.c.), and then tended to recover the initial values. APP response was still less pronounced in the groups of pigs previously immunized with bacterins. In conclusion, APP response can reflect Glässer-disease ongoing, showing a correlation between the severity and duration of the clinical signs and lesions and the magnitude of changes in the APP levels.  相似文献   

Seven five-week piglets were infected intranasally with 10(5) TCID50 of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus strain IAF.exp91. All virus-exposed pigs developed fever, labored abdominal breathing, conjunctivitis, and lymph node enlargement within the first 96 h postexposure (PE), which continued to d 10 to 14 PE. Two pigs that were necropsied at d 7 and 10 PE had diffuse interstitial pneumonitis, cardiopathy and lymphadenopathy. All 5 remaining pigs produced serum IgM and IgG antibodies against PRRS virus by 7 or 14 days PE, as demonstrated by indirect immunofluorescence. This corresponded with the capability of isolating the virus from serum d 7 to d 49 or d 63 PE. Low serum neutralizing antibody titers were detected in 3 of the virus-exposed pigs by 35 days PE. A transient episode of diminished proliferative response of peripheral blood lymphocytes to mitogens phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A (Con A) was observed in the virus-exposed pigs at d 3 PE. However, in vitro spontaneous uptake of [3H]-thymidine was significantly increased in lymphocyte cultures of the same pigs at d 7 or d 14 PE. These results suggest polyclonal activation of peripheral blood lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Cellular as well as humoral immune responses were detected in six rams experimentally infected with Brucella ovis. Specific antibodies were detectable by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay by day 11 after infection in all the rams. The levels of IgM antibodies and total antibodies in the serum rose until 33 and 41 days after infection respectively, then levelled off. Antigen-induced blastogenic responses by lymphocytes developed as early as five days after infection in all rams but had decreased to low levels by day 63 in most. Blastogenesis induced by phytohaemagglutinin and concanavalin A varied among infected rams and did not differ significantly (P greater than 0.05) from control rams. All rams had developed delayed-type skin hypersensitivity by day 63 after infection. One ram which did not become infected as a result of exposure had low levels of B ovis serum antibodies and a detectable antigen-induced lymphocyte blastogenic response before infection, suggesting the involvement of cell-mediated immunity in protection against B ovis.  相似文献   

Localisation of swine hepatitis E virus in experimentally infected pigs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of intravenously inoculated swine hepatitis E virus (HEV) was assessed by in situ hybridisation for a period of 50 days. Evidence of apparent clinical disease was found in only one pig in the HEV infected group. The only gross lesion observed was mildly enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes at 50 days post infection (dpi). Histopathologically, mild lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and focal hepatocellular necrotic lesions were found in HEV-infected pigs. Swine HEV nucleic acids were detected by RT-PCR in the faeces at 3 dpi in 100% of the 18 pigs infected with the virus. Thereafter, the number of positives declined.The most consistent and intense signal was found in the liver of infected animals using in situ hybridisation. The positive cells were hepatocytes, Kupffer cells, bile epithelial cells and interstitial lymphocytes. Swine HEV RNA was localised in the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes, with a slightly granular pattern of staining, but hybridisation signals were not observed in degenerative or vacuolated hepatocytes. HEV was much less frequently detected in extrahepatic tissues such as lymph nodes, tonsil, spleen and small and large intestine. It was concluded that swine HEV had replicated primarily in the hepatocytes and infection resulted in subclinical infection with minimal histopathological changes in the liver.  相似文献   

A comparative study of seven isolates of Mycoplasma meleagridis indicated that they were indistinguishable morphologically. Two isolates, E2 and 8M92, induced hemagglutination of red blood cells of several different species while the others did not. Metabolic inhibition, growth inhibition and growth precipitation tests revealed minor differences among the seven isolates. According to these differences, isolates were divided into three groups: antiserum-sensitive isolate 1 466, less sensitive isolates N, 8M92, RY3, 529 and E2 and insensitive isolate 1940. One dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of cell proteins revealed that all isolates of M. meleagridis had virtually identical patterns and that they were electrophoretically distinct from Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae. When nonhemagglutinating isolate N, and hemagglutinating isolate E2 were examined by simple immunoelectrophoresis, no differences were detected. However, minor antigenic differences were detected between the two strains by means of two dimensional immunoelectrophoresis.  相似文献   

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