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This paper analyzes the features of data for network-supported collaborative design, researches the data transformation, the data transmission and the data transaction of collaborative design. The system configuration and organization mode of dynamic data exchange for network-supported collaborative design are developed, in which, STEP serves as the product data exchange standard, what's more, Object-Oriented Database (OODB) is the kernel database of the system, so that each of the CAD systems can synchronously access the OODB, share and exchange the design information. The STEP-OODB serves as the organizing mode of dynamic data exchange for the network-supported collaborative design based on Internet, which realizes the real-time exchange and consistency of the dynamic data among the cross-platforms and CAD systems.  相似文献   

Considering Object oriented design, abstract mechanism of object and technology of procedure design in ObjectARX are introduced.By analyzing characteristics of power network, the puper it elaborates process of definition special object by using of open structure of AutoCAD inner database , base class provided by ARX and mechanism of calss inheritance and derivative. The class definition of elemens is also given in power system as well. Technology of data exchange is also elaborated. On this base ,object models of power CAD are constructed.Date exchange between PWCAD and the external database is also realized.  相似文献   

This article deals with the research on the features and collaborative process of independent development of key automobile parts. It generally employed concurrent engineering theory and technologies of Internet & Intranet, computer aided design (CAD), computer aided manufacturing (CAM) and product data management (PDM). Field knowledge on independent development of key automobile parts was concluded and a set of concurrent collaborative environment and key enabling supporting technologies that face the independent development of automobile body panel dies were also built up. Meanwhile it introduced the secondary development methods of knowledge based engineering (KBE) to implement the knowledge transformation of designing and manufacturing experiences for an enterprise. The results was applied for the development & production of one of this enterprise's new automobile styles and work well.  相似文献   

Summary The development and use of a computer database specifically designed to be used to store data from a plant breeding programme on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is described. Setting up a database requires data analysis in order to establish a conceptual dat model and a conceptual processing data. Every model has been written with MERISE method. With the models, a database has been built using ORACLE relational database management system. It is tailored to meet our own requirements which may be common to other database users.  相似文献   

基于JSP的牛肉质量安全可追溯网络化系统研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了保障普通老百姓消费牛肉的安全性,并适应中国牛肉的外贸出口的需要,设计构建了网络化牛肉质量安全可追溯系统。此项研究采用JSP设计面向对象的动态网页,采用My SQL数据库,将管理系统放在互联网上,运用B/S(浏览器/服务器)体系结构,使牛肉跟踪与追溯系统网络化、普及化。使得生产、销售商以及普通消费者可以在网络上查询到每一头牛、每一块牛肉的详细信息,既保证了消费者的合法权益,也能在第一时间找到牛肉质量安全生产中出现问题的环节所在。  相似文献   

As the important method and instrument of agile manufacture,the technology of distributed collaborative design and manufacturing has become the hotspot of manufacturing. The basic concept and key technologies of IP_VPN are introduced in this paper,and a collaborative design network model based on IP_VPN is presented. Distributed collaborative design is a multi_user,multitask involved system, which is consisted of lots of collaborative processs,so the network security is the key of distributed collaborative design. We research on the security of collaborative design network based on IP_VPN, hence get a conclusion:we can construct an economical?practical and secure collaborative design network system by the application of data encryption,user authentication and access control based on the role,etc.  相似文献   

Under the mode of customization-oriented multi-varieties and small-batch production, the requirement of design and manufacturing integration exists in sheet metal processing shops, which has the characteristics of great varieties of sheet metals, huge design data and heavy production tasks. To meet the requirement, an integrated operation mode for sheet metal processing shop of electrical equipment is presented. The mode realizes the information sharing and business collaboration from the sheet metal 3D CAD, 2D outspread, process design, optimal sheet metal layout, NC programming to NC machining. The integration framework based on service oriented architecture(SOA), function structure and operation process of the system is constructed. The system has been applied to an electrical equipment manufacturer in Chongqing, and good results are obtained.  相似文献   

It is hard to realize the Realtime Collaborative Design due to the limitation of network bandwidth and some other reasons over Internet. A Realtime Collaborative Design System is constructed with complete distribution construction and concentrated distribution construction. Based on the research of outcome of the research group, the dynamic data format is modified and optimized, it reduces the load of network in collaborative design to meet the requirement of realtime and enhances the capacity of rapid response and stability of the system.  相似文献   

A distributed Client/Multi-Server system is developed, in which the multi-server system controlled the collaborative clients by the mechanism of collision arbitration. This is made to avoid collaborative clients to become completely dependent on the single server and to improve the stabilization and reliability of the server system. A mathematic model of multi-server system based on queuing theory is presented. The solution of mathematic model is analyzed, which includes the average utilization frequency of servers, the length of queuing and waiting time. The theory system, which is intuitionistie and convenient, is redounded to reflecting the dynamic data change of the system, reasonably organizing the system and optimizing the design methodology of the multi-server system.  相似文献   

Aiming toovercome thelimitation of the traditional design methods of automobile parts, this paper presents a design and analysis method based on "Soft Prototype". By developing a professional CAD system Drum Brake Design and Analysis System, the authors researched the design method of "Virtual Products" and the technologies of parameterized modeling. During the development of software, some new methods are presented. In this CAD system, the database, graphical browser and designing module are united perfectly, and parameters are utilized to create models. Such a system can greatly improve design efficiency and reduce the time of new products development  相似文献   

With the abundance and development ,the transmission of virtual instrument on Internet become the exigent need in the field of instrument .The paper summarizes the building method of running flat to the stream of virtual instrument .The authors can complete remote test,exchange the testing data,so much as establish a dynamic league for test mission through the flat . For this flat ,they bring forward own opinion of systemic framework and running environment as well as local area network building . Furthermore, the anthors set forth the realization of function of accessing to database of virtual instrument.,the layout of site homepage. Finally,they introduce how to configure the site server ,what operating system to be selected for the site server and how to deploy the whole site .  相似文献   

OGSA, as a universal grid computing frame, has resolved a good many problems in the CSCD, and provides a new solution for the network-based collaborative design. This paper studied the main problems in application of the grid technology to network-based collaborative design system by the OGSA based the WSRF, which is used as the basic platform of collaborative design grid. The meaning of the collaborative design grid is explained, and then the opening architecture of collaborative design grid design process on the condition of eoll is presented based on the function analysis in detail. Meanwhile, the collaborative aborative design grid is explained, and the key technologies of the collaborative design grid are analyzed deeply. The results provide a solution and groundwork for the more research on the collaborative design grid and its implementation.  相似文献   

物联网技术作为工业4.0的核心,成为全球的热点词汇。中国作为一个农业大国,在农业生产上,我们需要引用新型的技术,在有限的资源构造出消耗少、避污染、成本低、可量产的生产模式。本文介绍了物联网IOT技术结合西门子S7-1500控制器、Node-RED等物联网工具,连接传感器与PC站组成一套PLC控制的鱼菜共生系统。以TIA Portal作为编程组态软件,对传感器和被控对象进行组态、测试,对系统进行电气设计,组装外部控制系统电气柜,实现对鱼菜共生系统的自动控制。该设计改变了传统高密度养殖模式,是新型仿自然的种养一体复合农业模式,具有低能耗、高产出、高利润、产品好、无污染的特点。  相似文献   

This paper first presented the architecture of the CAD system for space - grid structures based on ObjectARX, then some key technologies were studied to realize the system, such as interface control method on MFC, graphic database and parametric drive. A CAD system for space -grid structures based on ObjectARX was develooed with AutoCAD API and the Object- oriented technique.  相似文献   

The scheme and practice for construct of intelligent agricultural information network are descibed . With Internet form, we set up the computer network of Intelligent Information Technology of Agriculture in Demonstration Section of Chongqing, discussed the design method of expert system in agriculture, and studied 5 expert systems based on vegetable growth, such as tomato and so on. Some software modules are studied, such as the soil information systems on the network, expert system in the vegetable plant diseases and insect pests diagnostician and network on line selling and so on. The structure,function and work flow of information service system based network are introduced.  相似文献   

CottonDB (www.cottondb,org) was initiated in 1995.It is a database that contains genomic,genetic,and taxonomic information for cotton (Gossypium spp.).It serves both as an archival database and as a dynamic database,which incorporates new data and user resources.CottonDB is maintained at the Southern Plains Agricultural Research Center in College Station,TX.The project includes a website and database creating a repository of information for over 450,000 gene,EST,and conting sequences; genetic and physical map data; nearly 10,000 DNA primers; and 9,000 germplasm accessions.  相似文献   

To solve the problem of product data exchange and sharing among heterogeneous systems, the key technologies, including manufacturing information sharing, file conversion from STEP AP203/AP214 to AP224 with the conversion ware of STEP neutral files, are discussed.Using STEP standard as information output of CAD systems, the AP203/AP214 file output from CAD systems is transformed to AP224 file with STEP neutral file, while CAPP systems obtained geometry and manufacturing process information of the parts with AP224 neutral files.By translating the STEP files into corresponding XML neutral files according to the transformation criterions constituted by STEP AP28, XML schema library is setup.Upon this, product data exchange and sharing of manufacturing information can be achieved.  相似文献   

为有效并准确诊断出斜拉桥损伤,对基于模式识别的斜拉桥损伤诊断方法进行了研究。选取易于测试出的低阶模态频率和部分关键点竖向振型数据为动力指纹,无需模态扩展或模型缩聚。研究并采用全因子设计进行动力指纹库的创建,可精确评估设定的损伤因子及其交互作用对损伤识别结果的影响。设计并增加了带随机误差的动力指纹库样本集。编制了基于Matlab的模式识别的多种算法,重点研究了精确度高的多层感知器识别算法及其提高该算法预测准确率的装袋集成算法。最后给出一座单塔双跨双索面斜拉桥的多种识别算法的损伤诊断过程和结果,得到一种可包容测试随机误差的高精确度斜拉桥损伤诊断评估模型。  相似文献   

WinSock is a group of API,which is used to transmit data and exchange information on Internet,the Socket Application programme impoldered by users may communicate with other Socket Application programes by Internet. Delphi provides Socket components,which sustains the TCP/IP protocol and makes the Internet programming acquiring much more flexibility.This paper probes that how to realize transmission of files in any format under nonblocking mode between clients and servers by means of Socket components of Delphi.  相似文献   

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