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四种饲喂水平对笼养肉用种母鸡生产性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

日粮能量蛋白水平对肉用型种公鸡繁殖性能的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1材料和方法1.1试验时间和地点本试验于2000年5月初开始,同年7月中旬结束,地点为辽宁某父母代肉种鸡场。1.2试验动物和饲养管理39~50周龄的艾维茵肉用父母代种公鸡为试材,种公、母鸡同舍笼养,人工授精。试验期每天16h光照,强度为10勒克斯;依据舍内温度机械通风;种公鸡每天人工给料120g,限制饮水;人工拣蛋4次,每日喂料前人工清粪;定期喷雾消毒。1.3试验设计及饲料配方选择39周龄健康种公鸡72只,随机分为9组,每组8只,一鸡一笼;另选择健康同周龄种母鸡432只,也随机分为9组,每组48只…  相似文献   

在低水平豆粕型母猪哺乳期饲料中添加合成赖氨酸以平衡日粮的营养水平,不会对母猪当前和以后的生产性能产生负面影响,虽然合成氨基酸的成本增加了,但整体生产成本能够下降。  相似文献   

为研究夏季日粮中粗脂肪、粗蛋白、赖氨酸和蛋氨酸水平对肉种鸡生产性能的影响,27周龄良凤肉用种母鸡随机分为4个处理,每个处理3个重复,每个重复为490只,处理一饲喂对照日粮(CF2.7%,CP16.5%,Lys0.83%,Met0.40%),处理二饲喂高脂肪日粮(CF5.43%),处理三饲喂高蛋白日粮(CP18.2%),处理四饲喂高赖氨酸和蛋氨酸日粮(Lys0.91%,Met0.44%),试验期共112天。结果表明,对照日粮的营养水平是适合的,在此基础上分别增加日粮的粗脂肪水平、粗蛋白水平、蛋氨酸和赖氨酸水平,都不能提高肉种母鸡的生产性能,也不能减轻夏季炎热带来的影响。  相似文献   

种公鸡笼养和人工授精技术在现代种鸡生产中已经普遍应用 ,种公鸡日粮的营养水平与繁殖性能日益受到重视和关注 ,许多学者对种公鸡配种期日粮营养水平与繁殖性能作了有益的研究 ,这些研究结果推动了我国种鸡生产和种公鸡饲料的生产和应用。1 日粮能量与蛋白质的影响  能量和蛋白质是公鸡营养中的两大重要指标。日粮中适当增加蛋白质的总量或提高蛋白质的生物学价值 ,可改善饲料代谢能的利用和增加能量沉积量。采食过量的蛋白质会降低能量的利用效率。缺乏能量时机体要动用体脂和氨基酸产能 ,缺乏蛋白质时会破坏组织中的氨基酸正常比例 ,…  相似文献   

日粮蛋白水平对肉用仔鸡的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用200只1日龄良凤花肉仔鸡,随机分成4组(公母各半)。I组为对照组,喂以基础日粮;Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ组为试验组,在基础日粮的蛋白质水平上分别提高2、4和6个百分点,试验期为56d(天),研究了这种蛋白水平下对其生产性能、板油率、胃周围脂肪和血清中胆固醇含量的影响。结果表明:试验组肉仔鸡板油率、胃周围脂肪含量显著低于对照组,其中Ⅲ组极显著低于对照组;试验Ⅳ组胸肌率显著高于对照组,血清中胆固醇显著低于对照组;生产性能与对照组差异不显著。  相似文献   

日粮能量蛋白质水平对种公猪繁殖性能的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王金全  朱德阳 《养猪》2000,(4):12-15
本文以杜洛克公猪为试材,研究日粮能量蛋白质水平对种公猪繁殖性能的影响,试验采用单因子随机试验设计,18头平均为11月龄的种公猪,按照体重、月龄和窝别平均分为三组,每组6头;日粮设两种蛋白质水平(12%,16%),两种能量水平(3.0Mcal/kg,3.4Mcal/kg),组合成三种日粮处理:1)高能高蛋白组(EP),2)低能高蛋白组(eP),3)低能低蛋白组(eP),三组公猪随机对应三种日粮处理。试验结果表明,日粮处理对种公猪体重、日增重、背膘厚、睾丸体积有显著影响;本试验所设范围内,日粮能量蛋白质水平对公猪繁殖性能无影响。  相似文献   

使用四种不同营养水平的日粮饲养狼山鸡119日龄表明,四组试验鸡的料重比、日增重差异不显著,但从经济效益角度考虑,营养水平高的日粮饲养料狼山鸡优于营养水平低的日粮。  相似文献   

The response of broiler breeder hens to dietary lysine and methionine.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Broiler breeder hens were used in an experiment lasting 10 weeks (29 to 38 weeks of age) to measure the responses to dietary lysine and methionine, the main objective being to determine whether the coefficients of response to these amino acids were the same for broiler breeders and for laying pullets. 2. The hens were offered 150 g/d of one of 20 dietary treatments, 10 being lysine-limiting and 10 being methionine-limiting. The diets were mixed by diluting one of two concentrate (summit) mixes with a protein-free dilution mixture. The lysine-limiting summit diet was designed to supply approximately 1300 mg lysine/bird d, while the other supplied 520 mg methionine/bird d, when fed at 150 g/bird d. 3. Birds on the 5 lowest concentrations of both lysine and methionine did not consume the allotted amount of food, the amount decreasing, in a curvilinear fashion, to approximately 105 g/bird d. 4. The minimum egg weight recorded was 0.8 of the maximum, whereas the rate of lay of birds fed on the diets with the lowest amino acid concentrations was 0.2 of the maximum. 5. Using the Reading Model, the coefficients of response were calculated to be (for lysine) 16.88 E and 11.2 W, and for methionine, 7.03 E and 1.52 W, where E = egg output, g/bird d, and W = body mass, kg/bird. An average, individual, broiler breeder of 3 kg, producing 45 g of egg output per day, would need 793 mg of lysine and 321 mg of methionine daily. This intake of methionine is similar to that estimated by means of coefficients used for laying pullets, but the lysine requirement would be underestimated by 0.18 if the coefficients for laying pullets were used. 6. The coefficients for maintenance for both lysine and methionine, determined in this experiment, are considerably lower than values published previously, whilst the coefficients for egg output are, in both cases, higher. The resultant flock response curves therefore differed significantly from those in which the coefficients of response for for laying pullets were used.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. The objective of this study was to determine a metabolisable energy (ME) requirement model for broiler breeder hens. The influence of temperature on ME requirements for maintenance was determined in experiments conducted in three environmental rooms with temperatures kept constant at 13, 21 and 30 degrees C using a comparative slaughter technique. The energy requirements for weight gain were determined based upon body energy content and efficiency of energy utilisation for weight gain. The energy requirements for egg production were determined on the basis of egg energy content and efficiency of energy deposition in the eggs. 2. The following model was developed using these results: ME = kgW0.75(806.53-26.45T + 0.50T2) + 31.90G + 10.04EM, where kgW0.75 is body weight (kg) raised to the power 0.75, T is temperature ( degrees C), G is weight gain (g) and EM is egg mass (g). 3. A feeding trial was conducted using 400 Hubbard Hi-Yield broiler breeder hens and 40 Peterson males from 31 to 46 weeks of age in order to compare use of the model with a recommended feeding programme for this strain of bird. The application of the model in breeder hens provided good productive and reproductive performance and better results in feed and energy conversion than in hens fed according to strain recommendation. In conclusion, the model evaluated predicted an ME intake which matched breeder hens' requirements.  相似文献   

Lameness and mortality of 0.55% to 1.00% per week occurred in 32-to-33-wk-old broiler breeder hens in a complex involving eight houses. Males were not affected. Laboratory evaluation of 19 birds, over 2 wk, revealed complete rupture or partial tear, primarily of the gastrocnemius tendon; the fibularis longus, fibularis brevis, and flexor muscles and their tendons were injured in a few birds. Rupture of the gastrocnemius tendon has been observed in broiler breeder chickens older than 12 wk of age and it is characterized by lameness secondary to unilateral or bilateral rupture of the tendon. The cause of this condition has been primarily attributed to reovirus infection but rupture by other causes can also occur. In this case, there was no evidence of synovitis or reovirus infection in the birds. The cause of the ruptures was attributed to aggressive males when the ratio of males to females was increased from seven or eight males per 100 females at 22-23 wk to nine or 10 per 100 at 31 wk of age.  相似文献   

1. We examined the effect of density (5, 7, 9 and 11 birds/m2) and season (summerand winter; different hens each season) on stress and behaviour in two flocks of 64 broiler breeder females divided among 8 pens. 2. The hens, approximately the same age and body mass in each season, were maintained on hard-packed ground, without litter, in an open-sided chicken house and were offered the same amount of food each season. 3. Mean house max/min temperatures varied between 18 and 33 degrees C in summer and 7 and 17 degrees C in winter. Mean relative humidity in summer varied between 68% at 08:00 h and 42% at 14:00 h and in winter was 64% at 08:00 h and 47% at 14:00 h. 4. No difference was found in heterophil:lymphocyte ratios among densities and between seasons; however, basophil numbers were higher in winter than in summer indicating prolonged stress in winter. 5. Stereotyped pecking increased with an increase in density and was higher in winter than in summer. Pecking on the ground was higher in winter, but was not affected by density. 6. In summer the hens spent more time lying and eating than in winter, whereas in winter the hens spent more time walking, preening and drinking than in summer. They spent the same amount of time standing in both seasons. None of these behaviours was density dependent. 7. We conclude that season had more of an effect than density on stress and behaviour in broiler breeder hens under the conditions of our study.  相似文献   

泄殖腔在鸟类的生理机能上起着重要的作用。机能失常可能导致严重病变:泄殖腔炎,并主要发生在种鸡群中的产蛋母鸡。此类产蛋母鸡要得到完全的治癒非常困难,防止肥胖或许是预防泄殖腔炎的最好措施。  相似文献   

随着夏季的来临,防暑降温又被各种鸡场提上工作日程,如何采取有效的措施防暑降温,以帮助肉种鸡安全稳定的度过炎热的夏季,也就是如何预防肉种鸡免遭热应激的伤害,是一个值得讨论的现实问题。  相似文献   

One of the greatest challenges for nutritionists is ensuring that breeder hens consume the quantity of nutrients necessary to ensure proper development while also ensuring the production of good quality chicks. However, new studies must investigate how nutrition can positively affect the performance of these poultry. The present study aimed to evaluate hydrolyzed yeast supplementation in the diet of Cobb 500 broiler breeder hens, starting from 25 wk of age, and to evaluate the performance of the hens and their progeny. Broiler breeder hens fed hydrolyzed yeast supplement exhibited better performance compared with the control group. The results of the progeny demonstrated improved performance in chicks from the breeder hens fed the hydrolyzed yeast supplement. However, no improvement was observed in breast or leg yields; only carcass yield improved in these broilers. The results demonstrate that supplementation with hydrolyzed yeast in the diet of broiler breeder hens improves the performance of hens and their progeny.  相似文献   


1. This study was performed to evaluate the effects of dietary supplementation of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) on laying rate, body weight, plasma metabolites and some liver gene expression in broiler breeder hens.

2. A total of 128 broiler breeder hens (Arbor Acres Plus, 47 weeks of age) were randomly distributed to four dietary groups supplemented with different levels of CoQ10 (0, 300, 600 or 900 mg/kg diet) with four replicates of eight hens each. During 47–54 weeks of age, laying rate, egg mass and body weight were recorded weekly. To assay plasma biochemical indicators, blood samples were collected at 54 weeks of age. At the end of the experiment, for evaluating the abdominal fat weight, liver weight and expression of the adiponectin and proliferator-activated receptor-α (PPAR-α) genes in the liver, eight hens per treatment were selected, weighed and humanely killed by decapitation.

3. Dietary supplementation of CoQ10 linearly decreased abdominal fat weight, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activities by increased levels of CoQ10. The plasma levels of glucose, cholesterol and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity were quadratically decreased by increased levels of CoQ10. The best plasma levels of glucose, cholesterol and ALP activity were estimated at 562.5, 633.3 and 517.8 mg CoQ10/kg diet, respectively. Adiponectin and PPARα gene expression exhibited a linear increased by increased levels of CoQ10.

4. In conclusion, addition of CoQ10 to the diet influenced lipid metabolism and expression of the adiponectin and PPAR-α genes, which might be partially due to the improvement in mitochondrial metabolism and energy production. However, further studies are necessary to determine the effects of CoQ10 on these indicators in broiler breeder hens during ageing.  相似文献   

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