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将柽柳(Tamarix. sp)金属硫蛋白基因(MT1)插入到植物表达载体pBI121,利用农杆菌(Agrobactrium tumefaciens)介导法将MT1导入烟草基因组。对转基因T1植株的卡那霉素抗性分析表明,多数转基因植株后代表现为3:1的分离比例,只有少数转基因植株的抗性分离表现为15:1或不符合孟德尔遗传的分离比例。说明整合到烟草基因组的外源基因多为单拷贝基因,也有少数为多拷贝基因。对具有卡那霉素抗性的转基因植株进行PCR-Southern检测和Northern杂交分析表明,外源MT1基因已整合到烟草基因组,并且得到了正确表达。转基因植株对重金属镉的抗性比对照显著提高,表现为转基因植株的株高和鲜重均明显优于非转基因株系。  相似文献   

根据对香格里拉县雪鸡坪—春都斑岩性铜矿区主体矿区的25个样地的土壤和植物叶片检测结果,运用地积累指数法和潜在生态危害指数法对土壤重金属污染状况进行评价,并运用富集系数筛选优良修复植物,为今后雪鸡坪—春都矿区土壤改良和修复提供科学依据。评价结果表明,矿区土壤中重金属的污染程度由高到底依次为:Pb > As > Cu > Hg > Cr > Zn > Cd,单个重金属元素的潜在生态危害风险程度,由强到弱依次为:Hg(98.7) > Pb(28.2) > As(21.1) > Cd(16.6) > Cu(14.6) > Cr(2.1) > Zn(1.0),综合来看,矿区土壤污染主要受Pb,Cu,Hg和As这4种元素影响为主。依据矿区6种典型植物对重金属的富集能力,建议矿区选择铜锤玉带草为先锋植物,以铜锤玉带草、杜鹃、云南松、高山栎4种植物组成的群落作为修复矿区土壤的先锋植物群落。  相似文献   

选择干旱区典型城市河流乌鲁木齐市水磨河为研究区,结合经典统计学与地统计学相关方法理论,研究了乌鲁木齐市水磨河沿岸土壤重金属含量的分布特征及其污染评价。结果表明:水磨河沿岸土壤重金属含量在土层深度上差异较小;从土地利用方式来看,人为活动明显干扰重金属在沿岸土壤分布中的含量变化,重金属元素间的相关关系在一定程度上反映着几种重金属的同源性与差异性;主成分分析表明,Cu和Zn为水磨河沿岸土壤特征重金属元素,且重金属因子负载图表明Cu和Zn含量存在多因素控制;从空间分布来看,水磨河表层土壤重金属含量分布高值点位置基本相似,主要在河流南端(上游硫磺沟附近)并与河道遇水库、遇支流有关,高值点主要集中在青格达湖、塔桥湾水库、九道湾水库和硫磺沟附近;水磨河沿岸不同土层重金属的单因子污染指数平均值均小于1,整体表现为未污染状态;内梅罗综合污染指数分别为1.26(0—20cm),1.20(20—40cm),1.32(40—60cm),介于1.0P≤2.0之间,处于Ⅲ级,为轻度污染;各土层对不同重金属具有较高的承载力,属中容量区,水磨河沿岸整体土壤重金属环境质量良好。综上可知,Cu和Zn是主要的污染重金属元素,重金属污染受到工厂分布、河流改道及水库建设等人为活动影响。综合不同评价结果认为,目前水磨河沿岸土壤处于未受污染或轻度污染状态,环境质量良好。  相似文献   

成都市人工湖塘沉积物中重金属分布特征及污染评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以成都市经济区内人工湖塘作为研究对象,分析湖塘沉积物中重金属元素的分布规律。利用地积累指数评价,结果表明沉积物中重金属地积累指数大小顺序为:Hg>Cd>Pb>Cu>Zn>As。湖塘沉积物中Hg是主要污染物质,属强-极强污染,其次是Cd,Pb,Cu属强污染,靠近工业区的东湖沉积物污染最为严重,其次是近郊区的青龙渔场,远郊的朝阳水库污染较轻。  相似文献   

The research evaluated the comparative effect of two media of soil acidification on lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and zinc (Zn) extractive ability of Tithonia diversifolia in alkaline soil. Application of both amendments increased the solubility of the metals. Sulfur (S) addition was more effective at reducing the soil pH compared with the addition of urea. Lead and cadmium uptake by the plant was significantly higher in the urea treatments compared with sulfur treated soils. Generally, the addition of urea resulted in a higher amount of lead and cadmium in the plant parts. The acidification effect due to S addition was too high for the plant to perform optimally. The addition of S increased the uptake of Zn by the plant compared with the effect of adding urea. The complimentary effect of N addition with the soil acidification enhanced metal uptake. Tithonia diversifolia was classified as a hyper accumulator of metals.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is a remediation technique that involves the use of plants to extract, sequester, and/or detoxify pollutants through physical, chemical, and biological processes. The use of phytoremediation is expanding due to its cost-effectiveness compared with conventional methods. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of autumn and spring application of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR, 108 cfu mL?1 Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum sprayed at 250 mL plot?1) and phosphorus (P) fertilizer (0, 11, 22, 33, 44 kg P ha?1) on dry matter yield and heavy metal uptake by plants in soils contaminated with heavy metals. Field experiments were conducted using a randomized complete block design with four replications between 2004 and 2007. The results of the study indicated that P fertilization, but not PGPR application, significantly affected dry matter yield. Application of PGPR increased heavy metal availability in soils and the heavy metal uptake of meadow plants. The heavy metal content of the meadow plants resulting from PGPR application was 4–6 times higher for the spring application than the autumn application. Approximately 16, 30, 10, 10, and 3 growing seasons without PGPR are necessary to remove all lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), boron (B), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn), respectively, from polluted soil. The time required for Pb, Ni, B, Mn, and Zn removal could be further decreased to approximately 4, 6, 3, 3, and 1 growing seasons, respectively, with 33 kg phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) ha?1 and 108 cfu mL?1 PGPR applications at rates of 250 mL plot?1 in the spring season.  相似文献   

采用半野外试验研究了聚丙烯酸盐对自然条件下矿区重金属污染土壤性质和矿区本地植株生长的影响。研究表明,0.4%的聚丙烯酸盐明显促进了4种污染矿区本地植物的生长,总生物量在两轮生长中分别是对照处理的1.8倍和2-3倍。不同植株对不同生长季节反映不同,其中Brizamoxima(B.maxima)在春夏季节生长好于秋冬季节,但生物量不高,无法提供大面积覆盖。而Chaetopogon fasciculatus(efasciculatus)和spergularia purpurea(S.purpurea)因其在秋冬季节生长明显好于春夏季节,尽管在春夏季节由于干旱而大量死亡,仍然可以大面积覆盖土壤,所以可尝试用于矿区土壤的植被固定。聚丙烯酸盐的应用显著改善了土壤脱氢酶、磷酸酶、蔗糖苷酶、蛋白酶、脲酶以及纤维素酶的活性。研究同时发现,不同种类植株的生长与土壤pH及土壤酶活性存在显著的相关关系,其中,土壤pH和efasciculatus的生长与土壤中蛋白酶和纤维素酶的活性正相关(r〉0.60),而Brizamaxima的生长与蔗糖酶的活性正相关(r=0.82)。  相似文献   

在河北省地质调查院1:250000多目标区域地球化学调查的研究基础上,对河北省清苑县及周边的农田土壤及玉米子实进行了采样分析,分析该地区农田土壤重金属的富集程度,并采用富集因子法和单因子土壤污染指数法进行污染状况评价。结果表明,该研究区土壤以重金属Zn、Cu、Cr、Pb、Cd污染最为严重,其中Cd污染已达显著富集程度;通过对子实重金属含量的描述统计显示,其农产品也受到一定程度的重金属污染,其中玉米子实中的重金属Ni和Pb存在超标现象。通过地统计学方法分析揭示了清苑县土壤重金属中污染严重的Zn、Cu、Cr、Pb的空间分布特征,并探索其主要成因。  相似文献   

肌球蛋白是组成肌原纤维粗丝的主要成分,在肌肉生长发育和运动收缩过程起重要作用。本研究采用反转录PCR和快速扩增cDNA末端(rapid amplification cDNA ends,RACE)方法,从太湖鹅(Anser anser)肌肉中克隆到肌球蛋白重链1基因(myosin heavy chain 1,MyHC1)的全长cDNA,并运用生物信息学的方法对其进行分析,实时荧光定量PCR(Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR,qRT-PCR)检测MyHC1基因在鹅胚胎期的表达情况。研究结果表明,鹅MyHC1基因(Gen Bank登录号:KM675469)cDNA全长6028 bp,包含5 823 bp的开放性阅读框,57 bp的5’端非编码区和148 bp的3’端非编码区,共编码1 940个氨基酸。经预测,鹅MyHC1基因编码的蛋白质由31 478个原子组成,分子式为C9746H15817N2753O3096S66,相对分子质量为223 kD,等电点为5.62,平均亲水性为-0.786,属于不稳定亲水蛋白。在线预测鹅和鸡(Gallus gallus)的MyHC1蛋白质三维结构呈高度相似,由多螺旋和折叠片聚集成球状头部,并带有长纤维状α-螺旋尾部。鹅MyHC1的编码区(coding sequence,CDS)序列与鸡的同源性最高,为92.86%,与哺乳类同源性多数在84%左右,与两栖类同源性相对较低。鹅与鸡氨基酸同源性最高,为96.45%,与哺乳类的同源性多数在90%左右,与非洲爪蛙(Xenopus laevis)同源性较低,为78.13%。系统进化树分析表明,哺乳动物形成一个大分支,两栖类自成一支,鹅和红原鸡聚成一支,分子进化地位的关系最近,验证了鹅和鸡属于近缘物种。qRT-PCR检测到MyHC1基因在胚胎期第7天开始表达,以后表达量逐渐升高,在15d表达量达到高峰后下降,25d之后逐渐趋于平稳,表明,MyHC1基因在鹅胚胎期mRNA水平的表达量呈先上升再下降的趋势。本研究首次获得了鹅MyHC1的全长cDNA序列、分子的结构特点和表达特征,显示该基因在鹅肌肉生长发育过程起重要作用,为该基因的功能及鹅肉质性状研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

周利强  吴龙华  骆永明  尹斌 《土壤》2013,45(3):506-512
采用重金属污染水稻土开展盆栽试验,研究施用有机碳源、菜籽饼和猪粪对低积累水稻品种中浙优1号始穗期重金属积累以及根、剑叶抗氧化酶活性的影响.结果表明,施用高量有机碳源不利于水稻生长,根抗氧化酶活性降低.施用菜籽饼和猪粪,水稻生物量显著增加,根和秸秆Zn、Cd浓度较对照处理显著降低.菜籽饼处理水稻抗氧化酶活性增强,而猪粪处理从始穗期开始水稻衰老进程加快.与对照处理相比,施菜籽饼水稻生物量增加14.0%~49.2%,根和剑叶丙二醛(MDA)含量分别降低15.6% ~ 31.3%和15.3% ~ 51.8%,过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性升高40.9%~79.8%和9.0% ~ 143.8%,根和秸秆Zn浓度降低19.1% ~ 26.4%和10.1%~26.1%,Cd浓度降低32.7% ~ 58.8%和16.8%~62.1%;施用猪粪水稻生物量增加10.8%~16.7%,根和剑叶丙二醛(MDA)含量升高53.1% ~ 59.4%和18.5% ~ 44.9%,根和秸秆Zn浓度降低29.7%~42.6%和15.2%~52.9%,Cd浓度降低22.5%~44.0%和12.1%~ 64.5%.  相似文献   

Background, Aim and Scope   Phytoremediation is a remediation method which uses plants to remove, contain or detoxify environmental contaminants. Phytoremediation has successfully been applied for the removal of fresh hydrocarbon contamination, but removal of aged hydrocarbons has proven more difficult. Biodegradation of hydrocarbons in the subsurface can be enhanced by the presence of plant roots, i.e. the rhizosphere effect. Phytostabilization reduces heavy metal availability via immobilization in the rhizosphere. Soils contaminated by both hydrocarbons and heavy metals are abundant and may be difficult to treat. Heavy metal toxicity can inhibit the activity of hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms and decrease the metabolic diversity of soil bacteria. In this experiment, weathered hydrocarbon- and heavy metal- contaminated soil was treated using phytoremediation in a 39- month field study in attempts to achieve both hydrocarbon removal and heavy metal stabilization. Materials and Methods: A combination of hydrocarbon degradation and heavy metal stabilization was evaluated in a field-scale phytoremediation study of weathered contaminants. Soil had been contaminated over several years with hydrocarbons (11400±4300 mg kg dry soil)-1 and heavy metals from bus maintenance activities and was geologically characterized as till. Concentrations of soil copper, lead and zinc were 170±50 mgkg-1, 1100±1500 mg kg-1 and 390±340 mg kg-1, respectively. The effect of contaminants, plant species and soil amendment (NPK fertilizer or biowaste compost) on metabolic activity of soil microbiota was determined. Phytostabilization performance was investigated by analyses of metal concentrations in plants, soil and site leachate as well as acute toxicity to Vibrio fischeri and Enchtraeus albidus. Results: Over 39 months hydrocarbon concentrations did not decrease significantly (P=0.05) in non-amended soil, although 30% of initial hydrocarbon concentrations were removed by the last four months of study. In soil amended with NPK fertilizer and municipal biowaste compost, 65 % and 60 % of hydrocarbons were removed, respectively. The soil contained metabolically diverse bacteria, measured as carbon source utilization and extracellular enzymatic activities. Compost addition resulted in a slight increase in enzymatic activities. Diesel fuel utilization potential in Biolog MT2 plates inoculated with a soil suspension was enhanced by both compost and NPK compared to non-amended soil. Soil toxicity to V. fischeri and E. albidus was low. The leachate was not toxic to V. fischeri. Pine (Pinus sylvestris), poplar (Populus deltoides x Wettsteinii), grasses and clover (Trifolium repens) survived to varying degrees in the contaminated soil. All plants suffered from phytotoxicity symptoms and some trees died during the study period. Plants formed a dense cover over the compost-amended soil, whereas non-amended soil had areas devoid of vegetation throughout the study. Vegetation coverage in the NPK-amended quarter was about 50 % after the first four months of study, but increased gradually to 100 %. Heavy metals did not accumulate in plant tissue. Discussion: Removal of hydrocarbons from weathered unfertilized hydrocarbon-contaminated soil was not statistically significant despite the presence of a viable hydrocarbon-degrading microbial community. This effect is attributed to soil heterogeneity and low bioavailability of hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbon concentrations were not reduced to the desired level, i.e., 1500 mg hydrocarbons (kg of dry soil)-1, in any treatment. . The presence of clay minerals and organic matter within the compost may have limited heavy metal transfer to leachate and plant tissue. Conclusions: Weathered hydrocarbons were partly decomposed in soil fertilized with NPK fertilizer or biowaste compost, but not from unfertilized soil. The active hydrocarbon-degrading microbiota and low toxicity of soil to V. fischeri and E. albidus indicates low availability of contaminants to microorganisms. Despite high heavy metal concentrations, the soil contained metabolically diverse bacteria, measured as carbon source utilization and extracellular enzymatic activities. Heavy metals did not accumulate in test plants. Pine and poplar suffered from phytotoxicity symptoms in the soil and could not enhance hydrocarbon removal in compost-amended soil. Compost addition combined with a grass and legume crop is suggested for stabilization of combined hydrocarbon- and metal-contaminated soil. Recommendations and Perspectives: Both compost and NPK fertilizers can be used to enhance phytoremediation of soil contaminated with weathered hydrocarbons in the presence of heavy metals; however, compost addition is recommended since it enables greater vegetative coverage. This in turn may decrease heavy metal mobility. Phytoremediation can be used for remediation of soil contaminated with weathered hydrocarbons in the presence of heavy metals. However, phytoremediation of weathered contaminants requires extended periods of time; thus, other remediation methods should be considered in the event of soil contamination posing an immediate public health and/or environmental threat.  相似文献   

Contamination of agricultural soils by heavy metals has become a major concern due to their toxic effects on plant growth, symbiosis and consequently the yields of crops. In the present study, to enhance plant growth in Cr(VI)-amended soils, novel metalresistant plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) were isolated from a soil contaminated with industrial waste effluent. One of the bacterial isolates, identified as Enterobacter sp. C1D by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, was found to be multi-metal resistant in nature with excellent plant growth-promoting (PGP) traits. Mung bean (Vigna radiata var. GM4) inoculation with Enterobacter sp. C1D significantly (P < 0.01) increased root and shoot length, shoot and root weight, and chlorophyll content in a range of Cr(VI) treatments. Plant tolerance towards Cr(VI) measured as effective concentration showed higher values with Enterobacter sp. C1Dtreated plants compared to un-inoculated plants. Root colonization study was also carried out using green fluorescence protein-labeled Enterobacter sp. C1D under a hydroponic system. Confocal laser scanning microscopy of the plant roots showed heavy bacterial loads on the surface of the plant root specifically at the root tip and the point of root hair/lateral root formation. The results of PGP traits showed that elevated indole acetic acid levels and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase activity enabled Enterobacter sp. C1D to enhance V. radiata growth in Cr(VI)-amended soils, whereby it significantly increased plant tolerance towards elevated Cr(VI) concentrations.  相似文献   

Background, Aims and Scope   The German DIN 19730 (1997) describes a method for the extraction of readily available trace elements from soil by shaking the soil with 1 M NH4NO3-solution. Based on this method trigger and action values for the transfer of heavy metals and arsenic from soils to plants have been published in the German Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (BBodSchV 1999). The chemical mechanisms involved in this soil extraction procedure were evaluated in some detail to create requirements to improve environmental risk assessment for soil contaminations.Methods   The chemical mechanisms involved when soil is extracted with 1 M NH4NO3-solution were evaluated. This was followed by a laboratory experiment to quantify the formation of soluble metal ammine complexes during the extraction. Cd, Zn, Ni, Cu, Co and Hg were extracted from 16 soils by 1 M NH4NO3, 1 M KNO3 and water. pH was adjusted in 5 steps between 5.0 to 7.5. The potassium cation (K+) and the ammonium cation (NH4+) behave similarly when cations from soil surfaces are desorbed, because they have almost identical ion radii (e.g. 0.133 and 0.143 nm). K+ does not form ammine complexes with other ions, whereas, due to the increasing formation of NH3 from NH4 by dissociation with rising pH, metal ammine complex formation is an important process in soil extraction when using ammonium salt solutions. A difference in the extraction efficiency of 1 M NH4NO3- and 1 M KNO3-solution for a given soil can therefore be attributed to the formation of soluble metal ammine complexes. Conclusion   Our experiments resulted in considerably higher extraction rates of Cu, Cd and Hg by 1 M NH4NO3-solution as compared to 1 M KNO3-solution. This effect, caused by the formation of soluble metal ammine complexes, was only evident in soils with higher readily soluble heavy metal contents and a soil pH above 6 – 6.5 for Cu and 7 – 7.5 for Cd. Further chemical mechanisms involved when soils are extracted with 1 M NH4NO3 are a moderate decrease in pH and an increase in ionic strength. Most of the colloids and parts of soluble metal-organic complexes are precipitated due to the high ionic strength. High ionic strength also decreases the activity of metal-OH+ species and the electrostatic potential of the particle surfaces, which in turn, increases the desorption of heavy metal cations from negatively charged soil surfaces. In contrast, the adsorption of anions like arsenate is favoured by the decreasing electrostatic potential. The prediction of heavy metal uptake by plants from the results of the 1 M NH4NO3-solution extraction fits well for elements, which are mainly bound by low strength electrostatic forces to the soils. Such conditions are found in acidic soils for Cd and Tl, which have a low tendency for hydrolysis compared to other heavy metals. The correlation between 1 M NH4NO3 soil extraction and plant uptake is less significant for Ni and Zn. Only low positive correlation coefficients have been found for Pb, As, Hg and for the Cu-uptake by wheat. Imprecise prediction of plant uptake of heavy metals by the extraction with 1 M NH4NO3-solution is mainly caused by conditions leading to an overestimation of plant availability such as elements are strongly bound to soils, or low soluble trace element contents in soils. Neutral to alkaline soil pH can also lead to imprecise prediction due to increasing formation of soluble metal-organic (Cu, Pb, Hg) and metal ammine (Hg, Cu, Cd) complexes and less importantly due to the formation of colloids. Therefore, at low 1 M NH4NO3-extractable soil contents usually no high plant contents are to be expected. Recommendation and Outlook   Extraction of soil with 1 M NH4NO3-solution is a suitable method for the determination of readily soluble and plant available trace element contents. The chemical soil extraction process may cause misleading predictions of the transfer of trace elements to plants for some soil properties. This knowledge should be used to improve risk assessment of soil contaminations. It has to be considered, that the processes involved in plant uptake of trace elements are too complex to expect that just one soil extraction method can always guarantee a correct prognosis of toxicological significant element contents in plants. Soil analyses may be used for the preliminary examination of suspicious areas and the demarcation of contaminated areas. The results of soil analyses should be checked additionally by plant analyses especially under conditions with a high probability for misleading results by the 1 M NH4NO3-extraction. Alternatively, extraction with 1 M KNO3-solution can be performed to exclude the effect of metal ammine complex formation.  相似文献   

化学强化可提高超富集植物对土壤重金属的提取效果。采用盆栽试验,研究了可生物降解螯合剂谷氨酸N,N-二乙酸(GLDA)、液体肥的不同用量及复配使用对超富集植物东南景天吸收土壤重金属Cd、Zn的影响,并探讨了其渗滤液对环境的风险。结果表明:单一使用GLDA或者液体肥均能提高东南景天对土壤Cd、Zn的提取效率,其中1.25 mmol/kg GLDA处理的Cd、Zn提取量分别是空白处理的1.36,1.46倍,0.5 g/kg液体肥处理的Cd、Zn提取量分别是空白处理的1.40,1.43倍,这2种低用量单独使用的处理对Cd提取效率最高,达到41%~42%,且对应的渗滤液重金属含量均比空白处理要低,其环境风险较小。GLDA与较高用量(2 g/kg土)液体肥复配时,其东南景天对土壤Cd、Zn的提取量与空白处理相比有所下降。结果表明,GLDA和液体肥在强化植物修复方面有明显潜力,而且以低剂量单独使用强化效果较佳,值得进一步的田间试验核实。  相似文献   

铁(氢)氧化物和腐殖质是广泛分布在土壤中的重要天然活性物质,因其具有较大的比表面积并且铁(氢)氧化物表面的-OH与腐殖质表面的-COOH、-OH等活性官能团可通过静电作用、配体交换等多种机制对重金属离子产生较强吸附,从而影响重金属离子在环境中的迁移、转化和生物效应。深入了解重金属离子在铁(氢)氧化物-腐殖质复合体微界面相互作用的分子机理,对于阐明重金属离子在环境中的迁移、转化过程具有重要意义。本文综述了金属离子在铁(氢)氧化物与腐殖质上吸附机理和模型的研究进展,为重金属污染土壤的风险评估和控制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

自10年前首次种植转基因植物以来,转基因作物已在全球得到大面积推广。这些转基因作物中绝大多数品种具有抗虫基因能够增强作物对靶标昆虫的抗性。同时转抗虫基因植物可能带来的生态安全和环境问题也引起了国际社会广泛的关注。鉴于此,本实验开展了转Bt-cry1Ab基因抗虫玉米花粉  相似文献   

Background, Aims and Scope   Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are known for their capacity to reduce and precipitate heavy metals (HM) as metal sulfides, offering the opportunity to create an in situ reactive zone for the treatment of heavy metal-contaminated groundwater, a process called in situ metal precipitation (ISMP). The applicability of the ISMP technology first has to be investigated at a laboratory scale before going into an on site application. The evaluation and optimization of the ISMP process is facilitated when physical/chemical analysis techniques are combined with molecular tools that specifically monitor the abundance, diversity and dynamics of the indigenous sulfate reducing microbial community. In this study, batch experiments were conducted in order to investigate the feasibility of ISMP as a groundwater remediation strategy for an industrial site contaminated with elevated levels of Zn, Cd, Co and Ni. Methods   The potential of different types of carbon source/ electron donor (lactate, acetate, methanol, ethanol, Hydrogen Release Compound?, molasses) to stimulate the sulfate reduction and metal precipitation activity of the naturally present (or indigenous) SRB community was explored. In addition, the effect of amending vitamin B12 and yeast extract was evaluated. The ISMP process was monitored by combining analytical analyzes of process parameters (SO42&#61485;-concentration, heavy metal concentrations, pH, Eh) with molecular tools such as SRB subgroup and genus specific PCR, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and phylogenetic analysis of clone sequences, based on either the 16S rRNA or the dsr (dissimilatory sulfite reductase) gene. Results and Discussion   The efficiency of different carbon-sources to stimulate the ISMP process followed the order HRC&#61650; 〉 molasses 〉 methanol 〉 lactate 〉 ethanol 〉 acetate. Within 10 weeks, the highest sulfate and metal removal efficiencies ranged from 85% to 99%. Addition of yeast extract boosted the ISMP process, whereas vitamin B12 negligibly affected SRB activity. Analysis of the sulfate reducing population by SRB subgroup and genus specific PCR demonstrated that members of the genus Desulfosporosinus dominated in all batch tests, while 16S rDNA DGGE profiles additionally revealed the presence in the microbial communities of non-sulfate reducing bacteria within the family Clostridium and the &#61541;-proteobacteria. The dsrB-based DGGE profiles allowed us to assess the diversity and dynamics of the sulfate reducing community and added to a better understanding of the effects of different batch conditions on the ISMP process. Remarkably, all dsrB sequences affiliated with the dsrB gene sequence cluster found in Desulfotomaculum, which received their xenologous dsrB gene from the &#61540;-proteobacteria. Conclusions   The batch experiments, which aimed at stimulating the activities of the indigenous SRB communities, demonstrated that these communities were present and that their activities could be used to obtain efficient in situ precipitation of the contaminating heavy metals. This opens the possibility to test this concept in the future as an on site demonstration as part of the groundwater strategy for the heavy metal contaminated site. Although batch setups are suitable for preliminary feasibility studies for ISMP, they do not reflect the in situ situation where sulfate and heavy metal and metalloid polluted groundwater are supplied continuously. A sulfate reducing strain JG32A was isolated from whose 16S rRNA gene affiliated with the genus Desulfosporosinus, while its dsrB gene sequence clustered with Desulfotomaculum dsrB gene sequences, which received their xenologous dsr genes from &#61540;-proteobacteria. Therefore we hypothesize that the batch experiments enrich members of the Desulfosporosinus genus that possess a non-orthologous dsrB gene. Recommendation and Perspective   The next step towards an on site pilot test for ISMP will be the setup of a series of column experiments, with process conditions that are selected based on the above mentioned results. This will allow to define optimal ISMP process conditions and to test its long-term efficacy and sustainability before going into an on site bioremediation application. By applying the described molecular tools together with physical-chemical analyzes, it can be investigated whether the same SRB community is enriched and which type of C-source is most effective in promoting and sustaining its growth and sulfate-reduction activity.  相似文献   

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