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以隐性长穗颈温敏核不育水稻长选3S及其亲本培矮64S为材料,研究了温度对长选3S穗颈伸长的影响。人工24℃条件下,在始花前第12天至始花前第4天和始花当天至始花后第3天两个时段,穗颈节间伸长速度慢,但从始花前第4天至始花当天,长选3S穗颈节间伸长速度最快,其节间日均伸长的长度是培矮64S的2.1倍。在敏感期分别进行22℃、24℃、26℃和28℃ 4种人工温度处理, 28℃条件下穗颈节间伸长受阻, 出现包颈现象;22~26℃条件下穗颈伸出长度都为正值,不包颈,且穗颈伸出剑叶叶鞘的长度随温度降低而增加。对穗颈节间细胞数目和细胞长度的比较分析表明,长选3S穗颈节间的伸长主要是始花前第12天至始花期节间细胞分裂和细胞伸长共同作用所致,其中后者作用更为显著,且随处理温度的升高,穗颈节间最内和最外层薄壁细胞数目减少,细胞平均长度下降。  相似文献   

隋亚云 《北方水稻》2020,50(2):33-34,48
对40%富士一号乳油防治水稻穗颈瘟病进行试验研究,结果表明:40%富士一号乳油对穗颈瘟具有良好防治效果,用量80、100、120 ml/667 m^2处理与对照药剂75%三环唑可湿性粉剂处理防效无显著差异;40%富士一号乳油具有增产效果,表现主要结实率高、千粒重;富士一号施药后作物长势长相正常,没有药害产生,药剂对水稻无不良影响。  相似文献   

周广洽  王三良 《作物研究》2004,18(4):208-211
利用3.5万rad 60coγ射线直接处理双低光温敏核不育系(96-5-s)的干种子,从M2代25万株群体中,找到了具有长穗颈(含eui基因)的不育株,经过人工气侯室与海南三亚加代繁殖,现已培育成长穗颈遗传性状稳定,并保留了原有优良性状的,集育性稳定和不包颈两大特点为一体的新不育系--德es.同时初步探讨了新不育系的育性表现与eui基因表达.  相似文献   

以高粱和苏丹草为试材,对旗叶鞘长及穗柄长进行遗传分析,结果表明,仅旗叶鞘长符合加性,为部分显性,基因效应的方差分量分析结果显示,旗叶鞘长以加性效应为主,占92.8%;穗柄长除加性外另有35.7%的非加性效应,二者都易受环境条件的影响。穗柄长的杂种优势值高于旗叶鞘长。二者在遗传以 型上均无显著相关性。旗叶鞘长在F2平均值与事亲值有显著的正相关,变异程度小。二者在高粱×苏丹草F2中有细胞质的影响。  相似文献   

杂交水稻种子穗萌遗传效应的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
 以穗萌抗性水平不一的6个不育系和7个恢复系为亲本材料,采用不完全双列杂交的试验设计,并运用包括胚乳、细胞质和母体植株三套遗传体系的种子遗传模型及估算遗传方差分量和预测遗传效应值的统计分析方法,对杂交水稻种子穗萌特性的遗传效应进行了研究。结果表明,杂交水稻种子的穗发芽率同时受种子直接加性、种子直接显性和母体加性效应的影响,且以种子直接效应为主,不受细胞质和母体显性效应的影响。在选择育种中,田间穗上发芽率以单粒选为好。而穗萌指数同时受制于种子直接遗传效应、母体效应和细胞质效应,但母体植株中只测到显著的母体加性效应。  相似文献   

株高与穗长是水稻品种的关键性状,有效利用水稻性状间的杂种优势是培育高产品种的关键技术手段。以“华占”配制的‘天优华占’‘恒丰优华占’‘五丰优华占’3个杂交组合为供试材料,构建了包含P1、P2、F1、F2、BC1-1、BC1-2等6个遗传世代群体。采用植物数量性状“主基因+多基因”混合模型分析了株高和主穗长的遗传方式。结果表明:3个杂交组合的株高和主穗长遗传均符合MX2-ADI-ADI遗传模型。在“华占”为遗传背景中,3个群体F2、BC1-1、BC1-2的株高均以多基因控制为主,多基因遗传率变幅分别为72.11%~75.42%、76.92%~86.28%和68.13%~75.13%,育种后代中应在高世代选择。3个群体F2代中的主穗长主基因遗传率分别为81.99%、68.95%和90.01%,多基因遗传率分别为12.16%、23.78%和3.52%;在回交群体中,3个组合的主穗长主基因和多基因遗传率与回交亲本密切相关,育种上应根据群体遗传特性进行相应的选择策略。  相似文献   

以武育粳2号,89-94为母本,与父本95-22,太湖糯,丙93-31,秀水122组成不完全双列杂交设计,估算了株高,穗长,穗数等13个生状的杂种优势,配合力及遗传力。结果表明:各性状的配合力效应不同,同一性状不同亲本的一般配合力效应也各异。单穗产量特殊配合力的高低取决于一二次枝梗粒结实率和千粒重特殊配合力效应的协调。  相似文献   

[目的]水稻株高和穗型在产量形成中发挥着重要作用.鉴定与克隆水稻株高和穗型发育相关基因,可以丰富水稻株高穗型发育调控的分子机理,为分子设计育种奠定理论基础和提供基因资源.[方法]在粳稻日本晴T-DNA插入群体中筛选到矮化小穗突变体dsp2-D(dwarf and small panicle 2-Dominant),对其...  相似文献   

大穗小麦穗部性状的遗传分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为给大穗小麦材料在杂交育种中的利用提供参考,以小麦大穗品系9110192和多穗品系密穗矮秆为亲本,采用P1、P2、F1、F2四世代联合分析方法,研究了杂交后代穗长、小穗数、小穗密度、穗粒数、穗粒重的遗传模型。结果表明,穗长、小穗密度、穗粒数、穗粒重均受两对加性-显性-上位性主基因与多基因共同控制;小穗数为多基因遗传,无主基因存在,各性状均不同程度受环境影响。穗长、小穗密度、穗粒数、穗粒重主基因遗传率分别为92.14%、88.69%、62.71%、59.67%,多基因遗传率分别为2.58%、3.19%、11.87%、13.1%。穗长与小穗密度受环境影响较小,早代选择可靠性较高,穗粒数、穗粒重受环境影响较大,应在稍晚世代选择。  相似文献   

为了挖掘小麦穗长和穗宽性状相关QTL,并为人工合成小麦优异基因资源的开发利用奠定基础,以普通小麦品种西农389×人工合成小麦材料KU98的F_(7∶8) RIL群体为试验材料,基于小麦55K SNP芯片对F_(7∶8)群体分型结果绘制的遗传连锁图谱及2018和2019年调查统计的F_7群体表型数据,对小麦穗长和穗宽性状进行了QTL定位分析。结果表明,在1A、2D、3A、5A和7B染色体上检测到10个与穗长性状相关的QTL,在2D、4D、5A、6A和7D染色体上检测到10个与穗宽性状相关的QTL,其中与穗长相关的 qSL-2D.1和与穗宽相关的 qSW-4D.1、 qSW-5A.1在两年中均被检测到,标记区间分别为AX-111939856~AX-111497351、AX-169335104~AX-110618708、AX-108792246~AX-111048027。 qSW-5A.1连续两年均为主效QTL,且与 qSL-5A.2在同一标记区间,推测该位点具有一因多效的遗传效应或连锁遗传效应。  相似文献   

Changxuan 3S, a thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) rice line with eui gene, is derived from the TGMS rice line Pei'ai 64S by irradiation with 350 Gy of ^60Co γ-ray. To elucidate the uppermost internode elongation of the TGMS line with eui gene, Changxuan 3S and its parent Pei'ai 64S were used to study the effects of temperature on panicle exsertion. At 24℃, the uppermost internode of Changxuan 3S elongated the fastest from the 4^th day before flowering to 0 day (flowering), being 2.1-fold as that of Pei'ai 64S, whereas it elongated slowly during the 12^th day to the 4^th day before flowering and the 1^st to the 3^rd day after flowering. The uppermost internode of Changxuan 3S exserted from the flag leaf sheath at 22℃, 24℃ and 26℃, and the length of elongated uppermost internode increased with the decreasing temperatures. At 28℃, though the panicles of Changxuan 3S were still enclosed in the leaf sheath, the degree of panicle enclosure was significantly lower compared with Pei'ai 64S. Cytological studies on Changxuan 3S showed that the uppermost internode elongation was attributed to the increase of cell number and cell elongation, and the latter was more significant. Moreover, the numbers of outermost and innermost parenchyma cells and the cell length of the uppermost internode reduced with the increasing temperatures.  相似文献   

一个水稻金黄色颖壳和节间基因的遗传定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
R68是带有金黄色颖壳和节间标记的籼稻恢复系。对来源于组合中9A/R68 的F2群体的遗传分析表明,R68的金黄色颖壳和节间性状由1对隐性基因控制。利用SSR分子标记,采用隐性群体分析法,把金黄色颖壳和节间基因定位在第3染色体上,位于RM1230、RM7000和RM227、RM514之间,遗传距离分别为8.7、3.3、2.7和4.7 cM,暂将该基因命名为 gh 5。  相似文献   

水稻多分蘖矮秆突变体d63的遗传分析与基因定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 多分蘖矮秆突变体d63来源于SARⅢ二倍体与明恢63杂交得到的双胚苗株系的自然突变。与野生型相比,其株高显著下降,分蘖明显增多,剑叶变细变短,结实率和千粒重均大幅下降。遗传分析表明,该突变性状受一对隐性单基因控制。该基因位于水稻第8染色体短臂上距离RM22195约0.4 cM的位置。用水稻基因组注释软件Rice Genome Annotation预测,发现从端粒区至RM22195间共有14 个注释基因,未发现已经报道的与株高、分蘖相关的同源基因。因此,推测D63可能是一个未被报道的新基因。  相似文献   

【目的】水稻色素不仅对其自身生长发育有重要生理作用,而且在水稻育种、农副产品改良等方面运用比较广泛。对水稻色素相关基因进行表型分析和基因定位,为进一步研究色素代谢途径及调控机理奠定基础。【方法】利用EMS诱变粳稻长粒粳(CLJ),在突变体库内筛选到一个金黄色颖壳与节间突变体gh881;在成熟期,测定野生型与gh881的主要农艺性状;将gh881与野生型及中恢8015杂交,观察BC1F1及F1植株表型,并对BC1F2及F2表型分离进行卡方检验,对gh881进行遗传分析;利用F2群体和图位克隆的方法对gh881突变基因进行定位;采用q PCR检测颖壳颜色相关基因在gh881与野生型不同发育时期的幼穗、节间以及剑叶叶鞘的相对表达量。【结果】与野生型相比,突变体的颖壳与节间均呈金黄色;除单株有效穗数外,gh881突变体的株高、每穗总粒数及实粒数、结实率和千粒重等性状均极显著降低。遗传分析和基因定位结果表明,gh881的突变表型受1对隐性核基因控制,位于第2染色体短臂,并最终将该基因精细定位于标记FH-13和RH-25之间,物理距离约33.2 kb,该区域中包含4个开放阅读框(ORFs)。【结论】序列分析结果表明,发现其中一个编码肉桂醇脱氢酶(CAD)的基因OsC AD2(Os02g0187800)的3 563 bp处发生了1个单碱基突变(G转换为A),导致该基因编码区的第297位氨基酸由甘氨酸突变为天冬氨酸,由此认为该突变体为OsC AD2基因单碱基突变的新等位基因。q RT-PCR结果表明,突变体的节间中OsCAD2相对表达量极显著下调,而在剑叶叶鞘及穗部则基本都是极显著增加,其他相关基因也发生显著变化,证实OsCAD2是木质素代谢中的重要基因,且可能与其他相关基因存在反馈调节。  相似文献   

Changxuan 3S, a thermo-sensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) rice line with eui gene, is derived from the TGMS rice line Pei'ai 64S by irradiation with 350 Gy of 60Co y-ray. To elucidate the uppermost internode elongation of the TGMS line with eui gene, Changxuan 3S and its parent Pei'ai 64S were used to study the effects of temperature on panicle exsertion. At 24℃, the uppermost intemode of Changxuan 3S elongated the fastest from the 4thday before flowering to 0 day (flowering), being 2.1-fold as that of Pei'ai 64S, whereas it elongated slowly during the 12thday to the 4thday before flowering and the 1st to the 3rd day after flowering. The uppermost internode of Changxuan 3S exserted from the flag leaf sheath at 22℃, 24℃ and 26℃, and the length of elongated uppermost intemode increased with the decreasing temperatures. At 28℃, though the panicles of Changxuan 3S were still enclosed in the leaf sheath, the degree of panicle enclosure was significantly lower compared with Pei'ai 64S. Cytological studies on Changxuan 3S showed that the uppermost intemode elongation was attributed to the increase of cell number and cell elongation, and the latter was more significant. Moreover, the numbers of outermost and innermost parenchyma cells and the cell length of the uppermost internode reduced with the increasing temperatures.  相似文献   

Genetic Analysis and Mapping of TWH Gene in Rice Twisted Hull Mutant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A mutant with twisted hulls was found in a breeding population of rice (Oryza sativa L.). The mutant shows less grain weight and inferior grain quality in addition to twisted hulls. Genetic analysis indicated that the phenotype of mutant was controlled by a single recessive gene (temporarily designated as TWH). To map the TWH gene, an F2 population was generated by crossing the twh mutant to R725, an indica rice variety with normal hulls. For bulked segregant analysis, the bulk of mutant plants was prepared by mixing equal amount of plant tissue from 10 twisted-hull plants and the bulk of normal plants was obtained by pooling equal amount tissue of 10 normal-hull plants. Two hundred and seven pairs of simple sequence repeat (SSR) primers, which are distributed on 12 rice chromosomes, were used for polymorphism analysis of the parents and the two bulks. The TWH locus was initially mapped close to the SSR marker RM526 on chromosome 2. Therefore, further mapping was performed using 50 pairs of SSR primers around the marker RM526. The TWH was delimited between the SSR markers RM14128 and RM208 on the long arm of chromosome 2 at the genetic distances of 1.4 cM and 2.7 cM, respectively. These results provide the foundation for further fine mapping, cloning and functional analysis of the TWH gene.  相似文献   

A rice etiolation mutant 824ys featured with chlorophyll deficiency was identified from a normal green rice variety 824B.It showed whole green-yellow plant from the seedling stage,reduced number of tillers and longer growth duration.The contents of chlorophyll,chlorophyll a,chlorophyll b and net photosynthetic rate in leaves of the mutant obviously decreased,as well as the number of spikelets per panicle,seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight compared with its wild-type parent.Genetic analyses on F1 and F2 generetions of 824ys crossed with three normal green varieties showed that the chlorophyll-deficit mutant character was controlled by a pair of recessive nuclear gene.Genetic mapping of the mutant gene was conducted by using microsatellite markers and F2 mapping population of 495R/824ys,and the mutant gene of 824ys was mapped on the shon arm of rice chromosome 3.The genetic distances from the target gene to the markers RM218,RM282 and RM6959 were 25.6 cM,5.2 cM and 21.8 cM,respectively.It was considered to be a now chlorophyll-deficit mutant gene and tentatively named as chl11(t).  相似文献   

从正常绿色水稻品种824B中发现1个黄化突变体824ys。该突变体具有叶绿素缺失突变特性,表现为植株黄绿色,分蘖数减少,生育期延长,总叶绿素、叶绿素a、叶绿素b的含量以及净光合速率比野生型亲本824B明显下降,每穗着粒数、结实率、千粒重等降低。对824ys与3个正常绿色品种杂交F1、F2的遗传分析表明,控制824ys的叶绿素缺失突变性状为1对隐性核基因。以495R/824ys F2作为定位群体,应用微卫星标记将824ys的叶绿素缺失突变基因定位于水稻第3染色体短臂,与RM218、RM282和RM6959等标记之间的遗传距离分别为25.6、 5.2和21.8 cM。认为该基因为一个新的水稻叶绿素缺失突变基因,暂命名为chl11(t)。  相似文献   

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