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Field experiments during 2006–07 and 2007–08 were conducted in an Aeric Endoaquept to evaluate extractants suitable for boron (B) under the influence of organic matter and B in both rhizosphere (R) and nonrhizosphere (NR) soils with rape (Brassica campestris L.) as a test crop. The results reveal that the average B content in Mehlich 3 (MH-3) B was greatest (0.791 mg kg?1) in NR soil, while that of the same in R soil was greatest (0.785 mg kg?1) with Mannitol–calcium chloride (CaCl2) (MCC) followed by hot -CaCl2 (HCC, 0.750 mg kg?1) in the treatment T4 where NPK (80:40:40), B at 0.5 kg ha?1, and farmyard manure (FYM) at 5 t ha?1 were applied together. Based on linear regressions and correlations between different extractants and yield responses, the MH-3 extractant gave the greatest value of co-efficient of determination (R2 = 0.36**, r = 0.598**) and has proved to be a superior extracting solution for B in NR in an Aeric Endoaquept. The results further suggested that the extractability of B with these three extractants did not have any control over rhizosphere soil zone.  相似文献   

Twenty surface (0–15 cm) samples of acidic soils were analyzed for water soluble (WS), exchangeable (EX), lead displaceable (Pb-disp.), acid soluble (AS), manganese (Mn) oxide occluded (MnOX), organically bound (OB), amorphous Fe oxide occluded (AFeOX), crystalline iron (Fe) oxide occluded (CFeOX) and residual (RES) fractions of Mn, and also for extractable Mn in some common soil extractants: (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) (pH 7.3), DTPA (pH 5.3), AB-DTPA (pH 7.6), Mehlich-3 (pH 2.0), Modified Olsen, 0.005 M calcium chloride (CaCl2), 1 M magnesium chloride (MgCl2) and ion exchange resins. The WS-Mn fraction showed a significant and positive correlation with Mn extractable in DTPA (pH 5.3) and AB-DTPA (pH 7.6), while both WS-Mn and EX-Mn fractions correlated significantly and positively with Mn concentration and uptake by maize plants grown in these soils. The AB-DTPA (pH 7.6) and DTPA (pH 5.3) appeared suitable to assess the availability of Mn in acidic soils.  相似文献   

Influence of boron (B) application to cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) was investigated in a pot experiment taking 15 Inceptisols with four levels of B. The critical levels of B for deficiency, adequacy and toxicity in soil and in cauliflower plant were also determined. Hot-calcium chloride (CaCl2) extractable B in these soils varied from 0.33 to 0.78 mg kg-1 and its content for deficiency to cauliflower was 0.48 mg kg-1. Boron application significantly increased cauliflower yield, plant B concentration and uptake of B. The critical plant B concentrations for deficiency, sufficiency and toxicity varied with the growth stages and the values being 26, 31 and 48 mg kg-1 at 50 days of growth and 17, 24 and 35.5 mg kg-1 at harvest, respectively. The study also recommends application of fertilizer B at the rate 0.9–4.5 kg ha-1 for optimum B nutrition to cauliflower in Inceptisols of the Gangetic plains of India.  相似文献   

In a screen-house study, the effects of artificially contaminating the soil with lead (Pb) at levels ranging from 0 to 1500 mg kg?1 soil on the growth and uptake of Pb and micronutrients by Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.] grown on a loamy sand soil (Typic Ustorthent) were investigated. The crop was grown for 60 days with adequate basal fertilization of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and dry matter was recorded. The plants were analyzed for total Pb and micronutrients, and the soil was analyzed for diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable Pb. The DTPA-extractable Pb measured before sowing of Indian mustard increased consistently and significantly with increase in rates of Pb application to soil. It increased from 0.65 mg kg?1 in the control to 199.8 mg kg?1 in soil treated with 1500 mg Pb kg?1 soil. Significant reduction in the dry-matter yield of Indian mustard occurred with Pb applications of 500 mg kg?1 soil and greater. The concentration as well as uptake of Pb by Indian mustard increased significantly over control at all rates of its application. It increased from 9.4 μg pot?1 in the control to 220.6 μg pot?1 at Pb application of 1500 mg kg?1 soil. Applications of Pb to the soil decreased the concentration of micronutrients in plants, but a significant reduction occurred only for iron at rates greater than 500 mg Pb kg?1 soil. However, the uptake of iron, manganese, and copper registered a significant decline at Pb application of 500 mg kg?1 and greater and that of zinc at 750 mg kg?1 and greater. In a Typic Ustorthent soil, a DTPA-extractable Pb level of 59.5 mg kg?1 and plant content of 44.2 μg Pb g?1 dry matter was found to be the upper threshold levels of Pb for Indian mustard. This study suggests that once the soil is contaminated by Pb, it remains available in the soil for a long time, and such soils, if ingested with food crops, may be a significant source of Pb toxicity to both humans and grazing animals.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted in a greenhouse to evaluate the effects of different levels of cadmium (Cd) on Cd accumulation and their effects on uptake of micronutrients in Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.]. Cadmium accumulation in shoots and interactions among other metals [manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn)] were investigated. Ten levels of Cd ranging from 0 to 200 mg kg–1 soil were tested. The crop was grown for 60 days in a loamy sand soil with adequate basal fertilization of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), and dry-matter yield (DMY) was recorded. The plants were analyzed for total Cd and micronutrients, and the soil was analyzed for diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Cd. Experimental results showed that the DTPA-extractable Cd in the soil increased consistently and significantly with increase in rates of Cd application up to 200 mg Cd kg–1 soil. Significant reduction in the DMY of Indian mustard occurred with application of 5 mg Cd kg–1 soil and greater. The content as well as uptake of Cd by Indian mustard increased significantly over the control at all rates of its application. It increased from 5.95 μg pot–1 in the control to 150.6 μg pot–1 at Cd application of 200 mg kg–1 soil. Application of Cd to soil though decreased the content of micronutrients in plants, but significant reduction occurred only for Fe at rates beyond 50 mg Cd kg–1 soil. However, the total removal of Fe, Zn, and Cu registered a significant decline over the control at and above Cd application of 10 mg kg–1 and that of Mn beyond 10 mg kg–1. In loamy sand soil, a DTPA-extractable Cd level of 3.8 mg kg–1 soil and in plant content of 28.0 μg Cd g–1 DMY was found to be the upper threshold levels of Cd for Indian mustard. Considerable residual content in the soil suggests that once the soil is contaminated by Cd it remains available in the soil for decades, and food crops grown on these soils may be a significant source of Cd toxicity to both humans and grazing animals.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted in a glass house on low nickel containing alluvial soil in the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, during 2012–13 and 2013–14, to study the response of barley to soil application of nickel (Ni). There were ten treatments of Ni (0, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 mg kg?1) studied with recommended dose of fertilizers nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur (N:P:K:S :: 40:30:30:20 mg kg?1).The results showed a significant increase in plant height, number of tillers, chlorophyll content, straw and grain yield, and 1,000 grains weight with application of 10 mg Ni kg?1 soil during both years of study. The micronutrient concentration and uptake in straw and grain increased with application of <15 mg Ni kg?1 soil and beyond that declined significantly. Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-extractable micronutrient iron, manganese, copper, zinc and nickel (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Ni) content in soil increased with increasing level of Ni. The maximum urease activity in post-harvest soil was noticed with application of 40 mg Ni kg?1 soil. The microbial population viz. bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes were higher with 5, 30 and 10 mg Ni kg?1 soil, respectively.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the various boron fractions in olive tree grown soils. The correlations between boron fractions in leaves, fruits and soil properties were examined. For this purpose cv “Gemlik” olive (Olea europaea L.) orchards were visited. Soil samples from 0–30 cm and 30–60 cm deep, the leaf and fruit samples were collected. The greatest proportion of total soil boron is present in residual form (85–88%). It is followed by organically bound B (2.84–4.50%), specifically adsorbed on soil colloid surfaces (0.93–1.31%), oxides (manganese oxyhydroxides, amorphous Fe and Al oxides, crystalline Fe and Al oxides) bound B (7.27–8.31%). The smallest one readily soluble (extracting plant available) boron values were composed of only 0.40–0.50% of total boron ranging. To determine readily soluble boron five different extraction solutions were in the order Hot water ? 0.01 M CaCl2 ? 1 M NH4OAc ? 0.1 M KCl ? 0.005 M DTPA. Fruit boron concentration and soil boron fractions showed close correlations than leaf boron concentration.  相似文献   


To establish a critical limit in soils and plant, an experiment was conducted in red and lateritic soil (Alfisols) of farmer’s field in tribal-dominated Panchayat Kurum, Palkot block, Gumla district, Jharkhand, India. Based on the results of the field experiment, the critical limits were determined as 0.48, 0.50, 0.47, and 0.42 mg kg?1 in the soil, respectively, for hot water, hot calcium chloride, salicylic acid, and ammonium acetate-extractable B, while a critical limit of 12.00 mg kg?1 was observed in maize tissue using the graphical method. In an analysis of variance method, the critical limits of B in soils were found as 0.45, 0.54, 0.49, and 0.43 mg kg?1 using hot water, hot calcium chloride, salicylic acid, and ammonium acetate extractants, respectively. Maize plants were highly responsive to B application where soil B level was below the critical limit (0.50 mg kg?1). In a field experiment, grain yield of maize increased with increasing levels of B application, while soil application at 1.0 kg ha?1 + two foliar application (at the knee and pre-flowering stages) of borax at 0.2% were showed significantly higher grain yield of the maize crop. The hot water, hot calcium chloride, salicylic acid, and ammonium acetate-extractable B were significantly and positively correlated with organic carbon and negatively correlated with the electrical conductivity of soils.  相似文献   

红壤地区是我国重要的油菜种植区,研究直播冬油菜硼肥施用效果,为直播油菜科学施硼提供理论依据,对促进区域油菜产业发展有重要意义。2017—2018年在江西、湖南、湖北南部和广西北部油菜主产区布置7个硼肥大田试验,设置不施硼、施硼肥(含硼量100 g·kg~(–1))4.5 kg·hm~(–2)、9.0 kg·hm~(–2)、13.5 kg·hm~(–2)四个处理。结果表明,红壤地区土壤有效硼普遍含量低,直播油菜施硼增产效果显著,油菜籽平均产量和施硼经济效益在硼肥用量9.0kg·hm~(–2)时最高,与不施硼相比增产1 021 kg·hm~(–2),增产率达110.6%,分别较施用硼肥4.5 kg·hm~(–2)和13.5 kg·hm~(–2)增产16.6%和3.1%。施硼显著增加直播油菜收获密度、单株角果数和每角粒数,进而增加了油菜产量;同时硼肥的施用可显著提高油菜籽的含油率、油酸和亚油酸含量,与不施硼相比,施用硼肥9.0 kg·hm~(–2)处理各品质指标分别增加26.9%、45.9%和72.6%,相应增加产油量136.1%。在硼肥用量13.5 kg·hm~(–2)范围内,油菜地上部硼含量和硼累积量随着施硼量的增加而增加,但硼肥利用率呈现降低的趋势,硼肥用量为9.0 kg·hm~(–2)处理的硼肥当季利用率也仅为9.4%。综合结果显示,红壤地区直播油菜施硼增产增收效果显著,直播油菜生产中应重视硼肥的合理施用,区域硼肥的推荐用量为9.0 kg·hm~(–2)左右。  相似文献   

荣思川  师尚礼  孙灿灿 《土壤》2016,48(5):931-938
通过高效液相色谱(HPLC)法测定不同试验地间18个苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)品种植株及根际土壤中主要酚酸和香豆素物质的含量,分析其在不同品种苜蓿植株中的分布特征及不同试验地间差异。经过ASE 350型加速溶剂萃取仪萃取苜蓿植株及根际土壤中酚酸类和香豆素物质,萃取液存放于2oC冰箱,并用0.45μm有机滤膜过滤后通过HPLC测定自毒物质含量。结果显示,18个苜蓿品种中香豆素、阿魏酸、绿原酸、咖啡酸的含量存在差异,其中香豆素、绿原酸含量显著高于阿魏酸、咖啡酸含量。各苜蓿品种间单一自毒物质含量差异显著(P0.05),香豆素、阿魏酸、绿原酸和咖啡酸的总含量差异明显。武威试验地酚酸和香豆素物质平均含量比会宁试验地低4.01%。研究表明:不同苜蓿品种间香豆素、阿魏酸、绿原酸、咖啡酸物质总含量差异显著;苜蓿植株中香豆素、阿魏酸、绿原酸、咖啡酸物质总含量与根际土壤中含量差异极显著。  相似文献   

White mustard and soybean seed meals were compared for weed control and yield of organically grown broccoli and spinach. The meals were incorporated into the soil 2 weeks before crop planting at two rates (1.24 and 4.48 t ha?1). Weed densities and hand-weeding time were recorded twice during the growing seasons and weed biomass was measured at crop harvest. Compared to the 1.24 t ha?1 soybean treatment, weed densities were 52 to 95% and 41 to 45% less at 3 and 6 weeks after planting, respectively, in both crops with the 4.48 t ha?1 white mustard seed meal treatment. Time required for hand weeding at these times was also reduced by up to 82% and 48%, respectively. Broccoli yield was similar in all the treatments, but spinach yield was greatest in the 4.48 t ha?1 treatments for both seed meals. Petiole nitrate and nutrient concentrations in both crops were generally similar in all the treatments.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max L.), being a leguminous oilseed crop, requires relatively higher amount of sulfur (S) and boron (B) for optimum yield and quality. A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of S and B application on growth, yield, and quality of soybean, and to find out their optimum doses for the best crop performance in acidic soils of northeast India. The treatments comprised four levels of S (0, 20, 40, and 60 kg/ha) and four levels of B (0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 kg/ha) in factorial combination. In general, application of S and B, either alone or in combination, significantly increased the growth, yield, and quality of soybean. When applied alone, S resulted in best yield (1767 kg/ha) at S40, which was 21.2% higher than the yield at control (1458 kg/ha), while B produced maximum yield (1578 kg/ha) at B1.5 (8.23% higher than control). Interestingly, 57.4% yield improvement over control was recorded with combined application of S40 and B1.5, which shows their synergistic effect on crop performance. Similarly, with concurrent application of S40 and B1.5, a 28% increase in protein and 33% increase in oil content of soybean were recorded relative to control. In general, S40 + B1.5 also resulted in the highest nutrient nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium sulfur, and boron (NPKSB) uptake by soybean. Based on these results, we recommend the conjunctive use of 40 kg S and 1.5 kg B/ha for the best yield and quality of soybean on acidic soils of northeast India and other regions with similar soils.  相似文献   

A soil–pot culture experiment was conducted to study the individual and interactive effects of zinc (0, 5, and 10 mg kg?1 soil) and boron (0, 0.75, and 1.5 mg kg?1 soil) on growth, enzymatic activity, nutrient uptake, seed reserve content, and yield in wheat (var. HD2285) in a soil deficient in available zinc and hot water–extractable boron. Although the application of zinc and boron alone significantly increased the plant height, grain yield, total dry-matter yield, tissue zinc, and boron content in maize, maximum increase was obtained with the combined application of zinc and boron. The activities of enzymes peroxidase and starch phosphorylase decreased as compared to untreated control but the activity of carbonic anhydrase increased. Protein, starch, and phytate content of grains also increased with the application of the micronutrients. Moreover, in the absence of zinc, application of boron decreased the starch content of grains.  相似文献   

Boron requirement of mungbean was assessed from yield response curves based on field experiment during 2010-11. Four cultivars, i.e., NM-11, NM-2006, Chakwal Mung-2006 and AZRI Mung-2006 were grown in a boron (B)-deficient calcareous soil by applying B at 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 kg ha?I. Boron application significantly increased grain yield and B uptake by all the mungbean cultivars over control. Maximum grain yield increases were: cv. NM-11, 20%; cv. NM-2006, 24%; cv. Chakwal Mung-2006, 26%; and cv. AZRI Mung-2006, 28%. The cultivars varied in B efficiency and cv. NM-11 was most B efficient (83%) while cv. AZRI Mung-2006 was the least B efficient (78%). Fertilizer B requirement (kg ha?1) for 95% of the maximum grain yield was: 0.60 for cv. AZRI Mung-2006, 0.70 for cv. Chakwal Mung-2006, 0.75 for cv. NM-2006, and 0.85 for cv. NM-11. Plant tissue critical B concentration in leaves was higher than in seeds.  相似文献   

In order to study the effect of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), Azolla compost and Azolla biochar on some soil quality indicators and rosemary growth, a greenhouse experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with six replications. Treatments consisted of T1 (control), T2 (1% Azolla compost), T3 (1% Azolla biochar), T4 (PGPR (P. fluorescens), T5 (1% compost + PGPR) and T6 (1% biochar + PGPR). Rosemary growth parameters and nutrients concentration increased in all treatments compared to control. Treatments increased soil nutrient concentrations, soil microbial respiration (SMR) and microbial biomass C (MBC) but decreased soil metabolic quotient (qCO2) compared to control treatment. A significant enhancement in rosemary growth occurred due to the improved soil quality as a result of organic fertilizers application, particularly by co-application of P. fluorescens and compost or biochar of Azolla.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is a helpful technique to remediate copper-contaminated areas. The aim of this study was to evaluate sunflower phytoremediation capacity in two vineyard copper-contaminated soils (Inceptisol and Mollisol) and a copper mining waste. Nutrient uptake, copper phytoaccumulation, translocation factor (TF), and bioaccumulation factor (BCF) of sunflower were evaluated after 57 days of growth. Plants grown in both the Mollisol and Inceptisol soils showed high plant height. Fresh biomass was high in the Mollisol in the shoots and roots and also demonstrated the highest values on the tolerance index (TI). The BCF after growth in all three of the copper contaminated soils as Inceptisol, Mollisol, and copper mining waste showed reduction of this index value to 0.19, 0.24, and 0.03, respectively against native soil (Mollisol under natural conditions (4.71). Sunflowers have some important characteristics such as high phytomass production, copper phytoaccumulation, and potential use to biofuel. Thus, sunflower is a potential candidate to phytoremediation of vineyard copper-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Dicotyledons cope with ion (Fe) shortage by releasing low-molecular-weight organic compounds into the rhizosphere to mobilize Fe through reduction and complexation mechanisms. The effects induced by these root exudates on soil mineralogy and the connections between Fe mobilization and mineral weathering processes have not been completely clarified. In a batch experiment, we tested two different kinds of organic compounds commonly exuded by Fe-deficient plants, i.e., three organic acids (citrate, malate, and oxalate) and three flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, and genistein), alone or in combination, for their ability to mobilize Fe from a calcareous soil and modify its mineralogy. The effect of root exudates on soil mineralogy was assessed in vivo by cultivating Fe-deficient and Fe-sufficient cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.) in a RHIZOtest device. Mineralogical analyses were performed by X-ray powder diffraction. The batch experiment showed that citrate and, particularly, rutin (alone or combined with organic acids or genistein) promoted Fe mobilization from the soil. The combinations of rutin and organic acids modified the soil mineralogy by dissolving the amorphous fractions and promoting the formation of illite. These mineralogical alterations were significantly correlated with the amount of Fe mobilized from the soil. The RHIZOtest experiment revealed a drastic dissolution of amorphous components in the rhizosphere soil of Fe-deficient plants, possibly caused by the intense release of phenolics, amino acids, and organic acids, but without any formation of illite. Both batch and RHIZOtest experiments proved that exudates released by cucumber under Fe deficiency concurred to the rapid modification (on a day-scale) of the mineralogy of a calcareous soil.  相似文献   

A pot experiment based on completely randomized factorial arrangement design with four replications was conducted under greenhouse condition at Malayer University, Malayer, Iran. Pots contained a mixture of soil and different concentrations (0% and 60% w/w) of vermicompost. Plants were exposed to three lead nitrate concentrations: 0, 4, and 8 mM. Based on the results of this research, shoot height and root length of the studied plants significantly decreased with increased lead concentrations in all vermicompost application levels. Generally, plants exposed to lower levels of lead and vermicompost application had higher root:shoot ratio. The survival capacity of all the studied plants was significantly reduced with increased lead concentrations, but increased with increased vermicompost application level. The total protein content increased with decrease in lead nitrate concentration, but decreased with decrease in vermicompost application. Generally, translocation factor increased significantly as vermicompost application rate increased. The highest root concentration factor of lead was found in V1×Pb2 as compared to the other treatment levels. Generally, tolerance index values of all the studied plants were significantly higher in the lower lead concentration treatments.  相似文献   

Spinach grown in cadmium (Cd)-contaminated soils accumulates Cd compounds in toxic concentration contaminating the food chain leading to the chronic toxic effects on human and animal health. A study was conducted in a Cd-contaminated soil to examine the ameliorative effect of lime and organic manure on the mobility of Cd and its uptake in spinach. Application of lime or organic manure or both decreased the Cd concentration in soil and shoots and increased chlorophyll content of leaves. As compared to the control treatment, combined application of lime and organic manure decreased the level of Cd in soil by 54.7%, in spinach shoot by 61.3%, and the transfer factor of Cd by 35.0% and increased in leaf chlorophyll content by 29.4%. Combined application of lime and organic manure emerged as a viable option in reducing the mobility of Cd in contaminated soil for growing spinach.  相似文献   

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