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The objective of this study was to compare the effects of woodlots of five tree species, continuous maize (Zea mays L.) and natural fallow on soil water and nitrogen dynamics in western Tanzania. The tree species evaluated were Acacia crassicarpa (A. Cunn. ex Benth.), Acacia julifera (Berth.), Acacia leptocarpa (A. Cunn. ex Benth), Leucaena pallida (Britton and Rose), and Senna siamea (Lamarck) Irwin & Barneby). The field experiment was established in November 1996 in a completely randomized block design replicated three times. Maize was intercropped between the trees during the first three years after planting and thereafter the trees were allowed to grow as pure woodlots for another two years. Transpiration by the trees was monitored when they were 3 years old using sap flow gauges. Soil water content was measured using the neutron probe approach between November 1999 and March 2001. Soil inorganic N profiles were measured when the trees were four years old in all treatments. The results indicated that the trees transpired more water than natural fallow vegetation during the dry season. The difference was apparent at a depth of 35 cm soil, but was more pronounced in deeper horizons. The water content in the entire soil profile under woodlots and natural fallow during the dry period was 0.01 to 0.06 cm3 cm−3 lower than in the annual cropped plots. This pattern was reversed after rainfall, when woodlots of A. crassicarpa, A. leptocarpa, A. julifera, S. siamea and L. pallida contained greater quantity of stored water than natural fallow or continuous maize by as much as 0.00 to 0.02, 0.01 to 0.04, 0.01 to 0.04, 0.01 to 0.03 and 0.00 to 0.02 cm3 cm−3, respectively. Natural fallow plots contained the lowest quantity of stored water within the entire profile during this period. Transpiration was greatest in A. crassicarpa and lowest in L. pallida. All tree species examined were `scavengers' of N and retrieved inorganic N from soil horizons up to 2-m depth and increased its concentration close to their trunks. This study has provided evidence in semi-arid environments that woodlots can effectively retrieve subsoil N and store more soil water after rains than natural fallow and bare soil. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the results from 35 years-observed thinning experiments on 256 permanent sample plots in 10–60 year-old stands of ash, aspen, birch, oak, pine and spruce in Lithuania. Thinning enhanced crown projection area increment of residual trees. The largest effect was observed in stands of aspen and birch (growth increase by 200%), followed by ash and oak (over 100%), and spruce and pine (about 80%). Thinning also promoted dbh increment, especially in younger stands, and the increase of dbh increment was positively correlated with the thinning intensity. The strongest reaction was exhibited by oak and aspen, while ash, birch and conifers reacted to a lower extent. Low and moderate intensities of thinning stimulated volume production in younger stands while the opposite was observed in older stands with increasing removals. Spruce stands exhibited relatively strongest increase of volume increment and pine, –the weakest, while the effect on deciduous species was intermediate. The results demonstrate that significant increase in volume increment is achievable with thinning of only young forest stands, e.g. 10–20 year-old pine, birch and ash, or 10–30 year-old oak, aspen and spruce.  相似文献   

The sustainability of plantation forests is closely dependent on soil nitrogen availability in short-rotation forests established on low-fertility soils. Planting an understorey of nitrogen-fixing trees might be an attractive option for maintaining the N fertility of soils. The development of mono-specific stands of Acacia mangium (100A:0E) and Eucalyptus grandis (0A:100E) was compared with mixed-species plantations, where A. mangium was planted in a mixture at a density of 50% of that of E. grandis (50A:100E). N2 fixation by A. mangium was quantified in 100A:0E and 50A:100E at age 18 and 30 months by the 15N natural abundance method and in 50A:100E at age 30 months by the 15N dilution method. The consistency of results obtained by isotopic methods was checked against observations of nodulation, Specific Acetylene Reduction Activity (SARA), as well as the dynamics of N accumulation within both species. The different tree components (leaves, branches, stems, stumps, coarse roots, medium-sized roots and fine roots) were sampled on 5–10 trees per species for each age. Litter fall was assessed up to 30 months after planting and used to estimate fine root mortality. Higher N concentrations in A. mangium tree components than in E. grandis might be a result of N2 fixation. However, no evidence of N transfer from A. mangium to E. grandis was found. SARA values were not significantly different in 100A:0E and 50A:100E but the biomass of nodules was 20–30 times higher in 100A:0E than in 50A:100E. At age 18 months, higher δ15N values found in A. mangium tree components than in E. grandis components prevented reliable estimations of the percentage of N derived from atmospheric fixation (%Ndfa). At age 30 months, %Ndfa estimated by natural abundance and by 15N dilution amounted to 10–20 and 60%, respectively. The amount of N derived from N2 fixation in the standing biomass was estimated at 62 kg N ha−1 in 100A:0E and 3 kg N ha−1 in 50A:100E by the 15N natural abundance method, and 16 kg N ha−1 in 50A:100E by the 15N dilution method. The total amount of atmospheric N2 fixed since planting (including fine root mortality and litter fall) was estimated at 66 kg N ha−1 in 100A:0E and 7 kg N ha−1 in 50A:100E by the 15N natural abundance method, and 31 kg N ha−1 in 50A:100E by the 15N dilution method. The most reliable estimation of N2 fixation was likely to be achieved using the 15N dilution method and sampling the whole plant.  相似文献   

Lowland evergreen rainforests in southern Chile growing on highly productive soils and accessible sites have been subjected to traditional and industrial logging of valuable timber trees. Old-growth rain forests in this area are characterized by highly conservative N cycles, which results in an efficient N use of ecosystems. We hypothesize that different logging practices, by changing forest structure and species composition, can alter the quantity and quality (i.e. C/N ratio) of litterfall and soil organic matter and soil microbial processes that determine N storage and availability. To test this hypothesis we investigated chemical properties, microbial N transformations, N fluxes and N storage in soils of lowland evergreen rainforests of Chiloé Island after 10 years since industrial selective logging (ISL) and in stands subjected to traditional selective logging (TSL) by landowners in small properties. We compared them to reference unlogged old-growth stands (OG) in the same area. Tree basal area was more reduced in the stands subjected to ISL than to TSL. Litterfall inputs were similar in both logging treatments as in OG stands. This was due to greater biomass of understory species after logging. In TSL understory tree species determined a higher litterfall C/N ratio than ISL. We found higher soil N availability and content of base cations in surface soils of logged forests than in OG. The litter horizon of OG forest had significantly higher rates of non-symbiotic N fixation than logged forests. In the ISL treatment there was a trend toward increasing soil denitrification and significantly higher NO3–N/Nt ratio in spring waters, which led to a stronger δ15N signal in surface and deep soils. We conclude that massive understory occupation by the shade-intolerant native bamboo Chusquea quila in ISL led to enhanced litter quality (lower C/N ratios) relaxing the tightness of the N cycle, which increased soil N availability leading to a higher proportion of nitrate in spring waters and higher gaseous N losses. In contrast, under TSL a higher litterfall C/N ratio slowed decomposition and net N mineralization rates thus reducing the chances for N losses, and enhancing C and N storage in soil. We suggest that sustainable logging practices in these rain forests should be based on lower rates of canopy removal to enhance colonization of the understory by shade-tolerant trees, which are associated with a more efficient N cycle.  相似文献   

The response of corn (Zea mays) to incorporated leaf and twig mulches ofLeucaena leucophala, Gliricidia sepium andCassia siamea, andGrevillea robusta as a non-legume comparison was investigated in a 10-week pot trial and a concurrent soil incubation study to evaluate the suitability of various agroforestry trees as mulch sources.Leucaena contributed to the highest N uptake and biomass production of these corn plants, reflecting the benefits of organic mulching.Cassia-treated plants also performed better than the unmulched controls, butGrevillea incorporation suppressed corn growth probably because of the relatively high Mn status of this mulch. Manganese toxicity was confirmed by comparative vector diagnosis of plant nutrient status.Cliricidia mulching resulted in seedling mortality after germination possibly from high soil pH and ammonium toxicity. Mineral N production in mulched soils during the laboratory incubation was well correlated with N uptake in corn shoots. The results suggest that the nutritional effects of agroforestry tree mulches on growth of companion crops may be effectively screened by a combined soil test, pot trial, and plant analysis approach.  相似文献   

A field experiment was performed in eastern Kenya to estimate N2 fixation by Sesbania sesban over an 18-month period using the 15N dilution method. The influence of three reference species, Senna spectabilis, Eucalyptus saligna and Grevillea robusta, on the estimates of N2 fixation was also assessed. Percentage Ndfa (nitrogen derived from the atmosphere) was calculated based on foliar atom excess (FAE), above-ground atom excess (AAE) or whole tree atom excess (WAE) data. The differences in atom% 15N excess values between species and plant parts are presented and discussed. We recommend the use of several reference species for estimating %Ndfa and that the different results obtained should be carefully considered in relation to the issues being addressed. In this study, Senna was the most suitable of the three reference species because its N uptake pattern and phenology were very similar to those of Sesbania. When well established, the amount of N fixed by Sesbania accounts for more than 80% of its total N content, according to FAE-based estimates. We estimated the Ndfa by Sesbania after 18 months to between 500 and 600 kg ha−1 , depending on whether FAE, AAE or WAE data were used and on the choice of reference species. The substantial accumulation of N in planted Sesbania highlighted its potential to increase the sustainability of crop production on N-limited soils. We consider the 15N dilution method to be appropriate for quantifying N2 fixation in improved fallows in studies, similar to this one, of young trees with high N2-fixing ability.  相似文献   

The temporary association of annual crops in juvenile tree plantations (Taungya system) can reduce or offset the initial costs of reforestation and hence provide incentives for tree planting on private farms. A replicated systematic spacing design, derived from a Nelder-fan design, was used to study the effects of tree-crop distance on growth and development of the timber species salmwood (Cordia alliodora) or eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta), associated with maize (Zea mays) or cassava (Manihot esculenta), during the first year after transplanting the trees on two sites on alluvial soils in the humid lowlands of Costa Rica. Association with maize did not affect mean tree growth. However, mean eucalyptus and salmwood heights of 7–8 m and 3–4 m, respectively, after one year in pure plantation or associated with maize, were only 4.7 m and 1.4 m, respectively, when associated with cassava. Wider tree – crop spacings were more important for initial salmwood growth than for eucalyptus. It was concluded that the shoot growth characteristics (continuous or episodical growth) of the timber species is a very important consideration when selecting associated agricultural crop species and tree-crop distances.  相似文献   

The knowledge of tree species effects on soil C and N pools is scarce, particularly for European deciduous tree species. We studied forest floor and mineral soil carbon and nitrogen under six common European tree species in a common garden design replicated at six sites in Denmark. Three decades after planting the six tree species had different profiles in terms of litterfall, forest floor and mineral soil C and N attributes. Three groups were identified: (1) ash, maple and lime, (2) beech and oak, and (3) spruce. There were significant differences in forest floor and soil C and N contents and C/N ratios, also among the five deciduous tree species. The influence of tree species was most pronounced in the forest floor, where C and N contents increased in the order ash = lime = maple < oak = beech ? spruce. Tree species influenced mineral soil only in some of the sampled soil layers within 30 cm depth. Species with low forest floor C and N content had more C and N in the mineral soil. This opposite trend probably offset the differences in forest floor C and N with no significant difference between tree species in C and N contents of the whole soil profile. The effect of tree species on forest floor C and N content was primarily attributed to large differences in turnover rates as indicated by fractional annual loss of forest floor C and N. The C/N ratio of foliar litterfall was a good indicator of forest floor C and N contents, fractional annual loss of forest floor C and N, and mineral soil N status. Forest floor and litterfall C/N ratios were not related, whereas the C/N ratio of mineral soil (0–30 cm) better indicated N status under deciduous species on rich soil. The results suggest that European deciduous tree species differ in C and N sequestration rates within forest floor and mineral soil, respectively, but there is little evidence of major differences in the combined forest floor and mineral soil after three decades.  相似文献   

Since biomass is one of the key variables in ecosystem studies, widespread effort has aimed to facilitating its estimation. Numerous stand-specific volume and biomass equations are available, but these cannot be used for scaling up biomass to the regional level where several age-classes and structural types of stands coexist. Therefore simplified generalized volume and biomass equations are needed. In the present study, generalized biomass and volume regression equations were developed for the main tree species in Europe. These equations were based on data compiled from several published studies and are syntheses of the published equations. The results show that these generalized equations explain 64–99% of the variation in values predicted by the original published equations, with higher values for stem than for crown components.
P. MuukkonenEmail:

The choice of an appropriate hedgerow species is one of the most critical decisions in exploiting the value of a contour hedgerow system. The implications of hedgerow species with nitrogen (N)-fixation capacity on hedgerow-crop competition and crop productivity have been widely debated. We examined the agronomic significance of N-fixation by comparing the performance of species representing three classes of hedgerow vegetation: A nitrogen-fixing tree legumeGliricidia sepium), a non-nitrogen fixing tree (Senna spectabilis syn.Cassia spectabilis), and a forage grass (Pennisetum purpureum). The 4-year study investigated the hedgerow biomass and nutrient yields, and their relative effects on the performance of two annual crops commonly grown in alley farming systems, with emphasis on hedgerow-crop interference. The work was done on an Ultic Haplorthox (pH 4.8, organic C 1.9%, total N 0.18%).Senna produced 46% more pruning biomass on an annual basis than didGliricidia; N supplied to the alley crops was similar toGliricidia in the first year of observation, but 20–30% higher in the succeeding years. Upland rice and maize grain yields and total dry matter were unaffected by tree species, but the nitrogen-fixing tree exerted less competitive effects on the annual crops growing in adjacent rows. Grass hedgerows reduced maize yields 86% by the second year, indicating an unsustainable drawdown of nutrients and water. We conclude that hedgerow systems composed of a nitrogen-fixing tree did not exert significant advantages compared to a non-fixing tree species, and that factors other than N-fixation were more important determinants for the choice of hedgerow species.  相似文献   

The objective of our study was to test the comparative efficiency of neem (Azadirachta indica) kernel oil, groundnut oil and a synthetic insecticide, K-Othrine®, in protecting stocks of leguminous tree seeds against seed beetles under Sahelian conditions. The following insect/seed combinations were used as models: Caryedon acaciae/Acacia nilotica, C. longispinosus/A. raddiana and C. serratus/Tamarindus indica. Neem oil, when used at concentrations of 5 to 20 ml per kg of seeds, had pronounced adulticidal and ovicidal effects which were maintained for five months. No significant fall in seed viability was observed except in the case of C. acaciae/A. nilotica. Groundnut oil, when used at concentrations of 5 to 20 ml per kg of seeds, had pronounced adulticidal and ovicidal effects which were relatively short-lived. A significant fall in seed viability was observed over five months. K-Othrine®, when used at concentrations ranging from 25 to 100 mg per kg, had high adulticidal effects which were maintained for five months. However, K-Othrine® was found to have no ovicide properties. No significant fall in seed viability was observed. This study concluded that it is possible to use neem oil, a product that can be obtained locally at low cost, to efficiently protect tree seed stocks in the Sahel.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study is to review the environmental and socioeconomic sustainability of the gum arabic farming system in central Sudan. A further aim is to analyse some of the main factors influencing production in recent decades in order to understand the future trade potential and consequently the smallholder livelihood. The study shows that end-user imports of gum arabic have increased during recent decades. Gum arabic is mainly for uses such as soft drinks, confectionary, and pharmaceuticals. However, even with this increased demand the production in Sudan, the main country of production, is declining. The producers, mainly smallholders, suffer from fluctuating prices. If the gum arabic farming system should be able to provide the environmental benefits of improved soil fertility and the socioeconomic benefits of risk spreading and dry season income opportunities, the prices paid to smallholders must be stabilized at a fair level, otherwise a shift to other crops or practices might take place.  相似文献   

Tropical peat-swamp forests are one of the largest near-surface reserves of terrestrial carbon. However, many peat-swamp forest tree species have resulted in the reduction due to over-exploitation, forest fires and conversion into agricultural land in Indonesia. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of two arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, Glomus clarum and G. aggregatum, on the early growth of two slow-growing peat-swamp forest tree species, Ploiarium alternifolium and Calophyllum hosei, under greenhouse conditions. Cuttings of P. alternifolium and C. hosei were uninoculated or inoculated with G. clarum and G. aggregatum and grown under greenhouse conditions for 6 months. Percentage AM colonization, plant growth, phosphorus (P) concentration and survival rate were measured. The AM colonization of P. alternifolium and C. hosei ranged from 27 to 32% and 18 to 19%, respectively. Colonization by G. clarum and G. aggregatum increased shoot height, stem diameter, leaf number, and shoot and root dry weights. Cutting shoot P content were increased by AM fungal colonization. The survival rates of inoculated plants were higher (100%) than those of control plants (67%). The results suggest that inoculation with AM fungi improves early growth of P. alternifolium and C. hosei in a tropical peat-swamp forest and can therefore contribute to rehabilitation of peat-swamps.  相似文献   

The effect of tree species on the characteristics of the herbaceous stratum, during the first five years of a fallow, was evaluated in the North of Cameroon (average annual temperature 28.2 °C, total annual rainfall 1050 mm). Treatments included a natural grazed herbaceous fallow, a natural ungrazed herbaceous fallow and three planted tree fallows (Acacia polyacantha Willd. ssp. campylacantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.), Senna siamea Lam. and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.), which were protected against grazing. Because tree species influenced light interception in different ways, as well as having different root patterns, they had different effects on the herbaceous stratum in terms of species composition and biomass. The grazed herbaceous fallow maintained the greatest species richness. Protection against grazing or the introduction of tree species associated with the absence of grazing induced both a progressive evolution to a particular species composition. The ungrazed herbaceous fallow consisted mainly of Andropogon gayanus Kunth, which provided the greatest biomass (8 t dry matter ha–1 at the end of the fallow period). E. camaldulensis provided little shade and the lowest fine root mass in the top layer allowing the growth of A. gayanus and thus a greater herbaceous biomass (3.5 t DM ha–1) than that found under the other tree species. Under the heavy shade of A. polyacantha, the herbaceous stratum consisted mainly of annual Pennisetum spp. (2.2 t DM ha–1) and showed the greatest N concentration (1.3%), probably due to N2 fixation by the tree species. After the fourth year, despite the relatively open tree canopy, S. siamea, which showed the highest fine root mass, had a strong depressive effect on the herbaceous stratum. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Tian  Chunjie  He  Xingyuan  Zhong  Yang  Chen  Jiakuan 《New Forests》2003,25(2):125-131
Experiments were made to determine the effect of inoculation withRhizobium, the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebelomamesophasem and the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomuscaledonium on the growth and nitrogen fixation of black locust(Robinia pseudoacacia Linn.) seedlings grown invitro and in pot culture. The results showed that both mycorrhizalfungi and Rhizobium stimulated the growth and nitrogenfixing ability of inoculated seedlings. Inoculation with all three microbestogether produced the most beneficial effects on nitrogen fixation, mycorrhizaldevelopment and seedling growth.  相似文献   

We quantified the effect of water and nutrient availability on aboveground biomass and nitrogen accumulation and partitioning in four species from the southeastern United States, loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), slash pine (Pinus elliottii), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), and sycamore (Platanus occidentalis). The 6-year-old stands received five levels of resource input (control, irrigation with 3.05 cm water week−1, irrigation + 57 kg N ha−1 year−1, irrigation + 85 kg N ha−1 year−1, and irrigation + 114 kg N ha−1 year−1). Irrigation significantly increased foliage, stem, and branch biomass for sweetgum and sycamore, culminating in 103% and 238% increases in total aboveground biomass. Fertilization significantly increased aboveground components for all species resulting in 49, 58, 281, and 132% increases in total aboveground biomass for loblolly pine, slash pine, sweetgum, and sycamore, respectively. Standing total aboveground biomass of the fertilized treatments reached 79, 59, 48, and 54 Mg ha−1 for loblolly pine, slash pine, sweetgum, and sycamore, respectively. Fertilization increased foliar nitrogen concentration for loblolly pine, sweetgum, and sycamore foliage. Irrigation increased total stand nitrogen content by 6, 14, 93, and 161% for loblolly pine, slash pine, sweetgum, and sycamore, respectively. Fertilization increased total nitrogen content by 62, 53, 172, and 69% with maximum nitrogen contents of 267, 212, 237, and 203 kg ha−1 for loblolly pine, slash pine, sweetgum, and sycamore, respectively. Growth efficiency (stem growth per unit of leaf biomass) and nitrogen use efficiency (stem growth per unit of foliar nitrogen content) increased for the sycamore and sweetgum, but not the loblolly or slash pine.  相似文献   

The decomposition of leaves, twigs and roots of two diameter classes (<1.5 mm, 1.5–5 mm) were examined in an alley cropping experiment withGliricidia sepium, Calliandra calothyrsus andSenna sianea in the subhumid savanna of Central Togo using the litterbag technique. The effect of the application of leaves and twigs as mulch or green manure was examined. Gliricidia showed the most rapid mass loss. For all species, leaves decomposed faster than roots. Twigs had the lowest decomposition rate except forCalliandra. The two diameter classes of roots decomposed differently in the three species:Gliricidia fine roots decomposed faster than its coarser root fraction, the coarse roots ofSenna decomposed faster than the fine roots.Termites influenced the mass loss of twigs and roots to varying extents for the different species. In the case of twigs this was markedly influenced by the mode of application: green manure showed more termite frass than mulch.Nutrient release resembled the mass loss patterns of the prunings except for K, which was leached independently from mass loss. The release of the different nutrients was in the order CaGliricidia andSenna seemed to be best for mulch and green manure production at our site.  相似文献   

Litterfall and decomposition are the two main processes accounting for soil enrichment in agroforestry. The extent of enrichment in soil properties depends on the tree species, management practices and the quantity and quality of litter. A field investigation was carried out to study litterfall production, decay rates, release of nutrients and consequent changes in soil physicochemical properties under crowns of four multipurpose tree species (MPTs) in irrigated conditions in farm fields. The species were Prosopis cineraria (L.), Dalbergia sissoo (Roxb.) ex DC, Acacia nilotica (L.) Del. and Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd. Annual accretion of litter ranged from 36 to 54 kg tree−1 year−1 and was highest under D. sissoo and lowest under A. nilotica. Total litterfall production was in the order: P. cineraria > A. leucophloea > A. nilotica > D. sissoo. P. cineraria showed the highest NPK concentration in litter. For all MPTs, a large pulse of litterfall coincided with the winter season (November to February). Litter of P. cineraria decomposed fastest while that of A. nilotica was slowest. More than 95% of the leaf litter of P. cineraria decomposed in 6 months, of D. sissoo in 7 months and A. leucophloea and A. nilotica in 9 months. Decomposition rate of litter was highly correlated with neutral detergent fibre (NDF) (r = −0.94) and P (r = −0.91) concentration. N, P and K release were best correlated with NDF, acid detergent fibre (ADF), P, lignin, lignin/N and C/P ratios and NDF alone explained 88% to 94% of the variability in litter decomposition and nutrient release rates. There was significant build up of soil organic carbon and available NPK in the agrisilvicultural systems but also a decrease in soil pH. Build up in soil fertility was significantly correlated with litterfall and soil improvement was greatest under P. cineraria.  相似文献   

Seed viability of selected tree,shrub, and vine species stored in the field   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Seeds from 10 species were collected, sealed in fiberglass screen pouches, and stored under hardware-cloth cages on both a forest and cleared site for up to five years. At each site, half of the pouches were placed under leaf litter and the other half were planted in mineral soil. Liquidambar styraciflua and Callicarpa americana seeds had high germination rates under all conditions. Quercus falcata, Sassafras albidum, Rhus copallina, and Vaccinium arboreum required planting in mineral soil to ensure germination. Planted Myrica cerifera and Vitis aestivalis seeds germinated well on both sites. Myrica cerifera also germinated well if placed under litter on the forest floor and Vitis aestivalis if placed under litter on the cleared site. Germination of Crataegus uniflora seeds was erratic. Most Lonicera japonica were unsound when collected. Germination rates generally decreased over time, but some Sassafras albidum, Myrica cerifera, and Vaccinium arboreum seed germinated after four years, and Rhus coppalina, Callicarpa americana, Crataegus uniflora, and Vitis aestivalis seeds germinated after five years in the field.  相似文献   

Severe environmental problems encountered in the highlands of Bolivia may be remedied through the adoption of agroforestry systems, never before studied adequately in this region. As a first step, seven tree species were tested for growth, survival and health at two elevations in the Bolivian altiplano. Species responded variably with Buddleja coriacea Remy., Pinus radiata D. Don. and Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (at the higher elevation) and E. globulus, Baccharis spp., Robinia pseudoacacia L. and B. coriacea (at the lower elevation), displaying high survival, growth and health. In a related greenhouse study, grain yields of wheat planted in soils amended with incorporated foliage of B. coriacea, P. radiata and E. globulus increased three-fold (0.3 g·plant−1 to >1.0 g·plant−1) over grain yields in unamended soils (B. coriacea > P. radiata = E. globulus). Grain nitrogen (mg·plant−1) increased equally in soils amended with P. radiata and B. coriacea foliage (18 mg N⋅plant−1 to 20 mg·plant−1) but decreased in soils amended with foliage of E. globulus (18 g·plant−1 to 9 g·plant−1). This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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