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The Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) is estimated to examine the responses for salmon promotion conducted by the Norwegian Seafood Council (NSC) in the EU Atlantic salmon market. The model allows advertising to shift and rotate the demand curve simultaneously. EU demand is segmented by supply sources of the salmon, namely Norway, the United Kingdom, Chile, Canada, and the Rest of World. Results suggest that a 10% increase in advertising expenditure sponsored by the NSC makes the demand curve of Norwegian salmon and Canadian salmon rotate counterclockwise by 0.54% and 10.3%, respectively, and the curve for the Rest-of-World salmon rotate clockwise by 4.09%. In our empirical case of salmon demand, the impact of advertising-induced rotation on the optimal spending level and the change in producer surplus is significant when the advertising expenditure is greatly intensified, the export volume is huge and the supply is less elastic.  相似文献   

The sport-fishery for the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. has been developed in Scotland for a considerable period of time yet for various reasons there are very few details published on those aspects of the sport which are of interest to a student of any natural or recreational resource. There is a need for information on such aspects as the ownership and boundaries of the fisheries, their qualities, their capacities and their availability. This information can best be presented in map form and this paper illustrates those parameters with information which was available for the salmon fisheries of the River Conon and the River Blackwater in Ross-shire, which are owned by the North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board. This sort of information would be an essential task of any reorganized salmon fisheries administration, such as the Area Boards originally proposed by the Hunter Report of 1965.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the effects of extensive media coverage of a study published in 2004 regarding the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other organic contaminates in farmed salmon on U.S. import demand for fresh farmed salmon. The study indicated that levels of PCBs differed according to source, with highest PCB levels found in salmon from Northern Europe and lowest in those from Chile. Using a newspaper article index as a proxy for information, a two-stage demand model is estimated. In the first stage, total U.S. import demand for fresh farmed salmon is estimated to determine the overall effect of the information, while the second stage determines if there were any significant changes in market shares of source countries. Results indicate that imports declined by approximately one-third of what would have been in the absence of the PCB media stories during 2004–2006, and that some changes in exporters’ market shares occurred. Health implications for U.S. seafood consumers are discussed.  相似文献   

借助于联合国粮农组织渔业统计数据库和贸易统计数据库,本文在梳理世界三文鱼生产分布格局的基础上,重点剖析了自1976年以来世界三文鱼贸易特点和现状,并借助于SPSS软件预测世界三文鱼贸易发展趋势,以期对世界三文鱼供给国把握未来世界三文鱼消费需求变化规律,并由此对本国三文鱼产业发展做出合理规划提供参考。  相似文献   


High-quality by-products from fish processing are sometimes discarded unless fishmeal plants are located nearby. Other preservation methods, such as acidification, are less commonly used to inhibit spoilage. In this study, individual salmon by-products (heads, viscera, and a mixture) were stabilized through fermentation by lactic acid bacteria and through ensilage by direct acidification. Lipid and protein quality decreased in all samples with storage time (up to 120 days). Of note, viscera and heads preserved separately consistently maintained a lower, more effective pH than when mixed together, regardless of treatment, which has major implications for how fish processing waste should be collected and stored if maximum nutritional quality is to be preserved.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical analyses were applied to forty four volatile compounds measured by static headspace gas chromatography with the aim of differentiating between four species of canned Pacific salmon, namely chum (Oncorhynchus keta), coho (O.kisutch), pink (O.gorbuscha), and sockeye (O.nerka). Using principal component analysis as a data reduction technique, the first ten principal components (PC) were retained and explained 87% of the total variation in the data. PC1, PC3, and PC4 regrouped several volatiles important toward separation between salmon species, while PC2 comprised variation accounted for by the loss of chromatographic separation from year to year. In order to generate functions which segregate species into separate groupings, three types of discriminant analyses were carried out based on the scores of the ten principal components. Nonparametric discriminant analysis produced a higher percentage of correct classification in the four respective species groupings (98.4%) than linear (88.7%) and quadratic (80.6%) discriminant analyses. Results indicated that volatile compounds handled by principal component analysis followed by nonparametric discriminant analysis constitute an efficient technique for differentiating salmon species and can prove useful to determine the identity of unknown or doubtful canned samples.  相似文献   

大西洋鲑(Salmon salar)属鲑科、鲑属,原产于大西洋北部和北美,分洄游型和陆封型两种,洄游型大西洋鲑是目前世界上最主要的养殖鱼类品种之一,也是目前人工养殖产量最高的冷水性鱼类。洄游型大西洋鲑人工育苗在淡水中进行,成鱼养殖阶段则在海水中进行,这与终生在淡水中养殖的陆封型大西洋鲑有着本质的区别。洄游型大西洋鲑更适于进行集约化养殖,其特点是经济价值高,生长速度快,抗病力强,但由于其在我国没有自然分布,且人工育苗技术难度较大,故在中国目前还没有开展大规模养殖。大连龙胜海洋渔业养殖有限公司于2004年初从美国引进洄游型大西…  相似文献   

In 2010 and 2011, researchers in Bristol Bay, Alaska followed nearly 22,000 tagged sockeye salmon that were caught by 86 selected gillnet boats and delivered unfrozen to tenders anchored out on the fishing grounds. The fish were then chilled in refrigerated seawater (RSW) and transported, usually within 24 h, to a shore-based seafood processing plant, where they were graded using a sensory evaluation method. Handling practices on the fishing boats were documented, along with the distance from the fishing grounds to the processing plant. Fishermen who employed RSW chilling tended to deliver higher quality salmon than fishermen chilling with ice. Fish that were bled at time of harvest and fish that were shaken from the gillnet onto a rubber mat or “salmon slide” were generally of slightly higher quality than fish that were not bled and were dropped onto a hard deck.  相似文献   

记录了2009年建立的12个牙鲆家系240日龄个体的体质量、全长、体长、头长、躯干长、吻长、尾柄长、尾长、体高,和尾柄高等10个生长性状,对这12个家系的生长性状进行了因子分析。结果表明:第一至第四公因子对变异的方差贡献率分别为81.36%、10.12%、5.3%,和1.31%,累积贡献率达98.1%,表明这4个公因子很好地反映了所控制的10个生长性状及其相互作用关系。贡献率最高的第一公因子包含了大多数生长性状,其因子得分排序在前两位的家系为F11和F4,与这2个家系生长性状表型值排序相一致,表明这两个家系具有结构较好的生长构成性状和较高的性状表型值,可作为培育快速生长型牙鲆新品种的候选家系,进行生产验证和推广养殖。  相似文献   

为研究马苏大麻哈鱼不同月龄表型性状的生长规律及生长特征,并判定其最佳生长季节的规格与月龄之间的关系,对2~6月龄马苏大麻哈鱼的叉长、全长、体质量、头长、体高、眼径、尾柄长和尾柄高等8个表型性状进行主成分和判别分析。结果表明,各月龄马苏大麻哈鱼表型性状之间多呈显著的正相关(P0.05),2月龄和3月龄中个别性状之间呈现负相关,尤其3月龄眼径与其他各表型性状之间呈现明显的负相关或不显著相关(P0.05),2~6月龄中叉长和全长之间的相关性最显著。各月龄马苏大麻哈鱼第一主成分均为增长、增加质量因子,2~3、5~6月龄马苏大麻哈鱼早期生长阶段第二主成分均为眼径因子,第三主成分为尾柄因子。整体来讲,马苏大麻哈鱼在增长、增加质量的同时,眼径也在不断增加,尾柄部的生长也在加速进行。通过建立判别函数来判断错过最佳生长季节马苏大麻哈鱼的规格与大小相符的月龄,判别分析结果表明,总的判别准确率为96.7%,其中2、3、5月龄判别准确率为100%。  相似文献   

运用经济学中供需均衡分析法来探索中国农村养老保障体系的构建,从而为相关的政策设计与制度选择提供参考。在对农村养老保障的供求双方及其影响因素进行分析的基础上,提出为解决农村养老保障的供求矛盾而应构建以需求为中心的复合型农村养老保障体系。  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that mass media can affect public perception of risk. In recent years, the public has been exposed to stories on emerging health and environmental risks, including risks from aquaculture. Two key studies (“trigger events”) compared contaminants in farmed and wild salmon and evaluated potential health risks of consumption. This study investigates how US newspaper coverage of farmed salmon fluctuated in the face of this emerging scientific information and which types of purported risks and benefits received the most attention. We hypothesized that media attention to farmed salmon would focus more on negative information (e.g., health risks) than on positive information (e.g., health benefits) and that those health risks highlighted most often would be dramatic, rare, or vivid. US newspaper stories specific to farmed salmon and published from 2000 to 2005 were collected from online databases (N = 206). Stories were content analyzed for amount of text covering various human health and environmental risks and health benefits associated with farmed salmon. Over all time periods, 49% of text about farmed salmon discussed human health risks, while benefits were described less than 10% of the time. The two trigger events corresponded with a shift in media attention away from environmental risks to human health risks, as media generally reported the studies’ conclusions as true. Risks emphasized the most tended to be severe or dreadful, such as cancer and developmental defects, while other health risks and all environmental risks received much less attention. This pattern presented the public with a message of severe health consequences from consuming farmed salmon and could induce the public to perceive health risks as being much greater than could be offset by its health benefits.  相似文献   

运用经济学中供需均衡分析法来探索中国农村养老保障体系的构建,从而为相关的政策设计与制度选择提供参考.在对农村养老保障的供求双方及其影响因素进行分析的基础上,提出为解决农村养老保障的供求矛盾而应构建以需求为中心的复合型农村养老保障体系.  相似文献   

Nearly 22,000 sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) that were caught by gillnetters and delivered to tenders anchored on the fishing grounds were tagged in Alaska during the summers of 2010 and 2011. The fish were chilled in refrigerated seawater and transported, usually within 24 h, to one shore-based processing plant, where they were graded visually. Handling practices, weather conditions, and distance from the fishing grounds to the plant were documented. The closer to the shore plant the fish were caught, the better was the salmon quality. Time, distance, and foul weather had significantly negative impacts.  相似文献   

渔业资源经济混沌分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以Schaefer剩余产量模式作为研究起点,分析了渔业资源经济的混沌现象,得出了Schaefer扩展模式的资源经济混沌的判别结果,指出了资源-价格-成本综合效应因子k=ap/c是导致混沌的主要因素。并应用福建海区带鱼资源评估和闽南渔场鲐鲹鱼类资源评估数据进行混沌分析探讨。  相似文献   

用马哈鱼下脚料制作鱼排的加工工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了利用马哈鱼下脚料制作马哈鱼鱼排的加工工艺,并介绍了制作过程中的操作要点和质量要求。  相似文献   


Since its beginning in the early 70thies, the fast growing Atlantic salmon aquaculture industry in Norway has been and still is an object for research across numerous disciplines and research fields. This article presents an overview of the research studies applying Material Flow Analysis (MFA) based methods on Norwegian Aquaculture of Atlantic Salmon starting from 2004 until 2018. The studies were reviewed in relation to their applied method, involved institutions, flows, data acquisition, and suggestions for improvement. All of the reviewed studies applied different MFA methods suitable to the objective of each study, were done with involvement of multiple institutions and stakeholders, modeled credible data and provided specific suggestions for reducing the environmental impacts and optimizing nutrients utilization efficiency. The review concludes that MFA-based methods have the potential for having a functional role within the framework of the Norwegian Salmon Aquaculture industry’s sustainable development. A key factor in fulfilling that potential would be diversifying the objectives of MFA research to be more inclusive of the three pillars of sustainability: environment, economy, and society.  相似文献   

After conversion of a lake, previously a part of a river system in Gwynedd, North Wales, to a pumped storage reservoir, salmon will be faced with a 2.2 km long diversion tunnel in order to reach parts of their former spawning grounds. The unlit tunnel is described, with notes on water velocities under various discharge conditions. A fish counter, mounted at the peak of the fish pass in the upstream (intake) weir of the tunnel, has indicated that, in the first spawning season following construction of the tunnel, numbers of adults have succeeded in negotiating tunnel and weir, despite the hitherto-assumed unattractive conditions of low velocity and complete darkness.  相似文献   

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