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Summary Selective labeling of p-hydroxyphenyl-, guaiacyl-and syringylpropane moieties in protolignin was achieved by administration of corresponding 3H-labeled monolignol glucosides to differentiating xylem of pine. The growing process of the protolignin macromolecule in the specific morphological region was visualized by application of high resolution microautoradiography to the selectively labeled wood tissue.p-Hydroxyphenyl lignin is formed mainly in the compound middle lamella and cell corner in an early stage of cell wall differentiation. There are two peaks of deposition of guaiacyl lignin in the compound middle lamella at an early stage and in the secondary wall at a late stage. The content of condensed guaiacyl units is higher in the middle lamella than in the secondary wall lignin. Syringyl lignin is formed mainly in the inner layer of the secondary wall in a late stage as a minor structural moiety. During the formation of the cell wall, protolignin grows under definite biological regulations to a heterogeneous macromolecule which consists of various structural moieties arranged in a regular manner. The origin of the heterogeneous structure was explained as a result of the biogenesis of protolignin in the cell wall.  相似文献   

Summary Raman microprobe spectroscopy was used to study the concentration of lignocellulosics in the cell corner middle lamella. Spectra obtained from 1.6 m regions, from 30 cell corner middle lamellae of both birch and spruce, showed the presence of lignin. However, the relative concentration of lignin to cellulose varied considerably. These results corroborate the view expressed in previous reports of the need for caution in using the lignin concentration values of cell corner middle lamella as a internal reference for studying the variation of lignin concentration in other morphological regions of the cell wall, such as secondary cell wall layers.The use of trade or firm names in this publication is for reader information and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture of any product or service  相似文献   

The enzymatically dehydrogenative polymerization of coniferyl aldehyde and coniferyl alcohol was studied to understand lignins in cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD)-downregulated plants. The sample dimers were prepared by polymerization under three reaction systems (coniferyl alcohol, coniferyl aldehyde, and their combination) with horseradish peroxidase/H2O2 under the conditions of limited reaction time. In addition, the residual amount of substrate in each reaction was determined at specified time intervals. In the reaction system of coniferyl aldehyde, the 5-5-type dimer was formed in preference to- and-5 dimers; in the reaction system of coniferyl alcohol the-5 dimer was preferentially formed. Furthermore, it was revealed when quantifying dimers among reaction systems that the total dimer formation capability of coniferyl alcohol clearly surpassed that of coniferyl aldehyde. However, the dimers cross-coupled with coniferyl alcohol and coniferyl aldehyde were formed in amounts not accounted for by the difference seen in dimer formation abilities with the two substrates.Part of this paper was presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Tokyo, April 1999  相似文献   

Summary To elucidate biochemical features leading to p-hydroxyphenyl-rich lignin in gymnosperm reaction wood the activities of the following five enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of p-hydroxyphenyl lignin were compared in reaction and opposite woods: phenylalanine ammonialyase (EC, cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (EC, p-hydroxycinnamate: CoA ligase (EC, cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (EC 1.1.1.-) and peroxidase (EC The enzyme activities in the reaction woods of Thuja orientalis and Metasequoia glyptostroboides were remarkably higher than those in the opposite woods, reflecting the higher contents of p-hydroxyphenyl lignin in reaction wood.This work was partly supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (548047) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan. We thank the Ministry of Education for the support  相似文献   

Behavior of lignin in supercritical methanol (250–270°C, 24–27 MPa) was studied by using lignin model compounds at the tin bath temperature of 270°C with a batch-type reaction vessel. Guaiacol and veratrole were selected as a guaiacyl type of aromatic ring in lignin, while 2,6-dimethoxyphenol and 1,2,3-trimethoxybenzene as a syringyl one. In addition, biphenyl and β-O-4 types of dimeric lignin model compounds were, respectively, studied as condensed and ether linkages between C6-C3 phenyl propane units. As a result, both guaiacyl and syringyl types of aromatic rings were very stable, and the biphenyl type was comparatively stable under supercritical conditions of methanol. However, β-ether linkage in the phenolic β-O-4 model compound was cleaved rapidly into guaiacol and coniferyl alcohol, which was further converted to its γ-methyl ether. Non-phenolic β-O-4 model compound was, on the other hand, converted initially into its α-methyl ether and degraded further to produce guaiacol. These lines of evidence imply that in lignin macromolecules, the new phenolic residues are continuously formed and depolymerized repeatedly in supercritical methanol into the lower molecular products, mainly by the cleavage of the dominant β-ether structure in lignin.  相似文献   

 The reaction behavior and kinetics of lignin model compounds were studied in supercritical methanol with a batch-type supercritical biomass conversion system. Guaiacol, veratrole, 2,6-dimethoxyphenol, and 1,2,3-trimethoxybenzene were used as model compounds for aromatic rings in lignin. In addition, 5-5, β-1, β-O-4, and α-O-4 types of dimeric lignin model compounds were used as representatives of linkages in lignin. As a result, aromatic rings and 5-5 (biphenyl)-type structures were stable in supercritical methanol, and the β-1 linkage was not cleaved in the β-1-type structure but converted rapidly to stilbene. On the other hand, β-ether and α-ether linkages of β-O-4 and α-O-4 lignin model compounds were cleaved rapidly, and these compounds decomposed to some monomeric compounds. Phenolic compounds were found to be more reactive than nonphenolic compounds. These results indicate that cleavages of ether linkages mainly contribute to the depolymerization of lignin, whereas condensed linkages such as the 5-5 and β-1 types are not cleaved in supercritical methanol. Therefore, it is suggested that the supercritical methanol treatment effectively depolymerizes lignin into the lower-molecular-weight products as a methanol-soluble portion mainly by cleavage of the β-ether structure, which is the dominant linkage in lignin. Received: December 19, 2001 / Accepted: April 30, 2002 Acknowledgments This research has been done under the research program for the development of technologies for establishing an ecosystem based on recycling in rural villages for the twenty-first century from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan; by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)(2) (no.12460144, 2001.4–2003.3) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan; and under the research program from Kansai Research Foundation for Technology Promotion, Japan. The authors thank them for their financial support. This study was presented in part at the 45th Lignin Symposium, Ehime, Japan, October 2000 and the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Gifu, Japan, April 2002 Correspondence to:S. Saka  相似文献   

Lignin is an integral component of the cell wall of vascular plants. The mechanism of supply of lignin precursors from the cytosol into the cell wall of differentiating xylem has not yet been elucidated. The present study showed that a certain amount of coniferyl alcohol glucoside (coniferin) occurred in the differentiating xylem of Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa), as previously reported in gymnosperms. Coniferin content peaked in the early stages of secondary wall formation and decreased during lignification. In contrast to gymnosperms, coniferin content was limited in the differentiating xylem of poplar (Populus sieboldii × Populus grandidentata). Moreover, coniferyl alcohol was not detected in all specimens. In the differentiating xylem of poplar, a higher amount of sinapyl alcohol occurred than glucoside (syringin). However, the phloem contained syringin and not sinapyl alcohol. The sinapyl alcohol content in the xylem peaked in the cells with ceasing cell wall formation, and decreased gradually towards the boundary of the annual ring, where the lignin content kept increasing. Sinapyl alcohol in the differentiating xylem of poplar may be used for the lignification of the xylem.  相似文献   

Kraft lignin utilization in adhesives   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The utilization of lignin from Pinus radiata black liquor, as a copolymer in ligninphenol-formaldehyde resin binders was studied. Methylolation, demethylation and ultrafiltration separation of high molecular-weight fractions were carried out in order to increase lignin reactivity. The different modified lignins were tested in preparation of lignin-phenolformaldehyde resin binders. Mechanical properties and water resistance were evaluated through testing particleboard panels manufactured with the resins obtained. The best resin was composed of 18,8% ultrafiltrated high molecular weight lignin, 22,9% phenol and 58,3% formaldehyde and had comparable properties with typical commercial resins prepared only with phenol and formaldehyde. An economic analysis was made in order to compare possible benefits obtained through the replacement of phenol by lignin products. The ultrafiltrated lignin copolymer was significantly less costly than a phenol-formaldehyde resin and had comparable physical and chemical properties.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Office of Research, Catholic University of Chile (DIUC) and the National Science Foundation of Chile (CONICYT)  相似文献   

The two kinds of rigid polyurethane (PU) foams were prepared with respectively adding the refined alkali lignin and alkali lignin modified by 3-chloro-1,2-epoxypropane to be instead of 15% of the polyether glycol in weight. The indexes of mechanical performance, apparent density, thermal stability and aging resistance were separately tested for the prepared PU foams. The results show that the mechanical property, thermal insulation and thermal stability for PU foam with modified alkali lignin are excellent among two kinds of PU foams and control samples. The additions of the refined alkali lignin and modified alkali lignin to PU foam have little effect on the natural aging or heat aging resistance except for decreasing hot alkali resistance apparently. Additionally, the thermal conductivity of modified alkali lignin PU foam is lowest among two kinds of PU foams and control samples. The alkali lignin PU foam modified by 3-chloro-1,2-epoxypropane could be applied in the heat preservation field.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of lignin in normal and tension wood of four hardwood species has been studied by examination in the electron microscope of the lignin skeletons remaining after removal of the polysaccharides with hydrofluoric acid. In normal wood fibers, the S1 had a higher lignin concentration than the S2 layer, which was not as highly lignified as in conifer tracheids. Vessels had a high concentration of lignin in both normal and tension wood, while the extent of lignification of the parenchyma was variable.In tension wood fibers, the S1 and S2 layers were highly lignified. A thick, unlignified G-layer was often associated with an extremely thin S2 layer with a high concentration of lignin. In both normal and tension wood, the lignin had the same orientation as the cellulose micro-fibrils in the different cell wall layers. The results confirm the earlier conclusion that, in the species investigated, the same amount of lignin is present in gelatinous as in normal fibers. Evidently, the lignification mechanism operates normally in the non-gelatinous layers of the fibers, as well as in the vessels and in the parenchyma of tension wood.
Zusammenfassung Die Ligninverteilung im Normalholz und im Druckholz von vier Laubhölzern wurde untersucht. Die Ligningerüste, die nach der Entfernung der Polysaccharide durch Fluorwasser-stoffsäure übrigblieben, wurden im Elektronenmikroskop beobachtet. In den Normalholzfasern hatte die S1-eine höhere Ligninkonzentration als die S2-Schicht, die weniger lignifiziert war als in den Koniferentracheiden. Die Gefäße hatten eine hohe Ligninkonzentration in sowohl Normal-als in Zugholz, während der Lignifizierungsgrad der Parenchymzellen variierte.In den Zugholzfasern waren die S1- und S2-Schichten völlig lignifiziert. Eine dicke, unlignifizierte G-Schicht war oft mit einer außerordentlich dünnen S2-Schicht, die eine hohe Ligninkonzentration zeigte, verbunden. Sowohl im Normal- wie auch im Zugholz besaß das Lignin dieselbe Orientierung wie die Cellulosemikrofibrillen in den verschiedenen Zellwandschichten. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen den früheren Schluß, daß in den hier untersuchten Laubhölzern in den gelatinösen und in den normalen Fasern dieselbe Ligninmenge vorliegt. Offenbar läuft der Mechanismus der Lignifizierung in den S1- und S2-Schichten der gelatinösen Fasern des Zugholzes normal ab.

This investigation was supported by the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, through Forest Service Research Grant No. 1, which is hereby gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

To study the behavior of hardwood sulfuric acid lignin (SAL) during phenolization, we compared the product yield, average molecular weight, methoxy content, and reactions of simple model compounds with those of softwood SAL, focusing on the difference between syringyl and guaiacyl units. The beech SAL reacted with phenol more readily than red pine SAL and yielded a larger soluble fraction of phenolized SAL. To investigate the difference in the phenolization activity of the syringyl and guaiacyl units in beech lignin, we prepared syringyl-nucleus-rich sulfuric acid lignin (S-rich-SAL) and guaiacyl-nucleus-rich sulfuric acid lignin (G-rich-SAL) from beech, which were subjected to phenolization. The results suggest that the syringyl unit in SAL had greater phenolization activity and its phenolized products were more soluble in acidic aqueous medium and introduced less phenol than the guaiacyl unit. Using model compounds, the study also showed that the syringyl unit had higher phenolization reactivity than the guaiacyl unit.  相似文献   

催化加氢脱氧是实现木质素提质的重要方式.笔者采用流动电催化技术对木质素模型化合物进行加氢脱氧研究.以磷酸为阳极电解液,铂片电极为阳极电极,杂多酸磷钨酸为阴极电解液,石墨棒电极为阴极电极,构建炭载催化剂直接分布在阴极电解液中的流动电催化体系.考察了不同炭载催化剂(Pt/C、Pd/C、Ru/C、Rh/C)、反应时间、温度以...  相似文献   

Summary Various degradation products from soft-and hardwood lignins by hydrolysis with dioxanewater and catalytic hydrogenolysis are discussed. And a structural model for softwood lignin is proposed mainly based on these degradation products. The model has 28 units and indicates good agreement with the various analytical data obtained so far in the lignin chemistry.  相似文献   

Summary A reply to the note by Nimz (1981) on the occurrence of benzyl non-cyclic ether bonds in lignin.  相似文献   

Summary Acidolysis of spruce wood (Picea abies) corresponded to a pseudo-first order reaction mechanism. While anhydrous methanolis a better medium for wood acidolysis than anhydrous dioxane, after addition of 10% water dioxane became about twice as effective as methanol. The results are discussed in terms of acidity functions (H), solubility parameters and condensation effects. Infrared spectra of dioxane lignins showed a similar re-arrangement of side chain carboxyl groups from to position, as was observed previously during acidolysis in methanol.  相似文献   

Coloring characteristics of in situ lignin during heat treatment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To investigate the effects of lignin on the discoloration of Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) wood during heat treatment, chromatic indexes of the extractive-free wood samples are examined at different moisture contents (MC) under oxygen and nitrogen environment, respectively. The organic acids are produced during heat treatment, resulting in pH decrease in the samples. Components absorbing visible light are formed during heat treatment, and oxygen and moisture contents have obvious effects on the decrease in L*, increase in a* value, yellowness (b*) and total color difference (ΔE) of the samples. It is found that the β-5, C α C β unsaturated bond, the conjugated carbonyl group, quinones structures, α, β-unsaturated ketone and α-C?=?O in lignin increased after heat treatment. The formation of condensation products, the low-molecular-weight phenolic substances and the oxidation products in lignin result in the increment of the light absorption within the entire visible region.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the non-cyclic benzyl aryl (-0-4) ethers 4 and 5, proposed by Freudenberg and Friedmann (1960) and recently boubted by Leary (1980), is discussed on the basis of previously published experimental results. Further evidence in favor of the occurrence of non-cyclic -0-4 bonds in lignin is provided. A critical comment is, however, given on the formation of non-cyclic -0- bonds in lignin according to Leary (1980).  相似文献   

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