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近年来,承德市水产业发展形势喜人.2006年,全市水产养殖面积达到1 333.33hm2,增殖放流面积6 000hm2,水产品产量达到22 000t,实现产值3亿元.但是,水产业发展仍然存在水面开发利用不足、养殖品种单一、单产水平偏低、水产品加工滞后等问题,大力发展特色水产业潜力巨大.为此,必须强化"潜力在水"的发展思路,切实加强淡水及冷水资源的开发利用,使优势资源转化为优势产业,为农民增收拓宽新渠道,打造新的增长点.通过采取有效措施,尽快把水产业做成特色产业,确保到"十一五"末全市水产业实现"518"目标,即水产品产量50 000t,渔民人均增收1 000元,渔业产值达到8亿元.  相似文献   

The traditional culture of shellfish in the coastal waters of Taiwan has a long history. The culture area was limited to the sandy beaches of the south and southwest coast. In the past decade, due to the shortage of land resources and water pollution, coastal water aquaculture has been extended to intertidal rocky areas and the sublittoral zone. Concrete ponds have been constructed on the intertidal zone of the rocky coast specifically for culturing such species as small abalone, Haliotis diversicolor supertexta, grass shrimp, Penaeus monodon, grouper Epinephelus sp. etc. Fish culture in floating cages and oyster culture on floating long-lines and rafts are also practiced. This paper presents details of construction designs, with emphasis on utilizing water circulation, construction costs and wave resistance. Some examples are selected to illustrate the layouts used and the problems faced.  相似文献   

第四届国际水族馆大会盛况及观感   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
第四届国际水族馆大会于1996年6月23日~27日在日本东京国际展览中心举行。此次大会由东京都政府和第四届国际水族馆大会组织委员会共同主办,日本8个政府部门和日本动物园水族馆协会共同协办。大会的主题是:“水族馆:全球面临的挑战——共享地球这个由水所包围的行星”。有28个国家和地区共413位正式代表参加了大会。大会收录论文摘要100篇,有62位专家在学术讨论会上作了口头报告,另有35位代表以壁报形式作了交流。大会结束时发表了第四届国际水族馆大会东京宣言。作者参加了这次大会,对大会盛况及欧美、日本当前水族馆的发展水准作了简要报道,并由此联系到我国水族馆如何迎头赶上国际潮流阐述了一些感想和建议。  相似文献   

刘文善 《水产科学》2001,20(2):44-45
1997-1999年在荷兰Wageningen农业大学攻读水产养殖专业学位期间,有机会系统了解西欧的水产养殖业,受自然资源,传统的饮食习惯,环境,科技水平以及经济和社会环境等诸多因素的影响,西欧的水产养殖业有其独特之处。  相似文献   

汪沐 《渔业现代化》2007,34(3):50-51
当今世界各国对环保的要求越来越严,尤其将水产养殖业对水质的保护和养殖水产品的安全及质量放在首要地位。作为对水质环境影响较小的挤压膨化饲料越来越受重视。据统计,美国70%水产饲料、韩国100%水产饲料生产均采用挤压膨化加工技术。中国也有越来越多的饲料加工企业逐步用挤  相似文献   

Fisheries provide food, feedstuff, and materials which are reliant on ecosystem services provided by marine and freshwater systems. Fish spawn and mature in aquatic systems, from which they are harvested by fishers, distributed and processed in households, restaurants, or processing plants, and either eaten by consumers, used in aquaculture, horticulture or agriculture, or used in manufacturing. The movement of fish from sea to plate follows distinct sequential stages. We call this the “fisheries system”. While each stage of the fisheries system has been the focus of specific research activities, these activities have generally proceeded from the perspective of individual disciplines, e.g., oceanography, chemistry, biology, ecology, resource dynamics, economics, business management, food science, processing, nutrition studies, etc. As a result, their objectives, data, models, discussions, etc., do not present an effectively integrated perspective of the fisheries system as a whole. This Special Feature brings together research from across disciplines to provide a broad perspective of the walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma fisheries system. While this falls short of being a fully integrated model, it highlights key interfaces among disciplines and illustrates fundamental research questions for each stage. By highlighting these questions and interfaces, we hope to foster an intellectual environment that will lead to true “integrated research” that can best be pursued by multi-disciplinary teams rather than by individual scientists who limit their research activities to the narrow scope of their specific disciplines.  相似文献   

水产养殖中使用的人工配合饲料多种多样,广义上可分为海水饲料和淡水饲料。而按饲喂对象可分为鱼饲料、虾饲料等;按加工方法可分为制粒料、膨胀膨化料和粉料等。水产饲料厂的规划及其工艺设计和产品选型主要取决于当地的实际情况,如饲料源的供应情况,原料的品种和形态,对饲料产品的要求等。本文对水产饲料的主要加工设备作一简单的介绍。  相似文献   

养殖水质在线监控系统简介及其发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
从养殖水质在线监控系统的功能、组成、通信网络、参数的选择、分析单元、中心控制站、水样的采集、现场I/O设备、系统的选址和防护措施、监控的质量保证与质量控制等方面对养殖水质在线监控系统作了阐述,并提出养殖水质监控的发展趋势。  相似文献   

水电工程的建设会改变影响河段内鱼类原有的水生生境,造成鱼类物种和资源量减少。因此,须采取适当措施以缓解工程对鱼类资源的不利影响。本文以大渡河泸定水电站为例,介绍了鱼类增殖放流站的设计方案,内容主要包括鱼类资源现状,对鱼类的影响,鱼类增殖站设计,增殖站运行管理,放流效果监测与评估等五个方面,可供其它水电工程鱼类保护设计参考。  相似文献   

Oocyte growth in most oviparous vertebrates including fish is due to the formation of yolk, and eggshell proteins (zona radiata proteins). Zonagenesis leads to the formation of zona radiata proteins in oocytes, which play an important role during oogenesis, whereas vitellogenesis leads to the formation of yolk in oocytes through a series of events during which the yolk precursor protein vitellogenin (Vg) is synthesized and secreted from liver into blood from where it is sequestered into the developing oocytes and thereafter proteolytically cleaved to form yolk proteins (YPs) and finally deposited in the ooplasm. Much research has been done in many fish species with respect to the number and nature of Vg and YPs and their probable functions during fish reproduction. Recent findings of multiplicity of Vg molecules in fishes reject the earlier view of a single-Vg model and have led scientists to explore the functions of individual Vg and their YP derivatives, lipovitellin, phosvitin, and β′-component. Two distinct types of Vg or Vg genes, containing or encoding the three YPs, have been detected in many teleosts. A third unusual, incomplete, phosvitin-poor Vg has been described recently in many fishes. In comparison to much of the information on vitellogenesis in many fishes very little is known for Indian fishes. In India research has been done in a few species such as the catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis and Clarias batrachus, the murrel, Channa punctatus and the Indian major carps, Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala. Immunological and biochemical analyses suggest the occurrence of multiple forms of Vg and their YP derivatives. The synthesis and incorporation of Vg are regulated by gonadotropin (GTH) and estradiol-17β (E2). A differential role between estrone (E1) and estriol (E3) has been demonstrated for Vg synthesis. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) for Vg have been developed to measure plasma Vg. Finally the different roles of Vg1 (HAI) and Vg2 (HAII) on vitellogenesis have been demonstrated. However, more research remains to be carried out in other fish species with respect to the number and nature of Vg and YPs and their genes in order to describe their reproductive functions.  相似文献   

Pregnancy toxemia (PT) is a metabolic disease which causes significant economic losses in small ruminants, especially sheep. Animals are usually affected in the last few weeks of pregnancy, the uterus contains mostly two or more well developed fetuses. A qualitatively insufficient feeding program together with the significant glucose consumption of the rapidly growing fetuses induces progredient hypoglycemia and ketosis. Other factors like stress and decreased ruminal volume may help trigger the metabolic breakdown. The most prominent macroscopic lesion is the extensive fatty infiltration of the liver. Adrenal cortex and proximal tubular epithelium of the kidney are similarly affected. Focal degenerative changes in contractile and conductory myocardial cells may also occur. The frequency of the disease in the necropsy material from our institute is reviewed over a period of 8 years and pathology and pathogenesis of PT are discussed.  相似文献   

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