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植物诱导抗病信号传导途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物抗病性可被多种因素所诱导,诱导的抗病信号传导是抗病性诱导的机制所在。文章论述了植物诱导抗病性的种类、产生过程和两条重要的抗病信号传导途径,并着重对两条途径进行分析和比较。  相似文献   

植物抗病激活剂诱导植物抗病性的研究进展   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
植物抗病激活剂本身及其代谢物无直接的杀菌活性,但可刺激植物的免疫系统而诱导植物产生具有广谱性、持久性和滞后性的系统获得性抗病性能(SAR).植物抗病激活剂的诱导除了可以引起植物富含羟脯氨酸糖蛋白(HRGP)的变化,导致木质素在细胞壁沉积,使植物形成物理防御机制外,经植物抗病激活剂诱导后的植株能导致内源水杨酸(SA)的累积、形成氧化激增,植物局部细胞程序化死亡而产生过敏反应(HR),植物抗病激活剂诱导后产生的抗病信号经内源信号传导物质SA、茉莉酸(JA)、乙烯(Et)和一氧化氮(NO)可传导到达整个植株,经过一系列抗病相关基因的调控和表达可引起寄主防御酶系如苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、β-1,3-葡聚糖酶(β-1,3-glucanase)、几丁质酶(chitinase)、过氧化物酶(POX)等以及抗病物质如木质素与植保素等的变化及病程相关蛋白(PRP)的调控与表达.文中讨论了植物抗病激活剂概念和种类及其诱导抗病作用的主导机制,指出了植物抗病激活剂的应用前景和发展方向及使用和研究开发中可能存在的问题与对策.  相似文献   

阿泰灵是我国自主研发的植物免疫蛋白制剂,能诱导多种植物的广谱抗性,并能促进植物生长、提高产量,但在小麦生产中尚未开展相关研究。2016年作者分别在山东省和河南省开展了阿泰灵对小麦抗病和促生长的田间试验,并初步研究了阿泰灵诱导小麦抗病的作用机制。研究结果表明,用400倍阿泰灵稀释液拌种,并分别在返青期、拔节期和扬花期进行1000倍喷雾使用,能显著提高小麦叶片的叶绿素含量、须根数和根系活力;对小麦纹枯病、白粉病和叶锈病3种病害的诱抗效果达到29.3%~64.9%;穗长、穗粒数和千粒重也显著提高,产量增加15%以上。阿泰灵喷雾处理小麦6叶期幼苗后12~24 h,POD、SOD和CAT防御酶活性提高45%,抗病相关基因PR-1、PR-2和PR-5也比未处理小麦转录表达提高10倍。以上研究结果表明,阿泰灵能有效促进小麦生长,并提高小麦抗病性;防御酶活性提高和抗病基因上调表达是阿泰灵诱导小麦抗病增产的重要作用机制之一。  相似文献   

植物诱导抗病机制的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物诱导抗病性是植物抵御病害侵染的重要机制,并且作为一种经济有效的抗病策略,在农林业可持续病害防控中具有广阔应用前景,受到人们的日益关注.从组织结构、生理生化乃至分子生物学的一系列变化,阐述了植物诱导产生抗病性的机制.同时,指出了植物诱导抗病性研究中有待进一步研究加以解决的问题和发展前景.  相似文献   

为建立快速检测壳聚糖抑菌效果的方法,研究其对青枯菌生物膜形成的影响并探索其抑菌机理,利用酶标仪检测壳聚糖与菌悬液混合培养物的吸光值,计算抑菌率,同时利用结晶紫染色法对壳聚糖处理后青枯菌生物膜形成能力进行评价,并进行透射电镜观察.结果表明,在壳聚糖浓度低于0.15 mg/mL时,随浓度增加其抑菌效果亦显著增加,其浓度超过0.15 mg/mL之后,其抑菌效果达到同一水平,最高抑菌率为74.3%;而壳聚糖浓度对青枯菌生物膜形成能力未产生显著影响;透射电镜观察结果显示:壳聚糖通过破坏青枯菌细胞膜抑制细菌生长.  相似文献   

 利用Fny-CMV株系RNA3全长cDNA克隆.构建了MP基因全长的、缺失AUG、5'端缺失(111nt)、3'端缺失(124nt)及内部缺失KpnI片段(501nt)5种不同形式的植物表达载体pBMPR、pBMPA、pBMPS、pBMPH和pBMPK。上述植物表达载体在土壤农杆菌LBA4404介导下转化烟草生产品种NC89,获得了所有5种表达载体的转基因植株,并对其分别进行了分子检测和抗病性分析。  相似文献   

 采用SDS-PAGE技术对70株不同来源及致病力青枯雷尔氏菌(Ralstonia solanacearum)进行胞外蛋白指纹多态性分析,研究结果表明,供试青枯雷尔氏菌菌株呈现丰富的胞外蛋白指纹多态性,多态性比率为100%。不同来源青枯雷尔氏菌分泌的胞外蛋白不同,EZ-Tn5TM插入诱变菌株电泳出20条不同大小蛋白条带,分子量集中在20~97 kD ,且菌株间蛋白条带相似或完全相同;60Co辐射诱变菌株共电泳出16条不同大小的蛋白条带,多数蛋白分子量44.3 kD;野生型菌株电泳的蛋白条带最多,共获得26条不同大小的蛋白条带。进一步对37株不同致病力的野生型菌株进行胞外蛋白含量测定,结果表明,不同致病力菌株胞外蛋白含量差异大,强致病力菌株分泌的胞外蛋白含量较高,为1.026~5.963μg/mL,无致病力菌株胞外蛋白含量较低,为0.083~0.761 μg/mL。  相似文献   

由稻瘟病菌引起的稻瘟病是全球最严重的植物真菌病害之一, 严重威胁水稻生产安全?效应蛋白是病原菌与植物对抗过程中分泌产生的一种蛋白质, 可作为毒力因子促进侵染或作为无毒因子触发防御反应?本研究对实验室前期筛选到的在稻瘟病菌侵染早期诱导表达的效应蛋白(infection-induced expression effector protein 1, MoIEEP1)进行了功能验证与分析?结果表明: MoIeep1 在稻瘟病菌侵染初期8 h表达量最高; 信号肽和亚细胞定位分析验证该蛋白N端含有17个氨基酸的信号肽且在水稻原生质体中呈明亮点状的定位信号, 初步推测该定位信号为过氧化物酶体或线粒体等细胞器; 与野生型菌株Guy11相比, MoIeep1 基因敲除突变体菌丝生长无明显差异, 但其致病性受到影响?以上研究结果为进一步探究该蛋白质的作用机理打下良好基础, 也为揭示其他效应蛋白在稻瘟病菌侵染水稻过程中的功能提供新的理论依据?  相似文献   

大丽轮枝菌蛋白激发子PevD1诱导棉花抗病性及作用机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 PevD1是一种大丽轮枝菌(Verticillium dahliae)分泌蛋白,具有激发烟草过敏反应(HR)和系统获得性抗病(SAR)的功能。为明确蛋白PevD1诱导棉花抗病性及其作用机制,本文利用大肠杆菌表达、纯化的PevD1诱导棉苗植株,检测棉苗对大丽轮枝菌的抗性及免疫应答反应。结果表明,大肠杆菌表达的PevD1重组蛋白不是棉花品种“新陆早42号”的致萎因子,叶片注射8 μg/mL PevD1蛋白诱导3 d后根部接种大丽轮枝菌,15 d后PevD1处理组病害减轻率达35.04%。PevD1能诱导棉花叶片抗性早期信号分子H2O2产生和NO积累,维管束细胞壁加厚、木质素和酚类物质的积累。另外,PevD1处理能提高防御酶PAL、POD和PPO活性,提高棉花抗性基因和木质素合成相关基因PAL、C4H1、4CL的转录水平。说明PevD1通过激发棉花免疫系统而提高抗病性,该研究不仅为利用PevD1蛋白激发子控制棉花黄萎病提供了科学依据,同时也为阐明棉花与大丽轮枝菌互作机理提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

具有植物诱导抗病活性的先导化合物及其结构修饰   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
系统介绍了苯并噻二唑、2,6-二氯异烟酸、β-氨基丁酸和水杨酸这4类应用较广泛的植物诱导抗病激活剂的研究进展,并对其衍生物及其抗病活性进行了归纳总结,对其诱导抗性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Induced Disease Resistance in Plants by Chemicals   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Plants can be induced locally and systemically to become more resistant to diseases through various biotic or abiotic stresses. The biological inducers include necrotizing pathogens, non- pathogens or root colonizing bacteria. Through at network of signal pathways they induce resistance spectra and marker proteins that are characteristic for the different plant species and activation systems. The best characterized signal pathway for systemically induced resistance is SAR (systemic acquired resistance) that is activated by localized infections with necrotizing pathogens. It is characterized by protection against a broad range of pathogens, by a set of induced proteins and by its dependence on salicylic acid (SA) Various chemicals have been discovered that seem to act at various points in these defense activating networks and mimic all or parts of the biological activation of resistance. Of these, only few have reached commercialization. The best- studied resistance activator is acibenzolar-5-methyl (BION). At low rates it activates resistance in many crops against a broad spectrum of diseases, including fungi, bacteria and viruses. In monocots, activated resistance by BION typically is very long lasting, while the lasting effect is less pronounced in dicots. BION is translocated systemically in plants and can take the place of SA in the natural SAR signal pathway, inducing the same spectrum of resistance and the same set of molecular markers. Probenazole (ORYZEMATE) is used mainly on rice against rice blast and bacterial leaf blight. Its mode of action is not well understood partly because biological systems of systemically induced resistance are not well defined in rice. Treated plants clearly respond faster and in a resistant manner to infections by the two pathogens. Other compounds like beta-aminobutyric acid as wdl as extracts from plants and microorganisms have also been described as resistance inducers. For most of these, neither the mode of action nor reliable pre-challenge markers are known and still other pathways for resistance activation are suspected. Resistance inducing chemicals that are able to induce broad disease resistance offer an additional option for the farmer to complement genetic disease resistance and the use of fungicides. If integrated properly in plant health management programs, they can prolong the useful life of both the resistance genes and the fungicides presently used.  相似文献   

玫瑰黄链霉菌Strempomyces roseoflavus Men-myco-93-63是分离自马铃薯疮痂病自然衰退土壤中的一株拮抗链霉菌,该菌株及其代谢产物对多种重要的植物病原菌都具有较强的抑制作用,为了探明该生防菌产生的诱抗粗蛋白对黄瓜抗病性的诱导作用,采用离体叶片接种的方法,发现诱抗粗蛋白诱导黄瓜叶片灰霉病发病直径显著小于对照;经组织染色法和紫外分光光度计法测定,发现诱抗粗蛋白可以诱导黄瓜叶片中活性氧(ROS)的积累和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)等抗病相关酶活性的显著提高;通过实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)测定,发现诱抗粗蛋白还可以诱导黄瓜叶片中PR-1aPR-3PR-9NPR1等抗病相关基因表达的上调,试验结果表明Men-myco-93-63产生的诱抗粗蛋白能够诱导黄瓜抗病性的提升。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A construct containing a human lactoferrin cDNA was used to transform tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) using an Agrobacterium-mediated DNA-transfer system to express this human protein in transgenic plants. Transformants were analyzed by Southern, Northern, and Western blots to determine integration of the cDNA into the plant genome and lactoferrin gene expression levels. Most transgenic plants demonstrated significant delays of bacterial wilt symptoms when inoculated with the bacterial pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. Quantification of the expressed lactoferrin protein by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in transgenic plants indicated a significant positive relationship between lactoferrin gene expression levels and levels of disease resistance. Incorporation of the lactoferrin gene into crop plants may enhance resistance to other phytopathogenic bacteria as well.  相似文献   

应用植物激活蛋白可显著提高脐橙对炭疽病的抗性,在4月萌芽期和5月份幼果期以500~1000倍液处理,其诱抗效果可达45.69%~50.00%。植物激活蛋白能调节脐橙生长,增强对不良环境的适应性,对日灼病、脐黄病、裂果病三大生理性病害有32.18%~50.54%的诱抗效果。激活蛋白处理的脐橙表现个体均匀,表皮光亮,可溶性固形物增加2.35%~4.78%,产量增加11.02%~15.65%。  相似文献   

植物激活蛋白能显著提高白术对病害的抗性,700~1300倍液喷施白术叶面,隔30d一次,对白术根腐病和斑枯病的诱抗效果分别达53.9%~81.2%和39.7%~63.3%。植物激活蛋白能显著提高白术商品性和产量,白术的单术重量增加35%以上,白术产量提高46%以上。6月初使用700倍激活蛋白,间隔30d,整个生长期使用5次对白术抗病增产效果最好,对斑枯病诱抗效果达63.3%,增产129.93%。  相似文献   

The effect of pepper seed and root treatments with Trichoderma harzianum spores on necrosis caused in stems by Phytophthora capsici inoculation and on the course of capsidiol accumulation in the inoculated sites were studied. The results indicate that seed treatments significantly reduced stem necrosis, which fell by nearly a half compared with the values observed in plants grown from non-treated seeds. Necrosis was also reduced in plants whose roots were drenched with various doses of T. harzianum spores, although the extent of necrosis was not correlated with the dose used. Attempted isolation of P. capsici and T. harzianum from the zones immediately contiguous with the necrotic zones revealed the presence of the former but not of the latter, suggesting that there was no direct contact between them in the zones of isolation, which means that there was no competition for space. The percentage of P. capsici isolated 9 days after inoculation was greater in non-treated inoculated plants than in treated inoculated plants. These results suggest that T. harzianum, introduced into the subterranean part of the plant, induces a systemic defense response against P. capsici in the upper part of the plant. Analysis of capsidiol in the stems of treated inoculated plants by the end of the sixth day after inoculation, revealed that its concentration was more than seven-fold greater than in non-treated and inoculated plants, while after 9 days, the concentration of capsidiol decreased in the treated inoculated plants and increased in the non-treated inoculated plants. The high concentration of capsidiol detected in treated and inoculated stems after 6 days might be one of the contributing factors, but not necessarily the main factor, in delaying lesion development in the stems of pepper plants.  相似文献   

A nonpathogenic mutant of Ralstonia solanacearum was produced by the insertion of transposon Tn4431. The mutagenized gene was then cloned from a genomic DNA library by the gene tagging method, using the labeled lux operon located on Tn4431 of pUCD623 as a hybridization probe. From nucleotide sequence analysis of the transposon-inserted genomic clone, the hrpB gene was shown to be disrupted by the inserted transposon. Tomato plants were inoculated with the hrpB-disrupted mutant bacteria, for which multiplication and translocation were then monitored using the colony hybridization method. In addition, the original pathogenic bacteria in which the lux operon had been functionally ligated with the genomic promoter were also used for inoculation and traced by their bioluminescence. Multiplication of the hrpB-disrupted mutant was suppressed initially in the invaded root tissues and then in upper hypocotyl after translocation, suggesting that the pathogenic strain of R. solanacearum overcomes at least two steps of host responses expressed in root and hypocotyl tissues. Thus, our approach for molecular monitoring of the bacteria enabled us to precisely analyze the infection behavior of the pathogenic bacteria in planta. Received 16 April 1999/ Accepted in revised form 10 August 1999  相似文献   

The ability of acibenzolar-S-methyl to induce resistance in pepper plants against Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria was investigated in both growth chamber and open field conditions. Growth chamber experiments showed that acibenzolar-S-methyl (300M) treatment protects pepper plants systemically and locally against X. campestris pv. vesicatoria. Evidence for this was a reduction in the number and diameter of bacterial spots and bacterial growth in planta. Systemic protection was also exerted by the acibenzolar-S-methyl acid derivative, CGA 210007, which may be produced by hydrolysis in the plant. The efficacy of acibenzolar-S-methyl was also found in open field conditions, where both leaves and fruit were protected from the disease. The highest efficacy (about 67%) was obtained by spraying the plants 6–7 times every 8–12 days with a mixture of acibenzolar-S-methyl and copper hydroxide (2.5 + 40ghl–1 active ingredient). Persistence and translocation data obtained from the growth chamber experiments revealed a persistence of acibenzolar-S-methyl lasting five days after treatment with rapid translocation and negligible levels of acid derivative formation. Since the protection exerted by acibenzolar-S-methyl against bacterial spot disease was observed when the inducer was completely degraded, it would appear to be due to SAR activation.  相似文献   

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