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采伐方式对土壤结构特性影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林土壤是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,是林木赖以生存的物质基础。在森林经营中,长期保持土壤肥力已成为维护森林生态系统稳定和保证林业可持续发展的关键之一。但伐区作业作为森林经营的一项重要措施,在不同程度上破坏土壤的理化性质,皆伐迹地炼山和不同集材方式等对土壤物理性质的影响,曾有报道。本研究主要探讨不同主伐方式对土壤结构特性变化的影响。  相似文献   

根据我国森林资源的特点,要因地因林科学地选择采伐方式。本文针对东北内蒙古林区的采伐特点,探讨了适合本地区特点的生态采伐模式。  相似文献   

根据当前森林分类经营和实施天保工程的要求以及森林资源现状和每年对采伐迹地的调查经验 ,我们对现行森林采伐更新规程从其时效性、与资源的吻合性、科学性、操作性等多方面做了思考和评价 ,为今后采伐更新规程的修订及森林资源管理提供参考依据和思路。  相似文献   

采伐方式对森林土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
卢伟  高峰  周泽民 《森林工程》2001,17(3):17-18
本对采伐方式对林地土壤理化性质的影响进行了研究。结果表明:皆伐和择伐对采伐迹地物理性质存在一定程度的影响,但不显,对采伐迹地化学性质的影响较显。  相似文献   

根据大兴安岭东部林区森林资源现状及存在的问题,结合森林分类经营区划和林业发展区划,本文提出了该林区在森林资源调整恢复阶段,应以抚育采伐为主,实现优化森林资源结构的目的。  相似文献   

森林采伐管理若干问题的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以采伐限额管理为核心的森林采伐管理体系为保证我国森林数量持续增长和质量不断提升发挥了历史性的重要作用。近几年来因对森林采伐管理的内涵认识不到位,社会上对我国现行的森林采伐限额制度、木材运输制度等出现了不同看法。针对以上情况,通过对森林采伐管理的部分热点、难点和焦点问题进行了深入分析研究,提出对策建议,以期为完善我国采伐管理政策、加强和规范采伐管理提供参考。  相似文献   

2004年,国家林业局决定在全国部分省区直辖市开展森林采伐管理改革试点工作.同年自治区林业局把一般用材林森林采伐管理改革试点和中幼林抚育采伐管理改革试点工作安排在河池市罗城仫佬族自治县,试点内容分为一般用材林森林采伐和中幼林抚育采伐两个部分.如今通过两年多的实施,日前笔者对其状况进行了调查.  相似文献   

本文应用野外观测方法,对森林采伐方式(皆伐、择伐、带状皆伐)对迹地光照条件和作业后天然更新质量进行了局部性研究。结果表明,更新树种不仅与种源有关,而且还与光照条件显著相关,即与森林采伐方式有关。  相似文献   

对现行森林采伐管理制度改革的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
森林资源采伐制度对于促进森林可持续经营、保障经营者利益,以及有效保护森林资源具有重要作用。中国以森林限额采伐管理为核心的木材采伐许可证制度,尽管对于有效保护森林资源曾经起到重要作用,但是,在新的历史条件下,森林采伐管理在目标、手段不一致,采伐管理政策单一等一系列问题,已经成为影响与制约中国林业发展的重要政策因素。为此,以森林分类经营、分类管理为基础,提出对于公益林和商品林、人工林和天然林、国有林和私有林等,必须实施森林分类采伐管理政策。  相似文献   

为提高森林经营作业中林分采伐蓄积量的精度,将误差降至最低,对森林经营作业小班采取全林标记采伐木的方法进行调查设计,通过2a的摸索实践,结果表明,与传统调查设计方法相比,采伐木蓄积误差明显降低,作业质量大幅提高。实践证明,该方法在森林经营工作中切实可行,值得推广。  相似文献   

We studied the responses of soil decomposer animals to clear felling and alternative, green-tree retention harvesting methods (GRT) in Norway spruce forests in Finland. The study plots which were sampled for immediate treatment effects (up to three years) were resampled after 10 years. We hypothesized that responses of decomposers still depends on the level of GTR. The treatments, in addition to untreated controls (100% retained), were: (1) selection felling (70% dispersed tree retention), (2) and (3) gap felling with and without site preparation, respectively (three small gaps were felled in a 1-ha area and 50% of the stand volume was retained), (4) retention felling (10% of the stand volume was retained in three small tree groups) and (5) traditional clear felling (0% retention). Ten years after the treatments the strong increase of enchytraeids immediately after the harvestings was leveled out and the numbers on all treated plots were at the control level. Total numbers or community structure of soil dwelling collembolans were not affected either. The abundance of macroarthropods on the harvested plots, except selection felling, was ca. 50% lower compared to the control forest. Their community structure was also changed due to the harvestings. The most sensitive animal groups were herbivores, microbivores and some detritivores. After 10 years, predators (mainly spiders and certain coleopterans) were decreased only under retention tree groups, while microbidetritivores (dipteran and coleopteran larvae) were unaffected. Our study showed that dispersed tree retention, at least when only 30% of the stand volume was harvested, induced no significant changes in soil decomposer animal community in boreal coniferous forest. On the other hand, decomposer community in clear-felled areas (either large or small) and in small aggregated retention tree groups is still different from that in unfelled forest 10 years after the harvestings. Mesofauna living in the soil organic layer (humus) seem to be better buffered against environmental changes induced by the harvesting compared to animals dwelling close to or on the soil surface. These animals are affected long after harvestings.  相似文献   

抚育间伐对落叶松生长量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对落叶松进行抚育间伐。10a后。问伐强度30%的林分总生物量的增值率最大,比对照区高74.8%,而且随林分密度增大总生物量与灌木层生物量也加大,当林分密度达到1365株/hm^2时,生物量达到最大值,以后有下降趋势。本文还制定了落叶松各年龄阶段不同立地指数、经营密度生物量表。  相似文献   

抚育间伐对林木生长及其稳定性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林抚育间伐是森林生态系统经营中人类作用于森林的主要措施。本文针对当前国内外森林抚育间伐对林木生长和稳定性的影响进行了综述。重点讨论了抚育间伐对林木生长、林分产量、质量和稳定性的影响。同时指出,以后的森林经营工作要实施分类经营,重视生态系统稳定性。  相似文献   

本文对抚育间伐伐区工艺设计中的采伐类型、伐区等级、间伐强度、作业定额、设计表的研究提出探讨意见。  相似文献   

征占用林地中涉及的林木采伐许可证的办理有着十分严格的程序,但是,当前很多地方的林业主管部门在受理此类林木采伐许可证的申请过程中却忽视了这个特殊环节,仍然按常规的受理程序走,造成林业主管部门自身违规核发林木采伐许可证的现象时有发生。  相似文献   

姚雪刚 《林业科技》2005,30(4):17-20
通过分析,确定了小陇山林区日本落叶松人工商品林抚育间伐的时间,抚育间隔期及抚育强度,预测了抚育间伐的经济效益。  相似文献   

上海海湾国家森林公园景观林优化改造   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在对海湾国家森林公园景观林资源现状调查分析的基础上,根据公园即将向公众开放对林木景观资源的质量和标准要求,针对存在主要问题,提出相应的优化改造措施。通过对本公园人工幼龄林培育过程中,出现的林相单调,密度过大有碍森林赏景、影响森林生态效益的发挥及阻滞森林健康演替等问题提出相应的改造措施,旨在优化提升森林美学等级。    相似文献   

Photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) during the growing season and regeneration growth (height and base stem diameter) were investigated in two natural stands in the Patagonian region of Chile, one without silvicultural management and another with a regenerative felling under a shelterwood system. PPFD was measured by means of fifteen sensors (quantum Li-190SA) installed in each stand and distributed within three canopy openness grades. Four regeneration plots (1 m2) were established around each sensor. In each of the plots, the height and base diameter of ten labelled plants within the upper regeneration layer were measured in the growing seasons 2001–2002 and 2002–2003. In the stand with regeneration felling total PPFD in the growing season was 2.5–2.9 times higher than in the stand without intervention. In both stands, total PPFD in the growing season increased by about 420 mmol/m2 when the relative canopy, which was in the range between 30 and 70%, was reduced by 10%. An identical behaviour was observed for the height and base stem diameter increases reflecting a clear effect of intervention and canopy coverage on the magnitude of PPFD received by the regeneration and its development.  相似文献   

刘铁栋 《森林工程》2000,16(1):13-14
随着我国木材市场由卖方市场向买方市场过渡。木材供过于求的格局被打破这种背景下如何更好地满足市场需要是森工企业营销的重要工作,市场细分策略作为木材营销的基本策略应引起森工企业足够的重视。本在分析我国森工企业现阶段的市场状况后。提出森工企业应充分应用市场细分策略。并提出具体建议及注意的问题。  相似文献   

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