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养猪生产可分为种猪生产和商品肉猪生产两部分.就整个养猪生产而言,猪的肥育是最后一个重要环节,猪肉为养猪生产的终结产品,用来生产猪肉的猪均称为生长肥育猪(20~100kg).饲养这类猪的目的,就是要应用先进的科学技术,用最少的饲料和劳动力,在尽可能短的时间内,生产出量多、质优而成本低的猪肉供应市场,并从中获得较好的经济效益.  相似文献   

1 合理分栏 猪只按体重大小、体质强弱、吃料快慢进行分群合栏.同栏小猪的体重大小不宜超过5千克,中猪不宜超过10千克.分栏合群时采取"留弱不留强"、"拆多不拆少"、"夜并昼不并"等方法,分群合栏后要保持相对稳定.任意变动猪群会引起猪骚动不安、咬架,影响猪的采食、睡觉,乃至生长.  相似文献   

对生长肥育猪的适宜饲养密度进行了探讨,将 30头断奶仔猪(杜洛克 ♂ ×长大♀)随机分成3组,3组的头数分别为8、10、12头,饲养在面积为15.80m2的栏舍内,各组的饲养密度分别为 1.97、1.58和 1.3m2/头。结果为:各组的日增重分别为0.69、0.72和0.68kg,相应的料肉比为3.23、3.10和3.28,投入产出比分别为0.93、0.92和0.94。饲养密度过高过低均对养猪生产不利。  相似文献   

肥育猪是养猪生产的最后一个环节。饲养肥育猪的目的是在尽可能短的时间内,获得成本低、数量多、质量好的猪肉。  相似文献   

美国消费者对于舍饲肉用动物健康和福利的关注度日益增长,这使得生产者考虑提高动物的饲养面积。在Allen D.Leman养猪大会上,与会代表对这一主题进行了详细讨论。  相似文献   

杜×湖断奶仔猪333头随机分成3组,分别饲喂以HN8O01─8O02(第1组),岳阳正大SB24─34(第2组),滨江Ⅰ─Ⅱ号(第3组)3种预混料配成的饲料进行生长肥育猪的饲养对比试验。结果表明:试验前期3组平均日增重分别为:715.8±96.5,632.4±121.8,612.9±109.9g(P<0.01);后期分别为:704.1±121.4,742.0土105.3,684.0±163.6g(P>0.05);全期为710.3±65.5,692.8土85.5,653.3±114.7g(P<0.01)。饲料利用率前期为2.41:1,2.83:1,2.92:1,(P<0.01);后期为3.31:1,3.25:1,3.42:1(P>0.05);全期为2.90:1,3.06:1,3.18:1(P<0.05)。胴体瘦肉率为:64.18±0.84,61.5l±1.12,57.92±4.42%(P>0.05)。经济效益分析结果表明:饲喂HN8001─8002预混料的第1组经济效益最好,平均每头毛利为81.55元,第3组次之(78.18元),第2组最差(47.65元)。  相似文献   

养猪是畜牧业的重要组成部分,这一点在2007年显得更为突出,事实证明生猪生产不能放松。生猪生产的关键是育肥猪生产,在育肥猪的肥育生产中,如何争取用最少的饲料和劳动力,在尽可能短的时间内获得成本较低、质量高的产品是每个生猪经营者都关心和迫切需要认真解决的问题,一般可从以下几方面进行。[第一段]  相似文献   

现代畜牧业正在运用一项新技术以提高粘土的天然特性。现在是重新审视粘土是如何提高养殖业生产效益的时候了。粘土用作医疗救助的记载最  相似文献   

项目结合太行云牛选育工作,对现阶段太行云牛生产方式、资源利用、市场情况、投入成本与产出效益进行了全面调查和案例分析。结果表明:①太行云牛耐粗饲、适应性强,生长发育快,经济效益高;②不同牛群、不同生产阶段生产效益不同,育成期和育肥期头年生产效益达5000元以上;③在当地市场环境下,自繁自育生产的千头规模肉牛养殖场,舍饲+放牧管理,年效益达343万元、全年舍饲管效益也在222万元以上。以资生产者和行业管理人员参考。共同谋划和促进肉牛产业的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

Swine dysentery was eradicated from a 270 sow herd by using medication in conjunction with cleaning and disinfection, without reducing the herd size. The feed conversion efficiency, cost per kg liveweight gain and veterinary costs in the herd were compared with similar Meat and Livestock Commission recorded herds before swine dysentery entered the farm, while it was present and after its eradication. During the four years when the disease was endemic in the herd the feed conversion efficiency deteriorated by 0.58, equivalent to 7.31 pounds per pig, the cost per kg liveweight gain was 15 per cent higher and the costs of veterinary care and medicines were 1.38 pounds per pig greater. Although there were pigs with clinical swine dysentery in the herd during the four year period, the poor production figures were attributed mainly to subclinical disease. The cost of eradicating the disease was more than 20,000 pounds but this sum was recouped within 12 months by the improved production and reduced drug usage. The chances of success of such a programme have been estimated to be between 54 and 90 per cent.  相似文献   

由第42届美国中北地区猪营养研究委员会*(NCR-42 Committee on Swine Nutrition)完成的研究表明,小母猪在35~105kg体重阶段对赖氨酸的需求量高于同阶段的去势小公猪,该项研究成果导致猪农现今普遍  相似文献   

养猪要赚钱,就要讲科学。所谓科学养猪是指人们利用科学的手段,使猪生长快,在最短的时间内达到出栏标准;投入的成本最低;提供优质安全无公害的肉食品及其副产品,获得高利润。要想取得最佳的养猪经济效益,就必须严格遵守有关政策法规,讲究科学饲喂,多投入些科技成分以取得理想的经济效益。  相似文献   

改进集约化养猪生产环境的措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为建立和改善养猪生产环境,提高集约化养猪生产水平。综合分析了集约化猪场生产环境中存在的主要问题,介绍了改善和治理养猪生产环境的措施和方法。  相似文献   

养鸡户缺乏科学的饲养管理技术,饲养工艺设计不合理,饲料营养浪费,重治不重防,滥用药物,导致治疗效果不佳,死淘率升高,甚至发生中毒等。已成为我国养鸡生产中较为普遍的问题,加上市场波动,直接影响养鸡业的经济效益。严重挫伤了养殖户的积极性。尤其是广大农村,水平低,投入高,效益差的“穷养鸡”方式一度存在。因此。科学的管理,最大限度降低养殖成本,是提高养鸡生产经济效益、确保养鸡业健康发展的重要举措。  相似文献   

Swine dysentery did not recur during a nine week period after withdrawal of medication in swine fed ronidazole at a level of 60 parts per million of feed for ten weeks or fed either carbadox at 55 ppm or lincomycin at 110 ppm of feed for six weeks. During this period swine dysentery was neither transmitted to accompanying sentinels after the withdrawal of the above medication or was Treponema hyodysenteriae isolated and cultured or observed in stained smears from rectal swabs and feces or from colonic scrapings at necropsy. Beginning three weeks after the withdrawal of medication, all swine were fed sodium arsanilate at a concentration of 220 ppm of feed for three weeks in an attempt to excite the carrier of swine dysentery into developing a swine dysentery diarrhea. A swine dysentery diarrhea did recur during the feeding of sodium arsanilate in swine previously fed ronidazole at a level of 60 ppm of feed for only six weeks. It was concluded: that swine dysentery was probably eliminated with the feeding of ronidazole for the longer duration and with the feeding of carbadox and lincomycin and that sodium arsanilate was of value in identifying the carrier state.  相似文献   

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