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Multiparous sows (n = 307) were used to evaluate the effects of added dietary L-carnitine, 100 mg/d during gestation and 50 ppm during lactation, on sow and litter performance. Treatments were arranged as a 2 (gestation or lactation) x2 (with or without L-carnitine) factorial. Control sows were fed 1.81 kg/d of a gestation diet containing .65% total lysine. Treated sows were fed 1.59 kg/d of the control diet with a .23 kg/d topdressing of the control diet that provided 100 mg/d of added L-carnitine. Lactation diets were formulated to contain 1.0% total lysine with or without 50 ppm of added L-carnitine. Sows fed 100 mg/d of added L-carnitine had increased IGF-I concentration on d 60 (71.3 vs. 38.0 ng/mL, P<.01) and 90 of gestation (33.0 vs. 25.0 ng/mL, P = .04). Sows fed added L-carnitine had increased BW gain (55.3 vs 46.3 kg; P<.01) and last rib fat depth gain (2.6 vs. 1.6 mm; P = .04) during gestation. Feeding 100 mg/d of added L-carnitine in gestation increased both total litter (15.5 vs. 14.6 kg; P = .04) and pig (1.53 vs 1.49 kg; P<.01) birth weight. No differences were observed in pig birth weight variation. Added L-carnitine fed during gestation increased litter weaning weight (45.0 vs. 41.3 kg, P = .02); however, no effect of feeding L-carnitine during lactation was observed. No differences were observed in subsequent days to estrus or farrowing rate. Compared to the control diet, feeding added L-carnitine in either gestation, lactation, or both, increased (P<.05) the subsequent number of pigs born alive, but not total born. In conclusion, feeding L-carnitine throughout gestation increased sow body weight and last rib fat depth gain and increased litter weights at birth and weaning.  相似文献   

本试验的目的旨在评价日粮中添加甘露聚糖(Mannan oligosaccharides,MOS)对商品化生产系统中母猪和仔猪生产性能的影响.试验所用的甘露聚糖-奥奇素(Bio-Mos)由美国奥特奇生物技术公司提供.母猪(处理组509头,对照组517头)为PIC猪种,平均胎次3.26胎,试验初体重264kg,产仔前3周开始在妊娠母猪饲料中添加甘露聚糖(奥奇素,添加量0.2%),哺乳期21天中,哺乳母猪饲料中添加奥奇素0.1%.分析饲料中的霉菌毒素,饲料中的黄曲霉毒素、T-2毒素、伏马菌素、DON(去氧瓜萎镰菌醇)和赭曲霉毒素含量很低,饲料间的霉菌毒素含量相近.母猪在妊娠第112天进入产房时和断奶时进行称重,仔猪在产后大约30 h时和断奶时进行称重.日粮中添加奥奇素不会降低母猪的体重,不会影响产活仔数,不会造成死胎(p<0.05).添加奥奇素有利于提高产仔窝重,提高断奶重.添加奥奇素的处理组,猪增重为4.11kg,而对照组为3.79 kg.采食添加奥奇素日粮的母猪,所产仔猪断奶前的死亡率降低(处理组母猪与对照组母猪相比,9.09%对11.27%,p<0.01).添加奥奇素后,母猪哺乳前初乳样品(处理组48个样品,对照组42个样品)中免疫球蛋白IgA,IgG和IgM的浓度提高.IgG对添加奥奇素的反应最大(p=0.007,5853对4842 mg/dL),IgM次之(p=0.03,273对241 mg/dL),IgA再次之(p=0.06,1178对1097 mg/dL).另外,母猪采食了添加奥奇素的日粮后,从产仔至发情的天数减短(5.20对7.27天,p<0.01).母猪初乳中成分的变化有助于解释为什么仔猪生长性能得到提高.试验结果归纳如下,仔猪断奶前死亡率降低伴随着生长性能的改善表明,日粮中添加甘露聚糖有利于提高商品化生产系统中母猪和仔猪的生产性能.  相似文献   

Sows of differing parities and genetics were used at different locations to determine the effects of feeding added L-carnitine during lactation on sow and litter performance. In Exp. 1, sows (n = 50 PIC C15) were fed a lactation diet (1.0% total lysine, .9% Ca, and .8% P) with or without 50 ppm of added L-carnitine from d 108 of gestation until weaning (d 21). No differences in litter weaning weight, survivability, sow ADFI, or sow weight and last rib fat depth change were observed. Number of pigs born alive in the subsequent farrowing were not different (P>.10). In Exp. 2, parity-three and -four sows (n = 115 Large White cross) were used to determine the effect of feeding 0, 50, 100, or 200 ppm of added L-carnitine during lactation (diet containing .9% total lysine, 1.0% Ca, and .8% P) on sow and litter performance. No improvements in the number of pigs or litter weights at weaning were observed (P>.10). Sows fed added L-carnitine had increased weight loss (linear; P<.04), but no differences (P>.10) were observed in last rib fat depth change or subsequent reproductive performance. In Exp. 3, first-parity sows (n = 107 PIC C15) were fed a diet with or without 50 ppm of added L-carnitine during lactation (diet containing 1.0% total lysine). Sows fed added L-carnitine tended (P<.10) to have fewer stillborn and mummified pigs than controls (.42 vs .81 pigs). No differences were observed for litter weaning weight, survivability, or subsequent farrowing performance. Feeding 50 to 200 ppm of added L-carnitine during lactation had little effect on sow and litter performance.  相似文献   

Effect of energy and lysine intake in gestation on sow performance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nutrient intake during gestation has an impact on gestation parameters and subsequent lactation performance. The objectives of this experiment were to determine the impact of feeding two levels of amino acids in gestation on sow BW changes in gestation and lactation, and litter size, and to evaluate a factorial method for determining daily energy requirements. At mating, 419 sows (Camborough 15; Pig Improvement Canada, Acme, AB) were assigned randomly within Parities 1, 2 or 3+ to a gestation diet containing either 0.44% (low lysine) or 0.55% (high lysine) total lysine and 3,100 kcal DE/kg; other indispensable amino acids were adjusted to lysine based on ideal protein ratios. Feed allowance in gestation was determined factorially using estimated DE requirements for maintenance, maternal gain, and conceptus growth. Sows were allowed free access to the lactation diet. Gestation BW gain from d 0 to 110 was affected by parity (61.2, 60.0, and 42.3 kg for Parity 1, 2, and 3+, respectively; P < 0.05) but not (P > 0.10) by gestation lysine level. Sow BW changes from d 0 of lactation to weaning were affected by parity (0.5, 6.8, and 5.8 kg for Parity 1, 2, and 3+, respectively; P < 0.01) and gestation BW gain (P < 0.01), but not by gestation lysine level (5.0 vs 3.8 kg for low and high lysine, respectively; P > 0.10). Total piglets born was affected by parity (11.5, 12.1, and 12.5, for Parity 1, 2, and 3+, respectively; P < 0.01) and increased with increasing sow BW gain (P < 0.05). Total piglets born alive (mean = 11.2) was increased with increasing sow BW gain (P < 0.05). Total litter weight born alive was affected by parity (15.9, 18.6, and 19.4 kg for Parities 1, 2, and 3+, respectively; P < 0.01) and gestation BW gain (P < 0.05). The model used to determine daily energy intake requirements resulted in an average BW gain of 10.6 kg above the targets set by the model. Total lysine intakes greater than 10.6 g/d in gestation did not improve sow productivity. Setting target weight gains in gestation and feeding to meet these targets may not always provide predictable results due to a number of factors that affect the energy requirement in the sow.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding glucose during the 5 days before parturition on litter performance and on glucose concentration in sows were studied. At day 100 of gestation, 130 multiparous sows were assigned to the treatments. Late gestating sows were fed 0 g, 150 g, 250 g, 350 g and 450 g of glucose a day, respectively. During lactation, all sows were given free access to the same lactation diet (without glucose). One day before parturition, blood samples were collected from 30 sows (6 sows per treatment) at 10 before and 20, 40, 60 and 80 min after the meal. The supply of additional dietary glucose increased piglet birth weight ( P  < 0.05). Feed intake in week 1 and week 1–4 of lactation was greatest in sows fed the 0% glucose diet, least by sows fed the 18% glucose diet, and intermediate by sows fed the 6, 10, 14% glucose diets ( P  < 0.05). Basal glucose concentration and time of maximum glucose concentration after glucose intake were not affected by dietary treatment in the last 5 days of gestation. The sows fed the 14 and 18% glucose diets had greater maximum increase in glucose concentration than sows fed diet without glucose ( P  < 0.05). In conclusion, feeding glucose to sows during 5 days before parturition increased birth weight of live-born piglet and decreased sows feed intake during lactation, but did not affect the performance of sows and piglets.  相似文献   

The effects of protein and energy intakes by primiparous sows during a 28-d lactation on thyroxine (T4) and urea concentrations in blood serum of sows, and sow and litter performance were examined in two experiments. Dietary treatments were protein intakes of 380 (LP) and 760 (HP) g of crude protein X sow-1 X d-1 and energy intakes of 8 (LE) and 16 (HE) Mcal of metabolizable energy (ME) X sow-1 X d-1 in a 2 X 2 factorial arrangement. In Exp. 1 (34 sows), neither protein nor energy intake affected serum T4 concentrations. In both experiments, serum urea concentrations during lactation were influenced by both protein (P less than .001) and energy (P less than .001) intakes. In Exp. 2 (221 sows), sows fed LP or LE lost more weight (P less than .001) during lactation than sows fed either HP or HE. Backfat loss was greater (P less than .001) in sows fed diets of LE than HE, whereas sows fed HP lost more backfat (P = .016) than sows fed LP. Pig weights on d 28 were influenced by both protein (P less than .001) and energy (P = .038), with sows that were provided high intakes of either protein or energy having heavier pigs. Litter weight at weaning was heavier (P less than .005) for sows consuming HP. Sows fed LP had larger litters at d 14 (P = .051) and 28 (P = .046) than sows fed HP. Sow energy intake had no effect on litter size or weight. Percentages of sows in estrus by 7, 14 and 35 d postweaning were higher (P less than .004, P less than .030 and P less than .060, respectively) for sows fed HP than LP, whereas sow energy intakes had no effect on the interval from weaning to first estrus.  相似文献   

The effects of dietary consumption of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and dextrose during a 28-d lactation on sow and litter performance and sow plasma constituents were examined in 45 multiparous and 36 primiparous crossbred sows. Isocaloric and isonitrogenous corn-soybean meal diets were formulated to contain either 20% fructose or 20% glucose. Diets were fed on a metabolic BW basis from d 0 to d 28 of lactation. Litter and pig weights on d 28 were not affected (P greater than .05) by treatment. Litter size was greater (P less than .10) at weaning for primiparous sows fed HFCS, but multiparous sows weaned heavier (P less than .05) pigs. Sow weight change during lactation was not influenced by diet, but primiparous sows lost more (P less than .05) weight during lactation and had longer intervals to estrus than multiparous sows did. Milk yields on d 17 and 21 of lactation were not different (P greater than .05) for sows fed HFCS vs dextrose, but sows fed HFCS tended to have greater (P = .05) percentage of milk fat. Preprandial concentrations of fructose in plasma were low in sows fed HFCS and nondetectable in those fed dextrose but were elevated (P less than .05) after consumption of HFCS. Conversely, similar (P greater than .05) concentrations of glucose in plasma preprandially were followed by greater (P less than .05) postprandial glucose concentrations in sows fed dextrose. Although postprandial concentrations of insulin were not affected (P greater than .05) by diet, sows fed dextrose had greater (P less than .05) preprandial insulin concentrations in plasma. Concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and growth hormone in plasma and response to a glucose challenge were not affected (P greater than .05) by feeding HFCS. However, concentrations of insulin in plasma following glucose infusion were less (P less than .05) during the glucose challenge period on d 25 than on d 13 of lactation.  相似文献   

王成 《饲料广角》2011,(8):31-34,38
在母猪妊娠晚期和泌乳期添加亚麻种子、亚麻粉或亚麻油的研究对其体内激素、免疫和初生仔猪生产性能的影响。60头怀孕68d的母猪被随机分成4个日粮组,各处理组饲喂的母猪日粮一直持续到泌乳第21d。各日粮组分别为:对照组日粮(CTL;n=15)、10%亚麻籽组(FS;n=16)、6.5%亚麻粉组(FSM;n=14)、3.5%亚麻油组(FSO;n=15)。在妊娠的第88~101d对母猪进行卵清蛋白(OVA)免疫,分别在母猪妊娠的第62、88、110d和泌乳的第2、21d取其颈动脉血用以测定血液中的卵清蛋白抗体(anti-OVA)、雌二醇、催乳素、孕酮含量;取泌乳第3d和第20d的猪乳样本。将产后第1d的每窝一头仔猪屠宰,并且取其腔静脉血液用以分析anti-OVA的含量;将剩下的仔猪分别在断奶第2、7、14、28、56d称重。结果显示,各处理组的体内激素没有显著差异(P〉0.1);在泌乳第20d,FS、FSM和FSO组母猪乳的蛋白含量要比对照组(CTL)母猪的高;FSM组第56d的仔猪体重要比FS和FSO组的高(P〈0.05)。FSM组泌乳1d的仔猪肌糖原(P〈0.001)和胴体干物质(P=0.05)含量要较FS和FSO组的仔猪高,但器官重量和葡萄糖含量以及IGF-I浓度没有显著差异(P〉0.1)。在整个试验期,FS组母猪血清的anti-OVA要比FSO的高(P〈0.05)。各处理组泌乳第3d的猪乳anti-OVA浓度没有显著差异(P〉0.1)。FS、FSM和FSO组的初生仔猪第24h的体增重和血清中anti-OVA的含量要比对照组的高(P〈0.01),同时FS、FSM和FSO组出生第2d和第21d的仔猪死亡率也要较对照组低(P〈0.05)。因此,饲喂亚麻对母猪和初生仔猪的生产性能都有积极作用,且亚麻粉更能明显提高断奶仔猪的生产性能。  相似文献   

Ninety-one primiparous and multiparous sows and their pigs were used to evaluate the effects of a novel carbohydrate- and protein-based feed ingredient (Nutri-Pal, NP) on sow and litter performance during lactation. Nutri-Pal is a feed supplement for sows that consists of a blend of milk chocolate, brewer's yeast, whey products, and glucooligosaccharides. The dietary treatments consisted of a corn-soybean meal control and a corn-soybean meal plus 5% NP fed from d 110 of gestation to weaning. The diets were formulated to be equal in total Lys and ME. Sows were allotted to treatment based on parity, body weight, and the date of d 110 of gestation. There were 46 and 45 sows per treatment over four farrowing groups. Litters were standardized to 10 pigs and weighed within 1 d of farrowing, and all sows weaned at least 8 pigs at an average age of 21 d. Sows were weighed on d 110 of gestation, d 1 postfarrowing, and at weaning. Sows were fed three times daily during lactation. Sows were checked twice daily after weaning for signs of estrus. The weaning weight of sows fed NP was increased (P < 0.10) compared with those fed the control diet. Sows fed the control diet tended (P = 0.11) to lose more weight per day from d 110 of gestation to weaning than the sows fed NP. Otherwise, sow response variables (sow weight on d 110 of gestation and d 1 postfarrowing, d 110 of gestation to d 1 postfarrowing and lactation weight change per day, d 110 of gestation to d 1 postfarrowing, lactation, and total feed intake, days to estrus, pigs born alive or dead, and litter and average pig birth weight) were not affected (P > 0.10) by diet. There were no effects (P > 0.10) of diet on litter performance response variables (pigs weaned, litter and average pig weaning weight and gain, and survival percent). The NP feed ingredient had minor effects on sow productivity, but it did not affect litter productivity indices.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with various fat sources (3.8–3.9% of diet) during late pregnancy and lactation on the reproductive performance, fatty acids profile in colostrum, milk and serum of sow progeny. A total of 80 multiparous sows were randomly fed a control (adding no oil), palm oil (PO), fish oil (FO) or soybean oil (SO) supplemented diet from 90 days of pregnancy to weaning. Supplementation of FO increased litter size of weak piglets, compared with the control‐fed sows (< 0.05). Dietary FO and SO supplementation, enhanced the weaning survival rate, litter weaning weight, litter weight gain and fat content in milk (< 0.05). The highest immunoglobulin (Ig)G and IgM levels in colostrum and milk were observed in the FO group (< 0.05). Meanwhile, the highest concentration of C22:5 (n‐3) and C22:6 (n‐3) in colostrum, milk and piglet serum was observed in the FO group (< 0.05). Taken together, dietary inclusion of FO or SO improved growth performance of nursing piglets by increasing milk fat output, and FO consumption by sows might benefit the piglets via increasing n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acid availability and immunoglobulins (IgG and IgM) secretion.  相似文献   

Forty-five gravid cross-bred sows (mean parity 3.3 +/- .3) were randomly allotted to two dietary treatments: corn-soybean mean (CS) or CS plus 60 mg salinomycin per kilogram of diet (CSS). Sows were fed their respective diets through two successive parities with dietary treatment initiated at 100 d postcoitum and continued until weaning of the second successive litter. Therefore, sows fed CSS received salinomycin for 14 d before the first parturition and for approximately 153 d before the second parturition. Daily feed intake was restricted to 2 kg.hd-1.d-1 during gestation and to 3 kg.hd-1.d-1 from weaning to breeding. All sows. had ad libitum access to feed during lactation. Sows were weighed 7 d prior to parturition, at weaning and at breeding. Weaning-to-estrus interval and farrowing interval were recorded for all sows. Litters were weighed at birth and weaning. There were no differences (P greater than .05) between dietary treatments in sow weights before parturition, at weaning or at breeding for either first or second farrowing. The CSS-fed sows lost more weight from weaning to breeding after the first (P less than .03) and second (P less than .05) lactation periods than CS-fed sows. The CSS-fed sows tended to gain more (P = .06) weight during lactation than CS-fed sows. There were no differences (P greater than .05) between treatments in lactation feed intake, weaning-to-estrus interval, farrowing interval, litter size born or weaned, litter weights at birth or at weaning, or in sow culling rate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

At 50 d prior to predicted calving, 37 multiparous Angus cows were grouped by sire of mating, age and weight of cow and placed on either a high energy (HE, n = 19) diet or a moderate energy (ME, n = 18) diet. Objectives were to determine the effect of prepartum nutrition on: prepartum serum concentrations of estrone (E1), estrone sulfate (E1SO4) and progesterone (P4); pre- and postpartum cow body weight changes; calf birth weight and cow and calf postpartum performance. The ME cows were group-fed Coastal bermudagrass hay ad libitum and dormant pasture; HE cows were group-fed 2.7 kg ground corn X head-1 X d-1 in addition to the ME treatment. Both groups were combined and fed identically after calving. Cows fed HE were heavier (P less than .01) than cows fed ME at d 10 prepartum and their calves were heavier (P less than .05) at birth and weaning than calves from cows fed ME. Serum E1 concentrations were not significantly different between groups, but serum E1SO4 was higher (P less than .01) at d 10 prepartum in ME cows compared with HE cows. Serum P4 concentrations of ME cows were higher (P less than .05) than those of HE cows. Cow body weights were greater (P less than .01) for the HE group than for the ME group during the first 6 mo postpartum. Cow rebreeding performance was identical for both groups.  相似文献   

A regional experiment was conducted at 8 experiment stations, with a total of 320 sows initially, to evaluate the efficacy of adding 13.35% ground wheat straw to a corn-soybean meal gestation diet for 3 successive gestation-lactation (reproductive) cycles compared with sows fed a control diet without straw. A total of 708 litters were farrowed over 3 reproductive cycles. The basal gestation diet intake averaged 1.95 kg daily for both treatments, plus 0.30 kg of straw daily for sows fed the diet containing ground wheat straw (total intake of 2.25 kg/d). During lactation, all sows on both gestation treatments were fed ad libitum the standard lactation diet used at each station. Response criteria were sow farrowing and rebreeding percentages, culling factors and culling rate, weaning-to-estrus interval, sow BW and backfat measurements at several time points, and litter size and total litter weight at birth and weaning. Averaged over 3 reproductive cycles, sows fed the diet containing wheat straw farrowed and weaned 0.51 more pigs per litter (P 相似文献   

The effect of protein intake during gestation and lactation on the lactational performance of primiparous sows was evaluated using 35 Yorkshire x Landrace gilts, allocated to six dietary treatments in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement. Treatments consisted of three protein levels during gestation, providing approximately 4, 8, and 16 g of lysine/d, and two protein levels (low [L] and high [HI), providing approximately 15 and 45 g of lysine/d, during lactation, respectively. Diets provided similar amounts of ME and all other nutrients. As dietary protein increased during gestation, sows gained more weight and tended to decrease their backfat thickness. There was no gestation x lactation treatment interaction for lactational performance of sows. Feed intake by sows during lactation was usually low but increased (P < .05) with increasing gestation and lactation protein intake and increased linearly (P < .001) as lactation progressed. This linear increase over time was greater (P < .05) in sows fed the H than in sows fed the L protein level. Increased protein intake during lactation reduced (P < .001) 21-d sow weight loss. Milk yield and pig weight gain increased as protein intake increased during gestation (P < .05) and lactation (P < .01). Milk yield did not increase as lactation progressed (P > .05). Pig weight gain increased (P < .05) from wk 1 to 2 of lactation and decreased thereafter. Simple linear regression analysis detected few important relationships between yield of milk components and metabolites or metabolic hormone concentrations. The R2 values for these relationships were < or = .30, except for some relationships between milk component yields and blood urea nitrogen (the range was between .17 and .55). Covariate adjustment for metabolite and metabolic hormone concentrations did not eliminate treatment effects in most cases. This suggests that effects of increased protein intake on milk yield are not fully mediated through metabolite and metabolic hormone concentrations.  相似文献   

In Exp. 1, 36 individually penned steers (initial BW = 294 +/- 3.8 kg) were used to determine effects of dietary CP percentage and programming gain on performance and carcass characteristics. Steers were fed to achieve a predicted gain of 1.13 kg/d for the first 84 kg of gain and 1.36 kg/d for the next 124 kg of gain and were offered feed for ad libitum consumption for the final 58 kg of gain before slaughter. In these three phases of growth, steers were fed diets, sequentially, with the following CP percentages: HHH (16, 13.5, and 12.5%), LHH (9, 13.5, and 13%), or LLL (9, 9, and 9%). When predicted gain was 1.13 kg/d, ADG was greater (P < 0.01) for steers in the HHH (1.09 kg/d) vs LHH and LLL (0.83 kg/d) systems. When predicted gain was 1.36 kg/d, ADG and gain efficiency were greatest (P < 0.01) for steers in the LHH system. Overall ADG and gain efficiency were greater (P < 0.01) for steers in the HHH (1.46 kg/d, 0.194) and LHH systems (1.38 kg/d, 0.190), compared with steers in the LLL (1.21 kg/d and 0.166) system. Carcass fat thickness was lower for steers in the LHH (0.74 cm) system than for steers in the LLL system (1.09 cm). In Exp. 2, 18 individually penned steers (initial BW = 225 +/- 5.8 kg) were either offered a 13% CP diet for ad libitum intake (AL) throughout the 134-d experiment or fed a high- (16% CP; PI-HH) or low- (10% CP; PI-LH) CP diet and fed to achieve a predicted gain of 1.13 kg/d for the first 85 d of the experiment. Steers in the PI-HH and PI-LH feeding regimens were then offered a 13% CP diet for ad libitum consumption from d 86 to 134. Fractional protein accretion rate was greater (P < 0.01) for steers in the PI-HH and PI-LH feeding regimens than for steers in the AL regimen at d 92, 106, and 120. Fractional breakdown and synthesis rates were not affected (P = 0.63) by feeding regimen. Increased ADG and gain efficiency of steers during compensatory growth periods may in part be due to greater fractional accretion rates of skeletal muscle protein.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The objective of this study was to investigate growth performance, nutrients apparent digestibility, nitrogen utilization, rumen fermentation, and rumen...  相似文献   

Nose ringing of outdoor sows is practiced to reduce grass sward damage for environmental reasons but conflicts with natural behaviour considerations. We investigated effects of ringing pregnant and lactating outdoor sows on foraging and explorative behaviour, grass cover and nutrient deposition. The experiment included both ringed and unringed sows. For unringed sows the paddocks were either used continuously throughout the experiment or divided into two and sows were moved half way through the experimental period leaving the first used paddock for regrowth. Ringing did not prevent the sow's rooting, but rooting was less pronounced, when sows were ringed. On average, ringing increased grass cover from 14% to 38% and from 64% to 81% in paddocks with pregnant and lactating sows, respectively. In paddocks with unringed sows kept at a double density and followed by a resting period, the grass cover in autumn was restored to a high degree in paddocks with pregnant sows. In lactating sow paddocks the level of inorganic N was high but with no significant relation to extent of grass cover. In pregnant sow paddocks the soil inorganic N content was significantly reduced by increased grass cover and at 60% grass cover soil inorganic N content was at a low level. From the experiment it was evident that although ringing did have a positive environmental effect, it was not the main factor influencing potential losses. Management choices in terms of feeding, animal density and nutrient distribution are considered to be at least as important.  相似文献   

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