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The most important characteristics of Mycoplasma mastitis on dairy farms are described, based on two case studies. Clinical symptoms, diagnostics, epidemiology, and a plan of action are presented. In the herds investigated, Mycoplasma mastitis was characterized by multiple affected quarters unresponsive to treatment with antibiotic and/or anti-inflammatory agents. Most striking were a sandy sediment, brown colouring, and rice-like structure of the milk of affected animals. Clinical symptoms differed in the two affected herds. Diagnosis was based on bacteriological investigation of samples of milk and synovial fluid taken from infected cows. Affected animals were culled immediately, and the herds were monitored by repeated testing of bulk milk samples. It was concluded that a consequence of the increasing size of cattle herds in the Netherlands is that subclinical/clinical Mycoplasma mastitis may be diagnosed more frequently than in the past. In the case of Mycoplasma mastitis, farmers and veterinary practitioners are advised to draw up a plan of action together, incorporating aspects such as diagnostics at cow level, direct culling of affected animals, hygiene during milking, including post-milking teat disinfection, and routine monitoring of bulk milk. Unpasteurized milk should not be given to calves.  相似文献   

Experimental intracisternal infection, using mycoplasma bovis strains, proved to cause typical mastitis of grave severity. The clinical pattern was in conformity with published findings. Testing of mycoplasma strains for their pathogenicity to cattle udder during lactation was found to be an adequate approach to elucidating the importance of mycoplasma species isolated from cattle herds.  相似文献   

Reported in this paper is the occurrence of enzootic mastitis in three dairy cattle stocks. The outbreaks had been caused by Mycoplasma bovis, Acholeplasma laidlawii, Acholeplasma axanthum as well as by one unidentified strain of the family of mycoplasmataceae. All animals with positive response to mycoplasma tests were identified an selected by repetitive testing of cultures in milk samples which had been taken from all lactating and dry cows and heifers as well as by evaluation of organ samples obtained from slaughtered cows. Regular cleaning and disinfection of stands in cowsheds, cattle tracks, and milk parlours as well as disinfection of udders and milking cups worked extremely well throughout the action in control of those cases of enzootic mycoplasma mastitis.  相似文献   

A study on the prevalence of mycoplasmas in pneumonic bovine lungs was performed on material submitted for diagnostic purposes at the Danish Veterinary Laboratory, Copenhagen. Among the 50 examined cases 43 (86.0%) were found to be infected with mycoplasmas. The predominant mycoplasmas were Ureaplasma spp. (72.0%), M. dispar (48.0%) and M. bovis (24.0%). Other mycoplasmas were M. bovirhinis (20.0%) and M. bovigenitalium (6.0%). Among the infected lungs multiple species infections were predominant (76.7%) over single species infections (23.3%) with M. dispar-Ureaplasma (25.6%), M. bovis-Ureaplasma (18.6%) and M. dispar-M. bovirhinis-Ureaplasma (11.6%) infections being the most frequently encountered combinations. There appears to be an increasing prevalence of M. bovis (24.0%) as compared to earlier reports (0.6-2.0%), thus calling for special attention upon this mycoplasma. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis of 11 field isolates of M. bovis from 9 different farms revealed different profiles except for 2 isolates which were recovered from the same farm. Because mycoplasmas belonging to the 'M. mycoides cluster' were not encountered during this study; it appears that the Danish cattle population is still free from this group of mycoplasma in spite of their presence in some other European countries.  相似文献   

Findings of herd investigations of heifers with prepubertal mastitis are presented. Mycoplasma bovis was isolated from lacteal secretions and tissue samples of necropsied heifers; the same strain infected dams and herd mates. Vertical transmission is suggested in this first report of intramammary infections of M. bovis in peripubertal heifers.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma bovis causes mastitis in dairy cows and is associated with pneumonia and polyarthritis in cattle. The present investigation included a retrospective case–control study to identify potential herd-level risk factors for M. bovis associated disease, and a prospective cohort study to evaluate the course of clinical disease in M. bovis infected dairy cattle herds in Switzerland. Eighteen herds with confirmed M. bovis cases were visited twice within an average interval of 75 d. One control herd with no history of clinical mycoplasmosis, matched for herd size, was randomly selected within a 10 km range for each case herd. Animal health data, production data, information on milking and feeding-management, housing and presence of potential stress- factors were collected. Composite quarter milk samples were aseptically collected from all lactating cows and 5% of all animals within each herd were sampled by nasal swabs. Organ samples of culled diseased cows were collected when logistically possible. All samples were analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In case herds, incidence risk of pneumonia, arthritis and clinical mastitis prior to the first visit and incidence rates of clinical mastitis and clinical pneumonia between the two visits was estimated. Logistic regression was used to identify potential herd-level risk factors for M. bovis infection. In case herds, incidence risk of M. bovis mastitis prior to the first visit ranged from 2 to 15%, whereas 2 to 35% of the cows suffered from clinical pneumonia within the 12 months prior to the first herd visit. The incidence rates of mycoplasmal mastitis and clinical pneumonia between the two herd visits were low in case herds (0–0.1 per animal year at risk and 0.1-0.6 per animal year at risk, respectively). In the retrospective-case-control study high mean milk production, appropriate stimulation until milk-let-down, fore-stripping, animal movements (cattle shows and trade), presence of stress-factors, and use of a specific brand of milking equipment, were identified as potential herd-level risk factors. The prospective cohort study revealed a decreased incidence of clinical disease within three months and prolonged colonization of the nasal cavity by M. bovis in young stock.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Mycoplasma bovis infection in France was assessed by means of a serological survey of suckling beef cattle, using an ELISA. The survey included 824 randomly selected herds in eight French counties and a total of 32,197 animals more than one year old. In each county, the number of herds tested was determined statistically on the basis of the hypothesis that about 40 per cent of herds are infected. The proportion of herds containing at least one infected animal ranged from 28 to 90 per cent depending on the county. Among the 32,197 sera tested, the animal infection rate ranged between 2 per cent and 13 per cent. In infected herds, the average number of positive animals per herd was between 10 and 20 per cent, and the infection was unevenly distributed among the areas tested.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma bovis pneumonia in cattle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mycoplasma bovis is an important and emerging cause of respiratory disease and arthritis in feedlot cattle and young dairy and veal calves, and has a variety of other disease manifestations in cattle. M. bovis is certainly capable of causing acute respiratory disease in cattle, yet the attributable fraction has been difficult to estimate. In contrast, M. bovis is more accepted as a cause of chronic bronchopneumonia with caseous and perhaps coagulative necrosis, characterized by persistent infection that seems poorly responsive to many antibiotics. An understanding of the disease has been recently advanced by comparisons of natural and experimentally induced disease, development of molecular diagnostic tools, and understanding some aspects of virulence, yet uncertainties regarding protective immunity, the importance of genotypic diversity, mechanisms of virulence, and the role of co-pathogens have restricted our understanding of pathogenesis and our ability to effectively control the disease. This review critically considers the relationship between M. bovis infection and the various manifestations of the bovine respiratory disease complex, and addresses the pathogenesis, clinical and pathologic sequelae, laboratory diagnosis and control of disease resulting from M. bovis infection in the bovine respiratory tract.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma bovis is a pathogen causing respiratory disease, otitis media, arthritis, mastitis, and a variety of other diseases in cattle worldwide. It is increasingly recognized by the veterinary and livestock communities as having an important impact on the health, welfare, and productivity of dairy and beef cattle. M. bovis diseases can be difficult to diagnose and control because of inconsistent disease expression and response to treatments and vaccines, and large gaps in our understanding of the epidemiology and pathophysiology of these diseases. There are limited data on which to base evidence-based decisions for treatment and control, and the literature contains differing clinical biases and opinions. This document is intended for veterinarians dealing with cattle and is focused on the cattle production systems of North America. The goal of the consensus statement panel was to encourage an evidence-based approach to M. bovis problems. The scientific literature was critically reviewed, including peer-reviewed journal articles and reviews obtained by database searches using the terms "Mycoplasma bovis" or "mycoplasma + cattle." Where other data were lacking, conference proceedings were reviewed as a source of expert opinion.  相似文献   


The epidemiology, therapy, and prevention of M. bovis infections are briefly reviewed In a survey begun in 1982 M. bovis was found frequently in the respiratory of veal calves and beef cattle with respiratory problems. In replacement calves infected with respiratory disease in dairy herds, however, the organism has only been detected since 1986. Respiratory tract specimens collected from calves with respiratory disease were submitted for examination for M. bovis from 1986 to 1991 and originated from 83 herds. Mycoplasma bovis was detected in specimens from 59 of the herds, 20% of which were dairy herds and 80% fattening herds. Arthritis caused by M. bovis was observed in 12 herds until July 1991. Since 1976 when the first mastitis outbreak caused by M. bovis was diagnosed M. bovis has caused 14 more outbreaks. The number of diseased cattle varied from 1 tot 16 per farm, and clinical signs of mastitis varied from mild to severe. In all instances the infection has been eradicated from the herds. Because M. bovis can cause great losses in intensively reared cattle herds, it is advisable to separate purchased veal calves and beef cattle from dairy cattle to prevent further spread of M. bovis.  相似文献   

Mastitis in 85 of 140 dry cows and 16 of 101 milking animals on one farm was shown to be caused by Mycoplasma californicum. The infection was eradicated from the herd over a five month period by a combined programme of identification, segregation and culling of infected animals. Some dry cows produced a self-cure, but the majority calved with nonfunctional quarters which produced very little colostrum and resulted in a high incidence of calf mortality. The source of the infection could not be established, but it was probably spread in the dry cows by the unhygienic application of long acting intramammary antibiotic therapy.  相似文献   

Mastitis is among the most prevalent disease that contributes for the reduction of milk production in dairy herds. Although several published studies have estimated the prevalence of mastitis, variation among studies is great. The objective of the present meta-analysis was to provide a pooled estimate of the prevalence of overall, clinical, and subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle in Ethiopia. A pooled estimate was also conducted by potential risk factors. The literature search was restricted to studies published in English language from January 2002 to June 2016. Meta-analysis of 39 studies was done under random effects model using metafor package in R software. The pooled estimate of the overall prevalence of mastitis on cow-basis was found to be 47.0% (95% confidence interval [CI]?=?42.0, 52.0). The pooled prevalence with the 95% CI for clinical and subclinical mastitis was 8.3% (95% CI?=?6.5, 10.3) and 37% (95% CI?=?32.9, 40.7) respectively. There is a statistically significant and high heterogeneity of the prevalence estimates between published studies. The odds of occurrence of mastitis were higher in cows at early (odds ratio [OR]?=?1.6; 95% CI?=?1.4, 1.8) and late lactation (OR?=?1.3; 95% CI?=?1.2, 1.5) than mid lactation, in cows with 3–4 (OR?=?1.5; 95% CI?=?1.4, 1.7) and >4 parity number (OR?=?2.9; 95% CI?=?2.6, 3.4) than those with 1–2 parity number. Previous history of mastitis, floor type, milking hygiene, and udder injury had also statistically significant effect on pooled prevalence of mastitis (P?<?0.05). The present study reported that there is high prevalence of mastitis in dairy cows in Ethiopia, which could contribute to the low productivity in lactating cows. The statistically significant association of risk factors such as floor type, milking hygiene, and presence of udder injury with mastitis may suggest that dairy farmers can reduce the occurrence of the disease by improving their management practices.  相似文献   

The epidemiology, therapy, and prevention of M. bovis infections are briefly reviewed. In a survey begun in 1982, M. bovis was found frequently in the respiratory tract [corrected] of veal calves and beef cattle with respiratory problems. In replacement calves infected with respiratory disease in dairy herds, however, the organism has only been detected since 1986. Respiratory tract specimens collected from calves with respiratory disease were submitted for examination for M. bovis from 1986 to 1991 and originated from 83 herds. Mycoplasma bovis was detected in specimens from 59 of the herds, 20% of which were dairy herds and 80% fattening herds. Arthritis caused by M. bovis was observed in 12 herds until July 1991. Since 1976 when the first mastitis outbreak caused by M. bovis was diagnosed, M. bovis has caused 14 more outbreaks. The number of diseased cattle varied from 1 tot 16 per farm, and clinical signs of mastitis varied from mild to severe. In all instances the infection has been eradicated from the herds. Because M. bovis can cause great losses in intensively reared cattle herds, it is advisable to separate purchased veal calves and beef cattle from dairy cattle to prevent further spread of M. bovis.  相似文献   

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