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动物李氏杆菌病病原主要有两种,分别是单核增多症李氏杆菌和伊氏李氏杆菌(仅引起动物发病),前者是主要的,它是一种危害严重的人畜共患病病原体。人畜感染后主要表现脑膜炎、败血症、流产及单核细胞增多。近几年来,新疆先后有5个地区的3个牧区、4个农区养羊场爆发以神经症状为主要特征的李氏杆菌病,造成1 300余只羔羊死亡,经从绵羊实质器官和饲草中分离培养和形态学观察,初步确定为7株李氏杆菌,分别命名为90SB1、90SB2、90SB5、90SS1、125SL1、G1和饲草李。结合溶血试验、动物试验,再进行PCR特异性扩增,确定前5株为单核细胞增多症李氏…  相似文献   

猪李氏杆菌病是一种重要的人畜共患传染病,主要由单核细胞增多性李氏杆菌引起。白1926年首次分离到本病原后,现已呈世界性分布,作为致病菌和腐生植物致病菌而广泛存在于环境中。目前已证实可感染40多种动物。在牛、绵羊、猪,李氏杆菌最频繁的引起脑膜脑炎、流产和急性败血病,家禽感染可导致败血症和心肌坏死,实验动物如兔子、小鼠等啮齿类也是主要的易感动物。近年来国内有关动物李氏杆菌病例的报道波及全国十多个省市,涉及动物有绵羊、  相似文献   

羊李氏杆菌病是由李氏杆菌引起的脑膜脑炎、败血症和母畜流产为主要特征的传染病。李氏杆菌作为致病菌和腐生植物致病菌广泛存在于环境中。目前己证实可感染40多种动物。在牛、绵羊、山羊、猪李氏杆菌最频繁的引起脑膜脑炎、  相似文献   

李氏杆菌病是由产单核细胞增多性李氏杆菌引起动物和人的食源性、散发性人畜共患传染病.本病的主要特征是脑膜炎、败血症和孕畜流产.该病发病率低,但病死率很高.各种年龄的猪均可感染,但以怀孕母猪和仔猪较易感.笔者遇到一起猪李氏杆菌的病例,现将发病情况和诊治过程介绍如下.  相似文献   

引言绵羊的单核细胞增生性李氏杆菌(Listevia monocytogenes)感染伴有脑炎、流产和败血症。近几年来,尽管脑炎和流产很少同时发生,但其发生率却有所增加。由李氏杆菌引起的流产最常见于12~4月,而脑炎的发生率也表现明显的季节性,大多数病例发生于1~5月。发病率增加和本病呈季节性发生同用青贮料作为绵羊的饲料有关,虽然不是所有李氏杆菌病都同饲喂青贮料有关。  相似文献   

猪李氏杆菌病的诊断与防制措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李氏杆菌病(listeriosis)是由产单核细胞李氏杆菌引起的一种重要的人畜共惠传染病.猪感染后主要表现为脑膜炎、败血症和流产.由于猪肉是人们主要的肉食来源,猪群一旦感染则会直接影响到食品安全.重点对猪李氏杆菌病的病原、流行病学、诊治等方面进行了阐述,以期为该病的科学防制提供参考.  相似文献   

黄巍丽 《黑龙江动物繁殖》2014,22(3):45+47-45,47
<正>许多传染因素都可引起母牛流产。微生物可通过胎盘进入胎儿体内,引起胎儿发病,导致胎儿死亡或流产。一般而言,可诊断的流产只占流产总数的约25%。对于流产,重要的是对发生流产的相关情况进行调查以确定流产原因,建立预防程序。最常见的引起母牛流产的传染性因素有,布氏杆菌病、弧菌病、钩端螺旋体病、李氏杆菌病、真菌感染、毛滴虫病、蓝舌  相似文献   

兔李氏杆菌是由单核细胞增生李氏杆菌引起的传染病。兔感染本病后以突然发病死亡、脑膜炎、败血症和流产为特征。本病多为散发,有时呈地方性流行,发病率低、死亡率高。幼兔和妊娠母兔易感性高。现就一起比较典型的病例介绍如下。  相似文献   

细菌性繁殖障碍病布氏杆菌、李氏杆菌、棒状杆菌、猪丹毒杆菌、猪链球菌等都会引起母猪不孕、流产等症状。其中布氏杆菌病最常见,其最明显的症状是流产、胎衣绒毛膜充血、出血和水肿。流产最早在怀孕半个月便可发生,但最常见1个月到3个月之间,流产的胎儿皮下尤其是脐部皮下的结  相似文献   

猪李氏杆菌病是一种由产单核细胞李氏杆菌引起的散发性传染病,临床上主要表现为脑膜脑炎、败血症和孕畜流产。该病的发病率一般不高,但死亡率很高,哺乳仔猪感染的年龄越小则死亡率越高。主要对一起仔猪李氏杆菌病的诊疗作一介绍,以期为有效防控该病提供参考。  相似文献   

During a 3-year period, 4 cases of bovine abortion attributable to Listeria ivanovii were diagnosed from 243 bovine fetuses submitted for diagnostic evaluation. Listeria monocytogenes was isolated only once from a bovine fetus during this same time period. Pathologic findings were similar to those seen in abortions attributable to L monocytogenes. Consistent management factors were not recognized and breed susceptibility was not apparent. Listeria ivanovii is most often associated with abortions from sheep and is rarely reported from cattle. On the basis of findings in this study, L ivanovii must be included as a potential cause of bovine abortions.  相似文献   

During 1981, the fetus, placenta and maternal serum were received from each of 265 bovine abortions. These specimens were examined using histopathological, histochemical, bacteriological, mycological, endocrinological, immunological, serological and virological techniques. The cause of abortion was identified in 98 (37%) cases. Of these diagnosed abortions 27 (28%) were due to infection with fungi, 17 (17%) to Salmonella spp, 11 (11%) to Campylobacter fetus and 10 (10%) to Corynebacterium pyogenes infection. Of the remaining 33 (34%) diagnosed abortions 8 were due to Leptospira sp, 5 due to protozoan (probably Sarcocystis) encephalitis and 20 due to miscellaneous bacterial infections (including Brucella abortus) and fetal deformities. Bovine virus diarrhoea virus was isolated in 5 (2%) abortions, however the significance of the isolations was not known. Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus and chlamydia were not identified as causal agents in any abortion. In 18 (7%) abortions no definite etiologic agent was identified despite pathological findings suggestive of infection. Fetal heart blood serology and immunoglobulin values were not reliable indicators of infectious abortion. Of the remaining 149 (56%) abortions, 17% had high maternal serum cortisol levels and twin fetuses occurred in 9%.  相似文献   

During five successive lambing seasons between 2006 and 2011, 453 submissions of abortion material, 282 of ovine and 171 of caprine origin, were examined at the Animal Health Service in the Netherlands. Infectious agents as the most plausible cause of the abortion were found in 48 percent of the ovine submissions and in 34 percent of the caprine submissions. Submission of both aborted fetus and placental membranes increased the diagnostic yield of laboratory investigations (17 percent and 21 percent for ovine and caprine submissions, respectively). The main infectious causes of abortion in sheep were Chlamydia abortus, Campylobacter spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Listeria spp., and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. The main infectious causes of abortion in goats were Coxiella burnetii, Chlamydia abortus, Listeria spp., Toxoplasma gondii, and Campylobacter spp. In 42 percent of the ovine and in 56 percent of the caprine submissions a causal agent was not identified. Furthermore, in 12 percent of the ovine and 10 percent of the caprine submissions evidence of placentitis, indicative of an infectious cause of the abortion, was found, but no infectious agent was identified. Most infectious causes of ovine and caprine abortion have zoonotic potential. Humans, especially pregnant women, who are in close contact with lambing sheep or goats should be aware of the importance of precautionary hygiene measures.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to evaluate the role of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii infections in spontaneous bovine abortions in Argentina. Based on histopathological results, 70 presumptive cases of apicomplexan protozoal abortion from a total of 666 cases of spontaneous bovine abortion submitted to the National Institute of Agrarian Technology, Balcarce, from 1999 to 2007 were included in this study. N. caninum infection was diagnosed by an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and by nested-PCR. T. gondii infection also was diagnosed by nested-PCR. DNA from fetuses was extracted primarily from CNS tissues. Heart, liver, muscle and/or placenta were processed when nervous tissue was not available. Sixty-six (9.9%) fetuses were positive by at least one technique (IFAT, IHC or nested-PCR) for N. caninum infection. Overall, there was poor agreement among results obtained by these diagnostic techniques. In contrast, no Toxoplasma-infection was detected in any aborted bovine fetus.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the cause of an outbreak of ovine abortion in 1996 in a flock of 300 two-tooth (rising 2-year-old) ewes vaccinated against Campylobacter fetus fetus infection and to subsequently characterise the strain of C. fetus fetus isolated from aborted foetuses. METHODS: Standard bacteriological methods were used to identify C. fetus fetus isolates which were then antigenically typed and subjected to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and compared to the vaccine strain. RESULTS: C. fetus fetus was identified as the causal agent of the abortions despite the ewes having been vaccinated before ram introduction and at the time of ram removal. Four isolates cultured from aborted material were indistinguishable when compared using antigenic typing and PFGE, but all differed from the vaccine strain. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of the available typing systems, it is proposed that PFGE may be a useful tool to establish the distribution and strain variation of C. fetus fetus. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This field case indicates the need for further study of non-vaccine C. fetus fetus strains which cause abortion in vaccinated ewes, and of the importance of these strains to the New Zealand sheep industry.  相似文献   

Six pregnant mares were given equine viral arteritis virus intravenously. Tissues from genital tracts, placentae, and fetuses were examined by light and electron microscopy to study the mechanism of abortion. Four mares which died with acute disease had diffuse vacuolation of endometrial epithelium and systemic necrotizing vasculitis. Two of these mares had dead fetuses and two had live fetuses; virus was isolated from tissues of one live fetus. Placentae of mares dying from acute disease did not have lesions attributable to infection; virus was isolated from two of these placentae. One of the two mares which recovered from clinical disease aborted a dead fetus eight days after inoculation. The mare had severe necrotizing myometritis and virus was isolated from maternal ovaries and from fetal tissues. The fetus did not have lesions attributable to arteritis virus. These results suggest that although fetal death may occur in utero during acute equine viral arteritis, abortion probably is due to lesions in the uterus of the mare.  相似文献   

A Neospora caninum IgG avidity ELISA was carried out on the basis of a somatic N. caninum tachyzoite antigen. The test was validated using experimentally infected calves, where a clear maturation of the IgG avidity over time could be demonstrated. At a maximum of 82 days after infection (d.p.i.), all animals showed antibody avidities ranging above 35%, and respective sera were thus defined as highly avid.Sera of 103 naturally infected seropositive cows with abortion (N. caninum association was provided by a N. caninum PCR-positivity of the fetus in 40 cases) and 139 seropositive animals without abortion history were concurrently examined. Significantly lower avidities were observed in aborting cows when compared to animals without abortion problems (P<0.01). While the avidity of sera collected before abortion remained practically constant until abortion, a significant increase of avidity could be observed in samples collected weeks to months after abortion (P<0.01).The avidities of non-aborting animals from farms with or without abortion problems did not differ significantly with time and were mainly located in the high avidity area. These data indicate that low avidities are not necessarily linked to recent N. caninum infection but can also be an indicator for increased abortion risk in cattle.  相似文献   

A strain of Yersinia enterocolitica of O serogroup 6,30 isolated from the liver of an aborted ovine fetus was inoculated intravenously into a group of pregnant ewes at about 90 days gestation and produced placentitis with abortion or delivery of infected lambs about 50 days later. Y. enterocolitica of the same serogroup was recovered from the necrotic placental cotyledons and most other fetal tissues and could be isolated from vaginal discharges of the ewes for a least 2 weeks after abortion. Histological changes were consistent with an acute bacterial necrotizing placentitis and systemic infection of the fetus. Subsequent pregnancies in the ewes proceeded to term without evidence of infection.  相似文献   

Experiences, including results of original experimental work on Campylobacter fetus, C. jejuni and C. coli induced diseases of cattle, sheep, dogs, rabbits poultry and men in Hungary are reviewed. Out of 31 cases of abortion in cows 29 (93.5%) were causes by C. fetus subsp. venerealis and only one case each (3.2%) by C. fetus subsp. fetus and C. jejuni, respectively. Out of the 29 strains of C. fetus subsp. venerealis, 26 belonged to serogroup 01 (A) and only 3 to serogroup 02 (B). Campylobacter abortions in sheep flocks were caused in 18 cases (78.3%) by C. fetus subsp. fetus and in 5 cases (21.7%) by C. jejuni. The latter strains belonged to Penner's serogroup 1 (6 strains), 5 (4 strains) and 8 (5 strains), respectively. In scouring dogs 12.7% of the cases were caused by C. jejuni. The same pathogen caused diarrhoea also in young rabbits. Isolated strains belonged to serogroup 2. In cases of Campylobacter hepatitis of laying hens, egg production has been reduced by 8 to 15% for 2 to 3 weeks. Row poultry meat represents often the source of infection for men. The 32 strains of C. jejuni isolated from faecal samples of men affected with diarrhoea belonged to 12 serogroups.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of AI, venereal diseases caused by Tritrichomonas fetus and Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis haved been eradicated in The Netherlands. Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus can cause sporadic abortion and early embryonic death. When natural breeding is practised, venereal diseases must be included in the list of differential diagnoses of fertility problems. A case study of a Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus infection is described.  相似文献   

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