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We examined patterns of microarthropod abundance in oak-hickory (Quercus-Carya) forest ecosystems in southern Ohio (USA) in relation to landscape position and fire frequency. Abundances of various suborders of Acari and Collembola were determined in samples taken in June 1999 in three forested watersheds, one that had been burned annually for four consecutive springs (1996-1999), one that had been burned periodically (1996 and 1999), and an unburned control. Microarthropod abundance was significantly lower in the annually burned watershed than the periodically burned and control watersheds. Since both the periodically burned and annually burned watersheds were burned in April 1999, the lower microarthropod abundance in the annually burned watershed was not simply an immediate effect of burning. At the landscape scale, the abundance of oribatid mites was greater in xeric than intermediate or mesic landscape positions. Within any single watershed, there was no significant linear relationship between litter mass and microarthropod abundance. However, when all three watersheds were combined, there was a significant, positive relationship between litter mass and microarthropod abundance, mainly due to the annually burned watershed where there was very low litter mass and low microarthropod abundance. Both fire frequency and landscape position have significant effects on microarthropod abundance; however, those effects cannot be robustly predicted based solely on forest floor litter mass differences.  相似文献   

Collembolans are among the most abundant microarthropods in the aboveground parts of forest ecosystems, but little is known about their life-history traits compared with those of the soil-dwelling collembolans. The life-history traits of arboreal collembolans, as well as their abundances, are expected to be influenced by the vertical structure of a forest. We analyzed the body-size distributions of dominant arboreal species in relation to the vertical structure of the forest. The small individuals of the three arboreal species that inhabit both the canopy and soil litter (Xenylla brevispina, Tomocerus cuspidatus, and Sphyrotheca multifasciata) appeared continuously from spring to autumn in the soil litter, whereas those in the canopy litter were found during a particular period, only in July. These individuals tended to be larger in the canopy litter than in the soil litter, and in particular, T. cuspidatus grew to become significantly larger in the canopy. The mean body size of the most abundant migrating species (X. brevispina) increased gradually from the soil to the upper canopy, whereas strict arboreal species (Entomobrya sp.) had no significant trend in the relationship between body size and the height above ground level. We concluded that the life-history traits of arboreal collembolans were influenced by the vertical structure of the forest.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that an increase in the area of low-intensity land-use on arable land (e.g. set-aside fields and short-rotation coppice), and high or increased farmland habitat heterogeneity, may halt or reverse the observed population decline of farmland birds. We tested these hypotheses by undertaking farmland bird censuses during two contrasting periods of agricultural policies and land-use (i.e. 1994 and 2004) in a farmland region covering a gradient of forest- to farmland-dominated landscapes in Sweden. Local species richness (i.e. at 3 hectare sites) declined significantly between 1994 and 2004. Local species richness was positively related to habitat heterogeneity in both years of study whereas temporal change in species richness was not. Local change in species richness was positively associated with a change in the proportion of non-rotational set aside and short-rotation coppice (i.e. low-intensity land-use forms), but also to changes in the amount of spring-sown crops. However, the effect of low-intensity land-use was significantly dependent on the amount of forest in the surrounding landscape. An increase in low-intensity land-use was linked to an increase (or less marked decrease) in species richness at sites located in open farmland surroundings but to a decrease in richness at sites located in forest surroundings. This interaction between amount of forest and low-intensity land-use could be interpreted as a “rare habitat effect”, where an increase in a farmland habitat only positively affects biodiversity when it was originally uncommon (i.e. open farmland areas). Our results suggest that conservation measures of farmland biodiversity have to be put in a landscape context.  相似文献   


According to traditional biogeographic theory, historical contingency can influence soil microbial communities. Thus, we ask: are historical contingencies (soil profiles and geographic sampling locations), or other factors (seasonal changes and soil nutrients), important drivers of soil bacterial communities? This study used high throughput sequencing technology to investigate the soil bacterial compositions of rubber plantations at the local and geographic scales. Significant differences were detected in bacterial compositions between two study locations, Xishuangbanna and Hainan Island. Redundancy analysis showed that the most important factor driving bacterial composition was site location and total nitrogen, which explained 38.2 and 38.4% the total variance, respectively; this indicates that historical contingencies drive distinct bacterial communities in rubber plantation soils. At the local scale, there were also distinct differences in soil bacterial compositions between the dry and rainy season in both the Xishuangbanna and Hainan sites. Seasonal changes explained 13.6 and 41.4% of the total variation of soil bacterial composition in Xishuangbanna and on Hainan Island, respectively, whereas other factors had little effect on soil bacterial communities (p < 0.001). In conclusion, our results demonstrate that historical contingencies drive variation in bacterial composition at the geographic scale, whereas seasonal changes influence variation at the local scale.  相似文献   

The use of monitoring, by means of transect counts, to assess the effect of management on the butterflies of a nature reserve is described. Trends in numbers at Monks Wood National Nature Reserve over a seven-year period are compared with the trends calculated from the combined data from a number of other sites in eastern England. Departures in the Monks Wood data from wider trends are shown. These departures are shown to be related to management of the rides and fields of the reserve.  相似文献   

Systematic approaches to conservation planning and management require spatially explicit information on the dynamics of multiple disturbance processes, but progress in providing such information has been limited to date. Here we examine the use of a spatially explicit model of forest dynamics (LANDIS-II), incorporating a range of ecological processes, to examine the impacts of different types of disturbance on a dryland forest landscape in Central Chile. The model was parameterized using spatial data and results of a field survey, in which 21 native tree species were recorded, and one invasive exotic (Acacia dealbata). Seven disturbance scenarios were simulated, with different combinations of fire, browsing and tree cutting. Model results indicated relatively little impact of disturbance on forest cover but substantial differences in forest structure, with relatively old-growth forest stands (>120 years old) being virtually eliminated from the landscape in scenarios with both browsing and cutting. Tree species richness tended to be lower in those scenarios without disturbance, highlighting potential trade-offs between forest structure and species richness. Spread of A. dealbata was projected only to occur in the presence of fire when combined with browsing and/or cutting. These interactive effects of different forms of disturbance illustrate the value of process-based modeling approaches for exploring the spatial dynamics of multiple disturbance processes, but highlight the difficulty of identifying an optimum disturbance regime that would enable conservation objectives to be achieved. It is suggested that process-based models should form part of an analytical ‘toolkit’ to support the practical implementation of systematic conservation planning approaches.  相似文献   

Shammas  K.  O'Connell  A. M.  Grove  T. S.  McMurtrie  R.  Damon  P.  Rance  S. J. 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》2003,38(4):228-235
Amounts of nutrients in harvest residues and their contribution to nutrient cycling were quantified following logging of a Eucalyptus globulus plantation in south-western Australia. An estimated 64 t ha–1 of leaf, bark and branch material less than 3 cm in diameter was deposited on the forest floor during harvesting. Leaves contributed about one-third of the residue dry weight but accounted for almost three-quarters of residue-N stores (299 of 428 kg N ha–1) and 36% to 52% of P, K, Ca, and Mg stores. Stores of nutrients in slash were significant in comparison to amounts in surface soil (0–20 cm). Residue-N amounted to 11% of total surface soil N and cations stored in residues were equivalent to 23–114% of surface soil exchangeable cations. Decomposition of the leaf fraction of slash was rapid with more than 90% of dry weight released during the 105-week study. Bark and branch fractions of diameters 0.5, 1 and 2 cm lost 39%, 37%, 32% and 29% of dry weight, respectively, during the same period. Single and double exponential decay models fitted to the data indicated half lives ranging from 20 weeks for leaves and from 3 to 4 years for bark and the branch fractions. During decomposition, K was leached rapidly from all residue fractions, Mg and P were released at similar rates to dry weight, and Ca and N were released more slowly than dry weight. In the 105-week study period, 250 kg ha–1 of N, 20 kg ha–1 of P, 213 kg ha–1 of Ca, 298 kg ha–1 of K, and 63 kg ha–1 of Mg were returned to the soil from decomposing harvest slash. The leaf fraction was the major contributor to nutrient cycling, accounting for almost all of the N and Ca release and from half to three-quarters of the K, Mg and P released. Amounts of nutrients released from residues in the year following logging greatly exceeded quantities likely to be taken up by the newly established tree crop.  相似文献   

The red-listed butterfly Lopinga achine was studied by mark-recapture methods in southern Sweden for three seasons. We examined movement within and between populations and egg production in relation to age. The majority of the movements were small with mean movements between recaptures of 45-54 m for males and 94-116 m for females. There were few movements between sites, 20 of 996 recaptured males moved and 36 of 391 recaptured females, even though the distance to other sites was in many cases <100 m. The distance moved and the number of females moving between sites increased with increasing age. On average, a female that moves does so after laying two-thirds of its eggs in its natal site. It is therefore important to take account of the proportion of reproductive effort involved in dispersal when estimating colonisation ability. The males did not move more with increasing age. Female behaviour can be seen as a “spread-the-risk” strategy, an adaptation to the successional habitat of L. achine, whose natal site sooner or later will deteriorate. Butterflies like L. achine living in successional habitats may exhibit mobility that is intermediate between butterflies living in ephemeral habitats (very mobile) and in long-lived habitats (sedentary).  相似文献   

The decomposition of rice straw was studied in relation to straw moisture and the abundance of soil arthropods, such as Acarina, Collembola, and miscellaneous groups dominated by termites [Odontotermes obesus (Rambur) and Microtermes obesi Holmgren], across tillage treatments (no tillage, shallow tillage, and deep tillage) in Alfisols of the semi-arid tropics in India from August 1989 to July 1990. In the straw, across the treatments, Acarina were dominant (>70% of the total arthropods), and Collembola were a minor component. O. obesus and M. obesi foraged straw together under the cover of an earthern sheet. A larger number of arthropods was recorded during the rainy season, but they were either negligible or absent during the dry season. The abundance of arthropods and mass loss of straw was greater in coarse-mesh bags than in the fine-mesh bags. Their abundance was significantly affected by tillage treatments and season (P<0.01). In the beginning, it was significantly greater in the no-tillage and shallow-tillage than in the deep-tillage treatment. The mass loss was 46% of the initial mass during the first 60 days, and more than 90% after 330 days of decomposition. Tillage had a significant effect on mass loss, particularly after 330 days, and the no tillage treatment led to a greater mass loss. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that the moisture content of the straw and the abundance of arthropods had significantly affected the mass loss in both fine-and coarse-mesh bags across the tillage managements.Visiting Scientist (under the Rockefeller Foundation Environmental Research Fellowship in International Agriculture) in Resource Management Program at ICRISAT, India  相似文献   

Hot water extraction is sometimes recommended as an easy method to estimate the readily mineralizable fractions of total C (Ct) and total N (Nt) in arable soils. However, the usefulness of this method for forest soils has not been adequately studied. The objectives of this study were to relate the hot water extractable C (Chw) and N (Nhw) to microbiological and chemical properties of the forest soils under beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands and to test the ability of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to predict chemical and microbial properties of these soils. Soils differing in humus type, soil type and soil texture were collected from five locations and five depths. In all soils the amount of Chw was higher than the microbial biomass C (Cmic) indicating that a considerable part of Chw was of non-microbial origin. The amount of Chw in mineral soil correlated significantly (r =–0.30–0.53) with Cmic, basal respiration (BAS) and Ct/Nt ratio but was not related to Cmic/Ct ratio. The amount of Nhw was correlated with Cmic, BAS, Cmic/Ct ratio, and Ct/Nt ratio (r =–0.59–0.78). However, Ct and Nt values showed better relationships (r =–0.42–0.88) with all the parameters, indicating no advantage in using Chw and Nhw in forest soils. NIRS predicted satisfactorily Ct, Nt, Chw, Nhw, Cmic, Cmic/Ct ratio and BAS in the mineral soils [the regression coefficients (a) of linear regression (measured against predicted values) ranged from 0.84 to 1.17 and the correlation coefficients (r) ranged from 0.86 to 0.94] indicating the applicability of NIRS to estimate these properties.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation has been shown to influence the abundance, movements and persistence of many species. Here, we examine the effects of forest patch and landscape metrics, and levels of forest disturbance on the patterns of local extinction of five primate and 14 carnivore species within 129 forest patches in a highly fragmented forest landscape of southern Brazilian Amazonia. Classic habitat area effects were the strongest predictors of species persistence, explaining between 42% and 55% of the overall variation in primate and carnivore species richness. Logistic regression models showed that anthropogenic disturbance, including surface wildfires, timber extraction and hunting pressure, had detrimental effects on the persistence of some species over and above those of fragment size. Different species ranged in their responses from highly sensitive to highly tolerant to forest fragmentation. Patterns of local extinction documented here were by no means chance events, and the nestedness of the overall species-by-site matrix was highly nonrandom in terms of the sets of species extirpated from the most to the least species-rich forest patches.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that Madagascar is classified a biological `hotspot' due to having both high levels of species endemism and high forest loss, there has been no published research on how Madagascan bird species respond to the creation of a forest edge or to degradation of their habitat. In this study, we examined how forest bird communities and different foraging guilds were affected by patch habitat quality and landscape context (forest core, forest edge and matrix habitat) in the threatened littoral forests of coastal southeastern Madagascar. We quantified habitat use and community composition of birds by conducting 20 point counts in each landscape contextual element in October and November 2002. We found that littoral forest core habitats had significantly (p<0.01) more bird species than forest edge and matrix habitats. Thirty-one (68%) forest dependent species were found to be edge-sensitive. Forest edge sites had fewer species, and a higher representation of common species than forest interior sites. Twenty-nine species were found in the matrix habitat, and the majority of matrix-tolerant forest species had their greatest abundance within littoral forest edge habitats. Guild composition also changed with landscape context. Unlike other tropical studies with which we are familiar, we found that frugivorous species were edge-sensitive while sallying insectivores were edge-preferring. The majority of canopy insectivores (n=15, 88%), including all six endemic vanga species, were edge-sensitive. When habitat quality was assessed, the distributions of nine edge-sensitive species were significantly (p<0.01) affected by changes in habitat complexity and vegetation vertical structure in core or edge point counts. Therefore, we believe that changes in vegetation structure at the edge of littoral forest remnants may be a key indicator of mechanisms involved in edge sensitivity of forest dependent species in these forests. Our findings indicate that habitat fragmentation and degradation affect Madagascan bird communities and that these processes threaten many species. With continued deforestation and habitat degradation in Madagascar, we predict the further decline of many bird species.  相似文献   

The Guérande salt-pans represent the main French breeding area of bluethroat, a migrating passerine. Salt exploitation has created a geometrical artificial landscape in which we investigated factors influencing spatial distribution and breeding success of this species using a Geographical Information System. We compared data for four sites in these salt-pans, for three zones in the most densely populated site, and for 2500 m2 grid cells defined for this same site. This study showed the influence of (1) the level of salt exploitation activity, (2) the density of bank intersections, (3) the extent of area covered by Suaeda vera bushes and (4) the structural heterogeneity. The continued management of these salt-pans enhanced bird breeding success. Thus, traditional salt exploitation contributes directly to the conservation of bluethroat, considered as an endangered species in Europe.  相似文献   

Using the abundance and distribution of small mammals at 26 sites in an Atlantic forest landscape, we investigated how species abundance and alpha and beta diversity are affected by fragment size and the presence of corridors. To account for the variability in forest structure among fragments, we described and minimized the influence of foliage density and stratification on small mammal data. Sites were distributed among three categories of fragment size and in continuous forest. For small and medium-sized categories, we considered isolated fragments and fragments connected by corridors to larger remnants. Small mammal abundance and alpha and beta diversity were regressed against site scores from the first axis of a Principal Component Analysis on forest structure variables. Residuals were used in analyses of variance to compare fragment size and connectivity categories. Forest structure influenced total abundance and abundance of some species individually, but not the diversity of small mammal communities. Total abundance and alpha diversity were lower in small and medium-sized fragments than in large fragments and continuous forest, and in isolated compared to connected fragments. Three species were less common, but none was more abundant in smaller fragments. At least one species was more abundant in connected compared to isolated fragments. Beta diversity showed an opposite relationship to fragment size and corridors, increasing in small and isolated fragments. Results highlight the importance of secondary forest for the conservation of tropical fauna, the hyper-dynamism of small isolated fragments and the potential of corridors to buffer habitat fragmentation effects in tropical landscapes.  相似文献   

Crop yield maps may contain substantial corollary information regarding the distribution of yield related soil properties across a landscape. One of these properties is water holding capacity (WHC). Since WHC is an important parameter for crop models and is also critical for crop yield, our objective was to determine if WHC could be estimated by matching simulated yield with yield map data. We collected soil cores for water retention measurements and recorded plant phenological stages from 60 plots on four transects over two growing seasons (1997 and 1998). Soil cores were also sampled on 40 other locations set out on a grid pattern. We utilized a simple water budget model that uses the relative transpiration ratio to calculate relative yield from available water in the soil profile. Rainfall, potential evapotranspiration and soil water holding capacity are input. An optimization program varies the WHC to produce a grain yield similar to the one from the yield map at a particular location. This analysis was carried out over several scales by averaging yields over 55 m×71 m, 27 m×35 m, and 11 m×14 m areas. Yield data from 2 years were used. Yields from the transects in both years were significantly related to measured WHC in the surface 0–10 cm of soil. The calculated stress indices from the water budget model and estimated available WHC calculated for the 1997 data were similar to those calculated for the 1998 data where data were aggregated in 27 by 35 m or larger blocks. The contour map of estimated WHC was similar to the map of measured WHC for some features though there were also some differences. Use of multiple years of yield data are required to give stable results for estimated water holding capacities.. This information could be used in a farm management plan by allowing a producer to classify a field into areas that are buffered against drought and areas more susceptible to drought.  相似文献   

Conserving biodiversity in fire-prone forest ecosystems is challenging for several reasons including differing and incomplete conceptual models of fire-related ecological processes, major gaps in ecological and management knowledge, high variability in fire behavior and ecological responses to fires, altered fire regimes as a result of land-use history and climate change, and the increasing encroachment into forest landscapes by humans. We briefly compare two ecologically distinct fire-prone forest regions, the Pacific Northwest, USA and southeastern Australia with the goal of finding ecological conservation generalities that transcend regional differences as well as differences in scientific concepts and management. We identify the major conceptual scientific and conservation challenges and then present a checklist of questions that need to be answered to implement place-based approaches to conserving biodiversity in fire-prone forest ecosystems. The two regions exhibit both similarities and differences in how biodiversity conservation is conceptualized and applied. Important research and management challenges include: understanding fire-prone systems as coupled natural-human systems, using the disturbance regime concept in multiple ways, dealing with large fire events, using language about the effects of fire with more precision, and researching and monitoring fire and biodiversity at multiple spatial scales. Despite the weaknesses of present conceptual models, it is possible to develop a checklist of principles or questions that can be used to guide management and conservation at local scales across systems. Our list includes: establishing the socio-economic context of fire management, identifying disturbance regimes that will meet conservation goals, moving beyond fuel treatments as a goal, basing management goals on vital attributes of species, and planning for large events including post-fire responses.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of expert knowledge as a resource for digital soil mapping. To do this, three models of topsoil soil bulk density (Db) were produced: (i) a random forest model formulated and cross‐validated with the limited data available (which served as the benchmark), (ii) a naïve Bayesian network (BN) where the conditional probabilities that define the relations between Db and explanatory landscape variables were derived from expert knowledge rather than data and (iii) a ‘hierarchical’ BN where model structure was also defined by expert knowledge. These models were used to generate spatial predictions for mapping topsoil Db at a landscape scale. The results show that expert knowledge‐based models can identify the same spatial trends in soil properties at a landscape scale as state‐of‐the‐art mapping algorithms. This means that they are a viable option for soil mapping applications in areas that have limited empirical data.  相似文献   


Copper (Cu) is an important heavy metal to be considered in soil contamination, because high concentrations of copper in soil produce toxic effects and may accumulate in plant tissues. In Australia's oldest sewage irrigation farm, located in Werribee, Victoria, soil in the land filtration area is contaminated by Cu. However, Cu content in herbage tissues is in the normal range and has been trending downward since 1979. Therefore, studies on the sorption capacity and sequential extraction of Cu in soil at the Werribee Farm is of significance, not only for better understanding the mechanism of transport, chemical processes, and plant uptake of Cu, but also in providing information for the practical management of sewage farm soils. Methods of combining sorption isotherms with sequential extraction procedures were adopted, and the results showed that the soil in the land filtration area at Werribee Farm has a high sorption capacity for Cu, and distribution coefficients, Kf of Cu, were 629 L kg?1 in surface soils (0–20 cm) and 335 L kg?1 in subsurface soils (20–40 cm). The sequential extraction fractions demonstrate that exchangeable and carbonate fractions are very low, only comprising 3.49 to 5.49% of total copper. The other fractions are also discussed. This characteristic of Cu in soil is related to the low concentration of Cu in plant tissues.  相似文献   

Nitrogen is a critical nutrient in plant-based primary production systems, therefore measurements of N cycling by microorganisms may add value to agricultural soil monitoring programs. Bacterial-mediated nitrogen cycling was investigated in soils from two broad land-uses (managed and remnant vegetation) across different Soil Orders from three geomorphic zones in Victoria, Australia, by examining the abundance of the genes amoA and nifH using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The aim of the study was to identify parameters influencing bacterial populations possessing the genes nifH and amoA, and examine their distribution at a regional scale across different management treatments. The gene amoA was most abundant in the neutral to slightly alkaline surface soils from Calcarosols in North-West Victoria. There was a highly significant (P < 0.001) interaction between land-use and geomorphic zones in terms of the abundance of amoA. Detection of the gene nifH was site specific with low copy number (less than 100 copies per nanogram of DNA) observed for some strongly acidic surface soil sites in North-East Victoria (Dermosols) and South-West Victoria (Sodosols/Chromosols), while nifH was more abundant in selected Calcarosols of North-West Victoria. The gene amoA was detected across more sites than nifH and was strongly influenced by land-use, with almost consistently greater abundance in managed compared to remnant sites, particularly for North-West and South-West Victoria. The abundance of nifH was not related to land-use, with similar copy numbers observed for both managed and remnant sites at some locations. For the gene nifH, there was no significant interaction between land-use and geomorphic zones, between managed and remnant sites or between the three geomorphic zones. Regression tree analysis revealed a number of likely soil chemical and microbial variables which may act as drivers of gene abundance of amoA and nifH. Variables identified as drivers for amoA included pH, Olsen P, microbial biomass carbon, nitrate and total nitrogen while for nifH the variables were microbial biomass carbon, electrical conductivity, microbial biomass nitrogen, total nitrogen and total potassium. Measures of N cycling genes could be used as an additional indicator of soil health to assess potential ecosystem functions. The spatial scale of the current study demonstrates that a landscape approach may assist soil health monitoring programs by evaluating N cycle gene abundance in the context of the different microbial and chemical conditions related to Soil Order and land-use management.  相似文献   

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