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Unprecedented deforestation is currently underway in Southeast Asia. Since this trend is likely to continue, it is critical to determine the value of human-modified habitats (e.g., mixed-rural habitat) for conserving the regional native forest avifauna. The impacts of ongoing deforestation on the highly endemic avifauna (33%) of Sulawesi (Indonesia) are poorly understood. We sampled birds in primary and secondary forests in the Lore Lindu National Park in central Sulawesi, as well as the surrounding plantation and mixed-rural habitats. Species richness, species density and population density of forest birds showed a consistent decreasing trend in the following order: primary forests > secondary forests > mixed-rural habitat > plantations. Although primary forests contained the highest proportion (85%) of a total of 34 forest species recorded from our point count surveys, 40-yr old secondary forests and the mixed-rural habitat showed high conservation potential, containing 82% and 76% of the forest species, respectively. Plantations recorded only 32% of the forest bird species. Fifteen forest species had the highest abundance in primary forests, while two species had higher abundance outside primary forests. Our simulations revealed that all forest birds that were sensitive to native tree cover could be found in areas with at least 20% continuous native tree cover. Our study shows that although primary forests have the highest conservation value for forest avifauna, the potential of degraded habitats, such as secondary forests and the mixed-rural habitat, for conserving forest species can be enhanced with appropriate land use and management decisions.  相似文献   

Patterns of fragmentation in current distributions of 35 species of birds and 19 species of mammals that are considered endangered, threatened, or with restricted distributions were modeled in relation to 3 biosphere reserves (El Abra-Tanchipa, El Cielo, Sierra Gorda; ‘BRs’) and 13 areas identified as priorities for conservation in northeastern Mexico (PAC-Priority Areas for Conservation). Core area percentage of landscape (CPLAND) and aggregation index (AI) were used to summarize fragmentation trends in species’ geographic distributions, modeled using ecological niche modeling techniques. Overall (median) CPLAND and AI revealed: (a) for birds, El Abra-Tanchipa BR and neighboring areas exhibited the lowest fragmentation (high CPLAND and high AI), whereas Sierra Gorda BR was the most fragmented; (b) for mammals, El Abra-Tanchipa and El Cielo BRs exhibited lowest overall fragmentation, while Sierra Gorda BR was the most fragmented. Although there were areas (i.e., El Abra-Tanchipa BR and Parras de la Fuente PAC) with higher combination of CPLAND and AI values, El Cielo BR stands out because of its high CPLAND and AI values along with the highest species richness.  相似文献   

Biodiversity in Africa, Madagascar and smaller surrounding islands is both globally extraordinary and increasingly threatened. However, to date no analyses have effectively integrated species values (e.g., richness, endemism) ‘non-species’ values (e.g., migrations, intact assemblages), and threats into a single assessment of conservation priorities. We present such an analysis for the 119 ecoregions of Africa, Madagascar and smaller islands. Biodiversity is not evenly distributed across Africa and patterns vary somewhat among taxonomic groups. Analyses of most vertebrates (i.e., birds, mammals, amphibians) tend to identify one set of priority ecoregions, while plants, reptiles, and invertebrates highlight additional areas. ‘Non-species’ biological values are not correlated with species measures and thus indicate another set of ecoregions. Combining species and non-species values is therefore crucial for assembling a comprehensive portfolio of conservation priorities across Africa. Threats to biodiversity are also unevenly distributed across Africa. We calculate a synthetic threat index using remaining habitat, habitat block size, degree of habitat fragmentation, coverage within protected areas, human population density, and the extinction risk of species. This threat index is positively correlated with all three measures of biological value (i.e., richness, endemism, non-species values), indicating that threats tend to be focused on the region’s most important areas for biodiversity. Integrating biological values with threats allows identification of two distinct sets of ecoregion priority. First, highly imperilled ecoregions with many narrow endemic species that require focused actions to prevent the loss of further habitat leading to the extinction of narrowly distributed endemics. Second, less threatened ecoregions that require maintenance of large and well-connected habitats that will support large-scale habitat processes and associated area-demanding species. By bringing these data together we can be much more confident that our set of conservation recommendations serves the needs of biodiversity across Africa, and that the contribution of different agencies to achieving African conservation can be firmly measured against these priorities.  相似文献   

Areas of high conservation value were identified in the Western Ghats using a systematic conservation planning approach. Surrogates were chosen and assessed for effectiveness on the basis of spatial congruence using Pearson’s correlations and Mantel’s tests. The surrogates were, threatened and endemic plant and vertebrate species, unfragmented forest areas, dry forests, sub-regionally rare vegetation types, and a remotely sensed surrogate for unique evergreen ecosystems. At the scale of this analysis, amphibian richness was most highly correlated with overall threatened and endemic species richness, whereas mammals, especially wide-ranging species, were better at capturing overall animal and habitat diversity. There was a significant relationship between a remote sensing based habitat surrogate and endemic tree diversity and composition. None of the taxa or habitats served as a complete surrogate for the others. Sites were prioritised on the basis of their irreplaceability value using all five surrogates. Two alternative reserve networks are presented, one with minimal representation of surrogates, and the second with 3 occurrences of each species and 25% of each habitat type. These networks cover 8% and 29% of the region respectively. Seventy percent of the completely irreplaceable sites are outside the current protected area network. While the existing protected area network meets the minimal representation target for 88% of the species chosen in this study and all of the habitat surrogates, it is not representative with regard to amphibians, endemic tree species and small mammals. Much of the prioritised unprotected area is under reserve forests and can thus be incorporated into a wider network of conservation areas.  相似文献   

In view of the continued decline in tropical forest cover around the globe, forest restoration has become a key tool in tropical rainforest conservation. One of the main - and least expensive - restoration strategies is natural forest regeneration. By aiding forest seed influx both into disturbed and undisturbed habitats, frugivorous birds facilitate forest regeneration. This study focuses on the tolerance of a frugivorous bird community to anthropogenic habitat disturbance within the broader context of natural forest regeneration with conservation purposes. It was carried out in the tropical cloud forest of Costa Rica’s Talamanca Mountains. Bird community response and tolerance to habitat disturbance was assessed by comparing bird presence and densities along a disturbance gradient, ranging from open pastures to closed mature forests. Birds were censused along nine transects applying the variable width line transect procedure. Forty relevant frugivorous bird species were observed during 102 h of survey time. Densities were calculated for 33 species; nine species responded negatively to increasing level of disturbance and nine others positively. Results indicate that large frugivores are generally moderately tolerant to intermediate, but intolerant to severe habitat disturbance, and that tolerance is often higher for medium and small frugivores. It appears that moderately disturbed habitats in tropical cloud forests are highly suitable for restoration through natural regeneration aided by frugivorous birds. Due to a lack of large forest seed dispersers, severely disturbed habitats appear less suitable.  相似文献   

Prioritising sites for action is essential due to current rates of population and habitat loss and increasing human numbers and demands on natural resources. Many prioritisation methods have been suggested at different spatial scales, including those based on single-taxon criteria. One such scheme is BirdLife International’s system of important bird areas (IBAs). Whilst IBA site qualification criteria are entirely bird-based, the intention is that these sites should conserve wider biodiversity. This idea has yet to be tested quantitatively, but a unique opportunity to do so exists in Uganda, where the Forest Department (FD) has conducted comprehensive inventories of five taxa (birds, butterflies, large moths, small mammals and woody plants) in 50 Ugandan Forest Reserves. Independently, Nature Uganda (the national conservation NGO) identified 30 IBAs, 13 of which were also forest reserves. In this paper we used the FD dataset to evaluate the efficiency with which Uganda’s forest IBAs capture species richness in other groups. In a combined area of 5445 km2, Uganda’s 13 forest IBAs contained as many species as did an equal-sized set of sites selected by applying a complementarity-based algorithm to all FD data. Modifying this simple greedy algorithm to take account of site area resulted in a priority set that outperformed IBAs, but that consisted of far more sites for similar species representation. Our results illustrate the utility of the IBA network for representing a wide range of biodiversity. A major benefit of IBAs is the low cost of obtaining bird data relative to comprehensive multi-taxon inventories. The general applicability of these results outside tropical forests requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Developing a predictive theory for species responses to habitat fragmentation is a large, complex challenge in conservation biology, and meeting this challenge likely requires tailoring predictions to specific habitats and taxa. We evaluate the effects of fragmentation on forest birds living in three distinct forest ecosystems found in Brazilian Atlantic forest: seasonal semi-deciduous forest (SF), mixed rain forest (MF), and dense rain forest (DF). We test the hypotheses that (1) bird species most prevalent in SF (relative to other habitat types) will be least vulnerable to population declines in fragmented SF, and (2) species with stronger affiliations with DF or MF will be relatively more sensitive to fragmentation in SF. Using an exploratory statistical technique called “Rank Occupancy–Abundance Profiles (ROAPs),” we compared distribution and abundance of birds among large “continuous” areas of each forest type, then compared abundances in continuous SF forests with patterns of abundance in small fragments of SF, where edge effects could play a marked role in population dynamics. Overall, 39 species showed substantially lower local abundance, occupancy, or both in SF fragments versus continuous SF. As predicted, a higher proportion of bird species associated with DF appeared sensitive to fragmentation in SF; by contrast, species most abundant in SF and MF were similarly abundant in fragmented SF. Our study demonstrates how quantifying distribution and abundance in diverse habitats may enhance managers’ ability to incorporate species-specific responses to human disturbances in their conservation plans, and points out ways that even small reserves may have significant conservation value.  相似文献   

Singapore Island suffered one of the highest known deforestation rates in the tropics from the mid-to-late 19th century when over 95% of its native lowland forest was cleared. We compared the current bird community structure and composition among three habitat types, i.e., old (>50 years, 7-935 ha) and young (?50 years, 29-49 ha) naturally regenerating secondary forests and abandoned wooded plantations (27-102 ha) dominated by exotic species. Forest patch area had the strongest influence on the current species richness. The overall bird richness was not greater in most mature forest patches, but 20 species were only found in the old secondary forests and five of these were found in <50% of these patches. The rapid decrease in the number of forest species in plantations was offset by an increase in the number of open habitat species. Comparisons with current bird communities in nearby mainland forest sites (Peninsular Malaysia) suggest that the forest avifauna of Singapore is depauperate. The preservation of larger mature and maturing forests is therefore required for conserving the extant forest avifauna in Singapore. Connecting isolated patches can also be envisioned to facilitate movements of forest birds that have low densities and restricted distribution.  相似文献   

Studies on temporal changes of tropical bird communities in response to habitat modification are rare. We quantified changes in bird assemblages at the rainforest margin of Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, over an interval of 6 years. Standardized bird counts were conducted in the years 2001/2002 and 2008 at 15 census points representing natural forest, secondary forest, agroforest and openland sites. Although overall species richness remained nearly identical, different species groups were affected unequally by habitat modification within the forest margin landscape. The mostly endemic forest species declined in abundance (72.0% of forest species) and were detected at fewer census points in 2008 (56.0%). In contrast, 81.8% of the solely widespread openland birds became more abundant and 63.6% of the species were recorded at a larger number of census points. Hence, recent human activities in the forest margin ecotone negatively affected species of high conservation value. Species richness turned out to be a poor indicator of habitat change, and our results underline the importance of considering species identities. Biotic homogenization as result of habitat conversion is a global phenomenon. In our study, the winners were widespread openland species, while the losers were endemic forest birds. In conclusion, our study shows that 6 years of land-use change had negative impacts on bird community structure and endangered species, but not on overall bird species richness.  相似文献   

In this paper data on the bird community overwintering in the subalpine zone of Sagarmatha National Park (Khumbu Himal area, Nepal) are presented, with particular emphasis on habitat structure and bird-habitat relationships. The impact of land use and management on the conservation of diversity is analysed and discussed. Four habitat types were considered: mixed forest, pure juniper forest, dwarf rhododendron shrubbery and cultivations. Mixed forest supports the richest avifauna, but forest birds are sensitive to over-exploitation of their habitat: bird density, species richness and diversity are significantly lower in heavily utilised forest. Here, the lower density of rhododendrons, firs and birches, together with their younger age, seem to be unattractive to insectivorous gleaners and granivores, which prefer tree- and understorey-rich spots of unutilised forest. Terraced cultivations also are a rich habitat for wintering birds, and traditional cultivations with hedgerows and scattered bushes have a great potential for bird conservation. Juniper woods are important habitats mainly for frugivores, whereas dwarf rhododendron shrubberies support the poorest avifauna. This study emphasises that forest birds and habitats are severely threatened. As deforestation is the consequence of the tourist pressure for fuelwood along the trekking route to Mt. Everest Base Camp, a strict regulation of tourist-related developments is essential to preserve biodiversity and manage land uses within sustainability.  相似文献   

Bird species’ community responses to land use in the suburbanizing Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA, were contrasted among reserves, rural lands, and suburbs. For each land use type, bird composition, diversity, and abundance were recorded for 2 years in ≈99 plots in three sampling units (each ≈4500 ha). A habitat gradient defined by canopy structure (grasslands to savannas to forests) was influenced by land use, so ≈300 plots were used to characterize simultaneous variation in bird communities along land use and habitat gradients. At broad scales (aggregate of 33 plots covering ≈4500 ha) suburbs supported the lowest bird richness and diversity and rural landscapes the most, with reserves slightly below rural. Although reserves were like rural lands in diversity of bird communities, they supported more species of conservation concern, particularly of grasslands and savannas. Differences among land use types varied with habitat structure. Suburbs, rural lands, and reserves had similar forest bird communities, but differed in grassland and savanna bird communities. The extensive rural forests are important for the region’s forest birds. Suburban grasslands and savannas had low shrub abundance, low native bird richness and high non-native bird richness and abundance. However, total bird richness and diversity were as high in suburban as in rural and reserve plots because high native richness in suburban forests and high non-native species richness in suburban grasslands and savannas compensated for lower native richness in suburban grasslands and savannas. Bird conservation here and in the Midwest USA should protect rural forests, expand grasslands and savannas in reserves, and improve habitat quality overall.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》2005,121(1):117-126
The cloud forest is one of the rarest and most threatened ecosystems in Mexico, although it contributes highly to the country's biological diversity and provides important ecological services. It is a naturally fragmented ecosystem, but anthropogenic deforestation and fragmentation has been severe. Consequently, it is essential to identify landscape patterns critical for the conservation of cloud forest. In order to understand how landscape patterns affect diversity in this ecosystem, this study explores the consequences of cloud forest fragmentation on bird diversity in eastern Mexico. I analysed the response of bird species richness and abundance as a function of forest fragment size, shape, topographical complexity, altitudinal range, connectivity, and proportion of landscape forested area in a system of 13 cloud forest fragments. Fragment shape was the main characteristic positively related to species richness in the bird community, but a differential response to landscape patterns was also detected. Fragment size was the main characteristic influencing the segment of the bird community depending mostly on forest, that is to say, forest interior and generalist species. In contrast, the extent of forest edge, expressed as fragment shape, produced a positive response of forest border species. Both, forest dependent and border dependent species positively responded to the extent of their suitable habitat. The immediate and most effective ecologically oriented conservation strategy for the region is the conservation of the largest cloud forest fragments.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, the montane forests of Peninsula Malaysia have been severely impacted by the cultivation of exotic crops and urban sprawl. To guide conservation initiatives, montane bird communities were studied to determine their response along a disturbance gradient with the aim of identifying key factors influencing their distribution. Habitat types surveyed included primary and secondary montane forests, a tea plantation, rural, and urban areas in Cameron Highlands and Fraser’s Hill. Response variables included species richness and density quantified via point counts and mistnet surveys. Explanatory variables measured were related to vegetation structure, food abundance and land-use cover. Estimated ‘true’ species richness was higher for pristine and minimally disturbed sites, lower in tea plantation and lowest in heavily developed town centres. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling revealed that both vegetation structure (e.g. canopy density) and land-use cover (e.g. proportion of forest cover) influence species distribution; certain invasive lowland birds were tolerant of extreme development and native montane birds, in general, endured only slight habitat disturbances. A simulation indicated that montane forest dependant species richness started to decline when more than 20% of the canopy cover was lost. Less than a third of the species richness remained when more than 40% of the canopy cover was cleared. The logistic regression model suggested that sensitive species nested lower, were restricted to montane habitats and foraged in mid or high canopy. The dominance of lowland invasives in highly developed urban sites reveals that homogenisation of bird communities can occur even at higher altitudes (>1400 m a.s.l.). The results indicated that native montane birds communities are sensitive to habitat loss and degradation. Thus, any development in the highlands must proceed with minimal disturbance to montane forests, of which, keeping the canopy cover intact should be a crucial consideration.  相似文献   

Time-lagged responses of biological variables to landscape modifications are widely recognized, but rarely considered in ecological studies. In order to test for the existence of time-lags in the response of trees, small mammals, birds and frogs to changes in fragment area and connectivity, we studied a fragmented and highly dynamic landscape in the Atlantic forest region. We also investigated the biological correlates associated with differential responses among taxonomic groups. Species richness and abundance for four taxonomic groups were measured in 21 secondary forest fragments during the same period (2000-2002), following a standardized protocol. Data analyses were based on power regressions and model selection procedures. The model inputs included present (2000) and past (1962, 1981) fragment areas and connectivity, as well as observed changes in these parameters. Although past landscape structure was particularly relevant for trees, all taxonomic groups (except small mammals) were affected by landscape dynamics, exhibiting a time-lagged response. Furthermore, fragment area was more important for species groups with lower dispersal capacity, while species with higher dispersal ability had stronger responses to connectivity measures. Although these secondary forest fragments still maintain a large fraction of their original biodiversity, the delay in biological response combined with high rates of deforestation and fast forest regeneration imply in a reduction in the average age of the forest. This also indicates that future species losses are likely, especially those that are more strictly-forest dwellers. Conservation actions should be implemented to reduce species extinction, to maintain old-growth forests and to favour the regeneration process. Our results demonstrate that landscape history can strongly affect the present distribution pattern of species in fragmented landscapes, and should be considered in conservation planning.  相似文献   

Rivers and streams lined by narrow forest strips are common in the lowland countryside of south-western Costa Rica. We studied the importance of these gallery forests for understorey birds, especially forest species. Using mist-nets, we captured 1110 birds belonging to 90 species between June and September 2007 at 16 sites spread equally over four habitat types: forest interior, forest margin, gallery forest connected to closed forest, and isolated gallery forest. Though isolated gallery forests had the greatest number of expected species in total, they supported the lowest number of forest-specialist species, lower even than connected gallery forests. Granivorous birds showed an increase from forest to isolated gallery forest, all other feeding guilds however showed no change. The studied habitats differed from each other in their faunal composition. Assemblages of three species groups categorised by their habitat preferences (forest specialists, forest generalists, non-forest species) showed nested distribution patterns across the four habitats. There was no significant difference in the proportion of birds with brood patches or of recaptures across the studied habitat types, leading to the assumption that birds not only use gallery forests for movement and foraging but also for reproduction. Though of limited conservation value for most forest understorey birds, at least for a small fraction of forest species gallery forests constitute an important secondary habitat. More significantly, they can form corridors or stepping stones that allow movements within the matrix of human-dominated habitats, and represent an important landscape component benefiting total bird species richness in the Costa Rican countryside.  相似文献   

The combined effects of rapid habitat loss, fragmentation and disturbance on tropical forest avifaunas have not been examined to date. The southern Amazonian ‘arc of deforestation’ marks the boundary of the most aggressive agricultural frontier in tropical forests worldwide. We sampled 21 disturbed and undisturbed primary forest patches, ranging in size from 1.2 to 14,476 ha, to elucidate the synergistic effects of both forest disturbance and fragmentation on bird community structure, and pinpoint which species were the “winners” and “losers” from this process. A number of forest patch metrics, derived from an independent remote sensing approach, explained much of the resulting presence/absence matrix. The bird community exhibited a highly nested structure, with small patches being most dissimilar from one another. Bird species differed in their response to both forest patch size and forest canopy perforation according to their dependence on closed-canopy primary forest. Forest patch geometry, which clearly modulated the shape of species-area relationships accounted for 83-96% of the variation in species richness, but forest habitat quality resulting from logging and surface-fire disturbance was also a significant predictor of species richness for the most forest-dependent taxa.  相似文献   

Despite the loss of 83% of native forests in the Philippines, little is known on the effects of this massive habitat loss and degradation on its forest biotas. This is a cause for concern because of the threat posed to the country’s large number of endemic taxa. To investigate the impacts of anthropogenic disturbance, forest birds and butterflies were surveyed in closed and open canopy forests, as well as suburban, rural and urban areas within the Subic Bay Watershed Reserve and Olongapo City in western Luzon. Measures of forest species richness and population densities for both taxa were similar in the two forest types, but showed different patterns in the other habitats. Indirect gradient analysis showed that forest bird species were positively correlated with vegetation variables (i.e., canopy cover, tree density, height to inversion and ground cover), while forest butterflies were not strongly correlated to any of the measured habitat variables. Community composition of birds in forests was distinct from those in modified habitats, while butterfly communities were more similar. A simulation showed that canopy cover of 60% or higher was required by 24 of the 26 bird species that were sensitive to canopy loss. Endemicity and nesting strata were the significant predictors of vulnerability to habitat disturbance for birds, while endemicity and larval hostplant specificity were significant for butterflies. Both taxa were negatively affected by anthropogenic disturbance but may respond to different components in the habitat (i.e., structure and resources), and thus cannot be used as surrogates of each other. Conservation of forests with contiguous canopy cover should be prioritized, and more ecological research is needed to improve the knowledge on the effects of disturbance on Philippine biodiversity.  相似文献   

Woodpeckers (family Picidae) show promise as indicators of avian diversity in forests because their populations can be reliably monitored, and their foraging and nesting activities can positively influence the abundance and richness of other forest birds. A correlation between woodpecker richness and richness of forest birds is known to exist at the landscape scale, but uncertainty remains whether this correlation occurs at the smaller stand-level spatial scales where forest management activities take place. We used data collected under a diverse range of forest types, harvest treatments, and forest health conditions during a long-term study of bird communities in interior British Columbia, Canada, to examine two basic questions: (1) at the level of individual forest stands, is woodpecker richness correlated with bird richness (measured as richness of all other bird species)? and (2) do woodpecker richness and bird richness have similar habitat correlates? Bird richness was positively correlated with woodpecker richness (β = 0.59, SE = 0.22, 95% CI = [0.14 1.03]). Richness of both woodpeckers and all other birds were positively correlated with tree species richness and negatively correlated with density of pines, and the effect for forest harvest type was similar for both measures of avian richness (uncut < partial harvest < clearcut with reserves). The effect of density of lodgepole pines killed by mountain pine beetles differed between the two richness measures, being positive for woodpecker richness and negative for forest bird richness. We conclude that the richness of woodpeckers is indeed correlated with the richness of other birds at the stand-level, and can serve as a reliable indicator of overall bird richness in most forest stands and conditions, except during insect outbreaks when differential responses by woodpeckers and the rest of the avian community may decouple the relationship between bird richness and woodpecker richness.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of habitat characteristics at the microhabitat, macrohabitat, and landscape spatial scales on small mammals occurring in 12 forest patches within four agricultural landscapes of Prince Edward Island (Canada). Landscape features were important determinants of small mammal variables at all levels, but especially at the community level, whereas microhabitat characteristics tended to influence small mammals at the population level. Macrohabitat characteristics had only minor effects on small mammals occurring in our study sites. Species richness was most strongly influenced by patch area, reaching a threshold at forest patches of roughly 8-10 ha. The proportions of both forest and hedgerow cover within 400 m from the study site were also significant determinants of small mammals species diversity, possibly reflecting their ability to perceive suitable habitats, forage in areas outside the forest patches, and/or disperse in agricultural landscapes. At least one small mammal species (Napaeozapus insignis) benefitted from the presence of agricultural fields at distances up to 1000 m. Tamias striatus benefitted from the presence of hedgerow cover within 400 m from forest patches, possibly allowing them to move between forest patches. Clearly, the maintenance of forest patches of 8-10 ha and of forest cover within 400 m from them is fundamental for the conservation of small mammals inhabiting agricultural landscapes on the Island. Conservation strategies should also consider the establishment of more effective regulations to prevent and/or reduce hedgerow removal on Prince Edward Island.  相似文献   

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