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Invasive species have the potential to detrimentally affect native ecosystems by out competing or directly preying upon native organisms, and have been implicated in the extinction of endemic populations. One potentially devastating introduced species in the Galápagos Islands is the parasitic fly Philornis downsi. As larvae, P. downsi parasitize nestling birds and have been associated with high nestling mortality and reduced growth rates. Here I document nestling growth and mortality in a bimodal population of the medium ground finch, Geospiza fortis. Observations were conducted over three years, and under variable ecological conditions. Annual parasite prevalence in nests ranged from 64% to 98%, and nestling mortality in nests with parasites ranged from 16% to 37%. Parasite load and parasite load per nestling follow a skewed distribution with many nests having relatively few parasites, and few nest having many. Parasite load, however, was not correlated with onset of breeding, clutch size, the number of nestlings, nestling survival or fledgling success. Parasite load per nestling, on the other hand, was correlated with clutch initiation date and the proportion of nestlings that died in parasitized nests. Neither nestling size nor growth rate differed between parasitized and unparasitized nests. In addition, male and female beak morphology was not correlated with parasite load, breeding variables or nestling survival. Thus, while overall mortality due to parasitism is high, ecological conditions and possible host defenses may potentially counter some of the detrimental affects of P. downsi on nestling size and growth. These results taken together suggest that parasitism of P. downsi larvae on nestling G. fortis has the potential to lead to large population declines.  相似文献   

Poultry production is an important economic activity on inhabited islands of the Galápagos archipelago. There has been a recent surge in both small-scale backyard chickens and larger scale broiler production associated with growth in the human population and the tourist industry. With increased poultry production, concerns have been expressed about the increasing risk of transfer of disease from chickens to native Galápagos bird species that may have little resistance to introduced pathogens [Wikelski, M., Foufopoulos, J., Vargas, H., Snell, H., 2004. Galápagos birds and diseases: invasive pathogens as threats for island species. Ecology and Society 9(5). Available from: URL:http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol9/iss1/art5]. This study evaluates risks posed by chicken disease to endemic and native Galápagos bird species, based on empirical evidence of pathogens present in chickens on the islands and a literature review of effects of these pathogens in wild species. Pathogens identified in domestic chicken populations of immediate avian conservation concern are Newcastle disease, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, and the proventricular parasite Dispharynx sp. Newcastle disease (avian paramyxovirus-1) poses an imminent threat to Galápagos penguins (Spheniscus mendiculus), flightless cormorants (Phalacrocorax harrisi), and lava gulls (Larus fuliginosus), species with very small population sizes (less than 1500 animals each). Additionally, litter from broiler farms could affect ecological processes in local ecosystems. Improved poultry biosecurity measures are urgently needed on the Galápagos Islands for avian disease management, yet developing these strategies presents political, social, and economic challenges.  相似文献   

Without regular monitoring a rare species may slip into extinction unnoticed. We report a possible case from the Galápagos archipelago. The warbler finch (Certhidea fusca) has not been recorded by scientists on Isla Floreana in recent years, and we have been concerned about its status. On a two-day visit to prime habitat in the breeding season of 2004 we used playback of warbler finch song and calls recorded on another island to stimulate an approach of local birds. We failed to find a single warbler finch, whereas we encountered numerous small tree finches (Camarhynchus parvulus), medium tree finches (C. pauper) and yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia). Searches in 1979, 1983, 1997 and 1999 were also unsuccessful. Our continuing failure to find any warbler finches indicates the species must be extremely rare on the island, if not actually extinct. We discuss possible reasons for their demise and draw attention to other species that could be heading in the same direction.  相似文献   

Small populations are vulnerable to long-term declines, even where short-term censuses indicate increasing trends in numbers. Census data for the Galápagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) collected between 1970 and 2004 provide evidence that despite year-to-year population increases detected in most of the annual censuses, the strong El Niño events of 1982-83 and 1997-98 were followed by population declines of more than 60% from which the species has yet to recover. Such large declines raise concerns about the future viability of the species because the frequency and severity of El Niño events are predicted to increase. We used the simulation software VORTEX to evaluate the potential effects of El Niño on the risk of extinction of the Galápagos penguin population and its four constituent subpopulations. Weak and strong El Niño events were treated as catastrophes, with varying frequencies, which simulated past, current and future effects on the penguin population. The “Current El Niño” scenario, based on the frequency of El Niño events recorded in the Galápagos between 1965 and 2004, indicated an approximately 30% probability of extinction within the next 100 years for the penguin population. More ominously, the species may be at a greater risk if the frequency of strong El Niño episodes increases only marginally. A probability of extinction greater than 80% was predicted when the current frequency (5%) of strong El Niño events was doubled (to 10%). The probabilities of extinctions were higher for each subpopulation treated individually, ranging from 34% for Isabela and Fernandina, 64% for Bartolomé-Santiago to 78% for the smallest subpopulation on Floreana. Sensitivity analyses identified survival of penguins during El Niño events and sex ratio as influential parameters. The estimates of extinction risk may be conservative as other threats associated with increased human activities on the islands may further compromise species persistence.  相似文献   

In 1998, only 25 Tahiti Flycatchers (Pomarea nigra), a forest bird endemic to Tahiti (French Polynesia) remained. A recovery programme, aimed at nest protection through both rodent control and tree banding, was initiated. At this time it was supposed that the species was mainly the victim of island infestation by ship rats (Rattus rattus). In the 3 years of this study 54 nests were found and 17 fledged young produced, of which 12 survived the early stage of fledging. Despite an excellent 1999 breeding season and efficient nest protection against rodents, only five of 19 nests produced fledged young in 2000. This was related to higher (P=0.002 and 0.015 respectively) Indian Mynah (Acridotheres tristis) encounters and aggressive interactions in 2000 and 1998 than in 1999. Indian Mynah encounters and interactions were also higher during reproductive activities (and particularly at incubation and nestling stages) in comparison with the non breeding period (P <0.001). In contrast, Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) encounters and interactions were more uniform throughout. Significantly more Indian Mynah and Red-vented Bulbul were observed in flycatcher territories which experienced nest failure or early fledgling death in comparison with those which experienced reproductive success (P=0.003 and 0.002 respectively). This strongly suggests that these two introduced species represent an important threat to the Tahiti Flycatcher’s survival. Currently, young birds (less than 4 years old) represent 42% of the population, an increase from 12% at the start of the recovery programme.  相似文献   

Introduced mammals are major drivers of extinction and ecosystem change. As omnivores, feral pigs (Sus scrofa) are responsible for wholesale adverse effects on islands. Here, we report on the eradication of feral pigs from Santiago Island in the Galápagos Archipelago, Ecuador, which is the largest insular pig removal to date. Using a combination of ground hunting and poisoning, over 18,000 pigs were removed during this 30-year eradication campaign. A sustained effort, an effective poisoning campaign concurrent with the hunting program, access to animals by cutting more trails, and an intensive monitoring program all proved critical to the successful eradication. While low and fluctuating control efforts may help protect select native species, current eradication methods, limited conservation funds, and the potential negative non-target impacts of sustained control efforts all favor an intense eradication effort, rather than a sustained control program. The successful removal of pigs from Santiago Island sets a new precedent, nearly doubling the current size of a successful eradication, and is leading to more ambitious projects. However, now we must turn toward increasing eradication efficiency. Given limited conservation funds, we can no longer afford to spend decades removing introduced mammals from islands.  相似文献   

Unstressed and stress-induced plasma corticosterone levels in Galápagos marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) were compared in animals from a site heavily exposed to tourism to animals from a site undisturbed by humans. Initial corticosterone levels not only did not differ between the two groups, but they were 50% of levels in iguanas known to be chronically stressed. These data suggest that iguanas in tourist areas are not chronically stressed. Both groups of iguanas exhibited elevated corticosterone levels after 30 min of capture and restraint, indicating that they can physiologically respond to stressful stimuli. The stress response was lower, however, at the tourist site. This result indicates that iguanas are physiologically affected by tourism, although it is presently unknown whether these changes are ultimately beneficial or harmful.  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring of physical and biological parameters is essential for understanding the effects of El Niño on bird populations, particularly for small or declining populations. We examined the biological effects of El Niño activity from 1965 to 2004 using instrumental sea-surface temperatures from the Galápagos Islands and 20 years of census counts of the Galápagos penguin. Between 1965 and 2004, nine El Niño events were recorded of which two were strong and seven were weak. The two strong El Niño events of 1982-1983 and 1997-1998 were followed by crashes of 77% and 65% of the penguin population, respectively. The evidence suggests that the increased frequency of weak El Niño events limits population recovery. The 2004 penguin population is estimated to be at less than 50% of that prior to the strong 1982-1983 El Niño event. We discuss the biological effects of increased El Niño intensity and frequency within the context of a 6000-year record of El Niño influence and in the light of increasing anthropogenic threats operating after 1535, when the Archipelago was discovered by Europeans.  相似文献   

Ecotourism helps to protect many habitats, but may also have negative impacts on wildlife. We investigated effects of ecotourists on reproductive success of hoatzins (Opisthocomus hoazin) and on hormonal status of their chicks in Amazonian rainforest lakes by comparing birds from undisturbed and from tourist-exposed nests. Hatching success was similar in both groups but chick survival was much lower at tourist-exposed nests than at undisturbed nests. This effect was due to an increased mortality of juveniles prior to fledging whereas small nestlings seemed largely unaffected. Juveniles, but not nestlings, living at tourist-exposed sites had a lower body mass and showed a stronger hormonal response to experimental stress compared to individuals at undisturbed sites. These data suggest that juvenile hoatzins were susceptible to tourist-induced stress which in turn may be responsible for the lower survival. In contrast, adult hoatzins that were incubating had apparently habituated to tourist presence because their flush distances at tourist-exposed nests were 50% lower than at undisturbed sites. Our findings demonstrate that individuals in different life stages show different susceptibilities to tourism. We suggest that even just watching animals during breeding can threaten their survival, but a proper scientific management of off-limit zones and area-specific guidelines for wildlife observation could reduce harmful effects.  相似文献   

Although nesting beaches are critical resources for sea turtles, most beaches in the United States are disturbed by human influence, including human access, artificial lighting, and habitat alteration. In contrast, very few undisturbed beaches remain along the Atlantic coast, and these areas represent unique habitats that can help decipher the impacts of development on various species. We monitored nesting patterns and hatching success of three sea turtle species (Caretta caretta, Chelonia mydas, and Dermochelys coriacea) from 1985 to 2003 on Canaveral National Seashore, an uninhabited 38.3 km stretch of beach in Florida. We monitored the number of nests deposited annually, hatching success, predation rates, and spatial nesting patterns. Clutch sizes varied within, but not among years, most likely due to variation in size of nesting females rather than climate change or resource availability. The number of nests increased over the study period for all three species, indicating growing populations. Higher numbers of nests were deposited on the southern end of our beach than on the northern end. Hatching success did not vary by species, but was dependent on nest-protection effort, which increased during the study period. Protecting more nests with wire screens resulted in lower predation rates. We did not find any evidence suggesting that predators are using nest markers to locate eggs, even after using the same method of marking nests for 19 years. Our conservation efforts have lowered predation levels through increased screening effort, and over time the number of nests laid increased for each species. Collecting baseline data on nesting patterns in undisturbed locations will allow comparisons to be made on nesting trends and patterns at geographically close, but disturbed, localities.  相似文献   

Adaptation to climate change has recently become a crucial element on the climate change policy agenda as it is now recognized that even the most stringent mitigation efforts may not arrest the effects of climate warming. The ecological impacts and costs of predicted weather-related extreme events, such as extreme temperatures, are not fully understood and may present unexpected challenges to conservationists that require solutions. In Portugal, provisioning of artificial nests has been the main driver of the spectacular increase in the endangered lesser kestrel population. Nevertheless, atypically high temperatures recorded during the 2009 breeding season coincided with a mortality of 22% of surveyed chicks in provided nests. Hot days did not affected prey delivery rates to the nestlings, suggesting that the die-off was due to chicks’ acute dehydration. Chick mortality was significantly higher amongst younger individuals. Within survivors, physiological costs of high temperatures significantly affected chick growth and body condition at fledging. Nest-site microclimate was influenced by nest-type and compass orientation: wooden nest-boxes attained the highest temperatures, exceeding 55 °C when facing south, so explaining the recorded higher mortality, lower growth rates and lower fledging body condition among broods in these nests. Simulated scenarios of global warming with increasing occupation rate of artificial nests due to reductions in alternatives predicted a reduction in population growth rate. In the worst scenario, with a 100% occupancy of nest-boxes, the population growth would decline on average 7% per year. The impact of high temperatures on lesser kestrel breeding success highlights a need for actions to modify and research to adapt conservation efforts and future planning to account for climate change.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation leads to the creation of isolated forest patches and habitat edges with subsequent impact on forest-interior bird species. Although the effects of fragmentation and edge on avian nesting success are well documented for open cup-nesting species in eastern deciduous forests in North America, it is unclear whether these effects are common for all birds nesting in predominantly forested landscapes. In particular, edge effects on nesting success of cavity-nesting birds are poorly understood. Using natural cavity nests, we examined nesting success of four species of cavity-nesting birds (two nonexcavators and two excavators), the yellow-rumped flycatcher (Ficedula zanthopygia), the great tit (Parus major), the great spotted woodpecker (Picoides major), and the grey-faced woodpecker (Picus canus) in relation to forest edges in Zuojia Nature Reserve, Jilin province, northeastern China. Our primary objective was to assess whether distance to the edge of agricultural lands was related to nesting success for cavity-nesting birds in fragmented forests. A total of 439 natural cavity nests of the four species were located and monitored during four breeding seasons. Probability of nest success was influenced by distance to forest edge for nonexcavators, but not for excavators. The rate of nesting success of the two nonexcavators, yellow-rumped flycatcher and the great tit, increased with distance from the edges. For all cavity nests, nesting success was 0.43 at 0-100 m, 0.56 at 101-200 m, 0.68 at 201-300 m, 0.61 at 301-400 m, 0.77 at 401-500 m from the edges. Nesting success ranged from 0.57 for the yellow-rumped flycatcher to 0.89 for the Grey-faced Woodpecker. Failed nests were often occupied by nest-site competitors (accounting for 68%). However, predation only accounted for 20% of all nest failures. Our results suggest that negative edge effects do exist for some cavity-nesting birds, especially for nonexcavator species.  相似文献   

The rufous treecreeper (Climacteris rufa) has declined in abundance in the agricultural regions of southwestern Australia. The patterns of decline are well documented, but the processes that threaten population persistence are poorly understood. I compared the reproductive success and survival of the treecreeper between three sites in an unfragmented landscape and four remnant categories (large, small, grazed and ungrazed) in a fragmented, agricultural landscape. Nest success and annual productivity were significantly higher in the unfragmented landscape, but varied between sites and remnant categories within landscapes. Nest success was lowest in grazed remnants and annual productivity was positively associated with territory size in the fragmented landscape. Fledgling survival rates did not differ between landscapes, but there was a trend for juvenile survival rates to be higher in the unfragmented landscape. I used artificial nests to compare relative predation rates between landscapes, and provisioning rates and prey biomass brought to nestlings to assess differences in food availability. There were no landscape differences in predation rates, but provisioning rates to nestlings and total prey biomass were significantly lower in the fragmented landscape. Mean habitat quality was also lower in the fragmented landscape, although it differed between remnant categories. Reduced reproductive success, juvenile survival, food availability and habitat quality may threaten the viability of the rufous treecreeper population living in the fragmented landscape. Limiting the modification of remaining habitat (e.g. removing stock grazing) and improving habitat quality are required to assist in the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

Waders leave nests and conduct distractive displays when approached by people. The time taken for waders to return to nests depends on numerous factors that affect the costs and benefits of incubation and anti-predator behavior. Understanding this trade-off may help assess the reproductive consequences of different nest return times and identify variables to consider in breeding disturbance studies. We subjected 73 Malaysian plover (Charadrius peronii) nests to standardized human disturbances and an analysis of covariance was used to determine how weather, time of day, embryonic age, weeks into breeding season and nest attendance (proportion of time adults incubated nests) influence nest return times. Egg temperatures were estimated using a regression model that predicted the temperature inside unshaded eggs from air temperature, cloud cover and time of day (r2 = 0.88). We assessed the relationship between nest return times and hatch success. Plovers returned to nests faster at higher modeled egg temperature (P = 0.010), in the morning (P = 0.003), if they had younger clutches (P = 0.038), and if they had high nest attendance prior to the disturbance (P = 0.015). Pairs that returned to nests faster had lower hatch success (P = 0.021). This may be because pairs that spend more time distracting humans may also do so for predators. These results suggest that short nest return times may not indicate low fitness costs of disturbance. The thermal and predation environment in addition to nest return times should be taken into account when assessing the deleterious effects of human disturbance.  相似文献   

The migratory white stork (Ciconia ciconia) became extinct in Switzerland in 1950. A reintroduction project with intensive management (translocation, prevention of migration, artificial feeding) started in 1948, and 175 pairs were breeding in 2000. For the period 1973-2000 we estimated annual survival rates and fledging success to estimate the population growth rate by a stochastic matrix projection model. Compared to other populations, adult survival rate (0.86, with 95% CI: 0.81-0.89) was very high and little variable over time, juvenile survival (0.37, CI: 0.31-0.43) was comparable to other populations whereas the average fledging success was low (1.65) but strongly variable over time. The population growth rate was positive, indicating that the population is self-sustainable at the moment. The growth of the white stork population was largely favoured by the high adult survival which more than compensates for the low fledging success. The population growth rate is particularly sensitive to changes in adult survival, but it would be very difficult to improve this further with management. However, maintenance of the high adult survival is crucial and an improvement in fledging success seems important for the long-term persistence of the white stork population in Switzerland. Fledging success depends on habitat quality, and thus restoration of breeding habitats should be the main management activity in the near future.  相似文献   

Ground-nesting birds have declined world-wide, probably partly due to high nest predation. A non-lethal method for decreasing predation uses protective cages at nests. Tests have mainly looked at the effect of such nest exclosures on hatching success and adult predation, but several additional aspects need to be explored for a comprehensive evaluation of this conservation technique. Here, we test the effect of nest exclosures in two common European shorebirds: northern lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) and redshank (Tringa totanus), measuring hatching success, incubation length, hatching synchrony, hatchability, partial clutch loss, chick condition, and adult predation. In both species, protected nests had higher hatching success than unprotected nests. Taking into account incubation time, nest abandonment, hatchability and partial clutch loss, protected nests still hatched more young than unprotected controls. In lapwings, but not in redshanks, protected nests were incubated longer, but this did not impair the condition of lapwing chicks. Protected redshanks suffered increased predation on incubating adults, which often sit on the nest until a predator is close by. Our results emphasize the need for caution in the use of nest exclosures, particularly in redshanks and other species with similar incubation behaviour. Exclosures can, however, be a useful management tool in shorebirds that leave their nest early, when an approaching predator is still far away.  相似文献   

The decline of insectivorous farmland passerines has been attributed mostly to global decrease in arthropod availability, as a result of intensification of agricultural practices. The diminution of the Alpine Whinchat, once a widespread insectivorous passerine, has been ascribed to nest losses due to earlier and more frequent mowings. However, potential conjugated effects of deteriorated arthropod food availability had yet to be investigated. We compared food supply and nestling diet in intensively vs. traditionally managed grassland. Abundance and diversity of arthropods were much lower in intensive areas, where small-sized invertebrates, which do not enter nestling diet, were also predominant. Parents breeding in intensive habitats fed less biomass to nestlings than adults from traditional habitats. Nestling diet was less diverse and dominated by less profitable prey items in intensive than in traditional habitats. Feeding rate did not differ between the two habitats, but foraging distances from nest tended to be greater in intensive farmland. There were no significant differences in clutch sizes and hatching success with respect to management intensity, but fledging success was higher in traditional habitats. The recent intensification of farming practices has led to a decrease in the availability of grassland invertebrates, and of important Whinchat nestling food in particular, affecting parents’ foraging efficiency and reproductive success. Conservation actions must not only reduce nest losses by postponing mowing, but should also promote grassland farming that is less detrimental to invertebrates. Dominant at the study site, organic grassland farming does seemingly not provide sufficient conditions for Alpine Whinchats.  相似文献   

The breeding performance of the Indian sarus crane Grus antigone antigone Linn. was studied in the agricultural landscape of western India during 1996-1998. Detailed records of 70 nests were maintained from egg laying till fledging. At least one chick hatched from 50 clutches (71.43%). Nineteen clutches (27.14%) were destroyed due to various factors, but at least 7 pairs re-nested. Egg mortality was mainly due to flooding (7.35%), predation (11.03%) and conflict with farmers (8.09%). Chick mortality due to predation was 8.24% and to unknown factors was 30%. Number of chicks hatched and number fledged did not differ significantly in different microhabitats. Average breeding success was 25.74%. Breeding success was comparatively lower in paddy crop fields than in other microhabitats due to human disturbance and higher predation risk. The juveniles formed only 10.14% of the total sarus sighted during the post-breeding period. An increasing conflict of sarus crane with the farmers in the agricultural landscape is a matter of concern for sarus crane conservation. The economic loss due to nesting in the crop field, if compensated, will help in sarus crane conservation.  相似文献   

Biological invasions constitute one of the most important threats to biodiversity. This is especially true for “naïve” birds that have evolved in the absence of terrestrial predators in island ecosystems. The American mink (Mustela vison) has recently established a feral population on Navarino Island (55°S), southern Chile, where it represents a new guild of terrestrial mammal predators. We investigated the impact of mink on ground-nesting coastal waterbirds with the aim of deriving a vulnerability profile for birds as a function of different breeding strategies, habitat, and nest characteristics. We compared rates of nest survival and mink predation on 102 nests of solitary nesting species (Chloephaga picta, Tachyeres pteneres), on 361 nests of colonial birds (Larus dominicanus, Larus scoresbii, Sterna hirundinacea), and on 558 artificial nests. We calculated relative mink and bird densities at all nest sites. Nests of colonial species showed the highest nest survival probabilities (67-84%) and no predation by mink. Nest survival rates for solitary nesting species were lower (5-20%) and mink predation rates higher (10-44%). Discriminant analyses revealed that mink preyed upon artificial nests mainly at shores with rocky outcroppings where mink were abundant. High nest concealment increased the probability for predation by mink. Conservation planning should consider that invasive mink might severely affect the reproduction success of bird species with the following characteristics: solitary nesting, nesting habitat at rocky outcrop shores, and concealed nests. We recommend that work starts immediately to control the mink population with a priority in the nesting habitats of vulnerable endemic waterbirds.  相似文献   

Eleven of the original 15 races of Galápagos tortoises are known to survive. The populations of three of these may be self-replacing. The other eight are threatened with extinction, each by one or more of the following: (1) greatly decreased population size, (2) predation on nests and/or young by introduced pigs, dogs, cats, or black rats, and (3) competition for food resources with feral populations of goats or donkeys. Human exploitation of the tortoise populations has become relatively unimportant in the past few years for a number of reasons, including more wide-spread acceptance of protective laws and the increasing activity of the Servicio del Parque Nacional Galápagos and the Charles Darwin Research Station. Data on population sizes and sex structures, reproductive potential, and natural mortality rates suggest that all but two of the endangered populations could remain stable or even increase in size if the effects of introduced mammals were eliminated or greatly lessened.  相似文献   

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