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Faecal samples from 224 dogs from 23 animal shelters in the Netherlands were examined for endoparasites. In total 20.5% of the faecal sample were positive for helminth and/or protozoa infections. Eggs of Toxocara canis were found in 8.5% of the faecal samples. Other endoparasites found were Toxascaris leonina (0.5%), Trichuris vulpis (4.9%), Uncinaria stenocephala (2.2%), Dipylidium caninum (1.3%), Taenia spp. (0.5%), Cysto?sospora canis (1.3%), and C. ohioensis (1.3%). Dogs younger than 1 year and stray dogs showed the highest prevalence of infection. T. vulpis was found more often in dogs from shelters with a high cleaning frequency.  相似文献   

The results of an examination of 10 animal shelters was, that anyone was unical. The everyday and fundamental problems in administration, housing animals and animal care were the same: Most of them employ laity, which do their job with a lot of commitment but without knowledge. Therefore they come into conflict with the demands of animal protection. Veterinary surgeons, responsible authorities and communities are strongly asked to take steps against the situation. The reason for the fact, that such steps are missed, is, that there is no guideline or recommendation available for these persons, which handles animal shelters relative to "animal justice" and the right housing of animals. The results of the survey helps to make a guideline for animal home owners and builders, veterinary surgeons, veterinary authorities and communities, which gives suggestions to build, equip and run animal shelters for cats and dogs responsible regarding the individual circumstances and in the best way for animals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure stress levels among cats in traditional and enriched shelter environments via behavioral assessment and urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratios. DESIGN: Cross-sectional observational study. ANIMALS: 120 cats in 4 Boston-area animal shelters. PROCEDURE: Cats were randomly selected and observed during 3 periods (morning, midday, and afternoon) of 1 day and scored by use of a behavioral assessment scale. The next day, urine samples were collected for analysis of the urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratio. Information about each cat's background before entering the shelter was collected. RESULTS: Stress scores were highest in the morning. The relationships between the amount of time cats spent in the shelter and the cat stress score or urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratio were not strong. There was no correlation between the cat stress score and urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratio. Urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratios did correlate with signs of systemic disease and were significantly lower in cats in the more environmentally enriched shelters, compared with cats in the traditional shelters. Urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratio was highest among cats with high exposure to dogs. Of the cats in the study, 25% had subclinical hematuria detectable on a urine dipstick. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In this study, the cat stress score was not a useful instrument for measuring stress because it failed to identify cats with feigned sleep and high stress levels. Urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratios can be monitored to noninvasively assess stress levels in confined cats. Environmental enrichment strategies may help improve the welfare of cats in animal shelters.  相似文献   

Upper respiratory tract infection (URI) propagates readily within cats in shelters and often results in euthanasia of affected cats. In a case-control evaluation of 573 cats in eight shelters in California in 2001 and 2002, the prevalence of feline calicivirus (FCV) was from 13 to 36%, feline herpesvirus (FHV) was from 3 to 38%, and prevalence of Bordetella bronchiseptica, Chlamydophila felis, and Mycoplasma species was from 2 to 14%. Cats with URI tended to be housed in isolation, dehydrated, and younger than cats without URI, and infected with FHV, Mycoplasma species, FCV, or C felis. Shelters differed in the prevalence of pathogens and many cats appeared positive for infection after about 1 week of sheltering. It is helpful for shelters to understand the risk factors associated with URI in order to evaluate the costs and benefits of treatment and improve their procedures to decrease the incidence of URI within their facilities. Antiherpetics and antimycoplasmal drugs may be beneficial for individual animal care. Results document the utility of comprehensive URI surveillance and herd management for specific pathogens typical in that shelter.  相似文献   

Although cats and their arthropod parasites can sometimes be important sources of zoonotic diseases in humans, the extent of exposure among various cat populations to many potential zoonotic agents remains incompletely described. In this study, 170 domestic cats living in private homes, feral cat colonies, and animal shelters from California and Wisconsin were evaluated by serology to determine the levels of exposure to a group of zoonotic vector-borne pathogens. Serological positive test results were observed in 17.2% of cats for Rickettsia rickettsii, 14.9% for R akari, 4.9% for R typhi, 11.1% for R felis, and 14.7% for Bartonella henselae. Although vector-borne disease exposure has been documented previously in cats, the evaluation of multiple pathogens and diverse cat populations simultaneously performed here contributes to our understanding of feline exposure to these zoonotic pathogens.  相似文献   

Rectal swabs or faecal samples for the isolation of Campylobacter species were taken from 120 dogs and cats in an animal shelter in which only one kitten showed signs of gastrointestinal disease, and rectal swabs were taken from 46 dogs, 22 of which showed signs of gastrointestinal disease, in another shelter. At the first shelter, the swabs from 24 of 47 dogs (51.1 per cent) and 36 of 48 cats (75 per cent) yielded a Campylobacter species. The rate of isolation was significantly higher from dogs and cats less than six months old, and significantly higher from cats than from dogs (P< or =0.05). At the second shelter Campylobacter species were isolated from 40 of 46 dogs (87 per cent), but there was no significant difference between the age groups. Campylobacter species were isolated from 19 (86.4 per cent) of the 22 dogs with signs of gastrointestinal disease and from 21 (87.5 per cent) of the 24 unaffected dogs. Several culture methods were applied to the samples collected from both shelters, and the combination significantly increased the recovery of Campylobacter species.  相似文献   

Cats euthanized at six northwest Georgia animal control agencies were examined for adult Dirofilaria immitis in heart and lung tissue and presence of gastrointestinal helminth ova by fecal flotation. D. immitis were found in 4 of 184 cats (2.1%). The prevalence of feline dirofilariasis in northwest Georgia was lower than that found in other studies conducted in the southeastern United States, but closer to the prevalences occurring in areas of similar topography. Heartworm antigen and antibody tests performed on batched serum samples resulted in low sensitivity and high specificity. Gastrointestinal helminth ova were found in 39.6% of the fecal samples examined and 6.1% of the samples contained two or more species.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an increase in interest in applied ethology and animal welfare, and an increase in the popularity of the domestic cat. This has stimulated research on the behaviour and welfare of cats kept in different environments. This article presents a review of the recent research and makes recommendations for the housing of domestic cats in the home, in catteries and animal shelters, in laboratories and in veterinary surgeries.  相似文献   

The study deals with the situation regarding housing of dogs and cats in Swiss shelters and kennels. In shelters, dogs were mainly held inside a cubicle with a small outside yard. In kennels, housing of dogs took place mainly in inside rooms. Usually two or three dogs were kept together. Cats were held in rooms, with or without outside yards, mainly in groups; no establishment preferred exclusively the housing in cubicles. Shelters received on average 183 dogs and 262 cats each year. Among them, about a third were lost animals while the remaining ones were relinquished. The study highlights some possibilities for improvements and the great diversity of the establishments regarding their size, infrastructure, housing conditions and aims.  相似文献   

Six parasitic helminths detected wereAncylostoma sp.,Opisthorchis felineus,Toxocara mystrax,Hepaticola hepatica,Taenia sp. andHydatigera taeniaeformis. The prevalence ofH.hepatica,T.mystrax andH.taeniaeformis is associated with rodents hunted by cats, and that ofO.felineus with fish fed to cats. The role of cats as primary host and reservoir for these helminths, which could be of zoonotic importance, is briefly mentioned.  相似文献   

A cross sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence and significance of endoparasitic infections in South American Camelids (SAC) in Switzerland. Qualitative and quantitative coproscopic examinations were performed in 38 farms during the grazing period. Management practices with possible interference with parasitic infections were analyzed. On the farm level prevalences of endoparasitic infections were: trichostrongyles 87%; Trichuris sp. 74%; Capillaria sp. 68%; Nematodirus battus 63%; Nematodirus sp. 53%; Dicrocoelium dendriticum 34%; Moniezia sp. 8%; Fasciola hepatica 5%; protostrongylids 5%; Eimeria macusaniensis 68%. The level of helminth egg excretion was generally low. The highest values were recorded for trichostrongyles with an average of all investigated farms of 53 eggs per gram of faeces. The mean trichostrongyle egg output was approximately three-fold in SAC on farms that also kept sheep and/or goats, although this difference was not significant (P = 0.11). Clinical trichostrongylidosis was not reported from any of the farms. The low infection level with gastrointestinal nematodes is attributed to the defaecation behaviour of the SAC depositing their faeces focally on small spots on pasture. As a consequence, pasture infectivity is largely restricted to the area adjacent to the dung piles. Dicrocoeliosis is regarded as the most relevant parasitic infection of llamas and alpacas in Switzerland causing severe clinical symptoms and death in untreated animals. Sixteen per cent of the owners regularily treated their herds against dicrocoeliosis using praziquantel at a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight orally.  相似文献   

Questionnaires on methods of euthanasia used in Canadian animal shelters were sent to 196 Canadian animal shelters yielding 67 responses. Sodium pentobarbital injection was the only method of euthanasia used by 61% of establishments that euthanized dogs and 53% of the establishments that euthanized cats. Many of these establishments used pre-medication. Sodium pentobarbital was mostly administered intravenously but some establishments also used intracardiac and intraperitoneal routes, and some only used intracardiac administration for cats. T-61 injection was the only method of euthanasia used by 23% of the establishments that euthanized dogs and 35% of the establishments that euthanized cats. All of these establishments used pre-medication, but the percentages of establishments that only used the intravenous route for administration of T-61 in dogs and cats were 45% and 7%, respectively. Further studies on the use of T-61, and the training and provision of counselling services for staff are recommended.  相似文献   

Every year thousands of dogs from EU Member States and third countries are brought to Germany by private animal protectionists, animal protection societies and public animal shelters offering them for an average charge of 250,00 Euro each. In addition to violations of current legal regulations, there might also be real crime offence behind the matter. Moreover, people, especially children, are increasingly endangered by various infectious diseases imported to Germany and spreading throughout the country as well as by dogs suffering from bad deprivation damage. The fact that the new owners are often not told the truth about the dogs'foreign origin is another problem.They are often marked with a chip after being brought to Germany and only then they are provided with a national vaccination record or a German pet passport. Finally the question arises whether the "rescue" of dogs and finding a place for them in Germany is just "big business"--for animal protection societies, practitioners, dog shelters, dog psychologists and the media.  相似文献   

The adoption strategies used in animal shelters can have a large impact on the total number of adoptions and donations that take place. Reducing adoption fees during peak kitten or puppy season is one way to reduce inventories and increase the number of open spaces to save more lives, but does not necessarily increase the financial well-being of the shelter if the per-animal costs exceed the revenues generated. We developed a stochastic model to simulate the expected costs, revenues, and net income of a hypothetical animal shelter for various alternative management strategies, based on US conditions. A total of 8 scenarios were developed and compared to the base-case scenario (BC).  相似文献   

The helminth populations found in a group of wild boars collected in central Spain were compared to those in a group of animals imported from a French game farm that produces boars for restocking. Eleven helminth species, including ten nematodes and one acanthocephalan, were found. Gongylonema pulchrum and Macracanthorhynchus hirundinaceus were only detected in autochthonous wild boars, while Oesophagostomum dentatum, Ascaris suum, and Trichuris suis were detected in imported animals only. Autochthonous wild boars were more frequently and more intensely parasitised by Ascarops strongylina than the imported ones. No differences in prevalence nor intensity were found for the species Capillaria garfiai, Globocephalus urosubulatus, Metastrongylus sp., Physocephalus sexalatus and Simondsia paradoxa. To our knowledge, G. urosubulatus, G. pulchrum and S. paradoxa have not previously been described in wild boars in Spain. Our results highlight the risks of translocating wild animals, with regard to their helminth parasites. Until improved control measures are established, it would be wise to avoid long-distance translocations in order to prevent the potential introduction of foreign parasites.  相似文献   

Six parasitic helminths detected were Ancylostoma sp., Opisthorchis felineus, Toxocara mystrax, Hepaticola hepatica, Taenia sp. and Hydatigera taeniaeformis. The prevalence of H. hepatica, T. mystrax and H. taeniaeformis is associated with rodents hunted by cats, and that of O. felineus with fish fed to cats. The role of cats as primary host and reservoir for these helminths, which could be of zoonotic importance, is briefly mentioned.  相似文献   

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